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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1900)
OREGON MIST. jGwvuuii 13, 1C0Q. Collin c Qry, th people nir ciiani. O. VT. Barns, of Quincy, u In town Wednesday. Attorney Conyew was up lronClt kQM weunssuay, , Dr. Cawood. th dentist, will twin thli city eaou Wednesday. , .. AnHlMi Viaw IkAjtn mail iM. DUUH ivuwi" ........ - ulr ,ta tfaa ftlialdon wharf. . Harry Went and Joha Morgan were down worn ooappoos Aueeuay. MIm Mary Hiirke, of Portland, visited relative in Mil iiac w Daiuraay. MIm TIM Munkte, of Portland, pant few dayi in tbia city thla week, V Mr. W. J. Fullerton, formerly of JSTaiwn, waa in town Tuesday veiling. x Postmaster Clark, of Rainier, w In the Coanly Meat on business mat Friday. Mr. John Scott, of Kalauia, waa in town Tuesday evening attending K. of I. lodge. ' Fall and winter good elothln, foot wear, provisions, feed, etc., at Collins A Gryvs. Any lumber on the yard at fi tan wood's mill it per thousand j special order 10 per thousand. The City Treaaurer will pay all out standing city warrant endoraed prior tJoe,lV00. Mra. B. Perry, of Houlton, has been vlalllng relative in Union, Oregon, for week or more. Mlaa Lulo Frake. of Scappooss. baa entered the Portland Buaiueae College lor a two year's oourae. Mra. J. B. Watt, of Beappooee, baa pent a week or more in Lturauae, una IteT. O. E. Pbllbrook will preach next Sunday at Deer laland at 11 a. at., and at Canaan aenoot oonae at p. m. l The County Treaaurer give notice that he will py all outstanding County warrant endoraeu prior to f eoruery lat, luuu. , Mr. and Mra. Jamea Mackle came down from Portland Tueeday evening to be preaent at a luncheon enjoyed at the casti fcafl el me local Knignt. Mr. and Mra. Frank Dow. of Oak laland, were in town Tueeday evening, having returned from Seaside, where . they epeut a few daya laat week. The tide waft i about the city have re cently wndergone an overhauling and inorougn repairing, Bimeumn Tory nauch needed and duly appreciated by pedestrians. Rev. M. Burllngam and wife came down Monday evening to spend some ttaae visiting with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred U. Briggs, of Yankton. s Mlaa Lent Merrill, daughter of Hon. Xormaa Merrill and wUe. who haa been at a Portland hospital for about three weeka suffering from typhoid sever, I reported rapidly improving. Hon. T. 3. Cleeton will address tbs mple of Clark County and Vancouver, ash., at Vancouver Saturday evenln. on the political Issues. Cleeton can do the aubject Justice, all right. Many familiar facee from throughout the Count have been noticed on the treeu 01 our city mi weeK Being ac tracted by the present session of the Circuit Court. Many were witnesses and good number were spectators. Tha Knights of Pythias of this city bad an enjoyable time at their conven tion Tuesday evening. There waa work in the third rank, after which luncheon was spread by the ladles of the Rath- bone tiisters, a feataur very much ta Joyed by all present. The Hon. Ralph Dual way, of Port land, will address the people of Warren on the political issues this (Friday) ronlng. Mr. Duniway is an able speaker and will entertain bis listeners, lie will also speak at Vernonia tomor row (baturasy) evening. I). W. Dobbins, lute of Huntington, sad J. H. Dobbins, of ltortland, have heea visiting their mother, Mrs. P. A. Crakes, and other relatives at Scappoose. for a few daya. . Mr. Burt Preston, of Walla Walla, accompanied the former gentleman for a short visit. Messrs. Day A BelL who are construct ing a logging railroad from near Reuben to the timber belt in that vicinity, were in town Wednesday. The gentlemen stated to a reporter lor thla paper that they fully expected at thla time that a year hence tney will have their road completed a far a th headwaters of ctiATBKAxiM nam. II. t. Warrsn waa up from Marshland jfaWMUBJ, Mra. Baker, of Mist, haa been apend, ing a few days in town. Key. Culiner and wlf were paisen- '" wunuay evening, W noticed Samuel Conrad, of Wood- Infill IVm.Ii fin Aita .1 ... ......, wm vui iiucn we nrstoi tins weva, Ed McOlurs came down from Forest urove tins week and will probably yviii auuil UUJV BUUUk Our CUT The generous physique of M. M. John son, oi urooaeu ureK. was seen in town two or threo daya of the past week. Thomas Boyle and wife, of Woods Landing, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. K. Ilughea, at their reetdeuce in town. Dave Whlttluk and dnntrhtio- war In from their farm near Mint nn M.m.i.v and the young lady took the ateamer mat evening lur 1 oruano. Mlsaea Hullle. Axalie and Mills Con- vers are spending s portion of the week In Portland, probably with view to securing the latest in stylish millinery. W. H. Kine. W. 3. Zillman. Ole Erlckson and Oliver Anderson, four of the solid ranchers of Upper Claukanie, were in town one dav this weok on him. iness. Mrs. Vanbibber. who haa been doina- etcellent work aa a nurse in caring for her sister's child. May Merrill, left for ber home In Portland Monday morning, reeling mat nay was out 01 danger. Th closing exercises of the Marsh land school term were held last Satur day evening under the direction of Mra, MHua urenain, teacber. Those who were tire sent report a very entertaining evening. . Mra. Perrlne and danshtur. after a brief visit to Portland and McMlnnville, returned Tuesday evening accompanied by her better half, tieorge I , who has been finding employment in McMinn- vnie isteiy. NOTK9 FROM VEUNONIA, John and Bert Boborts were over to Houlton last week on busineea. Johnnie Bice was out to Oregon City , weirn on a yisn among menus, . Q. W. Rice end 8. P. Ballard went to Bt. llolens tbia week for loads of freight, Andrew Kllinlt. who Uvea twlnw Piiia, burg, waa in town Thursday last serving uujiunna on witnesees in uie Mine case, John Q. Prinze and M. B. Emmonr have been In St. Helens last and this week ns jurora during th sitting of viruuit vouri. A. II. Matthews, mine host of the Houlton House, was in the Valley the latter part of Last week attending to some uusiuesa auairs, Martin A. Wrxlrii:k snd family moved Mondny to Houlton, where tney will remain during the winter, Mr. Wedrick Having work near there. Mies Myrtle Powell closed a six month's term of school at CiUhlamet, Wash., last week, and returned to her home near Pittsburg last Monday, 8. O. Wilkinson, who with his family. moved out to tioble about year ago, CHine buck to the old farm last week. We are glad to have Beigel back with us, Lester Mowe went over the moun tains Friday last to his father's ranch near V arren, with a load of hay. The family expect to move in few weeka. So aire Eurlv. vonnirest eon of. A. N. Early, who lives east of town, was mar ried Uc toiler 7tti to Miss Mattie oi nacneior lat. ixinz me and liapDi ness is our wish. Thomas Tucker's new house Is un and enclosed. Mr. Tucker does not intend to complete it now. Will aim only to get it in snaps so mat ne ana lamuy can uve in it mis winter. Mrs. A. fihsnnahan is visiting her daughter, Mrs. T. J. Cleeton, st Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Cleeton made the folks here a visit week before last and took nor home with them, Hon. Ralph Duniway, of Portland, W acknowledge a call from Senator McBride on Tuesday. The Senator waa pending a few daya at hia old bom, thoroughly enjoying the pleasant weather and the greeting of his core of friends. The Senator states that tit condition of his health has not been so good sine his boyhood, fact which hia old friend will be greatly pleased to know. W. N. Meserv, of Gray' River, Wash., ax-Con nty Surveyor of this County, was united In the holy bonds of matrimony to Mlaa Harrietts Alt mitb, of Cathlamet, Wash., Sunday afternoon, at the Congregational church of Cathlamet. The wedding was a very pretty on and th church was hand somely decorated with flowers and ever greens. Rev. A. Brady tied the knot. Th young couple were th recipients of a number of handsome presents. Will and bis bride have the best wishea of hia many friend in thla County. Clatakani Chief. The people of Columbia County Inter ested in the political Issues are to be treated to an opportunity to hear the Issues ably discussed by leading poli tician of this State, the Hon. G. W. fttapieton, of Portland, who has been a lifelong Democrat, not of th Bryan type, however. Mr. Stapleton will peak at Soappoos on Saturday evening, October 27th, In support of the princi ple as advocated by the Republican party. Mr. Stapleton will speak espec ially in behalf of th money and expan sion questions, and the public is ex tended an earnest request to turn out and hear him. Do not forget the date Saturday evening, October i?th. Assessor Whit and Charley Blakes leycame down from Oregon City last Saturday, after having eowpleted their search of th records of tha Land OHice for evidence regarding assessable prop erty in thia County. Tfhey state thnt a great deal of benefit will undoubtedly result from suoU work. Ownership oi lands, In some instances, has been changed and a few pieci-s of patented lands have been found. Th gentlemen went to Salem Monday, wher they will look after State lands and endeavor to locate the title to some lands alleged to be owned by th State and other anda owned by private individuals, but In an unsatisfactory condition of title accord ing to the records of this County, John Mavnard is one of th Nehalem la to address the neoole of Vernonia vauey rancnera wno naa grain to sen ana vicinity on tne pontic! questions ana naa been bringing it over lately. Frank Lonsignont lias also brought in several loads from a little further down th Valley. Th teacher and pupils of school dis trict Mo. 40 gay an entertainment and box social Saturday evening. Frank Badger added to the attraction by being present with bis phonograph and allow ing it to speaa ana sing lor in auuienc. Quite a number of our Nehalem Val ley neighbor were in town Monday, having arrived on th steamer or ex pecting to leave that evening a ths steamer went oat. mis nn sutunin weather gets them away from home to arrange lor winter. Onr Hasel Orov neighbor. C. W, Jones, brought a couple of apples to town Tuesday from his place that ware magnincent specimens notn tor siss ana beauty. One weighed one pound and sis ounces snd both would have don credit to any fruit exhibit anywhere. Frank Clark, having completed proof on his homestead, finds it necessary to get back to Arisona for the winter, on ac count of bis health, and left for Portland Tueeday on bis wsy there. Frank says tins is a mucn Better country tor a laboring man. but health is a first con- aiderallon with him, and b suffers less chest troubls in Alison. Dr. Hsll, tler Instruction of the school board, while in Portland, secured half dosen more single seats for ths npper school room. Th scholars lately outnumbered th desks by considerable, and temporary expedient have been adopted to avoid th necessity of hang ing some of them along Die wall. This half dosen seats will ease up a littls. Rev. Hawkins, of Knappa, who has been getting lumber of JSordby A Flip- pin ana W. Merrill lor new cnurcn buildin near Knappa. was In town Monday. He report th building nearly finished and expressed nis satis faction at having (elected his lumber at Clatskanie, claiming that he not only got excellent lumber, but laved his church people considerable money aa well. This item Is a pointer for persons wishing to find good building material. Several mllla about town will give abundant supplies to select from. Robert Johnson, a familiar figure about Quincy, waa taken ill last week at the residence of Mr. and Mra. N Tingle, who have provided him a horn tor several months past. In addition to physical weakness b developed some brain difficulty that interfered with hi power of speech. Upon the aavioe oi ut. Hall he waa taken to Portland to be placed in Wood Samaritan hospital to which place th doctor accompanied him on Tuesday. Mr. Johnson is an old resident of ths County snd is now about 73 years of sge, so that his recov ery will probably d very stow. Harrv 8vveraon's tosmater and team had an exciting adventure near Quincy last Thursday, in a rawing a loau or logs over a bridge the logs went overboard pulling the team of four horses with tham in a mnfused mass twenty feet below. The teamster, who waa riding on horse, waa quick enough to jump off neiore uie team ten me onugv wu caped injury. It took about three hours work to get th team out of the trouble, but when they were loosed and dama ges estimated, it was found to the great surprise of th crew that aside from a few scratches and bruises, very little injury waa don th team. Harvey feel that n got on very ey uu iur wn had a streak of good luck, notwithstand ing th accident. Mr. W. J. Belcher, of Portland, waa visitor in the city on Thursday. There will no longer be any complaint to make in regard to facilities for communication throughout Columbia County. Almost very neighborhood and postofnc now has a telephone. Scappoose, Houlton and Marshland are the three latest places to be connected by wire with other points. Marshland was cut in about two weeks ago, while Scappoos and Houlton were cut in last Friday. Mist, Mayger, Vernonia, Deer Island and Warren are about the only points in the County remaining out where communication of that character is needed. Delena waa out in some time ago. Th telephone stations in the County now are Scappoose, Houlton, St. Helens, Goble, Rainier, Dalena, Clata kani and Marshland. Yankton has a private wire to St. Helena. The fee fur (he use of the wire la reasonable enough. At any point in th County conversa tion may be carried on three minute for 26 cents, but to point outside of th County tha fee la 40 cents for one niln ute. Warren and Mayger ahould be furnished with telephones and then the circuit would be complete. llu Try i If SUiloh'a Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of 25 cts., 60 cts. and 1, does not cure, take the bottle back and w will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. ' Price 26 cts. and 60 eta. Sold by Dr, Edwin Ross. of the day Saturday evening next. Oc tober 20th. Let everybody com out to near mm, Mies Llesie Early went out to Houl ton Friday last. 6b will stop for the winter with Mr, ueorge ferry and will attend school there and will act aa an occasional substitute teacher in the primary department, Clarence Reed, Tom Adams and Ed Webster, from np Kock (J reek wav went to Forest Grove last week with two wagon loads of fat hogs, which they aisposeu oi at gooa ngures ana Drought name loaus oi supplies, John H. Wilson, of near Mist, was in the Upper Nehalem and over in Wash ington County buying up sheep for bis ranch. He passed through our town r rlday morning with quite a band. He said be bad to pay as much as $6 per nesa lor good atocx Dr. C L. Hatfield went over the mountains Friday last to St. Helens and thence to Portland, where he spent the Sabbath with Mr. and Mr. A. M. Scott. old Illinois friends, returning to St, Helens the first of th week, wher he waa witness in th tans case. Albert Ford snd Frank Workman, who were here earlv in Auettst lookinir after timber claims, have each located and filed npon quarter section on Beaver Creek near Mr. J. L. Young's place, and will in a few days, take np their residence on their claim. They are recently from Michigan. C. W. Mellinger. wife and daughter were out to Portland and Oregon City last week. They visited Mrs. Swope, Mrs. Meillnger's mother, at the latter place and she came home with them Friday for a short visit. This is the first time she haa been back to the Ne halem aince her marriage last spring. James Spenos and Edward Potter, of Houlton, were among our citizens last week in the Interest of the Order of United Artisans. Tbey obtained nearly enough petitioners to organixe an as semby, but had to go home ths last of ths week, with the promise, however, of returning in the near future to complete th organisation. Mrs. E. W. Keasev. of th Home- wood Ranch, up Rock Creek, passed ber sixtieth milestone on Tuesday of last week. In honor of the event she had with her during the day Mesdames Spencer, Hatfield. Hosford, Sesseman and Malmsten. She spread a light col lation for thitm and they all with her enjoyed the day very much, wishing her many returns. , Married At th residence of I. P. Spencer, on Wednesday evening, Octo ber 17. Miss Bertha Cordelia Uilllhan to Mr. Otto Burdette Malmsten. Rev. E. D. Hornschuch. of Portland, said th magic words which made the two hearts beat as one. They will enjoy their honeymoon with friends and relatives in Washington County, Portland and near Vancouver. Wash. Mrs. Malmeten's grandfather Gillihan lives near the lat ter place. We wish the pair a joyoua life'a journey. The new bridge here was completed last Friday and thrown open to the public last Saturday, me Driuge np the river now will com before the County Board at It session being held this week. If built this fall the timber can be had free of cost to the County, and there la the advantage that timber cut in the fall and winter will not rot so quickly as timber cut In the spring when lull oi sap. we sunn prooaoiy have something definite to report in our next, ' Contemporaneous with or interest and investigation by Mr. Webber for Port land capitalists, of the coal fields near here, whose opinion wo reported last week, a shaft twenty-eight feet deep has been sunk in the coal fields near the mouth of the Nehalem and ooal of commercial value found. This confirms Dart our own and Mr. Webbers theory that good ooal can be had here abouts by going down to the older Wdaa. which undoubtedly exist in then Upper Nehalem fields. In this connection we wish to call attention to an article in Monday's Oregonian on this new discovery in the Lower JNeha- lern by Mr. William Reid, of Portland. Mr. Reid says thia coal has been tested already and found to be almost free from sulphur, but that other tests are to be made, and should they be as satisfactory, Portland will have just what she has been looking for, only 77 miles away, and that a railroad will be built direct from the metropolis to the coal fields within eighteen months. This means that the road, if bnilt. will be on the old survey and will go right through Vernonia and down the vauey. Advance In Prloe of Logs. On th authority of a ' well-cos ted man it is stated that an advance in logs and lumbering fliiiy be ezpected. The mius adjacent to rortiana are Duymg log raits extensively lor delivery months ahead. This is taken to mean that higher prices will prevail. Changed conditions prevail In the log' glng business, according to the estimate of a man posted on the industry. As is well known, the leading millmen are busy filling order ahead, necessitating tne running oi large lorces any ana night. Some of the mills have been de claring there is no money in sawing lumber at the present time, ttotwlth standing the demand for lumber and ths live condition of the logiting busi ness, it is declared there is little profit. This is evidently the minority view. Th analouious condition is explained by on lumberman, lie says the log' gers for one hava the long end of the deal and have maintained this advan tage over the lumber dealers and mill' men for some time. It was not always thus, he says, and tha logger are play ing even on some of their hard con tracts, getting ont logs from almost in accessible places. It is not infrequently found that after a logger ha undertaken his work he finds pronts largely reduced by the difficulties of getting timber to water or rail lines. Another condition which militates against Columbia River loggers,-is that most of the logging camps convenient to water are worked out and good timber can be had only by penetrating the wooded wilds further from the river. More railroad lines will soon be neces sary, it is asserted, to reach the logging lorest yet untouched. Good Hoads. If we are to believe the drummers and strangers who visit Tillamook, we hsve occasion to be proud of the good roads radiating from th city. There are places in the . County for which so mnch cannot be said. However, their time will come, In fact, improvements in the roads throughout the County are being most constantly made, ana the time is not far distant when Tilla mook will be a noted for it good road as for its good -butter and cheese. The County is fortunate in having a County Judge and Commissioners who believe in good roads who will and are doing all that noesiblv can be done with the money at band toward making the roads of the County passable stall times of the year. It ia true, we would all u Ke to see gooa macaaamuea lurnpiaes throughout the Uounty, ana sometimes feel like the amount of money expended each year ought to furnish such roads. and that is taxpaying time. But when we sleep over the matter, and compare the taxes paid in Tillamook with other Counties in the State, the sparse settle ment, the small amount ol improvea land and the low rates of assessment, we feel better snd think better of our County officials and congratulate our selves on the excellent snowing maae. Tillamook Herald. , What aa StolltoV A grand old remedy for Coughs, Colds snd Consumption j used through the world for half a century; has cured in numerable cases of incipient consump tion and relieved many in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will refund your money. Price 26 els. and 50 cts. Sold by Dr. I Edwin Ross. WARREN ITEMS. Mr. Charles Tonstell. of Phillips. Or.. visited with his friend, John Leedy last Sunday. Thos. Isbieter wss in Portland Sunday to attend the funeral of a friend, which as held Sunday afternoon. Ed Collins and Pet Anderson are em ployed clearing land for Mr. W. E. Stev en, yuite a large tract oi land baa already been cleared. The houe now occupied Mr. Dan 81avens and family haa been very much improved by having the outside covered with rustic, also an addition added. Mr. P. J. Harvey, of Portland, waa down on a hunting expedition the first of the week. While down be waa th guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Isbister. Mr. W. J. Burns, of the Balfonr, Guthrie Co., T. B. London, J. Lumgair, A. Millard, David and Will Pattulo, of Portland, visited at the Pattullofarm last Sunday. Mr. Emll Wendland. Edward Strow- bridge, Edwin Hahn and Grant Shoe maker, carpenters who were employed on the Pattulo farm, departed for their homos Thursday ol laat week. Dale Semole returned home on the morning train last Tuesday, after an absence of four or five months in East ern Oregon. He also visited with bis sisters in Seattle a snort time. Mrs. D. O. Allard is very ill at a hos pital in Portland at the present writing. Mr. Allard being with her, school was not in session this week. Her, friends bop for her a speedy recovery. Quite an improvement has been made to the store of Mr. J, S. Bacon. A sonar front has been added, which adds greatly to the appearance of th store. He has also had it reshingled. GOBLB NEWS. Mrs, I. M. Spencer was a Portland visitor Monday. Deputy Sheriff J. N. Rice was in town Tuesday on official business. Nichols A Roberts are busy getting out piling for Moore & O'Reilly. E. Wharton was ber Tueeday and Wednesday getting Specimens of rock. ' Miss Rosa Despsin, of this place, was thrown from a horse and had her arm broken. 3. M. Payne, of Deer Island, brought a load of apples and pears to market Monday. ' 6. E. Butts has been surprising his house and lot by putting a fine fence around it. The Rainier baseball team will play the Goble team next Sunday at this place torn prise. Mr. Chris Anderson and wife visited Portland Saturday and Sunday. They left their daughter there toattend school. rOB JBALC. Twenty hnA of cattle, for a ihort time only. Apply v Jopn linyl'um, r)L Heious, Oregon. . FORJ9ALC. An undivided one-half Interest fn So teres of partly Improved land, mile from Wsrreti; ao aeres lu gnus, about & acre free from stumps. Fifteen humlred eorrin of wood on ths laud. Some lrult tree. New wwoo and barueK. Apply to Csahe U. Slivcms, Warieu, Or. ; BIDS WANTED. rIDS WANTED FOR 2000 CEDAR TIES 7xl8 delivered along the track of Uie Aatorla 4 Columbia Klver fiHitronrl, Same to be cut of QrMt-elaMCetlar, free from lare or rotten knots, straight lor entire length and fiee from bark. Addroat l.aC.K. K., Aatorla Oregon. asvmsss i New FirmI New Gccdu! ; COLLINS & GRAY CITY TRCASOmER'S NOTICE. ;. Orncs oi'Cirv Thiiidkh, &t. II klkns. Or:on. October 10. 1Q00. THE CITY TKKAUHKR OK tfl. HKI.KNg, Oregon hereby gives notice that all war- ranis or tuts city wnicn nave ueen nresenteo and endoraed "Not Paid for Want ol "unl," prior to June Stn.ldOO, will be paid upon pre sentation to me. interest wilt not be allowed alter tills date. DAVID da vim, ;ity Treasurer, NOTICE rORPUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Likd Orrica at Oastioa CiTr.Oa., Oct. , lf. VfOTlfB 18 HERKBV GIVEN THAT THE lv followlne-nained settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof lu support of his claim, and that aald proof will be made be fore the Ueeifiter and Receiver, at Oregon Citv. Oregon, on Mar, lvili, WOO, viz: JOHN J. BLACK, Homestead entry No. 10,(83, for ths east Hot northeast of section 27. and west of north west of section 26, township 6 north, range 6 west. tie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, vis: Charles W. Eichman, Krick rl kson, Joseph W. Heed, Clarence Reed, all of Keaaej, Oregon. uua-. n. awnstj, ti agister. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN PUR sueuce of an order of the Couuty Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County, made and entered in the matter of the estate of F. M. 1 ..,..- .. nn . 1. Mlh ... ,n II .umi, Un.MOT, v.. ..IS IW. VI. J , . tw. the undersigned administrator thereof will sell at publle auction, to the highest bidder, for CHfi, and subject to confirmation by said Court, on Saturday, ths 8rd day of November, IUU0, at the hour of 10 o'clock ia the forenoon of said day, at the front door of tha County Court House, In the City of 8t. Helens, Oregon, all the right, title and Interest of the said F. M. Web ber at the time of his death, or which has since been acquired by hie estate. In and to the lot-lowlnK-dencnbea real property, to-wit: The west W of the northwest M of the southeast W of section 7, township 4, north of range 1, west of the Willamette menuian, in uomniuia county. State of Oregon. DAVID DAVIS, Administrator of the estate of t. M. Webber. deceased. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Columbia. 1. B. Ulltuer, PlaluUif, s vs. Mrs. If. E. Bryant and C. P. Bryant, Defend ants. . ' . To Mrs. a. a. Brysni ana v. r. Bryant, tne above-named defendants. IN THS sAHfi Or THS STATE OF OKKOON: Yoa are herebv required to appear and ans wer the eomoUint filed against yob In the above entitled action on or before the 1st day of De cember, A. D. WOO, said day being the expiraUon of six weeks from the 19th day of October, A. D. 1SU0, the dale ordered by the Court for the first publication of this notice, and If yon fail to so appear and answer the plaintiff will take turig nent against vou for the sum of two hundred dollars and interest thereon from the 25th day of jaw, ii, at the rale ot ten per cent per annum, and the further sum of fifty dollars attorney fee, and the eoets and disbursements of this action. This summons Is published by order of the Hon. T- A. McBride, judge of the above-entitled Court, made and entered on the 17th day of October, A. I). 1K00. GILT.NEK bKWAI.L, lntO Attorneys for Plaintiff. Carry the largest stock and greatest variety of general merchandise of any firm in Columbia county, where the wants of the farmer, the logger, mechanic, business man ami laborer cau be supplied. Their stock consists ot GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Furnishing goods, hardware, tinware, paints, oils, glass, crockery, cnttlerj , ptanaete, ott cmttiiuB;, ieeu, nuur, garueu settle, orrnaru grass, . garden implements, and dairy supplies, etc. etc. LOGGERS' AND WOODSMENS' TOOLS. Collins & Gray (Successors to W. H. DOLMAN.) THE PEOPLES' KERCH ANTS. VIUUUB CfALUIIUgCU swi IIAIHUvt , 0 nlbBiiltfy Wfthnaiawl OABTOnSA. Bearstks KM Vw H) lMI8 ESCgM Blgaatais of Tt KM Vos Haw kmn 1 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ot the Stat of Oregon tor Columbia uouniy. Maud M. BTSACBiB, Plaintiff TS. Ja mm A. SraACHAST. Defendant. To James A. Btrachan, tha above-named De fendant: IN THS KAMI OP THE BTATR OF 0RKOOH: You an hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint died against you In the above-entitled suit on or before the 19th day of October, 19J0, said day being the expiration of six weeks after September 7th, 1900, the date or dered for the first publication of this summons, and If you fail to so appear and answer, for wnt thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for and demanded In the complaint filed against yon herein, to wit: For a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing be tween the above-named Plaintiff and Defend ant; for the ears and enstody of their minor child; for her costs and disbursements and for such other and further relief as to the Court tay seem Just and equitable. I'M. anmmon. la DHbliahed in TBS OBSOOII If 1st by order of the lion. 1. B. Doan, Judge of the Countv Court of tha State of Oregon, for Columbia County, made and entered on the 6th day of September, lMu. Attorney for Plaintiff. OABTOnXA. Searsft . TI Iliad Yw Haw Always Bangft 0 resort in the city of St. Hel ens is near as popular as tne 5 TSJ RAHQUET. Only the very best brands of im ported and domestic fine wines, liquors and cigars kept in stock. -. - GYRUS ROBU WHISKEY WEINHARD'S BEER. Pool and card table for tha en tertainment of patrons. CVGEHE WHITMET, Prop. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves Portland on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat nrday at 7 a. m. for Sr. Htltnt, Kalama. Carreir Point, Rainier and Ktlto, Arrlvlnrat Portland Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at i p. m. Wharf foot of Salmon 8t ft. HOLM AN. Agent. Blsmairult'a Ire Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kid- nevs and bowels are out of order. It ; you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life' Pills. Only 26 cents at the Bt. Helens Pharmacy. - j ayiyanjna: m ays ay'agrau. ji aayst U1EU. Wkst. At Monmouth, Oregon, Thurs day, October 11, 1900, at 7 :80 a. m., Mrs. Maria West, of a complication of ailments, sged 68 years. Deceased had been a resident of this County for 88 years, residing on Scap poose plains nearly that many years. Her husband, W. V. West, died at their home at Scappoose, about three year ago. Five children survive the deceased: Harry and Burt West, of Scappoose j Mrs. W. .A. Wann, of Mon mouth ; E. T. Gore, of Scappoose ; Mrs. I. T. Dan. The remains were brought down from Monmouth and laid to rest at Scappoose last Saturday. M H H H M H H H H H H H H H H fOB PORTLAND. DAILY. -STEAMER &aetat "America" li waiamett Slosgli Rests Leave St. Helens .... 6:30 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M Leave Portland 2:30 PM Arrive at St. Helens. 6:00 PM I-ABE S5 CESTS. Will Carry Nothing but Passen gers and Fast Freight. Jf AMEN fiOOD, master. rsjivajptrTr H H H H 11 If You will Give Them a Trial They will Convince You that what is Said in this Advertisement is THTRUTH Our Large Stock of- DRY GOODS GROCERIES Consists of the Highest Standard of Quality, which we aim to sell at very reasonable prices. RUBBER GOODS OF EVERY DECCPJPTION. .BOOT5 AND SHOES.... DART &. MUCKLE, POPULAR DEALERS. ST. HELENS, - OREGON. 1 THE NEW YORK STORE IE IE it IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN $"ClotIiiiir- Dry Goods, Groceries. Boots, Shoes, Etc. j Cooper Bailding, Main Street, St Helens, Oregon. : IE St. Helens Pharmacy DR. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. j! , ' iaaaaai Drugs, Chemicals AND ..PATEIl, 1EDICIIES.. Perfumery, Toilet Articles, School Books.School Sup plies, Stationery, Etc . , . . Prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded at any hour ot the day or night. Orders by mall for medicine will receive prompt attention. PA.NTS, OILS, CLEVELAND PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. 1 COTTAG2 COLORS. ..St. Helens Pharmacy.. ST. HELENS, - - OREGON The WeeMy Oregonian 12 pfttrps a w?k h'i column fi'M Mwm year 4aKo ciiumu IE EH g CONTAINS All the new well written. Articles describing Western scenes and incidents. z. Stories of love and adventure by well- - known author. ' - Brilliant illustration by newspnjxir artists '- Interesting sketches and literature for - bovs and girls. - Fashion articles and illustrations for Z. women. - fi OUR CLUBBING OFFER f We have perfected arrangements whereby we are enable 1 to fi'r Z nih The Weekly Orpfjonian in connection with Ihk I' r tor liS only Two Dollars. The price of The Oregonian alone W i I. . THE OREGON ;t ?m m m m iu m m m ,m m mm j U Ml !" m m in !M i lews si