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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1900)
I FARMING FOR ALASKA Grains, riii, Clour and Vegetable! Thrive 8urprlslngly-Alao Outi, Sheep and Cattla. On of the Important repot ta whi hat just been aubmitted to congivsa hj the secretary of agriculture and ordered to be printed deals with the ak-ricul I tural Investigations in Alaska. It is important because it brinizs out some facta in regard to the agricultural cap' bilities of our vast Northern territory, which will astonish those who have re garded it aa a useless ice box, which at most, waa valuable only for the gold it might contain or for the fur and fish it yields. These investigations, as far aa they have gone, indicate that it baa latent capabilities which, when developed, may sustain large population and make it a prosperous state. And why not? The little country of Finland, which lioa between Sweden and Russia in the anine latitude and ia less than one-fourth the aise of Alaska, has All the world knowa of the wonder ful curea which hare been made by Lydia K. Pinkhain'e Vegetable Com pound, yet aome women do not realize that all that ia claimed for it la abso lutely true. If all Buffering women could be made to believe that Mrs. i'inkham can do all ahe says ahe can, their Buffering would be at an end, for they would at once profit by her advice and be cured. There ia no more purellng thing than that women will suffer great pain month after month when every woman knowa of aome woman whom Mrs. Ftnkham has helped, aa the letters from grateful women are constantly being published at their own request. Tl, j same derangements which make painful or irregular periods with dull backaches and headaches, ami dragging-down sensations, presently develop into those serious inflamma tions of the feminine organs which completely wreck health. Mrs. Plnkham invites women to write freely and confidentially to her about their health and get the benefit of her great experience with the suf ferings of women. No living person can advise you so well. No remedy in the world has the magnificent record f Lydia K. Pinkham 'a Vegetable Com pound for absolute curea of female Ilia. Mrs. Finkham'a address ia Lynn, eMaas. Three tatters from One Woman, Showing how She Sought Mrs. Pinkham's AM, mnd was oured of Suppression of the Mon sos ana Inflammation of the Ovarlasm " Dea Mas. Piitkbxx I have been In bed a year. Doctors aav I have female weakness. I have a' bad dig. earge and much soreness across my the town of Kadiak. On one of these ansa, oean&g-dewn pains and have isla population of 2.500,000 and exports both grain and livestock, aa well ns vast quantities of dairy products. The anthor of the report, Professor C. C. Ueorgeaon, who has charge of the in vestigations, brought to Washington 1 1 varieties of spring whent, a dozen varieties each of barley and oates, and also rye, buckwheat and flax, all of which had matured at the experiment stations at Sitka and Kenai, in the Kenai peninsula. The report states that red clover lived through the winter at Sitka, made a luxuriant growth and matured seed, and that retches and other forage plants did equally as well. All of the common hardy veget ablea were grown to perfection, some cauliflower at Kenai measuring 14 inches across the head. A statement by the superintendent of the Alaska Commercial Company in regard to his company's experience with livestock at Kadiak is of more than passing interest, because it reveals possibilities in the stock industry which are bound to be of much impor tance in the future development of the countt y. The company has for nmnv years kept cattle, sheep and Angora goats on aome of the small inlands near SPRINQ TRADE RETARDED. Are Underlying llaalneea Condition Highly Satisfactory, Bradstreet'a aaya: Stormy weather has retarded the development of spring trade at many markets, interrupting telegraph and railway communication and nearly checking the movement of merchandise. In prices, aggressive strength ia still the feature of the cot ton ami cotton goods market, while re' tail lines remain steady. Food prod acta, however, have weakened, and tome raw materials, like wool and hide are quotable lower. Railway returns continue to reflect large gains over a year ago, though, as pointed 'out last week, comparisons from now on will be with last tor conditions in transportation matters than a year ago, and phenom anal gains are less likely of attainment That underlying business conditions are in a high degree healthful will be gathered from the fact that business failures for February are at a minimum a regards the number for that month, and liabilities, only slightly exceeding those of the same mouth a year ago, have shrnuk to phenomenally low I orcentage. heat (including flour) shipments for the week aggregate 8,803,387 bush ols, against 8,ftiO,850 bushels last week, S,81S,5S5 bushola in the corre sponding week of 1899, 8,253,003 bush els in 1898, 3, 075,435 bushels in 1897, and 1,407,379 bushels in 1890. xailares in the United States for the month of February number 745. with aggregate liabilities of (9,995.464, decrease of 3.5 per cent in number from February a year ago. Liabilities are 8 per cent heavier, but asseta are consid erably smaller than in the same period year ago. r allures for the week number 173, against 168 last week, 170 n the week a year ago, 232 in 1898. .C2 in 1897, and 370 in 1890. MINES AND MINING. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. not menstruated for a year. Doctors say ueuK win never appear again. Hope to hear from you." Mas. J. F. Bbowk, Ilolton, Kans., April 1, 1898. "Diaji Mas. PwKBAii-I received your letter. 1 have taken one bottle and a half of your Vegetable Com pound, and need two packages of your YYaah, and feel stronger and better. I can walk a few steps, but could not before taking your Compound. I still have the discharge and am sore across the ovaries, but not so bad. Every one thinks I look better since taking your Vegetable Compound." Ms.J. F. Bbows, Holton, Kans., Aug. 13, 1898. " DcaB Mrs. Plus ham I think it is any duty to let you know the good that Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound has done me. After I took three bottles, senses appeared, and I began to feel stronger and all my pain waa gone. Yours is the only medicine that ever helped me. I am able now to work around the house, something I did not expect to do again." Mrs J. F. Bbow, Hoi ton, Kans., Jan. 85, 1899. Threo Kloro Letters from One Woman, Relating how She was Cured of Irreg ular Menstruation, Leu oorrhcea and Backache. " Dab Mrs. Pisbham I am suffer ing and need your aid. I have pains m both sides of the womb and a drag ling sensation in the groin. Men Itruation irregular and painful ; have leucorrhoea, bearing-down pains, sore ness and swelling of the abdomen, headache, backache; nervousness, and an neither eat nor sleep." Mas. Cab bib Phiiaips, Anna, 111., July 19, 1897. - "Dkab Mrs. Pimbhah i want. t. thank yon for what you have done for me. When I wrote to you I was a total wreck. Since taking your Vege table Compound, Liver Pills and Sana tive Wash, my nerves are atronger and more steady than ever before, and my backache and those terrible pains are gone. Before I took yout medi oiae 1 weighed less than one hundred and thirty pounds. I now weigh one hundred and fifty-five pounds. Yonr medicine is a godsend to poor weak woman. I would like to ask you why I cannot have a child. I have been married nearly three years." M bs.Cab bib Phillips, Anna, 111., Dee. 1, 1897. "Dsab Mrs. Plkkham I did just as yon advised me, and now I am the happy mother of a fine baby girl. I believe I never would have had her without your Vegetable Compound." Mbs. Cabhik Phillips, Anna, ML, Jan. 17, 1899. slanda it was not found necessary to feed or shelter the cattle at all, winter or snmmer. Year in and year out they lived in the open and were maintained solely by the native grasses, which are abundant in all of Southwestern Alaska. The herd increased yearly about 75 per cent of the breeding cows. A flock of Angora goats increased 60 per cent annually and gave very good results in mohair. A flock of sheep has been kept for the past 16 years on pasture, the year around. Ihe in crease was something over 60 per cent, and the clip averaged about five pounds of wool per head yearly. There seems to be no doobt that animal hus bandry can be successfully prosecuted in different parts of Alaska. Land for agricultural experiment sta tions has been reserved at three places in the coast region; namelv, at Sitka, Kadiak and Cook Inlet, and develop ment work waa begun the past season at Sitka and Kenai. A headquarters building was erected and partiully com pleted at Sitka. It is to contain offices, laboratory, library and quarters for the person in charge. Most of the scientific work will be done at Sitka. The stations are equipped with work oxen and all the tools necessary for pioneer farming. The report ennrner ates also the lines of experimentation which are of chief interest to that country. They include those which relate to the improvement of the soil the selection and improvement of small grains, experiments with vegetables, the introduction of fruits and experi ments relating to the various branches of livestock industry. Proof that Falling of ihe Womb Is Overcome by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. "Dbab Mas. Pikkham When I wrote to you some time ago, I had been suffering from falling of the womb for many years without obtain ing relief. Was obliged to wear a bandage all the time ; also had bad headache and backache, felt tired and worn out. After taking six bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and four boxes of Liver Pills I discarded my bandage and have not had to wear it since. I am entirely Annul " lUoa T I . f ii . ,7, box , Hamilton, Ohio. ' "DbabMbs. PntKHAM For nearly two years I was unable to work I was very weak and could not stand on my feet but a few minutes at a time. Ihe doctors said I had falling and in flammation of the womb. I Wan to use Lydia h. Pinkham's VegetableCom pound, and after nsing five bottles I teel like a new woman." Mrs. P V Bi-AKB, Confluence, W. Va. At a request of the legislative com mittee of the Ohio Federation of Lalror bill has been introduced in the Ohio legislature providing for equal wages for men and women. IO CURB A COLD IN ONI DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it (ails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature ia on each box. 25c. The pay of the operatives in the em ploy of the Nonantum and Newton Worsted Companies was advanced 10 per cent. This means an actual in crease and not a restoraton. It affects about 600 hands. t- . -. ..' ruuiiti hiHaf U utffuls. ff I J Mat Uoue-h Simp. TlUM Uood. Cat f 1 f I fai time. goHl!y?'7Iwr,J't' SI ' . . r mi ai ,. mr aai , j Northvreat Notes. An opera house to cost $12,500 and to have a seating capacity of 1,000, is to be erected at Albany, Or., this year, Mrs. Jane Kees, who died near Leh anon, Or., left an estate valued at about 120,000, mostly in money. She left no children, and the money goes to her brothers and sisters. The hoisting engine at the govern ment works at Bandon, Or., was crush ea to smitnereens. A big blast was set off, and a rock weighing 25 tons fell on the engine, fairly pulverizing it, Fairhaven, Wash., claims to have not only the largest salmon cannery in the world, but also the largest shiugle mill, and the daily capacity of the lat ter is now being increased from 500, 000 to 700,000. A. C. Pettys, ex county assessor of Morrow county. Or., who baa a fine farm and orchard three miles east of lone, is of the opinion that the late frost injured the peach crop. His trees were nearly in bloom when the frost came. He also states that the codlin moth was doing a great deal of injury to his orchard. Pendleton, Or., will have a Chinese voter at the June election by the name ol Jbng Chung, who was born in Han Francisco. He is well educated and reads and writes the English language as well as the average American, and to bear him talk without seeing him it would be impossible to say that he waa not an American. A 16-year old boy has been arrested in Spokane charged with bicycle steal ing. He confessed that he had stolen nine of the ten wheels reported stolen in February. The average wages paid in the lumber and shingle mills of Washington is about ?2.78 per day. The lowest wages paid is for firemen, who receive $1.75 per day. The highest are re ceived by head sawyer and book keepers, their compensation being $4 per day. The Northern Pacific taxes in Walla Walla county were $2,234.96, and the money has been paid. The Daniels creek railroad, to be built by the North Bend Mill Com pany, to tap a body of over 3,000 acres of timber land which the company recently came into possession of, is now an assumed fact, says the Marsh field, Or., Sun. All of the important right of way has been secured, and the first length of road to be built will be six miles. The road is to be broad gauge, and the engines and rolling 1 lock have been ordered from the East Seattle Marketa. Onions, new, f'J.25($3.50 per sack, Lettuce, hot house, 40c per dot. Potatoes, new, $18(3 20. Beets, per sack, 75 (3 85c, Turnips, per sack, 60o. Carrots, per sack, 60o. Parsnips, per sack, 75 85c. Cauliflower, 75c$l per dozen. Cabbage, native and California, $1.001.25 per 100 pounds. Apples, $1.25(3 1.60 per box. Prunes, 60o per box. Butter Creamery, 81o per pound; dairy, 17 22c; ranch, 20o per pound. Fggs 20o. Cheese Native. 16c. Poultry 13(3 14c; dressed. 14 (315c. Hay Puget Sound timothy, $13.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $18.00(319.00 Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $33; feed meal, $23. Barley .Kolled or ground, per ton, $21; whole, $22. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.25; blended straight, $3.00; California, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat flour. $3.00; rye flour, $3.80(4.00. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $14.00; shorts, per ton, $16.00. Feed Chopped feed, $20.00 per ton; middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00. fresh Meats Choice dressed beel steers, 78c; cows, 7c; mutton 8c; pork, 7;c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 8Jg8 10c. Hams Large, 13c; small, 13ji: breakfast bacon, 12)jc; dry salt aides. ec. Rich Claims lu I ho Klondike Country Aeethellrlam In Mining Camps. Some one said that man first works for bread, then for butter on his bread anil win exhaust nimaell to get sugar ou the butter. There ia a great deal of truth lu the remark; at least aa far aa miners are concerned. They want the beat when they have the price. They are not so exacting to far aa flowers and perfumes go. They are not neat h to in their taste and inclinations, but they want good clothing, good board good magaaiuea and hooka and good comfortable homes or lodgings. They can rough it when necessary, take their bacon aud beans as their every day diet, sleep where night overtakes them aud never whimper, growl or grumble at their fare. They are m in era aud take life as they liud it, not as they would wish It to be. Of course, they enjoy their bread, but will take butter on it if they can get it, aud will have the sugar if it doeut't cost too much. But a miner's life, and his custom and habits do not lead him in the direction of aestheticisiu. He ia a gun tluman, but not a dude. He may be a little rough in his ways and blunt in his language, ut timss, well-meaning aud kind-hearted nud disposed to do the right thing under all circnm stances. He may appear stum and un yielding, but it should be borne in mind that the minor is forced to meet and overcome stern aud appareutlv tin yielding conditions in hia daily avoca tions. These conditions often find ex pression in his denieauor. Portland Markit. Wheat Walla Walla. 6152o; Valley, 52c; Bluestem, 55o per bushel, Flour Best grades, $3.00; graham, $2.50; superhne, $2.10 per barrel. Oate Choice white, 85 30c; choice gray, 34c per bushel. Barley Feci barley, $14 15.00; brewing, $17.00 18.00 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $13 per ton; mid dlings, $19; shorts, $15; chop, $14 per ton. Hay Timothy, $9 10; clover, $70 7.50; Oregon wild hay, $6(87 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 45 60c; seconds, 42,1445c; dairy, 8037sc; store, 2532$c. Fggs 1 1 12c per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c; Young America, 14c; new cheese lOo per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50 4.60 per dozen; hens, $5.00; springs, $2.503.50; geese, $8.60(37.50 forold; 11.50(36.50; ducks, $5.00(45.60 per uozen; turkeys, live, 10llo per pound. Potatoes 50 70c per sack; sweets. 2 2 4c per pound. vegetables Beete, $1; turnips, 90c; per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, l4o per pound; parsnips, $1; onions, $1.50(32.50; carrots, $1. Hops 3g 8c per pound Wool Valley, 1213o per pound; Kastern Oregon, 8(3 14c; mohair, 27(3 80c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 4ac; dressed mutton. 7a 7o per pound; lambs, 7c per pound Hogs Oross, choice heavy. $5.00: light and feeders, $4.60; dressed. ftt. 008.60 perlOO pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $4.00(34.50: cows, $3.50(34.00; dressed beef, 6i( 7?io per pound. eal Large, 7 (38c; small, fiXA 8so per pound. Tallow 55)4c; No. 8 and grease. 8a4o per pound. Nut (louct for roar Mn. Fred Pmedeman, an old time Pcattle man, who has spent the past 18 mouths in Atlin, 11. C., and one of the pioneers who blazed the trail into that section, returned to Seattle a couple of days ago, en rouie to St. Paul. Mr. Smede- nian will return to Seattle in a few weeks anil go from here to the new gold fields in the Cape Nome district in April. In Atlin he has several mining properties, but speak iu very conserva tive terms of the district. He aavs: "It is not a 'poor man's camp' in any sense of the word, but will take money to develop the country. Money will be made, generally snikiug, ouly by laiye concerns who have secured aud are securing strings of claims to be worked on a large scale with hydraulic plants." Hlch Mint In Southern Oregon. The Kubli Bros., of Jacksonville, Or., who own the Golden Standard mine, situated on Gall's creek, near (iold Hill, have arranged to start work ou their proiierty the present week with a force of 12 men. For the pres ent they will use the old and thrifty two-stamp mill, which has reduced so much rich ore for them in the past, but they have decided to replace it, and have secured a 10-stamp mill, vifh 500-pound stamps, which they will change to 80()-pxmnd stumps, ami have iu running order in the near future. Kxtousive development work has also been planned, aud when it shall be carried out this mine ia ex greeted to enter the list of large pro- d jeers in Southern Oregon. lilch Klomllkn Claims. Sections of Gold Bun Gulch in the Klondike are yielding $1,000 r lineal foot of the claim. One claim in the twenties, for wihch the owners asked 1100,000 some time ago, but did not sell, is yielding an exceptionally flue return. Not being able to sell it, the owners set to work with seven men and without thawers have shown up $75,000 and not over 100 feet of the 500-foot claim has been touched. A section of 45 feet of the claim yielded $7,000, $1,000 aud over per lineal foot. anil the owners claim that they will re ceive more than $300,000 from the ground included in the claim area. Killing Leoaits by laoantatlon. Dr. Alexander Islington, a diatln futshed graduate of Edinburgh unlver aity, now director of the Bacteriological institute at Uraharastown, South Africa, has cultivated a fungus which, when administered la a liquid form to locust, produce a fatal diaeaae, rapid ly uestroying me peat in enormous warms. Three great swariuaof locusts ravaging the fields were recently en tirely destroyed in this mauuer within week. Our Nnlluu' Waalth. The material wealth and strength of our tuition is in iron, the most useful of all metals, Just as the wealth of a human being lies in a useful stomach, lfyou have over worked yours, try Hosteller's Stomach lUtlPI'S. It will relieVA tli eloirireil htiu-la. improve the npeitt and cure coimllpv lion, dyspepsia and biliousness. Hrt.tfa Hurnvit With Kloctrlolly. A novel method of dostoyiug wooden bridge has receutly been tried with complete success. Weighted wires are placed aorosa certain beams aud heated by means of electricity; the wires burn their way through the woo. I, aided by tho weights, and the bridge fall. Two thousand tilmni.!rs and 6,000 laborer in Chicago uro either on a strike or under orders to strike against the new rules of the Building Contract ors' Council. A H0TED JUDGE SAVED BY PEWfjA, Had Catarrh Nine Years-All Doctors Failed. TltV AI.I.KN'S llllir KASK, A Imwder to be shaken Into I ho nhoes. At this nennou your feet teel swollen, ner vous and tincoiiiforliible. If von liavit smarting feet or tigbt shoes, try Allen's Fool-Kane. It renis and comforts; uiakes walkiriK easr. Con's swollen and sweating feel, blisters and callous mils, ltelieves corns and hiinliuis of all pain and la a cer tain cure tor t mi mains, r westing, usnip or frosted feet, V have overthlrtv thousand testimonials. Try it Indw. Hold liv nil druggist and shoe stores for 2.V. Trial package KliKK. Addn-is, Allen 8. (Mm- tea, l.e Hoy, 1 . Employes of the American Hide and Leather Comtiany' tuuncriv at Low ell, Mass., who have been ou a strike, returned to work, the differences hav ing been settled by arbitration. CATARRH CANNOT II CCRKD ft P With local applloatiant, u thsy cannot rrarh tlieualot thebruM). t aiarrh U a blood or coniimiliunaldiM'ase. an. I in onlsr to cum it ou mutt taka Internal remailiea. HiD'a arrh t'ureia taken iutrnallv.anl arixlirai-iir on the blood and muroua lurlrui'e Haifa Ca tarrh t'urs a mil a uuack nu'dielne. It iu proscribed by one or Ilia beat phynlciana la this t TJ"'L'"f 'TlJ"? ".T ""J,"",.,'I". ! ...t.rrh l. I. t laomnMd ol Ibe beat tonlt'a known, com- ued with Hie beat blood tuiririera, avtlna ill- t ' t'uy on tua mueoiia aunacea. The iMirfMit ni binatlon ol the two iiiKrwl tents la what pro. ducea aoch wonderful reaulta In curing oalarrb. Scud lor leatimomala, trie. w.j. nun a i ii., rroprs., Toledo, O. Sold by price 7V. 11 alia Family fill! are Ihe best. EON, 0E0BQE KEE8TEN, OF 0HI0A00. Hon. Georgo Kerston, a well-known Justice of the Peace, of Chicago aaya; nas attlkted with catarrh tor nine years. My catarrh waa located chiefly In my head, I tried many remedies without avail. I applied to several doctors, but they were not able to cure me. I ' learned of the remedy, Peruna, through the dally newspapers. Alter taking the remedy for 18 weeks I was entirely cured. I consider my cure permanent, as It has been two and a halt years since I was cured. " Any man who wishes perfeot health I All families should provide them must be eutlrely free from catarrh, solve with a copy of Dr. Hartiiiau' Catarrh is wall-nigh universal; almost j free book entitled "Winter Catarrh." omnipresent. I'eruna la the ouly abao- Thla lsxik consist of seven lectures on lute safeguard known. A cold I tho catarrh and la grippe delivered at Tho llartinan Sanitarium. It contains the latest Information on the trt at merit of catarrh disease. Address Dr. Hart man, Columbus, Ohio, iM-glniilng of catarrh. To prevent oolda, to cure cold, is to cheat catarrh out of it victim. I'eruna not ouly cure Kalns Rent-Hi Mines. The late heavy rains and the freshets following them in some of the sections of Southern Oregon and Northern Cali fornia, especially along the Klamath river, have cleared away large bodies of tailings and rock piles and other debris that have accumulated in the past few months. This has been most beneficial to the miners along the whole length of the river. The mines along the Klamath river which have produced big in the past are receiving special attention now. Rich Strike In Josephine County. L. Brownin, who at one time owned the- Greenback mine, in Joaophino county, has struck a very rich ledge near Leland, for which he has been made a very large offer, but declines to dispose of the property. The rock is rich in gold, and the farther he goes into the earth the richer the ledge, which is two feet wide. In Uenueral Kubbe's expedition in the islands of Luzon, Leyte and Saiuar, troops from the two regiments have occupied nine town and placed 180, 000 bales of hemp ou the market. I never uied so quick a cur as I'i-o'a Pure for Consumption. J. II. I'almer, Itox 1171, Scuttle, Wash., Nov. 1, lKi. A SIGNIFICANT LETTER. New York City, Feb. 15, 1000. My Dear Carlton: I know it will please you to learn that my homeward journey irom San Francisco was more than pleasant. One striking feature that added very much to my comfort was the dining car service on the Kio Graude Western and the Denver At Kio Grande. This ia the finest service of this description I have ever seen any where, either in this country or abroad; the food and cooking was all that could be desired, uud at very moderate prices. If you happen to know the liio Grande Western pcoplo, I wish you would say to them that it will afford mo the greatest pleasure at all times to bear testimony anywhere to the above facta. Very truly yours, All APPEAL TO HUMANITY GENERALLY We saw) yonr aaslatanca la aaaeanclaf la the vtrM the 0RBATG5T HL'MUDV that Vlewce ha aver praatuo, and yon need our aaaiatanos Is Men re railsl far yaawaall a4 frameta threofk SW ANSON'S t DKOPA." A REMEDY SUPREME tZZ"tZ o. It, ao will "S DKOI-W" unfailingly conquer all dlaeaara Ilk Kheiiatallaaa, Sciatica, Neuralgia, La a bage. Catarrhal all klewla, ASTHMA, Dyapepala, backache, Slaaphtaaneaa. NarveeMMteea, near waakaaas. lootkacke, liarache, Creeping Naaebneaa. RreaKhllut, Uer aa KMaay TranMea, etc., etc., or any dueaaa for which we lev. otumend It, ( DKOI'S" la the aaaa and the sea. " I) Mo PS" la per. fertly haraiteea. It dors But contain Salicylate of s-da a or optaua la any form. The Child ran uaa it aa well aatha Adult, Bead carefully what atr. U B. Krallh, of Kl Dorado Springe, Ma, writes ae under data of Nov. 77, l(, also Marten lluwera, of Caiaghar, Ohio, u'V'xT7 RHEUMATISM Jdn not know how tnelnreea how wonderful I think eour ttHor".' lelnela. I waa auSerlua Inlenaelr SIKI I.JI i and Ibniwui fur a mini ill that 1 wiHild he Hi ille One dai a ledr failed ut aea aae and krvueSt H,"r." I reaoleeil to try It and atiul fur a aaiun'e IwHile. Ilara "an an aliac t of aurtu .tune I Ka.a rue rl dM. I be. 1 IMrado inrliun. Ma. Muv. If. la. Tour Bator)" eame to hand on the Ilia of last month and waealadMrervteelt for I waa anf. ferine .1 the llm. H otic.. i.l f.irilim. The Inl dioe helia-d a.eugl of mr tena on ahcwl autlee. Ille (J.J for It. It will do all rmur II will, and mure u I had se.a iiaiua alloeernie bulr whon nltrlucamn I miutd notaleeu, Tle worst pain waa In a, r left M I eoalif ni fin n-r tis.t to trt., frsir ilbi.ul auyrlii ral pain IU" i.jl f..r rtlSrenl kinds of loedtrlne fur Mil KIM Tlaag and got ao relief until I gut roar " IfMOlPB," wblcli sure nie Imim-diate relief as aooee etaicd MAaTA.M now ails, lloa ai, Ceraauer. ouio. law. la Uau O AVft to,nM "'' "h"1-' at leeel a trial, we will eead a aeaaale kettle, pee. w paW by mall tor BSa. A esmple buttle will euarlnee pea. Isre buttl iWWdusws) bultleernreV lijr u. sji.l se.ots. auaata Wtstkn le n Tnrtleei. leew'l eratl I Writ Bowrl W1W KHklMlTIV Ilk CO.. IMC. lit Lahl t Ult'AtiU, ILL. (TUAoa MABI Ota an adeertlsementof e,Mir biien taking It for three weeha and flare not had an attac-k of aufferlua alutie I took Ibe Bret aae aurm mem, j me eiaiemen, ia loi'l'ir iruu. laballaleo Una pleasure In reuuaai lusiour"S liMOIB" for ibe an re of hXVMAtAilA. l. H BMITll l.atat In Koaea. The latest thln in roses is the pos session of an Kant Anglian rose grower, who, In his eataloyue, say that its name is Kroner, ami that it require (Signed) J. ADDISON HA K Kit, 2n.I. ! Wl,riu puHition ami nint h disbutliliux. alt Uka Tribune ) A good preparation for the toilet is made by grating two tcaspoonsfnl of white Castile soap, three or fonr of orris root, powdered, and a handful of oatmeal. Let all soak together in a cupful of warm water for a couple of hours; then add a few teaspoonsful of this preparation to the water in which you bathe. It is cheap, and good for the skin. The II io Gramlo Western ltailwav now operates through Pullman sleeping cais between Hun Francisco and Chi cago, without change. The route via Salt Lake City is unequalled in attrac tiveness and wealth of novel interest. Three through trains daily. Write fur information, rater, etc., to J. D. Mans field, General Aeut, 20!l Washington Mreet, Portland, Ore., or Geo. W. Ileintz, Geuvral Passenger agent, Halt Lake City. A Bag; Pull or Brealh. The "pneuuitttophcr,' an Austrian invention for enabling miners, firemen etc., to breathe when surrounded by after damp, smoke or noxious fumes of any kind, consists of an air tilit robber bug containing a steel Isittlu of pure oxygen at a pressure of 100, liters, and a metal protected glass Ixittio con taining a 25 per cent solution of cuustiu soda. The oxygen can be .admitted by a hand screw into the bag and drawn into the month through a rublier tube, the nose being tlosod by a clip. The turn of another haridscrew breaks tho glass bottle, allowing the caustic soda to flow out and be absorbed by a knitted network in the bag to absorb the car bonic acid exhaled, allowing the oxygen to be rebreatheil, the appuratus being capable of furnishing oxygen enough to last from thirty to ninety minutes, as has been attested by numerous exjieri-menta. If others will And Mrs Win.!...'. Ini hyrtip tlia best remedy to uaa for their euiiureii uurliig Ilia leelliing period. Public school cost year. Berlin $3,000 a Haaardoua llualiieae. Life Insurance Agent (filling out ap plication) Your general health is is it not? them in strong borax water for a fow Applicant ever had a sick day In hours. The water should be at a boil- niy llle- Kiltrpr nnnona ami forlra mnv Yu Iront bright when used daily by soakinz good, Ban rranwiaeo Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 12(2 16o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 1216c; Val ley, 2022c; Northern, 10J12o. nope ioa crop. 11(3180 ner pounu. Butter Fancy creamery 22f22c; ing heat when the silver is put in it. A beautiful natural park ha been offered Bun Antonio, Texas. One con dition attached is that "no beer or in toxicating liquor of any kind shall be sold, given away or drank on or upon ...... . . ,. . i .... i .i . i i, .11. , r, , , . . . ' i en, lei, ui iwiia pioiiKnen. ii uiia ta'.: 81?1CL DCy mr' condition is violated, then the property returns to the state university. The 20c; do seconds, 1718o per pound. tggs Store, 12 14c; fancy ranch, 7c. Millstuffs Middlings, 117.00 (A 20.00; bran, f 12.00 18.00. Hay Wheat 7.009. 60; wheat and oat 7.009.00; best barley $5.60(3 7.50; alfalfa, $0.00(3 7.50 per ton; straw, 80 (g 45c per bale. Potatoes Karlyliose, 75 85c; Ore gon Burbanks, 65c1.00; river Bur banks, 50 75c; Salinas Bnrbanks, 80c1.10 per sack. Citrus Fruit: oranges, Valencia, $2.753.25; Mexican limes, $4.00(8 5.00; California lemons 75cfl.C0; do choice $1.752.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60(3 2.60 per bauch; pineapples, nom inal; Persian dates, KgtXo per pound. city council nesitatos to accept it on these conditions, and the Liquor Dealer observes that "it would have been more in keeping with propriety to have given it to the W. O. T. V." Agent Um I Yon do not contem plate entering npnn any hazardous un dertaking, I suppose? Applicant Well, yes, I am afraid I do. I am going to got married next Wednesday. London Answers. They Never fall, j Almnat neeer. Caaearela rura ao large a per. ri'iiuv, that they're guaranteed to rura fliroiiireonatiiiailoiior money refunded. Drug glt, lis:, A, .'aw. A tlentle Hint. lie Ida, are you interested in ath letic sHirts? She (who has waited) Yes; I am very much interested in the ring Just now. Improved Train Equipment, The U. H. & N. and Oregon Short Line have ndded a buffet, smoking and library car to their Portland-Chicago llnoiigli tiuiu, and a dining car Borne has been luangiiarated. The, train I equipped with the latest ohair cara, flay coiiehea and luxurious flrst-olaa ami ordinary tleepei. Diiect coniiec lion made at Granger with Union Pa cing, ami at Ogdeu with Ulo Uratitl line, from all point in Oregon, Wash Ifigton and Idaho to all Kustein oltie. For informal ion, rates, eta., call on any O. It. fc N. agent, or addresa W. II. Iliirlburl, General Passenger Agent, Portland. To clean hot water copper boiler, got three cent' worth of oxalic acid at your druggist's, put it in a pint bottle ami fill it with oold water. Pour it over the boiler while it i hot, rubbing it down quickly with a cloth, and pol ishing it over with a dry piece of flan nel. The bottle should be marked "poison." IWMIMIIIIMMMIMII VallBBealtfVaw FOR 14 CENTS We wish la esla this test BMMie bee euati'Mnre, and a eeea ugsff I Pkg Karl'at KHisraldreremherlle I le ureses Market Latlaeelae & ! Mr.ei,.,,, Mslea, lie UUesadlk, ksrlff Pliiasr treioa, lue " krllhsul rioes, SssAs. lu Z Weeth ., fee Meeala. ITS Aheee M Pkse. weeth tl ea. we will malt tea frre, Ing ether wllg eel grsell:atalse,tsinig all al.oul lAtlf I MlUl IBiU PStaT aviarsasietofthie aallee le, el ate o. We laelteyoertrade. and know wbse yea eaee try Neil aer'a aeeda foe eill Baser do witboul. aoa Prlassoe Bslsst's luaasss. eetearllaetTematet.laeteaeertb. rlie ioaa a. a.riaa at a a to., it tauaes. wia i BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... BTA-JUTAOToaan t ... CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. IB-HOT It TMI ft A MS. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Vauaa anil Wire Works. fOllTI.A Nil Will K A IltON WOKKR: WIHB and Iron fencing; orlliia ralllng.aio. m Alder. lea In Itoyal Kaaldence. The store of ico at Windsor, Osborne and Balmoral are very large. At Windsor there is storage room for about 500 ton. There the supply ic obtained from the lake beneath the north terrace, from Froirmore. and from the lake between Frogmore and Virginia water. Ice is not only used lavishly in the royal kitchen, but also for reducing the temperature of her majesty' apartments in hot weath er. Then it is packed in pretty wooden buckets and stood In the fireplace, X. Y. Baa. BOWELS slf erra haven't a regular, healthy nornroent of th bowula every day, you're alck, or will he. Keen your Dowels open, and he wall, eoroe. In tin, aliuiio of violent pliyKlo or pill polaon. la nangeroua. The eiuuotheet, eaaleat, most perrunt way of keeping the howele elear and clean la to taka laiililnery anil Hiii,llea. CAWHTON A CO.; KNrHNKS, IIOII.KKR. MA cIiidctj, iiii.pliea, 48 io Uraisu, I'urtlaod, Or. JOHN POOLE, CORIN WHEAT Will out-yleld eomi will make the aaine kind of meal; baa tutiarlor fattening qnalitlea; will eolye tha problem ol fattening lloga and (.aula In a wheat eountrrs lioultj ha eown In Ilia eprlne the aame aa wheal and will yield Irom 0 lo Iw tmihele per errei the straw alter II la thrashed has an vile lubalauoe aud II I almoal aa good aa hay. rrloeofeeed 10a par poaad ar pa hundred. Addreea at. SUIELDB CO., Mosaoar, Idaho, PS 'On A DOt. Curs Hlrknaadaeha and lra papsla, II.uiii a I'lniinea.l'urlfy the Ulnoil. Aid lllgea-llo,l-revnllllllimnsa. IxnioiOrliieorHlrken. 1 S'.llrIlL"i "ii""ll,ml' alrooi full iHit.iVi. Oft. OaANHOCO.,rkUaeslekU,l'e, S..1J Py DrugglaUk Wi SICK WOMEH Can eaally (rare their Irnubln to tha blood, bill lliatdou'l help, uuleag lliey filial a retued'. Moore's Revealed Remedy I'nrlflea the blond maltea ali'k wnmon alrong and weiL 1.00 per Isjiile at tlia drug atore. HOLM AOKNCf Worthlngton team Pump and Water Meter. ramping Plants of Any CaiiauUy TATirag M now E.N 9 to 80 riral Street. Portland, Or. Haohlnary All Kinds. Pnarr.iMn n.,.n. fan j?iva you the best bargains In geral inacliinery engines, bollnr. tanks, pumps, usiu mm wintiriiiiis. The niiw tTtmlle Wi",1'nl11' ,ol1 b '". 1" I'll- Na,. vsjadi siASN airrgtp , YOUNG MEN! , ',r',''""rJ,l''n',''l,'',g'1,''al'at'aOksySpei!lfto, II U Ills ONLY n.,ll,.ns wl.l.Ti will cure '.JI eass. No CASK kni.wn It hse ever f.lM to iurV ru, matter how aerlisie or of how lonir aunilltia. Heeiille from lie use w astonish vu. ic Is .w.imi.i. .... preterite strti tiire sj,, ean lie taken wohoul Incons alvricr anil ilrtsntlon from liuslnnM. l-ail:U uoo f,M Is riy sll reliable droiorlts, or w nt nrsueld liv ssdmss Ids dniirvls. iv a...,,, n... plainly wrappsd, on rwlpt t.t ptins, by . ... Vk iisf cilia iuaCc i jumsr oMuisq on nwiiiies. HAL oo.,Chloao, 111 Meaaant, Palatable. fotent.TaaUtOoorl. DoOood. Fever H liken. Weuken. fir firlt.e IOm Ml. us.l for free aampla. and booklet oo health. Addreaa I nnAnmi Carlls, a, ts..,, ts,. a-4r..l, e lert. KtS ' I I LI I I U V KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN "SMLt.L Treated Successfully Mountain Hon, Ida. iV !af If y u need fresh an llellahla Breda ou ehli h yiio can dep ntl, ut eereletilo. a lowara, liraeeee. eta. , aeud In us ami weeneranteeaat lafaotlou. O Ive Ul rt frlol. Had for our oeteliigiie, mailed free oa aiiiilliiatlnn. Nevlii, lneenl e Co., U'i 1 Hen .mo St., Han Vianolseo, Oak FOR SUE. dress J. C. H. gun. A Klral-Claaa Itriinawlck. Haiku and tiolltinilur I'ool 'l abia, with eoinloloiilp meutH. At a barualn. Ail- I'lialolllco uox lii, 1'ortianil, Uro- CURE YOURSELF I ties Hlg for unnatural dlar.liarsiia.luflaiuiiiuilniia, Irrllatlona or ulieratlmK f g la I is I Isra J 1.8 Uaaraaus4 J aL S are is irtmsrs. of luliooua tneniliraune, I7m I Sr-vsnia tlnuisrlsa. J'alnlwea, and not aatilu. ealrsttviUlOsiHlollOo, fill or poisonous. V,'ViOiTI, faalel y nrapplata, V . u. a. A. J P aent In plain wrappnr, A 1 liy eapreaa, prepaid, for eJSll " ur uoltlea. g3.7, aassweee" aa circular asnt on miiueet. ft. V. N. V. No. 11-100. WHEW writing; to advartlter pleaa tuanllaa this papar. V