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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1899)
TV TTTOinn JL'lJL VOL. XVI. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1899. EVENTS OF THE DAY NEWS. Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. TKltSK TICKS VBOH THE VYIBE3 of Aa laterattlaf Colleotloa of Items From the Two Hemlyhoroa FimmM ;'. Condensed Worm. . General Ot!t ii planning another blow at the Insurgent! tn tha exeuction Th DUli legislature adjourned witnout c looting United States tons lor to tuoceed Senator Cannon. Governor Rogers, of Waihlngton lint vetoed the two school text-book hull patted by tba recent legislator. M, Cambon, tlia French ambsssa dor, bat called at tlia department lata aud served formal notice of tlia signing of tlia peace treaty at Madrid The nary department haa been ad laad ol the arrival at Manila of tlie bnttle-nliiu Oregon and Iria. Admlra Dowt-y cabled that the Oregon it in fit condition (or any duty. A tornado hat twept over a lame area of the South. The low of 111 timid of 1,1. ganara. r.,r. ot battening tb. dructpron. h b-K tlia advent of tlia rainy teston. Arktnsat and Misalsalonl. The appellate oourt. at Chicago, baa unanimously sustained a decision rendered by Judge Tuley laat eomroer, that axpiett compsniet are obliged to Arkansas and Mississippi. A Finnith denotation of 400 persons. who recently arrived at St. Peters- buig. to petition tbe caar sgulnst tlia liosslficatimi deeoiets, bat been or furnish war m,.,. .(.,... .1 .11 .1,1-, iua,.iuii uueore.s, oat oeen or- furnlth war revenoe ttampt to all thin- dered tl, retnr hon), mrnedUtely. tll. oaar rviutlug to receive ita mambara. George Dawey, Jr.. hat received letter from bit father, tlia admiral, in which ba aaye be it in good health, al thoogb tome what fatigued. The ad mlral expressed the hope that bit tatk would be finished before long. Tbe California legialatoie bat ad journed without electing a United States tenaior Nineteen ballots wars taken daring the last dar'a teuton. and 104 ballots tinea tlia convening of mat uody. Tba Internatlonnal Steam Pomp company baa been organ! tod In Jersey City. All tba prominent tteam nianu faotorers in the city are laid to have gone Into tba com bina. Tba oo in puny baa capital of 137.000,000. Two exploeione have occurred at tba government ammunition factory at Bon rue t, in the shell filling shop. Three men were killed and five were Injured. At Maraoillet a cartridge ex ploded, blowing op a quantity of stir.- powder. Three men were injmed and great damage wat dona to tbe building. The Imparalal, of Madrid, asserts that a republican plot baa been disco v para. Tba sovereign eamo Woodmen of tba world, tba fifth. largest fraternal and teneflciaiy order in tba United Btatet aia in biennial aettion at MemDbft. Tann. The aettion will latt tan daya or two weeks. Mrt. Minnie Adamt haa bean arrett ed at her fatber't home, in San Fran' Cisco, on antpioion of having murdered iter two-year-old lllegitlmata child. John Kiuhard Uray, by admlnlaterlng aose ot carboiie acid. Senor Quesada. of tlia Cuban Junta in Washington, baa received oable- gram form Santiago which taytt "Tba people ot Santiago diaautboriae tba as- aerubly, tuttain Gomes and are pre paring a puuiio manifestation." At tba annual meetiiw of tba Atso- e:ated Cbambera of Commerce in Lou don, resolution wat patted urging the Brltltb government to maintain the "open door" in China and prior Brit- mi right in tba Yang tea Kttng valley, A contract haa been concluded be tween the German government and Cecil Rhodes, the Brltltb Sooth Afri can magnate, for the contlrucilon of a tolcgraph line In Eatt Africa. A wuiraoi ior Duuaing a raiiroaa iiirougn ared In the province of Seville; that ma tnme territory it upon tn Point Hum nf t ia laadara h... he.. ...i.,! Ol conclusion, land that Carliat nnnmud haoatabar, Kaar-Admlial Hicbborn. chief naval place at Peiplgnan. capital of tbe const me tor, In bia atatement of work I Fieneli department of the Eastern Pvr accomplished on the vettelt now build- enaet, where arint are aaid to be ao lug lor the navy, thowt that there aia cumulating. now actually under construction, or al- rwiuy cuninreiwi ior, oi veateit oi van- ..I In N vb i a i. ,i..i. out types, langing from battleships to ii... U(i 0,uer. ' bahlvdi. frnm lntM,ln.hA.. I . " inlllrlaa MU imL T .a Aooorouig io a aiapaieii from r ui nUn. aa an.t a .... ini., del Rio, five tittera of the American Jawalrv tn Hi valna nt ftl flAn rt(( orueroi oacieuueart nave Dean ordered longing to gueata, waa loit. Tba away irom uoiia oy Arcbibtbop Cha- Windtor wat a lame but By Ihe burning of the Windtor bo- FOUGHT FOUR HOURS! THE 8AMOAN MUDDLE. Twentieth Infantry Captures Another Stronghold. VILLAGE OF 700 INHABITANTS Hnrr Odd Afalnil lb Amarleaaa- Tbe Lattar Loat Tn Mas mm4 , thm Kabala 100. V pella, papal reuretentative. The nnnt are all daughtert of Indian chief, and tba reason g'ven ia the "old hatred againtt tbe Indian tittera." Thiee thousand Inturnentt moved down to the towns ot Patig and Pateroa on the thora of Laguna da Bay, front ing Wbeaton'a troopt on the Patig river line. By heavy fighting Wheaton die- lodged and drove them back, taking 400 prisoners and Inflicting heavy lotaea in Killed and woomleJ, The torpedo-boat Foi. built at Port' land, hat arrived at Ban Francisco. She made the too from Astoiia in 41 hour, The navy department hat abandoned all hope of the recovery of the armored oruiser Cristobal Colon, annk In the battle of July S, at Santiago. The navy department It Informed bv Admiral Dewey that the tupply ship . i V j Nanthan bat left Manila with iuppllai f"!f .,e P woriey orde.e Ittued lor tba new naval atatlon at Guam. ? "" .8utM ,or anta ia, .iinii u iijv muio mm uiuw ueu old buildinc at, j purned very rapidly. Tba Id rectort of the Psciflo Coatt Coin party declared a dividend of i and I per oeut on preferred and com nion ttock. Reportt of the likelihood of a renew al of the trouble among the Indiana at Leach Lake, Minn., are not credited at tba Indian bureau, at Washington. A report la current involving the tablisbment in San Francisco by the moat widely known financial wen of the world of a commercial bank, with paid-up capital of (6,000,000. The anow-bound train on tbe Chey enna as Northern at Wheatland has been abandoned by the company offl cialt, who will take itept to retoue the pattengera by iledt. Acting Postmaster-General Heath hat issued an order directing that ber A correspondent of tba ttata depart ment, writing from Ponapl, Carolina Islands, tayt tbe inhabitant! like every. . tiling that It American. They are bop. ing and praying, ho aaya, that the Americana will take poe session of all of tba itlandt, and, if not all, at least tne island ol Y onapi. The difference! between the Raisin Growers' Association and the packart of California, have been finally ad justed. The association will make the aalea and tlia paokera will receive a liberal commission. The packera will form an oragnlaation with a capital of 1500,000, of which 110,000 it to be In cash. Tba city of Pas Ig, east of Manila, bat beau captured by American troopt after an hour't fight. The lost to the Filipinoa wat 80 killed and 18 prison art. Tba Amerloant' lost wat one man killed. Six were wounded. The man killed it Private C. K. Thorn, ol the Twentieth Kanaat. Tba battle wat fought by Wheaton a divisional brigade, A anarch steamer which hat returned to Brisbane, Queensland, from Cook' town, on the Eudeavor river, tblt colony, report! that three tchoonert and 80 luggera were lost and that 400 ool ored peitont and II : white! were diowned during tba recent hurricane that twept tba northwest coast of Queensland. There bat been popular demonttra tion In Christiana, Norway, againtt Crown Prince Guataf, Duke of Worm land, who wat recently appointed re gent on account of the illnett of hit father, King Oscar. The prince wat returning from the military club when ha met a crowd of people, who booted blm, bitted bim and pelted him with anowbajlt. - Minor Dw. ltsm. Two surveying partiet are locating the Una of the eleotrlo road between Tacotna and Seattle, distance of M mi let. The road it. expected to be in operation by November 1. A double tragedy ia reported from Manalmo, B. 0. Dave Evans shot Lib- bie White dead and committed suicide in their room at hotel. Both were public entertainers. Unrequited love it supposed to have b een the caused Of the tragedy, for domettis money orders. Order have been iatued for the mut ter out of the First Texat at Galveston and the Second Louisiana at Savannah. Both regiments are now at Havana. The Sixth company volunteer tignal corps, at Augusta, Ga., wat alto ordered mastered out. The drought which waa threatening tba lost of million! of dollars to Call fornia lias been broken by a rain ttorm ooiitimilng for teveral daya. Roporta tbow that both grain and fruit crops are in excellent condition through the big Saoramento valley. A tpeoral from Madrid tayt: Pre. mier Silvela, In an interview Just pub- lithed, ipoke In favor of tba Interven tion of Franca for the purpose of oh talning permission from the United Btatet for 8piu to resume direct nego tiatlont for the releaaa of the 8paniih pritonert held by tba Philippine rebels Six men have arrived at St. Miohaela from the North Amerioan Transporta tion & Trading Company's ateamer, P. B. Weaie, which it ioe-bound in the Yukon, near Holy Croat mission. Tba men do not think they will be able to save her In tbe eprine. Seven men left tbe steamer, but one got lost com. ing down, and tbe otbert think ba wat fioaon to death. A party of some 00 member! of con- great, senators and representatives, will accept the Invitation extended by gen tleman representing Panama canal In terests and will inspect the Nicaragua and Panama canal works. The party left New York, March i, Thit body hat nothing to do with tbe official In vestigation which will be made by tbe commission to ba appointed by Presi dent McKlnley. A monument costing 140,000 it to be erected over the grave of a timple Ken tacky private killed in the San Juan fight. The toldier wat only one of many wealthy men who were prepared to go to tbe front in any capacity. . Tbe Danish Eatt Aalatio Company, limited, which, beildet being a tteam- thip company, ownt large forests and commercial establiahmenta In Siam, lately ordered four mora 10,000-ton steamers for lit Una between tna tsai tic and the far East Manila. March 18. Tbe first bat taiion of the Twentieth infantry regi ment hat advanced from Patig, clear ing tba country to Cainta. a well defended villnge ot 700 inhabitant!, Dve miles nor tb went of the foothills. The troopt first encountered tba rebell outpost In the dense Jungle oa the bank of the river. Tbe enemy wat ditlodged after half an hour's fiuhtina. The Amerloant advanced in a splendid manner, under heavy fire, until they were ready to volley the rebels from the trrnchea. The latter had a great advantage, and dropped a number ol out ' men. Tba Americans oharged acrosa tbe rice fields, making four ad vance! on the enemy, who numbered 1,000 men, 600 of whom were en trenched, and in the face of a cross fire. Our troops carried the town after four bpurs of fighting and burned the outskirts, the rebels firing from the window! and keeping np a running fire in tba streets. The Americana thea withdrew to obtain more ammunition. The rebels lost 100 men and tht American lota wat: Corporal John- ton, of company C. and Private Mc- voy, or company h, killed, and IS wounded. Kab.l Lin Cat la Tn, Washington, March 18. The follow ing from General Otit waa received at the war department today: Manila. March 18. Reportt from llo llo Indicate an improvement am lest activity on the part of tlia imnr gentt. Reportt from Negroe are most encouraging. : Tbe inhabitants aie en thuiiaitio. Quiet prevaila tbioushout the Island, and Colonel Smith it direct ing affairt in framing the Internal gov ernment. Cebu ia quiet. Business it progressing under United Statea pro tection. Reportt from Samar and Leyte indicate the desire of tbe inliMb Itanti for United States troops. These islands will be occupied. 'The insurgents oontrol it confined Luton, and tbe occupation of tb Patig river line with control of Laguna da Bay bat cut the country occupied by the Tagaloa in neaily two equal parte. OTIS, Ba Frarl.loatl Oovvramont Will Mat Cuntld.rad In Mtotfatloas. Washington, March 18. Admiral Rants hat reported the arrival at Apia ot tbe cruiser Philadelphia March 6 He made no mention of jKilltioal anairs. ; . , Aa negotiations are now in piogrett between tbe United Btatet, Gieat Britain and Germany, respecting the kingly tucoettlon in Samoa, any action of the socalled provisional government that would tend to force a crisis pre maturely would have mischievous affects. The German government is regarded at teing particularly solioit out that there should be no outbreak at tbis time, but unfortunately aeekt to impose conditions in tba pursuit of tbit purpose, that if accepted, would teri ously compromise the rlleged rights ot both tbe United States and Great Britain. Our government prefers to adbera strictly to the lines of tba Ber lin treaty, so long ss tbat convention remains unchanged. It is understood here that the provisional government referred to In the newt dispatches, It nothing mora than an assemblage of some ol tba srbchiefs and that even Mataafa, the candidate for the kins ship, lias not Joined. Meanwhile, tba three governments are somewhat di. vided over the proposition to undertake a reopening of the controversy over the succession to the throne, the piesent contention of the United States snd Greet Britain being thst as the chief Justice wss clothed wih specific author ityto deal with this question, not even the treaty powers bava any power in tne matter. FOLGER'S PARTY SAFE.' THE END OF THE WAR Spain and the United States Again at Peace. AWFUL HOTEL FIRE. QUEEN EEGEST SIGNS TREATY Ta ArrUa THE POPE'S HEALTH. Bit A Varl.ty r Raparts R(ardlag CoadUlan. Rome, Maruh 18. Tbe pope's health la following it! normal course. The Meatagro, however, aaya the pops thowt tignt of Increasing weakness aud tbat bis physicians are very watchful. Professor Masaoni and Dr. Lapponi the pope's physicians, deny all tba alarmist rumors that bava been In cir culation regarding the condition of bit holiness. They declare tba wound made by tbe recent operation it about he.iled; that the pope's lungs and heart are absolutely healthy, and that hit weakness is not more than is natural in a nonagenarian. On the other hand tba newspapers print a variety of re ports. While the Tribuna ttatet tbat bia holiness hat returned hia usual avo cations, giving audiences, the Opinions declares that ba bad aevaial fainting Ota during tbe day. Calaalsta. City of Mexico, March 18. El Con tlnente Americano, the organ of tht Cuban resident! heie, ttrongly opposes al low ing Spanish troopt d i toharged from the army in Cuba to coma to Mexioc aa colonists, and tayt it ia a dishonor able and undignified conversion of Mei ico Into a lair of bandita, disguised as colonists. It oalia the Spaniardt "tht Chinese of Europe," and says they will make Mexico the focus of in fee tion for free Americans. The Mexcian Herald sustains the ministry in giving a charter for Spanish colonisation, con. tending that the Spanish soldiers will make good citizens. Death oa a Glacier. Seattle, March 13. The steamer Ex celsior, whiob arrived tonight from tbe mouth of Copper river, Alaska. btlngt newt of tbe freeting to death ol six men on Values glacier, about tht lit ot Maioh, They were: Adolph Ehrhardt, New York; Maxl. milian Miller, New York; Dr. Edwin Logan, Denver; Alfred Alleman, New York: Rudolph Ellerkamp, Louisville, Ky. : August SchulU. New York. All the bodies except tbat of Dr, Logan weie recovered and buried at Valdet. Ehrhardt, Miller and Alle man were membert of the Scientiflo Proapeoting Company, of New York. . Tbe Excelsior brought nearly 100 pas aengert, 40 per cent of whom ware tuf fering from scurvy. Combination Bains Consider. Boston, March 18. A combination of .the chief woolen mills in the East, counterpart In many retpecta to tht Amerioan Woolen Company (the wor ated milla combine), it reported to ba under consideration by teveral wool houset in this city. - Prahlstoiia Mammoth f aaad. y San Francisco, Marob 18. A Chron icle special fiom Vancouver, B. C, says: According to tne latest mail ad vices from Dawson, a marvelous dis covery has been made on Dominion creek, In the Klondike, A prehistoric mammoth, weighing 80 tons, with flesh ttill sweet enough to- eat, wai found on February 8, by August Trul ton, a Swede, and his partner, while workinn their claim on Dominion creek. They came acrosa the remains W8 duties on sll 40 feet from the surface, , I c yesterday. la at Itampart City aa4 at feairjr. Seattle, March 18. H. O. Nordvig, of Portland, Or:, and G. B. Wilson, of Browning, Mo., are tba latest arrivals from the Koynkuk district, Alaska. They report the safety of a party of eight, headed by Jack Folger, an old Alaakan, who ttarted from Rampart City to tbe Koynkuk, and who, it wat feared, bad perished in a blixzard. Six of the party returned to ' Rampart Ulty, but Trolger and one companion puahed through toPeavy. For SI davt tbey subsisted on dog meat. Mr. Wilton givea the population of the variout towns on the Koyukuk as follows: Jimtown, 9)60; Borgman City, 850; Arctic City, 60; Peavy, ISO; Union City, 100 or lew. . Tba North American Transportation iraaing company is about to move headquarters from Peavy to Jimtown, on account of tbe rich prospects on Davis creek, a tributary of the Koyu auk, and although no large amounts have been taken out, every one ia satis. fled. One msn oleaned up f 1,600 last fall, wbioh is tba lamest ; famouni known. Pana bava run Irom 6 cents as high as fit. 8ince then bat very little work hu been done, and no one knowa what tba district contains. Whlea Will Ba teat ta Preach ambas sador far Kiehanc With the Oa I(aa4 by KsKlalay. ' . Madrid. March SO. Tba quean gent lias aigned tna treaty of peace. Tbe signed treaty will be forwarded to tbe French ambassador-at Washington tor exchange with tbe one signed by President MoEinley. So decree on the subject will ba published in tba Offi cial Gaaette. Washington, March SO. In the ab sence of any direct diplomatio com munication betwoen the United States snd Spain. Secretary Hay expects to receive bis first formal notice of tba ratification of tbe peace treaty try the queen regent through the medium of the French embassy here. Tba next step must be taken by Spain, which mutt name a special en voy and notify tbe United States gov ernment ox ne pronaDia data upon which ba will present himself at Washington with tbe exchange copy of sua treaty ox peace , Although in moat instances little more than perfunctory ceremony, in the case ot the exobanga of tbe ratifica tion of tbis tresty the details will ba of mora tban ordinary interest, for tbe eooation will be historical. etnay Lleee La it la the Boralng af the Windsor. New fork. New York, March 30. Flamet which originated from the Igniting of a laca curtain, bnrat forth from tna sec ond floor of tbe Windsor hotel, at Forty seventh sheet and Fifth avenue, short ly sfter 8 o'clook this afternoon, Just as tbe St. Patrick's day parade was pas ting the building, and in a few mo ments tbey bad leaped to tbe roof and enveloped the entire Fifth-avenue and Forty -seventh street fronts of tbe hotel. Ten minutes later the flames were roar ing through the interior of the hotel, and all escape by rneana of the stair ways and elevators was cut off. There was the wildest scene of excite ment within snd without tbe building. Hundreds of guests and employes were in tbe hotel when the fire broke out, and for many of them to escape with safety was impossible. Probably 18 lives were lost within a half hoar, and 45 or 60 persons were injured in Jump ing from windows and in rushing through the roaring flames in the cor ridors snd stairways. Many who wart injured died later in nearby residence and at hospitals, and otbert who made ild leapt to the atone tidewalk were ao badly injured that they are atill hovering between 3ife and death. It may ba 24 hoore or mora before the complete list of fatalities becomes known, and it will be longer tban tbat before it can be ascertained definitely bow many charred bodies are in tht mass of fallen masonry that mark the pot where the betel stood. Tbus far 14 are known to ba dead. IS injured, and 41 missing. SEVEN WERE KILLED Loss of the Americans iq One Day's Fighting. REBELS CAUGHT 19 A TEAP Bpaalsh-Amarlcaa War. TO POLICE PHILIPPINE WATERS. BTeeqalto fleet VTils Ba Scat to Ad miral Dowoy. ' Washington, Msrcb 30. Tba navy February IS, 1898 Battle-ahiD I de Dart ment ia takins menu 'tn-.rrf th. Maine blown op in Havana harbor. formation of a mosquito fleet for the April 20 President authorised by Philippines. Tbe conditions now pre- oongress to intervene in Cuba with vailing in Luzon indicate tbat for a army and navy. long time it will ba necessary to main- A :t MM ttll a I . . . . . April t oiocasaing proclamation lain a strict police of the onaat and in. ittued. First gun of the war fired by land waters. For the inland work. gunboat Nashville, in capturing thai prise Buena Ventura. ' April 88 President calls for 138.- uuo two-year volunteers. April 35 War with Spain is de clared. April 39 Cervera'a fleet aaila for Cuba. May 1 Rear-Admiral Dewey de stroys entire fleet of Admiral Montojo, in Manila bay. especially, the department will need tome very light-draught boats. For thit work the big ocean togs thst formed the moiquito fleet that operated around Cuba during the blockade, and ol which the government has a num- oer, are now oeing looked over with a I view to just this service. Soma of them are on the Pacific coast, Tbey Haa Away When Battle Was Of. farad and Kept Oat ' ' ' ' - or Saaga. . London, March 31. A dispatch from Manila says: In tba fighting of Sunday the Ameri can loss was seven killed and 80 wound ed. Among the killed ia Privste James Page, of company D, and Private Thomas J. Smith, of company E, Sec ond Oregon. Among the incidenta of yesterday's fighting waa tba coolness exhibited by a company of Washington volunteers, who crossed tba river in a native canoa under a heavy fire, 15 being taken across on each trip of the email boat. to attack the enemy'a trenches. The inability of tba commissary train to keep up with tba advance led to con siderable suffering; and many of tba men were completely exhausted hen they were recalled, and, falling from the ranks, weia atrung along for a dis tance of almost six miles, numbers re turning to camp in the artillery ambn lances, which were always close up to the lines. The work of the smbulancea waa especially worthy of mention. Among the dead are several who were previously reported as wounded. Rebel Woro K a trap pod. Manila. March 31. Some of th rebela recently expelled from Cavita and tbe amall townt in the vioinity of Patig combined forces and last night, at already cabled, attacked a company of tbe Washington volunteers, a de tached post at Taguig, about mile and a half southeast of Patig. Gen eral Wheaton immediately reinforced the Americas with two companiea each of the Washington and Oregon regiments. The post bad held the enemy in check, and the fire of the re enforcing companies repulsed them, diiving them across to an island formed by the estuary. Tbey were tbus in front of the Twenty-second regulars. On discovering that they were en trapped the rebela fought desperately, na nnnartmanr nea hanMH Ant eoastlno oooaoa that .in I aided materially by tbe jungle and the May 11 Ensign Bag'ey killed at the Alaskan eoasL ooalino-at fiitka. to I drtn". but they ware completely Cardenas. I Unalaska and Cook inlet, thane dnarn I f0n'ed, with heavy loss, after two May 13 Cervera'a fleet seeks refuse I through tha Aleutian islands tn boura fighticg. The Americana loat ia Santiago de Cuba bay. date, tbe northern point of Japan, from wo kii,ed nd 80 onded. among th May 85-Preaident calls for 76,000 wheie they oso make tha run across I ""if' Lieutenant tfrank Jones, additional volunteers. the China sea down to Hon Kon and . Ger Wheaton determined to pun June 8 Hobson sinks tha Merrimae thence to the Philippines. It will be " n'' nd ' daybreak today in Santiago harbor, and ia taken pria- about a two-months' vovaee. bat one .I '" started In tba following or. - . , . - - I.i . . - . .. Tha B.w.h a.i;UA.a t 1 ! . I. . uuor wiui seven volunteers who a coons- mat oan be made safely. pamea mm Dr. Ba bar's Dlaeorerjr. Aan Arbor, Mich., March 18. Dr. G. Carl Ho ber, assistant professor of anatomy and director ot tha historical laboratory of the University of Michi gan, bas just discovered that, .contrary to tba belief of the leading physiolo gists of tbe wolrd, the blood vessels of tha brain are controlled by , nerves. Dr. Haber baa demonstrated tbis and ill publish tha results ot his extensive research. Doamarh Wants a ailoo. I-ondon. March 18. The Copenhagen correspondent of the Daily Mail says: It Is asserted here that M. Heide, di- rector of the Danish East Africa Steamship Company, is about to go to aign peaoa protocol defining terms. June 10 Six hundred United Statea marines landed at Caimanera. June IS Ca mart's fleet saiia from Spain. June 33 Shatter's army lands at Daiquiri and Sibonoy. July 1 Lawton and Kent and rouirh riders take San Juan hill, losing 381 men, with 1,884 wounded. July 8 Cervera'a fleet destroyed by epampson't squadron. July 17 Toral surrenders Santiago ana eastern portion or Cuba. July 86 General Miles lands in Forto Rioo, near Ponce. jniy so epaiu proposes peace tnrougn rrencn Ambassador Cambon. wuiy at cattle ot JUalate. near Manila. August 13 Spain and United State China in th company's interest. It la also taid ba baa a government Dilation to aeek tome convenient harbor In China, as Denmark intends to follow in tbe footsteps of the other powers. A Droyrat Story. London, March 18. Tba Evening News today' publishes a sensational Dreyfus atory. It declared that tbe ex- Rustisn ambassador, Baron vdn Moh renheim, la tba real culprit, who sold both Russian and French seorett to the German government, adding that the Rustisn government itself it convinced of hit gailL A Salt Trnas. ' new xorx, jaarcn is. it was re ported today that tbe evaporated salt interests . in this state were being brought together under the title of the National Salt Company. It will have an authorised capital of 113,000,000, of hicb 15,000,000 is non-cumulative 7 per cent preferred stock snd the re malnder, 7,000, 000, common.' Tha Spanish Prlsoaors. London, March 18. A speoisl from Madrid says: Premier Silvela. In an interview juat published, spoke in fa vor of th intervention of France for tha puipoa of obtaining permission from tbe United Statea for Spain to resume direct negotiationa tor the re lease of the Spanish prisoners held by ma rnutpptne rebels. August 36 United States peaoa commission named, November 38 Final terms of United Statea aooepted by Spain at Parla. JJeoember 10 Treaty of peaoa signed at rant. January 8, 1899 Treaty ratified tar united States senate. March 17 Treaty aigned by aueen regent ol Spain, Kanta Arraaa;os a Coafaroaoa. Washington, March 80. Admiral Eauts haa oabled the secretary ot tb navy from' Apia, Samoa, via Auckland. N. Z., that ba bas arranged for meet ing of tna three consuls, those of th United States, Great Britain and Ger many, at an early date, to bava a frea discussion of Samoan affairs. Th oable dispatch ia dated a week ago. Aralaaaha oa tha Groat Northora. Seattle, Wash., Maroh 30. A hags avalanche of ice aod snow on tha Great Northern railway, near Wellington, baa done ao much damage that traffic between thia city and Spokane will be suspended until next Monday. An lion bridge 100 feet long bas been car ried away. The alide is located be tween Wellington and Madison, about 17 miles west of tbe switchback. Pend ing the resumption of traffic, the Great r or t Hern's business is being transferred to tbe Nothern Pacific at Spokane and tnia city. A large force of men It working night and day repairing tha damage.'- . 1 Tha Cape-to-Calro Railroad. . London, March 30. Tbe Berlin cor respondent of the Standard, discussing the recent viait to tbe German capital of Mr. Cecil Rhodes in connection with his Capo-to-Cairo railway project, says: The government. It la believed, will submit to the reiohstag a bill askings guarantee of 8 per oent interest for that portion of th line which crosses German territory in East Africa. This aection will be built and worked ex clusively by Germant and tuperintend ad by the German government It la not unlikely, however, tbat a portion of tbe capital will be offered for sub scription in England. der: . The Sixth artilleiy. holding tha extreme right; the Oregon volunteera, holding tha center, tbe Washington regiment keeping to tba edge of th lake, and the Twenty second regulars. occupying tbe right of tbe line, which awept the whole country along the lake rltlnn southeasterly direction, to ward Geneial Overshine'a position. Tha line thus extended over two miles of country, rough and covered with thick jungle, advanced eloven miles. The enemy fled, the laat of them being seen about 8:80 this afternoon. At scarcely any time did tha Americana get within 1,300 yards of them. AGUINALDO A TYRANT. Aeeasod or Polaoaln Her May. San Francisco, March 80. Tba cor oner's jury investigating tha cat oi John Richard Gray, tba 3-year-old boy who died of caibolio acid poisoning a few daya ago, returned a verdict to night that death was caused by oarbolio aoid poisoning administered by some person unknown. Jars. Adams, the child's mother, who baa been bald on Coadamalaa; All Wha rarer Boaoacll latloa With America. Manila, March 81. It is reported, on hitherto reliable authority, that Againaldo ia taking extreme meaturea to suppress t igns calculated to cause a cessation of hostilities. Twelve ad herents of the plan of independence, residents ol Manila, have been con demned to death because they were ad vising surrender, and all loyal Fili pinos have been called upon to perform tha national service of dispatching tbsnn . On Friday last, La Garda visited Lsgordas for th purpose of advising Aguinaldo to quit. Ha argued with the insurgent leader, and attempted to convino bim of the folly of his per sistence in the face of overwhelming odds. Aguinaldo waa furious at tha advance and ordered General La Garda to be executed immediately. CHEMICALS IN MEAT. Stranded at Copper River. Seattle, March 30. Minera who ar rived here last night from Copper river. Alaska, aay that Governor Brady suspicion ot having poisoned the boy. bas been requested to ssk tha govern-1 WM immediately charged with murder ment to send a vessel to Copper river OD the register of the city priaon.where ior tlie purpose of bring ntr homa su is oonUnad Ziploelen Waa Not Accidental. Paris, March 1 7. Tha Euclair eon- firms tha report that tha government inquiry regarding the explosion ot the naval powder magasine at La Goabran hat shown that It waa not of accidental origin and much credence is now given to tba rumor tbat it wat an anarchist outrage. ., - . .- Tha Cortes Dissolved. Madrid,' March 18. Th queen regent tonight signed the decree dis solving the oortet, convoking tha new parliament and authorising tb pay ment of arrears of pay to the repatri ated troops. ' ' Haytlea Duties Increased. New York, 1 March 18. A djspatob the Herald from Port An Prince says: An increase of 88 per cent in imports want into stranded prospectors. There are be tween 300 and 800 there who are with out means to secure transportation. Many ot them are Suffering - from soorvy. xploratioa of Alasha. Seattle, March 80, In furtherance of the government'! plant to continue the exploration ot Alaska this season. Assistant Quartermaster Robinson baa received orders to purcbse 41 pack ani mals ior tbe uaa of tba Abeiorombi and Glenn parties, who will viait th Sushltna and Koynkuk dittriota. A 75 ton light-draught steamer will also be purchased by the government frlnceM Kalnlanl Dead. Honolulu, via San Francisco, Maroh 30. Princess Kaiulani died Maroh of inflammatory rheumatism. In 1891 Will Operate From Mow Vera. Woroester, Mas. Match Ja The American Steel & Wire Company an nounces that ita business center here- after will be in New York and its ex ecutive business will ba transferred to Chioago and San Francisco. The large business offices at Cleveland and Worcester will be the first to b abol ished. It Is ststed that tbis will result in ssving nearly 130,000 in tba annual expense account. Tb heada ot cost and sal departments,' insulated, flat and barbed wire departments and the purchasing agents will be transferred to Chioago, it is reported. Aa Illinois Rlror freah. - Havana, III., March 30. A floating island, between on and two acres in extent, and from four to five feet thick, has come down the Illinois river. It Kaiulani was proclaimed heir apparent oollidod with a cabin-boat and smashed to the Hawaiian throne. to Ordered Homo for Muster Ool. Washington, Maroh 80. Foul com panies of tha Second volunteer engi neers, now at Honolulu, have been or dered to San Francisco to ba muttered out. in tbe keel and landed it aehoia. Tha island struck a piei of tba wagon bridge, violently shaking tha structure and throwing crossing horses from their feet The island is now stranded between the pier and th shore, and tbe oity authorities contemplate blow ing it up with dynamite. Armour A Co. Covered It With What , Was Called rraaorrallao. Leavenworth, Kan., March 81. Th army beet court of inquiry concluded the taking of testimony at Fort Leav enworth at noon today, and at 4:15 de parted for Chicago, where tb session will be resumed. Tbe sole witness examined today waa Sergeant Edwaid Mason, troop A, First United States oavalry, located at Fort Robinson, Ne bratka, who served aa regimental com missary sergeant at Lakeland, F!a., and during tbe Cuban. campaign. Sergeant Mason's testimony waa probably tha most direct tbst had been adduced since tlie court left Chicago. Witness declared that tb meat re ceived at Lakeland for as in bis regi ment was "undoubtedly chemically treated." "An agent of Armour A Co.," be further testified, "told me at tha time that thia meat had been treated with what was called preserv aline." Witness bad refused to ao oept tbe meat. Sergeant Mason was interrogated individually by each member of the court, and could not be shaken in hia testimony. Exploalona Alarm franaa. Paris, March 81. Although there is no evidence tbat they were caused by foal play, the explosions at the govern ment ammunition factories yesterday, following so closely upon the terrible disaster at La Goubran, near Totilou, -have caused widespread public tUru, The greatest 'precautions liava Ixwn adopted at the' factories, scutrius being doubled at all such placet.