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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1899)
Don't Mini tbe Weather. Thorn in on tiling tbtt doe not miuij Vi weather, nj that it rheuroa tiara, d1 on thing; that does not xjuuiu iltttuuiMMMui is St. J;wmS Oil ftt it goes to work upon it and ouret light off. - . . A Tawm Wltteent Flask. Bohemia, la nroball? the On dot less town in the world. In conse- auence of a death from hydrophobia, tli authorities ordered every dog in the plnoe killed. Chicago Tribune. "Spring Unlocks The Flowers To Taint th Uughing SoS." And not even Nature would allow the flowers to grow and Blossom to perfection without good soil. Now Nature and people are much alike; the former must have sunshine, latter must have pure blood in order to have perfect health. Hood'! Sarsaparilla cures blood trouble! of all aorta. It ft to the human system what sunshine la to nature the destroyer of disease germs. It must dimppointu Poor Blood "The doctor said there were not seveu drops of rood blood in my body. Hood's Sareapanlla built me op and" made me strong: and well." Sosis . BaowH, 16 As tor Hill, Lynn, Mass. Dyspepsia, etc. "A complication of troubles, dyspepsia, curomc eaurrn ana Inflammation of the stomach, rheumatism. etc., made me miserable. Had no appetite until 1 tooK flood s rsarsapaniia, wnicn acted like magic. I am tnoronguiy curea. N. B. Bxkxst, 1874 W. 14th Aye., Denver, Colo. Rheumatism" My husband was obliged to rive up work on account of rheu matism. No remedy helped until be used Hood's Sarsaparilla, which permanently cured him. It cured my daughter of ca- tarrb. I give it to tne cbiiareu who gooa results." Mae. J. 8. UcMATa.Stamford.Ct. Bood-a Will erne liver UU, tht noa-trrttaUrig and onlj cathartic to take witb Hood1! Sereer rllla. Tko Foreigner, aflatake. The Foreigner What bappy peo ple Americana must bel I can teil that much by their springy, buoyant tea Too Citiaeu That ain't no ign. They're contracted the cake walk habit; that's all Indianapolis Journal. ' Ultra Prvper. "I did not imagine," sighed the de jected suitor, "that a woman oonld possibly be as particular as her mother is. She is ultra, fanatically, absurdly proper." "What's the matter now?" "She took pain to inform me this evening that aha didn't even allow the gas to go out without a chaperon." Detroit Free Press. lOW'l THIST We offer One Bandied Dollar Reward lor any ease of Catarrh that eaa not be cured by Mail's Catarrh Cure. 1. 1. CMUST A CO., Props-. Toledo, O. We the underaigned, hare known r. J. Cheney lor the peat U yean, and believe him perfectly honorable in all buaineaa traniactiona and fin ancially able to carry out any obligations mads by their firm. wtnaTirjii, Wholesale Druaftata, Toledo, O. v'luuw, Kinuii 4 Vmu, Wholesale Drrigriirta, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure it taken internally, acilnf directly on the blood and mucous surfaces o. theayatcaa. Price 76e per bottle. Sold by al dxugct.ta. Testimonials free. XUU's ntoily tiili - the best. A German scientist aaya that athletes have not realised the Talue of angar. Financier bare. Hi INTO TOCB 8HUXS. Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It curea painful, swollen smarting feet anc instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discov ery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for chilblains, sweating, damp, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Wt have over 10,000 testimonials of cures. Try it today. Bold by all druggists and shoe stores. Bv mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package FEEE. Address Allen 8. Olm sted, Le Roy, N. Y. Miss Helen Gould baa read law, and did she aodeaire could pass the examin ation for entrance to the Hew York bar. - The poorer the family the fatter the dog. Atchison Globe. . An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effect of the well known remedy, Srsvr or Fios, manufactured by the Caufokxia Fio Stkup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining; the liquid laxa tive principles of plant known to be medicinally laxative and presenting' them in the form moat refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the ayatem effectually, dispelling1 colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. It perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting- on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or Irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. . in the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plant, by a method known to the California Fi Stkui Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AW MAWCISOQ. car lorrrsviLi,n, JT xtw tokx. w. t. For sale by all Druggist. Price 60c per bottle, r-w 9 at AU t. up. 'fans. J -1 r-, fi- .- I uiibd. ties IMPRESSIONS. The touch of a hand, the glance of an eye, Or a word exchanged with a passer-by; A glimpse of a face in a crowded street And afterward life la incomplete; A picture painted with honest teal And we lose the old for the new ideal; A chance remark or a song's refrain. And life la never the same again. An angered word from oar Up is sped Or tender word is left unsaid. And one there la who. his whole life long, Shalt cherish the brand of burning wrong; A line that stares np from an open page, A cynic amlle from the Up of age, A glimpse of loving seen in a play, And the dreams of our youth are swept sway. A friendly smile and love's embering aoark Leans into Same and Illumines the dark A whispered "Be brave" to our feUow men And they pick np the thread of life again. Thus never an act or a word or thought But that with nngueesed importance la fraught, i For small things build np eternity . And blaaon the ways for a destiny. "EL CHATT0." T N the house of "EI Chatto," ex- I buli-flghter of Madrid and present "Torero before the Mexican pub lic," there was dire dismay, owing to the low state the very low state of the family exchequer. "EI Chatto" (meaning "the snub nose") bad Just finished taking his morning chocolate and "pan dulce. alsted by his pretty wife, Donna Lollta, who also bad been member of the noble army of bull-fightersln fact, first female espada in the big ring at Seville but this was a secret. A career that might possibly have been glorious bad been cut short by the selfishness of "EI Chatto," wbo had loved ber, married ber, and taken her away from the old world to the new the rich country of Mexico where a bull-flghter was a prince. Successful, feted, and honored in Cuba and afterward in Mexico, "EI Cbatto's" prosperity had not lasted long, for soon had come the edict that bull fighting in Mexico must stop. . This morning, the day before the bull fight honoring the fiesta of San Marcos, investigation revealed one big piece and fourteen copper centavoa. Not enough to pay coach hire even! Here was a pretty mess; -no wonder that "El Chatto" leisurely and calmly spoke every naughtly and lurid word that came to his mind during the next half-hour. At last, out of breath, "FJ Chatto" paused and glared about him, as though in search of some one to fight. Donna Lollta smiled at him sweetly. removing the clgaret from her pretty lips as she murmured: "Hare you fin ished, little Snub Noser A shrug of the shoulders was her hus band's reply. , "Then listen, O most worthless hus band, for I bare a plan a plan most magnificent, thereby we will make a fortune sufficient silver poo, one 60 eent piece, one lO-cent" "This is how It is," she pursued, blow ing a ring of smoke into her husband's face; "the impresairo pay yon little very little only a hundred silver dol lars is it not so 7" 81, that is all the plgsr growled the torero; "and after this there will be no fight until 'holy week' no more moneyf "Pues, then we will make more out of them much more. listen, marido mlo; this is the plan. The gloom clears away from the house of the matador; there continues rejoicing all that day. "FJ Chatto" and his pretty wife hare a most Joyous comeda, and afterwards lay their beads together on the subject of the morrow's fight and a special Spanish costume that Lollta is to wear one of old Se rllla all rose pink and Spanish man tilla, with a pink rose in ber blue black hair, this latter being another of the mysteries; in Mexico few ladles ever wear the costume of old Spain it is as much worn out, passe, here as the patches and powder and hoops of the revolutionary days are in Anglo-Saxon lands. But why Is she wearing It to-mor row T Unless, indeed, it Is be cause fully fifteen enormously rich Spanish families bare taken boxes and will be there I Perhaps that Is It! Lolllta wishes to be patriotic that is what Is the matter! She purposely took a seat just be hind the first barrier of the bull ring not seven feet above the ground where ber husband will kill his bull "so that she can oee him better," as she lisps to an admiring Mexican fighter, , wbo wishes ber to go Into one of the boxes. In ber Sevllllan costume, the silk mantilla exposing just enough of her Spanish eyes and dimpled chin to make people want to see more, Dona Lollta Is by far the most admired woman in the plaza, distracting attention even from the beautiful banderilla work that El Largo" Is going through with in the ring. . Many a rich Spanish lady up there In the boxes envies the loyalty that has Induced the wearing of a passe dress, and many a Spaniard feels bis heart grow warm and bis eyes moist as, forgetting the little figure before bis eyes, be can see another one of the old days In the old country almost identic al; many a man forgets the fat, richly dressed Mexican wife at his side and goes back In heart to just such a girl, whether of Andalusia, of Seville, or of Madrid. And ssated alone in his box the prince of bankers, old Frauqulllo, drops bis glass and sighs; perhaps If a girl like that oue yonder bad lived, instead of passing away from him during the first poverty-stricken month of their mar ried life there In Barcelona, he would not now be a lone, triste man, without borne, chick, or child only the money. She is trembling from ber dainty head down to her tiny, silk-bowed Spanish slippers all the time that "El Largo" is torturing the furious, paw ing buU with his sharp banderlllas. She clasps ber bands tightly together, as, finally, tiring of the banderilla work which, in fact, has been somewhat long drawn out. "on account of the matador, 'El Cbatto's,' sudden sickness and falntness' the public of tho sunny side begin to clamor for "El matador! Mate el toro! Que renga el matador! El matador!" The gate swings open nt last, and "'El Largo" still tease the bull as "El Chatto" moves forward slowly,' and bows first to tb President and then to the public In spite of his irtntrnirirent silver and violet costume, he looks deathly 111 -his face is white and drawn, and under hi eye great black rings show, that extend almost hair way down bis face. But "El Chatto" is game, If he Is sick perhaps the presence of hla wife in spires him with fresh courage, for he unsheathes his bright, keen sword, nods briefly to "EI Largo," who gets out of the way, smiles once at Lollta, wbo is, beneath her mantilla, far whiter than he, then makes a tantalising movement at the bull. . After all, no one can fight A bull as does the Spanish matador. At least during "El Chatto's" splendid work of the next seven minutes that is what the people think. All of them are on their feet shrieking, some breathless with delight! Silver dollars and hats and flowers rain down Into the ring, but "EI Chatto" has no time to bow bis thanks; he la too busy. On her feet, as hi everybody else, for that matter, Lollta I watching every motion, her heart beating in great leaps, and so excited and wrought up now that she has forgotten to feel afraid.- Bull and matador are just un derneath her, and twice her husband has glanced at her significantly; she is watching with ber heart In her eyes. One psss of the sword backward over the shoulder now, then, Dios help a-h-h! For all In second it happens; the matador, suddenly reeling after a fancy pass at the bull, has cast one agonised look up at bis wife and fallen prone on the ground The bull does not see, for the furious Impetus of his but charge has taken him several feet beyond the matador. But before the people have well seen that, there Is a quick leap and a flash; a slight figure Is In the ring', ber man tilla la cast back, the pink rose has fallen into the dust; ber tiny, white hands have caught up the sword. As the bull swings madly forward she meets him. He is an enormous beast, and to be on a line even -with his shoulder she bos to rise on tiptoe. She does it Her face la white and calm as the brute rushes at ber, lowering his head. She springs forward and upward; the sword sinks out of sight In the bleeding shoulder no fancy passes for ber! And the bull topples over on his knees. the blood gushing out in torrents, lie is dying dead! The mantilla Is trampled into the dust the pink rose Is now a faded, red dened scrap, but the women, her hands blood-stained and her face white as death, knows nothing about that On her knees, sobbing like a baby, from overwrought passion and nervousness, she Is holding her husband's uncon scious bead in ber trembling arms. As for the populace, they hare passed from horror-stricken silence and terror into hysterical shouts, screams, ap plause, and evea tears. Out comes purses and dollars, and even jewels from the rich ladies pres ent and massee of flowers. Amid shouts of "bravo;" down it all pours into the ring. As for the great banker, Fsanquilio, who is so excited that be can hardly move down goes his foot man with a message to "La Espanola!" Not waiting' to bow or to tbank the people, so overcome is she with her tremendous success. Dona Lollta flies from the ring. It is all she can do to tremblingly thank the bearer of a check from the Banker Franqalllo, wbo has filled it out for $10,000. Bravo! So that Dona Lollta's little plan work ed well after all so well that fire days later she and her husband left for Spain, where, having added much more money to the banker's $10,000, they have now retired and are great peo ple. And "EI Chatto" says always that he owes his success to his esposa which is not understood, naturally, by the Spaniards of Spain. The Argonaut Over eleren million fans are exported In one year from Canton, China. It takes 72,000 tons of paper to make the postal cards used in the United States each year. When the railroad across Siberia is completed, It will be easy for a person to go from London to Japan in thirteen days. The national hymns of China are of such extraordinary length that it Is stated that half a day would be re quired to sing tbem through. Sand registered the hours during the middle ages. For tbls purpose black marble dust boiled nine times In wine, was a favorite recipe with learned monks. An interesting test has Just been made by a French woman. With a view to testing the sustaining powers of chocolate she lived on that alone for sixty days and lost but fifteen pounds In the Interval. The year 47 B. C. was the longest year on record. By order of Julius Caesar it contained 445 days. Tbe ad ditional days were put In to make tbe seasons conform as near as possible with the solar year. Swiss steamboat companies, to avoid disputes as to the age of children, have established measurement rules. Under two feet In length ride free; children under four feet four and dogs pay half fare. Traveling mothers do not like the rule. Tbe largest tin factory In the world is situated on Sulo Branl, an Island in tbe Bay of Singapore. It turns out monthly 1,200 tons of tin, more than the product of Cornwall, and more than that of Australia. Tbe ore comes from Selangor and Perak, In Malacca. Vienna telephone girls are required to change their aresses ana wear a uni form wnen on auty, as the dirt they brought in from tbe streets affected tbe Instruments. - Their costume is a dork skirt and waist witb sleeves striped black and yellow, tbe Austrian nation al colors. An old-fashioned woman only calls tbe doctor in wben ber husband is sick, to keep the neighbors from talking; she thinks she knows as much as b does, Too often we mistake companions for friend, A TTemaa'a Straight tk. Washington county boasts ot tk nhamnion feinala rina shot of Oteiron 'The other dny thro dogs were baiatt ing the gnat belonging to John Hels- ' lor, ol Gales Creek. The owner was absent, bat Miss Mary, his 18-year-old daughter, grasped a tifi and wnt to the scene ot th chase. Upon ber ap proach the dogs fled, but alio brought onsol them down, while it was run sing at full speed, at a distance of 176 yards. enjoying- Wheal Laad Kent. Twenty Indian wer arrested for drunkenees at Pendleton, Or., recent ly. Th city jail has been orowded, and the force on the chain gang wat decorated with gay-colored IaJian robes. This was made th occasion fot a "time" by tho Indian because they had just been receiving their annual rent tor wheat lands. It made th saloon-man' opportunity. i Activity at the Le Rot. The La Rol, the oraok mine of Rosa land, B. C, is being put into hap for th shipment of 800 tons per day. At tb 600 loot level th ore ran from $10 50 to $38.10; at 700 (est. from $14 to $17, and the SOO-foot level will soon be opened op. while new reins at lesser depths hare been cut. Three hundred tons daily, th output proposed, at an average of $17, would yield profit ol about $3,000 a day. Wove ftiae Heraes. Spauldlng Bros., who bars large con tracts for cutting togs for the Oregon City paper mills, puiuhsed of Mrs. Judson, Of Independence, recently, four urge horses, which weighed, reepeo lively, 1480. 1430, 1890 and 1518 pounds. The horse that weighed 1518 was a 4-year-old. The price was $450. Their purcbsei will use them in their logging camps. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. rartlaad Mark. Wheat Walla Walla, 67o; Valley, 68c; Bluestem, 60o per bushel. Floor Best grades, $$.10; graham, 3.65; super tine, $3.15 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 44(3 45c; ehoios gray, 41 48o per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $3.50; brew ing, $24.00 per ton. Millstutfs Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $33; shorts, $18; chop, $16.00 per ton. Hay Timothy, $8 (9; clover, $7 8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 6065o; seconds, 46(3500; dairy, 40 0150 store, 15(9800. Cheese Oregon full cream, lto; Toung America, 15o; new cheese, lOo per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $8(94 per dozen; hens, $4.00 5. 00; springs, $l.268; geese, $6.0007.00 for old, $4.60g)6 lor young; docks, $5.00(9 6.60 per dosen; turkeys, lire, 16 16c per pound. Potatoes $1 9 1-IS per sack; sweets, Ic per pound. Vegetables Beets, 90c; turnips, 75c per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, $1 1.35 per 100 pounds; cauli flower, 76o per dosen; parsnips, 76c per ssck; beans, So per pound; celery. TOO 76c per dosen; cucumbers, 60c per box; peas, 883o per pound. Onions Oregon, 76o0$l per sack. Hops 8(1 14o; 1897 crop, 4o. Wool Valley, 10(9 13o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 8 (9 13c; mohair, 10c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 4o; dressed mutton. 1:; spring lambs, 7c per lb. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4,15; tight and feeders. $3. 60 . 00; dressed, $6.0006.60 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 8.50 (9 $8-75; cows, $3.6008.00; dressed . beef, 606)ic per pound. Veal Large, 607c; small, 7X0 8c per pound. Seattle Markets. Onions. 80o$1.10 per 100 pounds. Potatoes, $35088. Beets, per saok, $1. . Turnips, per sack, 600 75a. Carrots, per saok, 40BOc. Parsnips, per sack, 76 0 86c Cauliflower, 90o$1.00 per do. Celery, 85 40c, Cabbage, native and California $3 per 100 pounds. Apples, 60cO$l per box. Pears, 60cO$I.60 per box. Prunes, 60c per box. Butter Creamery, 26o per pound; dairy and ranch, 15030c per pound. Eggs, 15c Cheese Native, 18 Jc Poultry Old hens, 14o per pound; spring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 16c. Fresh meats Choice dressed beef teers, prime, 8c; cows, prime, 8c; mutton. 9c; pork, 7o; veal, 84c Wheat Feed wheat. $30. Oats Choice, per ton, $26.50. Hay Paget Sound mixed, $7,000 ; choice Eastern Washington tim othy, $13.00. Corn Whole, $38.60; cracked, $24; feed meal, $38.60. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $26036; whole, $34. Flour Patent, per barrel, $8.60; straights, $3.36; California brands, $3.26; buckwheat flour, $8.60; graham, per barrel, $3.60; whole wheat flour; $3.75; ry flour, $4.60. Millstutfs Bran, per ton, $15; borts, per ton, $16. Feed Chopped feed, $31(933 per ton; middlings, per ton, $17; oil cake meal, par ton, $36. aa Fraaelseai Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 10(9 13 pel pound; Oregon, Eastern, 10O13o; Val ley, 1517c; Northern, 9 (3 11c. Millstuffs Middlings, $21(938.00; bran, $20.00(821.00 per ton. Onion Silverskin,60O90cper ssck. Butter Fancy creamery, 31 22o; do seconds, 30 31c; fancy dairy, 19o; do seconds, 16O170 per pound. Eggs Store, 14o; fancy ranob, 15o. Hops 1898 crop, 15019c Citrus Fruit Orsnges, Valencia, $3 03.60; Mexican times, $5. 60 6; Cali fornia lemons, 76og$J.25; do choice, $3.60 per box. Hay-Wheat, $15018.60; wheat an J oat, $16018; oat. $14016; bsst be lay, $1301$: alfalfa, $11018 per ton; straw, 40070o per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, $1.0001-10; Oregon Burkanks, $lO$l.80; liver Burbanks, 76oO$l Salinas Borbanks, flOl-10 per saok. Tropical frolts Bananas, $1.50O 1.60 per buncb; pineapples, $3,500 4.50; Persian dates, COSs per pound. ' STKONQ STATEMENTS. Three Women Eolleved of Ferjoalo Trouble by Mr. Flnkhtuo, From Mrs A. W. Smith, 69 Summer Ok., Blddeford, Me.t " For several year I suffered with various disease peculiar to my aax. Was troubled with a burning aenaatloa acroa th small of my back, that all goo feeling, was deapondont, fretful and discouraged) th leaat exertion tired ma. I tried several doctor but received little benefit. At laat I de cided to give your Lydla. E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound a trial. Th ef fect of the first bottle waa magical. Those symptoms ot weak nana that I was afflicted with, vanished like vapor before the sun. I cannot speak too highly of your valuable remedy. It la truly a boon to woman " From Mrs. Mkusja Pmtxirs, Lex ington, Ind., to Mrs. Plnkhami "Before I began taklngyour medicine I had suffered for two years with that tired feeling, headache, backache, noap petite, and a run-dowo condition of tho system. I could not walk acroa the room. I hav taken four bottles bf the Vegetable Compound, on boxof Liver Pills and need on package of Sanative Wash, and now feet like a new woman, and am able to do my work." From Mrs. Mollis . Hcaaax, Pow ell Station. Tesn.i "For three years I suffered with such a Weakness ot th back. I could not perform my household duties. I also bad falling ot th womb, terrible hearing-down pain and headache. 1 hav taken two bottles of Lydla E. Plnk ham'a Vegetable Compound and feel like a new woman. I recommend your medicine to every woman I know." Tari Deva, "I com to ask you for your daugh ter." said tli young man who has noth- ng but what he expects to earn, "but I can't express myself." "Express yourself?" sneered tbe plu tocratic patent "You don't even need to go by freight. Walking is ex. neditious enough in this case. Don't forget yonr hat." Detroit Free Press. AN EXCELLENT COMBINATION. A SBeeeesral atersrla That Is Base a Merit, A few remedies which bar attained to world-wide fame, as truly bene ficial In effect and giving satisfaction to millions of people everywhere, are the product of tbe knowledge ol tbe most eminent physicians, and present ed in tb form moat acceptable to th human system by the -kill of the world' great chemists; and one ot tbe most successful example is the Syrup of Figs manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Unlike a host ot imi tation and cheap substitutes, Hyrup ot Figs is permanently beneficial in its effects, snd therefore lives and pro mote good hesltb, while inferior pre parations are being cast aside and for gotten. In olden times if a remedy gave temporary relief to individuals here and there, it was thought good; but now-a-days a laxative remedy must give satisfaction to all. If you have never used Syrup of Figs, tlv it a trial, and you will be pleased with it, and will recommend It to yout friend or to any who suffer from constipa tion, or fiom over-feeding, or from colds, headaches, biliousness, or other ills resulting from an Insotive condi tion of tbe kidneys, liver snd bowels. In tbs process of manufacturing the pleasant family laxative made by the California Fig Syrup Co., and named Syrup of Figs, figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste; but tb medicinal properties of th remedy are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxa tive and to act most benenolaliy. as tbe true and original remedy, named Syrup of Figs, 1 manufactured by tbe California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowl edge ot that fact will assist in avoid ing the worthless imitations manufac tured by other parties. The Company has selected for years past tbe leading publications of the United States through which to inform the public 'ot the merits of its remedy, and among them this paper is included, as will be seen by reference to it advertising col- Firs1 PermenenUy Cured. Wo Steer nervouanes aitar Sral dm a uaa or llr. Klme'e Ureal Nerve Heatorer. Seurl tor rSt t .00 trial bonl. and traatlae. DR. B. U. BlMU, lac, Area sweet. Fulltalkie, fa. Of the houses In Paris, France, there are still 10,000 (witb 300,000 inhabit ants) that use well water. Vnr I.iinir and chest diseases. Plso'sCure is the best medicine we have used. Mrs. J. L. Nortlicott, Windsor, Out., Canada. Mrs. Virginia Key, a daughter-in- law of Francis Scott Key, is living quietly in Chicago at the age ol 86. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ins fivrun the best reined v to use for their children during th teething period. Trsin robbing In Mexico is punish able by death. There has not been a trsin robbery in Mexico lor more than When eoniinc to rlan Francisco fro to Rmnklvn itl. 2(18-212 liuah street. American or European plan. Boom and board (1.00 to fl.60 per day ; rooms 50 cents to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents. Free coach. Clias. Montgomery. Mis Mabel Campbell, of Dallas, Texas, has succeeded in climbing to th snow capped summit of Mount Popo catepetl, of Mexico. The Pleaasntest. Moat Powerfnl and Effffotlva Nawir'ailln h.m.H, fa. La Qrlppe, Catarrh, Rheumatism, ne Dana Will care anv ache or esln knows In the human body. Send tor trial bottle, una, This ofln laats so days only. Large battle (Duo doees of 6 DttOFS each) 1X00 or i for iZM. 8WANSON RHtUMATIO CURB CO. lf ans Igg Oosrsora 61, Celsaao. At last the Great Eastern has been surpassed for length. The Oceanic, just launched at Belfast, is 34 feet longer, or a total of 704 test. To Oar a Cold la On Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All dniKRists refund money if it falls to cure. 26c. '. German science announces that everything needed to make a man weigh 160 pounds can be found in the white and yolks of 1,300 lions' eggs, While Vaa Sleep. Do not have too much sir blowing through your room, at night, or Neu ralgia may creep upon you while you sleep. But if It comes, use St. Jacob Oil; it warms, soothe and oure. Weavlns bv Photocrepkv. A scene memorable in tb annals of the weaving Industry was witnessed at the Vienna Technical Art museum recently. Herr Jan Suaepanslk, the famous Youim iuveiaur, iiieeeiileo & peior Francis Joseph with th first web nroducea uy means oi nis new unoiv grapbio pioceis. The silk-woven Gobe lin I made from a picture by Henry Bauoblnger. It i about two square mtr in sis and gives an allegur.oai rauresentation ot homage to th em peror. Tb work contains 800,000, 000 crossing, 180 silk threads filling oue centimeter. Two hundred snuar meters of pasteboard cards would have been necessary to produce this web ac cording to th present method, and de signers would have required many years to carry out the work. Now tne de signer is abolished, and the work wat done in live hours. The emperor was struck with the marvelous plasticity snd delicacy of the picture, which no body would believe to be woven Herr Ssosepanik demonstrated the pro cess at the emperor's desire, and hi majesty accepted the gift and congratu lated th Inventor. London Ulironioie. A glad band often hides an Itohln' palm. When a man is hard up he it gen er'ly oast down. Th man with a pull is nsn'ly iu th push. Th prodigal son hat always been a bosky fellow. Alcoholic spirits genar'ly go before a fall. Tbe fellow with a grindstone is a look in' lor oranks. Th early bird is apt to make his first reappearance about Easter. That msn who always looked before b leaped prob'tr didn't travel nights. Chicago Democrat. aUpllas's aoud Lush. The first story that Kipling writes after bis illueia will brliiK a fabulous price, it will be sought as eagerly by progressive Duhllahers aa Himtetter'a Stomach Hitters is by all who "tiller from stomach ills of any nature, tta matter wnetner it d in digestion, constipation, oiiiuuaness or ner vousness, the Hitters will cure it. It is an unequalled spring medicine. A minister ot Pulaski. Fann., ha been dismissed by his congregation be cause b insisted in a sermon tbnt tbe rainbow existed before th flood. There was a young man from Lenora, Who boldly went off to the war; . The "beef" made blm sick, He recovered quit quirk By the prompt use oi old Jess Moor. Mist Klngaley, th African traveler, eontemplata another expedition, this time for the purpose of studying tbe ciiminal law ot the West African race. Ooed far Little folks. Dnn'l torture the children with llfliitd snd pill potaonsl The only aafe, agreeable laiettr lur tittle onee t aacareis vanuy vauwue. All drugiists, w .Vi, talc A St. Paul woman who died the other day left by will enough money to pay taxes on certain personal prop erty which ah bad not returned to tho assessor. SU Jacob St. Jacobs St. Jacobs St. Jacobs 8t. Jacobs St. Jacob St. Jacobs St. Jacob St Jacobs SU Jacobs Oil cures Oil cures Oil cures Oil cores Oil cures Oil cures Oil cure OH oures Oil cures Oil cures Rheomatlsm. Neuralgia. Lumbago,, Sciatica. Sprains. Bruises. Soreness. Stiffness. Backache. Muscular sches. There la a good deal ol mutton nowa days tryln' to appear like wolf. money-back tea and baking powder at Ibur Grocers An alliance between the French au thorities and the German Emperor would probably lose but little time in earning the epithet "brilliant, but erratic." FOR MEN ONLY. DR. FOOTE & STAFF 161 ADAMS ST., OB1CAOO. Ken reqntrlnc Dnnrpe4 treatmeal ahenla eon.ult perwinaily ev by leuef "Freo" witb the Bioamr aad only aioluelve mea's apeoiallau io the i'nlied Htam. rtlaesaea of men saade ue study of a llte-tline. Uorbrtunatee everywhere ebouid Immediately oomauuoicate witb I-r, Foot, of Cbicafo. Kvtrythio eonfldenlial. Kfmedles sent everywhere la eeeied rn and latteraln wala eaveloix-e. Cerreapondaooe aollclted. ltat Inralesl. Mealoal and methods adopted. Il.lujiui tbe etoniach with druse aban doned. Avoid drugs recommended by tbe unau thorlaed and eelt-atyled epenlallats la Waatarn lowna. Faw genuine epeelallaW louale ooletde M lew York er Chicago. ' " clum """ pr . vateaRain are aafe. Uneoiialed treatment for all oleeaaeeend weakneaaea of the Uan'te-Urluary, Seiual, Reproductive eodNervoueSraleme. Im pediments to marriage removed. "Nrphala'' positively purltlea tbe blood, cures ayphUla and removes all while ulcere la throe or mouth, eon par colored epole on body and eruptions on akin, SJao catarrh and rheumatism. "Vlvor-ala," the only permanent featorer and Invlsoretor, fives, visor to vital ortana and nervee. pravanta and cures s Hp- SI per bottle. for at. Trial botUee, either remedy, half price. An Atlanta woman's lite was saved by a steel corset stay, which intercept ed a bullet. This is another blow at hygiene. . JOHN POOLK, Postlasd, Otttaotr. can giva you the best bargains in general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un equalled. . In London a paring stone whloh weighed BOO pounds, snd which was wedged In on all side by other stones was lifted up by .mushrooms. . D Hj ad irty wife bad wlsnvle her face, but 5b has beea taking CASUAitK'l'lt aad they ave all dlaappeared. I had beea troubled with eoeatlpatioa for son lime, but after tak ing tbs Srat Caacaret I bsv bad no trouble With tbls ailment. We cannot armak too high ly of Caaoarets." Faao vraHTataa, ' WM asrmaatowa Av., Philadelphia. Pa CANDY ' CATHARTIC ya vsaos atAss snteaieaw pieaaesi, raiatame, flood, Xever Slokea, we PttaL Taita fiend, tie eakea. or Gripe. Ida, im, Mm. ... CURB CONSTIPATION. ... Stertea g Seaeey Ceaeaaf. Caleeea, leeeweel. See lers. 114 PI Tfl Pifl Sold aad guaranteed by all drag. J-ii"ew aiMWfcVM'leee Schillings Best p r U U fce liASASTINffl 1 the frHitnal and only dnruUc wall cul liitf, entlrtiy difforent from all hat snmlnea. Keaily for nab In i white or twelve beautilut 'ilnt i by adding cold water, Auit-r) mttiraUr Bi'ote At4v fttAoiinni rur waits ana ceu In, beceue It Is pure,, durable, Put up In dry tow dared form, tn five-pound paek ages, with full direction. Ll kslsomlnes are ehesp, tem porary prepaiatlune nikd fmnt WhUIUW, clialka, cists, lc and stuck on walls with tie cnvlni snlmnl glue. ALAJJAtJ TIN Hi I not a keisomui, JSWARW of the dealer Whs says he can sell you th "same tlifiiK" as AI.AUAHT1NU or "soinetliins Just as good-" ile la either tint posted or Is try ing to deceive you. ND IN OrrBRINd somsthlng he hits bourrtit Miean ems trie.) to soil on ALABAoTINhi a ds mamls, he may not row Its th damage you will suffer by a kalsomtn on your walls. CtMskaUa taafta ENSim.B dealers wit not buy a lawsuit. .Healers risk on by act I Ing and consumers by using infringement. Alabaatlne Co. own Hunt to make wall Boat ing to mis with sola water. I HE) INTERIOR TVAU.H of ' every schoolhotis should be eoated only with pure, durable ALABABTINW. It aafeauard . health. Hundreds of tons are uaed annually tor this work. M BOTINO ALABASITINB, that packages are properly la beled, beware of lurge rear ounsd nnrksse light kalso mine offered t customers as a Its-passd package. UIBANCH of wall paner t oh. Vlated by ALAUASTlNa It can be used on plastered walls, wood ceilings, brick or can vas. A child can brush It on. It doe not rub or scat off. .. .... iiiio BTATlLTRHBD In favor, Brum I ...a gfj Imitations. Aak pa bit Aeitler or druggiai tor tint earn, writ 13 for "Alabaalln Kra," free, to i AI.ARA8TINH CO- Qraod t. TTH Rapids. Mlchlssn. , atellsh for Chens. Found fine an ounce of black pepper, half sn ounce of allspice, an ounc of salt, half an ounce of scraped horse radish and half an notice ol ohallots, peeled aud quartered. Put these into a pint of mnehroom or walnut cstsup, and let them steep for a fortnight be fore attaining. A teaspooiiful or two ol this, mixed with the melted bolter which form the gisry lor chops or steaks, is an acceptable addition. Cincinnati Enquirer. vj 9 eeatSf e-sils - MACHINERY For Mills, Mines, Shops snd Farms; Steel Uty. ting end HoUUng Engines; Hoe Chleel Tooth Hsws, Albany Clreaae, ale TATUe&BOWEf! 71 to SIS First Street Portland, Or. St-Ht Fremont Street, ttau Frauclsoo. RICH Government Lands. A soil of very deep dark loami will grow all Irlnrf. f vMMtahlM. eraltl. hav In ereat abun. dance. Climate aptendld. Iron lailuree ltn pooalble. Ailauted to tli railing of eattie, alieep, hoga; dairy and poultry Ituluairlcs. ia mining autriut, providing en eiccueui market for all tu-oilucta. A I no rich cranberry lands. Meiriitriiiviit chance If taken at once, writ foe dracrtottve book giving lull tiartlt'ttlara. Ad dress today. 0. H. iiaVS ITT, Hroretary, UlTbariow Block, Hen r rantiaco. uau THREE NEW SONGS (COPrRIGHTED.) Brnt you (postpaid) on receipt of 10 eta. la Occidental Publishing Co., OAKLAND. CAIm Health Is Yours. Vou don't need to suffer from pslna ' In the bank have sleepiest Mlghte or continue lo have that tired feel ing, fee the remedy that baa been proven helpful use Moore's Revealed Remedy 1 per bottle at your druggist's. The lational InTcntors' Association. (IxcosroatTxs.) We do a e antral PATENT MVSINBS. W secure, Introduce and sell patents. Onr regis. lerea attorney can get you peieni uireu. irum th government without delay. Agents wanted In every town to tell patented articles. Further Information furniihed on reqneat. Rnoa SIS Caaaasa or Coamaacs VuiLutxo. Fotlucb, OasuoK. JCJt. CPE joa . PILES Thtg lfuf m tftli m Ulla.4, Ml.wtiiii.Tur f rutrutllug Pilaw r uni tor Dr. Branho ftsmatly iturrrCitchlnts.n4blAwt.in0. A..nirh- turanrt. huo Jr t drngfifUU at amut by jitgH. Tr-tti ft: Writ MAtoutfout . l)K-flOl4A.NK.O,rbluaa.,l'. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES Hoots Crowned Bride MTiidOsj OrRlnlosts, ftlllngt and xtraotloa Dr. T. H. White, VSfLfiflr'- riUPTUITC CURED. We guarantee to fit every ess we undertake, put It oft; write for particulars at onoe. CI. H. wnoiiARII A) CO., Kipert Trues fitters, 10 Second Street, fortla-ud. Or. CURE YOURSELF! V ysiiMB. 1 Um Bi J for unnfttiir-1 u ft-fa.l -ItflhsiriDfj, tnflawui-tiuaav oiwmi. El Irr.uuouf ur lcrtioii . im h fftrieiwre, of tune oil. wen. brnt. "'flPfafMtj- tMlull- BaOrg Bilt Utl-iliei DIK0IHTlt0 .c 1 7 uniff HVi - . ,t rt nft In 1Im (. W? I' "-F'-ww, ptwTIM, ng .Va fl M. or i bottlM, $3,7S. , m tJ.rflUlair mmnt on ran uaa YOUNG MEN! rrw- OonrtrrhfiM nd 0IM m t rb'i()H-y,. tg i ONhf mtediniiw whieli wiU trura xh w- 'rf HO known 11 bm mrw tU4 to ourt. u In ihat nL( I m. nu vak Known it "r swi" w .itdtr how vrUyu or of bir kg niw. Kmm from Ua um will m It. um will I irmt Mrirttui n& firt b w- wiUiouj IM0nvt ,nly vrappw, yjJSuZ go.. Oa-se. OtnmUr nulled on ttqaitl DR. GUStTSTLXPIUavS ONE TOB A DOSE, Curs Hl;k H.adaohs and 0yspeMls, Kemore ritnplaaand Purify lbs Blood. Aid Ulgitailes andrraeent Ulllou.iien. Da ..ItUuuUU.. T l Ml 1 1 ample f ree, or f ojj'boi for Me. IH. BDHANIAO ju., rniiaoa., a-euna. sold by urugguu. KEEP Aak dm1t for Dr. Kartell SVnch tr.IMu Pill. In tnetal t)a eriiJa if rMinb Viae on 4D In Wlie.W hlta E, and Red. In.l.t oa bavin, tli. genuine, "kill,! forWiimen 'malleirHKK In plain i.ia iftttecwtth rtluoukelMenupartltiulara, FRENCH Oltlia C0 it I Kearl SI., htm tors. M. P. N. V. MO. 14 'e. WHSIW writing to advertisers sasaUea tbli pa; or. pi tk 1 a q n r p RelJc'