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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1899)
OREGON MIST. ISSCBPKVEHV FRIDAY MOItNINO . ,-sv-DAVID DAVIS. SalMrcrlajtleai Matte. nna Ann am veer 1b ad, anna, 11 00 Due ooiy six mouth... ... M AdvsrtUing raf wad sn.we apon application COLOMBIA COCNTV DIRECTORY. Jn.lRe...., t;irk , flier! S... Tri-aaurer Buiiiof aohools. AdmMUOT Surveyor Coroner. ......... Commlttloom Josepk B, Damn, Kalnler ., i. O. Watt, si. Helens . H. Blue. Clatakanie K. Hoax, M. Helens ... H. uoneiana, arrea .Martin White, Qulney lien. Harea, Myjrer .Dr. A. P. McLaren, Rainier .....P. A. Frakee, So.upo.jM n. u. reterson. sum Juna 2, 1899. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Fkbham three enumerators will find emuioyment in making the eensai of OolumbU county when the work started. Thbbb to ftn estimate made of the pop ulation of the United States every month, and on the first of last month it is said there were 75.875.000 people in this nation. Tarn coming Fourth of July will not be as historic day as that of 1898, but the homecoming of the Oregon volunteers will make it far more than an ordinary It is safe to say that warrants of Co lumbia county outstanding and uncalled for do not amoont to more than $28,000. There is about $15,000 on the current tax roll ret unpaid. Sxkatoe McBuxdb has made himself popular with Oregon prune-growers by endeavoring to have dried prunes added to the army menu. Dried prunes are healthful, appetising and nutritious. Nve mind, Ainrie, about the next republican candidate for the legislature. Just attend to your campaign down in the Philippines. The republicans will take care of their campaign in thiscounty. Admiral Dxwet has very wisely con cluded not to return to America until October. However, he is anxious to return, bat a too sudden change of climate might not be beneficial to his health and happiness. Taxes years ago Columbia county was paying about 25 per cent interest on its debts. It is now paying about 8 per cent. In other words the county was behind 31 months in the payment of warrants; now but 13 months. It is estimated that over one million men have had their wages raised in the United States in the last six months. This represents an increased outlay for wages of hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Such evidences of prosper perity as this don't need to be argued bout ; they speak for themselves. Eviby rod of good, substantial road built in this county means another set tler; another acre of cultivated land ; an increase in taxable property ; a reduction in the rate of taxation ; the production of another dollar, and the ultimate hap piness and prosperity of all citizens. Let us have good roads while we are At it. tionday and say whether she wished the right of suffrage conferred upon women. The suffragists made an active cAnvas of the state and brought out every vote they could possibly influence. The result was that lees than four per cent of the women voted "yes." In the light of these indisputable facts it can be easily concluded that the majority of the women of the country have no de sire to vote. Thebi is a most encouraging symptom of the condition of the country in a busi ness sense to be found in ths fact that many applications are received by the cited in every Christian and decent so- THB BPIRIT OP DISLOYALTY. Tbs attention of those who fail to ap- fireciate the importance of an honest, neorruptable, intelligent ni patrlotio press is called to the following item from one of the Eastern yellow Journals which Is being copied approvingly by the pop ulist papers all over the country. The itom needs no comment tor intelligent readers. It tells its own story. But it mav not be amiss to say that the man who abuses the responsibilities and pos sible influence of his position as an edi tor, and the paper that will publish such an unrighteous reflection on the motives of the men who put an ena to tne mea evial rule of Spain in her late Eastern and Western colonies ought to be oetra- cietv. A recent European writer has said that the vicarious suffering c American troops in Cuba and the Phil ippines is the most elevated example of unselfish devotion to the cause of hu manitv recorded in the history of men, and that it has done more to exalt the standard of national morality among the nations of earth than A century of platitudinous writing and preaching could have accomplished : Following is the article. Judire the sentiment. rWwv tamitiina kntna en4 the Aniin, saving of about $2000 per year in inter- try i. DreVarina for a wild display of vir- est, will soon put the county in excellent ulent hysteria. He directed the killing financial condition. o " Bpaniaras ana tne sin King oi nan a dozen epanun snips, iuis is pisun talk fm nlain nannta. Ha ia unilonbt- Mb. Aodduldo Mitchbix, editor of edly a great man great fighter, but the insurgent-supporting sheet down the were the 200 dead Spaniards still alive street, tumbled in to a fit of Filinino " MOTiejo e neei still anoei, mis great county officials her asking Information about back and current taxes on lands. Business is increasing, money becoming more plentiful and values are increasing, and owners of lands here who let their property be sold for taxes are now anx ious to pay up. From this source alone this county will receive many thousand dollars in the next two years, which, with good business methods and the intoxication last week because Tub Mist quoted the wards of Elder 3oe at the church dedication services at Houlton recently. The Aguineldo of Columbia county concluded his remarks with the statement that he did not hear Elder Que speak the words quoted by us. We were aware of that fact. Yon were not present, most likely from the fact that you anticipated hearing something de rogatory to the cause you so ferverently champion. Instead, you were no doubt, hid away in dark corner of your dingy nest attempting to devise some plan whereby you could render better service to the idol of your heart, General Aguin- aldo, and thus embarrass the country whose flag you disgrace. country would be in no more danger wan we aome oi oi. reier was oi ueiux crushed beneath the weight of the fly. How long-will it take us to discover that the war with Spain was mere child's play? That the heroes we worship are furnished per programme to divert our wrouiiht-UD emotions from real dangers. The country is being enslaved by trusts and money barons. The great and in tiduous danger ia creeping upon us from the inside, vet in our anxiety to grow effusive over our man of Are, blood and tinsel we scarcelv stop at the word of warning drop pea to ns. The greater patriotism pleads and calls, but we are children still, chasing the butterfly of military renown over glamorous fields. we sua preier snam to tact. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. The following is the programme of the UotumDia Lttunty ttunaay school asso- 2:30. 3:15. 3:25. 40. It is perhaps, too much to expect that ciation, at Clatakanie, June 21 and 22 in a republic there should not be found disloyal people; but their disloyalty seems to be more aggravated and pro nounced than it does under other forms of government. Loyalty to party is one thing, and loyalty to country is decidedly another thing, and no loyalty to party can ever justify disloyalty to the nation. The man who loves his county will say: When my country is at war she is always right and I am always with her ; and it is to this kind of man that every country looks for its strength. The men in this country who ere firing in the rear at our soldiers in the Philippines are making a record for themselves and their descend ants that is, to say the least, unenviable. and their motives are not good. Most of them are doing it for party reasons, as they did in 1861, and the same re sults will follow. They will be utterly discredited, and in future years will be as anxious to hide it as were the copper heads of the '60s. 9:00. 9:20. 9:30. A FAIR, FIRM POLICY. The extreme height of folly was shown by Aguinaldo and his misguided fellow- insurgents in violently opposing snd as-1 n ;10. sauiiing me unitea states forces wmcn were in tne Philippines for the purpose Bb careful, Aggie, that you do not let your ignoble sentiment get the better of yon, and in your carping advocate the destruction of the American forces in the Philippines as your predecessor advo cated the bombardment of America's greatest city by the Spanish gunboats at the outset of the American-Spanish war. Not questioning the fact but what such is your sentiment ; but don't do it Such spirit is not popular. ' It is many years since Decoration Day was observed with such a measure of sacredness as it was in Oregon last Tues- day. In the past year many young Oregonians have given up their lives in the military service of this country, and every true Oregonian felt it their duty to observe the day with more than ordi nary solemnity, and as admirers of pa triotism and loyalty, made this beautiful custom of paying tribute to the fallen heroes one long to be remembered. Doh't expect everybody to be your friend in this world. There are people who would sooner see you make a flat failure in life than succeed. There are people whom you have put yourself to trouble to accommodate, and who would sooner speak evil than good of you. Bemember, that if yon have burdens laid upon yon to bear them patiently and with silence. The "approving con science," at least, will be an ever faith ful friend, a monitor we can always af ford to heed in sunshine and shadow. Would the women of Oregon vote if the chance were given them T The ques tion of woman suffrage will be voted on at the next general election in this state and it is well enough to seek informa tion on the subject. It has been found, And is shown by Actual statistics, that in the twenty-two states in which school suffrage is allowed to women only two per cent of the women who have at tained the voting age go to the polls on election day. At the last state election in Massachusettes every woman in the of promoting peace and justice, in the protection of all interests. The actions oi the rebels were largely due to ignor ance and to former experience with Spanish authority. A conflict with American ideas thev find to be auite an other character. Uncompromising firm ness and fairness marks the evident pol icy of this government in its dealings with the new colonies nnder its control. That such principles prevail in the treatment of the fihpinos is evidenced in the proclamation issued by the United States Philirjoine commission, which ia composed of men exceptionally well quaiinea lor tne important work quired. Among other things the proclamation declares : "The supremacy of the United States must and will be enforced tbroneh out every part of the archipelago, and those who resist it can accomplish no ena ratner than tneir own ruin, to the Philippine people will be granted the most ample liberty oi self government, reconcilable with the maintenance of a wise, lust, stable, effective and econom ical administration of public affairs compatible with sovereign and interna tional rights and the obligations ot the united states. The commissioners de sire to join the president in expressing weir gooa win toward we rmuppine WEDNESDAY 4FTIKMOON SSSIOH. 2 ffl. Devotional service . . . .led br Rev. D. B. Gordon Address of welcome Mrs. J. A. English Response L N. Shatto Opening address . ..State S. 8. Superintendent Report of committee on cre dentials. Jesus the Ideal Teacher I. H. Copetand question box. WEDNESDAY ETENQfO SESSIOB. 8 KM. Devotional service. 8:80. Address Rev. Geo. Whitaker, D. Dv President Portland University THUB&DAT MOANING SESSION. Devotional service Rev. Q. G. Haley Reading minutes of previous meeting. Bible Knowledge Among Sun day School Scholars Mrs. E. E. Moyer How to Study the Lesson Rev. D. B. Gordon Personal Talks with Scholars. . Miss Crosby Is It Wise to Have a Vacation T Mrs. N. 8. Keasev 10:50. The Art of Asking Questions.. Mrs. W.T. Watta Practical Primary Plans I. N. Shatto i Sunday School Offerings Mrs. M. C. Gray Report of secretary, Be v. G. u. Haley. THOBSDAT APTBMOO SESSION. 1:30. Devotional service Rev. C. E. Philbrook Snnday School Literature in County Schools Mrs. Julia Tingle Christ and the Children Dr. One Teaching by Being Rev. O. G. Haley Smile cr Frown Mrs. M. C. Gray Sunday School Offerings Dr. J. E.Hall The Sunday School as a Soul Saver Rev. E. V. Smith Question box. Miscellaneous business. 9:50. 10:10. 10:30. 11 M. 11:60. 20. 2:20. 2:40. 8:00. 8:20. S:40. 4:00. 4:20. Com. on Programme aS,u' A number of news letters for publica tion reached this office in the 9:30 mail 1 hursday morning, too late for compo sition. Please mail news letters earlier in the week. Tell Tear Bister. A Beautiful Complexion is an imrjossi- people, and to extend to the leading rep- bility without good pure blood, the sort naeuiaiive Bwn an luviiauuii k meet i mat omy exists in connection wim kuuu them for the nnrnoee of nemonal an. I digestion, a health liver and hnwela. quaintance and the exchange of views Karl's Clover Root Tea acts directly on and opinions." the bowels, liver and kidneys, keeping xneee are piam. straienttorward prop- tnem in penect neaitn. mce zo cts. ositions that savor neither of Spanish and 60 eta. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, deceit, double-dealing and intrigue, nor oi "imperial" tyranny. The practical apolication of such principles shonld nl- Umately result in the evolution of order out of chaos, even in tne long-darkened ana aeiuaea realm ot the fhilipplnes. roruana eunaay welcome, taemj. Mayger School Report. Following ia the report of school dis trict Iio. 23 for month ending May 26: druggists, ilouiton. St. Helens, and U. A. Perry, When you want a hot lunch call at Mrs. Mclntyre's, next to bowling alley, Woald Not Saffer So Again for Fifty Times Iu Price, I awoke last nieht with severe pains in my stomach. I never felt so badly in an my we. When l came down to work Number of davs tauebt 20 -"C"VVL": 7" Number of days attendance 563 dru d u... commended Cham- umoer of days absence 7 berlain's Colic, Cholera snd Diarrhoea Number of times tardy 11 Number of boys enrolled 19 Number of ftirls enrolled. 17 Total number enrolled 3d Average daily attendance 29 Average number belonging 81 The following pupils were neither tardy nor absent: Katie and Frank Kan par, Mabel and Artie Huffman. James Ternahan, Claude and Willie Overholt. Number of visitors, 8. Robebt Boals, Teacher. Carsl of Thanks. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our neighbors and friends in St. Hel ens and vicinity for their sympathy and assistance so kindly tendered in our late bereavement. Mb, and Mas. 8. S. Wat. Remedv. It worked like mairie. and one dose fixed me all right, it certainly is the finest thins I ever used for stomach trouble. I shall not be without it in my home hereafter, for I should not care to endure tne sufferings of last night lor fifty times its price. G. H. Wilson. Liveryman. Kumettstown. Washington county, Pa. This remedy is for sale by lit. JMiwm xtoss, aruggist. Call and see samples of iob printing at this omce. we make a specialtv oi pro grammes for entertainments, concerts, etc All kinds of printing strictly no to uate. state was aked to go to the polls An elec-! by Dr. Ddwio Ross, druggist. De Yew Alia OT Consumption is preventable? Science has proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal. The worst cold or cough can be cured with Shiloh's Comrh and Con- Last fall I sprained my left hip while sumption Cure. Hold on a positive guarantee lor over nity years. Moid by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist St. Helens, and N. A. Perry, Houlton. handling some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on said at first it was a slight strain and would soon be well, but it grew worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse, and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Cham berlain's Pain Balm. I tried it, and one half of a 60-cent bottle cored me entirely. I now recommend it to all my friends. Yea Try It. If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of 25 cts., 60 eta. and $1, does not cure. use tne Dome orce ana we win refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price 26 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, drnggist, Bt. Helens, and N. A. Perry, Houlton. Oa Every Battle Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure ia this guarantee i "All we ask of you Is to use two-thirds of the contents of this bottle faithfully, then, if you say you are not benefited, return the bottle to your druggist and he may refund the price paid." rrloe m cts., ou cts. and Vl.uu. Sold by Dr. Edwin Rosa, drnggist, St. Helens, ana ft. a. rsrry, ttouiton. This strike IwT Muddy Complexion and Nauseating Breath from chronic constipation, Karl's Clover Root Tea is an absolute cur and has been told for fifty yeare on an abso lute guarantee. Price 25 eta. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, St. Helens, ana gt. a. rerry, uouiton. Hew te Year WlteT Has she lost her beauty T If so. Con situation, Indigestion, Sick Headache are the principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea has cured these ills for half century. Price 26 cts. and 60 eta. Money reiuuuea u results are not satisfactory. Bold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, St, neieos, anu . a. rerry, nouiion. PROFESSIONAL. J-jB. J. K. HALL, PHY8ICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatakanie, Columbia osunty. Or, jQB. IDWm KOea, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon D e. h. b, ourr, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St Helens, Oregon. Q. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AMD COUNSELOR-AT LA W, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abstract Books, Notary Public Comal. slotwr of Dawls for Washington, and an ax par- ivnoao ooiiaoior in oonoaouoB nu omoa. J. W. OAT W, B. DILLABD ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Ofllre aeit door to Courthouse, ST. UKLBNS, OHKUON. General Drastic la courts of Orwoa or Wash Ingtou. AtMtraots mad directly froip count; reooraa. .8TBAUER. Li XJ PR Ii 1 3ST E3 ) PORTLAND AWO AtTOBM Leaves Portland svsrv nisbt at 8 o'clock for Astoria, (except Sunday.) Saturday rtlgbl at 10. Returning, Ira res Astoria at 0: 30 o'eleck very morning (except Monday.) Bun ds; at 8: 00 o clock p. n. "I ST. CHARLES HOTEL Front & MorrisoB Sts., Portlani Under New Management U0 Rooms at 23 Cents to 50 Cents. Suites 76 Cents to 11.00. Elevator. Electric Llrht and Bells, and all Modern Conveniences. Free Bus Meets all Boats and Trains. Restart toecteliitl Hotel Oregon Telephone 288. Columbia Telephone 27. Ko Ladiex Furniture U CcEdete Without a Haw i LIGHT -RUNNING SINGER SEWING MACHINE, old on Easy Terms without latarast. C. P. LSSSEI, Agumu Astoria. Oregon. White Collar Line THK COLOMBIA KIVIK AMD PUGIT SOOND NAVIGATION CO. FOETLiHD-ASTOfilA ROUTE. ..TELEPHONE... Landlne foot of Alder Street. Portland. Leare Portland daily (exoept Sunday) at 7 A.M. Landing Telephone dock, Astoria, Leave Astoria daily (except Sunday) 7 P. M. Telephone Tickets Good oa Steamer Potter. Steamer Potter Ticket Good on Telephone. U. B. SCOTT, Pre. .MINN'S SALOON. tWrn. tfvwn, !. II yon want something mod la Ut tins ot whisky try SHAVVQ MALT -Only th be ot LiQCcrx and Cicars Ecot in Stoct Pool sad Card Table tor tbs a of Patrons. Courteous treatment. (Between Ik roe Hotels.) ST. B SlIHS, . . . 0RIG0H. OFfN PROM A. M. TO It VOLOOK MIDNIGHT. S3 -THK- Biavispr AB'BBBBe VBW W PTJB' BSAW anjpjpanj BJBJPBJ CLOMmetM t wmmtr. tat FAMOOS CYRUS - K08LE - WHISKEY BesMe other standard bra ode of liquor, is kepi always on hand, Card tables, pool lab, and btUlard labia for U as of petrous. Bt, Helena, Or(oa. X STOMA & COLUMBIA RIYER 11. RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. r. m. 1 00 06 s so 1 SB S44 S 60 I SO t OS t s n 10 00 10 OS 10 w iSJ A.M. s oo t us so I 0 .0 a. M-S 46 166.0 6 ! 10 00 62.6 10 10 M. io n 7i ai 10 u u 11 10 a n 11 so 77 908 106.41 WIS STATIONS DAILY. Lv.. Portland. ,Ar uobie ... Kalnler.. Pyramid.. ...... Maer... ..... tlnluor..-. .... ClaUkaule.,., .... Marshland.... ..... won port tuition K nappe Srenaoa ....John Dav Ar .. Attorta ...I.t A. M. 11 1 10 1 L S7 f SI as IS S OS s as a so S 17 so? 7 M r. 40 116 ( 90 I 00 7 64 T 4 ! 7 7 17 S 6S 64 S 10 00 8BABIDB DIVISION r. a. 6 oo t t 60 S SO A. M. 11 (6 II 66 It 1 I 00 Dally . Astoria ..Ar Warrrntoa ; ...Beaiae....L A.M. 7 40 7 SO S 60 16 r. a. 400 I S6 S 10 t SO All Ttaina to and tram Analda ma In VUmI ana new akoiu Tie warranto a. SPECIAL SUNDAY 8BAS1DB TRAIN Leatw Astoria at I:) a, m. and arrives Seaside :46a.m. Paaaeorere may return oa ear bmla shown ia wa on tame BMf. Psaavomrs lor Astoria or way points most Bat suss) nuuitusa, I raklllB) Will . Pan. Atrt.. iuorU, Or. tr-Jn. at Houltoa. Train. ojrfra off at Hoailon whin oomirm from. " V VSVWAJ, . JSm BJWSJa top tO lt Ms potou MUCKLE BROS. -MANUyAOTUBIM OP Rough and Dressed Lumber DineDstoa Lumber, floorlne. Bustle, Shaath- wi "iPt ana a couplet suea of every variety of lumber kept oo hand. AT TBI OLD STAND, ST. B ELANS, OB ffwi remTLANB), mailt. -rrsAMin- "America" Witott Slocgh Route Leave 81. Helens..... 7:00 A M Arrive at Portland... 10:80 A M Leave Portland 2:80 P M Arrive at 8L Helens... 6:00 P U CAMS SO CSflTS. Will Carry Nothing bat Passen. sen and Fast Freight. JAMBS SMS, Haater. iTTininiriinifiiniriiriiriifiiriifiirhfiiriifiifiirTiT .MONEY SAVED IS HONEY EARNED. A4 ..Continue to Earn Money by.. Subscribing fur the i Weekly Oregoniana -AND- The Oregon 1st I Our Clubbing Rate Enables Us to.. Furnish Both Papers for only TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR sMiUiUJMJUiU a" ..JOHNSOn & DURCDOrtFGn cnoo e Maaafaetarer of and Dealers In e ill Kinds of Rough md Dressed imUu rieerlats;., II .CelllBB ...Blaealesi Lstajaker... B0APP008K. - . OOOO NOAO TO TMS MILL. Mill ea south fork el anipoas srna.foar ssiles froai Hapowe stallou. Lnnber dellrered at Hcapoos station of Johiuwa'slandiiiealUMparM, ealre. Al Warns station, (US. . OBKOON .Drugs and Medicines. BhooU be boast only at a Drag Store, where doubt is never allowed to enter the mind as to quality ol the article sold. We furnish drags of the required standard of strength drags that are right. What yon boy at a Drag Store yon may depend upon it being what yon ask for. ....OUR STOCK OF.... Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles .18 COMPLETE. School Books snd School Supplies, Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Vny ot Might. 2 ...ST. HELENS PHARMACY... Dr. Edwin Ross, Proprietor. i ST. HELENS. - OREGON HOME BAKERY m LUNCH BOOH MRS- . t. M-INTVSt. PtraraiBTRIBt. Ecie-Iaic Breai, Pies Cates, Dooimts-Liuclici, 19 cents Up. Also s Stock of Notlouand Confectionery NHJXT TO BOW LINO ALtiHY, -I- ST. IIBLKNB. CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE DR. J. B. HALL, Proprietor, I at a levg as Free) aad Pare 0. R. S N. CO. Dbvabv SOB Salt Sp.ES. Bool Flvari 1:10 y. m. SV Tii TTHTm T 3 HOTEL Ers. M. J. Scott. Proprietress ST. BXLBHS, OBBOON, A Strictly Frst-Claes Hon. A Hoiiie (or Uotnmercial Travelers and the Public. Board and Lodg ing at Must neseonsDis Mate. A WELL KEPT STABLE For Car of Patron's Horses. Xs.ffuoday Saturday top. m. (am. Ex.bunday Tarn. Toes. Thar, sod Set. Ia m. ToeeThar. and sat. Lr. Klparla l:a. m. dally .1-eeptSaL Time SCHEDULES rreea PohummI. Salt Lake, Denver, PL worta, um.aa.aa i . au city, m. Lou (.Dusecoaod Walla Walla. MInaeaDolla. St. Peal, Dolatn. Mll wank, Chioago AU salllD( dale snb- jeei to cnaose. for Ban Fraueisoo Ball every fire days. Oelumbta Blver Steamer. To Astoria and Way. lauaiuaa. Willamette Bhwr. OreaoB City, Hewberf, Salem Way-laud'as Willamette and Yam hill Rl.ere. Oreao City, Dayloa, and way-landlus. Willamette River. Portland lo Oomllis aad wa'iaaduiga. tasks Rtver. Klparla to Lewlstoa. Aaaiva raoa 2tt t-.U9.rn. "ft? S:M.B). 4p.l 4o. m Bx.BuBday 4:80 Dm Sa.Kuuday f :S0 o. m. Moa. Wed, andrrt. 4:S0d. m. TuosTbur. Lv.l4W'loe Ba.m. dally ex. eeuiFrl. W. H. HUHLBERT, ueu.rai raejenger Afent, rOBTLAND . . . . OBKOON DEUG0 OMBIBHOaCmO Ala a aew aad ajleet rtook of rot aad paleni aMdMaee, faasy Hatlea.ry, sekool boas Prescriptions Carefully Compounded 4 . AT TBI CLATSKANIE DRUG STOREJ ED HILLSBERRY, Expert s-s Barber BHABP EAZ0B8 AMD CLEAS TOWELS. None but poreet cbemloals need In wssh- wg ana cleansing ins lace. Get a Hot Towel ca YcsrFacs Usual prices for work. DECKER'S OLD STAND, BT. HELENS 0. WCOLE . Notary mbtt . E.E. QUICK OoesmlsekMier el Peedelor Weab iDgtoa. ...... FBOPBIXTOBS OF ' THORNE'S Kmneilcal Srstenjitlfi Attracts. Jltlii. Ixainlned and Pertjietad. Atarsets Pamlihed. AssMuaeiil EsanlaedT la turaoc Written. Taxes rM and Ueavey aaolua. ST. RIUMi, StBMPI. STEAMER G. W. SHAVER DELL SHAVER, Master. The Only Direct Boute S ortland to Clatskanie KalamaOrlA: fit. Helen. S an obaug time without noiio. T.AOVAO Fortland. foot of Wa.hln.loo street, Tuasdav. Tharsdav. and Snada avanlnn a. f ' , o'clock. Claukanla, tide oermlttln, Mondar, Wadneedav, and Friday svsnlnnM 4 o'sloek. Will pass Oak Point abonlTi Biella:l: Merger V:i Woler ! iiriTiurvnuaiiiwaa, is. company reaorres ta. riao I Shaver Transportation Company. ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG...; Leaves Kelso on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays at o ouwa a. at. W JWf Saturdays, ai t , 'ill 'tiajsjIfc'M i,-.., . Aft,n 1M r gr gj , s i si'lsMss -U ti. JBSLtV.X.SStt ....Portland and Kelso Route via Willamette slough...;.