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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1899)
Wot TJnenYlenle. Mr. Gadabout That Mn, Hard sad next door doesn't soara to hav many friends. Hostess (wearily) No-oj I wondor how she manages it? Judy. A Wt lad Ion Hurricane Recently trareled up tlx coast at will, and acted In an entirely diflerent manner from ny other storm. Sometimes dyspepsia lots the tame war. It refuse to yield to treatment which has cured similar cases, Then Hosteller's (Hoinach Bitters should be taken. It ha cured stomach trouble fur half a century. A train running from New York to Boston made over 80 lulles an hour re' cently. In France advertsing posters must bear revnnne stamps varying in value soooraing to siae of the poster. 44 Circumstances Alter Cases, h eases of scrofula, salt rheum, dys pepsia, nervousness, catarrh, rheumatism. eruptions, etc., the circumstances may be altered by purifying and enriching the blood xixih Hoofs SarsaparHU. is the great remedy for all ages and both sexes. oe sure to get flood s, because An Oddity la Railroading. "The erase for fast time on railways Is taking a new feature," observed a prominent railroad official to Star writer recently. "It is the shortening of lines and reconstruction of surveys in order to make a given line as straight as possible between two points. It is, in fact, a scheme to make time by saving distance. A railway with out curve or a cutting is, of course, a splendid thing from an engineering standpoint, but it is very tedious affair to the passenger. To thoroughly realise how extremely monotonous a long journey on a railway without a curve or cutting is, one must travel on the road from Buenos Ayres to the Andes. That railroad beats ail known records for having 200 miles of tracks almost on a line, such as mathemati clans describe as the shortest distance between any two points. No one who has not seen this remarkable stretch of road, straight in front and behind as far as the eye can reach, even when aided by a field glass, can grasp what it means or what an amount of wearisome monotony it involves and entails." Washington Star. Improved Traia Kqalpmests. The O. B. & N. and Oregon Short Una have added a buffet, snoking and library car to their Portland-Chicago through tiain, and a dining car aervic has been insngnarated. The train is equipped with the latest chair cars, day coaches and luxurious fiist-class and ordinary sleepnis. Direct connec tion made at Granger with Union Pa cific, and at Ogden with Bio Grande line, from all points in Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho to all Eastern cities. For information, rates, etc., call on any O. R. & N. agent, or address W H. Hurlburt, General Passenger Agent, Portland. Tha Betrothal Kite. First Boarder Did you hear the re port of the engagement of our land ladv'a daughter? Second Boarder I should say I did. I was sitting in the next room at the time, and it was a pretty loud report, let me tell yon. Richmond Dispatch. Boetonlane' Manner Abroad. Faddy The link-runs are very din erect. Buddy In what way. Fnddy They never smile when they are in public together. They are afraid peo ple will think they are not married They both of them hate a scandal above all things. Boston Tanscript. The largest mass of pure salt in th world lies under the Province of Ga lica, Hungary. It is known to be 550 miles long, 20 broad and 250 feet in thickness. London annually consumes 40,000 tons of imported meat. Germany manufactures 70 per cent of the world's production of coal-tar colors. The New York Varnishers' Union reports that all its members are busily employed, and its business agents have applications from employers for more men. All union varnishers receive not less than f 3 a day, and some are get ting 3.25 and f 8.50 for eight hours' work. an, -I . '"3':aV,' rC are h-v MTM An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Hjuvt op Flos, manufactured by the CauroiWA. Fio Strop Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing fig's are nsed, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plant, by a method known to the California Fie Svrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. aw pmAjroisco. cal. Aovrsmixa. sr. mrw tosjc . T. per sale by all Druggists. Price 60c per bottle WW 111 ALONG THE COAST. limit of General Intern Gleaned Frees the Tart. lag rnelfle ttmlM. Tha Stag Robbery. It transpired that Van C. Alexander, the man who gave up $170 of the money stolen from the United States mails on the stage near Wsstfall. Or., on Sep tember 22, is admittedly the main per son responsible for the hold-up. The indications during the examination in United States Commissioner Hailey court here on Saturday, pointing to Alexander as the one planning the rob bery, with the two boys as his acoom plices, are confirmed by the develop ments. It is announced here that this phase of the case will be called to the attention of Judge Bellinger, of the federal court at Portland, before whom the two boys are to be tried. Big- Steam Heating Finns. Upwards of $600,000 is to be spent by the Boston capitalists who have par- chased the plant of the Seattle Steam Heat & Power Company, and six of the street railway lines of Seattle, in the erection of a new and modern power plant and in the rebuilding and the distributing system. This part of the plant will be almost wholly reoon' itructed, new mains being laid in con' formity with the latest ideas of steam sngineering. This is but the beginning jf large improvements which - will be made. Plans are now being drawn for the new building and plant, which will be finished by January 1, and for the rebuilding of several of the street car lines recently purchased. Holloaed Sustained. Judge Burnett, of Salem, has sus tained a motion for non-suit against the plaintiff in the case of L. II. Mc- Mahon vs. The Canadian Pacific Rail way Company. The action was begun to recover about $550, alleged to be due the plaintiff on account of advertising in the Woodbnrn Independent and the Salem Independent. The defense claimed that the agent who made a contract far the advertising had no an thonty to do so, and that the newspa per company was to take pay in trans- portation. Labor Scare at Fairs avea. Labor is so scarce in Fairhaven Wash., that railroad contractors and others are delaying work on various enterprises until more plentiful supply of workmen are to be had a change from three years ago, when laboring men were sitting around on the curb stones, waiting for something to torn up. Fairhaven's pay roll is almost 16 times larger than it was two years ago, with a certainty of an increase next year. Hlllsboro Tonng Man Hart. Charles V. Doughty, a young man and resident of Hillsboro, Or., while riding a bicycle at a rapid rate over a crosswalk, was thrown from his wheel and seriously injured. He was render ed unconscious for about two hoars, and received a deep cut across the left eye and his upper up was badly laeer ated. The wheel was completely de molished. Young Doughtv was a mem ber of company H, Second Oregon vol unteers, and enlisted from Hillsboro. Landlorda Smiling. Portland hotels are generally doing a good business these exposition times, and would soon be filled to overflowing were it not that guests keep going away as well as coming in. About two days is the average length of the out-of-town visitor's stay in the city, and his place is taken just about as quickly as he has vacated. The principal hotels have good long lists of names on the daily registers. A Xlnety-Found Pumpkin. A clothing house at New Whatcom, Wash., gave farmers pumpkin seeds last spring, and offered five prizes for largest results. The first prize went to R. D. Perry, of Clearbrook, whose pumpkin weighed 80 pounds; second, Cal Watkinson, of Edison, 88 pounds; third, Cyrus Bradley, of Lynden, 61 pounds. The fourth and fifth weighed 42 and 37 pounds respectively. Gold Hill Water Ditch. Engineer J. 6. Howard, of Medford, Or., has completed the survey of the Gold Hill water ditch. He employed parry of 12 men, who completed the permanent survey in 93 days. Much interest is shown in the ditch, not only by local enterprise, but by many East ern capitalists, who are ready to invest money in it. To Propagate Steelhead. The Willapa hatchery will be com pleted this week. As steelheads are more numerous in Willapa river than in any other stream in this section, a special effort will be made to propagate then here, and to stock other streams form this hatchery. The propagation of steelheads has not as yet been at tempted in any Washington hatchery. Catches All the Fish. Lew and Sanford Alayhew have one of their floating traps located near the Point Francis portage, near Whatcom, Wash. It has 800-foot leads and catches all the fish that come its way. The boys Ray the trap's success is as sured, and they will have it towed farther up the Sound, where the fall run of fish is bettef. A potato phenomenon Is being dis played in Colfax, Wash. The growth consists of several large vines, on which there are scores of potatoes ranging in size from a bird's egg to s man's fist. The potatoes grow entirely, above, in stead of under the ground. The exports from Tacoma last week included 2,100 tons of coal to Honolu lu, 5.000 tons of wheat and barley to Antwerp, and 4,000,000 feet of lumber to Honolulu. The imports were 8,000 tons of tea, silk and curios. Tha Sunday Law, The cases at Fairhaven, Wash.. against Loux and Beck for violating the Sunday law have been stricken from the docket, the evidence treinx deemed insufficient to convict. Iior genson Bros., who run a bar in connec tion with a hotel, were tried and ac quitted. Dynamiter at Work. It is retported that dynamiters are at work again on the Wallowa river, below the bridge, and that salmon are being slaughtered in a very reckless manner. BRADSTREET'S REVIEW. Mstrlbutlre Trad I Still of aa In eouraglug Volume Bradstreeta says: Distributive trade, while smaller at some markets, is still of encouraging volume, iudustry is ao tive, railway earnings heavy, prices still tend upward and bank cloarlni! increase, while failures lessen. Fall festivals and other celebrations at sev eral cities have had an appreciable effect upon retail trade, and proved a etimnlatinji factor in wholesale linos. Industrial activity la widespread, and strikes are fewer and less costly than in most years. Though lessened by holidays, bank clearings, swelled partly by heavy October disbursements and partly by general business expanding, tend to enlarge as the season advances, Business failures are apparently at a minimum, and liabilities are certain' ly less costly than for many years past. Prices aa a whole manifest aggreesivs strength. Farm products are especial ly prominent in this direction, ths Sooth's greatest staple, cotton, owing to short crop, advancing, and, owing to active speculation leading in extent Df gain with an advance of nearly S s cent for the week, of nearly 2 cents as compared with a year ago and of quite 8 X cents as compared with the low water price touched in the season of 1898-9. Iron and steel hold all of their old strength. W heat (including flour) shipments fox the week aggregate 5,183,389 bushels against 3,872,455 bushels last week. 5,497,273 bushels in the corresponding week of 1898, 4,823,461 bushels in 1897, 4,050,772 in 1896, and 2,244,328 bushels in 1895. Since July 1, this season, the exports of wheat aggregate 65,699,413 bushels, against 52,498,121 bushels last year, and 60,930,412 buan els in 1897-8. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 8859o; Val ley, 69(360o; Bluestem, 61363jo pel bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.25; graham, $3.65; auperhne, $3.15 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 8536o; choice gray, S884o per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $15916.50; brewing, $18.60 19.00 per ton. Mills tuff a Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $32; shorts, $18; chop, $16 per ton. Hay Timothy, $9(3 11; clover, $7 8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 4550o; seconds, 4043Mc; dairy, 8035o; store, 2227s0. Eggs 2 1 (g 2 2 X e per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 18c; Young America, 14o; new cheese 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00 g 4.00 per dozen; hens, $4.00; springs. $3.00(83.50; geeeo, $6.00 7 for old; $4-50 6.60 for young; ducks, $4.50(3 B.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 12) (si 14o per pound. Potatoes 50 60o per sack; sweets, 2 (3 2 J-io per pound. Aegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90c; per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cauli flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, $1; beans, 63Co per pound; celery, 70g 75o per dozen; cucumbers, 60o per box; peas, 3 4c per pound; tomatoes, 25o per box; green com, 13)s(g 15c per dozen. Hops 7 10c; 1897 crop, 66o. Wool Valley, 12(3130 per pound; Eastern Oregon, 813c; mohair, 27(3 80c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 84c; dressed mutton, 643 7o per pound; lambs, 7to per pound. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; light and" feeders, $4.50; dressed, $6.00(37.00 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $3. 50(34-00; cows, $3.60(94.00; dressed beef, 67o per pound. Teal Large, 63407 c; small, 80 8Ko per pound. Seattle Markets. Onions, new, $1.25(91.50 per sack. Potatoes, new, 75c$l. Beets, per sack, $1.10. Turnips, per sack, 75a Carrots, per sack, 90c. Parsnips, per sack, 90c. Cauliflower, 75o per dozen. Cabbage, native and California, $1 1.25 per 100 pounds. Peaches, 65 (g 80c. Apples, $1. 251.50 per box. Pears, $1.00 1.25 per box. Prunes, 60o per box. Watermelons, $1.50. Cantaloupes, 60 75c. Butter Creamery, 27o per pound; dairy, 1722c; ranch, 12x17o per pound. Eggs 27(3 28o. Cheese Native, 1314o. Poultry 14c; dressed, 15Ko. Hay Paget Sound timothy, $811; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $14 15. Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23; feed meal, $23. Barley Boiled or ground, per ton, $21; whole, $22. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50; blended straights, $3.26; California, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.50; gra ham, per barrel, $2.90; whole wheat flour, $3.00; rye Sour, $3.76. Milhstuffs Bran, per ton, $10.00; shorts, per ton, $16.00. Feed Chopped feed, $20.50 per ton; middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake meal, per ton, $35.00. Saa Franeiaco Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 12 14c pet pound; Eastern Oregon, 12 15c; Val ley, 17 19c; Northern, B10o. Hops 1899 crop, 912o per pound. Onions Yellow, 75 850 per sack. Butter Fancy creamery 2728c; do seconds, 24 26c; fancy 'dairy, 22 24c; do seconds, 19 2 lo per pound. Eggs Store, 2126o; fancy ranch. 8638o. Millstuffs Middlings, $17.60 (3 19.60; nraa, $1617. Hay Wheal $7 9.00; wheat and oat $7.00(38.60; best barley $5.00 .00; alfalfa, $5.00 7.00 per ton; straw, 20 85o per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 40 50c; Ore gon Burbanks, $1.25 1.60; river Bur banks, 45 70c; Salinas Burbanks, 90c $1.10 per sack. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2. 75 3.25; . Mexican limes, $4.00 5.00; California lemons 75c$1.60; do choice $1.752.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60 60 per bunch; pineapples, nom- lnal Persian dates. 686o per poaad. Followed Her Doctor's Advice Mrs. O. W. Palmer, of Jonesvtlle, Vi., said: "Two yean aso 1 was atSleted with slow eon and bowel trouble. My ease pusaled th doc tors. 1 subsisted onlr on the hhtst kind of lleu My stomach would not retain solid food. To aln lo tuy Unuach and bowels was so Intense that 1 cannot deeeribelu I continued to (rote worse. I lost St pounds, tny neree were completely sbatter ed, and 1 wa very weak. Dr. C W. Jacobs, of Richmond, advised me to take Dr.Wllllaws'r'luk nils for Pale 1'eople. 1 beaau to use toe pills, and the Srsl erTetit wa th restoration of my appetite, and Uie anleuus of my shattered nervous arelem. Ibe- rsn lo regain sir lost alreujth. and n one mouth after comraenclof to take the pill 1 we able to do my housework, i have sained to pound aud to-day am la food health." Jfrvm the rtt Prm, BurltngtM, JX Dr. WMIae' Met Wis Pets ! I re eer sole si tee eetea er . k.i simm le escksses. at all Ski (let. er afreet treat Ms Or. WlllteM Heslcta Cs.. tcksaertssf, N. ., M cesu) er S. S seise W so. Not always. Bertha "It's a curious expression, 'She went In bathing. Why is it not enough to say, 'She went bathing?' " Bobby Sure enough, w hen a girl goes bathing she doesn't usually go in." Boston Transcript. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- hifC iSvrup th beet remedy to use for their children during the teething period. At Tacoma tinsmiths and men skilled in regular tin an sheet iron work are hard to get and are getting $2.50 a day. At Dawson City ears cost 50 cents a dozen. The number of mining firms using coal-cutting machines in 1898 in the United f-tatea was 36 per cent greater than in 1897, and the gain in Pennsyl vania was about 50 per cent. Men buried In an avalanche of snow hear distinctly every word uttered by those who are seeking for them, while their most strenuous shouts fail to pen etrate even a few feet of snow. The distance from the farthest point of polar discovery to the pole itself is 460 miles. The animal tltat lays the greatest number of eggs at a time is the white ant of tropical countries, which, ac cording to a high authority, produces 86,400 each day during the season. Analvses made recently by the agri cultural department in Germany showed that of 657 samples of fertiliz ers, 198 were adulterated, and of the samples of bran 74.1 percent were adulterated. ST Ji SSI li II will be promptly paid to any one furnishing us evidence on which we can secure conviction of any substitutor or dealer who attempts to palm off inferior imitations when Cascarets Candy Cathartic are called for. Be on the lookout for imitations and counterfeits of Cascarets, and don't you ever tuy preparations that are made and sometimes pushed by unscrupulous dealers whose intention is to mislead the buyer and infringe on our trade mark and trade-name. As soon as some one tries to sell you something else when you ask forCascarets, look out for him I Get all the details and confidentially write us on the subject at once. .....11., I THIS IS t1 THE TABLET II X. . !biu!' "CMT f b",,t"' a"". parely fetM eomnoead. So asmrlal tM"ch: Wt" " Tliey aot only ear eouUpaUoa. neaaaot, nsisuMe, potent. Tast goo4, 4s good. Merer tlckea, weaken oc tripe. Writ PA aa.rcanKmaauiiiia PORTLAND DIRECTORY. fsses anS tVIr Works PORTLAND WIKB A IRON WORKS: WIRB and Iroa lenclng; onice railing, etc. sat Alder. Maehlnery and Supplies. CAWBTOK A CO.: ENlJINKS. IIOII.KKS. MA- clunery, supplies. 4K-to FlrstHt., Portland, Or. JOHN POOtE. Postxahd, Oasoos. can Rive you the best hamulus In general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pump, plow, belt and windmills. Th new teet 1X1 windmill, old by him, Is un equalled. at. about roar .w. DR. BOrMNKO, Poil.dt, Pfc ilrflK WHtUI til I t 4 Beet oub Syrup, f au Cloud. Use I ne. Hold by di Thi. form, .ll u Blind, Uludlns or Protruding H "- B SVaasi Mm W ft aV WW.fo3SW&!'t''K&t i al. It" ("! enottirh for Uncls Sam J.r.tlrii...l."ri.tbTm.ll, W.IL. I Sa Slid it KOod IIOUIh for TOU. Lfal ISf fl tee Ooud. Use M ritewl.ts. H A War-Tlwe Mistake, In a Missouri court recently a rather novel case cams up for decision. Dur ing tha civil war a certain Northern soldier went into the service, leaving a young wife at home. In due tints the news reached him that his brlds had died and when the war ended be did not return to his old home, but settled out West. He married again, and with his second wife accumulated large amount of property in Aratt county. Not long airo he learned that his first wife had not diud, but, supposing him to have been killed, had married an other man. This man ditxl, leaving her a widow. When the Pratt, county man learned these facta he brought suit for divorce, and the woman in the East heard of it and went out and fought the case, asserting a claim to part of the Pratt county man's prorty. However, after the lawyers had made a great fight before him, the judge granted the divorce and loft the Pratt county man free to marry the woman who has Ireen living with him (or many years as his wife. N. Y. Tribune. Conscripts in Cologne produced symptoms of heart disease by taking pills recommended for that purpose by local doctors. 8everal of the physi cians have been arrested. There Is mors Catarrh In this retlon of th country then sil omer aiseaee put loaeiner, Incurable. Far a ereat manv veers ilm-tore Dm. nounced It a loceidiseate, and prescribed local remedies, and by ouasiantly telllns to ear with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable, Science bea proven catarrh to be acon.illu. ttnnal disease, and Iherelur requires constitu tional treatment. Hall' Catarrh t'ure, man ufactured by K. I. Cheney at Co., Toled's Ohio, letueonlyconatltutlnnai cure on the market. It Is taken Inlarnallv In doers frnm 10drit!a Ul a leasnonnful. It acta dtrvullv a the blood and nuenns surlaose ol th eystem. They ofter one hundred dollars lor any case It fall to euro. Send for circulars and testimonial. Ad dress, r. J.t IIKSKYACa.Toledo.O. Bold nrtisslsts. 7ne. Hall ramify fills are th bast. A small boy was one day asked by a clergyman if he knew what was meant by euergy and enterprise. "No, sir, I don't think I do." The clerygman said: "Well, 1 will tell you, my boy. One of the richest men in the world came here without a shirt on his back, and now he has millions." "Millions!" replied the boy. 'How many does hs put on at a time!" Spare Moments. While In Washington women are in disfavor as government employes, they are in creasing in number in the Brit ish civil service Jonas W. Thompson, of Pins rialna, N. Y., found a black snake milkiug one of his heifers. Us struck the rep tile with a stick, and it attacked him, sinking its fangs in his leg. Thompson finally killed the snake, but it is thought that his leg will have to be amputated. The city council of Akron, O., re cently passed an ordinance requiring the union plumbers' label to be afflxod on all city work. Telegraphic communication will be established hetweon the Scottish is lands of Muck, Kgg, Canna and Hum. They are all to lie connected with the mainland and with the Isle of Skye. So great has been ths improvement of the storage batteries of late that, ac cording to an Knglirih engiueer, a car now requires 600 pounds of cells that two years ago needed 1,600 pounds. B LATEST f "f I and BEST li ELL 100 DOILLIflO M2oooff. r.1AGIIINES fata lOOHlS STSAH. Tims. OHIO. I Rupture treated selen tilli sl I y and coiiflclmtl al ly CsrmaasHM A HWO00MOa eoM lOS teeen .. Portland. 0R.GUfifl'S'T;vOEvR,DPILLS mnyipepsla, Wore Ttrnples end Purity ths Blood, Aid MslioaaadrVaeonlBllieaseess De notorlpeersiokee. Tooonrlnee yeawe wm atal? I CO., hllda., A-oaaa. Hold by KtuMu7u. ANNUAL 8ALE3e6.000.000 BOXES. VJ The Youth's Companion Issued Every Weak. 1.73 a Ysar. 1AMOUS soldiers and sailor, statesmen. scholars, travellers, hunters, and th most gifted writers of stories will enrich the pages of Ths Companion during 1900. Send your sddrei on a postal card, sod ws will mail you our Illustrated Announcement Number, giving full Pros pectus of article and au thor already engaged for th 1900 Volum. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, BOSTON, MASS. Dullish lighthouses aru supplied with oil to pump ou the waves during a storm, SIMKB 1MTO YOl'H SHOKS Allen's Font-ICa, a powder fur th feel. It cure painful, swollen, sniarttng, nerv ous feet, and Instantly take tit sting out of corn and httiiion. It' Ilia greatest nmifurt discovery of the kkr. Allen' Foot Kass makes light or new shoes feel easy. Ilia a certain cure for Ingrowing Nnifs, sweating, ralu and hot, tired, aching feet. We have over iH.taa. testituoiilnls. Try It Irxdiy. HoM ty all drtiKxIet and shoe stores, ltv mall for Uo In stamps. Trial package r'KKK, Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, U Roy, N. Y. Coffee tohlold or loxengtw are com lug into use iu Itraxll. line of them dropped into a cup of boiling wator produces excellent coffee in throe min utes. The Compaula General of Manila, the largest cigar making concern iu the world, employs 10,000 bands, and turns out every year BO.OOO.OOO cigars, 40,. 000,000 cigarettes aud nearly 8,000 tons of cut tobacco. - Hereafter bells that van lie heard a distance of S00 feet must le attached to all private scavenger wagons in Chi cago, and these bolls must Irs rung con tinuously while ths wagons are in serv ice, which may be between sunset and sunrise. The authorities In Algeria gave 40, 000 toward fightiug the grasshopper. In one soctiou 8, 200 camels were em ployed to carry the material fur burn ing over the plaoe where eggs had been deposited. In ths ship buldlng and engineering trades of llelfast, Ireland, 270 out of 8,000 members of the union are em ployed; in the linen trades, 00 out of 1,012; building trades, 43 out of 2.10H; furnishing and wool-working trades, 20 out of MHO; printing trades, 43 out of 058; inliiculluuuotiM, SO out of 1,804. CANDY CATHARTIC r etaer ashwra tM-poloa la Casearats. Casearat promptly, sftectlvtly aa ssrmaassUy sot easrwt any and rrtry form ol IrrepiUrity ol th bowels, taeletiai dUrraos aa. Syssatary. (or bookWt ana tres sample, aldrsss STKRLISO BIstBOT CO., CHlCaOO or HEW T0HK. RELIEF FOR WOMAN That tired, languid feelins, th paint In th back and tha ehroulo heatlaok will disamiear quickly II yon lake rioore's Revealed Remedy It Is an Ideal medleln fnr wnmen, easy and lileasant to take. II il iwr hniil .1 ...... ...... list'. r RBB. BTASTtt.'S BOOC, elief for Women" Un aad TiauaioniZls of DH, HlHTtL' French Ferns! Pills. Pmlftwd hy thtinMntii of sustistlrM) ladlMtii !,K'."wW"rl,,"siidi,ltSo,iw,Bu. . ,T K7.u u"tKir)"'.ln mal Krvock - m tup In Siu., wiiit, nudTM, no oihor Sieaoli tfrus a as rwllMin JJJa t MACHINERY. kinds ...TATUM aX BOWIN... ! First street P0RTIASD. 0a. i Now Is the time to subscribe lor the volume lor 1000 to take advantage ol the special offer below: . ,,tRKH,,.. CEND $1.75 at once with 0 this slip or mention this paper, and we will send you TUB COMPANION FREE for the remaining weeks of 1899, and then for the 53 weeks of the year 1900. The Companion Calendar for ipoo, given also to all New Subscribers, lithographed In twelve colors, Is the most beautiful one In the long series of exquisite Companion Calendars. O joj In the United HUtes 81)0,000 onblo feet of pins is used annually In muklug matches, fITl fereianeotly Cured. Ko Staornenmi.aeai an.rBrM d s an at Hr. kllee's Ures Jterea Sl,.rr. ..,d tor r sliest a. 00 tn.1 bottle ead treatise. Bit. It. U. aUXK, Ud.ue aeon street, ruilOeltbla. 1-e. ' The National Association of Master Uaker has nlaemt ititelf on mrairrl In the moat emphatic maimer in favor of purs food legislation and ths regulation of bakers in ths interest of perfect cleanliness and saniutiott. I know that my lire was saved bv I'isn's Cure for Consumption.-John . Miller, Au Sabis, Michigan, April 21. MO. Areola. IU.. with a emulation of lea than 8.000, leads the world Iu the broom-corn iudustry. The machine ahona of the Northern 1'acloC- railroad are eomimllod to run half a day overtime every other night in some departments In order to catch UP, All the ctiirtuen of the railroad company are la service. There are 050,000 men in ths world who gain a livelihood chielly by fish, ing, making an annual catch of f 226 worth of llsli for each man. The fish eries of ths United 8Uts supply 800,. ODD pounds annually, ami those of Kurope 1,800,000 ptiouds. At Tacoma while in some lines ths supply of skilled labor is equal to ths demand, titers arc other in which em plovers complain of lack of help and could employ mom nieu if tha right kind offered. Men employed on scrap, era and graders on the streets are paid 11.75 a day, while men in position requiring somewhat harder work get 12 s day. bkllled artisans, such as car penters fur finishing work, get from 92.25 to (3 a day, Machinists' wugna run from 92.23 to IX M), deudlng largely upon the ability of tlieuiaii and the nature of ths work. c 4 E3 S3 t: tOc 25c. 50c. DRUGGISTS S7S CURE YOURSELF. I u IK. 11 ... ... . . dlM-l,.rsNi, litn.mni.llon Irrlt.tloui or ulr.rsttua er mil 000 e ni.eibrsnrs. - .... int..., .nil not sstila lritiEnaiCHisiriiOo. sut or poiionuss. ". .wm m m' ssrasswc. or ent In pi. I. wrapper, br .sprm pr.pald. lot "'. r s ixiltiM, ).T. YOUNG MEN! 1. ,i!l??i!trh" flm't Ok., Hrnrilta. M Hi !.,,?lJiU",, mtlk " "h " '"'' t.4HK hnown tt hM ...r railed to ur., ee In TmTt. "in"" m '"" "uu",1"- lt""i" E? ?'',"",! ' " uko lorronJ uuaiy ppid; ri;7rf ; r:G"- Urealar aaUM on Llt CO.. CMaaya. 111. Cr'i!PErisiON r IICKFuSn. Wathlngten. 0. C.. Iliey will re- Bias jith t uriw. I'rmwntlin claims slner Is", M. f. N. V. MO. !-'. w H ''' aSrUnrs Plea) aaeaUoa this aaaer. . jdT IwuM