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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1899)
OllEGON MIST, June 2, 1899. LOCAL. ANI rUKMONAL. The rlvur 1 at present rising but lit tie, II any. ' Q. W. Statlor, of Qulnoy, was in town Tuesday. Rev. and Mr. Haloy ware In Portland Wednesday. George Ramsey of Bcappoose, wua In town Bunday, ' Mr. Irwin Hall,, of Warren, was In our city Monday. Thla iprlnv'i weather would dampen any body' ardor. Frank Dow wai down from Oak Island Tuesday evening. ' Superintendent Oopeland waa In Port land last Saturday. The steamer I ralda will be out In a . few daya, It la aaid. . Bobert Payne, of Quinoy, wat on our .treeta lant Ifrlday. . lira. Edwin Morrill wai up from Deer .'Island hurt Saturday. W. D. Oonnell, of Deer Island, wai in town Tuesday evening. Commissioner Frakea waa down from . Soappooae laat Haturday, An adjourned session of circuit oourt will b held hers Saturday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Qnorge ipent laat Friday and Saturday In this city. , Ole Bundby, of Portland, spent a day here laat week visiting hia parents. : Service will be held at the Episcopal church Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. O. E. Womlerly, of Delona, waa In town lost Friday looking after business Blatter. 'all articles for publication should reach this office not later than Wednes day morning. :!; Mr. 8. Hunnoland, formerly of .this county, is teaching achool thla lummer at Stevenson, Wash. Fred Watkina, who spent a couple of months In California, returned to thla place last Thursday. .-' Phineaa Peck made final proof on his Lstuiestcad, near Vernonla, before the county clerk last Friday. ' The county clerk Issued marriage Ubense last Saturday to Geo. E. iiadgur sod Miss Dora M. Payne. Mrs. Wilson, of Portland, mothor of Miss Leah Wilson, spent last bunday in this city with her daughter, " W. E. Stevens, of Lake farm, will re move his dairy stock to hii high land farm, near Warren, tomorrow. The county treasurer has called this week for all outstanding county war rants endorsed prior to May 1st, 1898. Mr. A. Uradshaw, a prominent hard ware and crockery dealor of Portland, waa to this city Tuesday looking up tax tuaUers. ' The Louslgnont estate waa settled no . laat wettk Wore the probate Judge, and tbe administrator, G. 1). Dunning, dis charged. M. 8. Ilaxen, son of M. F. Haten, of Warren, waa one of the orators at the Memorial Day exercise at Uilieboro, Tuesday. ' The Honrlci estate replenished the county exchequer on Monday to the amount of atiout 150 by paying back and current taxes. Ths G. A. R. of Washington county will hold a reunion at Cornelius July 1, S and 8. All veUiran soldiers and friends ars cordially Invited. Miss Dora Perry has returned to this city after a protracted visit to her home in Washington county. She ia working or Mrs. James Muckle. " The local butcher is paying a fancy prios for beef these days. Heron cent a pound ha not been paid for beef here for many year until recently. Masonic Grand Lodge meets In Port land on the Mtb, of this month. Dele gates from the local lodge will be E. E. Quick, Andrew King and S. Saber, James Sheldon cut his left thumb with a meat knile verv severely last Monday. It required three stitches ol tbe phy sicians neeaia to property areas uio wound. Supervisor Dick Bailey ha a lores ol men employed this week opening tbe road recently authorised, leading up the railroad from John Uilmore'a place to Houlton. ' There 1111 be services In the Method 1st church at Houlton next Sunday at 11 n'elrick in the forenoon and at tbe Meth- odlet church in this city in the evening at S o'clock. Chan Wilson, at one time a prosper oua mill operator of this county, ia now anmiMMl In the mill busiuesa at Steven son. Wash., and is aaid to be doing a good business, The Grand Chapter of Eastern Star will meet tn Portland next Wednesday, TialAmtiM from the local chanter are Mr, Andrew King, Mrs. E. E. Quick and Mra. T. 0. Watts, Word came hore by telegraph Tuesday that the bodies ol Elmer and Bert Whitney had been recovered, but later Information by telephone contra dicted the statement. tk !mmT Hasaalo. the lunnosed grey hound of the Columbia, passed this city late Tuesday afternoon on her re turn from a run to Kalania. She was miking fairly good time. By the notice to taxpayer by the sher iff, found in thla issue, it will be seen that all taxes not paid prior to June loth will become delinquent. Better pay up and save cost and penalty. A marked Chinook salmon, the first seen at thla place, wai delivered to James Sbeldon last Friday. The tish weighed 41 pounds and wai a pretty specimen of the royal ohinook. Ths nine-year-old ion of Mr. H. T. Grewell, ot Warren, died Wednesday morning. Funeral took place Thursday t Odd Fellowa' cemetery, Kev. Mr. 0. E. Fhilbrook conducting tbe service. , The flag floating at halt-mast over the courthouse was about the only observ ance of Memorial Day in this city, with ths exception that no judicial business waa transacted, the public, offices being closed. Walter MoBrlde, son of Judge Mo Brlde. of Spokane, ipont a few day in tut. it thim wHflk visiting? relatives. Mr. MnBrlde returned on the 16th of Mar from the Philippine Islands, where he had served aa a volunteer soldier. . From all appearand there will be no Vniirth of Julv celebration in St. Hel- .... .1.1. vu,, that is. there will be no loud demonstration, yet in the heart of every cltiisen there can be an unusual feeling of pride and love for our country on the anniversary ol our independence. An eight and one-halt month' term of the public school of thli city wai closed last, Friday. There will probably be no mors school until fall, unless Mrs. Way should be engaged to continue ths pri mary department. A little warning quite often serves a splendid purpose. A neat, safe brick flue now adorns the Kelley house, occu pied by Barber Hillsberry. A conflagra tion was narrowly averted there a few day since on account of a defective terra colta flue. Judire MoBrlde ordered warrants drawn for the following persons by. the county clerk in payment for service! rendered at toe recent term oi tno circuit court: 0. E. Hun yon, oliiclal reporter, 170: T. 0. Watti, bailiff, $39; J K. Blakeiley, bailiff, ISO. Mr. and Mr. T. A. Bennett, who have bad charge of the St. Helena hotel for several month, moved their family and household effects to Kelso last Tuesday. Mrs. M. J. Scott ha rented the St. Heir ens hotel, and will run It In connection with the Oriental hotel. The largest salmon of tha season wai caught at Astoria Monday by Fisherman Emil Luoto. It measured 4 feet 4 inches In length, IX Inchei across ths back, and 15 inches through, and tipped the scales at 81 X pounds. It was caught With small mesh net. The people of Houlton will give a sup per and entertainment on the evening ol June Oth, ths proceeds of which will -be used to purchase disne to oe naea at nubile su Doers. Ovster and coffee and cake will be served, and a good literary programme will be rendered. v Walter Blakesler and Euarene Whit ney returned Saturday night from tbe scene of tbe drowning of the two Whit ney hoys, on Bnake river, a noerei re ward was offered for the recovery of the 1 todies, and all that can be accomplished is to await developments. They left for that place again on Tuesday. Tha milk-skimmlnff stations at War ren and Deer Island are aaid to be doing a fairly good business. The station at the former place ia receiving about 1600 pounds of milk per day. while the one at Deer Island get 1000 to 1200 pounds. Prospects for a larger amount in the near future are good at both place. Arrangements are being made for the annual meeting of tbe Pioneer Associa tion to be held in Portland on the 16th of this month. The address will be de livered by James A. Waymire, of San Francisco, a pioneer of 1845. Special rates will be made on the railroad and steamboat line for those who wish to sttend. lJ T A n f .t Ta.U 111W41IU ItflllfV, . V. U. A.. V. r, held an interesting meeting last Satur day evening, initiated two candidates and had a programs under head of good ol ths order. A programme will be rendered every meeting. Two delegates and two alternates were elected to at tend the grand lodge session to be held at Sherwood on the 6th of this month. Geonre Anderson, well known here. returned to this city last Saturday after an unsuccessful attempt to reach Buffalo flump. In Idaho, ueorge aays there is 40 feet of snow In the mountains near the headwater of Snake river, and while it is rain ns here It Is snowing up more, and on account of tbe immense quantity he did not care to go into tne mining regions. Pretty good indication, too, of high water. Forecaster Pasue states that there is nifllcient snow in the mountains to cause a flood of the larger rivers should a per iod ot warm weather settle down in the near future. If there are alternate cold and wann spells there is leas possibility of a flood, hut at this late season there la loss possibility of such alternate cold and warm weather. It may now be ex pected that when warm weather arrive It will remain with ui. Over in Polk county a new kind of grass has been discovered. Specimens of the grass have been sent to the Agri cultural college at Corvalli for exami nation, hut ths professors will M unable to identify It until the blossoms and J - 1 - 1. .'- l . B,Lk n-amm ecru njipvmr. v m iiui , om uuj .m. and very hardy, choosing the dryest and most unproductive soil lor its growtn. It ia felt by ths farmers in that locality that the grass may prove of value. Much dissatisfaction Is expressed by sportsmen throughout the state regard ing ths late game law. The open season for pheasant, which haa formerly been in September and at a time when they could be most conveniently hunted by both country and city sportsmen ia now placed in the month of November, when the fall raiu will Interfere in such a manner that It will be impossible to hunt them. As a protector of the bird it I a wise measure in every particular. An Oretran volunteer writing from Ma nila recently, ay: "If the government of the United Bute will give us each 10 j-rii of land and a clear title to it. I think I can safely aay from what I have beard among the boys, that at leaat half of them would stay in annua ana iw ettar of these islands. We will Hrnit tha islands from all invasion be cause they are the moat valuable part of any country the Voited States has pos se anion 01." We have read ot a fellow In Illinois Unwed two-foot rule and died by Inches ; of a fellow in Klondide who wallowed a thermometer and died by decrees: of a fellow in Arkansas who wallowed a pistol and went off easy j of a fellow in Texa who (wallowed an old "gag" and died laughing; of a follow in Kaunas who swallowed too muoh whisky and died in good spirits. But a town in Rnntharn firniron nests mem an. An undertaker down there took a package of Diamond dyes and dyeda oougnin- According to the Pacific Fruit World the Increase in tne acreage o uewiy KutrUo nmharda In Oreiron this year ia mnch lanrer than ever before. The or- chardista of this tate had excellent (mm their orchards last year, The vast number of trees set out a few una est iA Sir A .rii"iW reaching the stage where they can give returni totheor- chardist wno nas careu ir wmu uuuuk .v.. .,. f infanev. It has been found by experiment that cherries will stand a greater amount of wet weather than any other oi our i uju With an abundance, oi nra)m itii nrtiArt nomooHitori to build an ad tlm tvnnirraohicat embellish' ...h flnalfv. with a big circulation which take the ad into thousands of tw.r.a. h tlCKIHllIWr is the UlOStCtlOCt- ive means that the merchant can find to ttrant the public to his itore. But an fVlnd criticises the dictum that a typographically attractive adver- .;.,. im tlm most efficacious, and says it was in the leaden casket that Bassanio found the portrait of fair Vot .ii That is true, and certainly all Is .i u that, slitters: but that waa an ocoaslon when a mocessful selection by iuu mhn sniiirht the prise dopended upon the ha&ard of a guess. The smart merchant does not want his patrons to R. wants them to know, and the more attractive the way in which he tells them of hi good" tl,e bettor the I results, PALOUSC BAUDS ACCIDENT. The Whitney Brothers Oapslaed sod Drowned In Snake River. The following article taken from the Starbuck (Wahh.) Signal is probably as correct account of the drowning of the Whitney boys as it will ever be possible to get. Ths articls I taken from that paper issued on the tttth of laat month : AAt about 10 o'clock Tuesday morn ing Elmer and Bert Whitney, brother, were drowned in Snake river. They were both experienced raftsmen and had been rafting bridge timber for D. A. Cameron, the bridge contractor for ths Snake Klver Valley Railroad. At ths time of the accident they were shooting the rapids, when in some unaccountable manner the boat capsized. one, disappeared almost instantly, but the other, being stronger, managed to hold up for nearly a mile below the point where the canoe capatsed, but owing to the power of ths current, waa unsble to reach the shore, finally sinking. His yelli alarmed parties at Lyon'i ferry, who started out with a boat to hit res cue, but be disappeared before they got lar out. 'The Whitney brothers were both men of excellent character. 'They were so different from the ordinary run of railroad men,' said D. A. Cameron, their employer, 'that I feel their low corely. They were both men in whom I placed Implicit trust. Of course, there I no certainty as to just how the accident happened, but 1 believe, that, knowing how I trusted them to do their work. they were too daring while I waa away at Spokane. I have often told them that while I would not like to lose the tim ber, their live were too valuable to take any chances.' " It ha since been learned that both the boy swam lor nearly mil before either of them sank. Don't be a "Knocker." If there' any chance to boom business. boom it. Don't be a "knocker." Don't pull a long lace and look as though you had a sour stomach. Hold up your head, smile and hope tor better things. Hide your tittle hammer and try to speak well ol others, no matter how mall you may really know yourself to be. When a stranger drops in, jolly him. Tell him this is the greatest town on earth and it is. Don't discourage him by apeaking ill of your neighbors or of opposing firm. Lead him to believe that be haa at last struck a place where white people live. Don't "knock." Help yourself along by becoming popular, and push your friend with you. It' dead easy. Be a good fellow, and soon you will have a procession ol followers. No man ever helped himself by "knocking" other people down in character or busi ness. No man ever got rich by trying to make others believe he wai the only man in town or the only man who knew anvthing. Yon can't climb the ladder ot success by treading on other people' corn. Keep oil the corn ana aon i knock." Milton Eagle. District Attorney Cleeton returned from Astoria Tuesday morning, where be went to attend circuit court. Mr. Cleeton was in Astoria two day before the judge arrived, and during that time proceeded with the work oi tne grana jury, not under the old system, however, and when the court arrived there were three Indictment ready to be acted upon, in all of which conviction and sen tence to ths penitentiary were had. It would have undoubtedly taken a grand jury at least five days to accomplish wnai rr. Vyieeion uiu in iwo umjm, wr ing perhaps 1160 to the county, with just as good results. Grand juries in future will undoubtedly be few and far between. The Question of bow to profitably pro duce our home supply of bacon and hams is one of great importance in the Pacific Northwest. At one time when wheat was extremely low in price we In creased rapidly our production of hogs, but lor the last two or three years tne import of pork product to the North west appear to be increasing. Many farmers in this region know how to raise hog in small numbers with profit. It has been clearly demonstrated that there ia money in raisiug hog, and more should be raised. We have no doubt that the time will come very soon when tbe Northwest will not only produce all the bacon and hams for home consump tion but it will also market a large quan tity elsewhere. The quality ol that product here la good. The grand parade in Portland on Tuea- Amv kv tha ULrliimn nf tha World fnllv met all the expectations that nao oeeu i raised in regard to it. -it was iea dj we G. A. R. Carriages were in the proces sion In which were tbe governor of our state, Mayor Storey of Portland, Gen. Beebe and other eminent civil and mili tary dignities. The procession passed through tbe principal streets, orosaed rjurnaiae street uriugs, i k nwr ieon street bridge and on to Sixth street, where it was reviewed by the governor. The memorial concert at the armory in the evening was eqnally a success. Among feature of special note was tbe invocation by Bev. Henry Rasmus, of Grace M. E. church ; the presentation of the golden key of the city and the ac ceptance and response by F. A. Falken- erg. oi uenver, tne neaa consul now- dres by Governor Geerj musio by the First Regiment band, and the benedic tion by Rev. Geo. B. Van Waters, of Saint David'i Episcopal church. There seem to be a very general im nrenion that the present weather 1 not all that it should be. People are heard to murmer and even complain, and cases are actually on record where profanity has been used to an alarming extent. Just why a protracted spring should cause such outspoken dissatisfaction is hard to understand. All poets agree that spring i the most delightful time of year. The patter of the rain drops on the roof is more enchanting than var iety theater harmony, and that the bursting bud and cleaving cones that burst and cleave only at the kiai of the cadent tear from heaven are sights which it is a privilege to behold. Yesl No one needs to buy Ice now. Tbe children do not clamor for money to buy tickets to Sunday school picnics. Taxpayers do not groan at the expense of sprinkling tbe streets. Young men with girls are saved the expense of ice cream soda. And yet, with all these blessings people will complain. There 1 no accounting for public taste. Report of Meer City Sohool. To the editor of Ths Mist. Following la the report of Neer City school for the month of May : Number ol day taught 20 Number ol daya attendance 621 Number of day absence 45 Number ot times tardy 18 Number of boy enrolled.. 17 Number oi girls enrolled. .'. 21 Total number enrolled 88 Average number belonging , 84 Average dally attendance. 31 Those neither absent nor tardy during the month were: William and Earl Bradley, Ohesley and Ilattie Makiniter, Harry Olsen, Mary and Hasel Neer. Ray V. Binoham, Teacher. . WARREN DOINGS. John Downing, jr., li hers on a visit to bis parents, Mas Slayeni ipent a few days of last week at Portland. J. M. Grewell ha gone to Portland to meet bis son and daughter, whom ha ia expecting from Media, Kansas. Miss Crosby, our school teacher. In tends to give her pupil a picnic atScap pooa falls on the 23rd ol June. Mn. Nlm Baker and Miss Laura Pusey were chosen delegates to attend the Sun day school convention to be held af Clatskanie, June 21 and 28. One day last week aa Mr. Bacon, with the belp ol a lew more, waa moving his pig pen, hi loot in some unaccountable manner caught in the flooring, crushing it quits severely. Some one who evidently is not a lover of a bike scattered tacks in the road be tween Warren and Scappoose, causing miss .paeon to puncture tne urs oi ner bike. George Yonns haa nnrchasnd a bike and la very busy learning to ride. George says that lie cannot pluck up courage enough to learn to ride on tn county road, so he practices three or lour hours very day in hi log patch. In ths last Issue of Ths Mist ws no ticed sn article in regard to a bike path between St. Helen and Warren. They are our sentiments to a dot. If we are going to do anything it ia about time some one was making start. Your correspondent has interviewed tbe bike riders up this way, ana an speak very favorably in regard to it, being willing to do all they are able. We think it would be a good plan to call meeting somewhere and all attend and discus the matter. Ths sooner ws get at It the better. On last Friday evening Mr. Vim Baker entertained her Sunday school class at her home at this place, the en tire class being present, and a royal good time was had. Mrs. Baker took her class by surprise, as most of them thought their teacher had called them together to talk over the Sunday school work. When tbey arrived at her home and found out tbe nature of the meeting, that Sunday school class turned themselves loose and tore around use a lot ol Commacbe brave on tha warpath. Games and song were indulged in, after which tbe young folk repaired to the dinning-room, where ice cream and cake waa served. It is not necessary to men tion that full justice waa done to it. The party broke up at 11:30. each and every one voting Mra. Baker a fine entertainer. YANKTON HAPPENINGS. Lou Barger spent last Sunday with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Oliver have re turned to their ranch. J. W. Saxton and son have completed their contract for fence posts. G. L. and A. H. Tarbell are banking the wood cut by the Wood Company 'a team saw. Uncle David Hendricks is said to be in quite feeble health at the home of his brother, near Peris. Bees are energetic in spite ot the weather. G. L. Tarbell hived lour swarm one day recently during three hour ol sunshine. R. H. Mitchell, of 8t. Helens, was among those received into the fellowship ol Dawson lodge I. O. G. T. last Satur day evening. The lodge ia in good work' ing order. Three more young men from Maine have reported thla time at Crouse'a camp and more are on the way. They have come expecting to earn their bread by the sweat ol their brow, and only want to be given an eight-foot asw, and lugva bus trev va negiu uu. Auere u) room for more of that stamp. Nearly all our young people rode over to ren last rnaay evening to attena the reception given by Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Ayres to their daughter, Mertie. Mi Mertie had been visiting a friend for a few day and during ber absence Mr. Ayres bad received and placed tn the parlor an elegant Cornish organ. Both the organ and reception were a complete surprise to the young lady. A delightful evening waa spent with music, games ana reiresnments. HOTJLTON NOTES. Mrs. Edith Taylor was a Portland vis itor one day last week. Tbe United Artisans have purchased an organ lor tneir oruer. Marshall Sturm was down from ths Flats last Monday morning. George Brous did some carpentering work tor ft. a. ferry uus week. Mrs. "M. P. Smith is improving rapidly alter a nam speii oi aicxness. Clay Clark came an from Marshland Wednesday evening of last week. Mrs. C. L. Daggett and family have moved to this place from The Dalles. Everett Emerson came up from the logging camps last xuesasy morning. The United Artisans are going to have a social meeting next r nday evening. Jos. Sherman waa a passenger for Rainier last Monday on the Astoria train, Miss Caly Pomeroy, of Rainier, la vis iting with Captain and Mrs. Henderson this week. The family of Samuel Kelley moved to Hood River last Monday, where they will make their future home. John Lamberson, Geo. Kelley, Aaron Kelley and Clay Clark returned to the logging camp Sunday evening. The Pendleton family, who have lived at the head of the flume dam for the past year, moved away Monday morning. Frank Smith, cashier of the Southern Pacitio R. R. Co., at Portland, came down to visit his mother, Mra. Smith, in this city. REUBEN NOTBH. Mrs. Graoe McNaughton and Mrs. R. E. Watts went to St. Helens Saturday evening to attend the Eastern star. Jack Able, ol Sauvies island, visited Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. josepn earth at this place. J. Heoner moved hii family and house hold goods from Goble to Portland Mon day. V 13 n..Wnn rl. n k.. kaAn llntnt f Goble, moved hii family into the Barton bouse in West Keuben Monday. Mrs. R. J. Burnett, who ha been keeping the Burnett house at Goble, left Monday lor Montana, where sue will en' gage tn the hotel business. J. Latourelle and wife moved from Mooresville to Tacoma Tuesday evening, N. Plnckney will open the meat mar ket at Uoble Friday. - -K TheTreHCOtt Packing Co. ha about .completed a two-story lodging house for their employe at Goble. Report of Reuben Sonool. ' Following is tbe report of the Reuben school, district No. 20, for the month ending May 26: number ol day taught v Number of day attendance, ....... .4C2 Average daily attendance 24 Number of day absent 70 Number of times tardy 5 Number of boy enrolled 14 Number of girl enrolled 18 Total number enrolled 29 Number of visitors during the month 7 Those neither absent nor taray were: Lsla Burch, AtU Jordan, Mabel and Jennie Foster, Oscar and Thomas Hun ter, Albert Pawaon, Newton Hamilton, Myrtle Fowler and Myrtle Boyd. . v. AITmtlx rovsu, lewtnci. A Card of Thanks. I wish to say that I feel under lasting obligation for what Chamberlain's Uough uemeay nas aone lor oar uuimj. We have need it in so many case of cough, lung troubles and whooping cough, and it ha alway given the most perfect satisfaction, w feel greatly in debted to the manufacturer of this rem edy, and wish them to please accept our hearty tnsnss. nespecuuiiy, aw. o. WTT. Vim iuisiuoa. vw xn mm Dr. Edwin Boss, druggist. Notice to Taxpayers. After June 15th the tax roll will be closed. All parties wishing to eave pen alty and costs must pay on or before that date. J. N. Rica, 8berlff. For a complete stock of sbsswImms dlae call at Was. B. Dolman's. Hot lunch served at any hour at Mr. Mclntyre'. Coffee and pie or coffee and cake, 10 cents. Home-made bread three loaves for 10 cents. Next to the bowling alley. Call at tbe Columbia gallery, at Rain ier, for the best pictures ol the mount ains, timber, Columbia river, ocean and fishing scenes ; also a fine photo of your self, sweetheart, family, ranch, house, stock, etc., by J. F. Ford. LEG All NOTICES. County Treasurer's Notice. Oodstt Tsaanrass's Omcs, Sr. Hklsss. Oa.. Jans UN. N OTICB IB HEREBY OIVEM THAT ALL onoald County Warrants of Columbia County, Oregon, which hare been presented and eodoned' "Not Paid tor Want of Funds," prior to itar lat, law, wlU be paid upon pre sentation at this office. Interest will not be al lowed after una date. sunin bubo, Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon. Notice for Publication. Laao Omcs at Oasaoa Cm, Oa., April 3S, ul. NOTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of hi intention to make Anal proof in support of and that aaid Dfoof will be mads be fore Register and Beceiver at Oregon City, Ore gon, oa Jn mn, isw, vu: ALBERT U HamaMitad Bntrr 10.190. for the northeast C of section 14, township i north, range I west. Ho names tbe following witnesses to prove his eon Unuoua residence upon and cnlUTstton of nsld land, vis: raul J. eenou, as tioiion, uwm, Otto Williams, of 8L Helens, Oregon, William Guild, of Baurte Island, Oregon, Perelval Bu chanan, of Portland, Oregon. aay CHAB. B. MOORES. Register. PETITION FOFt LIQUOR LICENSE To TBI HoKOEtlLI COOWTV COOBT OT CoLCSt- BIA COUSTT, UT1T1 or UESOOH. TK THE UNDERSIGNED LEOAL VOTERS VV nalitinr In Oak Point Precinct. Columbia Conntr, State of Oregon, would respectfully pe tition four honorable body at its next regular term, wnicn will be neiaon inetun uaroi vm. In the Courthouse in St. Helens, Colombia County, Htate ol uregon.tnat a license ue fmowu to W.L PvlmaM to sell apirltanns, vinous and malt liquors In quantities less than one gallon la Oslt Point Preciiietr at Mayger, Columbia County, Oregon, ana mat saia license oe granted for a period of six months, for which ws will n.nn n.n3annn. Wm If cCaliam.R H King. A P MoGrawXttooksnberg, Jaafitockenberg.Cbarlaa Churchill, Leonard 8 Mason, A Btockeubenr, Jas vooper.wm nnin,,eiMiwi,. . ' C A Teraahan.RobertTernahaB.Charifs Sundln, IXMll Flanrer, u w nwiiuc, vuvwr uupi, y Pol Ham, N C swing, J no urayant, w v uranaau W M Luak, W M Roberta, C N Davidson, 1 W Huffman, Fred Fluhrer, Frank E Barnes. O f Barnes, 0 S Barnes, W A Winter, F Ford, Charley Hayger, Wm Fluhrer, C R Dllley, John Dooley, Ambros Madden, 8 R Norgran. A M Andaraon, M C McDonald, Stephen Mcuamea, t w Turner, OliffOlaen.T Taylor, P C OaUaher, Carl Stock nberg, John Wilson, Hlmon Reaper. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE TO THS HOHOBABXB COOJtTT CoCBT or COLOM BIA Cocarv, UAsaon: T1TE, THE UNDERSIGNED LEGAL VOTERS r T resiaing in iseer um prmiuct, wum term, which will be held on the 6th day of July, lv, In the Coarthonse in the City of 8t Helena, Columbia County, State of Oregon, that a license be granted to O. E. Homtbb, to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liqaors in quantities less than tvnm ..linn in TJaer Island oreclnot. in said County and State, and that said license be granted for a period of one year, for which we will ever pray: naud at Goble ) this Mh day of April, 18W.1 W E Hunter. H M Fowler, Curtis Bain SnMlMk .In. UmMin Vr.Il k Walter. (( cnrtls ualro. Wl , u s ros- ter. f u Cleaver. C E Leavens, I C Monroe, L Presaey, Victor rarer, A F Baton, Thomas Poo- Plea, Frank Webber, i w nail, J Burnee. u u vu ivlan. Wm Hartle: jt, T it eweet, u v jmum, v Chas Anderson, W M Fralne, Allen, u uenoer. lor. a oenber. unas anae F 8 Wsbber, J E Tonoarnai &, George Foster ir., esr.Jay Archibald, A Emmons, w Delano, B H M McKay, u w nueui H.v.rri 1 A Andsrson. C VonBenten. E Wasser. Ch Morel, T Wasser, L Btehman, M Link, H Stehmen, T O Connell, O W Fair, Otto Graf, Spencer, Jaok Daspaln. I Coo boy C Kratsks, John Dunne, WlU Bisbop, James Holden, Hsnry Blake. Jasl Kal, H Blake, P Dramin, C t Sprague, C L WUooz. Geo W Iman, John Black, eter. mlvJ2S WARRANTS FOR CANCELLATION In the County Coort of the State at Oregon, for Columbia county. TTiOLLOWrNO IS A LIST OF COUNTY WAB JT rants which were Issued more than seven Mm itrinr tn tha flrat daT of Julr. UUS. Whieh nnt hsAn naid. to wDora Issued, amount of each warrant ana tne case oi issuance, ana toe number ana Olam ol warrant, ana u sua war rants are not presented for payment within sixty (Si) days from the first day ot July, Vm, they wiu be cancelled by order of the Connty Court, and payment tnereoi wiu ne reiusea: ro. datb mamb amount class "e" 7A Jl. iwu .. I. Ulllott. I loo TS ....Jnly.lfWS.... Fred Weed IK SH ....Jan-1886.... Wai Symoue. t 00 sea ... Jan.. una.... James Hamilton .... 100 825 ,...July, 1A8S..,. John M Crook 170 S2T ....July, 18N....John Link , I 70 Km ....July, i(yw.,..n duuhid..... fvsa ....July, lHK....Ja Dobbins.. S7 ....July, m... .John Nelson 8H4 ....July, 1HH.... Karnes Perine SMI ... .July, 1S86.. .. Susan Bamdatedt.... class "a" 127 ....Jan., 1887.... MoKereher 4 Thomp son 3S8 ....July, 1887... .Charles Olson Sua ....Sept. lHK7....Ira Epperson 740 ....Jan., 1HK3... .Mary Benham 741 ....Jan., 1888.. ..W R Bates 830 ....Apr., 1888.. ..Mrs DeJonrnetts..... S'-tl .... Apr., 1888.. ..H Bradley 83S ,...Apr.,18s8....Geo D Barbara 019 ....July, 1888....JRMcGraw 78 ....July, loU8....Wm Ames.. 1 70 00 1 00 10 hbw hbibs 101 6li .Jan.. ISM, Al Jamas. Cnas MMerv J H Bonner. James Wallaos A W JL Graham ...BepL 1KWI. ...Oct., 1SH. ...Jan.,ltjy0 ,Apr.,lRK) ...Levi Homers... ...... .Apr., ma. Venetta.... July, lao....Jm Kelley.. 707 . vn . lOlt. ..July, 1SK.. A n ... W S Miller........... Jesse Buroelt MatMoOraw Georaa Morton. 11M....AUX. 1IW0. ij..,.Moh. mi.. Ul.... Moh. Wl.. 1421. ...Mtsh. isal.. mil . J11W. 1XH1.. Charles Hart.. 16....July, WUl.... Margaret MoAyeaX. UI7....JU17, iroi.,..msruu dsiih lr..'O....Juiy, 181....M Burns 177....Nov. l91....Johu Stilt 17X4. ...No. lHl....MrsFanuliDeBoak.. lKlS..,.Nnv. 1KU1....JDO Watson l(K0....Mch. 18'Jl.... Henry Nelson ,.. Utt4....Mch. 18U3.,..MartbaI 8tratton.. MOO. . . .May, JitiU. . . .Chas Oomma... . , Total.. :.....1M 1, 0. WATTS, County Clerk. 1 I..IMII. !,., l.l..,.,.n,.l.ll. II . Ml. ,1 V .1. Ill, I,, in,, ,1. II .1.1... . i-i Tbe Kind Ton Bare Always la ns for orer SO Tear . and ftff soiuU COCCAMf AHnw AO Counterfeits, Imitations and substitutes are but Ex pediments that trifle trttn and endanger the health of Inlants and Children lUperlenoe against BzperlnMnt What lo CASTORIA Oastorla is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric; lropl and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. , It m tains neither Opium, Morphine nor. other. Sfareotio substance. Its aire is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Fererishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tha Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend ocriuiriB CASTORIA ALVAYO ) i Bean the The KM You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 'Mf,i?m,fiww S ml "Brsr - TT We Have Everything Yoo Want in the Line of ..GENERAL.. ..Merchandise.. Onr Prices are Bight I Come and Sea ns, whether you boy or not. We are pleased to show goods snd give prices. Loggers' Outfits. Logging Camps Supplied xa&xstj? & axxjoxxXsXS. ...THE POPULAR GROCERS... MAIN STREET, ST. HELENS, OREGON ....St. Helens .J. E. SHELDON, Prop..... Fresh Heats, Sausage, Hais, Bacon, Lard Bacon, lard and Ham Sold way Down. Special Bates Given on Orders for Large Quantities of Heat. v- Cfj. J. O Z77.o a a a ja. a. ja. ja.Sr JwtirfV javjaw SrrTrlt nfV av javf:W WissTsisTsisTsislhsfhslhsllislBislsiSBastii titbsTIi atli iT ffls ilfli i l THE NEW Carries a Large Assortment of... 3 Dry Goods, CIotMni Boots, 4 GROCERIES AND PROVI8ION3 Am llwiaa rr-sv-kiArtM fjisiaw new and clean, Tn fact, oar entire goods, wnicn we invite tne pumic H. MORQUS, Proprietor, i St Helens. Oregon Jmm mm mm mm mlm saBsswsIaWssTssB mm mm BjsBaJsmssB.BWssT mm mm mm mm bb JisaislaBasB ,, -jvvvj 'Wsvsw -'s'swAvibsm TltmJTT? VTCTA "WTTT? ft T?T? TT?Q XTJs.VJrXl v xoxxa KJ j.a-ajjujt.m a A.w I rtTIT H fPTiTirjO We have a choice lot of one and two-year-old A r F 1 1 K I K K HI trees, snch aa Ben Davis, Northern Spy, Bald All 1 UU I IXUUUt in HnitannWo and Oravanatein. OH WHICH WE QUOTE ii:m4. - One and two-year-old trees, olons were obtained from a UlllSSilSlTc r fUnS. prominent (ruit growor, and were cut Ironx heartc treaa. ALSO CHERRY, PLUM AND PEAR TREES. A. HOLADAY, PBOP., i MikBES SH01 CI1IFMH, SPECIAL SALE $2.95 Inelodlna a ts.m Shoe for Ladles 01 Men At : o Next Door to : 253 Ksrriscn Strcst, Near Bought, suid urbJch Ium been bM borne tbe lgam,ian of baa been made under UU per- supervision since Its tafaocr. nn one tn deceive Ton lrn thla. Signatare of i . iiimmmmmmmjiimmmnuu Meat mamet.... YORK STORK.. il Shoes, Eats Gaps Crc:::3, Etc irarsi MnllAs nntsi fmltB. la FH stock consists of strictly tip-to-dat. Ef to inspect, rortiana prices tor gooas. Harris' Old Stand r nsa&4 Hftr RUSOHABLE PRICES. SCAPPOOSE, OREGON II 1 rt All Styles. BlaekorTaa All Warranted. A Fair M. P. It. Offlea e Third, - Pcrt!:ni, Crr::a W m 4 ii 'ftwiS1 isl w W