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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1900)
OREGON MIST. MAUCU 10, 1000. J)r. H. It. OllUT visited the metropolis on Tuesday. 11, H. I'uyne, of tjiilney, was men about town tfnturday. Mr. I). W. freeman, o( Fisliliawk, vjivnt Huturdiiy lust In tlio county stmt. Harrison Allen Imi lwon reappointed city attorney of Astoria by tho common COllllcil. Ntfw Ik n propltionn time to pay your mi lin;rlil lull. K you owo un anything tills mean you, W. ). Dlllunl was In Portland on Monday conduotiiitf tlio duiimu null 01 K. T. YValta vs. Hchwering. Hnv. Mr. l'hllprook will pruned next Miiumy hi iiuonuior Mitt at u a. in,, mid in in in my in in evening. K, T. (lore, o( RcAppoona, brought In lour wildout scalps butt Kitturday, tlio Diiiiiuy on ma same lining is. Mis Mabel KumoII. of Qiilnoy. visited with Mr. James Klce several duyi liint wee, returning nonio on numluy. Win. Downing, of Portland, who re cently returned from Aluuku, who tlio KiioMt oi nir. mui nir. Uuorgo. A. Hull tliii week. If. O. Howard brought to market this wook twenty-two live hojts o( a total weight of 4HM pounds, or an average of JHli pun ii im chcIi. Mm. Tho.i, ili'iidormin and Mia Lulu IK'ndoraon, of Astoria, visited at the limiio of Captain and Mrs. Henderson, at lloulton, lust week. J. J,. Sinlk'V, who hai boen in charge of Xlie Columbia Itlvor Packers Associa tiitn'H cannery at lCuroka, will leave Mliortly for tlio Round to take charge of (ioorge A Marker's cannery there. There U said to le ono member of the Montana liyixluture who did not make any money ulf the recent senatorial eloo tinii. The character of the illneat with which ho wmn proNtartod ii not atated. intensive preparation! aro being iiiihIh liy Htthnrmi'ii for the approaching m-itMin, and nil think the run of Huh will lm good. Considorahlu new gear Inn been purchaed by fishermen fur title) hcrihiii'n work. Ikrt Adnma, of IVnr Inland, killed a very largo flalicr hint Sunday, near tlio Hltttion. The animal wan treed by Mr, Adann' dog, when it was shot. The animal measured about three and oiie hnlf feet In length. The work of replacing the lnrgo dnin in Milton creek Im living prosecuted with much hasto by tho loggers IntnreHted. There am a frrct many luga in the creek and it will be necessary to hasten the work in order to get luga to tide water before tho rains ceaxo. County court adjourned on Tuesday nfteruiHin after a lung, tedious wreNtle with comity tnnttcM. The reports of the roud supervisors is a matter which always require very strict sertitinixntiou mid careful attention, and aa that mut ter was on for consideration thla term, the Imard wna detained a day or two longer lliiiti usual. Mr. A. It. Hammond, of the A. & C. 11. R., arrived in Aatoria last Sunday on a tour of inspection. . When askedlhe direct question aa to tho raU) war that exists between hla coinpany and the teamhoat compaiiiea between I'ortlnnd 4i nd Aatoria, he tuid that it whs aa fur from a settlement aa when it first atari vd, and he could (too no present sign of ita termination. Dan J. Moore, admlnlatrator of the entate of 11. It. ltorthwick, deceased, Ii led a report in the prolialo court of Multnoniali county, on Monday, includ ing the period from November 4, 18l)i) to February 17th, HKK). The receipt were flH.015, and tlm dialiurxeuientH flO.lim, leaving flHI7 bnlauco on hand. The iliabitracnicuta Includu all aorta of Itema, including numerous In bur claim. The receipts include $1052 iimnrance. Our fricndi will do n a favor and help to mnko our paper more interest ing if they will bring in or send in news ileum. If not convenient to como to the olflee, drip us a poatal card. I)o not withhold itema of news from ua and then condemn tho paper for not lielng n way. We liavo determined to with hold nothing that will make a news item Hint comoa under our obaervatlon. A newaimoer does not perform ita func tion uniewi it printa every item of newa it is poaaible to get. John Huott hua purchaaed from Mr. Dolman iota 1(1, 20, 21 and 22, block 20, in Una city. The property ii ailuate aouth of the Mucklo mill, being the four una eiiciuauu, on me UHl. KfH ir..H,.LI ul ..I , iii,iom nuuver. ui jurimnti, apont liiat Hiiturduv and Hunday at tho homo of Mr. mid Mra. 1'. A. fcrukea, at 'lltil,i.Mll Wf Ul. ...... m lu n ....II.... ..I.. . ,'. ....... iH,n in u oi vieo. I',, and Mma Lulu 1-rukea, who ore unending roniund university. Ht. Helena vouiik liullea are to I til,ii,tl linn t lit. i.i... u It. !.... , .... u.. I. ...'..........V ..u....'n lit tuu u.mii ti y ci; i ii of tli'm county thia auiuinor, Minn Net flu f!liu.liiti uilll ....,.!, 11... .1.1... Flat achonl, Mlaa Lulu George will have viiurgn oi me I'cria acnooi, iyiihb jhiiv Whitney m teuelilng the Vnllev achool, Wlllll. Ultlll.rill lltl.r.H Vl.ll,l(. I.l.1l..ll lull... applied for ncIiixiIh in tho dlatrUil near ny arm win proijiiijiy receive (nvorulilo conaiiioratiou oy tne acliout lioiirdH. Tim l,in .1 f' gri'gntlonal church in thla eily limt Fri day evening wits highly aiitisfuctory am duly appreciated by a very lurgo audi onoo. The Unlvoralty nimrtet la i Whole aliow In ltaolf. The bov aro aiilendld ilnvera. and their recitatlona were of a high order. The proceeds irniii tlio entertainment amounted to fl.i.0U, wlilcli waa divided equally lie tween the pKotura of the Congrigatlona and Melhodlat chureliea. The damage ault of Edward T. Watts against tjchweriiig for ahootlng and mini, Hi, nUL.tlir 1 S To iau., I., t.1.,1 '. . . ..,,,, tliwi nv.iv W .aim ill the l'ortland courta on Tuesday. The testimony for tne piaintin waa ail in, and when the defendant waa called he was nowhere to be found and made no defense whatever. The court Instructed the jury to find in favor of plaintiff In caae the fact could could lie established that the accident hatmened throuirh the negligence of defendant. The amount aued lor waa lO.iKK). The Jury returned verdict for t7,&U0 in fuvor of plaintifC At St. Vincent'a hospital In Port land. on Thuraduy of luat week, physicians performed a moat akilllul and surceaMul operation upon Captain A. A. Hender son, of lloulton. The right half of the lower jaw bone and the entire cheek waa taken out in order to remove a ma lignant cancer which had developed and threatened the life of Mr. Henderson in a very.briof period. The operation waa performed hy Dra. McKenxie, Clilf, of this city, and Hall, of Kainier. The patient' physlcinn, l)r, Clilf, called at the hoaoltal on Tueadav and found the cuplrtiii resting easy. The physician ex presses mine to have his patient out again in duo course of time. Captain Henderson' many friends will be pleased to know that the operation was so successful and his ultimate recovery is almost an assured tact. The local Kuiirhta of Pythias have greater occasion than ever to be thank ful to Mrs. John Hcott, of the Oriental hotel, l'sst kindnesses received at the hands of that good lady are forced Into tlio background by later generous acta. Mm. oooti sent worn to tlio castle nan during the convention Tuesday evening tnut us soon as the liuslnose oi tne con vention hud been disposed of, a lunch eon awniled the members at the popular hostelry oi which Mr. and Mrs. ecott re the proprietors. Had there oeen the alighest desire on the part of any muni In' r to have debated the question, the chancellor commander would have ruled such a nroceedimt out of order. and his ruling would have been promptly suMtulned. The invitation was accepted and nineteen brave Knights demon strated their valor in an unmistakable way at the lunch table. Hostess Hcott was promptly assured of the apprecia tion of the Knights, of such remem brance and kindness. The order of tho county court made on Tuesday last that but two-thirds of the amount of money duo each road district, to bo collected on the MM) tux roll, be disbursed on the ronds within the respective district hy tho present supervisor, is logical. The amounts due each road district, as shown by a table elsewhere in this issue, is the entire amount to lie collected from the taxable property within the district, and there is certain to bo delinquencies of greater or less amounts in eucu instance. Hence it v ill readily bo seen that it Is more than ordinarily important that the sup ervisor does not expend the entire sum. The money may ho collected early and' it may not, hence, if not collected it will not be on hand to disburse. Strict com pliance with the order of tho court in this utalter is of vital imiiortance. Of course if tho supervisor disregards the edict of the court and expends the full amount due his district as set forth in the table, he does so at his own risk, and forthwith becomes reaponaihlo for any amount expended over two-thirds the amount due the district. ROAD DISTRICT FUNDS. Knllowlna la the amount ot moiiuy which will bo dm to each road district within Columbia emiuty, fur rtiml Improvement imrsm tor the entire year, the same accruing fmtn thaamHWkiiH-ntnt tsmi, to bo c.illecteil on l ho roll now In Hie hands of tli sheriff. The County oouil on Tuewlay made an ordor that hut two-ihlrdn of the amount of cash duo eath district Is to b cxunniled by tho iirencnt supervisor, union othurwlM ordered: niitrlotNn. t. Pwtptvoone, tlriirite Kamaoy. siiiiorTlaor J Warren. I.ra Kwuniseii. auutirvisor... ' t'nlon, J. (I. l'laiik, (iMKirvlwir "JJ Peer Inland, Herman Si'hinltt, supervisor J tlolilo, Frank tllurli, supervisor - j Kainier, 8. M. Klee. suwrvlior J Apiary, J. R. lleadlee, suporvliior 177 oil Heaver Palls, 11 K. Moserre, wiiiervtuor J i ink I'nlut. If. 8. I'avne. suDorvlnor - t:lalknl, Jamoa Van, atiiMrviaor Mamlilaml. Walter Colvlii, itiervliior.., Nehalom, John lloxlor, auiwrvlKir JllBl)m. J. K, I'eternon. miairvlKor Aulmrn, C. W. Mellluger. supervlaor. Auburn. AUiiftword, aHpervliior Ulalrlel No. 2. liUtrli t Nn. S. IM.Irl. t No. 4. Pltrlct No. S. HlKlrlrt No. 6. IHnlrlet No. 7. Matrldt No. S. IHHrlrt No. II. nintrlrl No. 10. JlNlrli't No. II. Dl.lrlct No, 1J. Mutrli t No. 1:1. IM.trli'l No. U. lllstrlut No. 1ft. V0 10 .. 'its 00 l.'Jl l .. IMI 20 .. am is .. M Oil New Firm New Goodsl Collins & Gray Cnrrv the largest stock and greatest variety of gonoral merchandise of any ' firm in Columbia county, where tho wants of the farmer, the jogger, mechanic, business man and laborer can be supplied. Their stock consists ol GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Furnishing goods, hardware, tinwnro, paints, oils, glass, crockory, cuttlory, bluilkets, oil clothing, feed, flour, garden seeds, orchard grass, gardou iinplomonts, and dairy supplies, etc. etc. LOGGERS' AND W00DSMENS' TOOLS. Collins & Gray "(Successors to W. H. DOLMAN.) THE PEOPLES' MERCHANTS. Goods Exchanged for Traduce. ST. HELENS, OREGON. COLUMUIA CITY ITEMS. Comimiiia City, March 12. There Is but littlo of interest hero, were it not for the chaitgoabluneas of the Oregoniun and the weather, (which is daily). Var iety and change of the inoon'are not so frequent, nor more certain, yet they are more in accord with tho wants of man, At the school meeting here James Graham and 0. i. Cnples were elected directors and Frank Meeker was ducted clerk. C. (i. Copies is building a whnrf. He hns the piles driven, which is the prin cipal expense. He expects a branch of the Ht. Helens and Mehulem railroad and olive branch. Ueorgo Bill ii n and family, and till father, from California, have been on a visit to the Caples home here. The visit will long be remembered for the reason that Mr. hlilnn sr., is nn lutein trout, aoeht irentlemnn with lartra ex per cim on this coast and as far south as Chile. With all the pleasures of life there are some sud occurrences over which we have practically no control. The death of Mrs. Chss. English, Mrs. Joseph Merrill, and last, within a few days. Mrs. John Harris, our neur neighbor for more tliun twenty years. With a life's acquaintance with these good wives and mothers, in remembrance, I wish to sav. they were among the best of earth O, if we all could be so truo and good, now changed the worm would tie. How pathetic it Ii that a luriro portion of all our people are for contraction in stead of expansion, it tnut course is pursued to its loifical conclusion, we will grow beautifully less, and one-half of the halls ol congress win be to let. Why should wo rattle around and shirk our responsibilities of the world ? CIjATHKANIK 1TKMM. Mrs. Nettle King has been engaged to t i...l nt.. ic .1... wtKii iu euiiuui uioiuub iiu. it, mo turn ing spring term. The genial countenance of Thomas Ikivle. of Woods Lauding, graced our streets last t riday. Miss Fannie Qulglcy has been spend ing a few duvs in town with her sister, Mrs. w. is,, uonyers. Mrs. C. Clark roturned this week from a visit to Tortland, where she has been spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. tiotiiine. Miss Jennie Badger left last week for Portland, where she may remain some time as a student, if satisfactory ar rangements can be made. Miss Laura Nichols, a former resident, is visitimr friends in this place. She exM;cts to resume her place in the oflice at Hume's cannery this summer. Mrs. Driver and sister, Miss Amanda fcheldelin, rode over from Crooked creek last week to take the steamer for Portland. Their brother, Oscar, was with them. . The Artisans contemplated having a social meeting Monday evening of this week, but the social attractions across the way in the new Urahaut building HVIV fcvu Bkl uiig. ssau vi uibiuuvia sim friends gathered there instead. Mr. George Bino'. who has been work ing hero iu the interests of the Modern Woodmen for the past two months, left the first of this week for another field of labor. Mr.'Sipe did very efficient work while here, making the Woodmen the largest order iu the city at present. Everett Tichenor was seen going down street Monday morning carrying a pack of bedding, on his way to take the train for Marshland and Uolvin scamp, where he expects to work this summer. His work hist summer waa very satisfactory and he starts in for another term. The new hall In the Graham building has been tho scene of wonderful activity and noise since last Thursday, hy being used as a skating rink. To many of our young people roller skatng waa a new ex perience and they were anxious to try it. Others were anxious to see, so between a floor full of skaters and the seats around it filled with spectators, the building has presented quite an animated ap pearance The bumps and bruises so lux, huvo not been serious, and the ex ercise has provon a great source of amusement to actors and spectators. n... - i. ..... ...u,l viui puupie wvia dui, liiiv iiuhu the less pleased, to see A. M. Tichenor on the streets last Friday, he having ust arrived from a winter s sojourn lit .'ulifornia. Ho comes in with the rob ins of spring and like them, will look out for A livelihood among us this spring and summer, giving us in the meantime, us lutlierly counsel and advice in city matters. His absence is considered temporary, and his place as president of the city council is kept fur him during his winter wanderingN. He went to Portland this week to study tho lumber situntion and arrange to run the sawmill again in the near future. Olntsknnie is fortunate in having nubile spirited men who take pride in city improvement, even at the expense of their own .muscle. Last Saturday, notwithstanding the fact that the weather was nut what might be desired. quite a number of men got out with shovels, axes, wheelbarrows, etc., and spent some hours in grading the school grounds. The work done shows a de cided improvement about the suliool L..!l I! I ...111 I . I I... otiiiuing, ami win uo nuppieuiuiibeu vy more later on. Thore is a feeling prev alent, too, that the grounds should be enclosed hy a neat, substantial fence, which, it is hoped, win oe Duut uetore long. HOUliTON ITEMS. School will commence here on tbe 2nd of April. Mrs. E. Terry went to Castle Rock Saturday. The people have purchased a new bell for tho M. E. church. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Terry wout to Portland Wednesday morning. Mrs. J. R. Watts was visiting her daughter , Mrs. N. A. Perry, Saturday. Mrs. L. Meeker is able to be up and about again, having recovered from her recent illness. Mr. R. McCall. Mr. Perry's clerk. made a visit to Castlo Rock Sunday (to see his best girl, so the boys say.) Mrs. Tom Honderson and family have been staying with Mrs. Henderson while the oantain ia at St. Vincent's hospital. Mr. Chas. Dagget left for Alaska Wed nesday last to remain for the summer. Mrs. Dngget and son will remain in lloulton. Mrs. J. H. Urio and family have moved from Fort Stevens back to lloul ton, after having been away for about two years. ' The many friends of Cant. Henderson are pleased to receive the news that he stands a snow oi recovering iroin an operation performed upon him in Port land. Owing to the illness of Capt. Hender son, the United Artisans did not hold their social lust Friday and will have the same program in four weeks. A. A, Cleveland, the well-known law yer, has gone to Hot Hprtngs, Cat., where he expects to regain his loat health. After spending several weeks at tne neaitn resorts lu Northern ualc fornla, Mr. Cleveland will go to New York, with the intention of having an operation tor the removal ol a tumor in his stomach, performed. Mr. Cleveland states that the object of his visit toCal- itornia resorts is for tho purpose of ett n Ing the vitality necessary to withstand the ordeal of the operation. Astorinn. The subject of this paragraph is the hither of the iirinclnul of tho Ht. Ilel ens school, and is well known in Colum bia county. They want a- railroad over at Tilla mook, and regarding the proposition a Tillamook paper remarks: "We may keep on howling until doomsday for a rauroau. out no comnanv is ooinir to construct one Into Tillamook until it ia good and ready, unless it can secure a uig oon us. Now to tie thoroughly prac tical, let us ask one pertinent Question of those who are talking so much about a railroad : now many acres of land are you willing to donate of your farms aim now many thousand dollars are you willing to subscribe for a bonus? Don't lie bashful, gentlemen, speak up. for the bigger the pile subscribed the quicker we shun get a railroad." 8t. Helens folks are a generous people In expressing their appreciation of mer itorious endeavor, hence the many kind words spoken in behalf of the Portland University quartet, which so ably en tertained our good people last Friday is but a reflex of appreciation felt. There is one member oi the quartet in whom we feel an exceptional interest. Mr. Omar C. Spencer, a young man born and reared at Vernonia, is one who possesses the metal which makes great men. He ia exceptionally bright and possesses qualities which make him a peer among his associates and school mates. Columbia county people are proud of such a son, and wish him all the success he merits. Charlie Wallis haa purchased eighty acres of land from R. Cox. Tbe land is on Milton creek. Mrs. A. H. George and Mm. E. E. Quick were shopping in Portland Wed nesday. Mrs. Tlios. Cooper, of Kalama, visited in this city a day or two this week. First Paper In thla County. One day last week Mr. Charles Blakes ley handed us a copy of the first issue of the Columbian, the first paper pub lished in Columbia county, established at St. Helens, and bearing date of Aug ust 13th, 1880. The paper is replete with live local happenings and a splen did selection of miscellaneous matter, as well as much valuable historical mat ter of the early settlement of Columbia county and the founding of St. Helens. The salutatory of the editor and proprie tor, Mr. K. G. Adams, waa the portrayal of excellent sentiment and policy, which, if carefully pursued, would have enabled the Columbian to have lived on and on, but unfortunately the straight and narrow path was deviated from, and the paper soon outlived ita usefulness. A tombstone bearing the epitaph: "Hatred, Envy and Abuse," marks the last resting place of the Columbian in the memory of the population. The paper lived about five years. Mr. Blakes ley expects to send the paper to the Oregon Historical Society at Portland, as a souvenir of early days In Columbia county. KEUBEN ITEMS. Gottlieb Anlicher was doing business in Portland Wednesday. Misses Tempest and Nellie Wise were Portland visitors Monday. Casper Zoller was a passenger for Portland on the Kellogg Monday. Frank Welter moved his family down from the Haley place to Cofliin Rock last week. Emil Wasser moved his family from Mooresville to the place purchased by Julian Wasser from L. Archibald. Gottlieb Bower has rented the Casper Zoller place for two years and moved his family down from Portland Tuesday. Jacob Severson. H. M. Fowler and T. C. Watts attended the Masonic lodge at St. Helens Saturday evening. Lincoln Stehman, having rented his place to Thos, Tawsan, started for the Gray's Harbor country, looking for work. VEKNOMA ITEMS. Mr. Buchanan, the timber left here Saturday for Mist. Born: Saturday. March lUth. to the wife of G. M, Stroup, a son. Vester Mitchell was visiting in the valley the first of this week. T. H. North, of Kist. was doing busi ness in Vernonia last Saturday. Born: Sunday, March 4th, to Mrs. G. H. ISvnon, a boy. Weight niue pounds. Mrs. D. W. Keasey is staving a few days with her mother, Mrs. Sesseman, who is SICK. John Morris and- John Parker came over from Houlton last Friday to spend a tew days on the latter s ranch. Miss Eva Malmstan, formerly of Ver nonia, was married last wees to Mr. (J. West, of Greeuville, Washington county. Wm. Mellinger. sr.. of Yankton, came over Friday on business connected with the cemetery, lie returned Sunday. J. P. Sheelcy and Hans Christensed went to St. Helens Wednesday to assist J. L. Young in making final proof on his homestead. Rev. N. Shupp waa in attendance at quarterly meeting Saturday and Sunday. A series ot meetings will Lie continued for a few days. Eden Mow had the misfortune to fall off of a horse last Friday and break his arm. Dr. Hattluld was called and sot the broken member. cruiser, Card of Thanks. To our frionds and neighbors who attainted us during my wifo's last illness and burial, 1 tender my most sincere thanks. John Harris, Columbia City, March 13th. BAHRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS. The undersigned, having purchased a cockerel from tlio famous prize win ning nocx oi ueo. w. Downs, oi Port land, to run with his fine thoroughbred hens, is prepared to furnish eggs at the moderate sum ot bu cents per setting oi thirteen eggs. Leave orders for eggs at Uolhns & dray a, ht. Helena, Uregon. Chas. Tabkki.l, Houlton, Or Tell Your Slater. A Beautiful Complexion is an itnpossi- Wiility without good pure blood,.the sort that only exists in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover Root Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys, keeping them in perfect health. Price 26 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. School Report. Following is the report of the St. Helens school for the month ending March Oth : Number days taught., 20 Number days attendance 793 Number days absence 60 Number times tardy 20 Total number enrolled 40 Averave number belonging , . 43 Average daily attendance... ........ 40 A. A. Clevbland, Principal. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. COUWTY TKEAUDKKU'a Orrics, hT. IlKi.Kxa, Ok., March 9, UK. NOTICE 18 HKKKHV OIVKN THAT AM. uliliHfd t.'oimtv WftrmntN nf :rilumlil& Comity, Oregon, wlilch htiva Ik-cii presented and endorser) "Nut I'ald for Want of Fiini," prior to January 14ih, lsa, and warrants Nn. him, 6I), 6112, 5112, filU4, 6174, 5170, 5140, MSI, Mil, oam, 6171 and ftlAft, endorsed on January HI h, IMS), will Im) paid Umn presentation at thla office. Interest will not be allowed after thla date. KDW1N KOrlH, mDafl Treasurer of Colnmbla County, Orexon. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Ofmcb or City TRKAsuaaa, Ht. Hki.kns. Oreeon. Jan. 20. 1900. rpHK CITY TKKA8UKKK OF ST. HKI.KN'8, X Oregon hereby Riven notice that all war rant of this city which have been nreiiented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds." prior to March 2Uth, Wall, and warrants Noa. 422 and 427 endorsed on that date, will be paid upoii firesentatlon to ine. interest will not tie al owed after this date. 11 A VI It I)A VIK, City Treasurer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that I. the undersigned, have been, by the Honora ble Cou.ity Court of the State of Ore gon, for Columbia County, appointed administrator of ttie estate of George Price, deceased : that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, with the proper vouchers, to me, at Pittsburg, Columbia County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Hated March 10, 1900. W. D. Case, Administrator of the estate of George Price, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that I. the undersigned, have been, by the Honora ble County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Columbia County, appointed administrator of the estate of Sarah Case, deceased ; that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same with the proper vouchers, to me at Pittsburg, Columbia County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Hated, March 16, 1900. W. D. Case, Administrator of the estate of Sarah Case, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed administra trix of the estate of Wm. L. Graham, deceased, by the Hon. J. B. Doan, judge of the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Columbia County. All persons having claims against said estate are re quired to present the same, properly verified, to me at Marshland, Oregon, or at the office of R. P. Graham, 206 Mar quam building, Portland, Oregon, with in six months from the date of this notice. Hated this 9th day of March, 1900. Mavpe E. Graham. m9a6 Administratrix of said estate. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. rCaiinA ia narAKv rnran 4ln t T tVltA nn. dersigned, have been appointed admin istrator, wttn the Inst will annexed, of tbe estate of George Hayes, deceased, by order of the County" Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia county ; that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to pre sent the same, with proper vouchers, to me. at Mavger. Columbia county. Ore gon, within six months from the data of this notice, liated March 2nd, 190U. CHARLES MAYGER, Administrator of the estate of George Hayes, deceased. in2ni30 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that on Satur day, April 7th. 1900, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door, at St. Helens, Columbia county, Oregon, pursuant to an order of the County Court of the state of Oregon, for Clatsop county, made and entered January 8th, 19UU, 1 will, as administrator of the estate of L-.l -.1 .1 1 ..u auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following-described real property be longing to snid estate, and situate in said Columbia county, to-wit: Lots two, three and four, and the southwest quar ter of the northeast quarter of section Bix, in township 6 north, range 6. west of Willamette meridian in Oregon, con taining about 150.70 acres. Dated March 2nd, I'JW. JOHN L. CARLSON, Administrator of the estate of Edward Westby, deceased. m2m30 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Columbia. Nina M. Emerson, Pluintifi, vs. Charles. V. Emerson, Defendant. To Charles V. Emerson, defendant in the above entitled suit. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint tiled against vou in the above entitled suit by Tuesday, May 15th, 1900. Said suit is commenced by plaintiff against you for divorce upon the grounds of desertion, and if you fail to answer between now and said time, tne piaintin will hike judgment against you for di vorce and the dissolution of the mar riage now existing between you and said plaintiff. This summons is served by publica tion in pursuance to an order made by the Honorable Thomna A. McRride, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia. Dated March 13th, 19UU, siuu order providing that the first publication of t his summons should lie made on Friday, March loth, UKJO. U. G. DrriiUEK, Attorney lor piaintin. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for Columbia County. Blanche S. Barnes, plaintiff, vs. D. J. Barnes, defendant. To D. J. Barnes, the above-named de fendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon : You are hereby required to ap pear and answer tho complaint filed against you in the above-entitled Court and cause on or before the 13th day of April, 1900, and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof piaintin will apply to the Court for the relief de manded fn her complaint: The relief demanded is the dissolution of the marriage contract now and here tofore existing between plaintiff and de fendant, on the ground of wilful deser tion, and for the care and custody of the three minor children belonging to plaint iff and defendant. This summons is published by order of the Hon. J. B. Doan, judge of the County Court for Columbia county, Ore gon, made February 24, 1900, the first publication being Friday, March 2, 1900, and the last publication being April 13, 1900. 3. A. HALL, - Attorney for plaintiff. If You will Give Them a Trial They will Convince You that what is Said in this Advertisement is THE TRUTH Our Large Stock of DRY GOODSjeGROCERIES Consists of the Highest Standard of Quality, which we aim to sell at very reasonable prices. RUBBER GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ....BOOTS AND SHOES.... DART & MUCKLE, POPULAR DEALERS. ST. HELENS, - - OREGON. o Manufacturer! of sud Dealers In o ...All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber... d Flawing... Bnatle ...Celling .Dimension Lumber., VwVVV BROS..... 1 8CAPPOOSE. GOOD ROAD TO THE MILL. Mill on soatfa fork of flciippooee creek,fonr 1 ini!e from tappooe nation. . Lumber delivered at Hcappooae station or Jolinaon'a lauding at S1.0O par M, extra. At I narren nation, si.w. - - - OREGON at St, Helens Meat Market MUTTON, PORK, VEAL J. H. DART, Proprietor. DpnC BOLOGNA, PORK, OItf JLr SUMMER SAUSAGE Breakfast Bacon, Cottage, Picnic and Westphalia Hams. Pure Lard. Hieheet Cash Price Paid for Stock.. J. H. DART, ciT. Helens, Oregon . St. Helens Pharmacy DR. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. Drugs, Chemicals AND ....PATENT MEDICINES.... Perfumery, Toilet Articles, School Books,School Sup plies, Stationery, Etc Prescriptions carefully and acenrateljr compounded at any hour of the day or night. Orders by mall for medicine will receive prompt attention. t M f' PAINTS, OILS, CLEVELAND PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. i COTTAGE COLORS. ..St. Helens Pharmacy.. ST. HELENS, - - OREGON. ffltmtiimniiifwwiffwwiiiiiiwwwiniimiiifmimining I The Weekly Oregonian 12 paeea a week Wlooldmna " fctl pares a year M68 columns " g CONTAINS All the newa well written. Articles describing Western scenes and incidents. " 3 Stories of love and adventure bv well- known authors. 3 Brilliant illustration by newspaper artists . Interesting sketches and literature for 3 boys and girls. 35 . Fashion articles and illustrations for 3 3' OUR CLUBBING OFFER - , r-j fc We have perfected arrangements whereby we are-enabled to fur- zSt nish The Weekly Oregonian in connection with TifB Mist for 3 : only Two Dollars. The price of The Oregonian alone ia $1.50. S5 I THE OREGON MIST i iUlUiUlUlUlUiiUUiUiUiUiiiiUiUiUiUiUiUiUlUiUiUiUiU 9 ATt TTIlTm IT UMMTAL HOTEL Irs. U. J, Scott Proprietress ST. HELEN'S, OREGON. A Strictly Frst-Class House. A Home for Commercial Travelers and the Public. Board and Lodg ing at Most Iteasonable Rates. A WELL KEPT STABLE ml For Care of Patron's Horses. 0 0"OOO000 ..BRIMS SALOON.. . If you want something good In the Hue of u hUky try SHAW'S MALT Only the best nf Liprs and Cigars Kept in Stock! Pool and Card Tables for the use of 1'alrons. Courteous Irvutmeut. (Betwe.n th. two ST. HELENS, ... OREGON. OPEN FROM S A. M. TO 13 O'CLOCK MIDNIGHT. j