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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1899)
Walling to " Hold. Yon know the misery of 8o!atica ! twful. Well, If you love misery bet tor than cure, lot it go on, but St Jacobs Oil is waiting to take hold, iub due Iho pain, fin J set you all right The Inrs-eat sewing machine in the world is tail to bs In operation in Leeds. It Weillit O.UOO pounds, end ion s cotton belting. .,. "Durability is Better Than Show, The wealth of the multi millionaires is not equal to good health. Riches without health are a curse, and yet the rich, the middle classes and the poor alike have, in Hood s Sarsaparilla, a valuable as sistant in getting and main taining perfect health. It never disappoints, " Scrofula ''Three Tears ago our son now eleven, had a serious esse of scrofula and erysipelas with dreadful sores, dis charging and itchinircoiistantlv. Hecould not walk. Several physicians did not help for sixteen months. Three mouths' treat ment with Hood's Sarsaparilla, made him perfectly veil. We are glad to tell others ot iL" Mas. David hied, uttawa, naa. Nausea-''Vomiting spells, dlsciness and prostration troubled me for years. Mad neuralgia, grew weak and could not sleep. My age was agetnst me. but Mood i ttarsnparuia curea me iiiorougmy. M weight Increased from 125 to 143 uounrls. am the mother of nine children. Never telt so well and strong since I was married as I do now." Mrs. M. A Waters, 152) 33d street, w astungton, I), v.- Ecxeima "We had to tie the the hands of our two-year-old son on account of eczema on face and limbs. No medicine even helped until we used Hood's Sarsn pa ri ua. wnicn soon curea." Mas. a. vah Wtck, 123 Montgomery St., Peterson, N. J Hood's PiUs cure liver liU, the nea-tmtatlm and only cathartic to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Invested tka Ufa. I oat Seal. The musical scale is said to have been invented by Gay Aretino, monk of Aresso, about 1025. Hia scale, with material differences in naming some of the notes, was substantially the same as now in us, i CaTiBBB C1NNOT Bat CUBED With local applications, ai they cannot reach tbe seat ol the disease, catarrh la a blood or eonsiitutionalditeas,and in order to core it yoa roust take internal remedies. Hall's Ca tarrh Curei taken internally, and ectadirectly on ibe blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was proscribed by one ot the best physicians in this country lor years, ana is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, com bined with Hie best blood purifiers, acting di rectly on tne mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients fa what pro duces such wonderfulreaultslacuringeatarrli. Beuo lor testimonial!,, tree. P. J. H K.N EY A CO., Proprs-, Toledo, O. ' old by druggiflts, price 75c. Balls Family Fills are the best. A tea ten shillings upon every chimney in EDgland waa OOUeoteeY fat 87 years, from 1662 to 1683. In an article on Pekin, Dr. Gold- baum declares that a pawnshop where be can put up bis wardrobe, seems to be an indispensable Institution to the Chinese merchant. OPEN LETTERS FBOM Jennie) XL Green and Mrs. Harry Hardy. Jgjnrm E Gbebjt, Denmark, Iowa, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: I had htea sick at my monthly periods for seven years, and tried almost everything; I ever beard of, bnt Without any benefit. Waa troubled with backache, headache, pains in the shoulders and dizziness. Throng-h my mother I waa induced to try Lydia E. Pinkhajn's Vegetable Compound, and it has done me so much good. , I am now aound and well." Mrs. Haurt Haunt, Riverside, Iowa, writes to Mrs.. Pinkham the story of her straggle with serious ovarian trou ble, and the benefit ahe received from the use of Lydia E. Pinkham a Vege table Compound. This la her letter : "How thankful I am that I took your medicine. I was troubled for two' years with inflammation of the womb and ovaries, womb was also very low. I waa in constant misery. I had heart trouble, waa short of breath and could not walk fire blocks to save my life. Suffered very much, with say back, had headache all the time, was nervous, menstruations were irregular and painful, had a bad discharge and waa troubled with bloating'. -1 was a perfect wreck." ' jSad doctored and taken local treatments, but still was no better. I was advised by one of my neighbors to write to you. I have now finished the second bottle of Mrs. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and am better in every way. I am able to do all my own work and ean walk nearly a mile without fatigue; something I had not been able to do for over two years. Your medicine has done me more good than all the doctors." ' . The Mod era Method. - "It's an awful thing not to know where one's next meal is coming from." "Yes, bat a good many of ot married men are experiencing it since the gro cery stores got advertising bargain sales." Indianapolis Journal. THEY ALL IVAraT TUB AGENCI FOB cNAaw and IDEAL BICYCLES S40. 930. 2B. B2a.SO. 20. If you want a paring agency write at once be fore ail territory is taken. fBEO T. MERRILL CYCUB CO., PORTLAND, OB. 8P0KANK. TACOMA. BEATTLB. i i,.jm w.unt sit bat tuito, I Hwt C-owah ejrup, Tia tltKio, Ua i ) in I - . .. 1), -I'- t THE SEXTON OF THE SEA. You scatter flowers on the eras-ny n;ound That marks the spot where your loved ones be; You bring thein emblems with never thought For the dead fcenea'Ji & . ;;, . For every ship that the hands of men Have builded with chart and wheel, The bones of men in a hundred-fold Are laid beneath its keel. A canvas shroud and an iron bar At the weary head and the wasted feet, And lol from the deck they move away, From the hearts that throb and beatt Soldiers and sailors and captains grand, Iiuhes with a mother's breast ' Wet with the lips that will touch no more, Come down in my arms to rest. And I lay them gently alone to sleep, Where the bed of the sand is clear; And none may wander, and none shall stray, ' For I keep them, oh, so dear! And hark! When the bell-buoy tolls at night. Above the wave where the fishes swim, You may know that I keep my Father' watch. For the day I shall give them back to Him! ... Leslie's Weekly,' ! AN ACTOR'S BUSE. W: HAT is my particular forte? Low comedy, sir, though if any one had told me that I'd make a hit In that line when I first went upon the stage, I'd have felt much Insulted, It d'wsn't make much difference now what my aspirations were years ago Mil, the shades of Hamlet haunted uy dreams then, and I was possessed o shine as Borneo. Hnmpbl The man ger cast me for second grave-digger n the first and Gregory in the second. low well I carried the parts out I can't cell; I know I was never invited to do the melancholy Dane, neither was ever asked to clasp a fair Juliet In the dlra-llghted chamber of the Capuleta, I became reconciled to disappoint ment after awhile, and, after struggling through the leaser characters, I finally was given the position of leading low comedian In the stock company. Per haps you'd take me for anything but a low comedian. How fairly well I do the business, the bills tell that. In the year 1800 I was playing In a stock company In New Orleans, and the city was wild with rumors of the dawning conflict As the company was composed of a number of Northern people, many vacancies were created by the deserters who hastened home- Ward. The first to leave was our lead ing man, and the manager was anxious to secure a competent successor, who soon presented himself In the shape of fine Texan, of much reputation among the ranks of amateurs. He was a tall, well-built chap of 21 or 22, pos sessing one of those peculiar voices, such as Hal Montague's, not ranty. strong, but plain, distinct, and pleas ant; in ail, well qualified for the ren dering of juvenile leading parts. I took to the yonngster from the start, for I plainly saw that he was one of those talented chaps who. If they fall Into judicious hands, can be made much of -as well as spoiled. If they come in contact with old stagers. For some time back I had noticed that the heavy man had been smitten with the charms of our leading lady. I also saw that Bhe did not favor him In the slightest. When ber part made It necessary for her to come in contact with him I saw a shrinking as of more than feigned disgust, and off the stage he treated him pretty much the same as on with scorn and loathing. Well, a short time after the new lead ing man came there sprang up between him and the heavy man an enmity. I was standing in the wings one night, waiting for my cue, while we were playing one of those good, old-fashioned melodramas; lover had a secret foe who Is endeavoring to win the good graces, fortune ana nana of the fair one, and all that sort, by underhanded ways. Discovery of the false friend and secret foe follows, and the usual duel takes place. Of course the trai torous foe falls, and the curtain drops while the victor clasps the fair one to his breast I was waiting my cue, as I said. The handsome young leading man was bending over the leading lady, bis hand searching for hers, her face against his. was watching all this, and I saw it was more than stage love. It was the genuine, pure article. It was my busi ness to rush in just then, and thus cauKe a great deal of commotion. I heard a muttered: "Curse him!" I turned quickly; it came from the lips of the heavy man, who was standing at my elbow. Such a look of flendlsb ness upon a human face I never before saw, and as his was ugly by nature without the added features of the makeup, he looked indeed like a devil. The play passed off smoothly, as us ual; the hero and traitor met the duel took place, and the regular denouement followed amid the applause of an ap preciative and satisfied audience. I kept my eyes open after that, for I knew there was something In the wind destined, if possible, to work wrong against the young leading man, who by this time bad become a prime favor ite among the members of the stock company the heavy man excepted. About a week after I had witnessed the villain's rage, happening to pass by his dressing-room door, I heard a muf fled, clinking sound, as of some metal lic substance coming in contact with the like. I drew nearer, placed my eye to the keyhole, and peeped through. The man was seated within range of my vision, upon a trunk, a pistol be tween his knees, and he was ramming bullet into the barrel. It was all as plain as day. The fiend was preparing to murder the handsome young leading man. He would meet his wonld-be victim in the duel scene, kill him, and escape the penalty of the law by advancing the plea that be never dreamed that the pistol was loaded. I was thunderstruck, I knew the fellow was a morose person, a man of strong dislikes and few likes, but I did not think him capable of such a dastardly deed as he contemplated. Thank hcavenl I had witnessed the lit tle scene behind closed doors. Hearing his call from the callboy, I withdrew behind some packing trunks and soon beard him - treading the boards above, J knew that be would remain on some time, so I went lnte bla dressing-room and quickly with drew the bullet from the pistol Then I went to my post above and found the play progressing smoothly as usual. I never saw the leading man do as well; as fur the toad!.,; UJy, b was accepting his love with word, glance, and sweet gestures which told plainly that she was in earnest He waa niak Ing real love to her; yea, sir, such love as you do sometimes see on the boards. We old stager can tell the difference between downright love and the make- believe article every time. When the rivals met la the duel scene, I can assure you I was more than an anxious spectator. He, the hero, met the muzzle of the rival with the same cool demeanor as hitherto. wondered would he appear as cool, as brave, had he known of the scene be hind the doors. The face of the villain waa a perfect picture of hellish ferocity, and I never before knew how much of a man's evil nature could be depicted upon hia fee tures. The word was given to fire. The sharp crack of the pistols followed and the smoke passed up Into the files. Aht The villain had forgotten bis full! ne started quickly forward and gaaed upon his rival's smiling face. Then painful silence followed, as there al ways does when a break mars the play. The leading man whispered In an undertone; "Fall, man! Why don't you falir But the villain had mo ear for hear ing; he had expected to see the blood stained corpse of his bated rival stretched before him and now he Btood there still alive and breathing. With a load oath which could be heard in every part of the house, the defeated villain sprang by bis rival. dashed through the little crowd of stage people who had gathered In the wings, and plunged through an open window, falling with a sickening sound upon the pavement below. Of course this was all a deep mys tery to every one but myself. The cur tain dropped, and surrounded by my companions I told the whole story. I could see the leading lady clasp the young fellow's arm tightly when I told bow I had balked the villain now broken, senseless mass of flesh and bones. I staid with the company long enough to see the young people hap pily wedded. This ring, a pure dia mond of the first water, was presented to me by the bridegroom for my taking, for the once and only time in all my life, the leading part In a tragedy. Ex change. , ... ?; ... , There are three times as many mus cles In the tail of the cat as there are in the human bands and wrists. Pet doga la London wear chamois shoes when In the bouses to protect polished floors from scratches. Washing Is done In Japan by getting into a boat and letting the garmenta to be washed drag after the boat by a long string;. KaturalUts are at present discussing the question whether or not the bees have an actual language. Those best Informed on the subject regard It as being possible. Most of the railroad stations in Rus sia are about two miles from the towns which they respectively serve. This Is a precaution against fire, as many of the Russian dwellings are thatched with straw. In a certain class of Russian schools the highest reward given is the Initial letter of the empress' name. It con sists of the initial in solid gold, an Inch and a quarter In height on a blue bow, Should Its possessor ever become a governess it will entitle her to a higher salary that she could otherwise obtain. The most widely separated points be tween which "a telegram can be sent are British Columbia and Mew Zea land. The telegram would cross North America, Newfoundland, the Atlantic Britain, Germany, . Russia (European and Asiatic), China, Japan, Java and Australia. It would make nearly a cir cuit of the globe, and would traverse over twenty thousand miles In doing so. ' HAD SOME PrIIDE HIMSELF. Which Explains a Laaurfcable Occur reaca oa a Street Car. A few evenings ago a pretty girl got on an Indiana avenue car at 24th street. In one corner of the car sat a bibulous Irishman, In the sentimental stage of intoxication. He was singing softly to himself "There's Only One Girl In the World for Me,'! and lurching back and forth without regard to the comfort of the pasengers near him. The man who sat next to the sentimental Irishman got up and offered bis seat to the pretty girt She hesitated and then said: "No, thank you; I'm only going few blocks." The Intoxicated Individual stopped as short In hl song as if he bad run against a rope. He braced up stiffly and his face took on a look of disap pointment and Injured Innocence aa he broke out with: "She won't hlc she won't set down to tb' side o' me. Bhe hlc she won't set down to th' side o' me 'cause I'm an Irishman. ' Thasb it; sure of it Irish men ain't got no rights. Proud lady r'fuse to set down to tb' side of 'em, an' ever' blamed idiot In the car got t' giggle 'bout it Sthop thlsh car c'nduc tor; got some pride lef, 'f ain't nothin but Irishman." . ; . And then be accepted the help of the conductor in striking a balance and waa set off the car gently at the next corner. f Chicago Inter Ocean. How He Came to Tread the Boards. It is probable that had Forbes Rob ertson not become an actor be would have been an artist Among his treas ures at borne are the various sketches which be made when a student at the academy schools. Probably one of the most interesting of these sketches la that of a little girl some 6 or 7 years of age, who was a model at the schools, but her beauty in later years secured for her some time ago the hand and heart of a young peer. . It Is a safe, presumption for every girl to take when sbe meets a strange man, that be either has a wife some where, or some girl who baa reason for believing sbe will some day be bis Wife, i; ALONG THE, COAST. Items ' sf Oaaisnil Interest Olsaasd Freta the Thrlvlna raeltts . Mew Teleihaaa tins. The telephone line from Langlola, Cuny county, to Bamlon, wlilolt waa completed last week, Is now In good woi king order, and Langlois has lor the first time telephone communication with all the Important points in the county. Poles are on the ground toi the extension ot tiie line to Port Ot ford, and poles ate being out and distributed for the farther extentsions to WetKler burn and Gold Beach. It is supposed that the tine will be extended to hu teka, Cel., Md when the gap between Koaeburg and Myrtle Point It close! np next summer, the coast country will no lonuer he out off trout oomiuunioa- tion with the outside world. - ' Blah ol4 Or. AI, Ed and Fiank Getter have brousbt from their Bonansa mine to Baker City, Or., 1,860 ounces ol gold, valued at $31,760, the result ot a 86- day run this month ol a SO-itamp mill. The owners of the Bonanaa have given it out that it is their intention to in crease the numoer oi stamps in tne quaita mill to 60 or more. It is un derstood this Improvement will be made in the near future, or as toon as the spring opens. The Bonanaa has an on limited amount of splendid mill ing ore. and, with the mill enlarge ment, this Baker mine will probably become one ot the largest steady gold- producers in the Northwest - namase Was Sllsht- A dispatch from Mouroe, Or., says: The recent frosts did not do st muoh damage to trult in that section as was generally supposed. Ptunes do not seem to be hurt to any extent, and in the wotst cases the operators ot the orchards claim that not more than 10 per cent of the trees are injuied, and these only to a alight degree. Poach trees tared worse than others, while Petite prunes came second on the list. Apples are not injured at all in this immediate locality. Bratalltr at The sailors ot the American ship Srskine M. Pbelps. which arrived at Ean Francisco a lew days sgo from Bal timore, have brought charges of in human conduct against Captain Gra ham and First and Second Officers Bailey and Moye. The men told a pitiful ttory ol starvation and ornelty, and many ol the sailors show the marks of beatings, the mates, being th prin cipal aggretMia in the the beatings, Waal a raelvry MeveS. The Coquitle city oounoil hat for warded a proposition to G. W. Peek, proprietor of the broomhandle factory, that if be will move the mill noith SO feet from its present location, they wonld give him a five years' lease on the Ian J. The main reason for the council asking bim to do so it to give more room tor getting to and from the new wharf, which will be badly ham pered it the mill it not moved. Orders fvwns th Bass, Tbe manager ol the Pendleton woolen mills baa tecently retained from a very auooeeefu! trip in tbe in terests of tbe mills, which took him over nearly the whole United States. Tbe big houses of John Wtnsmaker, and Arnold, Constable A Co., and others of tucb high ttanding, placed ordert for biankett. stating that the Pendleton millt have no competitor! in that line of goods. Or the Mloeane Period. A few months ago J. Bagley, of Air lie, brought to Independence, Or,, some fossilised teeth which were found near Airlie. They were tent to Professor Condon, of the state univeitity, who pronounces them "sharks" teeth of the miocene period.". Other fossils sent are "a miocene shell, of the family natioede," and "a deotalliom shell, of tbe miocene pei iod." Goveraor ttagara' Appelatmeata. , ' Governor Rogers hat recommended Qniney A. Brooks. Samuel Haddock) and Lb B. Smith, all of Port Towntend, to oonstitue tbe board ol health for the collection district of Port Towntend. Tbe governor hat appointed at trustees lor tbe Cheney normal sohool J. -J.' Brown and 3. N. Alien, of Spokane. The third trustee, E. E. Demptey, Is, also ol Spokane, giving hat city tbe entire boaid. Stock In Bad Coed itlsa. Cattle, sheep and hogs are In bad con dition in the vicinity ol Monroe, Or. Several head ol stock bare perished, wbloh nndet ordinary circumstances, would have braved the storms of an Oregon winter, and come out in tht tpring with plenty of flesh, that show ing that the one week of mow was barder on the ranchert ol the valley than all the raint and frosts of a com mon season. . Coloav Pram Spokane. 4 A colony of citizens from Spokane will locate somewhere In the south end ot the Willamette valley before April 1, so It is ssserted by Colony Promoter Wallace, of Junction City, Or. Mr. Wallace has made an effort during the past few dayt to pertuade Monroe peo ple tbat it it to their interest to have tbe colony make southern Benton conn ty is future home. , " Una County Court Ronu, The Linn oounty courthouse contract ors will begin the improvement April 1. The county offices will be moved down town to tome suitable building daring tbe work, which will oouupy about six months' time. Seventeen quarts claims In the Glacier ' mining district, owned by J. W. Knapp and as sociates, ol Buckley, were last week bonded to A. M. Hitchcock, of Ala meda county, California, tor 1350,000. - Cashier Held TJp. F. O. Brewer, cashier of the Tacoma Qas Company, waa held up in the cen ter of. one of the most fashionable streets. Two men stopped bim, and. Ith a revolver in bit face, took hie money, watch, keyt and papers, Tbe watohehaln tbey returned on being told it belonged to Brswet't mother. Mo arrests have been made. George M. Kubn, ot Independence, Or., baa quite a display of Manila soavenirs. There ate pictures, silk handkerchiefs, knives, Mauser car tridges, proclamations by Agalntld ElMtrasalte ml Bed But Bedbugs f electrocuted by new attachment, the, side rails ot the bed being cut in bait, with two platet In teited at tht break, which form the poles of an elect! io circuit, lying out ot oouiiiwiloa, tU post oiosSni UiO ulr ouit at be otawlt from one plate to an other. ' " taahla Draasat China. In northern China many of the na tives are dressed in dogskins. There ate many establishment! where dug! ot a peouliar breed ate raited in taiga Burn ben for theli thaggy pelts. They are killed when eight mouth! old. Cincinnati Enquirer. . Our Naval Statin al San Jean. The new United Status naval station to b located at San Juan, l'orto Kino, will be ot the utmnat Importance to this ecmntry as the key totheillusilnn when the Nleareirna canal Is oonlruoted. The key to gotxl hwlth ts Hos teller's Utoinanh Hitters, ll nard the discs tiveurKam Iron atlaeks nl Inillguatlon, bilious ness and eonatipaiton. Just tb same as the .,.i,i,iin at fcan Juan will ward on a 11 upoa IttU country by foreign toes, ( Iii the Philippines they have butter filos at targe at bats. , TR ALIEN'S FOOT AS, a Twnariler to b shaken into the shoe. At this season your feet feel swollen, tier ..wi miimiufurtuhle. If vou have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Alleu'e Koot-Kaae. It rests nu omn, walktiiveasy. Cures swollen and sweatiiisi feet, blisters and callous spots. Keiievea corns and bunions of all pain and Is a cer tain cure for Chilblains, Bweetlnn, damp or frosted feet We have over thirty thou sand testimonials. Try It (edoy. Bo hi by all druggists and shoo uteres for 25c. Trial rtft.-Wa FREti. Address. Alien S. Olm- tied, o Roy, N. Y. The vollow tllk tnider of Ceylon it perhaps tbe largest of hi! species. His average weight is nine ounces. Precious manhood Chronic, special and private tilseases soieiiiincau.v in CUKKD by Dr. K. M. KatoliuV. the chain .,i., ...-i.ii.t nf the Pacific coaxt. urin ary and Kidney Troubles, Lost Manhood, Varicocele, llupture, treated aecordiut' to latest and best methods known to medical science. Dr. K. M. RaWlitte, 2U5 Morrison St,, Portland, Or. Bamboo writing pens are atill fa vored in India, where they have been In use for over 1,000 yeata Pure Tea in package at grocers' Schilling: Best Remarkable success in treating tn emiimt by tnboutaneout injections ot gelatine has been repotted to the Paiit Academy of Medioine. FOR MEN ONLY. OR. FOOTC & STAFF let ADAMS Sr., CHICAGO. Men reaolrtnt nnri1"" trmtmeat slieuld or by letter free" wits the piuaear and only eioluslve men's specialist, la the united Stale. Diseases of men saaile the study of a llfe-ilina, unfbrtonei. everywh.r stouid!mmt1istlyeommaicmt.witn Vr. Foot, of Cblcaso. Kverythmf confidential, tteraedtes entv.ry where In sealed paekesM and letter In Bala eavelup. CorrwpotMtem'e nltttod. Latest nrrieal. Medical and Kleetrteal methods adopted, Pelugine the .tonmch with drugs aban doned. Avoid druss recommended by Ibe unau thorised and scll-atyled apeciailtts la Western towns. Few graulne spedelittt local outside ol New York or cblcago. In theas eltlei your pri vate affair are sate. Unetiualed treatment f alt tfiftMuieeead Wfmkneaw or tb Omilto-Urluary, Reiuel. ReoductlveBndHorvnosSytss. Im pediment to marries removed. "Syphala" positively purine th blood, cures syphilis and per colored spots on body and eruptions on skin, alao catarrh and rheumatism, aVls:wrla," th only permeBent feetoter aad Invigoraior, gives visor to vital orsans and nerves, prevents and Cure. (rip. SI per bottle, t fur tt. Trial bottles, iitaer remedy, half price. Horses In the Philippine are a curi osity. Tbe lew that are raited in the islands are too small to brand. mfmt Ths Pleaaantest, Host Powerful and fX Kffecllv N.verfalliut Ketsody las t Lm Orippe, Catarrh, t)U Rheumatism. Will ears any ache or pain known In th human body. Bend lot trt at o. bottle. 2.'x-. I tils one! lasts sudsysonrj v. Lai Lars boltlt auO doses ot a bUOPH sno) tl-W or 8 fur tzau. WANSON RHf UMATIO CURI CO. 17 snt lit petrsa-a tt. Cklcas. The Dutah fishermen kill the fish caught at soon tt they reaoh tbe shore, while the French fishermen leave their booty to die of auffocation. To Cure a Cold la Out Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if II falls to care. 25c. . ' , ; Four-filthi of the ships in tbe world are bail! in the British islet. Do household Is complete without a bot tle of the famous Jesss Moore Whiskey. It is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne glect this lieceisitv At a rnte tesrt do not aooompany a baby's cries until it it three months old. ' 1 . ' ' When coming to San Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel, 2UH-213 iiush street. American or European plan. Koom and board Sl.00 to 11.60 per day ; rooms 60 cents to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents, free coach. Clias. Montgomery. The only involuntary posed of red or striped heart. : -t ' muscle com fibres it the Make tare. There have been years ol misery suf fered from a little nerve because 8t. Jacobt Oil was not used to oure Neu ralgia, which affected it. Make lure, and don't wait. : ' . The highest mountain it ML Ever ett, in Thibet, 99,003 feet 01 bYA mi let. JOHN POOLE, PoartsaD, Ohsoow. can give you the best bargains In general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new steel I X h windmill, sold by him, it un equalled. : Want ol air kills a man In five min utes, want of tleep in 10 dayt, want of water in a week. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth ing Byrup the best remedy to use for their children during ths teething period. Toada are told for five franct a dosen In Paris. Tbev are 'nsed by gardened as insect destroyers. ! rtTf Permanently Cured. Ito SUornervousnes lilt after Mrst day's ua ol lr. Kline's Ureal Herve Kestorer. Bend for FttHnt fJSS.OO trial bottle and treatise, lift. it. U. B lilWa UfU Kt Area street, j-iiiiadelphla, Pa, Nine-tentht of all tbe tewing ma- J chinet used throughout the world are ( made In the United States. Two bottles of Piso's Cure for Consnmp- ' tlon cured me of a bad lung trouble. Mrs. . Nichols, Princeton, Ind., Mar. 20, im. An Wnh PPr stated that In His year 1NM London. HSU runaway wives, JUM 4171 married p eopl livlns in private misumlerstandlnjtsi H.M living In mutusl lml!ffrono.i tm wot rea-ardvd a happy"! nearly happy and 13 perfectly huppy. An American philosopher, after study Ins the laot and clrouinstanuea ot tu oasns, has oom to the conoiuaion ini I th s discord in fsmillea Is th offspring ol ! disease in some form or another, and that In a ar-at majority of oases dsteasea may be ntlrly rmovd and husband ud ' -! ,.,i. .niirelv hauny. It has bn don In Innumerable liuttanoe. and wtwt has been dons htrelofort, may b repcatsd. Th following are a few eases where whol families have been mad Pr'"l' happy by removal ot tne oiaeu.ea ..... produced discord. " . . . , i Names that can be referred to cured W , Dr. Darrln, at MS Morrison street. C. V. Fowler, Yakima, Wash., total ri-.rnra. in on ear. cured In 10 miliums; also a pterygium, or Beshy trowth, was removed from the ey. which had nsarly rendered him blind. Uamusl Jackson, Highland, Or., daafmra ft) years; cured. Mrs, Dtule Tompkins, Mllwaukls, Or., diseases peculiar to woman ami !pls ness, cured in on month. Charles Hand, Taylor street, Portland, dlsrhartins; eer. nlns yats; cured, a. I. Whltehous, Monmouth, Or., d'sf- nnss and rlnlng noaws In the sar it years; restored, Mrs, It. a Yount", Huntington, Wash., kidney and liver complaint, dyspepsia eud tenoral debllty: cured. Charles Chrlsterman, Portland, Or., scrofulous catarrh so bad that destruc tion of hia noss wss threatened, and had bottom so offensive that It waa sickening both to himself and frlemki; cured. To th Editor: Kor over two year! I have been sorely afflicted with a skin dlseaae, a species of ecsems. The Itching- sensation waa terribl to bear. Through Dr. Darrtn's clrctricnl medical treatment t ata restored. My brother was also cured ot a skin duteaae. Refer any one to us at fit iiaker street, Portland. AMC-H BWKINEIIART. Dr. Darrln gives free conaultat on tt SSa Morrison street, Portland, Or,, from it to t and I lo I dally. All curable chronic, auut and privet diseases) confidentially and successfully treated. Circulars and Question blanks sent fre to any addraas, and correspondence solicited. Most cases ean rocetvs horn treatment after on v.slt to th doctor's olllce. flatteries and belts furnished, with full direction for their uwi. Difficult surgical operations anientlflrally performed. Cross eyes, rup ture, varicocele, hyclroe.l and stricture cured and guaranteed la every case, : Peer Maa "The Ideal" eiclaimed Mr. Meek, ton't wife, "ot lending a man to eon giest with three wiveal it't prepos terous." "That't what I think." an tweretl Mr. Meekton, incautiously, "lie ptobably bat all tbe trouble be ean at lent! to at home without bother ing about hi countty." -Washington Star. . . .. - ; .. Toe Bad. "I'm afraid we are luting groand," taid the Hawaiian ex-queen't attend ant. "Xes," the answered. "Tbat't what annoys me. I oonld manage to get on without the tbtona very nicely if they wonld leava me the real estate," Washington Star. Poaaa't Llk Medals. A young woman of Washington the other day aaid to General "Joe" Wheeler, "How Is it you never wear any medals. You sorely have tome." "No," answered the soldier, "I have not. I am no bicyclist, and I never made a oentnry run in my I lie. " St. Jacob fit. Jaoobe St. Janobs Bt, Jaoobt Bt. Jacobs Bt, Jacobs Bt. Jacobs St, Jacobs Bt. Jsoobs St, Jacob Oil caret Oil cure Oil cure Oil cures Oil cures Oil cure Oil cures Oil entes Oil cures Oil cure Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Lumbago. Sciatica. Bpraina, Braise. Poretiess. ' (Stiffness. Backache. Muscular aoliea, No bird oan fly baokward without turning. .The dragon fly, however, oan accomplish tbit feat and outstrip any swallow. rONIlIK 41TEH IT. A prominent building; owner, with years of experience, gave the following instruc tions to his architects: ''I have had my experience with knlsomincs null other goods claimed to bs just as good as Ala bastine. 1 want you to specify Alabastlii on all my wall; do not put on any other manufacturers' dope, if they furnish It for r.otiiing. Alabastlii It right, and when I shall coast to us It I shall cease to have couiidenc In myself or my own Judgment." There it a rosary in the British mu seum made of tbe vertebrae of a snske's bone. Another It composed of rttt' teeth. EtilErged Prostata Gen Tie Bane of Old Age Ho Longer To Be Dreaded. A Uaa Eighty-two Tear, of Age Oured In Dixie, Ark. On of th oldest and beet known men la Parry County ha tb Mttnfactlou of enjoying rrfec4 health after suffering for more th.a rieeo years with chroulo pnutntlo enlarK. stent snd tiiflHttimotiou, snd will cheerfully tell aoyuu bow b wss cured. MS. If. L.THCIIDI.S, We want this to resell the eyes of every res 1er ft this psper, Mr. II. L. Trundle, Dixie, Ark., is elsiitv two vesrsof sas. an hnle and heartv a man of hlssgsuscnn bo found In the fits lo of Arkansas; In fact, lis looks s young sis man ?' L?'!' 5'"' 'or more thsn flriecn years Mr. Trunills was a slave to prnMstlo dliwase. Ton men who nre sflllcled know what II mesne (he days of unreal, tho nights of tortur snd uneasiness, the pnln, the frequent call, to imia eroUsr snd ths Inability lo do so. II could Icarcelr set about the house, feeble, trumhhnir toil racked with pain from bead lo foot. In this condition lis rend the startling sn. nouncemcnl In his paper thai a marvelous new metnoa nir curing proststie wteae hud been discovered. Ho wrote to th sdilress given for full psrtlculitrs, and at ones obtained th remedy ; In less than ten dnys more hu had the Mlt.fartlon of esnorienclng relief. Ills case was chronic, deep seated, aril the chance of recovery on account of his age were afitlnvt bim. Yet sixty dsys of continuous use of the famous Solvent. AlU!rnn method cured him. You men wbo are afflicted can have the same tspeiience If you do what Mr. Trundle did; be used 8olvont.Alterans,answ-metliod treatment. It Is described la two nicely written books which you can get free of charge, by msll, by sending four name snd sddres to the fcmplre Weill. ul Company, tig M, Smith liulMlns, Boston, Mass. It won't cost you a cant to get tli luforaiBtlon, and It may be worth hundred tt yoa. WrU io-as, tad rctcr to Ibis tnlui. m Kcmco of svsit cp nas it due not only to the oi'iirintUKy and simplicity of the combination, but alto to tbe care nud skill with which it It manufactured by aoientiflu proeewiei known to the Camkohnia Fia Brnup Co. only, and we wIbIi to Impress upon all the Importance ot purtdiasint th true and original remedy. As the genuine Byrup of lTiga is manufactured by the CALiroiittiA. Fio Byrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fuot will assist one in avoiding; the worthiest Imitation! manufactured by other par ties. The bltrh ttanding ot tbe Cau roaMiA Fio Byhup Co, with the medi cal profession, and tho aatlafactloa which the fronuine Byrup ot Fifft hat given to millions ot families, makes the name of the Company a g-uaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far In advance of all other laxatives, as It acta on the kidueya, liver and bowels without trrltatlnjf or weaken ing thorn, and it docs not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get it beneficial effects, please remember the same ot the Company" CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. atN rasHoiaoa, Oat . DSCItVIIXa. Kg. DEW TON. .T. The ltunaway Hoy. "Are there any maiki by which bt oan be identified"' asked the chief ot police, preparatory to telegraphing. "No," said the father ot the boy who had started to Minnesota to fight In dians, "but there will be when I gut hold ot bint again." Cincinnati En quirer. Dream f the lloba. "IM never go to tleep ag'ln If I tbort I'd have 'nother nightmare like tbat," sighed the weary bubo, "Wat it htNTibleT" - "The horribles! I ever bad. I dreamed I woi'a keg o' hard oider and wor a-workln." Detroit Free Pieat. Professor Fiootor asserts that 100, 000,000 people lived and died la America before Columbus' discovery. X MACHINERY tot Mill, Mines, miens snd Farms; ftesl tog ging snd llolllngtf nslnrij lloe ( IiIkI Tooth Haw. Albany iurean. to. f ATUP&BOWCn 77 to M Plr.t Street Portland, Or. 4-3t k'reaoat Street, nan fraiioln. Your Blood Needs Cleaning every sprtngl yon should lak some thing to make It purer, health lor, richer. KOQRfS REVEALED REVEST Will do It do It quickly snd nleatanily. Hun. dreda tratlfy to lis health-giving ft per bottle al your drusgiat's. HIS Tii8 Katlonal Investors' issoclatlon. (IncoaroaiTim.) W do a general rATKNT Bt)HIMItg. W socur, Introduce and li patents. Onr regis tered attorney can get yon patent, dlreot from th government without delay. Agent wenrd In (very town to sell patented artlclo. Kurtli. r Information furnished on reqio-at. Horns Sit CHsasaa vr t'osmcaca Bvitoixo, Portland, Oaauon, RELIEF FOB , WOMEN OS). MA)TCt,'ta FEMALE PILLS lttrt.(nUir is 4 tnntl mttMlUlM lit U3lt aWfaOtMl lrttar Ma it. lib Fkks. mwcH owuq co.. su miw. ., vrtt TEETH WITHOUT PLATES Iloota Crown 4d BriiigTM Mad. Dr. T. H. White, RUPTURE CURED. W guarantee to A tveryeaas w undertake. Don't put It off: write for particular at mice, V. H. WO(ll)AKI) Ct., Kspart True s-ftters, lot tkwood Btreet, fortlaud. Or. - r f jrrr temoiw VMra aaraUilr tm.tnm mart to b iwlieU on-HW ! ym J f thm bmt. Jror mum hy ittwiuitf i i aivr vfyrywne, .?IY f 1111 l Pr ian?r n miwmjm wwnn . inMMi oil iuviiia umn. jtiub no rtHK ouy rrrrT' . U. M. rKKH Y m-Oi Heatrwll daMvB- st' CURE YOURSELF! .ji' a - ITU til. si a .. ftataraatfad J InHtttluilt M ultrtiraitlnufl I m let M atriatar. of IttatOOUl tliiinbriiiiiat. , ljf HnVaTttM ttMs4IB. PalnlHt ftftsi Dot Mtt.U . nr lanl In nlalss Br.aa bt nprtiM, piKpsti'l, tCi, ur I tiottiM, fi.n, Cirwukr Mini on r 44,1144 on.iir:?avs IMPROVIO LIVER fiLLS ONR rnCT A T DOSE. Cr Sick Headache ad j5ji!ii((if,i, Krii ,.,M.""Tfmultjaml Purify tli lll.iorf. am ll,,ii,,n-i,lPrfiantH)iiouineitR. 1 Bfit (IripeorUU k-n. Toeoiilur9 you, ws lll mall sample free, or fu I j Ik for c. DR. MOhAKHtf CO., fhllawln., aV'euim. Bold by Druifglats, $rm Cll F03 FILES I'rT;iitwii PllmtvrooH'-. mo(tnriiniloiiie ltolniisl Tlii form. "! UHad, Bll!ug ir l'rlruiiiii Pilo r ourt-l br fr. Boamoko'a Pit Wemaiiy fin,i. Ilnliios and MHlllns. l..i,li. tiim,,. 111,. Jar at druaaiiitu uraent or mull. I rnatlKH fr-ii. writ s. abaat our aaea, lilt. tfOBAM H.O, lliilada., Pa, YOUNG MEN! fnr OonorrVW Mid Olont tte rVhtrfu Otrnw Kptteitttt, II hi ilit ONLY mewUclnB which will iiur tau:l and rr eon. NO OAHtti known It hni nr fullwl to mir, 114 piulifir bow awrloufi or of how tout; trUfiiHitff, .tmulw frum it an wtlt lUrtanltOl OH. It It ,moUiUif nf . Srcvimtt frtrtntiir, antl wn h Ukea wit lame lnoonv lence and tli'tftiMori from imntntm, J HU B. .oo. ato (nyail mltKhttt dnir(fit, or wtt Prepaid U uxpramat plainly .rvi-a. OlnalaraUdladaenuel . N. r. N. V. MO. tO-'P. WHKI4 writing to advertiser pleas tn.ntiou tills paper. I I