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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1900)
Tw 4iJm of ano wearying beyond dea orlptlon and they Indicate real trouble somewhere efforts to bear the dull palm are herolo, but they do not overcome It and the baokaohoa oonttnue until the cause la re moved Ly E. Ptakhun'i VttetMs Cwnpiiwi doea this more certainty than any other meelolne It hi been doing H for thirty years It Is a wo man's medktlne for wo- man's Ills It has done moon for tl.e health of American women Read the grateful letters from women constantly ap pearing In this paper Kirs Plnkham counsels woman free of charge Her address Is Lynn, tJSass Metal never rrjgts In the waters ol Uke Titacaca. A chain or anchor can be left in it for two weeks and it -will be ai clean and bright aa when it came from the foundry, which is probably owing to action oi coma of the chemical alts in the water. 8HAKI INTO TOUR SHOES Allen' Foot-Ease, a powder for the fret. It cum pamtui. swollen, smarting, ner otu fret, and instantly takes the sting t.u of corns and bunions, It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen i fcas make tight or new shoes frel easy. It is a certain cure fur Inirrowtng, Nails, sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. We hate over SO.OIX testimonials. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. Ft mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package VKKK. Address, Allen S. vumsieu, i.r jvuy, i. i. The Dative commissioner at Se bnngwe, Africa, reports that the whita rhinocerona is still to be seen on the veldt in the districts between the San' rati and Zambesi rivers. It was gen. erallT thought that the gigantic animal was extinct. Tn Will Never Knew what (rood ink is unless you use Carter' It cost no more than poor iuk. Ail deal ers. Over 600,000 poumli of tea is con tamed in England daily. Piso's Cure for Consumption Is an infsl Hole medicine tor roughs and colds. K. W. Samcsl, Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, WOO. A Vermont fox, close pressed by two hoonds, dashed across a railroad track in front of an advancing train, which killed the doers. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's F noth ing; Syrup the best remedy to nse for their uuiuira nuxui win iceiuizig pengu. In some interesting experiments by English botanists, "sleeping" plants, or those which bad taken their noctur nal position, were place J in a dark room. On "awakening" next morn ing they took in the darkness their usual positions by day, even when that position had been made oblique by one sided illumination. ABSOLUTE - SECURITY. f aamaammms Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature) of turn rfl' Merit Wrapper Bit. Tsar 1 u4 aa aasr 1F0I IEABACBL for Dizzmat. I FOR IIUOilSRESS. FOR TORMB LIVES. FOR C0MST1PATI0E. FOR SALLOW SKIM. J FOR THECOMPtEXlOR tilMsralfTsMaiaa.A CURE SICK HEADACHE. To fully lroduoa oar Fmmeve 'MUlTHKilsT BKMB l iaABs)" w n to escb psnoa kurlntT eoxot tW(Hffftni tor U to Mid iprM ebtu-m, an tsfkt.t ftkii. piAUeut, Mm wised. Mam tet. mm Ues W mtkm AaMrkM sust, wtaiel. witk proptw on hsMUsl Ust tat tn;tlisi pJsmVmI mmxch chsun al cbavm. 8mh1ui feat seme ud full sVsdrM no monwy. W will mtwi aaen.mxcB,ehmimtoiAcenm, If. sWtM xsvmiaatko. fom vr MtAftt, pmj fomr asxesit tl Ui ba4 uprw theism. Vumtgmdt MtitajrwlMr ta Um 0. B. a Umm term. The 'UOxvm BUsy b m gooA mm mms LUc sMtsn low srwsl. iinrsjaw swsniqrtsji vlr i tea i ltiia aao. ettkUwapmwitaeeiUli J teat Court kjiualtew uX Dm I ta mx sV 'd rVf ulniKrista. 1 StotfUU I I tetake CARTER'S IrrnE m PACIFIC COAST NEWS Commercial sad Financial nappeatagi of latere.! la te Growing Waster Stales. Ilutchred inn Whales, W. C. Kine. of Sand Lake, write Co the Tillamook.Or., HedHBht, the lol lowing story of the killing of seven stranded whales: On .May 10, as O. R. ChanibcrUis was walking along the beach, he dis- envered some black objects in the edge of the water, and upon approaching nearer he discovered that they were wnales, which had become stranded from some cause or other. There were even of them, and they were making tremendous effort to get back into deep water, without avail. The tide was leaving them. They would open their months and dra in about a barrel of water and then spurt it through the bole in the top of their head 20 feet into the air, and lying sometimes on their si.les it was like setting in the cross-fire of a hose company. Mr. Chamberlain made tracks for home to jet his gun and a butcher knife to carve them up. On his return he turned loose with his gun to kill them, bnt after wasting a few sliota he saw that he eonld not kill them in that way, so he sailed into them with his bntcher knife, and stuck tbem as yon would a bog. That did the work, and be soon had seven whalea strung on the beach that were from eight to 13 feet long. lie at once commenced to strip the blnbber from the outside of the body and inside the head. The fat was cat into six-incb strips and thrown across horse's back and taken home and ren dereil out, which will amount to several barrels. It has a market value, and Mr. Chamberlain will likely realise considerable from it. lasaraaee Bate Representatives of the Pacific Board of Underwriters have finally lowered the rate of insurance on all business property in The Dalles, Or. This In eludes the larger portion of the build ings below the bluff, and the rates in some cases were lowered much more than the citizens had reason to expect This action on the part of the insurance companies it taken as result of the increased facilities for fighting fire here above the other cities of the class in the Northwest. A perfect fire alarm system is now in order, and the lecent chemical enigne and book and ladder tests bars proved very satisfactory. Qnaraatla at Ashland. George II. McGeer, M. D., acting assistant surgeon of the United States marine hospital service, has been ordered from San Francisco to Ash' land by the quarantine service, to in spect all Chinese and Japanese paesen gera of the Southern l'acino passengei trains coming into Oregon from Cali fornia, and see that they have cei tin ea tet showing them to have been ex empt botn the contagion of the bubonic plague before entering Oregon. Valoabla Onya Mine. Spokane, May 22. O. M. Eosendale, mining engineer of Portland, tells o the onyx quarry, about GO miles notji of here, in Stevens county. Two steam drills and a saw mill are at work min ing and cutting the on.. which is thf finest of its kind in this country. It takes a high polish and the colors art rich green and black. The deposit it about 300 by 1,000 feet and the saw mill is fitted with huge gang saws tot cutting the mineral slabs. This Stev ens county onyx will rival that o' the aid world. In a bancb of beef cattle delivered in Arlington, Or., by Joseph Frizzeli, there were three steers that weighed 6,000 pounds. An Eastern buyer who saw them said be had never seen finei steers in the Chicago market. The steers were photographed in Arlington, and before an hour 40 copies of the pictures were ordered. They were grade Hereford of the Oanneman stock. The season at the United States fish commission station, at Baker lake, Wash., sitnated at the headwaters of s branch of Skagit river, is practically ai a close. It is estimated that up ware of 90 per cent of the salmon taken pro duced young fry and that more than 10,600,000 healthy yonng salmon, ol the sockeye or blneback variety, were liberated as a result of the work at th station. The Belgian hare craze has struck Baker City, Or., says the Democrat. Be la Kadisb and Moses Fnchs have gone into the business on a limited scale, with the chances of enlarging their business into pomlernns. propor tions off a small capital. Messrs. Kad isb and Fnchs received a day or so g two does from a rabbi try in California, and the pedigrees attached to tbem would make a Percheron stallion ashamed of bimseli. Work is progressing nicely on the water works at North Bend, Coos coun ty. Or. Water is being brought from Pony slough and a reservoir of 100, 0W gallons capacity will be constructed on the hill back of town. From thii reservoir water will be carried is pipes to every residence in the plain and will have a pressure of 55 pounds, to the inch. The Grant's Pass, Or.. Now Water, Light Sc Power Company is erecting on the west side ol their power honse s building for the making of ice. Thii plant will be supplied with ths latest j improved horizontal compressors, with capacity of making six tons of ices! day. The company is also making arrangements to operate an irrigation ditch this summer, that will carry 50CI inches of water in an open ditch, fx irrigate many hundred below the power house. acres of land The flouring mills at Chelan Falls wasn., uow running mgni ana uaj w aeep up win orders, ine great ui aimcuuy is iransportation up thenver.) I i . ,, HM are now '"oeo lutueu- iniws, capacity every trip, and enii iiugai pnuig up at wenatcnee. xne iniana leiepnone & Telegrapi f company, ol bpokane, Wash., will be- gin work in a lew days on a new lint from Coulee City, in Grand Coulee, U waterviue, Douglas county, in th Bi oena country, inis new line will ty o miies long. BRADSTREET'S REPORT. Wheat Hither on Unfavorable Crop iteaeri. Bradstreet's says: Continued dull ness in many branches and a further ihsilitig in several staple lines consti tute ths leading features in the Lusi ues situation this weolt. The weak ness of prices is displayed in lower quo tations for corn, pork, hotter, cheese. wool and cotton among the great agri cultural products and petroleum and lead among the rulnerai products. Wheat is slightly higher, partly owing to less favorable crop reports here and abroad. Continued dryuesa in the Northwest has given the spring wheat I situation a less satisfactory apiwarauce I and there is little improvement noted in the winter wheat sections of ths central west. ' It is doubtful, however, if the dry weather bus as Tt really affected the spring wheat, the chief I complaint ccmiug from the lumber in terests, which repot t low streams inter- ferring with the forwarding of supplies. The industrial situation is, on the whole, rather math better than for some time past, in that new disturb ances are fewer and some old ones have I beeu settled. But practical tie-ups l Chicago are still unbroken. At St. Louis all kinds of business have been I hurt by the strike of street railway employes, and uncertainty at other I cities, particularly in the building trade, has had an unsettling effect upon lumber. Wheat, including flour, shipments I for the week aggregate 6,178,422 bush els, against 3,480,574 bushels last week. Business failures in the United States I for the past week number 165, as com pared with 174 last week. Failures in I the Dominion of Canada are slightly more numerous, numbering 24 for ths I past week, againstlS last week. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Markets. Onions, $9. Lettuce, hothouse, 40 (3 4 5c doa. Potatoes, $16 17; 1718. Beets, per sack, 50 ($ 60c Turnips, per sack, 4080o, Carrots, per sack, f I. Parsuipe, per sack, 60 76c Cauliflower, California 86 0900. Strawberries $2,26per case. Celery 40 60o per doa. Cabbage, native and California, fl.OO(31.25 per 100 pounds. Apples, 2.003.75; $3.00(36.60. 1 'runes, 60o per box. Butter Creamery, 22c; Eastern 22c; dairy, 17 (3 22c; ranch, 16317o pound. r-Kga Cheese Mt345o. Poultry 14c; dressed, 14 (B 15c; spring, a. Hay Puget Sound timothy, 11.00 12.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, f 18.00 19.00 Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $28; feed meal, $33. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $20. Floor Patent, per barrel, $3.26; blended straights, $3.00; California, $3.25; bnckwheat flour, $6.00; gra ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat fiour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.80(94.00. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $18.00; shorts, per ton, $14.00. Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton; middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal. per ton, $30.00. t resh Meats Choice dressed beef steers, price 8c; cows, 7c; mutton 8c; pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 10c. Hams Large, 13c; small, 13; breakfast bacon, o; dry salt sides. Sc. fortlaB MsikM. Wheat Walla Walla. 61353c; alley, 52c; Blnestem, 64o per bushel. Flour Beet grades, $3.00; graham, 2.50; superfine, $2.10 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 86c; choice gray, 33o per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $14(314.60; brewing, $16.00016.60 per ton. Millstnffs Bran, $18 per ton; mid dlings, $19; shorts, $16; chop, $14 per ton. Hay Timothy, $9a Hi clover, $79 50; Oregon wild hay, $6 a 7 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 8035o; seconds, 45c; dairy, 26(3 80c; store, 22)4 25c. Eggs 13c per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 18c; Yonng America, 14c; new cheese 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $4.00(3 .60 per dozen; hens, $5.00; springs, $2. 50 133.60; geese, $6. 50 8.00 for old; $4.60(36.50; docks, $6.00(17.00 per dozen; turkeys, lire, 14(gl6o perl pound. Potatoes 40 65o per sack; sweets. 8 2 4C per pound. Vegetables Beeto, $1; turnips, 76c; per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, 1)60 per pound; parsnips, 76; onions, 8c per pound; carrots, 60o. Hops 28o per pound Wool Valley, 1218o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 0 16c; mohair, 370 80c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 8c; dressed mutton, 7(3 7Mc per pound; lambs, 6J40. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; light and feeders, $4.60; dressed, $5.00(86.60 per 100 pounds. Beef Groes, top steers, $4.00j$4.60; cows, $3.504.00; dressed beef, 6XO per pound. Veal Large, 6474c; small, 80 8ic per pound. Tallow 56 Kc; No. 9 and grease, SJj4o per pound. aa Freoeiaee Market, Wool Spring Nevada, 140160 per ponnd; Eastern Oregon, 12(3 16c; Vai- I ley, 8022c; Northern, 1012o, Hope 1899 crop. ll18o per ponnd Butter r ancy creamery 17(8 17 Xoj do seconds, 1616c; fancy dairy. 10c; do seconds, 1415o per pound, Kggs Store, 16c; fancy ranch, 17c. Millstuffs Middlings, 117.00 30.00; bran, tl2-oO18.SO. TTar Wheat tfl.ROiaiO.Kn: wheat and nut hmt harl Is nora 7.oo; alfalfa, 5.OO6.60 per ton; traw, 2640c per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 8065c; Ore- gon Bnrbanks, 70c1.00; river Bnr- banks, 40 75c; Salinas Bnrbanks, 80cai.l0 per sack. I Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, 2.75(553.25; Mexican limes, $4.00(3 6.00; California lemons 7ficf 1.B0; do choice 11.76(32.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60(1 1.60 per bunch; pineapples, aom inai; rersian dates, (3)t0 per paonov Isy -w The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world celebrated for its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healthful; it assures you against alum and all forms of adultera tion that go with the cheap brands. OVM. SAKINQ KIWDSS CO 100 C'OM.ftlentleve, 'I suppose yon will vote according to your own conscience in this matter." 1 will," answered Seuatur Sorghum. And my conscience tells me that it is always wrong tn waste good money." W sshington Star. Spectroscopic and other observations show the fixed stars to neself-lominoos bodies suns to the other systems of planets. An analysis of their light In dicates the presence of the same chemi cal elemeuts that exist in our own sun and earth, together with others un known in our solar system. The news from lick observatory that the North star, 255,000,000 miles away from ns, has been found to be not one star, but three swinging around in great orbits like the muou, earth and son is snotber remarkable result of the application of photo-spectroscopy to the telescopic study of the heavens. If all the dressmakers known to ex ist in America worked 24 hours of each day fur a whole year without stopping for sleep or meals, tbev would still be able to make only one rire.a apiece fur less than seven-eights of the women in America. The meteorological department of the government of India has now four first-class observatories, 174 general stations, and 2,280 rainfall stations, from which regular monthly statements are received. FORTUNES TO BE MADE IN OIL If You Are Awake to Your Own Ui foe Full Information and Prospectus. California Is destined too the greatest oil Sold of ths world. Already vast rlehes hve been smaraed there In petroleum, and (real fortunes are sure to be men In that section this year. - -f"""' trlct. Ttieoil l there and all we h.v. to do I. now deposited In the Merchants' Kstlon; Bank, ORIENTAL OIL, & 512 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. H. C. ECKENBEKQKR, Pres. R. L. DURHAM, Vice Pres. II, C. OTRATTO.V. 8er. BOARD Or niRCCTORSi-nVi inf inn President Merchants' National , Bsnk, Portland, Nailonsl Bank, Portland. Or.; H. V. Ureeden.ol berser, Com AKrit Michigan Central Kallwa,; Write ns tndav. Yon will be elad enn It to yourself to Investigate this opportunity for CALL ON OUH AtiSSNT. HeCormlrh All Steel Hey Rakes, the He.t la the World. Kins of the Meadow. Both Hand Kelf.Diiinn. S feet, ai or 'Hi teeth: 12leel, 32 or M telh: 10 lt, 2 or n teeth. vri-J 1 ,tr if? lsjisseftfti.iai 1 ftfy-rywytiipti. For cttaiosTii. suirirMf. a. H.! iivt wwrutj Avrjriun, ruriissMn. ur. COOK BOOK FREE. A DOStSl addressed to P. O. lim .1. Portland. Oregon. lil bring you handsome Ko-Nut Cook Hook. Ko-Nut 1. the I. teat lard aiitMII. luce; and purer, chesoer and wore economical. For Salfi bv all firtlflfirs. . - We breed them bv the hun- I dred. bet strains, domentle aii'l lintMrtcl. tllirtio three months old "imtrs" three pairs for I'i are very p ip nar. HelKiaii Hares are money niaaer. , uener orner a pair at once, rree booklet tells all about It. Will stsrt yon right. Btfe and prompt shipments. Write today. ItKliKICKN ItAHKITHr, 17110 W. Twenty-Kifth W., Los Angeles, ( si. YOUNG MEN! VrrP Otnnniu, and tftast srsl fhsat'si f ikaw slrwHrV. fa It tit ONLY iiiorflcto wliirb will curd suurb aim. riry mm. MO C'AflK known II hat mnr frniU-d to eursj, no nur how k riots, or frf how king tsMid)nff. Rwilti from Ha um will mMcnlsh fou. It i Kisoi'ill7 mU, pnimta arlrtnr. twi'l ran he takaa wltlimii lncoas mm ana nrwnwm from mutuurm. "km k, s,w, vn s.i 117 sui rv-iiarnsj uriitririrM, or rrn OTsrpsua b mxft0, ttlaialj wnptwd, n r-'ipt of piira, hj PAHmT I'HtU MAT. nn. rhlaa III Cirttir wMiM on toumsi. ARE YOU COltO OH HOT? Yoo can bm Mmforubl if yon bY th Ktw Co) m mb!r, tire rat In your, buune. Mo more troubl front nirtokt or liaif -faittf1 rooroa. It J. m iifw mymu-in of dramchia, throw tht ht Into th room liiaistd of no iti chimney, od amvin you noonsv. !t UN tII yon about thl imw urate. It it prfH.-t(f(i fur any h ohm ti old. For particulars urn fun daaoripfloo mpply to TH B J OH M Mahv vw.. vi jr.rattte. rvrtln. Ur. Jr--fsa pm jjiisisiswwsi-iriiii iiif Alam biking powders sr. low prk, as slum costs bat two orats nd tiai slum Is a corrosive pound tn4 it ratKltis ths hiking powder dauseriMi to M ta teoa, WILLIAM ST.. NtW YOUK. A SIGNIFICANT LETTER. New York City, Feb. 15. 1900. My Dear Carlton: I know it will please yon to learn that my homeward journey from San Fratieiscu was more than pleasant. One striking feature that added very much to my comfort was the dining car service on the ltk Grande Western and the Denver A Bio Grande. This is the finest service of this description I have ever seen any w here, either in this country or abroad; the food and cooking was all that could be desired, and at very moderate prices. It yon happen to know the liio Graude Western people, 1 wish yon would say to them that it will afford me the greatest pleasure) at all times to bear testimony anywhere to the above facta. Very truly yonrs, (Signed) J. ADDISON BAKER, 2nd. " ('alt Iks Tribune.) The Rio Grande Western Railway now operates through Pullman sleeping can between San Francisco and Chi- ; cago, without change. The route via Salt Lake City is unequalled la attrac tiveness and wealth of novel interest. ; Three through trains daily. Write for i information, rates, etc., to J. D. Mans I field, General Agent, 253 Washington street, Portland, Ore., or Geo. W. ' Hointz, General Passenger agent, Salt Uke City. A competent Jndge estimates that about three times as many books were sold in the United States in 1899 as la I any year since 1893. Chance Read This and Then Write in ne oeari or tne I. in GUI Kern Lounljr Oil II U to drill a anu tap It. foriland, Or. Our officer, art wlthoutsalaries. FUEL, COMPANY ill nl.l, 1.. ... tn,.. Or.: K. L Durham, Vlee-Hreildent Merchant.' H. C. Hreeden 4 Co., Portland, Or.: H. C. Erken. Charles V. Cooper, Contracting freight A(ent, dMu it ,ahIim..m.. . .11 - Investment. A TOP BUGGY FOR $50.00... "Would U too cheap to be good, but we have Top Buggies for for $65 Cash that we guaran tee for one year from date of purchase. They have good strong wheels, guaranteed hick ory spokes, tires 5-16 thick, round edge and projecting over the felloes to protect same. We have others at $70, $75, $80, $85 and up. Road Wagons at $40 and up. Mitchell Farm Spring Wagons and Harness. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. FIRST AID TAYLOR STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON. Buy reliable foods of a reliable concern Is food colicy. Eleven hundred woodworkers in Min neapolis, Minn., struck (or an increase in wages. road That Absorbs Odors, Floor should not be kept in a store room or pautry where there is cooked foods, as it absorbs odors. Ignoranoa t this (act accounts for poor bread oftotior than An inferior quality of floor. Articles of food that are mads of gela tine oriullk should always be kept covered, as both milk and gelatine are literal scavengers of ths air and absorb not only odnrs, but gxrins. Neither cheese, oaliliago, fish, nor baked beans should ever be put into the refrlgor ator. They all leave an Oder ol which it is dlfllcult to rid the refrlgorator, and they also flavor ths food. Cincin nati Kmjulrer. la a Wei Cllmata, Maud So yon are going to be queen of the May tomorrow. Have you your cotume ready? Pauline Ye. Tap bought ma an extra heavy pair of gum boots, a double thick waterproof, a pair ol fur mittens, a pair of three-ply woolen stookins, a pair of ear muds and a uuw umbrella, Harlem Life. St. p Chang ths Verities. Th lurv In a recent Inw suit nnatit- imitislv ftirreed Upon III verdiet, sealed It i m asm Dome to nmi, Alter sleeuinu over it, llipv disagreed til next Diiirii- ina. This shows the Power uf sliwu t strength!) tlx human mind. Thorn who ant trnuhled with Insomnia should try llosteiter's Otmnach Hitters, It nut lie stoinnt-li ill Rood condition ami Imluee sweet, sou tul sleep. It I th ! tif rein- lie for kidney, liver and bluod disorders. Smith F.verv Englishman la will tnj ta bear arms fur his iKiuiitm. Drown Yes; and every Sootohman is willing to bare legs. Chicago fcven lug News, Stats or Onto, citt o tolsdo, I.W'A t'ol'KTV. I ratss J, ( Hknsv niskesmth that ha Is th sramr irwr oi in nrra ol r. J ( hssst a ( tv, loins bu.lnraa In the 'tl ol Toledo, Connie sua Hut fi.rM'.t, end ilisi sit nrra will ixr the sum ol ONK 11 1'MiHKU Hul.l.AKrt foreu h slot ? rue ot I'.urrh Ilisi esnuul be cuiwl tu ueeot UAU sCATAssH uvea MIAMI, t. IIK?Kr Bworn to hetnr me end sukucrlbmi In t prrece, ibissiu 4r ol December, A. D. IMS. a. w.tiuuBON, Hell's Catarrh ''lire Is taken Intern. Ilv ami aula li rem I y on th blood and mmoiu an Hoc ot uie system, iwnn nr trutiiuomais, tree. i. j,i ai.u., iiiiwo1u, Rnlil hy arosrlsi., Uau. Vault? Hll ax ths best, , The practice of eating arsenic is very prevalent among the peasantry of the mountainous distiloU of Austria, Hun gary and France. They declare that tlilt poisun enables them to ascend with ease heights which they could not otherwise climb without great distress to the chest. The hottest mines in th world are the Comstock. On the lower levels the heat Is so great that the men can not work over 10 or IS minute at a time. Kvery known means of mitigat ing the heat has been tried In vain. Ice melts before it reaches ths bottom of the shafts. Sir John Slubald in a recent lecture that the statistics lor Scotland showed the same preponderance in ths number of suicides in summer over those oc curring in winter as had been shown by the statistics of every country in whit-h the matter bad been investi gated. An ascetic is living outside the Delhi gate at Lahore, India, who, it is said, I has not parted his lips fur the past CO years, nor has demanded anything ever from auy person to satisfy the Irresisti ble dementis of the stomach. People flock to see him In large numbers. Experiments by K. Klein indicate that, contrary to common lie lief, such germs as those of thti cholera, typns and ; oiptnena 110 not survive more tnan three or four week after burial in the I ground. Knary pmwm whn Is a sufferer from nnrvrras Otneaax Simula wrlta the voo Molil ;tn ctnoatl, Ohio, at onim, and accept their offer of a fl ve days' trial treatmen If roe ol charge, thl I no O. (). I), or DICfOtllT arhi.ui but a llliural pmimsltlon Siiwle to DnfrirtunaM suf ferers tv tills liMiir-estAliI tsliml coaneni. wh Ich is the laritluipiruir of spiclfl-a for nervous aaq sexual uieoaawa ia um wuriu. The Von MohHIo. has th sola A merlraa rltlitafor Vrt. Ibnrlu's rrncb preparation uf "Oaltnoa," the only renmlv known to ad vanced medical rcloiioa that will positively cure nervous debility. This remedy has for years hoen uanl a a apeclflo tn the French i4 Oermsn arrnli a, and sine IU Introdun rlon Insn the Unltwl Hint haa cured mane Uiouaands of sufferers, and the rwnnriiald sucnees or tne remedy la svurope Has nean re pestod la this couutry. S Ta order to place this wonderful trnatment la the hands of every person whosuffers the mental and physlcalangulsh of sexual wk Ds. The VonXohl Co., husdouldnd toaenda free trial treatment to all who writs at once, Tberomndy Is sent hy niall In a plain park M.and therolsijopiihlli uylnmcelvlrift itor takluK It, Acnimpanylng the medicine there Is a f ulltreatlsa tn plitla Iiingiiaire for you to read. Take the mmilnlne privately with per fectsaiety, and a sure our Is suarantsea. " Lost vitality creep upon men unaware. Do not deceive yourself or remain In igno rance while yos) are being dragged down by this Insidious disease No matter What th cause may be, whether early abases, excesses or overwork and basinets, earns, the rneulu are the same pmmatum loss of strength and awmory,omls.lonS, lin potency, varicocele and DOES YOUR HEAD ACHE? Portland directory MnVUXW M..,.,...,r and system that needs CAWHTON A CO.i KNaiNKS, BOII.RItS. MA- Kin I i n i eliiaerr, supplies. W Mi rlrstSk, Cortland, or. Moore's Revealed Remedy M ' . , t, a ' JOHN POOLK, PoRTbAND, Ossoo. It sets qiilrkty 'snfl enrrs permansntly. can give you the best bargains In gensrsl II per bottl. at your druggist's, niacfiinsry, engines," .llerS, tanks, pump". plows, belts and windmills. Tbs, SUSIE CURE FOil PILES ,tMli ? windmill, sold by blm, Is mi- Till, form, sswali Hilnd, Hiwlisg or PeMradlrig - l'li.rmilbr Dr.o.nko'llimelr. 0mmf&tm CllOr VflllRSELF I SUjp.lirbln.nilliM.dlii(. Alwirlis tumors. MSi s STiT jSi 1 VUHS lUUrleler s J.r .tdruvsl.uor wut lijr mall. Wrll. JF .ottmm I lis. m for osn.lnrsl ai. about your . l&. BodAKEo. 1'Wlada.ra .iSvISaXJ SUnh.rsM.lnS.nis"'' ""'l II irrlMllons or "lwfl,e NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWHERS. fstesS&S Jlulldlng or remodeling residences and Vqis(isiuTi s 1""1 SsaM r Pcsgt stores. We carry a couiplit line of Mantels, J f er nl In yl.le wrss(r. Urates nd Tiling, Tlje Hiwrlng, Tile Walu. X T Lr I fcr .ssrwi, snsahl. f" scottng. Andirons, Kemlers, HurMins, Kleotrlfl. "sl W00'," 1w.'"',';Ii.. liss and Combination Chandeliers, and all iiiii tllrsulaf ssal .a rww piles pertaining to Kleutrlc and lias Lighting " We also carry all kinds ol h.lterl.., beiia ,, j M), p, N. C. It. S-too Indlctors. Photographs rhearfully sent on application. "J VUKH writing to advHUrs piH S Washlagtea St., f.rtl.nd, Or. f sasatlea this ', . ' It's In tho Dlood And Therefor th Blood Must rurma to our Dlseas. In the blood hers is ths origin of s ma. Ji.rity of human alliiisme.-serofula, tali rheum, pimples, hiimurs, tores: troubles of the Biumaeh, nerve, liver tmt kldiisvs. el have their starting point l bad blond, ,"4 therefore all may l. cured by purifying eiirt. hln and vitalising tl, blued witll Hood's Sarsapsrllla. V Impure Blood-"! iHTerd from impure hloud ami tliat tired feeling. Whlla taking the second holile of Hood's Har.a. tiartlla I began to feel nint h better, I be. lieve It haa don for m what no other medleln could liav don.'' Aunm Uilli. ia, 7Uo l,ydia Btiset, Oakland, Cat. HOOD'S Sarsaparilla Is ths Ilest Medlelna Money Tan Buy. ' A New Card Trlea. Hacllelor Hnlianrllmr fa vnrenln... reader) to Lad I,il.rurlnr in,u. mi have to got married so I can take out mure hooks ai a lime. Lad? Llhrarlun lion', mo You can Uke some oat on that. "80 sudden," etc Ohio Stat Journal. The olj War. Mrs. Rowers I shall select a neck tie for you when I m in town today. John. ' Mr. Bowers He fore yon select It will you have the clerk blindfold you! Mrs. Rowers Uliudfoltl uief Ars you crasyT Mr. Rowers No I Ry being blind folded there Is a chance that you may trlk one that I could wear) Puck. ha We. Late. "House cleuuing now I" exclaimed Snaggs, when be went home and found everything topsy-turvy. "Yes, dear," replied Mrs. Snaggs. "Yon ought to have done it In Lent. That Is the proper season for penauca," Pittsburg Chrtmlcle-lelograph, The municipality of Pasadena, Cal owns a 88 acre grove of Knglish wal nuts. Last year it yielded nearly 100.- 000 pouud of nuts. , Perpetual motion has nt yet been discovered. Science teaches that tits revolution ot the earth upon ItsssisU as near perpetual niotlou as anything yet Known. Double Trouble i Th am pi leatton el SPRAINS and BRUISES t very snr trouble, but dottnly, or aeimrately, as sprain or briilM, llire I. 00 noiedy knvwu the ol St. Jacobs Oil tor a PROMPT, SURE CUBE Prcf. Jaks Laborde's Marvclcai French Preparation of "CALTHOS" For lost Waiilioocl. Fu!I C Days' Treatment SSnYFUEE Ocaled LIzlU CaCOsDsCICEPCSITSaBl. shrunken pari. This swvlfjle remedy will cur you at any stage hefumeullnpsy result, goeedlrei tly Ul thiisiwtof UiKtrmtila, no matter of how long sMinillng, and tho pa tient font the lwn. ll t of tlm f rat day's treat meut la 8v day the medicines sent free wilt make yoa feel Ilk a new man. The Von Kohl (Vv ofum n-il'S the most astonishing teetlmnnlala from penasiS i who hsvwtakeaTonly Ave days' tnwtnient. They have thousand of testimonials from thoee who have been permaiienilycured afier hav ing been given up by dortnrs, misled and ruined In health Ty disreputable medical K banters, and when they had gives op thou? t bone for h"Ml h and happliK'S. Nosen alble person will permit his name to be used ror a testimonial as an adiiiiseinn tnatue any ofthedlseaMes for which the urpra'l of "Csltho' Is a twelflo cam. twf Irrs; spon.lble advertisers are using "nisds-up Ui.Umoulala, but the Von Mobl Co. In vail bly declines to mk public tho name or cor reMindenrn of any paUuata who have taa Cured by 'Oaliho.H jriv days' treatment will be plscen in yr ml free of coet, and yoa are earnestly urged for your own Sukatosnnd for It with out delay. Write to day and wml your ad dree. ItlsnotiiecnuuirytoglviinmliarrasSF lug detail of your Symplon. Tho bonk iKmipanylng th Ave days' traatmentwlll en able you to take the niixllclno In prlraio treat you rsel f succmief u I ly t home, It no.ning m agreasdn toilae. A (IINOIMNATI lllllll. Unnatlmr Standard froparatiuu ia uie Uniu v&nMMIW!WHl'(lri''-J: