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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1899)
'"Jv'i'',.t')t(t.;.M. ; ' V -Ji "At ,rV','W i : , j , : s ' ; - S.I J"v ? ' s- vol; xvi. ST.,, HELENS, OltEGON, FEIDAY, . APIIIL 14, 1899, NO. 17. .... U ;.. EVENTS OF THE M Y) is tjnlA t'::r..i,it'.'J ;-; ',. Epitome of. the Telegraphic News of the World.-U ;' TKKSK TICKS FROM THK VVTRKS An Interesting Collection of I toma Proaa - tha Two Uemlcpherea Preaeated iu Condensed ram. , At Ishpomina, Mich.. 800 striken j made a demonstration by parading tha I itreets. All the nilnoa are oloied. f ; Threi men were killed by an ex ( plosion it the railroad cap factory al xraiiiooir re. - The building- wu S' Wracked.' ' ''"..- ' William A. Phillip!, ion of an In i dlana miMlonary. lina been arrested foi I Inaanity in Oakland, Cal. Oveiatudy j la me oaun. s , , . , . i v A.rannsyivaniA ireight train, near j. Ureeubarg, ran Into' and killed Jaroei ! Driitell and John Clark, and injured i John McAllister. ' ; , ;f j James .JT, EJwood, of. Brooklyn, fell : aaau in tin iwtting ring at Uennlngi I liter caiuing ticket on Tuttut, Iq. . ner ol tue third rao. ( Tha prwident hat ilgnad a procla i niatlon ojieiilng to lettloment May 4, the larger poition of the Honthein U retarvation, In Colorado, ' Th (lecrnin plan for tattling the Knmoau quaatiou inltl England. Al America i alio iitiifled, a joint high eommiaaion il probably U named. The Onlted Etatea'traaiporl Ingalli arrived at Port Antonio, Jamaloa, with Oenetaf Alger ori boaid. tilie re potted all well and proceeded to Foito Tha law doea not prohibit tha aula of - liquor In atmy oanteena. Attorney. Uenearl Orlggi haa rendered a deciiion , to that etretit at tlx inqoeat of, tha " lelaryofwar. . f- ; At a man meeting of mlnera of thl central district of Iowa, it wai voted to order a, itr,ik. to lake effect at onoe. The dooiiion Involtea - 9,000' mlnera. Opera tor i at firm In reioilug to raiie the aoale. A wedding in iwotldom wai eela- brated In New York. W K. Vender- " bill, Jrrrmn of tlie millionaire, and Miea Virginia Fair, a daughter f ,Saa iTraneioa, were) married.- Many oettly preaenta were glten the happy ooilpla. Carter H. Harriion baa been: re ' elocted rnayof ;. of - Chicago by a total t vote of UO.BM. againat 108,804, for . Zlna K. Carter, tli RapHbUoan oandi data, and 45,401 for John P. Altgold, j the indepentlent Democrat. . i .A committee, whole member! are of I ill tha nationalise! In Manila, headed t ' by John MoLeod; in Engl inliman, haa - been otganiaed for the pnproae o( la ' teryiewing tha Filipino leaderaand pa I titlonlng for tha releaaa of the Spaniih prieoneu, in tha mine of humanity. llq Ilo h been ilmost wirxhl otjt ( ''' the reiuU of ibe teuent fiulitlng.' - jj '. The preaident haa appointed, W1U liam'B. flnnipon poatuiaitei at Skag. : way, Alaika. Tha "Spider and Fly" oompiny wai . J arreated at Tacoot for violating the ; " At 1 i'90, Walter Umiliatn,,! an '' American, shot and killed Jeana Main- i? , pela, Mexican. . itferwany li laid to bw ooncentralbsg a a Beet at Am.ny, with the' fntention of -' leiaiug Fnttien. - i The Two Hundred and Fint New " York regiment hai been mustered uqt t Camp Wetlierill. . . , , " Bob Brown wai hinged at Glasgow, 3 Ky. fill crime waf murder of , hie fHther in-law, Lewli McClelland, ( i- s At Minneapolii, John AloUraw, a s ,', miller, ibot and , killed. bU landlady, mil then ihot himielf, Jenlouny. j .. Miaa Cattle Rogarajwaa marrjed to William Sliokmanat Olynipia.. The bride U a daughter of Governor Rogere, h j A report of the erTeota of the gun Hie " of Dewey'i iliira May 1 lait.ihowi tlinflOT SwmiarJi were killed and 114 ' wounded. . . ( ;'' ' I t A of acker 'truiV It to be formed on the Paclflo ooait. Agenta are now viaitinw the principal oitiea, and It ia ''aid all the leading factorial will be . .-f t The Edward HI nee Lumber Cora " 'pauyr of Chicago, hu puichaeed 80, : 000,000 feet In Wlaooneiii, the tecond largaat deal made thli year, and the ; eonalderation ia about 1360,000, c In a declalon handed down by Juit.icw Pockharh, the United 6ttei wprelna .... court holdi the war tai law ;oonatitn tiotial ai applied not only to etook e. ohangea bnt to livestock yardi ai well. Five men working In a deep narrow ditch at Joplin, Mo., loit their Uvea by a cave-in thai caught them from both idea. Four of the men were burled under 18 tee of earth and rock and the I botliea htve o yet peen jreooverflf 1 ' The work of aear'ohing 'the rulm of the- Windior hotel fire In New York bai been fluiihed. The oontraator thiuki there are no bnman remain! left in the ruini. The total of the . , known dead now number! 45, and( iev trat perionl are itill mining. H it : -.-i4-'J-! lller luw"'' H ' ; Andrew C. Fowle, who died of heart failure at hit home In Newatk, N. J , Iged 70 yeaili,' In 1868 oonitrncted lor (lie jof erninent the; fiVit" geojmetrical lathrffaf bank, note engraylng.jt At the requoat of the itate , depart mailt the announcement. U made for tha benefit of eonoosslon aeekeri that ' the lelandi evacuated by Spain in tha Went Indioi are nmler military eon tiol pending legiilation by congreii to determine their future government. NEWS. A, J. Smith, of Salt Lak City,; com- nltted lulolde al the Millard hotel. 1 1 t. The Twenty-Out regiment i will leave Plattibnrg, N. Y., for Sun Fran Cisco," whence they will proceed to Ma. The controller of the . currency "hai lamed a oall tot a report of all the na tional banki at tho oloio of bmin April 6. . - .. j- . Mujor-Genemi Bhaftnr hai arrived it Waihington. He Wilt teitify before tlie anuy court of Inquiry into tha beef cimrgei,,. : The operator! and conductor! of the wbeeling, w. Vi., Railway Company mve itruok lot an advanoe la wogei, and tlie road ii tied up. . The London Mining As Mannfaotur Ing Company'! property, at Duoktown, Tex., haa been aold to the Levieohn Urol., the copper kings, for 110,000. At the bimonthly . meeting of' the Aiiooiation of Steel Shafting Manwfac tureti, In Pittabnrg, It wai dcoided to make an advance In priuei, averaging 0 per cent. ruuuo lympithy li with the em ployei to eueb an extent ia the itreet railway Itrtke At Bay City, Mich., that the sheriff can secure no men to act as depntlei, ; ; , Judge Field, the great Amerioan jurist ia dead at his borne in Waahing ton. . Ha had aeived longer' term on tha bench than, any Judge . ever ap George Reid wu killed. Mack Raid probably fatally' Wounded, and two other men hurt in pitched battle be- tween tbe? freicher and Iteid. iaotloni t brutieon, H. C' w i v. a Jack MacMiltan, well known in Europe and the Unitevt, Btatea ai a curler, wai caught la belt in a Honr mill at Lindaav, Ontairo, and so badly mingled that be died. Jamoa Elsoy, the English messenger boy who left London, April I, for Cali fornia, to rival the recent trip of Jag gen, the messenger boy eon t to, , Chica go, naa arrives at ow xo:. Mill Marie Burroughs, of tbe Btnnrt Robion company;' accidentally stabbed Harold Russell, of the lame company. in the face at the ' Broadway theater, Denver. .. Mr. Rnaaell'l injnry is ilight. Toproen tn the mine! In the South rn lllinoia ooa) distiict have, decided to strike ai tin rosult of tueit gonploy era' ref uial to grant raise of, D6 oenla a day. Tbil will tl op at least 8,000 men. ," l t t ilollietcf McGuIre, Hah commission er, and State Benetor Reed, of Oregon. were drowned In the North' Umpqua river. Their boat upset in the rapidi. W. F. Hubbard saved, himself by iwimmlng.aBhore:;u: wmtf . There bai been a heavy (all in the price of wheat Jn tbe Chilean market. Fire at Lead, S. D., destroyed prop, erty worth tt00,000. One entire block of building wu consumed. ' The Keystone- Slate Company, , of Bethlehem.-' Pa., ' hai Increased tlie wages of it employe! IB per cent. It la Itated that f 228,000 hai been ubiciibed toward the conitrnotlon of the alumni hall at Yale nniversity. " A secret movement ii under way in Hawaii to flood the Islands with Portu guese lalwren from the Azores itlandi, 1 l6in handred ind elghty-fonr.. Amer icans bave been killed and 978 woohd ed Ir. tbe Philippine lincevlioitilitiei opened. . I v j A dcoifllorr wai rendered by i Judge Peabotly in the St, Lonia. 'cjty; police court that under , certain condition! a husband baa the right to beat his wife. After atteinptUig tonorder hla wife nd baby. Waller Miner, foreman : In the Detroit soap workl.ient two bulleU into nil own brain aua atea aimoii in. ltantly.4,,.i. v, ,. ,,,.,,3 , ;),r The three largest Of 20 pearl bnttoa faotoriea operated at Muscatine, Ja, have advanced wagoi 10 and 10 per cent. ' Sis Hundred button worker! are employed in the factorial., The bill providing for the Inoorpora. tlon of tht St-. Lonii World'! Fetr.i to ielebrate In J90D the centennial of the Louiaiana '.THirobaM. baa ) pasaed, the Missouri senate. ' . It ban already .been paaseu uy tue iiounh The Kilanea 'Plantation Company hai been incorporated at San Fran- eiaoo. The capital atodk ii 13,000,000, The director! are A; B. Spreokeli, J, Spreokeli, William Iiwin, C. A. Hngg and ,W, P,, K, Gibion. . A laraa number of Spanish officers, who had been prisoners In the hand! of theTaeali. have entered the service of the Ut tor. Among the prisoner! wen some of the chiefs of the Spanish gen eral'i staff and officers of artillery. ; Tllere are persistent rumota In Ma ils that Aguinsldo hai been supplant ed In control of Filipino affaiu by General Antonio Luna, commander; in chief of the Filipino forces. Luna Ii descr ibed-ap being a typioal belligerent. Unless the testimony of aevera) Im portant witnesses shall be impeached, something which ii very unlikely, the beet Inquiry board will be obliged to lostain the charges of General .Miles that the soldiers were ted upon em balmed or preserved beef, says Waih ington correspondent, .'. ,. ,;, Secretary Wilson li making arrange ment! lor letting the government lead contraot! in the spring instead of In the autumn, as hai been done hereto- General Marcus P. Miller, who com. ended the forces that captured Ilo Iln. ar.,1 who has lust retired, bean tha. honoi of having received five breveti active lervioethree in, the , civil war nd two in Indian campaign!. Generaf Miller wai born in Maisaohoaetti. " I Later ALGER WILL RESICH General Warren Hastings to , ; Take His Place. mi-'.;) CIIANQB WILL BE MADS 8H0ETLY Anaerleaa DeUeataa to the latmraa- . . IIomI DUnaainl GoararanM ( Have Braa Hmmtd. ' Waihlnston. April 8. Beoretarv Alger will be forced to reilgn ai toon al be retnrni from Cuba, and nil place ill be taken by Oenearl Warren Baa tingi,who wai the commander of Preal aent McKiniey in tne war of the re bellion, , Thi a oomei from adm'niatra tion oiiclei and ii definite. The mat ter wai lettled some time ago at a eon ference between the preaident and hi adviaeri, and it eau be aaid that a new leeretary of war will be initalled within few weeki. . far the Cra Confcraasa. Waihington, April 8. The noretary at atate baa announced the personnel ol I 'he United Statei delegation to the die- armament convention, which will meet at Tbe Hague in the latter part of May,: The delegation consist! of Andrew D. White, United Statei am baiiador to ' Berlin;' Stanford Newel, United Statei minister to the Nether landii Preaident fietb Low, of Colum bfa ' onivenity: New York? Captain I William Crozier, ordnance department. U. 8, A., and Oaptain A. T. Mahan. retired, U. 8. N. Frederlokk Wil- I Ham Hold, of New York, will be no retary oi tne ' aeregation; ' iney were not imtruoted. ,,. --,. i .m.i Tbe American commission, as whole, ii regarded ai an exceptionally strong body, being made ap of men well known,, not , only in publlo and political life, bnt In the world ol let- ter and international affaire, A '.BBIEff ; RESPITE, Inaarf anta Wartk af Maloloa Are Qalat .; , Aaaarleaaa Claaalna the City, Manila, April 8. There hae been respite In hostilities, chiefly in order tOr alfoW' the " Filipino tor digest the proclamation. -The .rebels remain re markably quiet. ' : The ihirpahooteri ef General LW' ton'i lines bave borrowed Filipino tae tioa -and are Jiarasaing tbe rebeli at night, picking off tome of them nigbtly. Maloloa ii returning it! natural s pect. preparation! ate being made for establishing a' Tpermanent oamp for the troop! there, ana tbe somiers are cleaning the city. One-third of the Amerioan force ' at Maloloa,; Ji lent nightly to form an advance line mile north of - the city, with patrol! and entries ahead of the line. - ; General MaoArthor'i volunteer! ire receiving Krag-Jorgenien rides, the Filipinos having discovered that they oan effectively are then Nauseri and retreat before the Americana approaok near .enough to nie . their Springfield riflea with effect. !.t.'.u .u i Advioes received here from Samar, in island, forming ;a province of the Pbiiippinee, auyei' tbe revolutionist! there are 'weary.',,' Their leader, Lok- ban, of Cblueee ancestry, has deserted with the fundi. The inhabitant! ai deiirooi of American role. ; i- - t Ji ' ' " - ' ; 1 . 1 - ' .: . 1" ItiamtUaa la Nagm. Manila. April 8. Colonel Smith, governor of the ' island of Negro, re port! that a number of banditi, headed by a man named Fepalislo, attempted rebellion March 27, and killed several official! , of Jummaylsn, Papaiseio also captured other ofBeiali and leaned a proclamation calling upon the na tive! to riseiand exterminate the Amer ican! and Spaniard!.,. Major Si me and two companies of the California regiment were dispatch', ed by water to the scene ol the die- tor bance, and Colonel Du Uoica and two other eompaniee were aent over- land,,, April S this foroe marched IS miles and' captured ' Latreid, the head quarters of the bandits, and destroyed the' town." The troops also captured 88 prisoner!. nd, scattered. Pepaaslo'a foicea, thui eEfectually quelling , the ' Antl-Pulygamr Reaolutloa Provincetowa, Mais-j April , 8,-t-The Southern New England Methodist con- (erence, in aeision here today,: adopted, by a rising ananimona vote, a resolu tion calling on congraaa to expel Con gressman Roberta, of Utah, for openly proteased polygamy, and for the pat- sage of ah amendment t,o the constitu tion forever prohibiting the praotioe of polygamy, and dilfrinctililng any one guilty of it -'- 'h j i Bl Strike in. sfoaatala Lloa. . ; Bepublic, Wash., April 8. Yester day '1 assays from the face of tbe Moan tain Lion drift averaged more than 1 100 per ton. There is an enormoni body of this are, and in , tbi judgment of the many mining men here, the Lion, ii not lecond even to the Repub lic A majority of the itook is owned in Portland. 1 "".''' f. , Princeia Salm-Salm, of pohhV Ger many, haa returned to New York, to spend two monthe ia thli eeuntry.moit of the time at the home of hoi mother-In-law, Colonel Edmund Johnson, ai Vlneland, N, J,. , , t three' Powers Agraa, ' ,j Berlin, April 8. Ad agreement baa beep reached between the three powers) (the United States, Great Britain and Germany) on the two propositions namely, the appointment by each powet of a high official to Investigate and regwaw tne conm.iou. .. .prevailing ai -......., ,oluo a . newspapers bai negotiationi with I the , tbe latii i H" - 101' SIX , PERSONS 1 PERISHED. Fatal fir la Maw Tark'a Vaaslmabla Kaaldaaca Ulitrlct. Hew York, April 8. Six livei ar known to have been lost in fin wbioh at an early hoar thi! morning destroyed the fire-story dwelling 8 East Sixty-seventh itreet, the home of Wai lace Andrews, president of: the New York Steam Heating Company, and tbi five-story browmtone house of Alfred Adams, 8 East Sixty-eighth itreet Several persons are still miming, and several Bremen were injured while bat' tling with the flames. The known dead are!. " ' " ; .'-.... -;i Mn. St. John; Wallace St. John, her ion, 1 yean old; four unidentified persons, found on the) third floor of the Adami hoose. . Tbe misaing ares- Mr. and Mrs.Wsl- laoa Andrews) Jay St. John; Austin fit John, 8 years old, hii ion: Fred erick St John, S yean old, bis ion; Mary B. Older,- kitchen maid: Mary Flanagan, parlor maid; Ann Mara, ser vant; Eva Peterson, servant! Kate Both, servant ;r' . The injured are: Jennie Soros, a laundress, Jumped from tne fourth floor to an exteniion and wai badly in jured; Alice White aervant, taken to tbe Presbyterian hospital, suffering from burns and partly overcome by smoke; Fireman Jeremiah Blazin, of engine 44, fell dnring tbe fire and was badly bnrt. Several other firemen weie injured during tha battle with the flames, but none seriously, and all were able to re main-with their companies.. The flrl broke out in the Andrew house, about S o'clock, and ipread so rapidly that when the firemen arrived in response to the fint alarm, they found the in terior oi the house in flames. GOMEZ IN A NEW ROLE. Bia Haaa wall by Hla aaceaaa. Ha 1.1; . Taraa Agitator, t-; ... . Havana, April 8.- The Cuban mili tary aisnmbly ' being dead. General Gomea will take op bia programme of solidifying the Cuban 'people into a party that shall without ceaiing, urge tbe United Statei to withdraw from tbe Island. Hit purpose ii to make the people seem to have bat one emo tion, one desire the thought of inde pendence and absolute separation from tbe United Statee. - - General Gomea considers the di iso lation of tbe assembly as bil personal achievement, aided by the military ad ministration here and countenanced at Washington, He : believes that lie emerged from the controversy with the assembly stronger than ever with the better olasaea. His theory is that tbe Cubani, who before thought him mere ly an adroit guerrilla chief, are now prepared to legaid bim as a political ieader, and that a few daya more prob ably will aee bim In name general-in. chief of the army. KLONDIKE COLD YIELD. Official riauraa for ISO! Show That It Was lo.eoo.ooe. Montreal, April 8. Recently pnb' liihed official flgarei show that in 1898 iL. 1 1 r l 1 , . . a un uunuuD' gutu vpiput ' waa 700,000, placing Canada in fifth place ai a gold producing country. Of the total product, $10,000,000 wai taken oat of the Klondike. ;'---. , Eitimatei place the output from the Klondike thli year at 120,000,000, and British Columbia ia also expected to do much better than In pievioui yean, that Canad lana hope that Canada will soon be near tbe top. Tbe yield of 11 Ivor ii also growing larger from year to year; in 1891 it waa 13.83,895, supplied chiefly by the British Columbia mine. ; Tbe ripper output li now past tbe l,ouo,uoo mark. - SOLDIER DEAD BURIED. tain at Keal al Arllnrtoa , With Klll- tar Hanora. ; Washington, April 8.With full bonon of war, upon a tbe crest of the southern slope of Aliingtoa cemetery this afternoon, tbe nation, represented by President McKinlev. bil cabinet and other high dignltariei of tbe gov ernment, the commanding general of tbe army and other distinguished offi' oeri, all tbe regular and militia organ isation! of the district, and a vast con course of 16,000 people, paid the last tender tribute of honor and respeot to the bodies of 888 officers and men who gave their Uvea on distant battlefield! for., their country during the Spanish American war, and who ' were ' today mustered Into" the, silent army that leepi ia the last biavoua of the brave. . ., V. " ' Tolnn.taeri Will Ba Isolated.... Washington, April 8. Acting Sec retary Meiklejohn baa issued orders rel ative to the reception of the eighth volunteer leigmenti itill . remaining in Cuba ..when they reach , the United States. An isolated camp will be es tablished near Savannah, where the troopi miy remain during tha period required to show that there are no in fectious oiiea among them. ' ' - ; Hew Railway Llaaa. Chicago, April 8. The Railway Age publiuhes tha following: , ' .'.'There is every indication that not lesa than 8,000 mllei otspew railwiy will be built iw the- United Statee in 1899, representing an investment of about 1150.000,000. At the present lime over 4.000 mi lea are either nndei son tract or actually under uenitrnotiorw Blaine Bloyellat Ihot. Seattle, April 8. A Post-Intelli- genceripecial from Blaine, Wash., eayl Chark's Gotsoliey r as shot knd rrot-', bly ' norta,lly .( woanded tonight by GeorgBj'Wta ifenell. The only eanie. known for the ebooting Is that Gotchey ran ! into Snclli a few dayi ago while The1 president haa appointed John Blair Slioenfeldt, of Douglas, Wyo., agent for tbe Indiana of the Union jigenoy ia the Iudiari Teriltory, , CROSSED -THE LIKE The Americans Branch Off In Another Direction. WILL CUT LUZON IS TWO Lawtaa and King land aa Cipatfltloa :V af nrtaa Band red Picked Haa la Tale Raata Craa. Manila, April 11. At nighfall last night. General! ' Law ton and King iannched an expedition of three gun. boat!, with 1,600 picked men in canoes in tow of the . gunboats. The object of the expedition ia to cross the lake, cap tare Santa Craa and iweep the country to the south. : , Tbe expedition, which embarked at San Pedro Macati, consists of eight com paniei of tha Fourteenth infantry. three companiei of the Fourth cavalry, fonr companies of the North Dakota volunteer!, four companies of the Idaho volunteers, two mountain gum and 200 sharpshooter of tbe Fourteenth in. fan try. i, ;::, At tbe month of the Paiig river tbe men will be transferred from the canoes to the three gunboats, Laguna da Bay, Ceelo and Napinda. Santa Crux, tbe objective point of the expe dition, ia at the extreme end of the lww m . Tbe withdrawal of the 18 eompaniee constituting the expeditionary force made a gap in tbe line from the beach to Cnliouli, 4 just southwest ' of San Pedro Macati, which waa subsequently filled by the Fourth regular infantry. The rebels on the extreme right had evidently been Informed of the with drawal of tbe troops, and thev attempt' ed to ineak through after nightfall, but were met with a warn reception, and fell back in disorder on discovering that the line was still intact. ;. ;' LOST in ..the; umpqua. Bollliter D. MeGalro aad Beaator Reed Drtwaal. ' -'" Rosebura, Or., April 11. Hollietet D. McGnire, fish commiasioner of Ore gon, and A. W. Reed, atate senator from Douglas county, were drowned in the . North Umpqua river, 1 opposite Riverdale faim, aix mi lea below Rose burg, tbil morning. Messrs. Reed ind MoUaire, accompanied by W. F. Hubbard, wbo baa charger of the Clack amaa hatchery, went down the North Cmpaua to locate a lite for a hatchery. intending - to return . tbia evenings McGuire, Reed and Hubbard went by freight tiain to Winchester, where they bearded a email boat for tbe juno-, tion of the riven, - eix milee below Roaebnrg. !,,'.,', '.','.-;i', . They were warned by (.people living in tfce vicinity, who were acquainted with the river, that it waa veiy dan gerooi, eapecially- to - thoee trot- ao. quainted with it! rapida and whirl pools, bnt they were old boatmen, and expressed no doubt of their ability to take care of themselves. - The liver for, three or four mi lei above its junction with the South Umpqua is a succession, of rapida and whirlpools, and at place, especially at this time of year, il both deep and dangerous. 'After the party had gone a considerable) distance down the river, having safely peased through two or three of the rapid, a rowlock wai broken, thus rendering the boat practically unmanageable. . They at tempted to work their, way to shore with one oar, and approached so near that Senator Reed grasped the branch of an overhanging tree, bnt tlie current waa so swift that the boat waa being drawn nnder water.and he released hia hold. The current then shot the boat rapidly out . into tha atream, where It wai swamped and upset MoGuire and Hubbard struck . out for shore. Hubbard report! that McGuire wai swimming ahead of bim and. appeared to be swimming eauly. When Hub- bird reached the shore, and tamed, to look for his companion!, McGuire hid disappeared, and : Reed bad el imbed onto tbe boat, which waa rapidly drift ing down atream, and he saw bim no more, ' As , Senator Reed could not swim, be waa probably washed Irom hi! Insecure position And lank to rise no more. JUDGE FIELD DEAD. i Great Aaaarlaaa Jarlel Paeeed Away al :'. -';' ;' ..WaahlnBtoa. Washington, : April 11. Justice Stephen J. Field, of the United States supreme court, retired, died at bil home 6n Capitol Hill, In thi!ctty, at 6:88 o'clock this evening, of kidney Complication!. Jr. ; .., !,:;,.,,;;. ,: ' ' . He had been unconscious since Sat urday morning and death came pain lessly.; Ever since Justice Field's re tirement from the supreme bench in December, 1897, be had enjoyed com paratively good health, and being re lieved from the. lesponiibilitiei which he had borne for so many yean, be be came more obeerfnl than formerly, and seemed to enjoy the society of bil friendi and acquaintance! more than ever before. About two weeki ago ha took longer ride than ninal in an open carriage and contracted a severe cold, u which rapidly , developed the kidney trouble from wbioh he had suffered though but aTiglitl?,' for some timet Th disease readily yielded to treatment, and on Thursday last he sat up for a time and seemed quite himself igain, bnt on Saturday , morning a change for the worse took., plaoe and abuat noon he lost consciousness. From that time be ' sank rapidly, and expfred at 6r80 a'olbck..- . r , j Parla oaiolala CaHtlooa. -1 Parii, April tl.The reoent terrible firei tn New York" have made Paris official! demand tha use of non-inflam mable wood In the construction of all new buildings (or the exposition, and the juje wju be rigidly enforced. 1 WATCHINO THE ENEMY. , 1allv Raeonaolaaaaeaa fa tha Rabal Coaotry Manartaoek al Bakaor. Manila, April 10. General MacAr thur'i operations consist, temporarily, in daily reconnoiaancei In rarioni di rection! for the purpose of keeping in touch with the rebels and ascertaining tbeir movements. 1 The Fourth cavalry and two gum were ont all the morn ing in tbe direction of Larasoaiu, a lit tle north of Maloloa. ";- In the meantime the dredgeri are busy clearing tbe channel of the Bio Grande to Pamapgna, ' " ' '".; The United States donble-turreted monitor Monad uock ia patrolling the bay in the vicinity of, Bakoor, keeping the rebels tn motion and dropping oc casional iliel Is among them in re sponse to their musketry fire. Saul, reported to have been ' bom barded by the Baltimore, ia merely a luburb of Dagupan, which, waa bom barded by the United States cruiser Charleston last Saturday because one of her boat were fired, upon and an officer wounded while in shore making sounding!. ' ' ' ' ' . ; , Batara of tne Beaadla." '.'' i San Francisco. April 10. The trans port Scandia arrived at quarantine from Manila with 64 time-ipired and discharged, loldiers and tbe bodies of four officer! . who fell fighting in .the Philippines.; The remains ' brought back are those of Colonel 8attb,' of tbe Tennesson regiment, who died of apo plexy as he waa leading bia men in the attack on Manila: Captain V. E. Eli cit, of the Twentieth Kaniae regiment, killed February 29 at Calocan " by sharpshooters; Major McGonville, 'of the Idaho regiment,; who fell while charging at the head of bis men on the trenches before Calocan, and Lieu ten ant JTrench, rlrst Montana, s ho wai killed at the same place.- Lfeatenant Swasee, of ..the. , First California regi ment, and Captain Murphy, of tbe Fourteenth' infantry; were! also on board the traniport, the former return. ing to be mastered out, ind the1 latter under oideri to proceed to Washington NAMES FOR WARSHIPS.- Ome of the Now Crnlaara WIU a Kiowa ' i .'A j Y. .aa ka Taeama. .,;.( ;j 'ij ' Waabington, ' April lO.-i-The presi dent: today named the It new War- ihips, recently provided by. congress, I follOWR -' :' Battle-ships Pennsylvania' New T I t . . - . - , i , . tforocj iuu vouria. tj . Armored ciuisera . West , Virginia, Nebraska, California. ! ,,. s Cruisers Denver, Dei Moinee.Chat- tanooga,; Gal veetoa,vTacoma, ' Cleve- 1an,t - : v.:-.ix ? ' Petition! by the handreda have been flowing into the White Hoose and navy department ever ainoe . the new ahipe were provided for, nrging the merits ef various names. The preaidenet '-and secretary Long enjoyed , tbe, good natured rivaliy, and in making, the final determination consideration 1 given not only to urgency of tbe influ ence brought to bear,' but also to tbe several sections of the country. .. '-.'- - 8 ;H-::Tkm Jf,W ork t.. ! ew York, April,' 10. Tbe fire that destroyed the handsome residence . of Wallace a Andiewl, at J East Sixty aevestb , itreet.. Saturday caused., the death! of 18 persona weeping in. the bouse. ; Firebrands carrrtd - by the wind were blown into an1 open Jrimlow lu the home of Albert J. Adams, 8 East - Sixty-ninth itreet, , two blooka distant, letting fire to the house, and cawing the death of a aervant. :.AU of tne is bodies nave been reoovertu.., , . ., Mar Bate Been laoendlarv. f New York, April 10. Anonymooi letters bid been sent to the Andrews family that their " Hvel, ptoberty an Borne Wa! endangered if thtf chamber maid, Mary Flanagan, waa not dis charged. It is belieVed "that revenge on the part of a former aervant' is re spoaeible for the a wfut tragedy. po lice protection waa asked by Andrews, and poetofSce inspectors are investigat ing the source of the letters. ' ' , Gorooa Rolnatatod. -''( Havana, April 10. The Cuban gen eral! met today at Mariaca and offi cially decided to reinstate General Go mea ai commander-in-chief., They alee decided to appoint an executive board of three generals to aeaiat' him in dia- tribating the 13,000,000 and in the de tails of disarming and in the . orgaci- liatioa of the rural police for the prov ince, . He will be officially notified ol tbeir action, and A proclamation prob ably will be leaned to the Cubaua. ,j j ' '. ' ' Montoaoaro Dead.," '' , ."New.Yorkj April 10. The .Journal correspondent at Manila oablea. today that the pacincos who, have returned ithin the American lines report tht death of General Montenegro, who wu regarded as, next to Agninaldo, tbe most influential and aggressive of Fili pino rebels. . The report Is .credited at Manila, where it ia believed General Montenegro fell while. defending Malo 0V. ,!.-!!-, -.'- )! . 1 " Goroaaa. Wreck Vreaefc Bfiaaloa. . Yokohama,: April, 10. Newi . hai; been received here that a French mil lion haa been wrecked in the province of Chun Chong, Corea. The- priest in charge wai carried off, and ' it Is not known by the sender - of tne advice whether be li alive or dead.' The Cor- ean government bai lent troops to thl scene of disturbance,,. ai; ,i s- ;. Italians Land at Baa Sinn, London, April 10. It ii asserted in Rome, according to a diipatoh to tbe Daily Mail, that the 'Italian warahipi bave already lan led troops at Ban Mun bay, province of Chi Kiang, China, where the Italian government has been seeking a '89 yean' lease of a naval base a,nd coaling station, , , . . A clam-canning estabsishment has opened up at Warrentort. with employ ment for 43 men and 10 team through out the season. DYING OF STARVATION People of Porto Rico in a De '.''',' plot-able Condition. THE SITUATION IS CESPEEATB laiarrantloa May Basalt If Meaearee 0 Bailor Are Leaf Dalavad i ' Coffea Croa hart. - New York. April 10. The Herald says Brigadier-General Stone will go to Waabington tomorrow, where he will call the attention of the preaident to tbe itarvatioo and diatrea in Porto Rico. He think! that the desperate state of the people may lead to insur rection If -relief ii "not forthcomftig. He baa jnst returned from a journey of 10 days through the - interior of -the island. . . j . The general waa attached to the de partment of agriculture before . tbe war, and during hostilities he wai In Porto Rico a! a member' of General Milee' etaS. This laot trip wa made with a party of capitalists and railroad men. lie wai also invited by Maior General Henry to give advice concern ing the construction of roada through the island!. ,", ' . - "People are dying of starvation all through the Interior," laid General Stone. "In tbe district of Agnaa Banal there were many deaths. Tbe judge in tbe district of Comerlo ahowed me a book In which he ha4 recorded the names of many who died for , lack of. food. General Grant reported 88 deaths from itarvation in one district 1 law hundreds of natives emaoiated and weak. When T left Porto Rico there were 100.000 persons there who had had neither ' bread nor meat : for tWO'Weeks.- v-tv; . ,-ni.i ,r.!M,: '"Thia state of affairs hi largely 1 due to tbe ahort coffee crop and tbe roinous competition of Br axil, r Porto Bican coffee la selling at from 1 to 8 cents at seaports, and tea transportation takes nearly all ol thia sum. , Major -General Henry is issuing rations and is doing . everything in hia power' to alleviate the distress. -'.-" '..-.. , It to difficulty however, id reach the interior. - The supplies' are sent to military poets aud distributed as well aa possible. Still Major-General Henry cannot go oq in thia wy His money, derived from .customs, will give out soon. Be oan not make this , people an abject of charity. ' He haa found work for at least 6.000 " men' on ' the road building ' With' good; roada 'and a means of getting ont of the interior with frnits and Tegetablel, eemething can be done to develop the island, i "Another element contributing, to the distress of the Porto Bioani ii tha fact that the, .United Stales continue to levy duty -epon them. They' had free trade w itb Spain, which ia now cutoff. Yet with all their sufferings, the Porto Rioane speak with -pride as belonging to the United Statea. They do not expeot Porto Rico to .become a tatev. ,tr r:i tue..ta i" "Porto Rioo is the home !of the- or- ange,. yet oranges are Totting on the trees. - They are sold at 60 cent X bar rel. I bought them five' for a cent. They are) as good a the Indian' liver oranges. -;-.-'.) i- ' ' .. "One of the object! of Ttiy viiil'' wai to make arrangements for the' estab lishment of an experiment station un der the. department of agriculture. I have found a place winch I think will be in i table for . the laiaing of wintex vegetables.',' o,-,,:'v WEST INDIAN COAL- STATIONS. Havy Dopartmeat Will Plaoo Thaua at "-" 'Stvatog-i PolBta. '--, '....-:; New Yorkl April lO. A special to the Herald from Washington says: At the suggestion Of Rear-Admiral Brad ford, chief of tho Iroreaa of equipment, A comprehensive u scheme , has . been adopted by the navy department un der which coaling stations will be placed at atrategio . points in the West Indies, so ai to give the United States control ol the Virgin, Mona and, Wind ward passages, and; the approaches t tbe Gulf of Mexico.. : n .i ' mors It is proposed to . establish coaling Itationi at Culebra island, lying; be tween, Porto Rjco; aud. the ; Virsin islands; at Mayaguex, whioh Ilea on the western shore of Porta Kica and controls the Mona ';,paasage,.;. and at Gnantanamo on the southern side ol Cuba, or at Nipe oay on the northern coast,, either of wbioh controls ( the Windward passage. Coal sheds and pien are already in the course of con struction at Dry Tortugss, which will enable a fleet operating from that point to - prevent an enemy from entering either through the Yucatan or Bahama channel. .'" ' - -' ' ' ' " ' "; Offlelal Raparta to Be Admitted. Washington, ''April 10; the army beef inquiry court decided, today to admit aa evidence tbe official reporta of army oflicen concerning the beef supplied to the. army during the. wai with Spain, aa requested by General Miles. ;';"''' ;" . '.''.', ;". t. ; .,r ,111 t 1 ii, 11 1 . , ,r I, -i. A raft of pine timber of fine quality wai aold at Lock port, Mioh., to be csod in the construction cf the new battle ship Maine at the Clamps'- ihipyards in Philadelphia. -; The yacht Norma, in . which A. J, Weaver and a party of friendi sailed from New York, November 8, 1898, to ''explore -and write np tha etrant's place of the earth," has arrived at Colombo, Ceylon. f ' " Lieutenant Frank Z. Curry, Third Georgia, who shot and killed Private Leo Reid, battery I, Second artillery, last January, at Savannah, will be de livered into the bands of the civil au thorities by ordar of t)'9 war depart uieiit. ; . . ,