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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1899)
Ult lUj UlN iVllb 1. I.t .! County court 1 In elon thi. week. March 10, 1609. LOCAL AND PWllhONALi. ' We fntl to the merit In the Intnt that tmutt March earn in like lion it will go out Ilka a lamb. Tli county clerk turned over to tli treasurer during the month ol February IHl.Oo i fees and $100.17 a land re- aemptions, tin total being f 347.8, " L. W. VanDytl will address tha peo ple on tlia question of (rood roads at tha attnooinous in Vernon la on Saturday. March 18th. All are Invited to attend. Deputy County Clerk llarri iaaued a marriage license Tuesday morning to Nell Mattaon, age 3, and Miaa Anna I'arsoo, age 19, both ot Columbia county. Aa nearly aa can be aacertalned not to much damage has resulted to fruit trees in Columbia county from frosts aa I re ported front other aeotlona of tha tat. A marriage license waa leaned last week by the county clerk of Washington I AAiiniv in Mr. R. W. MfMnt .mJ4 and Barah l'lerson, aged 50, both of that county. Dreaunt which nanu vi,,.. i. i... , . - " , v. uviuiQ imm owu in me history of the county. tot a good many niouthi warrant have been aolllng readily iu the market at .t"r "" vNiii, wntcn is as piio aa could be asked for, but to add further to the benefit of those who have the paper for rale bidden) appeared in the market thia week offering one-fourth of v.m per cem premium on county script, fills condition taken in connection with me loot, tnat warrants now draw but Per cent Interest la a aplendld Indica tion thateverv AnnAiUmu, la nnnuJ l the county' ability to meet the demand tO b made Ution it In future finlir lh.u or. ,0,u yr ago, many will recall to uuuu. vimt uuvera oi our warrant! at 7a oenta and 80 cent on tha dollar were scarce, ana to now be ollered a premium on them la a condition which ahonld please evervbodv. f"ilninlla -I rigut, nnauciaiiy. ita attulr are be in? Wall nmnaiMirl Tt..., .m i.,. any, countlee in tha state whnw war. rant leu at a premium, and very few warrant aeu at par. Mr. John L. Itmam wIia r.U. - th Clatskanie river, sou distance above uIm i " m ooonty aeatTueaday, ii ui in uNn hi r iirnvn o.M mil . a m. .1 . i . " i. uruiatiun mat tne prellmlnarlea are "", completed for the location and buildine of a locrirW rllrnal nn h. Clatakanie; in fact his mission her waa ki get an aw tract made of his property. Recorder Mavmr haa notlcea nostad 800 acre nf llmU. ..,.( ihHJZtZ'- calling the attention of the voter of thia mania tn ulnu ik ii.. -J city to the . fact that on Monday, April lectors for the pnrchaae of hit land; It ou, wmrw win im ma eiecnon nem at me ia oniy meager information w can fur courthouae for city ofltoera. nUh, because Mr. Brown waa rather The easing ateamerUeorg. W. Elder V.b?. m. V h TLinJi' time that a project of that nature waa ou uie tenia, we bone the n an will wcessfully work out, aa It meant better iu mga m ine future, xue urn oer ol the Nehalem vallev must, ha hd. mnA th only way to get it ia to build roada to It. It la not out of reaeon to presume that the culmination of the enterprise men uuneu wouia oe to nam manv million go into commission as a United Btatee transport between Han Francieco and Manila, riiuippine uianaa, ! At the annual election for office ra of tine ectiool district bold Monday even- Jng, Mr. Jamea Dart waa re-elected nirector lor three years and Mr. E. K. vuc re-eiecUKt clerk tor one year. J. H. Decker, who hat been the ton- ,oet ' Mwlogi from the Nehalem valley. Bnrlal artiat a la mn.1 iff mim I " ' . year In SL Helena, last week diaooaed f? ,tro,,F ?""nt pro of hit barber ahop to Mr. Ed Hillsberry, n tl. i T i V1" .uv,n!R .on ? formerly in the barber buineee ll PPr Nehalem In favor of awiating Uie Kloier. " psopto of Waahington county la the road improvement work they have nn- Uolrtmbla county haa new poatofnoe "erwaen to place their newly-acquired nd poatmaater. Kiatia the name of the territory In closer communication with office, and iu location la on the Upper ?m trading points in that county. A Nehalem, and will beanpplied with mail Ur 'oro of men ie aaid to have been from Braunaport. Jamea II. Turk ia the employed for aome time In improving Doexmaater. I w wTor ureen mountain, ana - -- -.1 aiignt eaort on tne part ol tne Waahing- Wlll eomeone kindly explain the fish- ton county officials will pat the road in ing lawa of Oregon for the benefit of such condition aa to warrant the people local fishermen t According to the atate- in the Upper Nehalem aection Ingoing intoit of Representative Curtis, who In- to pointa in that county to do their trad- vuumii mi uui, tne portions tampered ing, especially in winter Mme. with effect onlv Clataon conntv. . The telephone line from Portland to .. urn ..t.iu wi un nirin u gar aiioru la now in operation, and 8L vur oi tne urrgonian ana xiia MraT to-1 Helena people are enabled to convene otnoruiia w itn-oniy.i. ine former witn persona at Rainier, Clatskania, Aa contains aU the general new and the toria and Portland. The tariff ia 25centa latter furnishes week after week a com- for the first minute and 6 eente each for piute nvuura oi local ana county new, eacn aubsequent minute to pointa within T tM. nn.kin. h.iin. ; . I the county, and 40 centa and 10 centa lorrtom It ia on v bv reoetidon. h ' " f?" "". hammering dav after day, week after Wm. Miller, of Valley, wa In town Wadneiday, Dr. r.oca wa cullod to IUlnier Tuea aay evening. Judge Doan attended to probate mat- ALL S0ET3 OF NEWS. Mr. and Mr. J. H. Sunday at Eureka. i . r- W;H; K1,n' ' Clatakanie, wa an wwu TTeuiiesuuy. Mr. 0. L. Ay re, of Peri, waa in the wuuv seat uwt r nuay. Mr. Otto Kulper apent the week in una city visiting relative. County Clerk Watta ia aWW a uuui ma nxwm illness. Jarne Qatten.of Deer Island, was on the streets her Wednesday. Mr. W. II. Dolman waa attontlno n l 1 i ii .i . . . a uuiium i rurtiana xuesuay. Mr. and Mr. T. J. Cleeton aiwnt tht. week at their home in this city. the week, month after month, that one may expect to aeep in range oi tne puDlioeyo, remap no vegetation aatrered any more severely from the late frost thia prlng than the rose bushes. Ht. Hel en Bower nrdena were hard toaonal in beauty,-but it ia feared that the many !!? h...tir..i . i... :. I ana and will take much business from teiegrapn line. The administrator of tha wrfate nf R II. evenason ha tiled suit in tha atate circuit court at Portland aninat the Vancouver Transportation Coiunanv for ..ilA J . .-. wwu nam aires, nvenaaon waa am moved ae a deckhand on the atea.oier Undine, on the night of March 24th, 1808, Commissioner Peterson arrived in town from Mist Tuesday evening. Attorney (4. W. ("Vile was attmriina tn legal business in Kahuna Monday,,. Frank Dow. of Oak island, waa amonv the visitor to St. Helen Tuesday. Mr. J. D. Birdsall. of Columbia Citv. waa seen "in our street Monday evening. When you want a hot lunch m11 t Mr. Mclntyre's, next to bowling alley. Bey. Philbrook will preach at Scan- pwae next oonaay morning ana evening, It. II. Mitchell and familv. of Vr- nonia, arrivea in town Tuesday morn- lUJf. Mia Clara Anaorm. of fihalton. Wh is in toe city visiting ner inter, Mr, 6am Ballard, of Pittabunr. and Wm All--. "I Ar 1 r' .1 . A uuuw, wvrv in tue county mi A-utgvuay. : Ei-Commissloner Scboonover. of Ver- oonia, wa in tne county seat a dav or . . i . tww uiia wwi. John Broua. of Vernon ia. waa attend. ing to Dusineea matter in the county . (IT - -1 . 1 sens neuueaaay. - Good mixed and oat hav at tfl ner ton loose in tne Darn. VUABU Msjl Deer island station. Bey. O. G. Haley will nreach next ounaay in Mouiton at a. m., and in bt. lielen at 8 p. m. , Assessor Martin White will commence the work of the 1899 aaaement next Monday, sterling at Mayger. The Hlllsboro Areu my that J. B. Godfrey, formerly of Warren, Columbia county, has gone into the saloon busi ness atuorneliua. Not Required to Pay.' Pcction 1 of a law passed by ta reBu lar session of the legislature reads a fol lows; "It shall be thedutyof the county clerk and the clerk of the county court in each county to administer oatha re- Sheldon spent last quired in matters of pensions, and to cer tify pension voucher and to affix the seal of the county court whenever re quired without any charge, fee or com pensation whatever." The law carried an emergency clause with It, and 1 now operative. Oregon Timber all Right. ; E. Goughnoor, a lumber-dealer of Livingston, Mont., who has been staying In Portland for few days, aay Mon tana is already drawing largely on the coast tor it lumber supply, and tha de mand will continue to Increase right along, a the quality of timber grown out here 1 superior to that along the Coeur d'Alene branch of the Northern Pacific, where Mr. Goughnour baa saw mill of hi own. He look for an in crease in the value of Oregon timber land, a the East will soon have no other ource of supply. Law Not Operative. Several fish dealers in Portland were much pleased when the fact was devel oped Wednesday morning that the fish law passed by the last legislature was Inoperative, because the enacting clan had been omitted, says the Oregouisu, They supposed that thia had done away with the restriction against marketing trout, but they soon ascertained that there were other laws, and that the one forbidding the sale of trout was one on which there had been no mistake made. The question as to what are young sal mon and what are trout will now have to be decided by the courts. never boon known to fall. The worst cases relieved immediately. Price 25 cts., 60 cts. and $1. Sold by Dr. Edwin Koss, druggist, St. Helens, and N. A. Perry, iQu:ion. kl IS KllbT A grand old remedy for Cough, Cold and Consumption: need through the! world for half a century; ha cored in-1 nnmeraoie eases oi incipient consump tion and relieved manv in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the I results we will return! your money, l Price 25 CIS. and 60 cts. Sold by lr. cuwin noes, arufrgist, t, Helens, and a, a. rerry, nooiton. naaiy st leaver Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovabie girl with an offensive breath. I Karl'a Clover Boot Tea ouriflea the! breath by its action on the bowels, etc., I as nomine eise win. wold tor years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 eta. and 60 eta. Bold by Pr. Edwin Boss, drug gist, oi. neiens.ana n.A.rerry, Houiton. City Treasurer's Notice. nmr. rNw T.m. BT. HXLKNS. Ori.iron.VAb. tt. IMS. THE CITY TRBABUEK& Of BT. HBLKNS, Oregon herebr Sves Duties Ibat all war-1 rants oltbu city hl:h hy bma prenenutil I ann enaonwa "ot rain for Want of Funds," prior Ui Octobar A. 1HU7. and w-rritt Nn a -n. doned Ootobar . 1U7. Will ttm naid unu tr sntatioD to ma. Iutanwt will not be allowed I auwiaisaue. iuviu uavih, ;lt Treuurer. beautiful roses have been entirely frozen out. .' ' ' " 1 The legislature repealed the law re quiring that a copy of the assessment roll of a county be aent to the secretary of state. Only a summary of theaaamis ment is to be sent to that official. This law will save Columbia county 60orj fio cava year. Captain George Shaver, who has been acting as pilot on the steamer Shaver f ,.m .... k. M, . 1. v.. v. wu iiu'Di una iviil w W1V I liaun I , i ' , . , , , , ' river, where he will take command of ib J!'"' be any newsier In future III steamer Columbia for tha Tskon " ' ""i ,. ' "w " " Trading company. Captain Shaver held I PPr have a neater appearance. nme position last year. Bev E- EwBKli pMtwof EngHlh At a meeting of the city council hold Bfptlat church, at Minersvllle, Pa., last Monday evening the judges and w ',n fttl:nnM. "'M1 rhUIB,M"n WM Fa 11 I WV V. . HMIHWJI D . .IU waa drowned from off that boat at Rain ier, caused through the negligence of the management of tha boat, aa the complaint alleges. We take much nleaanra thia In Introducing Tni Mia with its new dress on. Our old news tvne had been in use for about eighteen years, and wa en titled to be Dlacad on the retired Hat. The type we have been using was bour seois and mlulon. but the new ia brevier in sise, between the others. Whether clerk for an election for city otQcera. he held on the first Monday In Apr)!, were appointed sj follows; Andrew King, A. I vis and A. H. George, judge ; u, a. uau ana ii. r. watkiu, clerks. uovernor ueer on Wednesday ap pointed J. D. Lee, of Portland, a super- jntenuent oi tne penitentiary; u. B. Geer, of Marion county, atate land agent: J. W. Bailey, of Portland, dairy and food commissioner; L. P. W. Qulm by, of Portland, game and forestry war- Mr. and Mr. E. W. Keasey, who pent two or three months In California, arrived in thia city Monday nlsht on their way home to Nehalem valley. They report a very pleasant visit and Journey, however, Mr. Keasey contracted a severe cough from which he suffered consider able. Another slide occurred on the Astoria railroad last Thursday, half a mile above Mayger. The slide came down about 8 a. m., and was 70 feet long and 10 feet I deep. The morning train op from As toria transferred Its passenger to the down train, and Utile delay was oc casioned. . - Congress adjourned last Saturday, and Mr. Tongue took tne unit train rornome. Senator Simon will go to New York on a short visit with friends. Senator Mo Bride will remain in Washington about two months to finish np some work. Congressman Ellis will visit friend in Indiana, on hi way home. A force of six or eight men is now employed In opening Willamettee street In this city out to the town limits, from which point It is intended to connect with the proposed road from Nehalem valley. The work is being well done, nd will make a much shorter and more practicable route Into town. The Hlllsboro correspondent of the uregonian say that those having tim ber lands over In the Hehalem country, isolated from the rail lines and water courses, are receiving letters from East ern parties asking lor term of sale. A a consequence timber land value have risen fully 60 per cent In the last lis month. The Astoria and Columbia Biver Ball- road Company paid their tax for 1898 Hssays: "A few annl'cations of this liniment proved ot (treat service to me. It subdued the inflanietton and relieved the pain. Should anv sufferer nroflt bv giving Pain Balm a trial it will please me. r or aaie oy irr. &ct win koss. The sheriffs renort that taxoa am t-jw ing received by them in a very satisfac tory manner. Mr. Bice stated that taxes were being more freely naid thia year than last. Up to Monday night of thia week about 12500 had been collected. It is hoped by the collector that enough money will be received in time to pay the state tax before it become delin Person arriving in town this weak from Nehalem valley report the wagon road in an awful condition, and luggeit that if there are any skeptics in regard to their statements the whole truth can be ascertained by attempting the trip. Between Bt. Helen, and Vernonla there are twenty-six miles of the most con- vincingargumentin lavorot better roaos. Judge Doan received a letter Monday morning from St. Vincent' hospital, at Portland, announcing the death of Peter Boserat that institution on Saturday night. Deceased had been in that hos pital for about a year. He had lived near Rainier for a good many years. His remains were buried at one of the Port land cemeteries on Tuesday. . Mrs. Magnus Saxon, who ha been critically iu for some time past, is re ported a improving. Her sickness is due to a complication of ailments, and her condition few days am was very critical. ' Mrs. Saxon waa ready to start for her borne in Sweden, when her sick ness overtook her. Upon her recovery she will undertake the Journey. -. The ladles of St. Helens and vicinity are requested to call on Mrs. Sadie A. McKibben, East Morrison and Union avenue, Portland, when they desire the See WlnSeffert and Fred Henderson, of ueer tsiana, were in town Tuesday even ing attending the weekly convention of tvuignis oi ryunaa. Miss Maude Decker is now at Hood Biver, Or., where she went last week in tbe hopes of benefiting her health which ha been very poorly of late. Mr. D. J. Switser, after being con fined to her room for nearly a week with an attack of the grippe, ia alowly recov- og, ana win sous oe out again. The Vancouver Transportation Com ttanv haa met tha cut bv tha O. RAN Company in fare between Portland and Astoria, Kound trip now lor fi.80. Commissioner Frakea came to town Tuesday evening to be on band to take his place at the meeting of the board of commissioners Wednesday morning. Our friend. John W. Boals. of wa a visitor in tha conntv aeot Wadnaa- day. Mr. Boals report superabund ance oi mua in at part of the county. Hot lunch served at any hour at Mrs. Mclntyre'a. Coffee and pie or coffee ana cage, iu cent. Home-made bread 6 cents loaf. Next to the bowling alley, When von are in need of Drinted ata tionery of any description bear in mind mat tnis omce is pieparea to ao all kinds of commercial work at reasonable figure. C. Sauerrein was in from Paris Thm. day and reports that the road between this place and Peris is now almost im passible, the mud being two or three leet aeep. Dr. J. E. Hall was un from Clatakanie Tuesday attending a meetlngol tbe local Doara oi medical examiners lor pensions, uku iuwu in mis gut uie unit luffl' day in each month. A few of the heavy timbers for can- puig iur tuw auuition wuico too uregon Wood Company will build to their wharf. arrived on the ground from Howard's mill yesterday. The piling are out and will soon be brought op, when work will be commenced on the improvement. The friends of Wm. White, Jr., of Scappoose, are to. give a dance at that place next Friday evening, March 17th, tbe proceeds to Be applied as a benefit to Mr. White. All friends are expected to attend and assist in the cause.- Sup per will be supplied by those attending taking a basket of lunch. Ticket will cost but 60 cent. services of a first-class dressmaker, her about yonr Easter costume. L. J. Meserve returned to his post of duty at the postoffice store Monday, after a week's vacation. While absent he visited Clatskanie, Astoria. Seaside, Ft. Stevens and Gray' Biver, Wash. Tf ,-., wan. ... Kit nf thai n.w. rl last Tuesday, amount!ngtol837 26. This Columbia county it can be had only by s only about one-third of what their tax -ding Tua Mist. Bubsorlbe at once, i mturw win do, as most o tn iwi m Mj Beep promptly paid Columbia county was completed after March 1st of last year, consequently only such portion as was complete on that date could be assessed. I have been a filleted with rheumatism for fourteen years and nothing seemed to give any relief. I wa able to be around all the time, but constantly suf fering. I had tried everything I could hear of, and at last wa told to try Chamberlain' Pain Balm, which I did, and wa immediately relieved, and in a abort time cured. I am happy to say that it ha not since returned. Josh Bdqar, Germantown, Cal. For sale by Dr. Edwin Boss, druggist. paper will be better ' paid up. all the time. Try It. If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of 26 cts., 60 cts. and , doe not cure, take the bottle back and we will refund your money. Bold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss, druggist, St. Helena, and N. A. Perry, Houiton. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This remedy 1 intended especially for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough and influenza. It has become famous for its cures of these diseases, over a large part of the civilised world. Tbe most flattering testimonials have been received, giving accounts of its good works; of the aggravating and persist ent coughs it has cured ; of sever colds that have yielded promptly to It sooth ing effects, and of the dangerous attacks of croup it has cured, often saving the life of the child. The extensive use of it for whooping cough has shown that it and the . robs that disease of all dangerous conse- ' .. - o. .1,1 u .. n. i.' J .-I- t-- Getting; Beady for Business. Logger on the Columbia and tribu taries are preparing to resume the sum mer's work by fixing roads, getting their team together, etc. They all expect a busy season, tnd aome of them think hands are going to be scarce. The same price are expected to rale a hut year- yellow fir, $6 to 8; red fir, $3 60 to 4; tor log delivered at tidewater, where the towing boat can reach the rafts, Wage have been running from 36 to 160 a month and board, at the logging camp, and logger think these will be the ruling figure in starting oat this season. ,.'.: Notice fcrPaMicatioi tx m Omen a Obkook Citv. Os.. Fabmanr nth, 189. NOTJCB IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK following-named settler has filed notlos of I bis intention to make Dual proof ia MiuDort of I oi ciniio, inn ou Bttiu proof win ae maa M-1 fore the County Clark of Columbia eouatj, at I . msMsum, urvKOU, ud April i.x it, raw, vis: FRANK BOBIEHKI, Homestead antrjr SMS. for the wH of ths ne, aod aU of nw' of seMlon 27. town.hlo 6 north. ranire I west. He names the following witnensM I to prove ht continuous residence apon andeul-1 iitanon of saia lana, vu: Jgn.ti Hintek, T. A. I HI rod. Htephen Lamp and William Kanh, all I v. . a...?, vnaiu., JD. awiH, a8al Register. The Kind You Hare Ahray Bought, and which h&M beea la use for over SO years, lias borne tbe signature of jif has been mode tinder h per- CjtsCvrffij-faj, twnal supervision since Its infancy. ss. f44f Allow no one to deceive you fa this. All Coanterfeits, Imitations and 6nbu.ltr.tes are bat Ex periments tnat trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Exjpericnce against. Experiment.' What !o CASTORIA ; Cas toria Is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Harmless add Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other tfarcotlo substance. Its age Is Us guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Blarrhosa and "Wind Colle. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Th Children's Fanacea The Mother's Friend. CCflUiflE CASTORIA ALWAYS " Bears tho Hgatoe of " 'm Notice for Publicatici The Kind You toe Aluays Bought In Usq For Over 30 Years. , g aWM M.MMfi TT MIMM ..Hf V. HVfM, OtTV. Blc Slash In Fare. , Scrapping for the business of the lower Colombia baa begun between the 0. B. et N. steamer, the White Collar line, and the Astoria A Colombia rail' road. The O. E. 4 N. ho taken the In itiative by reducing fare. The fare from Portland to Astoria has been re duced from $1 60 to $1 20, and for the round trip from $2 60 to $1 80. In the opinion of transportation people, fares will be slashed to almost nothing before the war ends. There seems to be a de termination npon the part of each of the companies to "freese" the other ont, and the strife la likely to last all summer. The White Collar line must meet the cut for self-protection, and the railroad cannot very well stay out. The fare by the railroad ia now M one way and 3 for the round trip. The fare on the White Collar line steamer Is the same aa that on the O. B. cV N. boat before tbe reduction. No particular reason for the cut Is assigned by the O K. & N. officer except that the company desires to open up spring trade. REAL. ESTATE TRANSFERS. quences. Sold by Pr, Edwin Ross. Sr . Ivmr-w1 mmm sr IS j I . V's U VtfkI Hakes the food more delicious end whofesoma SfrfM HAxmo Wlwws eo., 9W vrtmt. Deed Piled for Record Daring tbe Month of Janaory. J. K. Blakesley to Oregon Wood Com pany, U acres off Perry D.L.C.; toOO. Minnie K. and Louis Bradley to Mich ael Bradley, nej of sw of section 3, tp6n, r2 west; $5. C. W. Blakesley to W. H. Dolman. sJi of nw of sec 1, tp 4 n, r 8 west ; 1250. Jamea Coakley to W. H. King and F. Malcolm, e& of see 23, tp 7 n, r 4 west; 5tK). , Frank Clark to John Eobersteln. swW of nw), ei of swK, nd lots 1 and 2, tee iu, tpfi n, ro west; huu. - H. A. and Celia Corliss to Harry A. Sherman. vU of swtf of sec 81, tp 6 n, i west, Dona ior aeea j swo. . B. S. Fullerton to Panl Solmela. mK of of sec 5, tp 7 n, r 6 west; $425. Joseph A. Kemp to Joseph Lumajarvi, 10 acre In ec 8, tp 7 n, r 4 west; $160. Lncy M. Little to A. B. Little, tmii of sec W, ip i n, r a west ; f u Chas.. Chas. W. and Mary B. Mavtrer w eimon R.osper, o sere in sec zv, tp 8 r s west ; 7U. uwaKv w .... id . . onuiiiui. ej of wM and of swV of ne, of sec 84, tp 7 n, r 2 west; 11000. Wm. Mellinsrer to Michael Pierter. w oi w oi hot aa, ip d o, 1 i west, and 22 blocks in Mellinger's addition to vernonia; fi. H. B. and Kate Nicholas to F. M. SUrk, 10 acre in wX of Knighton D. L.C.;$1. Chas. O. and Louise J. Prlchsrd to Wm. A. Mctiowan, of nwK of sea 2. tpfln.rl west; 2G0. . M. B. and Walter O. Pomerov to Al bert and Orpha Johnson, ne of ne( sec 23, tp a n, r it west; aou. Clarensa 8. Richards to Henry Kel son, wl of neJi of see 14, tp 7 n, r 4 wetj siw. Wm. and Mary F. Riggs to Austin Aaron, 8 acre in sec 2, tp 7 n. r 2 west ; 320. R. B., Roseta, Milton and Catherine Smith to G. W. Smith, 10 acres in War ren D. L. O.j 500. John W. and Jennie Kelley to George Merrill, of ne and t of bw of neof eoS4, tp7n, r2west;$l. . I 8. H. and Minnie Tryon to SaiUel. Cleveland, undU of lots 1, 2 and 3, and swj of sw of eec 20, tp 8 n, r 8 west; Robert and Msrguerete West to W. J. Ross, lot 4, seo 7, tp 7 n, r ( west; $350. La Orncs ar Ooaeoa Crrv, Oa., . February, 7. 1KW. NOTICK 18 HEREBY OIVKH THAT THE folluwlns-iuuncd settler haa Sled notk of bis Intentloa to make Hul proof Id suinort of bit clalat, ant) that mid proof will be made be-1 fV fore Uie coauiv clerk of Colnmhi. miuv. I ot. ovieua, vreoD, ou miuca Jo, lavs, via; , WILUAMC. ADAM, Homestead entry Ho. WWI, for the lonth Vc of the northeast KL. and loUlaad2aAtnia. irtwmthin 4 north, rauKe t went. He names the following witnesses to prove hla continuous residence npon and cultivation of aid land, 1; Gerhard tforhach, Andrew Kenowakl, William Karth, John Uildebraod, all fl0ml7 :UA8. B. VOOEKS. rUaliter. ft A ft 'ft ft-!-ft-!, ArVAAAAAAA ? VVVVVtVVVVVVVVVVVi f 0 ST. HELENS' POPULAR STORE. PROFESSIONAL. I D A RT I M U C K L E j Keep always on hand a complete stock of- JB. i. W HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatskanie, Columbia county, Or. I GENERAL MiEKiOirriutiaiJ! JJE. KDWIS ROSs, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ' 8t. Helen, Oregon I jpa. H. E. CLOT, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bt. Helens, Oregon. I 0 0. 0 0 0 0 Goods. ) f Boot ; .0 riROCEEIKS, Floor, Grain, and Kerf. All the leading brands of Tobarco.O V cigars ana amoaers orucles. Motions, mus. faints, oils ad la. A , large asaortrueDi utuni ware, iinwars and tracliary. rrTCLDDINO a general assortment of dothinir. Fnrnlshinfrs. and Press ( 1 . w make a sowialty of Losfrcrs oatfiia. We also carry a fine line of ndbhoas. Bubber Jboota, Quiu Coats, etc G. W. COLE, ATTORNS Y AND COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abtrtraot Bookfi. Notarr Pnhiii rmmu I doner of Leln for Wwhing(on. ud an ox per-1 tviavtw cvuwwr lis DUUUVCUUII W1U1 OIIIOS Main Street, ' - St Helena, Orejeau i 4jr-f ir"ir nsijr '-'-'--i e. i. 0 0 0 0 1. W, DAT W. BVD1LLAR ATTORNEYS -AT-LA W Office next door to Conrthonse. L BT. HKLK.Sri. ORKUON. General practice In courts of Omrta or Yv-h. Inaton. Abatraota made directly from eountj I si"5? jrv w m m ess ' Mr4K-a Ink This store keeps always on hand a fine assortment nf eon. ft-ctionery, tobacco and rigars, etc., besides tiie shelves sr always kent well filled with K3 Ladies Foriiitiire is Complete Wlth.Ht a Mew LIGHT-RUNNING . SEWING MACHINE. Sold on Baa? Terms without Interest. C. . LOONEY, Afesik Autoriav Or son. ...1 CfiRMSta ssssrtmpnt r.f fanfti t' r - .i v.u, s bl ftitrkrlivdeea Butter, wi, and provisions of all kinds, domestic and tropical (ruita in season. K COnHBU CSWLITE AND SAIN 8T11EJ3TS, ST. HELENS. t-kAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,A.AAJi,AAA, , Visuns fflathera. ' Croup Is the terror of thousands of yomiK mothers because ita outbreak Is so agonizing and frequently fatal. 8hi loh's Cough and Consumption Cure acts like niagio in case of Croup. It has 'ORIENTAL: HOTEL Mrs. M, J. Scott, PrGprietress BT. HELENS, OREGON. A Strictly Frst-Clad House. A Home for Commercial Travelers and the Publio. Board and Lodir ius at Most Reasonable Kates. i A WELL KEPT STUEIE s. For Car ot Patron' Horses. faayaaajtaaayaaasiiMajiaaaa i FOR PORTS. AND. If All. IT. ' STIAMES ; ' ' . Young... America l H H H H M N M. jl h Yaillamctt Slosgli Routs H Leave St. Helens,.... 7:00 A M H Arrive at Portland. i. 10 :30 A M Leave Portland. ... 8:80 P M Arrive at 8L Helens... 6:00 P H U FARE BO CENTS. ' 1 Will Carry Nothlnff but Passen. P1 gers and Fast Freight. H JAMES OOOD, master. ST. HELENS PHARMACY Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. s fsfiaWiA-rdt O00000O00a0 f-, "TOmn DRUGS &ooaooci Patent Medicines, Fancy Toilet Articles., PERFUMES AND FANCY STATIONERY. Prescriptions... Carefully and Accur ately Compounded.... DAY OR NIGHT. .Ginnxs... Complete Line of a mssslittiilw .,. UtlatUiiwi School Books and.... School Supplies it sr slW Wisr im sstM is-iat mt asrasi sh-At mm ssW 'tsk sis W J iMMM ii GOOD TOOLS! LOW PRICES! -FOR NET 8 POT CASH.. JeMiine's Patent Bits..... Clark's Expansion Bits... Common Braces....,... Ratcbet Brsces. .......... Drawiiic-knivea Folding Drawinsknive. Common Haw-eeU Morrell'a Haw-seta Carpenters' bainmers Carpenters' hatchets. ...... Carpenters' taandaxes. .... Jack planes. Disston handsaws Good steel handsaws ..... Firmer chisels. 12 to 30c ...70otot.l0 85 to Mo ...eoo to la.oo 4fte tt 20 ISc fifle 25 to" 36 to 50e .. 60 to TOo Wo 1 25 80to75o 17 to 36c ICS OB0A1I rsMtxIM. 1-qt. Artie.. 5-()t. Artio. . S-qt. Artio. . .1 R5 . 1 IS . 1 SO 4-Quart Artie 1-qt. Whim Mountain.. 2jt. Whit Mountain.. St. While Mountain. ; 4-qt. White Mountain. . 6-qt. White Mountain. . .l 55 . i m 1 4-i .. I 7 . 2 m . 2 4S ' LAWN MOWKKO, 12-inoh Phllndnlpnitt 4 M 14-inch Philadelphia ft 14 16-inob Philadelphia 6W lH-inrh Philadelphia e M 20-inch Philadelphia 7 (HI Camp Coffee Pots 20 to &10 GRAM ITS OANV IBTTLBS. S-qt. with cover '!, jt. w,t" cover . Vqt. vilb cover. ... 8-ijt. wuh coyer 4 i Black Diamond Files, Oil Stoves, Pinchers, Wrmwhpa, and manv olr i nsed by all kinds of people, at low orices for It e itext M ciai s. u. cv. id tliwi Jtlorrla.M til