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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1900)
OREGON MIST. JUNE 1, 1000. jl, P. Graham, ul Portland, wm down jlaat Saturday attending to lega.1 matter. Attorney Q, A. Hull wm attending to professional business In facoma thii ;weok. Rev, Mr. Fhllbrook will preach next Sunday forenoon ut Peri, and to tbe afternoon at Yankton. Mm. frank Mile and Mn. Marlon in the city during the week. 7 Senl your order for good to Collin A Gray. Your order will receive care- im ,nenuon no prompt delivery. Mr. W. B. TJlllurr! haa hnon (nnflnmi to lis bed for several day by sickness, tue result oi an atiaea oi grippe. Mn. Q. Q. Msyger end Mre. Emily uiear.oi roruaiw, vmitea with Mr, and Mre. K. Cox, In tills city, over Sunday, COUNTY COURT. Order at the May Term- Hoad Matter, Proceeding of the Regular May Term ,of tlie .County 0MUr,t ,ojf tlie blat of yrvgun, jor uoiuuiuia uounty, iwuu, OlUcer present, Hon. J, B. Doan. Judge; ion. N. D. Peterson, Commis sioner j Hon, P. A. Frakes, Com missioner;,). Q. Watte, County Clerk, aim j. s. nice, nnorin. Journal of the March Term read and approved. Bebate of 111.84 allowed to D. W Dobbin on account of 1807 and 181)8 Butlar, of Portland, apent leveral day tax salw. reuuon or una, n. uoi avert mr County road read, and W. E. Conyera, Q. L, Perrine and W. J. Zillraan were appointed viewer, to meet at the resi dence of Cliaa. K. Rice on June 11th. 11)00, with the County Surveyor and view laid proponed road. retition oi jsuies uart et ai lor a County road read, and A. D. Uoladay, J. P. Went, and M. J, Englert were ap pointed a viewer to meet with the County Surveyor at the 1'iik Spur, on June 18, 1000, to view aid proposed road. Petition of John Ulmen et al for a County road. Itapparlng to the Court that the viewer heretofore appointed failed to meet and view said proposed road, It I therefore ordered that Wiiliarn Charlton, C. F. Brigg, and W. W. Clark meet with the County Surveyor at Yankton School House on June 20th, 1000, and view out (aid propoaed road. In the matter of the P. IVousignout road. It appearing to the Court that the appraiser heretofore appointed to appraise the damage on aid road had failed to qualify aa required by law; it i therefore ordered that aaid appraiaer. namely, M. F. flaxen, II. T, Urewell and 11. JLarsen, Da reappointed, to meet at trie residence oi it. joy, on (lie zmn day ouutiM, luuo, to appraise tue nam ages on auid road. He port of appraisers on the Bennett road read In open Court, and a the re port allowed no damage, uie road was granted, and tue (Jlora ordered to notify me supervisor to open me aame. Mr. D. C. A Hard, of Warren, haa been appointed Cenaua Enumerator for the Revond diatrict, Oak Point and Beaver f an precinct. Mr. Jack Balmanno wa the guest of relative In till elty the tait of tlie week, returning to hi home in Port land Sunday evening. Last Monday' eclipse of the un waa not viaibio In Oregon. It wa waiting lor a week later. The election take place here next Monday, Mr. Qua Outlay wa down from Bcap pooae lat Tuesday. Mr, Oilby says Scappoose people are preparing to cele brate the Fourth in good ityle. The Artisan will give a strawberry and ice cream aosial at Houlton on Fri day night, June 8th... A good pro gramme will be rendered. The public I invited to attend. W. D. Council and J. H. Dart will tarn ua tMixttAmv fi fVirtlst nil aknrl haan to Cape Kome, where they will caatif Petition of E. MtVey for remission of tneir lot witn tne uiouaanoioi oicurr i .....wm. wj (ortune-aeeker In tho North. Collin A Gray are adding dally to their already large atuck of general mer chandise. Call on them when in need of groceries, dry goods, clothing, fur nishings, shoe, hat, hardware, wood ware, paint, oil, gl, bay, feed, ete. Burglar are playing high jink at different point in the County. At flcanpooae on Thuriday night of laat week Watt 4 Price' store wa entered and a number of article, besidr- about (16 in cash wa taken. At Rainier on Monday night John Morgua' store waa burglarized to the extent of about (100, principally ahoea. Bo far no clue to the perpetrator haa been found. The public chool of this ity obaorved Memorial Day by attending in a body, the decoration ol the grave of Mr. John uuinni, at the Germany Hill Cemetery. Mr. Uuiutn, at hi death, left an endow ment of several hundred dollars to tht achool, and the kindly remenibrace by the achool children wa but a fit token of respect. The grave of a number of veteran toldlera were also decorated. The city council of fit. Helen ha very wialy lft a contract to have the atreet Improved, and the work ha already started. Al Robinson, Mitchell' Kay and Jack McKio took tlie contract to put crushed rock on 1400 feet of the main streets, from ltart& aluckle' atore to the new Mathodiat church. The ccntract price i 78 cents per yard. The alack i to be placed on the itreet to a width of eight feet, W inches deep in the center and tapering to (2) inches on the edges, and when the work i com pleted we believe it will be taating. It will be a great improvement and will add very materially, to the appearance of tho city and pleasure of the citisens and viator. The property owner could well afford to have the material placed , from the ilduwalk'( edge to join the work already done. It doe eera itrange that If Dave Davl i o exhorbitant In hi charge (or print ing that aherUr Rice would occasionally patronise thia ortioe with his order for atatjonery. Of course, Sheriff Rice know he ha to pay no more Wire than any place elae, and when the order it left it will be quickly and neatly execu ted. So far ae Mitchell duplicating our work at lea cost i concerned, he could not duplicate anything unles It were a mud fence. The work he turn out of hi office ia a disgrace to the art and would make the bonea of the founder Gutenberg, rattle in their grave to know that their owner' art had gotten into auch bad hand. Of course fourth-claa work can be done at fourth-claa price, but business men prefer to have stat ionary which would not diagraee them and tneir business. I oropertv, f Ordwrcd hv the Cnnrt that Tax Hals Certificates Noe, 246 and 1208 and 103 be and the same are hereby cancelled, a the tax had been paid, and that the UlerK liave credit lor tne several amounts. Petition of M, W. George (or a re mission of (2.80 on land he did not own allowed, and the Sheriff have credit for the sum of (2.80 on the 18W tax roll Report of viewers on Ketimiu road M.a.1 un.l I... I - ...... f . . I U. -A- liw. l.'l M.D WUl " UVII.K ,,v.w ,.( 1.11 vised in the promises, it Is ordered that said road lie not granted. Matter of assignment of Tax Sale Certificates. It is ordered by the Court that Tsx Sale Certificate Ho. 688 be arsigned to Mr. J. Gal breath for the sum of (28.22; No. 802 to Chn. Solomon for (03.46, and No. 860 to Sarah A Rvnmn for (10.80, and No. 121, to S. T. Urindle for (64.00, Ordered bv the Court that Tax Sale Certificate No. (IB and 810 be cancel! ed and that the Clerk have credit for the various amount. Scalp Bounty Certificates were check ed up and certified to the Secretary of State lor the total sum ol fuz.uu Tax roll and (tubs checked up by the vourt. Matter of return of 1890 rax roll. It Is ordered by the Court that the Sheriff close tax roll on June 15th, 1900, and proceed to make op the delinquent tax roll. Matter of rebate on road poll tax of different applicant. Court not being fully advised in the premise the same aro continued lor tne terra. Court adjourned without day Canvassing the County. Harrison Allen, candidate for District Attorney, wa in town Wednesday. Mr. Allen ha made a number of t peaches in tblj County during the campaign, and i doing splendid work for the Re publican. Mr. Allen' election ia an assured thing, by a very large majority, which would be only just recognition of his qualifications and fitness for the office to which he aspires. After as suming his office every duty will be ably discharged and the State's interest have never bad better care than Mr. Allen will administer, and he will be a terror to criminal. Buainea Interests, where law points are involved, of each County in the Fifth District, will also be In competent hands, Mr. Allen being lawyer of ability far above the average. We heartily invite the suffrage of the people in Mr. Allen, behalf. v:, yv . YANKTON ITEMS. A Who aaid Yankton la in the back . woodT Eben Brown is at home from the camp for a month' vacation. W. L. Qoheen has moved hi family to Carrollton (or the summer. 3. W. Saxton ia at work for Brown Bros., on the Upper Ooweeman, The ticket I all right. We will tak allce of the Plank road, at an early date, please. Mr. Hyde' Sunday School class met t her home last Saturday afternoon, A Young Folk' Club wa organized for the purpose of raising fund to buy an organ for the achoolhouse. . We have now two steam sawmills, two itorea, a hotel, telephone line, regu lar Sunday School and ohurch, one of the beat . equipped school build ings in the County, and the man with out a job long since departed for more ' congenial associations. When prosper . ity 1 mentioned we want it understood , ,we are right in the awim. Tell Vmt Mater. A Beautiful Complexion I an impoasi- - blllty without good pure blood, the sort that only exist in connection with good i digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover Root Tea act directly on the bowel, liver and kidney, keeping ' Jhem in pwfeot. health. Price 2ft ct. and 50 ots, ' Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. PROM A NEH.tI.EM VOTER. To tux Eorroa or Tux Mist: Will you please publish ,fn your valuable paper the enclosed communication? think it onlr fair the voters of the County should know the true facts I wiah the voter of thi County to know what sort of a person is he who asks their votes for him a County Com inisaioner on the Populist ticket, and if you will kindly allow space in your Highly-valued paper lor this letter 1 think they will change their views somewhat. Mr. Peterson wa the leader of a party who had a small portion of the road district cut off (or hi own benefit, in order to have less road work to do. Now. thi ia not lust exactly what a good citizen should do especially if he intend to ask the people' vote for some County Office. But that Is only nurnner one. xne gentleman in ques tion piaved auite a nice little trick to get another piece of land close to the one he already had. It was not just in accordance with the law to do this, so in order to beat tbe law be made a sham sale to his brother-in-law and then filed on the land he wanted pre-emption. Alter proving no, he took ins tormer land back, as he intended to do from the tart. Now. candidly, voters, u this the kind of men you want to fill your public ottlcesr As far as i am concerned i don't think s man who would play trick like the above mentioned would make a very good County Commissioner. DEHALIM V OTBK. Mist, Or., May 25, 1800. i ' 1 i I, : A Holatetn Herd. Commissioner Frake. of Scanpoose, has just received from the well-know herd of Uolstein-Friesian cattle, owaf by Henry Steven A Son, La ConN, making the trip in live days, arriving in splendid shape. The youngster wa Bired by Manor UoKol, no. 21,220 tl. m. H. B. Hi grand dam is Nutherland Hengeroeld, with a butter record on official test by tbe Cornwall University, of New York, of 28.08 pound of butter in teven days, being the largest official butter record ever made by any cow of any breed. Hie great grand dam is De Kol 2nd, having the next highest offi cial butter record, being 26.57 pounds of butter in seven days, the average milk per day being 77 pound for seven days. His dam haa an official milk record of 318 pounds in seven days, and butter, UK pounds at two years old, and hi pedigree could be extended for ten gen eration, and would be about the same. Thi i Mr. Frillies' second bull from that herd in the lRst twelve months. He now ha two of the best Holstein bull in the West. The calf cost Mr. F rakes (110.45 delivered at Scapnoose, making good stock pretty high, but as the dairy business will not pay unless good cow are had, the only way to get them ia to raise them. - With Columbia County having the best grass land in the State, there if no reason why good stock will not pay. Mr. Frakcs' herd number 76 head, being all black and white. A WeaUtti el Beauty I often hidden by unsightly pimples, eczema, tetter, eryajpelas, salt rheum, etc. Bucklon's Arnica Salve will glorify the face by curing all skin eruptions, also cut, bruises, burns, boils, felons, nicer and worst form of piles. . Only 5 cent a box. Cure gnnriintced. Sold by St. Holens Pharmacy. OUR ANANIAS. R. U. Mitchell, the Nnw Man. De- serve that Title... . t Ananias wa the greatest liar of which History or scripture give ny account, but there are others deserving of tbe same renown. So far a Mitchell ia concerned he ia to be pitted rather than uiarued. it' the nature ol the man and nature' designing is condition quite difficult to combat. Last week this man, Mitchell, stated In hi New that The Mist received (1200 for print In the tax list. Tux Mint never re ceived any such an amount for printing I!., 'Ik. t,r., ,.l . " ... ...... Ana i uwi . fi vi ID vVUMIiJ Clark's office, if anyone will take the ffYiIihlu frt ttvamlna thorn twill I a n . s w kuui" n ill UOIUVU' struts the degree of regard Mitchell haa for the truth. For printing the tax list oi ITO1BI mist received from (Jolum bia County a warrant for (173. The Mist printed the tax list of 1808, but Columbia County did not pay it one cent. While in the last eight year The Mist ha received (173 from Columbia County for printing tax lists, the New na received fiw.w. It received In 1800. (148: in 1897. (114.10: in 1808. (378.55; in 1809, (119.75. Aa to thi latter amount Mitchell also stated that he did the work for 175. when, in reality, he told a (44.76 lie, as the regis ter warrant in the County Clerk's office reauat "eept.o. mm. K. 11. Mitchell. printing delinquent tax list, warrant No. 6084, (119.76." We have (100 dollars cash for Mitchell if he can find a stroke of a pen upon the County records that wouiu disprove any statement made here. Mitchell wilt not search the rec ords, because there fact are demon strated, and that is a commodity in which he is not deal ng. He is a gen uine Populist, thriving on misrepresen tation and feasting on falsehood. Blind, tnrougn oesire, to tne trutn, and natur ally downright hypocritical, mingled with a good dear of cussedness and a whole lot of hcllery. THE COUNTY ASSESSOR. Retain the Present Kfflolent Valua tion Knamerator, For County Assessor, Martin White. Thi you will And opposite No. 40 on the official ballot, and for an efficient officer in that capacity Columbia County has never had hi equal and will never have one who is superior. The excellence of hi work i exceeded only by bis ability. gained through six years of experience, to do better and more thorough work in that capacity in the future. The - esaed valuation of all property in this County has gradually Increased during tne last six years, or since Mr. v rate has been assessor, from a few hundred thousand dollars to a million and half dollars, not altogether because Mr. White is tbe Assessor, but very largely to tne i act tnat ne naa made a deter mined effort to get every particle of property on the assessment roll that should, through justice, be there. His record for six years past ha already spoken so very highly for him that what we mignt say would be but ft reflex of what all voters know and proclaim. When you vote for White yon vote for a just and equitable assessment of all property in the County. VOTE THIS WAY. Mark Your Ballot According These Numbers. Tbe offllcal ballot are Drinted and de livered to many oi tne precinct along with the other election sunolics. When you go to the booth to mark your ballot look up these numbers and place an 'x" between tbe number on the left and the name behind It. They are all Re publicans and worthy your support: no. ia is Malcolm Moody, lor congress. No. 18 is Charles E. Wolverton. for Supreme Judge. m. IV is J. W. Ba lev. for Dairy and Food Commissioner. No. 22 is Harrison Allen, for District Attorney. , iso. 24 is lien r. Cornelius, tor Joint Senator. No. 27 i Norman Merrill for Repre sentative. No. 29 is J. B. Doan. for County Judge. ' ISo. si ia Harvey M. Fowler, for Sheriff. No. 84 la J. G. Watt, for County Clerk. No. 85 is W. D. Case, for County Com missioner. No. 87 i Edwin Bo, for County Treasurer. No. 40 i Martin White, for Assessor. No. 42 is I. H. Copeland. for School Superintendent. mo. 43 is A. B. Little, for County Sur veyor. These number extend only to tlie bottom of the District and County ticket, but in voting for precinct officers vote for the man who has "Republican" following his name. There are all sort of official handle attached to tbe op position candidates, but yon will notice the chsracterizeation of either Demo cratic. People Party, Populist or Fusion- tor-oince. VERNO.IIA lTKiTIM- Hy VanBlarlcom call hi new boy after the hero of Manila. , Since Charlie Malmsten has gone tbe tuaiegunrlet luia only three wheels. ,s . Dr. a. L. Hatfield wa at St. Helen laat week as a witness in the Lane case, Will Palmer made a hurried trip to si. uemns, going over Saturday last and coming uaoa ounuay. Charles Malmsten went out to Peter son's logging camp last week and will The festive politician ha been around thi week reminding the voter that Monday, June 4th, la election day. Gus Ouatavson and Oscar Llndstrom wlm urn omrlrintf nn, An thm rinlnmlila felling trees, were home for few day last wee. Mrs. John O. Prlnsrle and little bov Johnnie, have both been suffering sonie- wunt tni weex witn a sngnt attack oi ia grippe. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Parker, who was so desperately sick with pneumonia two week ago, i now entirety wen. Mr. L. B. Stuart, who haa been tick quite awhile with what i called ulcera tion of the stomach, at this writing is reported to oe no better. B. Sesseman has been having crettv severe tussle with la erinDe. but is now able to look after his work, the building oi r . a. aiiigitt' house. A. H. Matthews. Who was a iuror dur ing the recent ession of Circuit Court at St. Helens, visited with his wife and daughter before coming home. Judson Weed, who has been visitinc friends in this vicinity and looking after bis ranch interests, started for Philo math, his borne, Monday morning. Mr. C. S. McNutt was sick at her sister's Mrs. Dow Keaeey, the latter part of last week, but waa brought home Sunday evening and is now much improved. Mrs. Nellie Bvnon. who was visiting In Portland and Clatskanie, was sum moned home last Wednesday on account oi tne sicxness oi her baby boy. lie ia now an rigut again, Bert Schoonover and wife came into the Valley last week, having spent their honeymoon at Portland. We have not yet learned whether they intend making fc. l . i . i. i . . . neiiMiviu meir iiume or not. Israel Spencer, with team and wagon, drove through to Portland this week, and win oring nome umar and Bertha. The former has been attending Portland University uurmg the past year. T. B. Denslow, IT.- M. Beeghley and Alex Sword, who had been helping Judge McBride adtnininister justice at the County seat for the past two weeks, returned Saturday and were glad to get nome. Tbe local Grand Army post attended church last Sunday in a body, and tbe pastor preached a Memorial sermon. The old soldier decorated the grave of their dead comrade buried in the ceme tery here, last Wednesday. The Vernonia Sunday school will ob serve Children's Day in June, We be lieve it is the intention to invite the Beaver, Kiet and Pebble Creek schools to take part in the exercises. A special programme wm oe prepared. Uncle John Campbell went out to Portland Wednesday of last week to close up the sale of about 0000 acre of Upper Nehalem timber land, which, together with Uncle John Pringle, he nas maoe to some ruiiaaeipbia parties. Miss Alice Soule. who is teaching at the Kidtrewav. and Miss Lirnn K.nrlev. the Wilkinson school, closed their first month last Friday. We understand that they are both giving entire satisfac tion to their patrons. Mrs. Hatfield, who is teaching the Beaver Creek school, will end her first month this week. Charles Robert and a Mr. Hight. re cently of Michigan, who spent a few days two weeks ago visiting the family oi Mr. A. Soule and in looking at tbe Nehalem country, have located for the present at Houlton, Tbe other four or five gentlemen from tne same state, woo were at Mr. Soule's about the same time, have scattered to different parts of the Pacific Northwest. They are look ing for good timber claims near a water course, a thing bard to find now. ELECTION B0ARD5. Judges and Clerks of Election to Serve Two Year. Followlna la a list ol Judges and Clsrksof the Election boards tor the several precincts, the same being appointed by the County Court at the Janaary, lnoo, term, Tht flrat-uamed Judge la Chairman oi Ibe Board, and the Ural-named Clerk la tbe First Clerk: acbuxn rasciwcT. Israel 8nencer. R. geaseman. John Princle. Judges: C. S. MoNutt, L. W. Vanbrke, clerks. una piace, scnuoi nouse, uiauioi ti. iriAir rasciKCT. Jared Wilson. W. L. Brown. J. C. Kllbv. udges; W. Lowmnn, P. O. Marks, Clerks. young piaoe. Apiary sonooi nouse. BSAvaa raits raicntcr. J. W. Meserre. Conrad Bnrder. J. W. Boats. Judges; W. H. Kyser, A.. J. Qutgley, clerks. voting piaoe, sieserve s nail. GLATSKAMIS raxcixcT. W. H. Convent. A. J. Orurtff. Oeonre Perrine. Judges; Stephen Tlohenor, Frank Merrill clerks. voting place, uity nail. Dtaa island rasciHci. John Klna. C. W. Emerson. Albert Adams. judges; Jas. Ualten, Edwin Merrill, clerks. vouug piaue, uaiieu s nau. ' OOBLS PRICIKCT. T. 0. Watta. James Kennedy. Qeonre Fowler, Judges; Henry Wasser, Chatiuun Monroe olarks. voting piece, jaquisn s ximm. MARSHLAND PaaOlMCT. A. 8. Graham. Hunrv Colvln. Jaooh Morns. Judges; Walter Colvln, George Orahain, clerks. NiHALta raaomcT. Oliver Wilson, F. J. Peterson, D. W. Freeman, igdea; Casper Libel. F. B. Malmberg, olerks. V oting place, Merrill's hall. OAC rolHT PRECINCT. a. W. Rum as. T). M. Kwlnir. ft. g. Pavne. Judges; Jolin Hendrlekson, Fred Fluhrer, clerks. voting piece, vutuoy nan. RAINISB PRBCINCT. Dean Blanobard. F. M. Fowler. 8. M Dlppold, Judges; w. M. Perry, W. A.. Wood, olerka, voting piece, lown nan. scAProos msciNCT. Oustav Lange, A. D. Holaday, olerks. voting piaoe, tAmnerson s nan. WARRSH rHSCINOT. Ralnh Hasen. H. T. Urewell. John Oolan. Judges; Edward Collins. Wm. Holt, olerks. voting piece, eunooi nouse nau. . union raaoiNCT. D. J. Strttsor. W. F. glauahter. C. N. Gable. udges: K. H. Faxon, J. W. Pay, olerka. voting piaoe, ootm nouse. Card of Tbanke. I moat sincerely thank the kind friends and neighbor for the thought- fulness ami kindiii'ss shown In my great berenvuiiiuiit. A. L. Kichabdhon. A Slenater Werll risk Destroying it victim, is a type of constipation. The power of this malady is felt on organs, nerve, muscles and brain. But Dr. King's New Life Pill are a safe and certain cure. Best in the world for stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Only 26 cents. Sold by St. Helens Pharmacy. THE LANE CASE. Jury Palled to Agree and New Trial "Will be Had, : The se of the State pf Oregon againu Manley kane, of Mist, was called for hearing in the Circuit Court on Thursday of last week. The jurors in tne case were : B. jn. nice, a. d. iewis, H. T. Bennett, T. B. Denslow, M. P. Young, A. Henshaw, John Dibblee, O, L. Decker, J. W. Boats, A. K. Morgan, J. C. Hudson, YVm. Roberts. Tbe de fendant' interest were looked after by Attorney Malarkey, of Portland. . Tbe Prosecuting Attorney and hi deputy took care of the State' interests. The case wa given to the jury on Friday afternoon, and after being out until about 10 o'clock Saturday forenoon, the gentlemen sent word into Court that it wa impossible for them to agree. They were called in and excused. The bond of Lane was reduced to $1000, but in de fault of hi furnishing the reauired sum he was remanded to jail, and Sheriff nice cook tne prisoner to rortiana Sat urday afternoon. An effort, will be made, however, to procure the neces sary Dona ana nave Lane released until the October term of Court, when the case will be again tried. dorlous H Come from Dr. D. B. Cargile. of Washita, I. T. He write: ".Electric Bitter ba cured Mrs. Brewer of scrof ula, which had caused her great suffer ing for year. Terrible sores would break out on ber bead and face, and the best doctor could give her no help; bnt now her health is excellent." Electric Bitters is tbe best blood nurifver known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boil and run ning (ore. It stimulate liver, kidney and bowels, expel poisons, helps diges tion, builds up tbe strength. Only 60 cents. Sold by St. Helen Pharmacy. Guaranteed. . VALLEY ITEiHSJ. . Crons are looking well in this Dart of the County and farmer are looking for a fair harvest. Miller Brothers told a cow the early part of the week to A. Q. TarbeH, of Yankton, price $22. The Supervisor. Mr. Plank, is ud here with a gang of men repairing our roads. He is grading the bills and cross-laying the low places ; in fact, he is making a good Improvement on our road, and if he is elected for the next term we are satisfied that there wilt be a good man in the right place, and he being an er perienced man and know what is need' ed on the roads, we believe he will do good service. The right thing is for the public to vote for Mr. Plank at the June election and you will never regret it A klfe si si at Death Fiarlat. Mr. W. A. Hines, of Manchester. Ia.. writing of hi almost miraulous escane from death, says: "Exposure after measles induced serious lung trouble, hich ended in Consumption. I had frequent hemorrhage and coughed night and day. All my doctor said I must soon die. Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery which wholly cured me. Hundreds nave need it on mr advice and all say it never fails to core throat, chest and lung trochlea." Regular size 60 cents and $1. Trial bot tles free at the St. Helen Pharmacy. New Firm! New Goods. Vest Try It. If Sliiloh's Cough and Consuirintinn Cure, which is sold for the small price ot ib cts., W ere. and tl, does not cure. take the bottle back and we will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS BEEN DULY Ap pointed by the County Court of Colombia County. State of Oregon, executor of tbe will of Jacob S. Klnearaon, deceased, and has quali fied as such. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present the same to me at tbe office ol James Dart, in St. Helens, in said Countv and State, with nroner vouchers. within aiz months from April 27ih, 1900. All persons owing the estate will be required to pay whst they owe. iMted uus 27in day ot April, 1900. BKNTON KILLIN. Kiecator of the will of Jacob a. Klnearaon. deceased. N X0TICS FOB PUBLICATION. Land Omcs at Orsson Crrr. 6., May 29th. 1900. TOT1CE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of hie intention to make dual proof In support of nls claim, that said proof will be made befor the County Clerk ot Columbis county, at St. Bel. ens. Orezon. on Jul; IS. 1600. vis WILLIS A. UAKK1B. Homestead entry No. 11,179. for the N. U ol 8. B.W.S-W.Siofd. K.jiandS. K.MofS. W. of section 19, township 5 north, range i west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence noon and cultivation of said land viz: C. W. Mellinger, 8. A. Wilkin son, U. St. Beeahley, and A. H. Mathews, all of Vernonia Oreson. Jl J18 Cbas. B. Mooana, Register. An exchange lays down the following code of morals by saying; Let your motto be: "Lie, Steal, Drink and Swear." When you lie, let it be down to pleasant dreams. When yon drink, let it be nothing but pure, cold water. When you steal, let it be away from im moral associates. When you swear, swear that yon will patronize your home paper, pay vour subscription and not send your job work away from home. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent cure of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Chain berlitin'a Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continned use effects a permanent care. It also enres itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore-nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chionia sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. fadr'g Condition Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood pnrifler and vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. VJaaaa John Dellar E CORNER FIRST AND YAMHILL STREETS, PORTLAND. Dealer In CLOTH ING I : Gents' Furnishings, SHOES We note the following prices on our apeoialUes: Ladles' Shoes, Kid or Kane Calf tint Lace or B utton, f2.60 values ...... if 1 , 1 U 7.50 2.50 .40 Hens' ClothlnR. Cheviots or Wor sted, Latest Style, ID.00 value. . . . Boys' Clothtug, Cheviots, Parable and Fashionable, H-60 value Boys' Crescent Suits, Durable and Fashionable, 76 cent value........ . JOHN DELLAR, Proprietor. STRICTLY ONK PRICK TO ALL NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Omci at Oekoon Ciry, Ok., Mav 12.1900. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of her Intention to make final proof In support of hsr claim, and that said proof will be made be fore tbe County Clerk of Columbia County, at at. Helens, Orcsron, on June 27th, 1900, via: BERTHA C. G1LUH AN. Homestead entry No. 11,449, for the 8. K. X of section 12, township 4 north, ranee 4 west. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence apon and cultivation of said land, vis; John D. Baker, Otto B. Malm sten, and Alice D. Soule, of Vernonia, Oregon, Eva West, ol Greenville, Oregon. ml8J22 Chas. B. Mooaas, Register. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Omcs or City Tasascaaa, ST. Helens, Oregon, May 25, 1900. rpHK CITY TREASURER OF ST. HKLEN8, JL Oregon hereby gives notice that all war rants of this city which have been presented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds," prior to May 8th, 1899, will be paid upon pre sentation to me. interest will not be allowed after this date. DAVID DA. Via, City Treasurer. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE Coohtv Treasurer's Orncx. , St. Hblkkb, Oa., May 25, 1900. NOTICB 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL unpaid County Warrants of Columbia County, Oregon, which have been presented and endorsed- "Not Paid for Want of Funds," prior to July 10th, 1899, will be paid upon pre sentation at thta office. Interest wili not be allowed after this date. KDWIN R08S, mlljS Treasurer ot Columbia County, Oregon. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE To The County Cobrt or Col umbia County, Stat or Oreoon : We, the undersluned legal voters, residing; In Goble Precinct Columbia Comity State of Oregon, would respectfully petition your Honorable body at lta next regular term, which will be held on the 5th day of July, 1900, In the Court House in the elty of St. Helens, Columbia County, 8tate of Oregon: That a license be granted to O- E. Hunter, to sell aplrttioRs, vinuoHS and malt liquors in quanittes less than one gallon, in Goble Precinot, in said County and State, and that said license be granted for a period of one rear, for which we ever pray: Dated this 25th, day of May 1900, at Ooble Oregon. G. C. Jaquish, K. w. Kowlor, F. A. Bucher, J. M. Fowler, Victor Furrer, Amoy Link, Glenn Link, Frank Cleaver. Jncob Zwinalf, J. W. Lord, Fred Koble, Frank Welter, J. at. Payne, John Gilllgan, G. M. Farr, Thomas Paw son, T. H. Blacketer, L. Bradloy, M. W. Bradley, Charles Link, J. C. Monroe, 11. Stehman, John Farr, Jay P. Archllbald, Donald Bate, John Munson, C. W. McFarland. G. 8. FoBter, F. Druoks, Henry Blake, James Blacketer, H. Ward, U. 8. D'Spain, A. H. Roberts, James Kenr.edv. sr. James Keunedv. 1r. Tboa. Burvasa. George Foster. Jr. F. W. McKinster Peter I Hoesoy, Oabe Ynualral, H. M. Fowler, M. W. 1 Brown, Jos Lawrence, Thorns People's, G. W. ' Farr, G. A nliker, Walter Humor, Peter Wlclta, ! Wm. Burdick, R. Anllker, C. P. Anderson, I 8. E. Butts, A. Neer. J. K. Madison, B. A. Smith, , W. D. Sattarlee, Fred Woodham, J. M. Spencer I Christopher Maglun. I COLLINS & GRAY I Carry tbe largest stock and greatest variety of general merchandise of any , firm in Columbia county, where the want of the farmer, the logger, mechanic, business man and laborer can be supplied. Their .stock consists, of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHIHG, Furnishjnix goods, hardware, tinware, paints, oils, glass, crockery, cuttlery, blankets, oil clothing, feed, floor, garden seeds, orchard grass, garden implements, and dairy anpplies, etc. etc. LOGGERS' AND W00DSMENS' TOOLS. Collins & Gray (8uccesor to W, H. DOLMAN.) THE PEOPLES' MERCHANT8. uwun .uii;u-jigvu a iwuw. Ola niMCIi UnLUvili If You will Give Them a Trial They will Convince You . that what is Said in this Advertisement is THE TRUTH Our Large Stock of DRY GOODSjlGROCERIES Consists of the Highest Standard of Quality, which we aim to sell at very reasonable prices. eseantssBeasEaaaESasssssasaaaessssaBS RUBBER GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ....BOOTS AND SHOES.... DART & MUCKLE, N POPULAR DEALERS. ST. HELENS, OREGON. r .inuMenri $, oiiE,riaatfiri?r none was Mi VStSWBRB BB SlWee.e e Manufacturers of and Dealers In o ...All Kinds cf Rough and Dressed Luntber... 4 Fleering... Rnatle ...Celling ABD w ... Dimension I, una, ber... at I W arren station, tl.5u. 6 SCAPPOOSE, - - - - - OREGON GOOD ROAD TO THE MILL. Mill on eoiith fork of Seappoow enk(fonr I miiefl lrom ftcAppooee station. i uumo?r aeuverea u ocappooee cuLiion or Johnson's landing at J1.0O per U, extra. At St. Helens Meat Market KELLlr & GILS0N, Proprietors. MUTTON, BOLOGNA, PORK, PORK, VEAL, OJL4i SUMMER SAUSAGE. Breakfast Bacon, Cottage, Picnic and Westphalia Hams. Pore Lard. Highest Cash Price Paid for Block.. KELLEY & GILSON, . tjx. JtiziiEHS, Oajtaom. I : St. Helens Pharmacy DR. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. Drugs. Chemicals AND ....PATENT MEDICINES.... Perfumery, Toilet Articles, School Books,School Sup plies, Stationery, Etc .... Prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded at any hour of day or night. Orders by mall for medicine will receive prompt attent the attention. PAINTS, OILS, L. CLEVELAND PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. I COTTAGE COLORS. ..St. Helens Pharmacy.. ct uri PNfi. - . nDennm THE NEW YORK STORE Haa removed to the Cooper building, and ha the largest stock of dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, notions and gen eral merchandise in Columbia county, and is constantly re- : ceiving new invoice of spring and summer goods. Come and get aome of the rare bargains I am offering to make room for new goods. Remember that I pay the highest price for pro- due in exchange for goods, at the lowest price. , Call and see -; -, I! .rapmauo. jg Cooper Building, Slain Street, ST. 1TELENS, 0EEG0N 9