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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1899)
THE OREGON MIST VOL. XVI. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOIIER 27, 1899. NO. 45. EVENTS OF THE DAI Epitome of the Telegraphic Newt of the World. TEK8B TICKS FBOM THK WIEKS An Interesting Collection of Items F ras) no iw. HniUphm. rnmM la Uoadensod Worm The liners marie three attack on Mafeking mid were repulsed with a heavy lost of 309 uieu. lb British lout 18. For a week a snow ttorui - hiu been ragiug in tlis mountains surrounding Learivillo, (Ail , something unprece dented t this time o( the year. The power am auaia wrangling over Samoa, and there In talk of partition ing the islands. England haa offered i purchase Germany't Interest, A baud of 300 Mayo Indian have dued the Yatiuie lu their war with lex loo. Heretofore tha Mtvot have Jefused to aid tlie Yuqul trilni lu iti "ebclllon. Tha liourt soon rod tho telephone at, llodder river aud attempted to speak ith Kimborley, hoping to learn tha jllapoattiou of the British forces there, 'llio maneuver waa discovered and frus trated. 1 K tapper, editor of the Deutaohe Agrai Correspondent, at Berlin, has been sentenced to imprisonment in forirea for nix month, on a charge of leas majeete, for criticising Emperor William. An explosion of mine gat In a col 'liery near Pittaburg, Pa., resulted In entombing 22 miners. Ten were re scued alive, lint It li feared the other re dead. Hie mine took fire fend it burning. The Columbia won the second race with the Shamrock, Koon after the ttart the Shamrock's topmast wat broken ahd alie returned. Tho Colum bia tailed over the course and wat given the tace. Hurgeou-Gcnerul Sternberg ' hat re futed to rueoinuieud the building of a large military hospital at Vancouver, Wash., laying that the pott hiwpltal at that plaoe It abundantly able for the pro aunt needs, Adlatch (mm Nogalc, Arlt., tayt: A sheriff's potto bat encountered Mexi can baudlts aud killed una and wound ed another. Americau aud Mexican ofllcora are now lu pursuit of Ave oth ers, who escaped. The smallpox ten re at Astoria, re in lunt from the cane of Beecher D, rilorp. hat almut died out. The patieut It getting along nicely, and the attend ing physicians have no doubt at to hit apneily recovery. J Hie British steamship Knight Baohe or hat arrived at New Orleans froul 'Hamburg, Germany, with 73,507 bag! of raw beet sugar, equal to 7,810 tons; Thli It the largest cargo of foreign lugar ever brought to New Ortuaut. The Washington volunteer rogimeul will be muttered out at San Francisco ou the 3 1st iiist. A new fast mall service bat been In augurated lietweou Chicago and 8an Francisco, the schedule time being 73 hours. General William R. Rhaftar, who for over a year hat had the position ol brigadier-general of volunteers, hat been retired. Early la December the United States will havit 70.0(H) troop In the Philip pine Islands, aud 45 wai vessel lu the Island's waters. The Orange Free State troops have out the telegraph wires and destroyed the railroad track at Norvalsport, just across the Oiauge Free Stale's southern border. Tho Boers have cut the telegraph wires st many polntt. and reliable news is hard to obtain from the more liiirtaut allies lu the war districts of South A fries. Inho R. Dodnon, of Portland, has written to fileuds Inmi Dawson City' thst hn Is taking the consul of all the people In the Yukou valley, Op Ameri can territory. ' A dispatch from Caracas, Vsnusuela, "saw that I'reildeut Audrade it preps r lug lo leave the country, aud the lusur gent leader, Uouetal Castro, It master of the situation. The Portland Press Club at Its meet ing recently urged lis members to stand by the 1004 exposition project aud to do all In their power to bring the affair to a successful conclusion. A train of flat cart tootled with gravel wat wrecked on Ihe Northern l'aoiflo track on Jetfersou street. Olympla, de iwtltshlng alHiut 100 yards of track. The trainmen escted nnhurt. The price of fall ohlnook Salmon,' steel heads and ailverildea hat reached the highest figure ever offered on the Columbia: 4 cents a pound, and t cents Is toiiig paid tor dog salmon. James Roach goes free from furthca proHocution or even the Imputation of gnilt of stealing cattle from hit neigh bors, after a struggle In the courts which has gone ou fur more than a year. Charles Winters, of Jacksonville, Or., a native of Sweden, aged 79 years, who has been a resident of Jackson ville for many years, died at Talent, whero he had gone for a ihort visit with friends. Hardy Getty, a 10-year old boy, while operating a stamping machine In a Fairhaven, Wash., metal works, had botn of his hands so badly mangled that he will never be able to use them Will, LATER NEWS. State election! will be held In 13 itates thtt year, The navy department hss difficulty a getting sufficient, medical men, The "transport Senator list univol lately at Kan Francisco. General Miles wilt be ncoompsitltd y his family and a few friend ou I. it our to the PuulHc coast. Secretary Long has lsned nu mrtor assigning Admiral Dewey to special luty at the navy yard department. Fifty-three lloers were killed and t large niimhor wounded In the en jounter with Iiailea-I'owe'l'. furces it Vfafnklug. - An enth'intmUc meeting to promote the movumeut to oroct a mnuumeut to Parnell was held In New York. Over 110,000 was collected. Sir Thomas Linton has the spirit of a plucky sportsman and will challenge us again for the America's cup. He tart be cannot gt ready for next year. but will be prepared lu 1901. The strike of the ironmolders hik' the coromakers at St.-Paul has ended, and the men have returned to work. Tho employers grant a slight advance in wages and recognize the untou. ft It understood that the president has given to Archbishop Chapnllti defi nite Instructions which will goveru his actions relative to establishing ace wilh the Filipinos, bnt these instruc tions are to bo withheld from publica tion. At Atchison, Kau., two roblwrs shot snd killed ouo man and wounded an other In a store, which they later rub bed. Ihey were pursued by a posse; snd they shot and killed a policeman snd another man, both members of the pursuers. v' At a corollary of, the Pullman-Wan ner consolidated deal, the readjustment ol railroad stockholders on an euouuous scale Is aald to be tho uextuiove nit the boards. A welding together of tho rail road properties controlled by the Her-riman-Gonld and Yaudorbilt iutmesia It ipoken of. War between Americans and Mexi cans broke out at Naco, Aril, with dis astrous results. The fight started be tween Mexican guards nnd American cowboys, and at a result four guardt were killed aud one seriously wounded. An Ameiican named Ryan was instant ly killed and a Bisbee miner was shot through the leg. Tha Canadian government has beeu advised thst the United States nnd British governments had given effect to a provisional Alsikan boundary, which was arranged Iwtwoen Sir Louis Pa vies nnd Mr. Choatc, in London. This arrangement makes uo change at Bksg- way, but it nxet a point on the Dalton trail. There it very little travel by that rdute. A new German warship hat been launched. She was christened Kaiser Karl dor Grouse, by lit. von Moncke- berg, burgotnniter of Hamburg. Tho Roert, according to a special dis patch from Pretoria, repulsed a small force of Cape mounted police neat llcrkeloy, West Cape Colony, captur ing two. The dwelling once occupied by ex president Martin Van Duren, at 37 Kast Twenty-seventh street, New York, has been sold, nnd It U announced that the property will be converted. Into a buaiutsrt block. Commandant-General Jonbert has arrived nt Newcastle, Natal. He found only 100 men there when he en tered tho town. The report current at Dolago bay that A.000 lloers have been repulsed at Newcastle Is false. . An Ashcroft, B. C, report states that there was a )i robbery at the Cariboo mine, near (jnesnelle Forks. The big safe In the Cariboo Hydraulic Com pany's office was blown open, and part of the amalgam, worth $50,000, stolen. The Great Northern rund has lately bought 17.000,000 feet of Hr timber In Washington, neai ty all of t for the road's proposed ore dock Alloue bay, on Lake Sursirlor. Nearly half this enormous order hat been bought in the past 10 days. The tranpport.Peuator Is expected to arrive from Manila next week. The newt of the terrible experience nf the steamship F.mproat of lodi.t causes no alarm for thn aafoty of the Senator, which la supposed to also have passed through the typhoon. A dispatch from Ladysmith says that a letter was brought to the Brit ish pickets by Bonr cyclists hearing a white UttK, atgunfl ty me Newcastle magistrate and soot by permission of Commandaut-Genoral .Touhert. stating that the British who remained in New castle are well. Throe hundred reornlts, undor com mand of Ceptain W. N. Hughes. Thlr- teenth Infantry, and Lieutenants w II- son, raeeoe and Kinzie, have been as signed to the transport Mauuense, at Han Francisco, with two companies of tho Thirty-first, under command of Lleutenaut-Colonol Hayes. Tho postmaster-general hat Issued formal warning to all postmasters ..ralnst the lovviua of political assess ments, and simultaneously the civil ' t l..nH Uam Mnlla.1 sttantinn SOnvCU UUUJillio.iuu to the law governing the subject, aud of the commlsslou't Intention to on- foico it. L. D Carl hat returned to hit home Dn..knro nr . after a 20 months' 1U t,ll- p, - - ' sojourn In the Alaska gold fields, dur- in which time lie is nam w uvo cleaned op $20,000. A few growers are employing Indian! null, ton and load beats, sayt the to r ..ii-anfla Observer. It Is no uncom mon thing to toe an Indian and Indian wnmon drive into town in a iprlng ck. purchase theit supply ol groceries. and return to their work Indian la bor la much preferred to Chinese, BOERS STILL HOLD OFF No Serious Fighting in Natal as Yet. MANY SKIRMISHES REPORTED Tryburg Was Surrendered to the Bar ghsrs If ore Particulars of the UattU at Mafohlnf. London, Oct. 21. The Pietermarltz burg correspondent of the Dally Mall, in a dispatch says: The brunt of the fighting at Better's Station yesterday was sustained by the volunteer patrols. The fighting was brisk. The Boers numbered 2,000. The volunteers at one moment were in great peril, being nearly cut off, but the olllcers handled their men splen didly, aud the Maxima effectively stopped the Boers' rushes. The Boer showing wat wretched. The volun teers lost their kit, and altogether the fight wat a pretty trying one. The men were in the saddle three dayt and two nights, with hardly a rest. Basn to natives were lighting with the Boers. It la reported that 16 Boers were killed. Vrybarg gurrendarad. London, Oct. 21. The Cape Town correspondent of the Daily Mail, tele graphing tonight, says: "Vryburg surrendered Sunday. To- night's dispatches from Kuruman, 10 miles east by south of Vryburg, state that the police having withdrawn from Vryburg, the town surrendered to the Boers, the inhabitants fleeing in all di rectiona, mostly toward Kuruman. When the police withdrew, the Cape Boers notified the enemy of the fact, thna Inviting them to take possession. There was a fearful panic. The Brit lsh are wildly Indignant at this scut tling." Boer Army Trappod. London, Oct. 21. The Daily Newa Cape Town correspondent says: It is rumored that news has reached Deax Junction that the Boers attacked Mafeking in force, but were repulsed The defenders, seeing the enemy re treating, pursued thorn for some dis tance. Then a feint was made and they commenced to retire on the town, allowing themselves to be driven in by the Boers, who, eager to retrieve thoir position, again advanced to the attack and were drawn over lyddito mines laid for the defense of the town. It is ru mored that 1,500 Boers were killed by the explosions. Patrol Fired Upon. tsadysmith, Oct. 21. This morning a patrol under Mojor Andy penetrated the Boer outpost at Roster's Station, and was fired upon but retired without loss. Dutch Kill Corp. Mutinies. Ladysmith, Oct. 21. The Umvotie mounted rille corps, which is largely recruited from the Dutch colonists, has mutinied. The Coming Strike. St. Paul, Oct. 21. A general strike oa the Great Northern will probably oocur within a few days. It will in clued conductors, engineers, firemen, brakemen and switohmen, and the men expect to tie up the road from end to end. In the great strike of Ave years ago, the conductors held aloof, but they have been brought into the present trouble by a recent order requiring them to pay for bonds covering damages to trains under their charge. The list of grievances given by the men is a Ions one, and they claim to have been unable to secure anything liko satisfac tion from tho management. Since last Maroh gTievanco committees have been almost constantly in this city trying to roach some agreement with the railway elli Dials, but without lesult. The Eighth Yaoht Trlnl. K.w York Oct. 21. Had the wind held today, the Columbia-Shamrock series for the America's oup would have ended in three straight wins for the defender, and the Irish cup hunter would have sailed home without the trophy, beaten as decisively aa any former candidate. Oulv the failure of the wind saved the Shamrock from de feat more stinging than on Monday. Trvrlav she was beaten on the run to the outer mark 5 minutes and SI seconds elapsed time, and on the leg home, which should have been a beat, but which, owing to a shift of the wind, waa a broad reach, the Columbia sailed away from hor like a witch. When the race was declared off, about 10 minntaa before the expiration of the time limit, the Columbia was leading by about three miles, sno was men fan. miles from the finish. Had the race ended, the Shamrock would have been beaten by at least 20 minutes. Ke Frlotlon at Manila. Victoria. B. C. Oct. 21. Althonsrh Professor Worcesetr, one of the Philip pine oommissionors, who arrived on the Empress of Japan, refused to talk of what he and his colleagues had done, he denied that there had been any Mo tion between Genreal Otis aud the oth er members of the commission. He said: "There was never an occasion during our stay when our relations with the general were other than most amiable." Ordered to Portland. Washington, Oot. 21. Lieutenant 8. Arnold. United States navy, has been ordered to Portland as an inspector of government boat maohinery at the Wolff A Zwicker iron works. General Henry's Assignment. WaBhlncton, Oot. 21, By direction of the president, Mojor-General Guy V. Henry, on waiting orders, has been assigned to command of the department of the Missouri, with headquarters at Omaha. 1 EZATA'S PLANS. Wants to Turn Over Salvador to tn Mexican Government. Chicago,, Oct. 21. A special to the Record from El Paso, Tex., says: General Ezeta, ex -president of Salva dor, and an exile from that country, who disappeared mysteriously from his home in Oakland, Cal., where he had lived for three years, came to El Paso Saturday last, and left over the Mexican Central railway for the City of Mexico, in company of J. II. Holmes and C. 8. Greene. Holmes it manager of the Iturbide hotel, of the City of Mexico, and Greene in the city attorney of Pasadena, Cal. General Ezeta divulged his identity to an official of the Mexican Central road at Juarez, Mexico. The ex-presi dent said he had. become tired of his banishment from his native country, and preferred to die in an attempt to free his people from tyranny than re main an exile for life. General Ezeta said he and his party would confer with the Mexican executive on the sub ject of a revolution in Salvador for the overthrow of the present administra tion. It is understood that General Ezeta will offer to turn over Salvador to the republic of Mexico, in return for the financial aid of the Mexican govern meut in his venture. - M'KINLEY'S MESSAGE. No Doubt as to His Stand on the Phil. Ipplne Question. Washington, Oct. 21. President MoKinley'a message to the next con press is expected to be the most impor tant document of the kind since the civil war. After the president's West ern trip there can no longer be any doubt as to his intentions regarding the Philippines, for it has been amply demons tarted that be will recommend that the islands become the permanent property of the United States, leaving their treatment to congress, but asking that a policy be early outlined, in or der to quench the Filipino hope that there will be a change in public senti ment in the United Staes which will result in the domination of the anti-expansion element. Fears for the Senator. Victoria, Oct. 21. The steamer Em press of India, which has reached here from Japan, has completed the rough est trip of her 43 voyages. The second day out from Yokohama she encoun tered a typhoon which smashed all telegraph communication between the engine room and the bridge and de stroyed some of the boats. The storm continued unabated one day and night. Fears are expressed by the officers for the transport sterner Senator, carry ing home the Fifty-first Iowa regiment. She left Yokohama for Son Francisco eight hours before the Empress, and, having large upper works, woulfl fare badly in a storm. Boilermakers' Strike. San Francisco, Oct. tl. The boiler makers' strike is over, and the men will go back to work tomorrow. The men have conceded the nine hours a, day on all vessels not owned by the government. On these latter the day's work will be eight hours for 10 hours' pay. - In order to make up for the ex tra hour on outside ships, a slight ad vance has been made of the men's pay. As a result of the artisans going back, to work, nearly all the transports now In port will get away next week. Newark Sails for Guam. San Francisco, Oct. 91. The cruisei Newark sailed today for Manila via Guam. The transports Tartar and Olympia will' sail in a few days for Manila with troops. The charter of the Tartar will expire in about SO days, and it is understood the government will buy the vessel outright. It is possible the transport Monuense will be used exclusively as an inter-island transport after taking troops from here on her initial voyage. . Ticket Counterfeiting. Denver, Oct. 21. The officials of the Colorado Midland Railroad Company have discovered a case of ticket coun terfeiting which promises to prove one of the most extensive ever discovered in this country. The ticket counter feited is what is known as a skeleton round-trip form. The ticket is so made that, with the coupon attached, it can be made out to any point in the ooun try and return. Storms In Southern Italy. Rome, Oct. 21. Serious storms, ac companied by floods, prevail in the southern districts of Italy, working widespread damage. At San Giorgio, a bridge and 20 houses have been swept away, and it is belioved there has been considerable loss of life there. At Mounte Mesoula, a church was struck by lightning during mass, three persons being killed aud 40 others more or less injured. Hayos Join tho Taquls. Chicago, Oct. 20. A special to the Record from Austin, Tex., says: A dispatch from Ortiz, Mexico, says that a band of over 800 Mayo Indians has joined the Yaqui rebels at their rendez vous near Sahaurpia. In the previous wars of the Yaquis against the government the Mayos re fused to become their allies, and the present action of the younger Mayo braves la strongly disapproved by the older element of the peaceable tribe. Suicide of a Cashier's Wife. Colorado SDrines. Colo.. Oct. 21. Mrs. W. S. Jackson, wife of the cash ier of the El Paso County bank, of this oity, committed suiolde this afternoon by shooting herself. She had been in nnnr health for some time, and it is believed self-destruction was caused by melancholia. Austrian Bolohsrath Reassemble!. Vienna. Oct. 91. The reichsrath re assembled today with a full attendance. ' Dr. von Fuoba waa re-elected president. ' BOERS WERE ROUTED They Lose the First Big Bat tie to the British. IT WA8 Alt ARTILLERY FIGHT The Soliure of Dundee Hill by tho Boars Wu a Surprise to tho British. Glencoe Camp, Oct. 28. After eight hours of continuous heavy fight ing, Dundee hill was carried by the Dublin fusileers and the King's Royal rifles, under cover of a well-directed artillery fire by the Thirteenth and Sixty-ninth batteries. The Boers, who threatened the British rear, have re tired. The fight wat almost an exact coun terpart of that of Majuba hill, except that the position of the Boer and Brit ish forces were reversed. General Symons was severely, but not danger cously wounded. The battle today was a brilliant suc cess. The Boers got a reverse which may possibly, for a time at any rate, check all aggressive action. The Brit ish artillery practice in the early part of the day decided the battle. The seizure of Dundee hill by the Boers wat a surprise; for, although the pickets had been exchanging shots all night, it was not untill a thell boomed pver the town Into the camp that their presence was discovered. Then the shells came fast. The hill waa posi tively alive with the swarming Boers till the British artillery got to work with magnifioent energy and precision. Directly the Boer guns ceased firing, General Symons ordered the infantry to move on the position. The infantry charge was magnificent. The way the King's Royal rifles and the Dublin fu sileers stormed the position was one of the most splendid sights ever seen. '. General Symons was wounded early in the action, and tho command then devolved on Major Yule. The enemy as they fled, were fol lowed by the cavalry, mounted infan try and artillery. The direction taken was to the eastward. At the latest re ports the cavalry had not returned. A rough estimate placet the British loss at 250 killed or wounded, and that of the Boers at 800. Agreement as to Alaska. Washington, Oct. 23. Mr. Tower, British charge here, called at the state department today and notified Secre tary Hay of the formal acceptance by his government of the proposition for a temporary adjustment of the Alaska (xrandary line proposed by Secretary Jlay. The state department it confident it has conserved American interests in the matter, without unjustly treating Canada. The divisional line, bounded on the west by the Dalton trail, Is placed 22 miles above Pyramid har bor, which is regarded under the. treaty as a tidewater mark, so the Canadians are not allowed to reach any point on Lynn canal. Moreover, there is no permission for a free transfer across American territory of Canadian goods, except miners' belongings. , These matters may figure later, when it comet to a permanent boundary line, but they are not touched upon in this modus. Strike Cannot Ba Averted. St. Paul, Minn., Oot. 23. A Great Northern official said today that the conclusion had been reached by the road that a strike could not be averted. Higher officials will not talk, but the wholesale merchants have been prob ing into the situation, and their reports confirm the statement that the Great Northern is likely to witness the most effective tie-up ever experienced in the West. The jobbers will lose thousands of dollars per day, and are anxious to head off a strike. The recent order making conductors responsible for dam age to their trains it the last straw. Every organization is involved, and every trainman, from conductor down, inoluding telegraphers, will go out if the strike is ordered. Tho Columbia Wins. New York, Oct. 23. Through wild and heavy seas, in a breeze that ap proached the dignity of a gale, the gal lant sloop Columbia today vanquished the British challenger Shamrock by 8 minutes and 18 seconds actual time and 6 minutes and 34 seconds corrected time, thus completing the series for the America's cup with a magnifioent rough-weater duel and a glorious Yan kee viotory. Crisis In Vonesnela Ended. Caracas, Venezuela, Oct. 93. The crisis is virtually over. General An drade, the president, haa accepted the conditions proposed by the insurgent commander, General Castro, and will go abroad, the presidency devolving on the vice-presidency. Castro will enter Caracas peacefully, thus avoiding bloodshed. Want Reciprocity. Washington, Oct. 23.- Reciprocity arrangements are sought by the island oT-St. Kitta and Turk's island, British West Indies. The arrangements so far cover nearly all the British West In dian possessions. Library for Manila Soldiers. San Franoisoo, Oct. 93. A commit tee of prominent citisena headed by Rabbi Jacob Voorsanger, and includ ing among its members General Shat ter, Mayor Phelan and Mrs. Phoebe Hearst, has tuken steps toward the es tablishment of a library in .Manila for the use of the United States soldiers. The project, which was originated by the late Colonel Miley, has been taken rm with enthusiasm bv men and women who are determined to carry it into ex- J eoution. LAWTON AT SAN ISIDRO. Hit expedition Moving North to Taks Tarlae Heavy Rains Reported. Manila, Oct. 23. General Lawton and General Young are at Arayat with a force of nearly 8,000 men. Tho gun boats Florida and Oeste oro preparing to move along the river to San Isidro, which will be held as a base for opera tions in the north. Extensive prepara tions have been progressing for several days, and the expedition, whose objeo tive point is Tarlao, is expected to start today. Supplies will be taken on cascoes. General Lawton's force consists of eight companies of the Twenty-fourth infantry, under Captain Kellar; eight companies of the Twenty-second infan try, under Major Baldwin; nine troopi of the Fourth cavalry, mounted, under Colonel Hales; a mixed regiment, con sisting of one company of the Thirty sevent infantry, six guns, commanded by Captain Scott, one company of cav airy and Captain Batson's Macabebe scouts. The Third cavalry it equip ping at San rrancisco, to join the ex pedition. Heavy rains, the first in weeks, be gan last night, and have continued steadily. Evening Lawton is supposed to have reached San Isidro. No commu nication has been received from him since he left Arayat this morning. American lou Was Ono Killed. Manila, Oct. 23. General Young 'i advance guard of General Lawton's col umn, left Cabio yesterday morning and entered San Isidro. The American lost wat one killed and three wounded The heaviest resistance met with was at San Fernando, where the enemy de Etrooyed a bridge. General Rio del Pilar arrived from San Miguel and per' onally commanded the Filipinos. He and the bulk of the enemy retreated up the river. One Spaniard and 15 insur gents were captured. The loss of the enemy is not known. Tie town people appear to be friendly. Federation of Labor. Washington, Oct. 23. The executive council of the American Federation ol Labor, at its session today,' voted that ,the federation financially assist the jewelers of New York,- Newark and Providence, with a view to more thorough organization of the trade and be helpful in every way to secure recog nition of the union, as well as a reduc tion in the hours of their daily labor. Los. of tha Pelican. San Francisco, Oct. 23. Advices re ceived by the Alaska Commercial Com cany indicate that there can be no longer any doubt that the British steamer Pelican, which left Puget sound in October, 1897, for China, foundered near the Aleutian islands, and that her entire crew perished. The message recived comes from the Alaska Commercial Company's agent at Un- alaska. It is dated October 6. Dewey's Trip to Philadelphia. Washington, Oct. 23. Admiral jDewey last night met a select commit tee of the municipality of Philadelphia, headed by Mayor Ashbridge, who tend ered him the hospitality of Philadelphia during the latter part of this month. Admiral Dewey accepted the invita tion, naming October 81 as the date ol his arrival, returning on the night of November 1. Males for South Africa. Chicago, Oct. 21. A special to the Times-Herald from Evansville, Ind., iys: An agent of the British govern ment was in this city today and shipped 100 mules to St. Louis. They are in tended for South Africa. There are Several agents scouring the counties of Southern Indiana and Illinois, buy ing mules for the British government. The Alaska Agreement. London, Oct. 23. The British office asserts that the verbi.1 changes in th L .1 a , i i . , wruiB ui wie Auuua moaug vivenai art of no praotical importance, and have been readily agreed to, and that it it assumed Secretary of State Hay and the British charge d'affaires in Wash ington will sign tomorrow. Taqnlna Jetty Damaged. Yaquina, Or., Oct. 23. A gale hat blown for the past 24 hours, being ac companied by heavy rain and thunder and lightning. The heavy sea carried away about 700 feet of the north jetty. The total lenght of that jetty was about 2,800 feet, and it was part of improvement that cost about 1700,000. Thirty-Ninth at Vancouver. Vancouver Barracks, Wash., Oct. 23. This afternoon the steamer Un dine and Lurline, towing a large barge, reached the government wharf at Van couver barracks. On board were two battalions of the Thirty-ninth, the band, hospital corps and all theirbag rage and equipment. Xn tho Houto of Lords. London, Oot. 23. In the house ol lords, the premier, the Marquis ol Salisbury, presented the queen's mes sage calling out the militia and moved an- address of thanks to her majesty. The address was immediately adopted, and the house adjourned until Thurs day next. ' President at Washington. Washington, Oct. 23. President Mc Kinley and party reached Washington, nearly an hour behind schedule time. Mrs. McKinley's health has been Im proved by the trip. Germany Opposed to Arbitration. . London, Oct. 28. The Times' Ber lin correspondent says: The sugges tion of submitting the Samoan ques tion to arbitration does not meet with approval in authoritative circles here. Forty-nfth Starts Sunday. Minneapolis, Oot. 21. The Forty fifth regiment, at Fort Snelling, will break camp Sunday morning and leave for San Francisco, en route for the Philippines, INSURGENTS PARLEY They Ask Otis for Another Conference. THE REQUEST TOO INDEFINITE OrAcer Billed nnd Two Man Woaadod la aa Attack a a Launch Major Mosrard. Manila, Oct. 1 1. An American officer wat kilted and two men wounded by the Filipino in . an attack on a launch with General Lawton's expedi tion in the Kio Chiqulta, Bear Ban Isidro. The rebels fired volleys from shore. , General Otit hat replied to the three insurgent officer! who entered Angelet , last Friday with a, request, made through General MacArthur, for per mission for a Filipino commission, eaded by a Filipino major-general, to if tt General Otis in order to discuss peace terms aud to arrange for the de livery of American prisoners, that the desired interview cannot be granted be cause the suggested propositions of the Filipinos are vague, indefinite and un military, and because the Americans must continue to decline to receive any representative of the so-called Filipino government. , Death of Major slewad. Omaha, Oct. 24. A special . cable was received here today announcing the death in the Philippines on Satur day of Major Guy Howard, tun of Gen eral O. O. Howard. Th.. cablegrau; wat received by Judge J. M. Wool worth, father-in-law of Major Howard, . and read at follows: "Guy Howard killed in action to day." Major Howard wat well-known in Omaha, being on his father' stall wheat the latter wat stationed here. , He was married in this city 15 years ago to Miss Woolworth, and Vhsvanptials were a notable society function. ' Mrs. How ard resides here with her thiee chil dren. ANOTHER BATTLE ON. Heavy Firing Reportoa From Ticlnltf of Ud. Cape Town, Oet. 24. A.Jlspatoh haa just arrived announcing that tha Boers are shelling DundeeeJ. east of Gleucoe, at long range, but that theii fire is ineffective. ' Met a Strung For.. London, Oct. 24. According to a special from Glencoe cam p, she Brltlsk cavalry, while pursuing the defeated Boers, were engaged by a strong furut of the enmy'on the north road. Fir ing is now in progress. Heavy Firing Is Taking Place. Glencoe Camp, Natal, Oct. 24. Heavy firing is now in progress lu th northwest ol this camp. f HE IOWAS REACH PORT. Transport Senator Wentkorad tho Ty phoon in Oood Shape. San Francisco, Oct. 24. The Fifty first regiment of Iowa volunteers, num bering 704 men and- 46 officers, nudes the command o I Colonel J. C. Loper, arrived here today from Manila, oo the transport Senator. There was na sickness aboard. The only death re ported is that of Edward Kisaick, com pany F, of Oskaloosa, la., who died at (iagaauki of dysentery. Tho only inci dent of the voyage was an accident that hapued to Kdwin Statlur, company M, nnd Homer A. Kead, company A, three days out from Nagasaki. They were injured by the breaking of a spar, which full ou them. Sutler's leg was broken and Kead sustained a fracture of the skull. Both men are doing well. The Senator was caught in the tail of the typhoon encountered by the steamer Empress of Japan. She was tossed about lively for several hours, but suffered uo severe damage. So serious did the situation appear to the officers of the steamer at one time, hat all tho passeugBTs were ordered be .iw. aud tire hatches were battened iliiwu. The UooUly kValfe. Lebauou, Or., Oct. V4. A serious stabblug affair occurred at Sweet Home last event ug. J. I', tlahn, tho Sweet Homo merchant, stabbed and serrious ly wouuded Albert Weddle, the saw mill man at that place. The trouble, aiose In the settlement of accounts be twueu the two men. Weddle'a brother owed Halm and II aim tried to work the account In against Albert Weddle. aud the trouble started. Weddle was stubbed three or four times, one slash being In the abdunieu and letting the intestines out. A physician was sum moned from this elty, ahd when he ar rived he found Weddle in a, critical cnudltion, aud there it but little expec tation of his recovery. - 1 1 aii n said he waa coming to. Lebanon to surrender himself to an officer, but he bus uot arrived here. ' The feeling at Sweet Home it bitter against him, Ravoluttua In VolMiubln. Colon. Colinbla. Oct. 4. 'Ihe revo lution haa extended from Gundina uiaioa to Lima. The Colombian gun boat Moyaca Is about to leave for Gauca, where an army of 10,000 men Is '.eing assembled by the government. Rear-Kud Collision. Salt Lake, Out. 24. An air-brake failure caused a wreck on the Oregon Short Lint at Farmington, IS wiles north of this city, this evening. Fireman Harry Coleman Is painfully, but not fatally Injured, and Engineer Sim Pig man was badly shaken op. Both saved their Uvea by jumping. The wreck was a rear-end collision be tween two southbound extra freights. Trains to and from the north are tie layed several hours,