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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1900)
aW ' U V i"1 M ! a"! at aHa W W-e . at1 aa UuJU It ! a well-known fact that Lydia K Pinkham Vegetable Cean pound ku cured mora woman than anr other re mad r. I therefor must be tha beat poMibl medioin for festal Ula, But mom mora make tha mistake Of thinking that they wiU try aomc thiuf alee, aianply because it la new. That mistake la often a fatal one fatal to tha health and happiness of tk experimenter. Ia It not foolUh to risk the possible result of aueh experiments? fa it not better to depend upon ft medicine whloh baa been tried eucoeeefully for thirty year, and which haa never been found wanting:? Do not therefore let aajr on perauaae 70a to try some thing; which they aay ia just aa rood. It cannot be Just as rood. Mrs. Pink ham's Compound ia the best, and there can be only one beat. . This ia not a mere assertion, bnt U a poeatire fact, admitted by hundreds of regular physicians. JRely on your own common sense, nd Mrs. Pinkbam's life-Ions; esperi nca, and yon will make no mistake. Iton't experiment with voor health. but take ft medicine that yon knew is rood, and ia backed by such letters aa ineao to Air, ruaknam : a Ovarian Troubles Always Yield to Lydla E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Corn pound "I had been in poor health for twenty years, havinr inflammation of ovartea and womb uooble. Although treated by physicians, I could not rain vrenrth nor do my work, and waa so Mw-spirtteel and tired of life. A friend adTiasd ma to take Lydia E. Pink ham Vegetable Compound. The first bottle) strengthened ma, and 1 wrote to yon. After taking ix bottles can say that I am well and can even do my own washing. "Una. M. W. MllXKR. No. IMS Canal Street, New Orleans, La. For ethree years ! suffered with ovarian trouble, having inflammation and aa abscess on riff lit orarv. Bad such pain in my back and head, and at tunas was unable to walk. Had sev eral doctors, but they did not do me much good. One doctor said that I would have to have aa operation and have tha ovary removed. I became discouraged and gave np all hopes of wmwug weu. 1 oeraa la log Lydia B. Pinkhas'a Vegetable Compound. I wrote to Mrs. Pinkham and followed her directions faithfully, and am bet tor than 1 have been for three years. I have taken ten bottles, and my friends arc surprised at my rapid im provement.'' Mas. W. H. V AX.THKS, Cold Spring Harbor, U L, N.T. Suppressed and Painful Periods Cured by Lydia Em Pinkbam's Vegetable Compoundm " I was thin, sallow and nervous. I had not had my menses for over year and a halt Doctored with several physicians in town and one specialist, but did not get any better. I finally decided to try your medicine, and wrot to yoa. After I had taken three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable Compound and three of Blood Purifier, my menses returned, and I feel aa well and strong aa I ever did, and am gaining flesh." Miss Lb. QAimca, Viaalia, Tulare Co., CaL "Before taking the Vegetable Com pound 1 was troubled with irregular menstruation, and suffered great agony. My physician rave me mor phine, and I remained io bed. I doc tored eight yeara and got no relief, and the doctors told me there was no relief for my trouble. Finally I tried Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable Compound. While taking the first bottle I felt that I waa improving. 1 have taken seven or eight bottles, and never had anything to do me so much good. Every month my troubles have grown less and less, and now at this time I am cured." Eu-A QunrsET, Ma 82 Stage Street, Haverhill, Mass. Daokaobe and Womb Troubles Suooumb to lydia Em Pinkbam's Vege table Compoundm "I have been for ten year an in valid with female weakness, and the torture and pain I suffered no tongue ean tell. I never spent one week in the ten years that I wss free from pain., My trouble was inflammation and congestion of womb. When I commenced to take your remedy I had been bedfast for some time under the treatment of two of our best physi cians without receiving any benefit You can imagine the benefit J de rived from Lydia E. Pinkham Vege table Compound when I tell you that I have gained forty pounds and am well thing I never dared to expect." Mas. C. E. Folasid, Monett, Mo. For ft Bomber of years I was troubled with backache and Ieueor rhosa. I became so weak and miser able that I could not attend to my work or studies. .- The least effort would completely exhaust me. Physi cians failed to help me. I felt that my youth waa blighted, and the life before me wouid be one of suffering and misery. Then a friend insisted on m taking your medicine. Before I had used one bottle I was rreatlv relieved. I had not known a well day for four year, but now I feel better than I have since a child, and it Is all due to Lvdis E. Pinkham Vegetable Compound. Miss Mat B. 8txvsho, Alliance, O. FJrSm Pinkham has Fifty Thousanu such Letters TIKE 1TT0DAT. Pon't put off lik ing the iHlfi treatment. Tk It toeUi. It Is I hi eniy eiire ror sifohoiimn end drus addictions tend for primed matter lust tells about it U THE KEEICY INSTITUTE 314 Sixth Street PORTLAND - - OREBOA DROPSY 10 OAKS' TKUTHEnT FRU. iy Esveiisss Drepr y tyd its een) "-A sousvjuiii vitw.siij tor J": -W TVaXS WUD Bolt WflBBBFIli f , 11 tuoeus. Esvsetrsdnuuiitiuus- C -" a ttsanri90ri, Wf fTimk P B I, ' Atlssta, Sa. t Ci'itti W"tftt Ail fci.: UtiS, toiisb rug. Ttuim GooO. cub .,.ii..H-J. y ..-'-.afcaa ti Si HIAUTHY TON! OP TRAOE. )alaea lies fet Serleitelf AeTaelad relltle. Bradstreet's says: Despite srtm ir regularity both at to demand and prices, do partly to warm rainy weather, bat Uktit ft reflection of hesitancy to embark largaly In hew business, pending political svents, tha general tonsol trad is a favorable one. and confidence aa to th outlook for business in the remainder of the yesr is notable. S-omm diminution in the volume of jobbing business is noted at large Western eeuters, anrl continued rainy wea'ber in the Northwest alike checked the movement of wheat to mar ket, injures the rrsde of the same, and discourages retail and jobldng dintrt button. Ten cent cotton Is the key to the very favorable report which tome from th Sooth and the character of re ports from this section it more nearly favorable than for many years past at this Urns. The indisposition to contract heavily at to the future is perhaps most marked In the iron and steel trade and here, also, the most marked tendency toward weakness in thi cruder formt of pro duction is noted. The Industrial outlook bat been im proved by the signing of the tiuplate scale, but the anthracite coal situation to, on the surface at least, ratbtr more unfavorable than week ago. mora mines and miners being idle and pro duction steadily diminishing. Special strength ia noted in provis ions and hoc products, in which tha very strong statistical position is re ceiving more attention. Wheat, including flour, shipments lor the week, aggregate 4,459, 1ST bush els, against 4,24:1,810 bnshela last week. Business failure in the United States for the week numbered 1T7, as against 169 last week. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. SaatUe BukMs. Onions, new, 1 .'40. Lettuce, hot house, 1 per crata. Potatoes, new, (IS. Beets, per sack, 85c (3 9 1. Turnips, per sack, 7 So. Beans, wax, 4c Squash 4o. Carrots, per sack, $1.00 : Parsnips, per sack, $1.95. Cauliflower, native, 7 So. Cucumbers 10 30c Cabbage, native and California, Jo per pounds. Tomatoes 30 8 50". Butter Creamery, 96c; dairy, 16(3 19c; ranch, 16o pound. EkS oo. Cheese 13e. Poultry 12c; dressed. 14e spring ' ' 13915c. Hay Paget Sound timothy. $11.00 13.00; choice) Eastern Washington timothy, $19.00. Corn Whole, $33.00; cracked, $25; teed meal, $25. Barley Boiled or ground, per ton, $20. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50; blended straights, $8.35; California, $3.26; buckwheat flour, $6.00; rra ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat flour, $3.95; rye flour, $3.80(84.00. MUlstnffa Bran, per ton, $13.00; shorts, per ton, $14.00. Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton; middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00. Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef steers, price 1 Jso; cows, 7c; mutton TH; pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 90 11c. Hams Large, 13c; small, 13 Ji; breakfast bacon, 13c; dry salt sides, reitlaaa starhat. ; Wheat Wall Walla. 65 56c; Valley, 59c; Bloeatem, 59c per bushel. Flour Best irradet, $3.10; grahaui, $2.50. Oats Choice white, 42o; choice gray, 40e per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $15.00015.60; brewing, $16.00 per ton. Mil la tuffs Bran, $14.50 ton; mid dlings, $20; shorts, $16; chop, $15 per ton. Hay Timothy, $12(1 13; clover,$7 7.50; Oregon wild hay, $6(97 person. Butter Fancy creamery, 46 g 65c; store, 30c. Eggs 20o par dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c, Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c per ponnd. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.60(3, 8.60 per dozen; bent, $4.00; springs, $2.003.00; geese, $6.00(38.00 doz; ducks, $3.00(35.00 per dozen; turkeys. live, 14o per pound. Potatoes 40 (3 55o per sack; sweets, 1 e per pouna. vegetables Beets, $1 ; turnips, $1; per tack; garlio, 70 per pound; cab bage, 9c per pound; parsnips, 85c; onions, $1; carrots, $1. Hops New crop, 12,lic pet pound. Wool Valley, 1516o per ponnd; Eastern Oregon, 10 13c; mohair, 25 per pound. Mutton Gross, best theep, wethers and ewes, 8c; dressed mutton, 7c per ponnd. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $6.75; light and feeders, $5.00; dressed, $6.006.60 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $3.60(34.00; cows, $3.00(gS.60; dressed beef, 60 7o per pound. Veal Large, 6 1 Me; small, 81? 8c per pound. mm Praaeiaee Marks. Wool Spring Nevada, 11 13c pea ponnd; stern Oregon, 1014e; Yal ley, 16(3 18c; Northern, Bg 10c. Hop Crop, 1900, 1361140. Patter Fancy creamery 88c; do seconds, 2627)4c; fancy dairy, 25c; do seconds, 23c per pound. Eggs Store, 38c; fancy ranch, B3o. Millstufft Middlings, $18.00 (ft 32.00; bran, $15.509 16.60. ; Hay Wheat $8 1 2 ; wheat and oat $8.00(310.10; beet barley $0.00 alfalfa, $6.60 7.60 per ton; straw, 2537c per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 80(8 76c; Sa linat Burbankt, 70c (g $1.05; Titer Bur banks, 30 65c; new. 75cg$1.25. Citrus Fruit Orangea, Valencia. $3.76(33.25; Mexican limes, $4.003 6.00; California lemons 75c$1.60; do choice $1.76(32.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1,603 1.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom inal; Persian data. 6 &i Ko twr pound. NEW YORK'S WATER. torn Fin-are that Will Ames 1 heir fCRornioaaHa. In ISS2 the stomjiu capacity from Cro- tou dual (Crotuu hike aud reservoir), the uatuial inuls of lit sy.uiu, aud the old reservoirs was W,&XJ,UOO.OUO gal luua, Croton lake boldluk- la reserve but half a billion of this. Now four new reservoirs, Sodom and Bub brook, Tltlcus, Carmel and Ania- walk, bold for future ueeils at auy hour 32,lHt,tHKi,lK( gallon more. The stor age reservoir in Outiiil Park baa In reserve over a billion, sod Hroux sys tem reservoirs 8,5uo,ooo,utio tuor stored up, not against a ntluy day, but s KU lust a 8wre salon of dry ones. The new Crotou dam, tl Cornell dam. as It is odlolnlly called, will store luarvelouMlr in addition. A atone wall 2iH feet high clones one eud of a nar row valley. The water will com against this aud baik up the valley, tiibuieiglng lowlund after lowland Into one giKHUtic lake, liigulliug old Crotou lake, covering over the old dam. All the rivers of t lie Crotou system will flow Into It. and both the old aud , the new aituetliH-ts will be Its outlets. i It will "bfk water1 up among the hills sixtwn miles from Its duiu, wip ing out the sites of three old villages, aud will increase the storage capacity two-thirds, briuglug it to 7tl,OH,OiJ0,000 gnllons, addiug Itself 30,000,000,000. With these resources and these great ly Increased opportunities of storing up a huge reserve of water against evil timet of drought. It may be au occasion of surprise that the near future will certainly need additions on a larger acale than ever before. The explauntloo It to be found In a , few illuminative figures. The demands of New York for water have Increased beyond all anticipation and calculation, j In 1880 the city was using KIO.OOO.OOO a day; In the winter of 1S09-1U0O It i used, according to official records, 255,- 000,000 gallons. The hour when New York will call for 300,000.000 gallons day It near at band; In fact, it tk said It will be reached In a year or a little more. Munsey's. HIS JUDGMENT WAS WRONG. Hound that Tried to Whin AU loa-a la th Neighborhood. the Sooner was a waif, or, more correct ly speaklug, a soldier of fortune. No! oue knew bis antecedents. He bad dragged himself Into Hogarth's yard one day, worn out and exhausted after a long run on the trail of a buck. There! "wag no telling bow far lie bad come, as 1 a fast hound will cover many miles in j a day, and keep it up for two or three :daJ's - But he oaJ driven the buck into ' the lake, and the Hogarth boys bad killed it; therefore they treated the dog well, and as be liked the place he re mained aud became one of the house hold. The time Sooner discovered be had fighting blood in his veins marked'an epoch in bis life. He overestimated bis ability. It Is true, and suffered In con sequence. A new settler moved Into that part of the country and estab lished himself about six or seven miles from Hogarth's. Regarding the size it bis family, he wag far behind Ho garth, but when it came to dogs it was simply a walkaway. Several breeds were reprenented in bis collection, but the "yaller dog" predominated. Sooner undertook to clean out the entire crowd alone and unaided. It ; was something of an undertaking, and I he siient six out of seven day a In the hospital while the war was on. "He doesn't seem to be much of a fighter," I remarked to Hogarth one day when the subject was under dis cussion. "Ob. he kin fight all right," Hogarth replied; "it's bis Jedgment what's wrong. Sooner't a fust-rate fighter, but he's a dern poor Jedge of dorgs." He was game though, and stuck at It until be bad conquered each one of the new dogs in turn, with the excep tion of a huge brlndle bulldog. With j this dog be employed strategy. He bowed down before him and addressed him with smooth words and made friends with him, and then one day be enticed him over to his own home, and all the dogs there pitched on the brin die bull and hilf killed him. Sooner became more blase than ever after this achievement. It so plainly showed his superiority to all the rest of dog crea tion. This fighting trait wot unusual In hound, for as a rule they are peace ably Inclined. It served to accentuate the fact that Sooner was not like other flogs. A Memory of School Days. Sometimes s feller's mind goes on in et cspade that's wild And frUks bark o'er the years when be was nothin' mor n s child; The days when with bis spellin' book McGuffy drove one sick. An' Wblte gave bitter doses in his third part 'rithmetic. When dnk snd dew's a falliu' and the work that filled the day I'm restln' from, my memory jes travels back that way. An lingers longest with a vision time can ne'er destroy The freckle-faced divinity I worshiped when a boy. Her face wss pure, each featnre stamped with innocence, forsooth, An yet t call ber pretty . would be stretchin' of the truth; Though I dreamed all night full often of her check, sun tanned snd brown, Her stsrehed-stiff ping suobounet and her ruffled gingham gown. The little girls of these days never have such pansy eyes. An' Up have lost the way t' frame such soft an' sweet replies As those I heard when rambling with, in happy-hearted joy. The freckled-faced divinity I worshiped when a boy. I plucked the first wild rotes of the spring for ber to wear. An' helped to braid tbe blossoms of the orchard in ber bair; I stood ber knight an' servitor through boyhood day the span An' belli her in my heart until I'd grown to be a man! But here's a truce to memory, since lati tbe hour grows, Upstairs to bed I softly steal, to dreams snd sweet repose. An kins my wife good-night, she who has been life uearext joy, The freckle-faced divinity I worshlued as a boy. Detroit Free 1'rens. Man's inhumaulty to man enables tbe policeman to draw hit salary. 0: Tor bvtntyflvt Yasrt sa liuplrinj InfUwact la th Mom. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY. SUBSCRIPTION. $1.75 A YEAR, New Subscription Offer for 1901. r?IIOSE who subscribe before November lit, tending $1.7 with this slip or th name of this publication, will receive lbs nine November and Decern bet numbers of The Conpsnioa Free, and thea th 5 weekly issues of tha paper to January 190a. Tola offer includes th gift of The Companion's " Puritan Gill " Calca dai foe toot a souvenir of rare and lasting beauty. ; F t Full Amwuneetmnt f Ccmtrlfcirtet and Contributions' eefef hr th aw volume will be sent Free to an address with nemols coev of in paper coMeintog Rous' artlcl, The Youth's Companion, It it a very great thing to be able to bear the abeense of both human and Divine consolation, and fur the lov of God cheerfully to accept inward deso lation, and never to seek or retluot upon one's deserts. DON'T OCT rOOTtOUK. 0T FOOT- BASK. A powder. At this season vnnr feet feel swollen, nervous and uncomfortable. If ymt bare (martin fret or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Kane. It rests and comfort'; makes walking rav. Cures swollen and sweannc feet, b islers and callous snots. Keheves corns and bunions of all pain and i a rertnin cure for I'hilhlains, (Sweating, I lump or Proved Feet. We have over 30.- 0)(O testimonials, llou't get footsore gft Foot-rase. Trv it today. Hold bv all druggists and shoe stores for 26c. Trial packiiK raitc. Address, Aileu a. Olm sted, L Hoy, N. V, Every one carries his destiny in bit own bosBom. Fate ia the deepest cur rent of one't nature. Th Best Prescription fee Malaria Chills and Fever it a bottle of Grove't Tasteless Chill Tonic. It ia simply iron aud quinine in a tasteless form No Cure. So Pav. Price 50o. Ibe Spirit of Cbirst, when it enters the mimi, destroys sulrlshnots and makes ns feel that every human being hat a claim upon us. Heathen religions give os view of men seeking after God, bat the Chris tian religion gives ut view of God seeking after men. There is store Catarrh la this section of th eountrf tbso all other diseases put tngfthrr, ani until the lest lew years waa supposed to be incuraote. ror a sreet aianr Tears doctors pre. Bounced It a local disease, a'nd prescribed local remedies, and br eoastanilv failitia to enre with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Bclcnce has proven catarrh to be aconxttto. tional dleae, and therefore reqn ires eonstlln. tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh (Mire, man. u'avtareil by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is ibe only constitutions! cureoti the market. It is taken iiuemally in torn (rom 10 drop to . reasuooniui. it acis airectiy on uie oinoa nd mucous surfaces of tha svhtem. Thev offer one hnndred dollsrs lor any cane It falls to eure. bend for circulars snd testlninnlftlt. Alt dress, K. J. ( II K.NE V A CO., Toledo. O. fMd by DniirnlnH. 7Sc. Bali's Family Pills are the best. A new pnpil in a Brooklvn school wat asked his uhiiib. "Jules," ans wered the little fellow. " You should y Julius -not Jolet." noggested the. teacher. ".Now." she said, addressing nother small bov, name?" "Billioot," wst the prompt response. it otliera will find Mm Wiiil,,'. KIK. tng Hvrnp the best remedy to use for thrtr shildreu during the teething period. We have it from a certain Eastern authority that the very ttrongest drink- era are often not able to raise the price of di ink. - TO CURE A COLD IN UXt IMT Take Laxative ISrotno Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tbe money if it fails to cure. E. V. Grove't tig nature is on each box. 25c. Vegetable! that have been iligtbly touched by the front may often be re stored by soaking in cold water. 'ihe Kind You Have Always IM..I.....I 1 ..I. n 1111 iimunu -'i 'in n mi j.. . y"""- renircr, uuu juts vcvn iniMie unur ills perwoital aupcrviKlon for over 30 year. Allow no one to deceive you in this. CounterfVlfji, Imltutlotia and ...lV"a???l! Ejperlmenta. anil endanger the health of Children Experience ajjalnnt Expcriineut. c What is CASTORIA Cantorl i a liarmlca aubstltute for Cantor Oil, rare. irorle. Drop and 8fMthiiiff 8yriipaj. It is l'leaaant. Jt contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other JNarcotlo MibMteince. Itsatre is its truarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverhjhneaa. It cures Diarrhoaa ttnd Wind m1? ;eUcvcs J'ceth nn; Troubles, cures Conatlputloni and Hattileiiev. It OHNimilates the FoimI, refrulates the Htomaeh 1 and lsowcls, arlvfiin; liealthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's l'ricud. The Kind You Hare Always Bought JJear tue M In Use For Over 30 Years. tm siNTaue eaMeane. tr siuanav DOU YOU WANT YOUR SON EDUCATED FOR A tAUHlLh AND KX VCNTII STllSJIH, PORTLAND, OREQOX, W.leul. ftSQd lor our New Illuti-steil.'atlofu. iiipanion ..Boston, Mass. According to tli. clouz Indian weather propbeta it's going to be a hard winter. The prediction art) bailed on th fact that the buffalo grass thowt a heavy oiop of seeds which tha redskins declare is a tur tlgo of ft sever winter and deep snow. Stop t ft Oough mud Work Oil th Cold. Laxative firomo-Quinlna Tablets cur a cold in one day. No our, No Pay. Price 85 cant. Do not compel child to at that against which its palate protests; it it an unkindnett, and may product) evil results. Seeaail Attacks of Typhoid Fever. The idea it that, at on attack of it pboid gives immunity front a second, temporarily, if not lasting, immunity might be acquired by inoculation with an attenuated dost of the poison. But one attack of typhoid does not give immunity from ft seooud, tayt Or. T. J. Maolagan in th British Medical Jonrual. f-eeond attacks of typhoid are at common aa by the ordinary doo trine of chances, tbey ought to be; more common, fur instance, than sec ond attack of pueuomnia, in about th same proportion that first attacks are more common, if one attack of the fully developed disease doe not give immouity, he concludes, inoculation with an attenuated dot of tha poison can scarcely be expected to do to. I'iso't Cur for Consunintion it tn infal lible medicine for coughs and colds.--N. n . BAHfsi,, Uceau Uruve. N. 1.. Feb. 17. WUO. Byron Brenan, the English consul at rihungbai, hat spent 84 years in China, where at long ago at 1806 he wat ap pointed a ttudeut interpreter. Carter's Ink lias the endorsement of the 1' oiled Starrs covermiient and of all I lie leading railroads. Want any mora evi dence? - Mure Hrllllaat Thaa th (aa. Prof. Himon Newconili, writing ol tur which are to distant that they hitve no measurable pur I lux, remarkt that oue of these, the brilliant Canu V0' cun l "' wltl confl.lencft te be sun. ; '00l) "met brighter than the What is your i Whether wa Should say 30,000, 10, - f non t. 0110 a .. 11. n-. 1 ul i u" "u" c"" u"-i"i ine mnv niBKuiiuoe stars, nigei sou riilca, also are at an iuijiieusorable distance, and must, in view of their actual brightness, euormoualy outshine tli tuu. Scieuce. Flrat Kssvs to th Chines. One ol the greatest Chinese discov eries was a kind of iron ore which at tracts iron the magnet. Then they found that a bar of magnetic iron set free always points to the north. That it the marinor't compass, without which travel at tea would be almost impossible. They were th first oile to dig canalt ana to fiud a cheaper way of carrying goods than even our rail way. In building they ditcovertd the greatest of all Inventions the arch. Jtonjflit lias borne the Mitriia. Signat racer, mtm Taaa am. BUSINESS LIFE? are of ' ABSOLUT OLUuan 1 1 Cenulno Little Liver Pills. Must r l(nfttur of $m Ft4Hault Wrapper Mew. Terr small aa4 a my iroi RMOACRZs Iroi eintNist. m nuootsnt. FBI TOSPIB IIVM. rOI COKSTIPATIOI. roi SAUtW till, run TJftCOKPUXIOI CURCtlCKHKAOACHf. "My Aadla-Ad Myself." Mr. Klchard Mtnafleld hat written for tha current tint of Collisr't Week ly a remarkable article, wholly differ ent from anything ha hat already pub lished, entitle! "My Audience And Myself," Jt oontaint many humoroiia and pathetio touchet and soma tl treniely interesting rmtnitcnot. TOO ft. SOW WHAT TO It ARBTAKIMO When, yon take Grove't Taateleea Chill Tonio because tbe formula it plainly printed on every bnttl showing that it it simply Iron and Quinln in ft taste leaia form. No Cure, No Pay. 50o. tap, Lk Luteal The words quoted will recall to coun try resident and vlsitott th familiar signpost planted at many railroad crossing. On may tin Us at the ti- plicitnast of th warning words, yet doubtless to many an Incautious trav eler they have been at words of dattiny. There are promptings of tha human oouscieuoe aa pertlttout aud continuous when tli danger line it carelessly ap proached. Th signal system of tha moral nature did nut happen. Ita or ders cannot be tafoly disregarded. Tbi alfnatai is on vry bos of th au!d Laxative Brorao-Quinine TahM th rawy that eeuce a M la mmm mf It It claimed that for the perfect maturing of corn In this latttiid th growing season must have an avarag ' mean teniperatui of 75 degree for t0 dayt, or there most be an excett of 76 degree multiplied by 00, equalling ! 6,750 degree of acoummulted heat. Should tbe heat be lower, th crop will h longer in maturing. Four timet at much hay can be taken from a meadow than when the meadow it pastured, for the reason that the grata muat approach maturity to be mowed, while the cattle will keep the pastor grass close. Una advantage with tbe pasture, however, Is that the cattle harvest the grst for themselves. Tbe German governmsnt ha set aside 20,000,000 marks ($4,700,000), fur providing trnall hornet for it rail- j road oHlciali. It it reckoned Hiatal least 5.000 mor of these home will he built at once. Flowert bloom in the Sandwich ial- audi all tbe year round; therefore, it la believed that that ot untry it more deserving than Japan of th "Flowery Kingdom." The Indefatigable energy of torn people ha a terri" ly wearying effect on the people that are compelled to as sociate with them. I talaJk sj'wtt I gswety w Tht Famoua Qerman Wood Preaerver) ..A VEtMMUa GARBOUtmurj.. ..Prmmi0Htly Ootroy.. ..CHICKEN LICE AND VERMIN . f"One application is all that is required. It lasts for years. If your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and Information to th following: distributing- agents Perfection Pile Preserving- Co., Seattle, Wash., Fisher, Thorsen St Co Portland, Oregon.! Whittier, Cobtun & Co San Francisco, CaL FINE OLD WHISKY... Gin, Brandy, Rum 11 full atisrls. 9.00. Par aallon, I'j.M. XXX fOUr AND DIIK uitr.ii.M. iu 0000 coons Orders for 2S O0 ami upward 1llTer4 free to Cases aud Kegs. . LOUIS CAHEN & 80N Establlsbee n y.ara. saw yitANtisto, esMroBMi. CUTLER'S CAHBOLATEcf I0OIHE WJ L SK1TH CO., Buffalo, I.T., Pmp'g, c.T. -i . rOVM' roBTLASD, Oasooa, .. Ti ' oarnauia In general ploas, belts and -...-i-.iti ' r-t Mlliins 1 I X L win, mil! ".""i "h.- U ermalled. , at tin tiro Ytsu t2nff99 ' I f irr tj " . sm . T. l'setSrasslstarsutln 1xm rour r... ' eaa ji.r. M loi"j nEl?t '"Z lnfnrnnrlia.,1 l,al i:.i. im i! .?IL V Xsvelty In KiUlnarp, A new aitoi nuieut it finding favor among milliners, ihif onntista of tktloton loaves preserved exactly at they fall from tin tit and retaining their natural color. The leaves of tha j ws'nnt, r'"'ti"t una platans tree ara pieiwrea for the purpose; Urga ivy leave ami oak levt ar also used. Tht longest ieavtt ar formed into ft largt paillette, one utile being composed of a stiff painted feather, th other ol tht skeleton leaf, lima forming a broad garniture. A fiue invisible wir Died to tht edge of tha leaf , piaventa it! crumpling. The tmalLer leaves art niadt luto garlaniit mounted onanaitl Acini or natural brauch. Tht leave havt to bt perfectly preserved at thatr beauty naturally ilea in th delicacy and transparency of tha il bar. tit. Lontt Kspubllo. Pick ted Fpprs. Cut oat th tttm of th pepnert in a circle, reinov tha and wash oat in cold water; then fill each with ft mtxtur of finely-chopped cabbage, horseradish, mustard teed, tiny cutiom tiers, button onions aud Bntturtiiimi. Heplac th pteoss cut from th (op and ttw around with coare thread. Plat' in ttone jar aud cover with cold vinegar..' In Sw.kin, in 2mo out at 3,400 rural parishes, th saloon ha beu sup pressed. But under th "Ciothrnlierg". system, according to which th govern ment take th management of all sole of intoxicants, th oitlet of Hweilen ar said to be th moat drunken in Europe. Hew Ooeaa Oreyheand. Th famous llenut hlami ton 3.1,332.000; displacemeitt 23.200 touts aeromiuodatioa I 057 paswiiaers, haa est n tills tied a new reconl. Auioug llie great remedies of the world Hosteller's Hmmarh Itltteni hohlt His reconl wuh its fifty years of cores of cnnstlpalloii. ludlgeai iun' and biliutisit. Our I'rival Kevenii hit blamp Is ovt r lb neck of th bonis. truing (' Ilea pea Llfht. Electrician confidently expect that their art will at futured day bring th coal of illumination down to a nir trill compared with what II now is. At it well known, th nioal eccnomlctl tnathudt of lighting involve a watt of nearly all of the energy utilised. Prof. Laugley tayt tbtt the ideal light it that of the firefly, whinh it produced without heat or watte. If man could Imitate It b wonld aolv on of th most interesting aud impnrtaut prub leun. .. . Th "cash" la the tnoat common cir culating coin in China, It I a cop per and sino piece ahont the tlx of tbe American quarter of a dollar, with aquar hole in the ecu tor, for conven ience in stringing many of them to gether. Tlie tterlet, caught in Ktherlan liv ers. coniietat with the pompano, from the (iul( of Mexico, at tlie most dulio tout tlsb in the world. ' A penny will buy 30 lime as mnch nourishment in th thai of oatmeal a In III form of lieef. Tito GtimufuQ of Puro Blocd That Is what Is required by ever organ of the. body, (or tha proper per formance of Its functions, t It prevents biliousness, dyspepsia, constipation, kidney complaint, rheu matism, catarrh, nervousness, weak ness, falntness, pimples, blotches, and all cutaneous eruptions. It perfects all the vital processes. W. P. Keetoa, Wowlatuek, Ala., look Hood's Saraaparllla to make bit hlood pure, it writes that b had not tett well but tired for some time, ftefwr be had Untuned the Brat bottle of this medicine b frit belter and when he had taken th second was ilk another man -free tram that tired feellag and able to da bis work. Hood's SarsmparWa Promises to cure and keeps the promise. Accept no substitute, but get Hood's today.. ' i- v ifX. NOTHING BETTER MADE Yoa can't make a mlstak II ton get a ..Mitchell.. Mitchell, Itcmis & Staver Co. PORTLAND, ORECON. STUDY TshMtrwatiiu ontr. Old ami I (hrrMidB.liM taUia WnJ 8tm . Otrprttfsjd tiy Juilfta lff IWu A eWrs Aiisi Io tt hutrM "'r m Bita, r'rjai iur t ti. u MP. Witt MU'Mi; Cillaf. Hum- nr., rrfiftrAris up.,t riw ftiftiMfx far ftm. Mlwtl M taf HaW 1 trUI )rr atn. w " (tats) twt MrttcNltrs, tmrwmmmmm HhmM t tm i 4ll)tnir Hnildun, ttnif, WifS, spp cps rca files, 1TCI, Till form, u wsii u ititmi Hl-R(tt)if ur rrt-tnuttiiai lit Df. (tnttariaii'ai Bite, Mitniitnif. up Itf'Miifr ml biiliHf, Abnorlw tnmfira, Htv. t trmn. TrntliefrM. Writ . F. N. U. aw L ei'J. i