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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1900)
1 V OREGON MIST. fttw ftoodi ftCulHni & Uriiy'i. Mr. W. A, JUrria visited Portland Monday. Mr. J. B. E. Bourne wu up from Rainier Monday. Frank Dow wa down from Oak Inland last Saturday and Bunday. V" An adjourned turia of County Court will bo hold December 16th, Vino, growing pig (or Kile cheap, by V. K. Oliver., Veuktoii, Or. Mr. W. 11. Powell spent this week In Monmouth visiting relative. Mr. A. II. Matthews, of IXoiiltou, , visited Portland I nut Huturday, v Mayor Pouierov, of Huliilor, whs In tlie County Heat Tuesdtiy ulturiioon, Frank Thorp wa attending to biiai tieiM matter lu Portland last Fridity. Dr. Ros w called to Clutskanlo on professional business Wednesday night. Dr. On wood, dentist, can be found each Wednesday At the residence ol It. Cox. ' lion, Judwin Wwil, of Philomath, was In thin vicinity for few duyi this week. Frank Gllsoii and .Mis Agnes John eon were married In I'orthind last Hal urday. Rev. Mr. rbllbrook will preach at rerl end Yankton next Bundey t Uie usual houre. Any lumber on the yard at Btanwood's nilll I ft per thousand; special order 0 ler tiiousand. Morgue cerrloi a complete line of above and boot. lie baa the genuine "Cutter" aboe. If you want something for OhrUtma or any ether day in the year, call on Collins & Oray. For bargain In general merchandise call on KiiiJey & llrinn. Ilouiton, Call m1 examine good and prlixm. , Mr. and Mr. It. A. Daruall, of Kelso, pent Haturday in thi city, the giiest of Mr. and Mr. W.,il. Powell. fit at..- W-I-I.l. ... ft lnat..l Tii.l PCDBU'r PlCDriUV k?i umnii nrr ... A.4. ut i . i. l. Keutetnnyer, the murderer of T.unrnt, I on Hauvie' Island, ws acquittal of the I Ichargelnthe Portland Court last Bet-! wrUay. The sU-ainer Ilassalo, after being laid - off for remirs for aliout two mouth, X is again on tlie AUria run, beginning last Monday night. s. We have turned out the poster an nouncing a grand boll for Christina tilitht at rkapoose, given byCosbman Jlroe a niati ball. , Mr. T. C. WaU. ol Reulien. was In (own netinestjiiy. air. ini vhmw that work i rapidly progressing on the railroad at that place. . . . .. . . . , ine annual imxaar uy u.b j ilV: E.,"'" i lv ::;. , ',il December l'Uh and 14th. The ichool lionrd ba purchased a X handeome Uxik cabinet for the school """"foiim, a rereptaele for the library, which comprises over fifty volume. Mr. John I'ringle. of Voruonia, write u that he ami Mr. John CumpMI liava sold 20,0(10 acn of the iNeUalem Umber laudaon which they bold option. ! enough, but if another eeaaon increase Ti, .!;,.. f thn Mfithoclltitn,rviv,,,!ity "d consequent deetrtiot The deaicailon of the Methodist lveUBg jt (i ,, mon thn reasonable church. tlk of winch has lieen Indulged ... " -i i.. ij r . J. K. and Harry Broua. of lUinler, have spent moet of the week in this city placing tlie seats in the Methodbtt church, which is uow nearly completed. Sheriff Italian came down from Port- i land Wodnewluy morning with Peter j Stewart, whose "try out" will be had in the Circuit Court to convene bore on Saturday. Mr. Jatuea C. Grant and Misa Eflle Zeisman, both of Bpnxhh). were mar ried at the home of the bride' parent last Saturday afternoon, Judge Does OfliciaUng, Tlie publlo achoot I having tbe Thanksgiving vacation of Thursday and Friday, and the principal, Mis Finley, is (pending the time at her home in Oregon City, Mr. J. W. Belcher, a vocal teacher of Tortlaud, will he at Mr. J. W. Day' home on Monday next, between the hour of 1 and 8 p. m. He wilt try voice free of charge. Mr. and Mra. V. V. Slaughter and Mis Daisy Watkin attended tlie mask ball at lUinier Thanksgiving Eve. Mr. Slaughter and wife epent Thanksgiving Day with relative at Mayger. We were wrong last week fn stating that the money raised at a social at the Congregational church recently wa used to purchase a stove for the annex. The money wa applied on tlie purchase price of the bell. The official figure are given out of the cenaus of Oregon for 1IHM). The Bute ha 413,53(1 population. The pop ulation of Columbia County is 6237. In 18110 it was 6181 ; in 1830, 2042; In 1870, mi; in 1800, 632. An adjourned term of Circuit Court will be held here next Saturday, Decem ber 1st, at which time tt ere will come on lor hearing several important mat ter, among them being the case of the State against Peter Btow.iri, charged with rape. Mr. W. J. Muckle wa up from Rain ier last Saturday. While here she or Ntlored aome printing done to announce a "socX" aoctal to he given oy mo uim f the Congregatioiialciiurch. of Rainier, on Tuesday evening, December 11th, in Dolt' hall. Mr. John Campbell, of Portland wa In the city Tuesday and anthoriiod us to ay that Campbell and Pitngle have v concluded a contract with responsible V parties, endorsed by Ladd A Tllton. bankers, of Portland, for 20,000 acres of their timber land in sixty day, and owner can now have the gattsiactlon to forward their deed Immediately in es crow to Ladd & Tilton' bank. , On Thursday of lust week tlie County Treasurer sent to State Treasurer Moore the amount of tbe scalp bounty A tax levied and oollocted in thi County in accordance with the law passed at the last session of the Legislature, mounting to 1378.18, being one cent per head for sheep in the County and M of a mill tax levied upon all tho aseesaa ' ble property in the County. Commissioner Case came over from Pittsburg Monday to attend to business miHnn M rtaaa l.ntna that IIO WOrK bad been done on the bridge above Ver nonlathe week previou to his arrival here owing to extremely cold weather nd high wator in the river, but a oon a the elements again adjusted thein- , eolves to the normal, worn woum u .... euined and the bridge completed. COUNT IIUH1NEHH, Order Made u thm November Term of County Court. 'tFollolng aio the proceeding of the County Court of thn Htateof Oregon for l ie regular November term, 1IHIU ortl clal report: Novkmhkr 7th, .Officer preeent-Hon. J. B. Donil, County J niUjl. a. Fmkes, Oominl oner I W, I). Cm, (Jomndtwloiiar; J, U. Watt. Clerk, It. H. Hattan, Hherlft". Due proclBinution being made the follow. In a proceeding were hud: Tax Hole Oertilicste No. 382 tid 1 1(H) are ordered cancelled, a there wh no title perfected to mid land, and that the I Clerk have credit for the amount of id eertlllcate. Cerliliiinte of Tax Bale No. 1133 or dered anaigiicil to Tbomaa Morris on the payment of the mini of Til.4B, ordered by the Court that the' Clerk Untie a warrant In the mm of $W in teltlement of the nuit of Jnme Hum phrey versus Coiuiubia County, for fees held to Hherlll' In cusc heretofore, in full payment of euch eluini. It npperiug that tlie Countable elected for union I'reclnct ha loft tho County end tliat tlie olhee I vacant, It i hereby declared thut tlie nntd olhce be and the same i lierehy declared vacant, and tliat J. H. Uoilfrey bo and he 1 hereby ap pointed a Coimtuble of Union I'reclnct. Now, on tli i h day it Is ordered by the Court that the matter of levying the tax be and t he tame Is hereby continued for thn term. Tlie following Kelp claim were exam ined and found correct: U. A. Johnson, 2 0. VVylle, 2; J. J. Week, 2; N. J. Parker, $; 11. Hcbinidt,$2; John Me Cauley, M j L. Peterson, H. Account of the bherilT, Clerk end Treasurer were examined and approved. Whereupon (Jourt adjourned until De cember Kith, 1(100. (' Circuit Court will convene In thi rlty Saturday morninit. and the follow- liiK-nanied gentlemen nave been drawn fy pectal venire to aerve a Jurymen: ! 'Uriel Uraham. W. 11. Colvin. W. K. Ichenor. John Ilarr. John Blackford. 'red Huhrer. I.indler Meeker. Law- ! ranee Tarlwll, Ole Uohman, 8. O. Hclnxinover, Israel Hpencer, u. W. van Dyke, H. Heeeenian, Andrew King and Jacob Brou. Oulte an extenaive loeirins and lum- beriiiK iuduatry la promined Tn the near future for the lower portion of tlie .fumy, ia vieiiiitr ui vtuiKura. Just a few day since a deed wa filed fr remrd conveying from lnivld Duple and wife a large tract of timber to the ll.riiHon Coinpanv. The laud are in section 2, S and 4, township 8 north, range 4 weet. We desire to call to the ipeelal atten tion OI ail our readers the cant ol o. It. Uruber, publiahed in an another col umn. Mr. (Iruber formerly had a very large law practice in Dakota Territory, iiu. viiii w I i t iioiiivi,, nv.i mum. where he remained for rouie years, ana In 1HH1 came to Portland, when- be also nripitreu qtuie an exiensiva prauwee. In IM'.lH he went to the Klondike, where be remained for more than year, aud Hume two month aoo purchased Mr. tw bo.lnes. and ha now cast hi lot Uh u in Columbia County. The report of the etymologist at the Pullman, (Wath.) College, and the fruit inspector ol King county, wash., mat the recent freeze was not severe enough to destroy pupae of the army worm, ia ol more man ordinary interest to uie rteoole of thi Countv. Tbe first ap- ixtarauce of the pest wa during the last year aud the damage was severe , , . n..ur (o mme ii unco m forlable for the pest, and the best i ; to tie Hoped lor. The Knappa Coal Company 1 rapidly eotiimr its attaint into shape to begin development work on tbe coal prospect near Kuappa, say the Astoria Budget. Durinu iast lew dava a lame number of deed to property in tne uiswici, u keen placed on record and the great bulk If thn dttvnlnnnient stock ba been sold. There ia every indication of a good mer chantable fuel being iouud there in nn.iiiiiiM aulHeientlv lanre to supply the need ol the commerce of tlie Columbia as well aa for manufacturing purpose. It I expected that active work on open ing the vein win o eommtewcu umi tli next lew mourn. Ur fl. if. Plfftfott wa down from Portland Monday, lie stated to u that . lixl hn tnM hv a sentleman uIko up in tho council of the promoter of ! I'ortlanii-Nehaieni-Tillauiook rail- mail nrunosition that the eastern termi nus i to l)e St. Helen. Thi report ntrroonnii.ti vlth a statement made in an article In the Telegram a few day ago, and there may be a smattering of tact about it. All who have inspected it. o.nniiant hnouiuirB facilitie near this city agree tliat none superior exist along the Columbia river. Our boom age and harbor facilities challenge the attention of promoter of such enter prise, and there i very likely a atrong undercurrent oi irum i mo.vj,. When vou affix that little red two-cent atamp to your letter, and niau it to any part of Uncle Sam' domain, be it tor Id in one direction or Nome, Alaaka, you seldom .think what it once cost to send letter In this country. The first law ol Congress fixing rates Of postage wa passed February 20, 17i, and went into effect June 1, 17H2. The charge established fortransmitting letter we Nnt axeuetl iib 30 miles, .i. (iJkp sn and not exceeding 60 a ..nt. or An and not exceed ing 100 n.ilei, 10 cenU. Over 100 and not exceeding 160 miles, 12 W cents. Over in --.I nn Uv.Htinff20 miles. 17 cents. Over 250 and not exceeding SoO miles, 20 Over 350 and not exceeding 450 miles, 22 centa. over eou mum, IIUUBBN. . . . V r 1 1 .... OKmn Attorney W. H. Conyera, of OlaU- k.i. In town Wednesday. Mr. W. E. Elliott and ister visited lWilmid Wednesday W D. Sattertee visited "Kelso, Wash., Thursday. James Muckle, ol roriianu, w. . town Thursday. , . , ' J. L. Lyson, of Kelso, wa in the city Haturday. O. M. Rankinsand wife were visitors to Portland Saturday and Sunday. Deputy Sheriff J. N. Rice was in town Raturdav. f Brave Kxplrrs Like Stanley and LivingHtone, found tt harder to overcome mnlaria, fever and RVurnd typhoid disease germ hen savage cannibals: but thousand have Wl cure tor . - . B. ... b.u,k vou have cuius wiv ""! , ",. ,, of neck and bead and " ; 57i K' R '11'' write.: "My children sum-.e-i for more Uian ayear with chills mid fever; thwi wo boUlc. Of Bleetrlo IMtter. .Mm;. hem." Trvtliei... Uunniiiteed. Hold at tbe St. H'dens I'liai nmcy. - : . CUT WORMS MOT VKAD. Jteoent Creese Mot Enough to Dee troy the Oerm of the rupee. County Fruit Inaiiector C. A. Tonne aon, of Tacoma, who haa been making an inveatiuation, aay the rocent freeze in not killed tlie pupae of the army worm, wbich lent atunmer devastated the cropa in the Puget Hound basin and all up and down the Pueifie Coaat. Mr. TonueBUii May It will take a cold snap tliut will freeze tlie Krouiul at least three inches deep to destroy tlie chrysalis of thi tent. The worm penetrated the ground to depth of two Indie before going into the pupue state, and nn less a bard freeze comes that will kill tlie germ of life In theue pupae in their sub terranean retreats, they will hatch out as a larire moth next sprinu, which will cover vegetables with eggs, that will, in turn, baton out into the army worm ready to imtko sad havoc of everything green. C. V. Piper, entomologiet atMie Pullman Agricultural College, in Wash ington, ia making a special study of this pent witli a view of aticertHining how agriculturists can best meet it inroads on crop. - The chance of tbe pupae surviving through the winter are alto gether too good for the anxious farmer, ita free ws usually follow snow, and the ground beneath this warm blanket ia rarely frozen over an inch deep. On this account Mr. Tonneson and others who have eiven tlie matter thoueht are of tlie opinion tliat the worms will be well housed during tlie coming winter and will make their appearance next summer with ravenous appetite and plenty of bustle. New Plan for Assessing. State Senator Geo rue 0. Brownell ha prepared a bill to be introduced at the next session of tlie- Legislature, provid ing for the election of District Assessor in the voriou Counties to take tbe place of the present County Assessors. The Din provide that these Assessor shall be elected at the general election in June, at the same time other County otneer are elected; also that at toe meeting of the County Court in Janu ary, and whenever thereafter it shall be deemed advisable, as many assessment district within each County a the County Court ibail deem convenient, necessary and proper, shall be estab lished. The appointment of officers shall also be left to the discretion of the Court. District Assessora ahail possess the lame power, authority and preroga tive, and perform the same duties, a are now exorcised and performed by the County Assessors. The bill will require that the district Assessor be elected for term of two vears and that his term of office shall begin on the first Monday in January. The reason that tbe bill pro vides (or the election of district Instead of precinct Assessor ia done so that the let will conform with the requirements of the Slate Constitution. But this bill will verv likely encounter landslide. and be unfortunate enough to be be neath the whole thing. There i one feature about this bill which will recom mend it to the noliticiana. at least: It create that many more offices, wbich, to some people, will heartily recom mend the measure. And there may be other virtue in it, too. The measure wtli very likely be freely discussed, pro and con. FROM YANKTON. The box social given by the Ladies' Aid Society last Saturday evening was a decided success in spite of the weather and brief notice given. More than enough cash wa realized from the sale of boxes to make the final payment on the new organ, we now own a nign raite Kimball organ, the price ot wnicn aa been entirelv raised during the past four months by the united effort of the neighborhood. Much credit i due the successive president of the society, Mr. J. W. Stixtun and Mrs. Or. K. Hjde. lor the enerev with which thi enterprise ba beau pushed to a successful conclus ion in so short a time. To remove a troublesome corn or bun ion; First soak the corn or bunion in warm water to soften It, then pare it down as close a possible with out drawing blood and apply Chamber lain's Pain liana twice aauy; ruoDing vigorously for five mioute at each application. A corn plaster should be worn for few days to protect It from the shoe. Aa general liniment for epraina, bruises, lameness and rbeuma tism, Pain Balm I unequaled. For saje at tbe St. Helena Pharmacy. Odd Advertiaententau An observer of the peculiarities of people copied the following advertise ments from various sources : "Annual aale now on. Dont go else where to be cheated come in here." UA lady want to aell ber piano, as she ia going abroad in strong iron frame." "For sale A pianoforte, the property of a musician with carved leg." "Wanted A room by two gentlemen almnt SO fet lone- and 20 feet wide." "By a respectable girl, her passage to New York ; willing to take care ol cniia ran anil a sood Bailor." "Mr. Hrown, furrier, beg to announce that he will mage op gown, capes, for ladiea out of their own akin." "Bulldog for sale; will eatanythiug; wave triA nt Ahihlrflrl." "Wanted A boy to be partly outalde and partly behind the counter." "Wanted For aummer, a cottage for a small family with good drainage." Loat "ear Highgate, an umbrella belonging to a gentleman with a bent rib and bone handle." . . , ' "Widow in comfortable circumatancea wishes to marry two aon." "To be disposed of a small phaeton, the property of a gentleman with a moveable headpiece as good as new. The laet ia a copy of an Inscription painted on a board which adorned a fence in Kent: - ' "Notie If aty man' or woman' cow get Into, theoe here otea, hi or her tail will be out off a tlie case may be." made ; Aln. "One of Dr. King's New Life Pill each night for two week has put me in my 'teens' again," writes I). H. Turner, of Pempseytoan, Pa. They're the best in the world for liver, stomach and bow Pnrelv wimtable. Never gripe. Only 25 cents at tbe St. Helens Phar- j macy. : j A. J. Deming and son visited Portland Monday. Mrs. Otto Kulper was in town Monday en route to the homestea!, near Bunker hill. Brave woman. The County oflliws and business houses of the oitv, generally, were elosed in ob servance if Tlianfestiving, day. Cnptain and Mrs. Holeoinli, of Port- ! ' ,1ll,,l:ivintf l)av laml, wore nio gur.-io i ir. : " """'" " - j Wo am mliahlv Informed thut the new paper at Rainier, the Uasotte, is to make its formal bow to the public this week. As a local news disseminator and a busi ness venture, we can see no rsaeon why H wvll conducted paper at Rainier should not be very luitcb of a success. Inducement for the Boy. John Dollar, located on the corner of First and Yamhill streets. Portland, has a display of twenty-five different styles and grade of Boys' suits, which are offered a a special inducement from (w cent to $1.50 less than any other (tore in the city. John Dellur know that the boy are bard on ahoes: that' why he Carrie none but good, solid ones, and sells them troin irt cents to 00 cents less than any other store in the city. A big varletv of bovs' cans, reirular 25 and 60- cent values, are offered for 15c, 2oc and 35c. A large aHHortment of boys' waists st 25:and40c, regular 60o and' 75c values. The latest style of sweaters, 50c, 75o, and $1.50. The boys can be very neatiy dressed for a very little sum of moneyby miylng ol John Dellnr., corner r irst and Yamhill streets, Portland, Oregon, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Departroant of Ih Interior. tiSD orrita t Oksuom oitv, Ob , (X-tolwtr 20, 1900. NOTH'K 18 HERRIIY OIVKN THAT THE followliiK-nnmed netller hii fllwl notice of his lnUiutlo.i to miik final proof lu tiiortof tils I'lahii, and that nhI! proof will be made hs (oreilie Koxluler iid Keoelver, at Oregon City urogun, on liM'mtr I, luuo, vl; 1M.NIKI, D. TOMI'KINH, rinrnmlenil enlrjr No. 12,124, for Die northwert H of miction U, townnlilp 4 nortb, range '1 vmt. He unmix the following wUneews to prove ble eoutlnHoue reilenoe upon and cultivation ol naltl land, via: John V. Miller, of Oregon Cltr, Orenon, Albert 1.. Killer of Warren, Ore gon, Byron it. Nichols, ot Portland, Oregon, and Jm'OV H. Tompkins, of Warren, Oregon, oamso ... CUA. B. HUOltKH, Kcgiater. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE Cocstv TnsniKR'sOmcs, ST. hei.kk, ., woTemuer is, lvua. urinAM Cmiiitv Warranto Ooanty, Oregon, wuleh have been preenld and endorsed' "Not Paid for Want ol Fnuci," prior to March SlXh, 1900, will be paid upon pre mutation at thU office. luterext will not be allowed after thin date. KliWlM HOHH, ol7uU) Treaaurerof Colnmbla County, Oregon. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Cnnrt of th Bute of Oregon for the County of Columbia. J. B. Ollluer, Plaintiff, Mra. M. E. Brysnt and C. P. Bryant, Osfend- To Mrs, M. E. Bryant and C. P. Bryant, th above-named (U;fcndRnta. IN THK NAMK Or THK BTATE OF OBEOOM : Yoa are hereby re. i ill red to aiiar and ans wer the complaint 11 led against you in the above entitled action on or before the 1st day of De cember, A. 1). 1WU, aald day being the expiration of six weeks from the lotli day ol October, A. D. 1WXI, tbe date ordered by the Court for the tint publication of this notice, and If yon fail to so appear and answer the plaintiff will take Iudg nient against you for tbe sum of two hundred dollars and interest thereon from the 25th day of July, 1W, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, and the further sum of lllty dollars attorney lee, and tlie routs and disbursements of this action. This summona is published by order of the Hon. T. A. MeBrlde, Judge of the above-entitled Court, made and entered on the 17th day ol October, A. D. 1WI0. oilman nil.TNKB A hi! WALL. Attorneys lor Plaintiff. Reopened to the Public Oriental Hotel; EUGENE BLAKESLEY, : Proprietor. ST. HELENS. Board by Day, Week cr Month At Reasomabli Fiovbb. '. Visitors met at steamer landing and guests baggage looked after. THE OLD STAND ST. HELENS, : i OREGON. ESTABLISHED ....WOO JOHN A. BECK DEALER IN, Diamonds, SilYeri are, ....JEWELRY.... Repairing a Specialty. 107 Morrison 8t. Bet. Front tt First, PORTLAND. Steamer G. W. SHAVER. Leaves Portland, foot at Washington street, lor Clatskaule and way landings, oa Monday aud Thursday at 6:8e a. m. Leaves Clatakanie Tuesday and Friday at 4 o'cloek a m. Shaver Ti asportation Co. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Levea .Portland aa Tweeds, Thursday afid 6at- .. arJaya7 a-in. tat .- , ..fV:;"v- St Hthns, ralttiwa. Cocwtf Pefot, tlamht , fini Ktho, Arriving at Portland Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at u. m. Wharf foot of Salmon 8t B. BdLXAN. Agent. Only the very beet brands of im ported and domestic fine wines, liquors and cigars kept in stock. GYRUS K081E WHISKEY WEINHARD'S BEER. Pool and eard tables for tbe en tertainment of patrons. EUGENE WHITNEY, Prop. y WVM'I'W y auamy ay-a. KtisntesrV.irhwVsrwsrnifnsf a A FOR FOBTLARII, DAILY. 1 H H H "I H M H H H H H M -STeAMEBJ '4America,, n - Willamett Sloagii Route ; r i Leave St. Helens. . .. :30 A M Arrive tit Portland. .10:80 A M Iave Portland 2 :it0 P M Arrive ttt ft. Helens. 6:00 PM rARG a CESt's. ; Will tlarry Notliioi! but Passen grra and I'ast t'toinht. JA.TIKJl OOOIt, irlater. M W'l.lmrinsi nissiii." i, aririi.iiri.iii"w'wiia' " ' ' "' " ; fo resort in the elty of 8t. Hel- R j ; iN ens is near as popular as the S ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICB 18 HRRKBY OIVEH THAT THR uiuleralgned baa been, by the Hon. County Judge lor Columbia County, State of Oregon, appointed adminlKtrator ol the eiitate ot Maria Went, deeeaacl. Any and ail penraua bavlng cUlua aiiulust s,iM estate are Jtre rwmlred to preaeut the aain to me at my resilience at Meappoone, Oregon, within alx montha from the date hereof. Imted November stli, lwn). HAKHY WKST, A1mlulitrator of tbssaUleoi Maria Went, de ceased. , NOTICE rORJPUBLICATION, Department of the Interior. Lai Oriwt At OasuoM CiTr, Oa.. Octotier 20th, 11)00. NOTICB 18 HEKKKV GIVICN THAT THK foriowing-liumeil !tt!er haa flM notleo of hl Intention to make dual proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will lie made be fore the Kwlsler and Kecelver at Oregon City, Oregon, on tircemlwr 4th. 1WK), viz: 8AMUKL . HAPFHTr, Homestead entry No. ll, for the wr-st y, of the northwest ! an.l aoutheaat of northwest '4, mid sotithwent of uorthenai f eeitlon 20, township S north, range S a eat. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous reslileuee "I"'" and cultivation of aald bind, tit: Thos. O. Meacham, ol Bailo na, Oregon, Jw b Nchllcht, hmmnJ Hipp and Wmi. Oregg, of Moiiutalu J'ate, Oregon. o2SniW CIIAri. II. MOOKKii Ueglster, Timber Land, Act June fl, ixm. NOTICE FORPUBLICATION. Dstrro Status Lsbd Orrtcs, ORKjog ClTV. Oregon, October '2. 1900. NOTICE 13 1IKKEBY OIVKN THAT IN COM pliance with the provisions of the act ot Congress of June 8 1H78, entitled "An act for the tale of timber lands In the mates ol Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Wsshington Terri tory," aa extended to all the Public fond H tales by eetol Angus!, Wl, Walter W. Webster, ol Buxton, County ol Washington, State of Oregon, haa Ih la day tied in this ollice bis sworn state ment No. fiaos, for the purchase of the southeast i of section Hi, In township No. 4 north, range So. a west, and will offer proof to show that the 'ftivifi th at Til. 'and sought la more valtial.le for Its timber or ol rCinmii'ta an "a fnr agricultural purposes, and toes irrants of Co ilitnil la tHbli,n hu) to said land before the Hegla- tmr and kAPjiivrof this office at OreiroD t'lty. Or egon, on Tuesday, the Sth day of January, lsui. : He names aa witnesses: Robert T. kiimpson, Al- I bert 9. Webster, William B. Lonsignout, Kobert Kuhe, allot Buxton, Washington woumy.ure- 5 on. Any persun claiming adversely the abova escrlbel lauds are requested to tile their clalma In this ottice ou or before said Sth day of Janu ary, MOI. CHAH. B. MOOBK9, stegisler. LIQUOR LICENSE PETITION. To th Honorable County Court of Colombia County, Oregon: .... , We, the undersigned legal voters, residing In Ooble precinct, Columbia County, Oregon, would MH.naftr.illw Million vour honorable bodv at ita next regular session, which will be held on the tb day of January, 1901, in the Court House, in the City of Ht. Helens, Columbia County, Blale of Oregon, that a license be granted to O. K.. Hunter to sell apirltuous, vinous and malt liquors In quantities less than one gallon, In Goble Drecinct. in said County aud Bute, and that said license be gt year, for all of which ranted fur a Derlod of one i your petitioners will ever nrv: w K Hunter. KOarar fcnyan, rnos raw- son, a C jHqntn. F Bruman, W A Blood, i Bur tm.uwruiur. wrn n oesuics, sbuiwi;, John Ulllem, F W Maklnaier, a C Fowler, Vic tor Farer, H Blake, i Cuester, A Neer. K Uv irtgston. J M Fowler. H U Fowler, L Bradley, M Tiradley, Frauk Welter, H tt'aid, Christopher Hasina, Joseph Lawrence. C P Anderson, Wal terliunler. Bolt Havard, John Munso't, H Rteh man, James Moriarty, R L Ptcroa, C w Miller, C Horen, K W Fowler, J D'snaln, 8 K Butt. Joe Schmidtmeln, B Wayyler, Jay Archibald, John Fare, Rosa Jtnyart, reter noesay, i nos uay, si Link, P U Filer, E V ButU, C 0 Fowler, Georire Foster jr. O V Melville. WUliam Thoiuaa, N Balison, D J Fulton, A Link, C Krautke, OW Pltsenbenrer. J C Monroe. Jae Unsslamnd, I M dpencer, Frank Cleaver. ' PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. To the Honorable County Court of Colombia County, Oregon: we, tne unnersignea legal voters ivbiuiuk iu Ooble Preclnet Columbia County, State of Ore- ron. would respei'tfally petition your Honor- auie iKJuy at lis tujwuiucu tv.iu, .un.u w... w held on the 16th day of December, 1900, in the Court House in the city ol rit Helens. Columbia County, btate ol Oregon, that a license be granted to John Burbee to sell spirituous, vin aaiourueu term, wu hirh Will be ous ana mail liquors IU quautlties less tuau gallon, in Ooble Precinct, In aald County and State, and that aald license be granted for a period oi one year, for all of which we will ever pray: J Chester. R L Pierce, D C Crow, J H Kothwell, Guv 8mlth, G 8 Foster, O C Ja qnlsh. O K Hunter, Wm 8 Burdlck, Waller Hunter, I M Bpeneer, John Olllem, J Camp bell, M Link, Jay P Archibald. Bolt Havard, Wm Connor, R w Fowler, J M Fowler, J M Lindsay, Jas Kennedy, Jake Mluer, Wm Pur long, Oeorge Yates, Geo N While. Walter Un derwood, Bill McOlls, C. Hoven, Charles Link, Allen N Fogle, Geo Gale, J Despain, V Wacho wiak, C H Gore, W Miller, H W Jurks, Carl Gua taiaou, Jas McNaughton, U A Mccormick, A 8 Porter, R Champion, H gtennlck, T Wasser, Emlle W saner, Avery Miller. George Clark, J Wallace, John Shea, PatClttfTy, John Whitney, C R Melville, O J Melville, O c Fowler, Peter Hoven, Alex Nichols. Victor Purer, W X Hun ter, M Blake. W A Blood, D J Fulton. . SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon, for Columbia Coantv. John Fair, Plaintiff, vs. I t.KI War 1V.fAMl4.n4. nerrde To Libbie'Farr, the above-nametWefendant: IN THE NAME OF THK BTATaVOr OslBtiWn: You are hereby required to -appear and an swer the complaint filed against you, on the 25th day of October, A. D. W00, la the above-entitled suit in the above-named Court, on or before the 21st day of December, A. D. Wot), which Is the time prescribed in the order of publication ol this summons for you to so appear and answer, and if yon fail to so appear and answer said complaint within said time, the plaintiff will apply to the Court lor the relief doniauded in the eomplaint aforesaid: to-wit: Forthe disso lution of the tionds ot matrimony, now and heretofore existing between yon and the above named plaintiffupon the groundsel the desertion for more than one year immedlaUdy preceding .the commencement of this auil, by you from PlThis semmoes Is published In theOasooH Mist, pursuant to an order made by the Hon. J. B. Doan, Judge ol the County Court of said Col umbia County, Oregon, dated the Sth day of November A. V. 1900, in the absence from said rv,tv ni the Judra nl said circuit Court. The .dale of the first publication of this snnimous ia November Sth. A. 1. WOO, and uie last puouea tlon lser wUi be December 14th. A. a., tstie. 8. H. Grubks, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county or voiumma. Tbe First National Bank of Portland, Plaintiff, vs. Daniel Hollon, Defendant tktuk NAM K O THK Sr ATE OF OKKGON. I you are hereby required to appear and ans wer to the complaint died herein uaainst you in the above-enttuea tjouri ana caum, on or (ore the ' day of November, 1900, thai heine the date fixed in tbe order of publication of summons for your appeamnoa or answer, and it you fail so to appear or answer to the complaint the plaintiff will apply to the Ceurt lor the re lief prayed for in his complaint, which Is: 1. That the plaintiff have Judiriuent against said defendant, Daniel Holton, lor the sum ol 19,668.90, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 1st day ol Novem ber, istt, and the further sum ol M0 attorney a fee; for the further Bum of S48.18 paid by plaint iff on account ol taxes aud In redemption from tax sales upon the real property, hereinafter described, aud Cor its oosU aud disbursements In this suit. . . . , , 2. ForadeereeforeclosinBaoertammort(raB br von exeouled to Henry Flet'ltenstein and S, Julius Mayer, partners by the firm name of Fieokensteln at Mayer, recorded In the woeids of mortBaaes of Columbia County. Oregon, Nt vemberlrd, 1892, at pee Sol book "O ' which said mortaaire has heretofore been, nn the Awl day ol December, 189a, sold, assigned and de livered to the First National Bank ol Portland, plaintiff herein, by said Henry FleckensU-in and 8. Julius Mayer, partners as aforesaid, said mortgage being upon the aerelnaller-deaeribed real property. . , . For a decree, adjudging the moneys dne niaiutlft and for which Indgineut la herein I prayed to be a lien upon all the following te- seriueti " ' .iiuc... w , , ., the north h.ilf of section twonty-seyen (J7), and uixihudnunriflr of the northeast quarter of section twentyeight (), In township four (4) north, range two (J), weat of the Willamette. meriitian, containing iwo nuuure,, au.w, or less, lying and situate lu. the County ol Co lumbia, kate of Oregon. ..... 4. For a decree foreclosing the right, title and Interest which the defendant to this suit has la or to the real property hrelbe(orereserlhed, .iiH.,.,iir ih. sate of said real urooertv. the proceeds thereof to be applied tn payment; the amount due aud which may be adjudged plaintiff lu thla suit; ana mat paimm nave judgment and execution against said defendant, Daniel Holton. lor any deticiency that may re main after applviug all the proceeds of said sale ol real property applicable to the satisfaction of said Judgment, aud lor such other and fur ther relief as to the Court may seem meet aud etinltanie. This summons Is served upon you by p1 Uon bv order made by the above-entitled abl lea- Court, to-wit: the circuit uourt or me mate oi uitkuh, for the County of Columbia, on the loth day of October, WOO, which directs tbe publication thereof tn Ths OasuoM Wist, a nevmwper oi general circulation, printed and published at St. Helens, Oregon, once each week tor alx sno eeiwlve weeks, the first publication ol this sum mons being in ths Issue ot saw paper oi tne "tn o( October, 1900, aud the last publication thereof being iu the issue ol said newspaper of Uie '!rd of Novemlier, 1W. . . HOI.I'tl, MALLORY. SJMOK A OKARW, Altornoya lor Plaintiff. St.;HeIeos;Pharm DR. CDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. i It; ,? : I Jl j Prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded at any hour of the day or night. Orders by mall for medicine will receive prompt attention. PAINTS, OILS, PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. ..St. Helens ST. HELENS. DBNTISTRY. BEGIRTEE ED DENTIST Long experience. All kinds of fine dent al work done in a neat, durable niannw by latest up-to-date method. Only the very best of materials used, and this combined with skill and ex nriAnpA rrivea von tha verv beat results. Your teeth are examined free and a conscientious verdict given, thn yonr teeth and exactly what it will cost yoa to nave your wora aone, ana yon can rely on getting what Is agreed upon. You need havo no fear of having sound teeth crowned or filled just to get your money. Extracting and tilling done painlessly by a simple method. Gold Crowe, $5.00; White Crowns, $5.00; Bridge Work, $.5.00; Gold Fill ings, $1.00 up; Amalgam Fillings, 76 centa op; Cement Fillings, 60 c. eCUJ. CELLULOID AMD MLLUMINb'M PLATES. Teeth extracted free (painlessly) when teeth are made. Warm, plesa antroom. Lady attendant. Appointment made by mail. Boom 60 and 61, Washington Building, Southeast Corner 4th and ash ington Streets, 5th Floor, Portland. Take elevator. Quality and Yariety Are two very Important feature to take into consideration when one goe to procure article for everyday use and consumption. To our hoet of patron we are pleased to say we haye QUALITY, VARIETY AMD QDAliTITY. Oar Urge and select stock affords tlie Intending pur chaser splendid opportunity to (tat tbe best bargains onerea GROCERIES, DRY Furnishing eoode, hardware, tinware, " J . . .... . 1 .1 blankets, o.. ciotning, ieea, nour, gmucu roouo, s- - garden implements, and dairy supplies, etc. etc. COLLINS & GRAY, THE PEOPLES' aY.ZnC5JAF.TS. Goods Exchanged for Produce. , Seasonable Goods At our store meac that we keep eomftsmtiy for sale a varif-v and utility of merchandise which at all time is euiUUle to to' niand ol all well-living people. Wecatertoall ctafcD LOGGER, FARI1ER, EERCHAIIT. -General Merchandising Is-our especial business, and we bave held tbe fort by-offering a high qualtty of goods at low -quality prices. We handle Household Necessities SuppTie for evervliody and to meet all demands. "We invite examination of our goods and guarantee satisfaction as to price and quality. Now is the time to call on : - JXIkMlF ; MlaJOKIE;.!:.; . POPULAR DEALERS. ST. HELENS, - - OIiE(JON. of to I .....JOHNSnrJ & QUFICDORFER crsos t ' " )'. ''- : - i OMamifactnrersol and Dealers In o . p ...All Rinds of Rcg!i and Dressssl LuiTihr... j rioorlna;... llaatlci ...Crillnfr KO ...Dluienaloa Lumber... BOAPPOOSR. "" Drugs, Chemicals J and Perfumery, Toilet Articles, School Books,School Sup plies, Stationery, Etc .... CLEVELAND 5 COTTAGE COLORS. Pharmacy.. " - OREGON on yon know the exact condition of i PAINLESS EXTRACTING in uiia vicinity. GOODS, CLOTHIEG, paints, oils, glass, crockery, cuttlerj , . l .. .. ....... I rtM.I ST HELENS, OREUUIM. DOCD ROAO TO THE MILL. Mill oa south li.rk of scuivpiiose oreek.four I miles from Kcajiptxwe stHtun. j l.unilwrrlvlivvrcd at s-aiMKicwe statlun or Jolilison's liiiKlinir l ti.W psr M, extta. At! Vt urren station, l.;ii. s ' - . - . 01tii;f