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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1901)
0K15Q0N MIST. "JAKUAUV 4, 1801. - v jj o, Howard, the Yankton nilllnian, 1 csme oil the Ksllogg Monday, having , buan down river. IVGM. FusUr.of Cfli, who It at the f Oriantal howl wllli fractured Irg, li 1 rapid'? nprovnii lln. Bundby, ol 1'ortlitud, accompan lad br her two daughters, wa the guest ol Mn. B. 0. Henry during th holidays, Attorney rteub. Graham, of Portland, m attending, to legal business bar Monday. T , ft iteblud with a weak dlimstton. blh lnir, tour toinclr,or It you dull after " utiui. trr Chamberlain' Htomaoh nd i Tablut. l'rio Vti cent. Hum' pie free t th 8t. Helen I'harinaoy, Martin Wedrlck ha been appointed administrator ol the estate ol Joseph Wdrick,doaoa,ty th i'rouat J udge, Mr, and Mn. II. A. Darnell, of KIo, pfiit lb holiday Iter wltb Attorney hMllMawn. -. ()rt Powell, wlio put .the holiday with bit Minor ana mother, ai riiistrorir, , returned to bit ftudlee t MonuiouUi Wednesday. , flood resolution amount to nothing unltwa they are put into execution. We have resolved that the paat shall be stepping stoo by which to mora effect ually meet the piiblie demand. II you hive found our business method ol the neat worthy ol consideration, wa trust 1 1 1 n 1 1 .. ... . .. 1.. .1.. f ...... you Will uuu eiiviu umrv mv iu tuviuiuiv Vary truly- you re, Collin at iirmf. dual ' era In general luarohandls, 8l. Helena. Mr a. M. A. fitlne ami eon, Harry, returned to their- home at Momuiouth Monday. Has. oat, rolled baric, whole corn. cracked corn, abort, bran, eto. Where f At Collin ft Uray'a. Very meager Information arrlred her . a flay or two since oi tne muuen attain , oUoseph Benser, near Miat. ' ,v The public acbool will raopon nest Monday. . - . , ... 0. KI Phllbrook will preaeb neit Sun. day at Yankton at ll;8d a. ui.; IJarhe lor Flat at p. m. i:s Rtad Buparvlaor Itank Intend to pot lorce of wen to :ork on the Nchalem road juat aa aoon ae tha weather will permit. It i Mr. flank' Intention to corduroy tha road (or a distance ot about a uilla in the vioinity of tba Hiiteen Mile MIL No doobt tba improvement la badly needed, and when tha Supervisor ha finished tha work It may be de pended it will be well done. Tha Maannlo fraternity of thl city celebrated 8t John' day last Thursday by meeting of Maaona and tha annual iiiilallation of ortlcer of the - Kaatera War. A wa enjoyed later in the evening, and plaaaant time bad. Dr. McLaren, who returned from Canada about els week ago, waa in Hi it city taut Saturday, tba gueat of Dr. and Mr. Cliff. Dr. McLaren want to Kugsn laat Saturday, where be may permanently local. Oroner CI1A waa notified that a float' ing body bad been discovered near Bain ier laet Tbaraday. The doctor baatened to tha aeen and recovered Ui body, giving it a respectable burial. It la opposed to have been tha body of a man who waa drowned from oft tha dredger near Martin' Island, mm time aloe. Winter came with the adrant of the new year. Tha itorra waa aevera and wa loath to ccaa with all it dlaagree able accompaniments. Hot aa a bad beginning sometime rulu In good ending we may yet hopa on. Snow to the depth of ten Inohea fell here Tues day morning in lea than four hour. Captain Jame Cos and family, who have roaided at Houtton fur many year, took their departure Uila week fur Port land, where they expect to retlde in tba future. II. O. Howard, of Yankton, ahipped four hog to tha Portland market but Friday. They war not overly large liogi, bnt were nevertheless aplendid peclmen of what oan be rained in thl country by diligence and ear. Letter for tba following named person remained uncalled for at the St. Helena poitoltice on January lit. 1001: J. F. lludd, 4; John Fafrl, 8; O. W. Riley, 1. It I now Deputy Bheri ft Wood, that gentleman having aeaumed hia datiea under Sheriff Ilatun on the flret of the month. lr. Klce, tba former Bheri ff and later, deputy, with hi family, will remove to ClaUkanla next Monday. Ben Martelll, of Portland, wa in town Monday, on hia way home from hi Bunker lllll Irou mine. 11 waa accompanied by Ed Uora, of tieeppooae. M. L. Jon, president of tha Oregon Hogrower' Amociatlon, aayat The Oregon hop crop for 11)00, approximately BO.0U0 bale, riaa practically an Deen marketed. Climatic condition were auoh a to afford tha hop farmer tba onoortunltv of Duttine an fine quality and a a result verv large percentage of tha crop brought remunerative price. Anlde from tha earlr contract of 9 and 10 cent a pound, the crop ha bean dia- poaed of at an average price oi aooui fourteen and one-hall cent, which ha diitributed over $2,000,000 among tha people of tba Willamette Valley. Var lone now. the Fusret Sound Timbermen' Aaaociation, coinpoaed of the leading logging Br ma in taai niaie, will raiae the price of log to the mill men on an average of 60 cent per thous and ImL Rv ttiia action the losirer will put in force a acala of price higher than ever before' in tba hiitoryof the Htate. It ia tha well eonaidered opinion of moat of the tourer tbat the outlooa for the lumber and ahingle iuduatrie of the Btata of Waihlngton waa never ao hrizht aa it la todav. Xtier I a leei inm iJ mnAHjinM mnnff the ooeratora that tha mill of tha Sound will have a timvtor hnajnaui In lui)l tlmu aver be fore. Tha present acala ol log price ia follow: For flooring log, 7.40 per thousand foet. For eooud grade log, 6 per thousand. For third grade or merchanUble log, 3.0U per inoueanu Hntn tlm ton Mrs. Marv F. Nixon unt nnantitv of ahale. found on her farm near North Yamhill, to a factory at Halt Lake City, where fine finishing HI ivm, l-i luauv, tw. ' " t t " Ing it made into brick. Bh lent even diflerent color of hle, and a faw day ' ago received aeven different colored brinks, made from tha aamole ahe lent to the factory. Expert pronounce them to be flrt das in nnaitty, ano soy they will make flu finishing brick. At present the price ot uch bricks in Portland i o high aa to prohibit their . use. Mr. Nixon says a factory will be ' built by capitalist on her farm next (um iner for the purpose of making finishing brinks, and ow'ng to the abuudance and - variety oianaietitey oan iw niniimKiur ad at a coat that will permit ef the their gennral urn. In color the brick are var ioui diailcs of terra-eotta, ome light and Bums drk. Purest Orove Time. , VllOH YANKTON. Cha. E. Itrown. of Cowllt rntmfw VVwh-, has been (pending the holiday n.M, uii urvwer M (ni place. J. T. Woodward, recently from Clack. Jinas County, ba purchased the Van Luyan pin.,, mar B. . Mason', and will become a permanent resident. The Union Bnndav school hld lt an'.' nuai eienion of oilicer Bumlay, Drc- emosrini. reMiting In the choice of j. h. Tarbell, superintendent; Mr. J, T. IViMidward, altni iiperltiiendeiitj Mr. H; A. Cnwby, aenretary and treat nrr; Mrs. VVillimiis, org'inlxt; Charlie Hrown, lllirarlim. A good lntnront has iwen utaiii(ul In Die Hunrtay school throughout the entire year. Mr. Wellington I'ge, of Colora.lo, it vUiiint hia (inter. Mrs. A. II. Tarl.ll of Bachelor Flat, with a view to locating In the County, Mia Rett Dawson, well known In this part of the County a a tuccesnful Uaoiier and temperance worker, was married at the home of her parent in Uuttevllle, on December Kith, to Mr. Harry Evan, of that place. The con grstnlatlon of many friend in Colum bia County are extended to them, judge I. B. Doan. ol Rainier, wa in town on ottlolal buainea Thurkday. . . B. 11. Mitchell, of St. Helen, wa In town looking (or new Friday. Dr. J. Darnafl, of Kalamai. was over toeoe Win. Conner Friday., Mrs. W. J. Wfrtt, of Alblna, visited wltb her sister. Mrs. W. K. Elliott. Bat- ttrday and Sunday. Mr. and Mr. W. K. Klllott went to Portland Monday to visit friend New Year' Day. came down Monday to vialt Mr. and Mr. ran visnop. John Rnlawn and CharU Merrill, of Deer Island, were intown Monday. 0. J. Cannon. ' president of the B. N. A P. B. Co- sud V. C. Schilling, of tlx O. K. A N. Co., of Portland, were look ing over the new road and rout laat Friday and Saturday.' .-.." John Burin and wife. J. M. Bpeneer and wife. It. J. Fulton and wife, E. W. Fowler. Kd Butt and Wilford Hunter attended tba New Year's ball at Kalama Monday evening. Ttiey report it a suooea. Died. At Gobi. December 30. Mr. Paulina Hoeaeh, ged 87 year, wife of roter noeecn. one leaves oesiae cer huiband. two amaii ttlrls. Tb remains were buried at Near City, "December 81, Dy woodcrait wo. ootf, ot uooie. Tha new vear cam In with terrific now storm, which Lasted nearly all day. W wish yon all happy New Year. ,'." IEKB ISLAND. Mr. Henry Bomtardner 1 visiting hi family at Kalama, Wah. Mrs. B. W. Bnooner spent Christma with Mr. and Mrs. Willi Willi lium- gardner. Mr. A. A. Merrill and family are the guest ol Mr. and Mr. Edwin Merrill. Mr. Willi Bumaardner and Walter L. Clark ar booked (or Portland in few lay. Have von heard about the Christma tree tiven by Mr. and Mr. Cha. L. Smith on Christmas eve? Well, it wa a beauty and no mistake, for old Bant Claus had loaded it down with present that mad the old folks, a well aa the Soung one's, heart throb with joy. A ie evening passed away Mr. and Mrs. Mutth eervea a nne oyiier supper, m for a king. Dancing followed and lasted until the break of day. Mr. Erwin Set- fart, a Santa Claus, waa a bowling success. ,. Mm Onhrlit and son snent Christma with her parents at Qulncy. Mr. Edwin Merrill baa moved hi house so that it ia now In view from the County road. VALLBT lTBItla. Win. Miller went to Bt. Helen on Wednesday. On tha the flrat hour of tha first day of this year came a beavy wind which was followed by a Heavy noworm mora Ilk a bllssard than anything else. Say, brother cltlxen,' don't be ur prhwd If you bear of a wedding out in thl nelgnoornooa, noioiug uuuae.r present. There wa a social dance In tba F. G. house on Sunday night. All present had a good time. PreaehlnsaervicM were held laat Sun day by Bev. Phllbrook at Mr. Ayro' houea. If. Vamnm aAenmnanled bv hi wife (formerly Mia Botta Dawson) and Miss George paid a short visit to Mr. Ayre the am oi tae weec. Tlx Tti-nnnt fihlnirle Mill ComDanv Is expected to oe ranninn iu auuu wv WeX U Ml weewier periuive. -ri. . . . MHilumtn In har last .jk Innkins for a railroad track. He 1 . V7 i. 1 M.l m 1 an 1 A (1 0 waa nere ami -" -"; u. U.I,.U alnnai tablnop lavsls Of the summits and divide aa he went througb. Mesar. Miller brother and Dupont brothortcpeotcnriitmaa at Mr. ssoyer a. TUB YBAH'H WORK. Bnalneaa Tranaaoted by tha Ooantj Clerk in ltroo. Few neoote. perhaps, have little Idea of the amount oi easiness inmacKu iu t . i. .... v.t i'n a ill.uiM ncinff a vear. one ui vuv pun w""" " j , , .il - ihm KWni-(ia la UUVll i. ii i i'. n . w..w - made. While th following item are but a small part ot tne worx accom plished, It la Cvonslderahle, and reflects It mnA .r. naruuuiarv in looking after the many feature of the County' business affaire. Clerk received for leoord 472 deeds, lai mortgages, release oi uiungag u, wills 2, power of attorney 6, bills of sale 5, lien B : marriage iiobhsbb mu . . . kii In tha Circuit Aiierv nvic u? .mi - Court, while Judge McBride granted 22 divorcee. County Court work. Probate i... .nj nilii. matrera ol irreatur or lea imiiorUnce constitute the duties o! tne yierx . otnee. .iw certificates. Foes collected m. the Clerk otrloe durl-ig December amounted to JStl.70. t ' ' : Beat Owt of an Increase of Pension. A Mexican warveternn and prominent editor writes i "Seeing the advertlsment of Chamberlain .uoiic, cuoiera w arrhoea Bemedy, I am retulnded that Ills a i -.I,.! I- In M7 and '4M I COU- tl'O acted Mexicnn diarrhoea and.thia rem i k.. knnt ma from EnttinK an edy increase in my pension tor. op every re ! newsl a dose of It restore ihr." It i un I eqnniltvl a a quick cure for diarrhoea, ' ? pleasant and sle M take. or sale at , .the Bt. Helen Pharmacy. COLVIN LOGGING MACHINE. On of the most etnlv rxm on the Columbia Biver I Mr. II. L."Colvln, who enioy tha distinction of hauling log with tha most unique contrivance and the only one of its kind known to man. It I called a "Clutch machine." It i (he invention of a San Francisco man and i the first and only on ever built, although it i tba intention of its uuikisr, now that Mr, Colyin has dem onstrated it very superior quality a a ig nauier, u run m tactory to the limit of iu canauitv. helievins that the machine will- revolutionize the logging uumoess. : . , . N The machine I, In ' fuct, an Immense donkey t-ngine on whoels. The boiler Is five fret in diameter and ten feet high. The engine I enormously powerful. Although it requires a track to rnn on, it does not require an expenaive one, iu speed I limited to four mile an hour, or perhaps les, consequently tha rail mav ba made ot chm material: anv old chunks will do for tie and th ground need not be leveled for the track. Mr. Colvin i now haulimr a distance of two mile and states that hi road is very rough and ha many crook for the reason tbat it Is policy to avoid expense by going around isrge stump and other obstruction rather than remove them. Its sreatest claim to. favorable consid eration, however, i It adaptability for hauling np and down steep grades. Mr. Colvin is now hauling down the side oi a mountain where the rise is twentv even (eet to every 100 feet In length, and he experience no difficulty what ever. Notwithstanding his haul is two mile in length and the machine is gaited at four mile or le an hour, be can haul 100,000 feet per day and ha repeatedly done o. Now ha is yarding ing with a large engine and a bull team, yet he find them both totally inadequate to keep tli machine running. Next season he will nse three engine for yarding and expect to keep them very busy to keep tha machine at work. He ha at bl present location a half-sec tion ol nne or to log off and expect tne machine to pay for Itself several time before thl i done. The machine derive it name from a large wheel furnished with eight power ful clutches. These clutches operate on a larrs stationary steel cable which ia stretched alongside the track. Fiva ot these elutcbe are constantly pulling at the cable as fast as on let go another one iesea th cable. Thus, while it need I very limited. It rower is to enormous that it is almost impossible to furnish tb monster with a load. The upper end of tb cable fastened to a tree or stump, while the river end is held in olaoe bv a "dead man." Mr. Colvin' logging angina i located on a mall tributary of tba Columbia near westport. CLATSKANia ITEMS. Our cltlxen were creatly aurnrised to hear on last Friday that Mrs. Harvey Tingle, ot Quiney, had died the evening oeior. ena naa neeu a sunerer ihjiu goitre for year, but there had been nothing recently to tuggest a ipeedv fatal result, nntit th Bight (he died. Uer husband, beeomlntr alarmed that evening, aought assistance at hi broth er' and upon the arrival of hi brother, Harrison, he started out for a neigh Dor woman, and Mrs. Tinele' death oc curred during hi beeooe, no one but her husband being with her. Hue wa buried on Saturday at the cemetery near by. She wa a kilter of Finley Butter and survived by a few year her tatber and mother, whose remains lie in the same cemetery. Site wa a good woman in tha-tha community and pa tiently bore tba affliction tbat proved a source ot inconvenience and discomfort for many year. She waa held in great respect arid a wife and mother lived a model Hie. uer nusoana ana one daughter, Mra. Harold Syverson, sur vive her. Iter age wa prooaoiy aoouv 66 year. . Georce Howltaon and Alex Cblsholm were passengers for St. Helens and Port land Tuesday morning. Mis Anna Orwtsr left in the storm Tuesday morning for Portland, on her way back to cchool at I'Mkoinatn. The whistle of the steamer Baker, the rlnffina- of bell and a little ahooting announced th passing of the old and tumenng in ot tne new year at uiaucame. The danoe In Conver' hall kept a number ot people awake to see the new year go out. The dancing did not close with the old year, however, as the exer cise held ite fascination for the perform era some hour Into the the new year. John Bryant haa cone back to Forest (irove to resume his studies. 8. C. Ticbenor. Fred Hlatt and Gu Player took advantage of a holiday to make a New Year's visit to th metrop olis. It is resorted that Fred Miller ha bought out th confectionery (tore ot W. r.. Washburn ana win enaeavor to sweeten the disposition ot thi com munity. Fred ha been engaged lately in making medicine to quiet cough and ranair liver, an occUDatlon tnat l occasionally resorted to when other things don't pan out well. Whether he will now sweeten the medicine with the candy ar invent another remedy to give after the emndv haa been eaten, does not yet appear. He has knowledge of the confectionery busmen, however, ana being a young man of energy, will, no doubt, work ud quite a business in his new line. 0. W. Lee. having sold hi timber Malm, has been nersnaded to buy house and lot in Woodlawn, a suburb of Portland, and expect to move hia tarn ily there next week. We regret to see them co. but the best wishe of the community go with them. If V Vaan - tha nnwlv annolnted DOBt- master at thi place, spent a portion of the week lu l'ortlanu, Joe ami Lewis Freeman have gone to Balnier to work in a logging camp near there. ; Mis Vivian Tichenor left thi week with her cousins, Annie English and Mary Tichenor, to attend the Paoific University at Forest Orove. Mrs. Harry Knighton wa down from Portland on a brief visit with her parenU, Mr. and Mr. J. D. Lewi, re turning thi week. A Are alarm Saturday evening got pfeople out in the rain to ee a chimney burn out. Tney did not tay out long. The vmpthieof thla community go out to the editor ot The Mist in the los ot hi mother, whose death we were in formed, took place this week in Portland. A, mother's death sever a bond that ohe hai to feel to be able to realize. Art entertainment' wa given by the junior league of ibis place in the church on Mondav evening,' under the leader- ship of Itfre. Oulmer and Mr. Smith. The iunior from 4 to 18 year gave a number of verv entertaining reciutlona and aongs, pWeing their parents, a well a trienda, who assembled in suffi cient number more than to fill the seal ing capacity nf the church. The evening was a very anjoyable one. . au.. It. Bolsvert and Mrs. Not tie King, of ilasel Grove, believe that it is ! not good for either man or woman to ba ' alone, and have Joined their forces mat rimonially to travel life's pathwav to 1 gether. The public generally wish them smooth traveling and a desirable lur of prosperity on the journey.-,. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES.. Ships can now go to ca with froien ammunition. A method of utilizing liquefied air on warship has been dis covered which will render the explosion of a magsslne, even when the ship Is in action, almost impossible. The method Is to so place the liquid air that it will freeise the ammunition to several hun dred degrees below cero. In that condi tion it could not explode, even if a shell did burst in th magazine. There is a school district In Beno County, Kan., In which there is a school house and a teacher, but not a single pupil. Mis Marv Scroggins, the teach er, opens school every morning and holds herself in readiness to instruct any children who may come, but (he is the sole occupant of the building. There are plenty of children to come, but they are of Catholic parentage ana attend a parochial achooh The census enumerator In many eahe fniled to realise the Importance cf mortality statistics, in on ot tna .bast- em State an enumerator bad only two deatha in a population of more than 1300 for the entire year, which the su- Krvisor thought wa not sufficient, so sent back th returns. The enumer ator responded with tbo following ex planation: "Dear Sir There waa four mora people that died, but they was widows." , How quickly the huge herd of buffalo on the American plains were swept from th taoe of tha earth I A recent careful count by a competent person filacea the whole number of the kind ivins today at only 1024. "Dr. William T. liornaday says in his book concern ing tna butraio that it womu nave ocen as easy to count the leave in a forest aa to calculate tha number of buffaloes living at any given time during tha his tory of th (pedes previous to 1870. OAOTOnXA. Basnta yf IM km IU M Mw BWp EifiaUr sf - . Bssntke Kgaatua lto IM 1m Haw Um BBSS r OABVOnZAi lauctfcs ysTI lad Ym Haw H!! fagS Reopened to the Public Oriental Hotel. EUGENE BLAKESLEY, : Proprietor. 8T. HELENS. Board by Day, Week cr Elsmh At Bbasoxabls Fioubx. Visitors met at steamer landing and . guest baggage looked after. THE OLD STAND ST. HELENS, t r OBEGON. ESTABLISHED 1H72. .W0O JOHN A. BECK DZAI.ER III , WatcbeV Diamonds, Silierware, ....JEWELRY.... Repairing a Specialty. W MerrlaM St Bel. Front 4 Pint. PORTLAND. Steamer 0. W. SHAVER. ? u.a. Pnrti.nit. fnnt of Waahlnrton street for Claukanl and war laactinsa, on Mnndar and Thuraday at 80 a. m. Leave Clataksni Tuesday and Friday at o eioea a. m. ;: Shaver Ti asportation Co. U Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves Portland on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- ( araay at 7 a. m. lor St , Kalama, Cmmir faint, r1 m tana, . . Arriving at Portland Monday, Wed IMaday and Friday at 2 p. m. Wharf footot Salmon St. H. HOLM AN, Agent. N o resort In the city of 1st. tiei- en is newr as popular as the BANQUET. Only tha very best brand of im ported and domestio (ins wines, liquors and eigara kept in stock, CYRUS nKwKISKET WEINHARD'S BEER. Pool and card table for tha en tertainment of patron. eUGEHie WHITNEY, fta .aflr afk afsuaV H M H H rOet rORTLAND, DAII.Y. Bi STCAMER- 44 America" j ! j jj U j M M H H M M H H Willamett Sloagli Route ; . Leave St, Helen. . 6:30 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M Leave Portland ..... :30 P M Arrive at St. Helens. 6:00 P M rAKK CBHTfj. ... Will Carry Notliinit but Passeu Kers ami Pant Freight. H M H M H H M M J ATI 1-1 (JOOn, master. jsV A aft. iftuOi ali t i Webber's TlmUep Purchasing. Haa anyone noticed that no more ba been heard of the robbery (alleged) oi one Will Webber, who wa here to lo cate tba Nehalam railroad and boy all tba timber land this aide of the Cas cades? It will be remembered that Webber kept it pretty warm here for several day that I to say his stom ach, tilling It witb tb hottest of ram aliiigs, while holding imaginary seances with Jim Hill and the shade of Collis Huntington. Webber rolled them fairlv bigb until a twenty was gone and his board bill became embarrassing, then went oat and conveniently robbed him self and reported the robbery. He was an opium tiend and hi story did not hold together. He imposed it, however, oa the newspaper acros tba way, bat Detectives Ford and Kerrigan, who hap pened to be in the city, soon ran him ashore. It is a wonder that Webber did not lay hi alleged robbery on the " Wolves'', an order wbo member are worn to not drink booze in Portland concurrently with attendance of prayer meeting in a Hilleboro cborch like one. of the saintly critic of this city ba done in the past. Hillsboro Argus. Prominent Chicago Woman Speak. Prof. Box Tyler, of Chicago, Vice President Illinois Woman' Alliance, in speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Bem edy. av: "I suffered with a severe cold this winter which threatened to ran into pneumonia. I tried different rem edies but I seemed to grow, worse and the medicine npset my stomach. A friend advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy and I found it wa pleas ant to take and it relieved me ai once, I am now entirely recovered, aaved a doctor' bill, time and suffering, and I will never be with out tnis spienma medicine again." For sale at the St. Helen Pharmacy. . ssaeklaa Aralca aalv. Ha world-wide fame for marvelous cure. It snrpaase any otner aaive, lo tions, ointment or balm lor Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tet ter, Salt Bheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, 6kin Eruptions: Infallible for Pile. Car guaranteed. Only 26c at the 6L Helena Pharmacy. 8. C. Henry, of St. Helen, is agent for the la teat improved gasoline lamps. Inducements tor the Boys. John Dellar, located on tbe corner of First and Yamhill street. Portland, haa a display of twenty-five different styles and grade of Boys' raits, which are offered a a special inducement from 60 cents to $1.60 less than any other store in theeitr. John ueliar knows that tne boys are hard on shces; that' why he carries none but good, solid ones, and sell Ihem from 26 eoiil to 60 cents less than any other store in the city. A big variety of boys' caps, regular 25 and 60 oent values, are offered for 16c, 25c and 3oc. A large assortment of boys' waists at 26c and 40c, regular 60c and 76c values. Tbe latest style of sweaters, 60c, 76c, $1 and 11.60. The boys can be very neatly dressed for a very little sum of money by buying of John Dellar, corner first and Yamhill streets, Portland, Oregon. McKinley' official majority in Iowa waa B8.862. . , CASTOR I A Par Znfutti and Children. Tt! fki Yea Un Itezp tz?A Bears tha Bignataraof ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVBW THAT THE undersigned haa beea appointed by tha County Court of Columbia County, Btats ol Oregon, aa ancillary administrator ol the ea ts te ol Crawford Hill, deceaaed. All penons having elalma acatnat said euate ate hereby re quired to prearnt the aunt wltb proper oar.h ra, within six mouthi from the date hereof to ma, at the law office oi Chambarlain A Thomas, numheri SU0, 401, MS, 404 Chamber ot Commerce building, Portland, Oreiron. Dated December 27, ma. W. H. FBAK. - Ancillary Administrator. Timber Land, Act June , 1878. - NOTICE FOR JMJBLICATION. trmrso Btatss Lard Orncs. Oaseos City. Oregon, October SJ. 1900. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 114 COM Blianea with tha pravlalona ot the act ol ConiTew ot inn a. 1878, entitled "Aa act lor the sale ol timber landa in the States of Cali fornia, Oregon. Nevada, and Waalungton Terri tory." a extended to all tbe Public Land 8 laws by act of Auanit 4, Walter W. Webater, ot Buxton. County of Washington, Stale ol Oroaon, haa thla day flled in thla odio hia sworn etate meot No. 6306, lor the purchase of tb southeast u of sections, In township No. 4 north, range No. went, and will offer proof to show that tbo land aoMiiht ia aor valuable for tta timber or atone than for agricultural purpoaea. and loeo tabliab bia claim to aaid land before the Begia ter aud Receiver of thla office at Oregon City, Or egon, on Tuesday, the eth day ot January, 1901. Hnameaewitneea: Robert T. Bimpeon, Al bert F. Webater, William B. Loualgnont, Robert Kahn, all ai Buxton, Washington County, Ora- 5 on. Any peraon claiming adveraaly the above escribed laada an requested to file their claims lu thla oIHoo on or before said 8th day of Janu ary, 1901. CHAa. B. MOOBKS. Register. CITATI09 T0 HtlHS. In the Count; Court ot the State of Oregon, lor Columbia County. i In the matter of the estate ot John Hendricks, dveeased. Citation to heirs. To Mary A. Frey, Sarah Jane Hyden sod Re- Doooa iieii'ini'.., nin-wiw .uu drloks, deceaaed; and to all olber heirs and devisees, unknown, If any such then be, and to all other persons Interested In the real estate belonging to th said deceased. N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OKEOUN: Von and aach of von are hereby com manded to be and appear before the Honorable Comity Court of the 6iate of Oregon In and for theConntv of Columbia, at the Court House, In 8t. Helens, in said County and Slate, on Friday, ths 11th day of January ,1901, at 2 o'clock P. M.of of said day, it being the regalar January term ol aaid County Court, to show causclf any exint.why an order ol aaleoi au wa real property Belong ing to said estate should not be made as prayed tor In the petition on Hie in said Court, the teal estate described In said petition being as fol lows, to-wit: Tbe north half of the southeast quarter ot section 30, In township five (5) north, raUKO two CD west of the Willamette meridian, In Columbia Couuty. Oregon, i. r..i,n.v waikbiv. I. J. G. Wafts. Clerk ot the County Court ol tha state of Oregon for Columbia County, do hereunto set my hand and affix the seai of said Court, at my office, In th. nit v nf hl Helens. Columbia County, In the State Oregon, this 10th day ot December, A. i.Q. WATTS, i - Coanty t . . I County Ci Coanty Clerk and Clerk ot the County Court ot Colombia Coan- I BEAu 1 hmu, f Oregon. By W. A. " ' Harria, Deputy. LIQUOR LICENSE PETITION. To the Honorable County Court ot Columbia County, Oregon: .... , ., , We, Ihs undenlgned legal voters, residing In Oobleprecinol, Columbia Couuty. Oregon, would respectfully petition your honorable hotly at Its next regular session, which will be held on the Sllti day of January, lsul, in the Court House, lu the City ol St, Helens, Columbia County, Stale nf Oregon, tnat a uvw KivMuou y v. ... li ...... in aii .nlrittiniis. vfumis ana malt n, In Quantities less than ona gallon. In o salt spirituous, viu quantlUea less th Ooble ntwtiiot. in said Coanty and State, and that aaid license be granted lor a penoa oi one that ssm license oe gramea ior a i w year, lor all ol which your petitioners will ever pmt: W K Hnnlor, Edgar Knyart, The Paw ion; O C Jsquiah, F Bruman, W A Blood, 1 Bur bee, U W Foster, Dm S Beudick, I Kennedy, JohnOIHem, r W Makinsler, O C! Fowler, Via tor Furar, H Blake, i Chester. A. Keer, H Liv Inriion. 1 M Fowler, H U Fowler, I. Bradley, VI Bradley, Frank Welter, H Ward, Christopher vju.,,.1 Jiweuti Ijtwrenoe. C P Anderson, 'sl- ter Hunter, Bolt Kaard, John Mansoo, H Steh ttian, James Morlarty, R h Pierce, 0 W Miller, C Hoveu, S W Fowler, J D'spatu, 8 K Butts, Joe ScnniHluaein, K wavyier, jay utnuiu,jnu Farr, Hosa Knyart, Peter Hooaav. Thoa Day, M l.tnk, P H Filer, S V Butta, C C Fowler, George Foster Jr. O V lleWllle. William Thomas, N Ballsnn. J Fnlton, A Link, C KraUke, G W PitKcnbenier, i C Monroe, Jao Cnsslamnd, 1 U ispeneer. Frank Cleaver. , . -Holiday.; GIFTS ; n A-Fine Line of Useful Qifts.x jiftfinnniln strt fin n - St. Helens 'Hi f i i DENTISTRY. BEGISTEBED DENTIST Long experience. AU kind of Bne dent al work. o matter what your work may be, yon can bate it done here, and further, it will be done in a first-class, durable manner. Your work is not limited to last only a certain number of years. Much of it will last the rest of your life; some ot it may not. Yon will be told the truth ion earning it permanency when you come In. Everything depen d on the quality of your teeth. Teeth examined free and an estimate g iven, yon Uins know last what your work will cost before you begin, and no change will be made except at your own solicitation. Gold Crowns, $5.00; Whita Crown, fS.OO; Bridge Work, $5.00; Gold Fill ing, $1.00 Dp ; Amalgam Fillings, 75 cent np ; Cement Fillings, 60 c. BOLD, CELLULOID MD ALLUMHUM PLATES. Teeth extracted free (painlessly) when teeth are made. Warm, pleas ant room. Lady attendant. Appointments made by mail. V ,,DE. WEOMBOK,;. -3 Boom 60 and 61, Washington Building, Southeast Corner 4th and Wash ington Streets, 6th Floor, Portland. Take elevator. Quality and Variety Are two very Important feature to take into consideration when ona goe to procure article for everyday nse and consumption. To our boat of patron we are pleased to aay wa baye , QUALITY, VARIETY AND QUANTITY. Onr large and elect stock affords the intending pur chaser splendid opportunity to get the beat bargains offered in this vicinity. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Furnishing goods, hardware, tinware, paints, oils, glass, crockery, enttlerj , blanket, oil clothing, feed, flour, garden seeds, orchard graaa, garden implements, and dairy supplies, etc etc COLLINS THE PEOPLES' Goods Exchanged fcr Produce. WVasVVy Seasonable Goods At onr store mean that we keep constantly for sale a variety and quality oi mercnsnuiBo wu.u . n oi all weil-Uvwg people, LOGGER, FARIIER, IIERCHAIiT. General Merchandising Is onr especial business, and we have held the fort by offering a high qualtty of good at low quality price. We handle Household Buppliea for everybody and to meet all demand. We invite examination of our goods and guarantee satisfaction as to price and quality. Now is the time to call on POPULAR DEALERS. . . ST. HELENS, - - OREGON. f iniir'S JOHNSON & CU.lCDOnFER CHOC O Mauaufacturnt ...Ml Kinds cf Rsush Ftaarlna;... Raistle ...Celll; iKO ...Dlmawsiaa Lsisnwer... 8CAPP008K, Christmas Cards, Books by Leading Authors. , Books for' The LittW Folks. -Something , Fine in Stationery. Reiger's. , ; " California Perfumes. Notions. ' i v .. Toilet Articles, Etc. Pharmacy. -L.-..LJ IBLi J.J4 , PAINLESS EXTRACTING & GRAY, F-aERGSlAfJTC. ST. HELENS, ORS-GOM. wecaierioaucia Necessitie aV1s'ia'a of and Daln In o and Crssss j Uir.tcr... nnnn nnin T(l Tn( MlLl.' T Mill on south fork of N'pi.Hwe creek, font mtlva horn i?ciipooe sijttum. " . Luinher deliverel st Wrtv-jw' stfttlos or Johnson's lending at Sl.Ow per M, extrs. At Warren station, W-Sft. '- " - -.. OKKliON.