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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1901)
OREGON MIST Entered at ths Fostoffioe Rt 8t. HoVens, Oregon, u second-class mail matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, ImuKD Kvwir Fhday Murmno Bv DAVID DAVIS, EmTOSANU I'SOI'RIBTOR. SUBSCRIPTION PK1CK: One copy ono year, tii advance. . Six months. .. , COl'.NTY OFFICERS. llepratisnlatlvs Nntrnsa Merrill. Clalakanl jiititfit Clem Sheriff Tranaurar , 8uMt-I schools. Aaaaamr Surveyor Coroaer Oomatlatioasrs ' ,.Jomh It. IJtMti, ttatutrr J. . Wtt. Si. Ilnlani ...R. 8. Italian, St. 11,'lpns . K. nova, st Hdem ...Martin Whitest. HcIimis touched. It seems evident that Columbia county's resources are about to receive the attention which I hey so well merit. That the aplemliil rpiwmrcea ot this county slimiM have lxn su long over- louked U ono of the surprjaes we oocA' sinnally exiierience, yet worse thing could have happened to ns. A retro spective view of the sitimtitm siiKgt'gts a few comparisons and in peeking pftralleli our ejea instinctively turn upon our neiithhore, who for many yeara liavo been actively ennagctl in docimatinff the resources of their iwr- f 1.00 1 Ocular district, and now that an hour oU l has arrived when a substantial tUtnanti exists for their product! they are furred to turn their faces toward tho untouched treasures uf their neighbors. Herein lies our opportunity and future iirrat ness. Our natural resource?, which are great and varied, lire practically nn- Our forests of timber can A: II. Utile. lloiilton p ,.,),- ha l1Flaulv ! nimnlitv and IT. St. Helena . ' .W. I. Case, I'itUhurs, u ii u rti ..jr. a. Frakn, 8rai-pw , quality; we have everywhere within ! our borders rich and productive soil that will smilingly respond to any deinauda mado upon it; we have every reason to believe that a little' eapenee of intelli- I gent effort will develop heavy producing There Is probably no class of men so persistent In their adherence to opin ions, practice and habits of the past generation as the average farmer, and more than one generation is often neces sary for his adjustment to the change of condition and requirements incident to modern progress. The average farmer has bist 'enough credullt v to be easily flfi-Miiittl Itv tlm fruit trM rwihllor. I enough prejudice to follow the teachings of Ida grandfather, and loo much super stition to enable him to pay more atten tion to preparation and plnnting than to the signs of the nvliiio. Nor is he averse lo believing that the tariff or the money question, or 1'acitio Ivlnnds ex ercise greater control over the yields and prices of his crops than good ciilli tivation or tho law of the survival 'if the lit test. The greatest niiutnke made by the farmer is that he does not etndy his pro fession as do lawyer, doctors, preach er and merchants. lie mils to reeog- Shiloh9s Consumption Cure cures coughs and colds at enct. We don't mean that It relieves you for a little while -it cures. It has been doing this for half a century. It has saved hundreds of thousands of lives. It will save yours if you give it a chance. "I luva raraiTcd as sack fcnwSt ftwa It. aa I aiwaia rtrtmmad Sbooa'a lor seaaa, Ihtntt, broaraul an laaf trooMe." CH AS. V AN DaKOAK, Waleriont, . V. Rhllha CMnaavUB Is aM y aU drairxtMa at IM, Oa, eI.OS " nbe or appreciate the diilicullies he lias to overcome or realize how tact, cine-1 aiayur .. tion, eperience ami giaxl judgment are j essentia! to his snmw. Htuiicl Web-; arnarmnt wna wwmrw """ t ram nra a eavtlan S 7 WSVa Writ Ina inaanauat an w I iUrnu coat lays, S. C. WeUe Oa., sttr said that it req'iireil greater talent, ' ...II. f .-..r, .l,il i-.uWumth ! "w inowieutfe sim laimr ami netirr all this wealth we kuow there liede posikiof coal which will most certainly be mined and used for the purposes which it was intended. In enumerating the many good things which we possess FEBRUARY 15, 1901. GkxkaaL Lou KrrcHKNU is to be nperseded by a commissioner wbo will have chare of military affairs in the Transvaal and whose real mission to that country is to make terms of peace with the Boers. Lord Kitchener will be sent back to India, where he will be given command of the British army, Mid have nothing to do except to wear a nice uniform, play golf and reflect ou how be tailed to lick the Boers. Kvi .dently this will be the proper place for him, for, judging by bis antics in the Transvaal, be is a whole tot belter fig urehead (ban a 0ghter. I i l L.J ii 8wasK's biil to impose an annual li- ! j rich deposits of iron, Irailding stone and mineral puint. These are ail practically ' Inntouched and still virgin riches. More over, UieJr proximity to the commercial center of Uie elate and their easy ac cessibility add greatly to their intrinsic value. AH these facta have suddenly become patent to certain capitalists who have enerpriae as well as money, as result of which several railroad; are now on the wsy to the interior of thisconnty. where a rich harvest certainly awaits their advent. In vie of all these facta we confidently look forward to an era of great prosperity for this county and knowing its wealth of resource so well we do not expect lo be disappointed in either own prjiictionM or expectations, (Benae of $500 npoo the sale of cigarettes and cigarette papers, should become a law with as little delay as possible. Toe bill as framed, requires persons wishing to deal in such merchandise to first seen re a majority of the voters iu the district in which they wish to do business, to a petition, the petition most be printed in a newspaper for thirty days, then presented to the county Mart for inspection. If the court finds 11 the requirements of law have been complied with the clerk of such county is required te issue the applicant a li cense apon the payment of $500. The law provide a fine of not less than $100 for its violation. The cigarette traffic should be suppressed in the interest of public hsalth and morals and it can easily be done by making proper laws, figure are at band showing that the cigarette habit has decreased 96 per cent ia two yeara, and the remaining 6 per pent can be suppressed by legislation and the influence which public senti ment can bring to bear against the habit. The ase of tobacco in any form ia bad enough, but the cigarette habit i the bounds of toleration. The claim of other conah medicines to i ... i - .t i i . . .. .nir.u.. ... . . . i un ar. null aa i .n.iif irtfiziiii a mvvuw..- judgment to lie a got larmer tnsu to be j miy. act at rest in the following teaii a great atatesmau. There is no vocation nmnial of Mr. C. I). tllaNS, an employe subject to a greater variety of modify- ;o( Hartiett A IVnnis Co., Gardiner, Me. ing influences, and no profession de-uV"id:, "l . kTt ,,'I.t0 Sr . ii . . i nni wiiiin iu uir "inn -s t j "'iy mandmg a greater variety of knowledge j , verT me,iirin. i hMrd of without .1 r I . t i , i . . ... permanent help , until one nay i wa in .i..,...i...ii. .it! rar).v,k n.i ; than farmini;. Aui;ig the farming class tliut are most in need of instruction : the drug store of Mr. llonienau ana ne there is great prejudiw against wiencs 'dvi'1 me j ,rJ 'rJ;1",','! ,. . r . V. . ,. Remedy and offerwl to pay back my applied to agriculture. This prejudice J ll)0ney 7i( j w not cr,i. My lungs is largely dun to ignorance of the mean- ami bronchial tnles -were very sore at ing of science. The average farmer this time, bnt I was completely cured construes science to mean theory, thinks hT this remedy, and ' it something uudeteruiined, something fiwi rejef- j ,f0 reoomnw-nd ittomv gnessed at, ana does not know teat Ksolisd has again "objected" to our propositkm to build the Nicaragua canal. England has been "objecting" to this enterprise tor just fifty years, which ia ths only reason the canal was not built years ago, and if we continue to consider objections it will evidently be another fifty years before the canal is even commenced. Isn't it about time to stop consulting other people as to what we can do, and go quietly to work and do those things which onr national interests demand? We would still be a colony of British subjects if we bad listened to England's objections to our political aspirations. It seems to us that our commercial independence is second only to our political indepen dence, and wedo not permit other people to dictate or interfere with oar pishes respecting one, and should, therefore, With proper dignity, inform others that they must keep their hands off the other. England's one mission in the world seems to be to interfere with people who j nsn oniy to attend qnletly to tbeir own RaPKEiiiKTATiVB Oktom's bill, which is now before the house, making eight hours a day's work on all public im provements, should not only become a 1 iw as it stands, but it should be amend ed to include the mining industry, as well. Mining has now taken a promi nent place in the front rank of the in dustries, and ia the only one which pro duces actual wealth. The miner is the only laborer whose efforts result in pro ducing actual money. His work is the hardest and most basardoos of any civil calling, and he should under no circum stances be required, nor even be al lowed to work underground more than eight hours each day. This fact ia so well understood by mining people that many companies, even in this btate, have voluntarily adopted the eight hour day, and in every mine where the sys tem has been used the results have been entirely satisfactory. The eight bonr labor law is a meritorious one on general principles. One result wou'd be to give more people employment, a natural result of which would be to put more money into circulation. Another argument in favor of the law is that laboring people would be healthier and more intelligent, because they would have fewer bours of confinement and more time in which to rest their bodies and improve their minds. Besides, eight hours is quite enongh for s person to work at any occupation, whether mental or physical ; if mental, it is cer tainly long enongh to concentrate the mind on one or more subjects, and if physical, the body is sure to become sufficiently exhausted to need rest sfter j eight hours of labor. The eight hour law, as applied to mining, became a law in Utah some years ago, and none of the j people of that state to whom the lew applies with to have it changed. Ali the principal mine operators of the country have voluntarily adopted the eight hour system and if a law were propoaed making it statutory it would meat with no serious opposition. i"1 i 11 i 1 i not science means truth and knowledge. The true farmer ia ha wbo can dis cover or recognise the truth of princi ples and practices of everyday life, and possesses the knowledge which enables him to apply them. The farmer of the cotton states makes many mistakes which he readily acknowledges to be mistakes, but is rarely awakened to the realisation of his ability to overcome or correct them, or if awakened, be either friends and am glad to say it is the best of all rough medicines." for sale at the St, lieiena Pharmacy. BM la CaBwer ar Die. "I was just about gone," writes Mrs. Rosa Richardson, of laurel Springs, N. C, "I bad consumption so bad that the Indian Name of Colombia. In an article on the Indian name of ths Columbia river, the Spokesman Review of Bpokaus, Wash., says that when the first whits explorers came Into the country the Indians dwelling sloi'H the itreniu had various names for the a atataratav 'Hookatlllclim." r friendly water ( ' Wahnna." or big rim ; and for the upper stream the melodious name "Multnomah," was sometimes used. , , The earlier navigators and explorers found it ditliciilt to unite uponanams for this majestic river. The older charts marked s considerable stream tailing l..... . L... n..ll.. .u.l Idrnut it till UiO mm iuit inviiiv. de Agullar, In honor of a Spanish lieu tenant WHO IS Onm m anuim than waters ill the ltitl) century. It it the general belief of historians, however, that Aguilar paused before reaching so northern a ooiiit. and that the river he discovered was one of the smaller streams flowing down from the mountains oi Southern Oregon. ... Other charts indicated the river of the West, the river Thegays and later the river Oregon. The origin of the lattr nama la Inat in nivaierv. jonaiuau Carver, who penetrated the wilds west of the Mississippi river aunng inn mm century, is thought to have born the first to employ it. In his quaint and interesting book he stated that the Indians he encountered in the Rocky mountain told him of a great river rolling far to the westward, and till river lie called the Oregon. The most plausible theory ot the origin of this name is that It was be stowed bv earlv Hpnulxli navigatora in honor of thn lroviuce of Aragon In their native laud. The nmue Columbia, it ia hardiv necessary to add, was bestowed by the river's discoverer, Captlan Urnv. of lion I on. who sailed in over the liar in May, in 172, in ihrsKx pColumbia. War a, lag Overtime. Eight hours law are ignored by thore tirelc-s, little workers lr. King's New Life rills. Millions sre always at work, night and day, curing indigeatinn, bil iousness, conxtipaiiou, sick headache, and all stomach, liver, and bond troub le!. Kaav, pleasant, safe, sure. Ouly 25c at the St. Helens lliurmscy. The greatest danger from colds and la grippe is their resulting in pneumonia If rcnfoimble care it used, however, and Chamlvrlain's Cough Remedy tsken, y..,.i.;. - - '' ' 1 ' The Kind You Hava Always Douglitt nd which has beem In us tor over SO years, una oorno mo iimavnro or ana luu ocen tuaao anaor nis pca onnl auitorvlnion alnoo Its lufWiey. Allow no ono to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jiwt-as-iroou" are bus Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of IniUuU and Children-Experience against Kxperiment, What Is CASTORIA OastorlA Is a harmless substitute lor Castor OU. Paws rorlo, Krops and Soothing Byrups. It Is lMeaasnt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Marcotle ubstttiiee. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms and allays Foverishncss. It euros Diarrheas, and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, euros ComuMpaUon and Flatulency. It asslnillates the Food, regulate tho Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's innaoeo-Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Yeara. cured by seven bottles snd am now stout and well." It's an unrivaled life saver in consumption, pneumonia, Ia .1, i .v. ,wi. ' gniio ana nroncnuis; iiiiaiiioia r , ., . , " I congha, eoldB, aathtna, hay fever, croup beat doctors said I could not live more u (,,nger will lie avoided. It will curs j tfZfUfiP&&,Jte& wan a mown, oni i oegan lonwi'r, 10jw an Btt:u-k of lagrippe In less w King's New Discovery snd was wholly xntl than any i.ther treatment. It is ($ I pleannt and safe to take. the rlt. Helens rnarmary. For sale at or fails to put them into execution. Is addition to the executions of adosen leaders of the late Boxer rebellion appears to be about settled that China ill be required to pay $XO,00n,CO0 indemnity. Twenty millions of this will have to bit paid annually. Whxji a few thousand British tackle a few hundred Boers and enough of the British get away to tell how it happened General Kitchener immediately cSmpli ments the British commander on his brilliant achievements. Unless the newspaper portraits do her s gross injustice, Mrs. Astioo's antip athy to mirrors can be accounted for very readily and upon the most natural ol grounds. It is not at all clear to the heathen Chinee why we want him to go to our heaven, but will not allow him to come to our country. CuaiKTMa Scientists have lately made a new departure. Tbey are now able to pnt hair on the pate of a bald headed man. la view of recent alleged develop ments, Christian Science will recom mend itself to most of the married men Ir Mrs. Nation is not soon suppressed joint-keeping wiil become decidedly un popular in Kansas. For Kent or Sale. AlGO-acre farm. For narticnlars write lo or call on tultrin Merrill. Deer Island uregon. O Basis Iks SftsaHis af .BTOniA. I lis tad las Km Knn Ba8tt WaaTtyu msy be said or t bought of Mrs. Nation, she i no more of s law- I breaker than are the people she is l opposing. The laws cf a stats are made affairs, and this tort of thing has become ! for tne Pple within it, and apply decidedly monotonous, to say the least. Jt us go ahead and build the canal and ask England about it afterward. ' annallv fi avarv rMt.l.nt I f Ann .1... of people may violate the law with A (Seatle HIM I. In our style of climate, with its sodden cnangesoi tempertnre ram, wind and sunshine often intermingled in a single aay it is no wonder that onr children, friends, and relatives are so freaoentlv taken from ns by neglected colds, half the deaths reuniting directly from thia cause. A bottle of Bosrhee's German Syrup kept about yoor home for imme diate use will prevent serious sickness, a Urge doctor's bill, and perhaps death by the use of three or four doses. For consumption, hemorrhages, pneumonia severe eongh, croup, or any disease of . .ne mnai or mrip, iia FurctMS IS linp:v impunity another clssa should eniov the ! wonderful, as your druggist will it-ll same privilege. iron. Get a sample bottle free at the 8t Helens Pharmacy. Regular size, 75 cts. (jet Green's f'rize Almanac. A maw was killed by the ears in Miss issippi the other day, and a coroner's jury fonnd that he was in "a reasonable state of intoxication." If Miseissippi whiskey will preserve the reasonine faculties Governor Geer should secure a few barrels of it for the Oregon legisla ture. BKTABI.ItlHKO l7L Thx foreign ministers at Tekin have demanded that the death penalty be im- j Asotukb one of Tacoina's air catth-s posed upon twelve of the ringleaders of ' has baen rudely knocked down. That the 1st rebellion in China. This nnm- city had a very nice scheme all 6xed up j A C5TT"sf E I A ber includes several princes of the blood,! to move the capital from Olympia to its j J r3 I a IB I r the others being high in authority at i own gates, but instead of doing so the ! Infanta and Children, the capital and throughout the empire, stupid Washington senate decided to' Tfja fU4 Vfll Ihvs IHs Rairht Among them are Prince Toan, the prin-! buy the Thurston count court house f 188 " 103 M1 AlffZJ eipal instigator and conepirator, who and keep the capital where it is. Bears ths was especially active in creating ani- Signature of xoosity towards the foreigners, and en- la Boers continue to gobble up eouraging the Boxers in their mnrderons j parties of British soldiers with such attacks upon the legations snd mis- : refreshing regularity that Gen. Kitchner sionaries. The list also includes Yu j secured a promise of 30,000 more Hsien, who recognised the Boxers and troops from England. This nnmber was also author of the mastaures in the be further augmented by 18.000 col- DKAUSK IN Bhsnfii provinces and assassinated at j onimle which will be secured in South bis own hands foreigners and mission-' Africa. sries, snd who was noted for cruelty which stained with blood the whole country over which he was governor. The execution of these high officials, in addition to the justice of it, is bebeved to be the only means by which the powers can impress the Chinese with a proper secse of our potency and the enormity of the crimes which tbey have committed. To the average American these demands may seem Utile short of fceruie, but it must be remembered that the Chinese are not an impressionable people. Tbey are vicious, morbid and fanatical, therefore only the strongest methods can be penned in successfully dealing with them. Their natural eon-! eeit, and hatred for everything not Chi nes inspires a lofty contempt for for eigners, which fact is also another strong jwoesaity for stern measures. , or whoomne couifh. Guaranteed uol ties fiOe and $1.00. Trial bottles free at the St. Helens Pharmacy. PROFESSIONAL. S. H. GHUBER, ATTORNEY- AT- Li )K Offloe with e. E. Quirk. ST. HELENS, : OKKCOH. Will iria beat Berannat attention to all Inral matter, rntru.toi lo ma. will praetlrs la all uc Mate ana united auut irouna. W. H. POWELL, ATTORNEY -AT-L.1 W. nar-i'Tv distuct attobnsy. ST. HELENS. : : OREGON. B. P. Gam am. T. J. CLKarron Attorueys-at-Ijaw. SOS Marqaaia Bnllilln?. Portland Orrjton. Columbia Coantv boalDCsa will reeclro orornnt uHDIHllt J. W. DAT W. B. DfLLARD DILLARD & DAY, ATTORNE YS-AT-jLi W Ottre next rionr to Conrthouas, ST. HKLKNS. OHtoiOX. Genera nraetles in ronrt" of Oregon or Waah Abali foatou. reeorda. itracu aide dlraetlT Ina county Dr. Edwin Ross, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENS, OBKGON. Dr. H. E. Oiff, Physician and Surgeon. ST. HELENS, OREGON. Dr. J. E. nail, Physician and Surgeon. CLATSKANIE. OREGON. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leave Portland oa TatatUr. Thoraday and Bat- a may ai 7 a. n. sor St. Htltmi, faamt, Cmrrtlft faint. Raimitr and Ktlf, Arrirlnf at Portland Mnnnay, Wed aoday and friday at 2 p. m. Wharf foot of Salmon HI H. H 1LSIAN. Axent, How About Your Title? Will atswsa Ills atalwesa. 8. Lval. a merchant, of Dallas, Tel., writes: "I thought 1 would hare to give np liusineas, after two yeara of sii Iferiug from Ken rat debility brought on by overwork and long hours, but four bottles of K'.ectric Hitters gave nie . ,! t . .1.: . 1 ' new nie. t can now rat aiijwiiiia, ?ita?p well and feel like working all the time. It's the beat medicine on earth." It's a wonderful tonic and health builder for tired, weak, sickly and run-down people. Try it. Satisfaction guaranteed. Only 60 cents at the til. Helens i'harmacy. 1 i KB YOU HI KK II la all rljthl? that H to (ha KR( okii Inat aorern. II la nnr iuvtnea 10 aran-a isa racoKla and how what lltay vntain In retail! lo land lltlaa. II ynu rontrmiilat butlrs lard ur l.atnins May on ml a-tair aarurttr. take no inaw'a word, bttt Itt'l! uiwin kwoaltis wnal lue rmitil ahowk rtanltiiR the lltlr. An .tbilraat laaaaiagi tMI aa arirad. Inaiainn bailtia ll. Wa ha Ina only l ol abatiaet bfwki In thanmuly, All a.itl in.ni4li raaaiitnl and naiulxtma uaranlaad. It o aatia nwHwrly it lfturaslva Has aall Haara axeala l lha haat Snp Imuran- emu ttitra In llta' wofld. II voa hara urupartf lor aals 111 II ltb u and it will Snd a baysr. A Cawvlwrlaig laiwit. "I hobbled into Mr. Itlackman's drug store one evening," says fteslev INelson, of iUmilton, Us., "and he asked mo to try Chamberlain's l'ain Halm for rheu matism with which 1 had suffered for a long time. I told him I had no faith in any medicine as thev all failed. He said : 'Well if Chsmberlain's Tain Halm does not help yon, you need not pay for it.' 1 took a bottle of it home and used it according to the directions and in one week I was cured, and have not since been troubled with rheumatism." Bold st the ft. Helens Tharmary. OABTOXIZA. Basntks yal Ilia S fas torm gasflx JST0RIA& COLUMBIA RIYER ii RAILROAD COMPANY. aaAD bows Sal. on ir 36 DAILY. r r. a. J SO 66 t s-y s Q6 1:17; 8 30 4:0ft S 4 07 44 t l.'J S GO 4 HB S M 4.!tlt S OH 4 t? 1 4-f.T : 17 h 17 10 00 5 -St 10 OK 10 as so 10 1 a. s 00 S 06 SB 4 s is ; S Si .VI V 40 ' ,' S SO U S' 10 00 S-i.3 IS 19 ( 10 21 .7141 10 SO 711 7 11 oa as 6. 11 10 WIJl II -'2 . I 1 ' TATIOMS Lv Portland Ar .... ioll .... ... JUInlar ... ... Pyramid... afayrar.... Uutnay .... .. Clataaanic. ,. Marahland.. .. Wrstport.... ....;ilfion ... ....Knapi.... .. araaarm.... I.... T . Ar. Aatorta J.v 11 10 10 On S HI atk a 1 12 rj act 17 S 17 S 07 7 Sb 7 i r. m. 40 s it. S 'JO a 00 7 M 7 4S 7 7 K 7 17 7 act S 41 Id M t 10 E. E. QUICK & CO Ham Strt ST. HCLtHS, CHtCOH The Weekly Oregonian I parra a vara onlamas " naitaa a yrnr colon. ni " CONTAINS All tho news well written. Articles dnscrihlng Western scenes and inridents. 8 lories of love and adventure by well known authors. Hrilliaiu illustration by newsiaper artiste Interesting sketches and literature for boys and girls. fashion articles and illustrations for women. B OUR CLUBBING OFFER g We have perfected arrangements whereby we are enabled lo fur- :2 ZZ nish The Weekly Oregonian in connection with Ths Mist for ijS S only Two Dollars. The prioe of The Oregonian alone is 1.60. 3 I THE OREGON MIST 1 siiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiumiuiia aUiiUiUiUiUiumiUiUiUissUu All trains ma a rloaa connection at ool alth Northern Paeitte Ualoa lo and Iron lha KaM and Hound pnlnla. At Portland with all train learmc I'nion dapot. at Aatoria with I. K. A N fit.'' boat and rail Una lo and (roai II waeo and North Baaoli points. Paawnara for AMnria or way polnu mnat fla it 'on ofUoble. J. V. !Bajy, train at iioninin. Train will atop to lat pai aenaat olT at llon'lon wbpn eomlng from points Ufa. I'a. A St., Aatorta. Or Steamer G. W. SHAVER. Si JOHN A. BECK Watclies, Diamonds, Silfersrare, ....JEWELRY... Repairing a Specialty. 3)7 Morrinn W. P-et Pronl A First. PORTLAND. Iavca Portland, loot of Waahlnrton ttreat, for ( l.t-kinlc and way landlu, on Monday and Thnrartar at 30 a. u. Lea . a ( laUaaulo Tumlajr and Priflajr at 4 o'clock a ml. Shaver Tiansportation Co. 01M.C0. IsrST Chlcaso Portland Htiocinl .la a. m. Atlantic 0!). n. Gpnkans Kler S (10 p. m. Time SCHEDULES Hall Ijika, Denver. Kt Worth. Umaha.Kan- aa Cllv, i. Irfui, vnicagoana fcaat. Salt Lakt. benrsr. Ft Worth, Oinaba. Kan Ma Citr. rlt. Ixuta, Ctak-acp and Kant.. V V W ay ajnayip aj ay anraajp Tuiss seems to be s well-founded Opinion among the lawmakers at Salem that it will be necessary to prolong the present session of the legislature beyond the usual forty days if all of the pro posed legislation ia to be acted upon. JotxT smashing goes merrily on in Kansas, and has become such s pleasant and exciting pastime that the temper ance people have organised a general crusade for that exhilarating purpose. Reopened to the Public Oriental Hotel. EUGENE BLAKESLEY, : Proprietor. ST. HELENS. Board by Day, Week or Month At Ksasomabls Fiotss. Visitors met st steamer landings snd guests baggage looked after. THE OLD 8TAND ST. HELENS, : , : OREGON. 4 ip.i ' H ' H M H M M SOU FOMTL. A at D, SUIT, STEAME"" "America" Wiliamett Slougti Ronte i i Leave 8t. Helens. ... 6:30 A M Arrive st Portland. . 10:30 A M Iave Portland 2:30 PM Arrire at 8t. Helens, o rfJO P M MDE t C;.ITS. Will Carry Notliinr bnt Paaaen- 4 H Ii H H H H I Hi H l& grs and Fast Freight. 14 JAf- (iOtVV, naaler. frsj jjarana aji u jy ay t M V HFVfi Walls Walla. lwla- Uiu, fpr.liane, Minn atolia, XI. Paul, Pnluili, Ullaraukea, Chicago and Kaal. Dallr Kx.Kundav a p pa. Baturday Hip. m. a m. s.aMnda)r 7 a. m. Toaa.Thnr. and Hal Sam. Tar Thor. and SaL Ocpau Staamaltlpa. All -aillns data ob- Jact tu ehansa. For San frnnelaro Hall svary Ave dara. Aaaira 4p.i ...WHEN IN NEED OF MEDICINE... -OOTO- THE. fLATSKANIE VI DRUQ STORE Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc DR. J. t. HULL, fnprim CJLi TSKANIE, OREGON. 0 ay u yry an-'na'-;jrayi ay y i 7 00 a.m. I i. m. Columbia rtWar Staamars. To Astoria and War land lava. Wlllamatla Oratrnn CIIT. Nawla-ra, ijaleia nav laod g Willamatta and Yam hill Rhrara. Oreiroa City. Dajtton, and War-uuullufa. Wlllaanatta ma. Portland to Corvallu, and Waj-laadings. Lt. Klparla :a. at. dallf Bl t!nti Ks.nunday 4 SOp. m. Ex.Hnnday Hon. Wad. and Frl. I S) p. m. Hon. Wad. and Frl. liV.tow'toa SallT at t JU a. m. Blparla lo Lswlston. W. H. HTJRLBERT, Oancral Paawoawr Aseat, PORTLAND ... . r. OBXOOR THE NEW YORK STORE j IS OFFERING GRKAT BARGAINS IN Clothing- Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc. MOKGUS. ; Oooiwr Building, Main Street, St. Helens, Oregon. I WHITE COLLAR LINE h A S TBI COLUMBIA RIVSR AND FDOBT ROUND WAVIOATIOMCO. PORTUHD-ASTORIA EODTE. Steamer Hercules Iq place ot Bailey Gatzert laaaJLteJlSf ,l "". Portland. WltS?.TiLV"JK nadaylat? A. af Brinn Brothers CAFE ST.UntNS, - - . 08SG0N. NEW PLACE, If voa want something good Is ths Una ol whltkjr try SHAW'S MALT -Only ths bast ol- Liqnors ana dim Kept la Stoclt 0N FROM S A. M. TO II OOLOOK MIOMIQHT.