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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1901)
OREGON MIST Entered st th roetoffice at St HMeni, ! 8r nU8t Oregon, m second-claes man matter. NATION. ti BALANCE SHEET. Tha average rMilar Is repelled by a I miM of figtirww, but those ireewnted American, showing they do the floor- i ol COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. , twiiLj-jjat'ajwiL-ijK.u.-j u I,1, m m.1,,1, j-j i Jmusd Evsav Fbioat Momiuta Br DAVID DAVIS, Editor ami) Pbopbikvor. - ! SUBSCRIPTION PRICB: One oopy on year, in sdvanc 11.00 6i months,,.,,,... .... 60 COUKTT OmCIES. Bepressntattv Judge., Clerk Sheriff............ Treasurer Bitot, of School.. Aaaeeeor. ....... ... PnrvoTor Ooroaar...... .... Conmlutosw .Normaa Merrill, Clatakaate ,,.,Jowph Ti. Doao, Kaiuier i, ', Watts, St. Helen 8. Hattan, 8u Helena K. Horn, St. Helena .....I. H. Cop-land, Houltoa ....Martin Whin, St. Helens A. B. Mule, Hmiiton (,,Dr. H. R. Cliff, St. Helena ..,..P. A. Prakee.8canpo.jee W. D. Case, Ptttaburg Iiilnnif rniiditicin of otir commerce. Only the gross figures for November are ae yet known, but the detailed statement for the ten monthi ending with October is at hand. Scrutiny of this shows that cotton, owing to the increased quantity exported and the much higher price obtained, represent more than one-half the increase in our favorable balance, but other product! and manufacture contriooie nana t - ,..!! ; . , itracted from the report of tha Treae- nry a oureau m statistic ur iui months will show ; Raw cotton: 1900. 1890. Exports .......1228,191,000 $138,770,618 imports ,128,89fl 4,331,844 CtJb Net exports. . .222,38.,90i $134,438,774 Provisions and dairy prodncta: Exporta .... .$165,284,280 (154,523,088 ItnporU 1,887,963 1,748,353 Net exports... $153,383,847 $1-19,775,635 Iron, steel and all manufacturers thereof: Exports...... $106,492,297 $88,187,205 Imports ...... 1,IU!. M,7,im Net exports ... $ 91 ,667,852 $ 73,692,264 Oil. ef all kinds: Exports $ 86.258.370 t 73.157.724 Imports 6,74,382 5,178,018 JANUARY 4, 1001. Net exports. . . $ 70,531,007 $ 67,979,708 Breadstuff: Export $ 66,558,080 $ 67,048,406 Import 1,350,440 .- 1,3-7,166 Ashland is to become a "no saloon" town in the new year. That looks bad for the reputation of the Oregon pencil pushers, who visited that city last fall. Thb cattlemen of Eastern Oregon want bil 1 passed at the legislature compelling cattle buyers to brand their tattle either with their owe brand or- a road brand before driving them to the railroad for shipment Net exporta. . .$ 66.206,649 $ 65,640,330 Copper and manufacturers thereof : Exports $ 61,041,757 $ 32.762,496 Imports...... 12,602,206 0,188,896 Eves President McKinley cam in for a share of Republican pros parity, for he polled 7,217,677 votes at the National election against 7,104,770 cast for him four years previous. Bryan polled last month 6,367,853 against 6,602,9: in 1806. - . Sons boys and men, too, are waiting for opportunities which seldom com. Others are out creating them.' It is needless to say which is the moat useful ones to the world. Better doxea times (ail in an effort to create an opportunity than sit down and wait for opportunity to coma along yonr- path. Ten chances to one, you would not know what oppor tunity was U yon did not attempt to mus one. Acooawso to the report of Fish Com missioner Reed, only little over $4000 has been used the past two years in establishing fish hatcheries. Two years . ago the Legislature appropriated $15,000 for this purpose. It was eppropiated with the intention that it should be used, in addition to this amount, about $16,000 has been collected in li- eenees to man tain hatcheries. If no hatcheries are to be built and nothing done to protect the industry, the Legia- 1 tore should repeal the license. What is the use of taxing fishermen for the privilege of making a living and simply nave the money accumulate in the State Treasury 7 There are needed changes ia the present fishing laws in the interest of the fishermen, but it is doubtful if . any will be made. AH the changes made will be in the interest of the can- nerymen. 'mmmmmmmmt The talk of dividing Oregon into two Btates will scarce receive any attention by the Legislature this winter. What is needed is that the people draw nearer . together. Unity of action will bring the industrial development that Oregon need. Great enterprises await the touch of the golden wand of individual wealth, but these great enterprise will lie dormant until the citizens of this hum pot shoulder to shoulder and push together. It is men that make the State. The natural resource that tempted the unit luiaiigrsnta a nan century ago are still here and unutilized. The field is still an attractive one to settlers, and there is room. One thing that has retarded Oregon's growth during the past lew year has been political diaaen ion. It i time that factional contro versies be buried, and that a more tol erant spirit prevail, it win be very . unfortunate, from any point of view, if me same ouierness oi factional strife is permitted to interfere with intelligent - tugiviaiivM . oaieui Luis winter, in Washington, there is no senator to elect, and it is confidently expected, therefore, that legislative measures will receive proper consideration in that State. ,xhe senatorial election should prom ne disposed of at Salem. The friend of senator mc Bride insist that he has given good service to his State, and is entitled to prompt re-election. That be nas tne advantage of good position on the committee of the Senate, where tne real work is done in that body, aod that the State- can ill afford to throw away that advantage by selecting s new man. In this matter private ambitions and private resentments should cut no figure. The good of the State alone should be considered. If the Senator is elected early in the session the various r measure of remedial legidaion will se cure proper consideration. If the Legis lature will rise above petty cabal and political intrigue, and make intelligent effort toward perfecting the law and cartailing expenditures, the new century will open with a bright outlook for the State. Boseburg Plaindealer. Net exports.. .$ 88,430,742 $ 23,663,500 The value of the oils vegetable, an imal and mineral exported is surpris ing, and the sum might be increased by adding ten million dollars for oleo, in cluded above under provisions. More than one-half of all this, or about seventy-eight million pounds, went to the Netherlands, where it ia converted into the margerine, some twenty million dollars worth of which is exported yearly oy that nttie country, ana cynics fancy that some of it even gets into that famous Holland butter. Some of the bills we hav to pay abroad are light in comparison with what they were some years ago. For instance the sugar im ported in the ten months cost as eighty and a-hail millions, couee, forty- six and a-half millions and tea. ten millions, imports of tobacco in all forms cost us fourteen millions, while, on the other hand, we exported twenty-seven millions worth. Presumably, owing to the war in China, our exporta of cotton manu factures were but eighteen million dol lar, a decrease of one and one-half million, while the increased purchasing: power of our people is reflected in an increase 01 nearly ktq millions in im ports of manufactures of cotton, which amounted to nearly thirty-six million. For the eleven months ended with No vember the value of products and mer chandise exported exceeded the declared value ot import bv nve-hondred and seventy-two million dollars, being thirty-four millions larger than for the cor responding period in the record break ing vear of 1898. and exceeding that for tne corresponding ten months of I ant year by one hundred and forty-eight minions, f rom this apparent balance inaennlte deductions most be made for undervaluations, earnings of foreigm corporations in this country, money pent oy cituen traveling abroad, the cost of ocean freight and the alto gether nnknown amount of American securities returned. Whatever these items may aggregate, the exhibit ia one to be proud of . ; TWO ACTS Of PROVIDENCE. Xatklwa Less OaaM Bm SavsA Die Train Prom rtwUmctton. "I didut leave) my Job on my own account," said the ex-train owpatch- er as he settled himself down to bis yarn, "and my being bounced waa a mean piece of business. If Provi dence was ever on the aide ot an overworked and underpaid railroad employee, It was with me that last night, and. the superintendent ought to have realised the foot ltwaaoa an Ohio railroad, and the headquar ters were in Cincinnati. We'd had a strike, two or three accidents and a row at headquarters, and rd been doing two men's work for 10 nights. On this last night I was clean played out and asked for a relief, but no body was to be had. When the tine is working all right and a man is feeling good, train despatching is as easy as rolling oft a log. Yon can locate every train on the rails with in a hundred rods, and unless some pig headed conductor refuses to obey instructions there's no chance for an accident "That night I had tour through passenger trains, two locals, a Blue line and two or three regular freights to look after. Everything was all right up to about midnight At that hour the western express would reach Eingsviile and sidetrack tor the limited going east and due at 11:10. I gave the customary order. as I thought and it waa 12:80 before it suddenly flashed across me that I had made a mix ox it For 80 onds I was as cold as ice from head to heels, and then a hot wave seemed to strike me, and I came near taint ing away. I had ordered theexpres to run to uuunondale, where I meant if for the Blue line. She'd meet the limited head on about four miles west of Eingsviile, and both trains had a full eomplernentof passengers. h was too late lor me to stop either one, and I was just about to order out a wrecking train, telegraph the company doctors ana rouse out the superintendent, when I got a call from Robert s Crossing. This was a milk station, but a telegraph oper ator had been put there only the day before. He had been routed out of bed in a farmhouse to oommunkate with me. "You may doubt my statement but you wouldn't it you'd been on earner or those trains. ,J3 ClTSIIw Consumption Cure cures coughs and colds at enct. relieves you for a little while it ntrts. It has been doing this for half a century. It has saved hundreds of thousands of lives. It will save yours if you give it a chance. "I ml m bwIi i-m-St horn h, I alwae teeHaimaed Shilefj'a It aaaaaa. tfut, trirWKhMI sna two tnmbtt." CHAS. VANDkKCAK, Wauriw, N. Y. SbUoVs Coarasapthm Cora Is sold hr aU 4 r nit lata t Sfta. Atte, )l.o m ' A rriataS iwmlM nM wh avrr hWla. f jrow ai m tu.l to yaw ras)M aat a, rw hmmm Will. ih ItlaufMa kaok w aaiMUMl whtawt ). a. C Wtils Oh, lKr, N. V I nonet or rm simtrnr. lit His County Oeurl of Columbia Count, lists la th mausr ol the Farrsll, u- onci' I HHR15BY OIVKN THAT Ml k - IN Wiu.l.r.ll. William, '"' ''"i'"' tor ol ull (mi Inu ls.l Uta '" "'" Ibsrala w uchailmluUlntlor. and that F'lJ tl mh day of January, lut, at 1 o oluck P. liiuboan auiulutotl ly b l'''.' " ' hsarlns of oWwiluns t Uit nl "''' ,w'"u'i nil tha asttlsmant IUrsof, and It ,, k. ,. mat,i i'.ui-i thai th holm, ewmorft We don't mean that it rrnn,r.;,.':;;d nu n liaarlti oi iinai awrouu. , at- .1.-1. . .1.1...., .k..ti. itr tli miiv uai-tlVUlSt lloin.-if wild aMMunusBMltehisllisWtisjilan losaehobjaullon. WIUUAM Adilnltihr. Dated at 81. Helens Omron, Ihl. 4ll l Dsmuibar, MOB. U IU...JI1UU...U II 111- .U.-ill....Li,.l-l-JU-.- ! P'nOFJSSSIOXJL. S. H. GRUDER, ATTORNE F- AT- LA If - ones with it. X. quick, ST. HKLRNS, I t OKtUOS. Will lv bt Mraonal sllrntlnn in all lrt aiatlvn utiutrd la iu. Will praullcs IB an Ihs atals and Unltsd statss vouna. W.H.POWELL, 4mrtsrt "VT 4 TT T AJT PSrVTr U1STKICT ATTOaKBV. ST. HELENS, ! : ORSUON. R. P. tlSAHAM. T. J. CUtSTOM Attorueys-at-Law. SOS Maniuaa Bulltlln, Portland OracoB. Columbia Coaaty baaiasas will rseslr proaipt aiMBIWB. I. W. PAT W. B, DlLLASt) Ska Oaacht liaa. A eorrespondent in fit Helena sends this fish story: "Some weeks ago, a party ot seven, including my self, were enjoying an outing on Deer creek, in Wasco county, Or,, about eight miles from The Dalles. While there we thought we would show the natives how to fish. My friend, ex-Marshal Brennard ot Boio in just S hours and IS minutes caught 179 trout, weighing SOS pounds. We took the fish into town and bragged not little about our wonderful catch. To our great sur prise the old inhabitants didn't share in our enthusiasm and pityingly said, JDoys, go up to the narrows and learn how to catch fish.' WelL up to the narrows we went and the sight which met our eyes I wui never forget, and yet it didn't amount to much. We simply mw a homely squaw standing on the edge ot a rock and holding in her hand a seven foot pole, attached to which was a willow boot) and a bit of sack arranged to form a sort ot dip- PhlSICKM and SurdCOU net You may not behove what foi-1 1IILLARD & DAY, ATTORNE YS-A T-LA OBc Mil door to Coorthouss, SI. ItKLKNS, OREUON. Genera! praallc la oouru of Oraton or Wah Atial tnstou. ntoonls. Iraots mads dlrsotljr tram couuly Dr. Edwin Ross, Physician and Surgeon 8T.I1ELEN8. OREGON. Dr. H.R. Cliff, lowed, but it is gospel truth, every word. That fair maiden of the north time and time again doused her crude net in the waters of the Columbia ST. HELENS, OREGON. Dr. J. E. Hall, . w"J vav 1 MVS ana wmw wsafAa V HUW WAUAU UWi I -. aa u flying for each other like cyclones, river and everr tune brousrht three. JrhUSlCian and Olirseotl wwsu mi engine on ine umitea oot-1 lour or more silver sides, weighing lapsed a flue and was brought to a from four to eight poundseach. We CLAT8KANIE, OREGON. Bla Wife Save Bibb. My wife's sood advice saved mv life writes F. M. Boas, of Winfleld, Tens., for I had such s bad cough I could hardly breathe. I steadily grew worse under doctor' treatment, but my wife urged me to use Dr. King's New Dis covery lor uonsumption which com pletely cured me." Cough, Colds, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Pneumonia, Hay- Fever, Asthma, and all maladies of Uhest, Throat, and Langs are positively cured by this marvelous medicine. 60c. and $1.00. Every bottle guaran teed. Trial bottle free at tha Bt. Hel ens Pharmacy. Not Fa ml rtar With Her Ability. A Denver paper criticises Oregon for sending a woman to repesent our mining interest at the Pan-American Exposition at Bo Halo, The appointee is JSuytne Toiler weatherred, well known in Hillsboro, where she nss a host of friends. The Times-Mountaineer comes to the defense of the appointee as follows : "Had the reporter known the ladv to whom it refers. Mrs. Edvth Tosier Weatherred, it would not consider her appointment a doubtful experiment. Mrs. weatherred is not an 'old miner.' but is the daughter of one. and know a mucn snout ores, ledge, etc., assny miner in the State. Besides she is noaa- essea oi nooounaed energy ana rustle, and will do more to make Oregon' mineral exhibit at Buffalo attractive then half s dozen old miner would tihe know bow it ought to be done, and will ae that the exhibit is fust riarht. Other States will have to provide them selves with wide-awake commissioners tf tbey get ahead of the little ladv from i, - The Mother; Favorite. Camberlain's Consrh Remedy ia tha motner's favorite. It I nleaaant and aafe for children to take and alwav cure. It is intended especially (or courtis. colds. cruup ami wuooping congn, and is ttie best medicine made for these diseases. There is not the least danger in eivins it u cniiuren lor It contains no onlnm or other injurious drug, snd may be given as confidently to a babe as to sn adult. For sale at the St. Helens Pharmacy. 4l ! H Mmrnmn. J.O. Sherman, the veteran editor of the Vermontviile (Mich.) Echo, ha dis covered the remarkable secret of keeping old people young. For years he ha avoided Nervousness. Sleeplessness, Indi gestion, Heart trouble. Constipation and Kheumstisin. bv nsina Electric Kitten and he writes; "It can't be praised too "" " genuy stimulates ttie Kid neys, tones the stomach, aids digestion, and gives a splendid appetite. It has worked wonders for my wife and me. It'ra marvelous remedy for old people's complaints." ' Only 80c at the St. Hel ens I'narmacy. ' Card of Thank. To ell those who so kindly extended their help and sympathy during our hour of sorrow, we tender our most heartfelt thanks. .Their kindness will never be forgotten. ; - . .' Ms. Amur J. Fkkkman d family. Wai ren, Or., Dec. 31, 1000. - DIED. -, 1l'I.Po,,1Bi, Owfon, ttocember 80. MM), Maria L., wi fe ol AuVd Oavia. loraierly of this city, aged 07 rears, S ' rojnthi and days. Ileeeaaed was born at Elmlra, Kew York, and had resided oa Ibla eoaat sines MM. Bealdes th biiaband, four ebildrsn lurrlvslior Mrs. A. BalHianno and Mr. W. L. Cnrrr, of Portland, 8. C. Davis, of Sontptsr, Or., and David Davis, of this dir. Th remains wsra laid to rest st Ixina Fir eeaisterr, Portland, on Taaadair, January Ker. c. K. Phil, brook condactinj tne servie. Deceaud had lived In this county almost eontia ooualy sines ISM. standstill within 100 feet of the sta tion, with engineer and fireman bad ly scalded. At the same time the ex ss struck a cow standing on the track, and though not derailed was brought to a stop scarcely 100 feet on the other aide. There they were headed tor each other, with only one chanoe in a thousand ot escaping an awful calamity, and yet Providence gave me that chance. The oOknAls ought to have given me another show, but I got the bounce and have staid bounced. I'm selling a pat ent, washing machine now and not taking any chances. "Detroit Free rress. TV i lea Itai sbssjj as? Cesar. At a recent exhibition of modern paintings in Germany the subjoined announoement was posted up t "Take Notice In order that the effect ot the pictures may not be totally lost or at least partially impaired, by the loud and glaring colors of ladies' dresses, the managers have decided to issue the followinir regulations: The galleries are only open to visit ors dressed in white, black or violet Gray turn the privilege ot being ad mitted at a reduced entrance fee. Violet is admitted tree ot charge. Persona wearing the national cos tumes are refused admittance.' The public are requested to observe the above rales in the interest of art and artists, ana oe particular to appear in violet." jcxobange. A SSaas Swiss Wit laai Jfasa. The sultan of Djocjokata, the chief ruler ot one ot the insignificant de pendencies of The Netherlands, and whom William of Holland invested with the titular dignity of "com mander of the order of the lion of The Netherlands" early in the year 1801, seems to be a tittle man with a big name. The country that he roles is not larger than a Missouri county. and the sultan himself is a dwarf of only S feet 10 inches, yet he has a name composed of SO letter vis. Haman koewonoeenopatiing slog ona- Dg nrraftfimansa y dlhnpnototr omode. He i fifth in line with the same name and is known as Ham, etc. 8t Louis Bepublio. WHITE COLLAR LINE .H COLUMBIA KlVkB AMI I'lUU BUUJi. - NAVIGATION CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA EOOTE. watched that squaw catch fish for three mortal hours, and the way she landed them was a revelation. "Sewn Jfrandsoo Chronicle. Baalist th Pasaa You have traveled far. The sun goes down. You build a fire and cook your meat, and then good tea and the tabaa it is pleasant You hear the loon crying on the water, or the last whistle of the heron up the pass. The lights in the sky come out and notnmg iixe mat mist, it is so One leillTier fi eFCll I e ana sort xouaresieepy. xoubiess WO gOOQ UOU. XOU Stretcn pine I Undlns root of AMsrStraet. Portland. branches. Wrsn in vmir hlnnVot and I lasaPortraiiddallv(aicptuodalat7 A.M ., . , . . . " iMdlat Telepbone dock, Astoria. lie down tO Sleep. It iS all quiet AS Leaves Aatorls tlmlr (eirept Sundar) 7PM von aleen nmnthina' mnt Tr o-IM I W. CKfCHTON. Aeeol. Portland. , a.,J, 1 1 .-av.-V, aiuuj uu it uuuy uate euaae. It is a pity if yon have not ears tat feel the whole body as ears, w ra-nnii a. lArmint i ntrrnn For there is a swift lunge, a snarl- A ulUmA a WLUIDIA ftllM JZZL .f'L?'? 1 RAILROAD COMPANY. ' J V W.W HUUH Ml aUQIW J an end. To kill the puma you must watch. always watch. You will see his yel low eyes somsames in a tree. Ton will hear his breath at night as you pretend to sleep, and you wait till you see his foot steal out of the shad- then you have him. From a mountain wall you watch in the morning, and when you see him you follow and follow and do not rest till you have found him. You must never miss fire, for he has great strength and a mad tooth. But when you have got him he is worth all. Cosmopolitan. BSABDOWS SaLi on ly "31 OAILV. r n r. a. J 80; 66 :S5 3:47 4:02 4:07 1:1(1 4:23 !:S2! I:-Uf 4:87 :17 :3l I M S 20 IH 44 t M M OS 1 7 10 (10 10 :W10 20 5:50 10 SO A.M. '.m.i oo 06 IS i45.HI U MAI 40 55. 00 M.S 10 00 .! 10 10 SS.4I 10 21 71.2 10 11 Ol 11 10 11 22 11 SO i7.7 641 STATIONS Lv Portland Arj .... (loi)ia .... ....Rainier ... ... Pyramid... .... Marrer.... ....Qulaef ... . .. Clatakaal.. .. Martbland., ., aestport... ....CIIItOB.... ....Knapp.... ... Hrenson.... ...John liar... Ar. Aatorls ,tT OAILV. a. a. U 10 10 06 62 M 20 t 12 02 62 117 17 107 1 St 7 46 r. 65 20 00 1 64 74S 7 TtS 1 17 7 03 42 2 20 10 Book for both old and drug itore. young at the Book, book, book, from Mnther Goose np, at the drug (tore.' Booki for the little folks st the drno- tore. Traertaaan s7 she Tewth. This is from Osksloosa, Ia. i A grad uate of the normal school applied for a teacher's certificate at the Mahaska institute."' Among the subjects on wmoh sne was examined was physi ology, and the care ot the teeth came tinder this bead. The would be teach er handed in her paper with confident cheerfulness, but the examiner was dumfounded to reed therein this piece ot advice: "The teeth should be wrenched off after each meaL" Peilaa Aaaaalttea. - ' ' , , Fair Visitor Do play something. dear! I love to hear vour music 1 . Fair EUwtes) Sorry, dear, but this piano is so dreadfully out 'of tune. That's the worst of living in apart ments. My music master say that to use such a piano as that is fatal to nal playing. But won't you play some thing, deart London Punch. Mist Tsssf . isla.' .. "One of Dr. King' New Life Pill each night for two weeks has put me in my 'teens' again" writes D. H. Tomer of Dempseytown, PsY They're the best in th world for ' Liver, -Stomach . ami Tav Dog B14 fae t Mm A little girl and a big Newfound land dog came through Steuben park yesterday. The little girl was carry ing papa's dinner, and the big dog was caring for both. The little girl thought sue would teach her com panion to be useful, so as they enter ed the park she placed the handle of the dinner basket in his mouth. He trotted along quite proudly, and when he came to the sparkling foun tain and the cool looking pool be neath it the noble animal resisted the temptation to drop the basket for the pleasures the water offered him. He was too true I He'd take care ot that basket it the pool frose overt Well, he would Just wade through. He'd take the basket with him. where it would be sate. Bone walk ed carefully through and eoolod papa's dinner In sparkling cool water. He ducked his bead, but he never let go of that basket committed to his faithful care. He did not tarry long. either, but came out shook himself and the basket dry, and trotted along "feeling better, thank you." uuca UDserver. Masenltae XHaistST, Masculine dignity must be preserved at any cost The other day a gen- peman was about to put two ladies, . evidently bis wife and his stater, on board a car on the avenue. He had left his purse at home or spent his last cent, or for some reason found himself penniless, so while standing on the curb be thoughtfully borrowed ZS cents from one of the ladles. Then he hailed a car, bought six tickets, gave two to the conductor, tossed the rest carelessly at his wife and got off. I had taken the car at the same All trains make close eonneetiona aa ttohla with Northern I'aet Ho Iralna to and Imm tbe Eaat and Sound points. At Portland vita all trains leavins Union depot. aI Astoria with I. H N. Co.'aboat and rail Una to and from II. waoo and Norm Beaeb points. Pesaencsre for Astoria or wav nninla mnat Mu trains at Houltoa. Trains will atop to 1st paa aensera off at Houltoa when eoralng from points wast of Oobls. M. C. Mar. "an. Pass. Act., Astoria, Or 0. B. & N. CO. bJrtJaMS-'a I Tha Kind Ton lXtvro Always Bought, witl wbld ha IweJa '' tn use for over uu years, mm "to or ana nas noon nueua unuw uis ncs sonal supervision since its Infancy. ' Allow no on to deoetvo yon ta this. an nn.,., ImltaUous and Just-as-good "are but KxperlmeuU that trifle) with and endanger th health of : Iptwa nnd CliUuea Experienco against Kprtiuent, What lo CASTORIA CastorlA Is a bnnnless substitute for Castor Oil, I. Mrlo. Drops and Soothing Byrupa, It Is l'letwant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other KarooUo substance. Its are is Its guarauteo. It destroy Worms " and allays FeverUhneM. It cure Plarrbooaand Wind Oolio. It relieves Teething Troubles, euros Constipation , and Flatulencya It suialiiilUtes the Food, regulates th ' Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Th Children' I'tuiAtceaTlie Mother's Frtond. CCriUINB CASTORIA ALVAY8 Bean the igmator of The Kind You HaY6 Always Bought In Uea For Over 30 Years. - How About Your Title? CI BR VOtl St'HS II Is sll Hshtr Sew em her that H Is th j HKCiiKtllhat aoeerna. II Is our hueluea to aearrh Ihs wants and ahow what Ihaf eonlaia la relatlss la Ia4 lilies. If ytMi ninlailat tu)ili land or loanla aioaeji oa real a. tale eaeurllr, laSa un aian'a word. But Inalat awm tuoaln, what toe reiwrd aat,wa resanllns Ids tttla. As AlMlrwt leaeevawMlal ae deed, laalit on baflu II. W have th onlf aei el aheireet buoka la the eoattlr All work pns4lreeiit sad aalta'aeiloa suaramead. II oo bar, proven, to liiattraflTanaaeall Weans eseute for th beat Are Inaursnre erMopanleaia Ihs world. II taw bar prupetij lor aale It II wlta u sud w will Sod a bujer. E. E. QUICK & CO., Tas ffrwar $T. HUM. OUtOOt i fffWtf?1tf?1Tfff1tTT?fT?fttf1tfltffWTffWttfttFtfFTlTWW!trt The Weekly OregonianjiSs CONTAINS All the nsws well written. Article describing Western seen sad incidents. Stories of lovs snd sdrf store by wsll- snown sullior. . itrllllant illustration by newnersrllts , Interesting ketrlics and litvrator for bovt and girl. rashion article sod illastrsUont for women. g OUR CLUBBING OFFER S We bav perfected arrangtitnents whereby we are enabled lo tut nlsh The Weekly Oregonian in connection with Tss Mit lor only Two Dollar. Th price of Th Oregonisn slon is 1160. THE OREGON MIST liMJUJUiUJiUUiUiUm .WHEN IN NEED OF MEDICINE.. 1 THt..... -OOTO- flLiVTSKANlE I s . V DRUO STORC Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc DH. J. t. HALL FrvprlttoH CLATSKANIE, OREGON. DSTAST ChlMgo-Ponlaad Hnoelal t.Ua. m. Atlantic Kxoreaa l;wp.a Bowla. Purely vegeuble. Never f; corner, so I .saw the whole perform MaUeu af1u OfC. .A At. HI 1 1 .i .1 A l' A ' I (a, gripe. mcy, Only 26c at the St Helen Fliaf Gut this out and take it to tha At: Helens Pharmacy and get s free sample of Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablet, th best physic. They also enre disorder of th stomach, biliouanea I and headache, i anoe. . It seemed to me a sbmifioaut illustration of the sort of care which many thoroughly improvident lords of creation give to their womenklnd, when in reality it is they who are being taken care of in all the small and troublesome details which mate up - daily existence.- "" , Spokane Kler oo f. m, op.m. Dally Si.Hundajr S p. u. Saturday 10 p. as, ' f a. m. Ba.Snnday 7 s. m. Tnea.Thur. snd sat. Sam. Tuea. fhnr. and sat. !,. Rtparla s;ivs. m. dally- Time SCHEDULES U.U T .V. iw.. D. Worth, Omaba.Kan- ma vtty, b. ixtuis, vnicaso ana Beat, Bslttak. Denrer, Ft worth, Omaha, Kan- ssa City, St. Louis, .ntca,o ana bam. Walla Walla, Lewis- 1:40 a. m ton, nposans atinn eanolls. Ht. Paul. Duluth, Milwaukee, vniuago ana aaet. Ocean StsamahlBs, All salllnir dates sub- to enanse. for Man Pranolaco Ball ever Avedtrs. Columbia Slvar - Steamers. To Astoria and War- . lanainsa. , Willamette Rlvsr. Oregon City. Mswbsrs, Salem A Way-land ja Willamette and Vam- nill Klvere. . Orenon City. Daytoit, ana war-iaiKllufs, Aaaivs 7:03 a.m. imriiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiMiiiiiiiiNfiiiuMiiinjfflriTi.)ii)i!;'t ; THE NEW YORK STORE j 1 IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS tM 1 "Clothinf-$ I - i ' Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc. ; H. ' MQIIGDO. . Cooper Building, Main Street, St Helena, Oregon. , 3 4 p.m. Sunday 4:Mn.m. Si.Sunday t:M B. m. Hon. Wed. and Prl, Willamette Slyer. Portland tn Corvslllt and Way-lanuiiia-s. Snake Hlver. Rlparia to Iewlaton. :p. m. Mnn. Wed. audPri. I.r.Uwiori d'lly al 00 a.m. W. H. IIURLBERT, '.enrral Paaaenxer Asent. POtiyi-ANO .... , OKKOON The CRUISER i. K, WELLINGTON, Prop. Wines, Liquors and Cigars WHISKIKS! "' SlKRBI ,rsmou Hop Gold, and Esrport Beer. : ... ClUAUSi -. ' Henry th, fonrth,nn Windsor llou.s. EXT TSJ THE HOTEL, . ST. HELENS, j . OSEUON. CI?JbI v "", 0,h" levlce. fof p. F . time. Neweiianera .ml r-.4ii.' K, Brinn Brothers CAFE ST.BKLSNS, . . . OREGON. NEW PLACE. . If you wsnl something food In lb .-. , , , i Un ol wblaky try,, ,.( ' . : Only th l(t t .' . llggorl ana Cigars Kept ln'Stocj: ' : - ""a1 . ... '1 . . OPM rOM S A. M. '. n o-hLftnic MIDBIOHT.