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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1898)
ft 8 . Tlmo and Hooifi ' It U delightful weatfiar to breathe fro h, Invigorating air, bat take core of lurulisgo, or else St. Jaoobs Oil must i-La .0 at it auJ euro it promptly, It saves time and money. Whn Ha Ooa. "Doe yonr husband evor go church, Mr. Badger?" "Oh, yea, be goes quite regularly the winter time." . - "Wby doot be go in the Winter time and not at other times?" - "Well, yon toe, he generally has the qniusy when the weatbor it raw and thinks h is going to die." Chicago Evening News. Medicine Money Can Buy la Hood's Sanaparilla. It contains more enratlvw power, hi prepared with greater care by educated and experienced phar macists. It bat the greatest sale and efforts the rreateet onree. It is the modi cine you should take to purify your blood and make yourself strong and healthy be- tore comer weauier comes. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold toy all dealer. Price, 11. Got Hood's. Hood't) Pills cur Indigestion. 25 cento. A FrloolpU of Lift Illustrated. There are loertain plants the dod der, for instance, which begin life with the beet intention!, strike trne roots into the soil, and really appear as if they meant to be independent for life. But after snpporttng themselves for brief period they fix onrlons sucking discs into the stem and branches of ad' jacent plants. And after a little ex perimenting the epiphyte finally ceases to do anything for its own support. thenceforth drawing all its supplies ready made from the sap of its host. In this parasitic State it has no need for organs of nutrition of its own and nature takes them away. Thence- foith the dodder is plant without root, without a twig, without a leaf, and having a stem so useless as to be inadequate to bear Its own weight. Prof. Drummond. Japan Ceylon English Breakfast Oolong Ideal Blend Tea An inch of rain falling upon an area of one square mile is equivalent to nearly 17,600.000 gallons, weighing 145,260,000 pounds, or 64,844 tons. The stability of the solar system demonstrated by Laplace from New ton's law of attraction, It shown by M. H. Poinoare to be a mistaken inference, overlooking the modern conception of energy. - : ' , When coming to Ban Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel, 208-213 Bush street. American or European plan.' Room and board $1.00 to 11. AO per day ; rooms SO cents to 11.00 per day; single meals 25 cents, Kree coach. Chas. Montgomery. ' Coronlnm, known bypotbetically as a constituent of the sun, bas been dis covered by Professor Nasini, of Padna, in voloanic emissions. It is gas ap parently muoh lighter than hydrogen. No household is complete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. , Don't ne glect this neoessily Furlough and Lt of Absesew. : With the return of the volunteers from active duty the terms "furlough" and "leave of absence" have been em ployed frequently, and in many in stances Improperly. A furlough is a permission given by a commissioned officer to an enlisted man or noncom missioned offloer to be absent from duty for a certain length of time. Leave of absence is the term used when a like permission is given to a com missioned officer by his superior. Hew York Tribune. & Established 1780. S palters g Chocolate, I celebrated for more 3 than a century as a q delicious, nutritious. ? uevemge, naa our well-known Yellow Label 3 on the front of every jf package, and our & trade-mark,"L Belle o Choco1at1ere,"on the v ex NONE OTHER GENUINE. MACK ONLY ar X g WALTER BAKER CO, Ltd, Dorchester, Mast. y. YOUR LIVERS Moore' llevaalod Remedy will dolt. Three doses will make you ieel better. Get it iron your druggist or any wholesale drag house, or bom Stewart A fiolmet Drug Co Seattle. BASEBALL, FOOTBALL ATHLETIC AND GYMNASIUM SUPPLIES. Send lor Catalogue. I"!! I t EIvf M 8 Markets, la ill. 4 lliaUA tJ. Ilu IisuIho. cuy the ccr.uirm SYRUP OF FiO ... MAtTOTAOTUREB BT ... CALIFORNIA FIQ 5YRUP CO. .1 A.t p. ! -1 lY rtn Ilk Ota! B he Best Schillings Best ft 8 1 ALONG THE COAST. ttams of General Intern Gleaned XVvat the Thriving TSslta State. The Salmow Facto:. The fall Bound pack, as given last week, It 130,000 cases, and the Eraser river 84,800. The Coluniiba river pack Is given as 118,000, the largest In the history of the river. The Trade Regie ter estimate on Angus! 87 was 600,000 for red Alaska, but later reports in creased it to 840,000 oases. JNo definite figures for the total Alaska pack are at band. The Bound sockeye paok was S86,600 oases: Fraser river alone, 108,000; British Columbia (Including the Fraser), 414,800; Columbia river, 888,880 oases, total pack last year, all points, was given at 8,121,117 cases. The fall pack of Paget sound hist year was 120,800 onto, with 87,500 for Wlllapa and Oray's harbor; 68,650 for Colombia river and a total of 298,623 cases of falls for the coast (not inolod tfig Alaska), against 284.600 this year. The fun In the Gray's harbor district bas been good this year, and will prob ably be 60,000 oases. ' Lot Angela Oil Output. The oil producers' trustees have pub lished the regular monthly report for October. The statement shows that 18,986 barrels of oil were received dur ing the month. During the same period the sales amounted to 22,782 barrels. The amount in storage on Oc tober 1 was 82,236 barrels. The amount on November 1 had fallen to 78,440 barrels. Virtually all of this amount belongs to the Oil Transporta tion & Storage Company. A circular just Issued by this company shows that it intends to go into the oil buying and selling business. Orange Eitlmata. The orange crop will be late this year, and few will be St to ship to the Northwest for the holiday trade. The Los Angeles Express in writing up the outlook says that the total shipments from Southern California for the year foot up, of all kinds of citrous fruits, 16,148 carloads, which is a large per cent greater than for any previous 13 months. The coming crop is expeoled to equal last year's. There Is a good demand for lemons, but this frnit is scarce. ', 2Vw Fish Canning; Concern. A new incorporation has been formed at Astoria, Or., to be known as the Alasak Fisherman's Packing Com pany, with a capital stock of f 70,000, lvided into 140 shares of 1500 each The company wil' engage in the can' ning, salting and freezing of salmon in Alaska and elsewhere. The incorpora tors are Theodore Siverson, Christ Christensen, John Nordstrum, Ole B Oleeon, A. L. Clark and John L. Clarkson. Columbia River Shipping. The following ships left Portland last Week, tonohing at Astoria: The British ship Jlooltan cleared for Queenstown or Falmouth for orders, with 95,886 bashels of wheat, valued at $57,600, shipped by tbe Portland Flouring Mills Company. The British Bhip Nivelle, loaded by Balfour, Guth rie & Co., finished also, and went into the stream, and thj Mozambique, with cargo of wheat and barley, oleared, Hew Coal Deposit. The capitalists have recently sent an expert to investigate the deposit of lignite coal that exists on Mai lory ridge, near Asotin, Wash. A test was made of tbe coal, and it was pro nounced all right, and from what can be learned it is thought the extent of the mineral body will be more fully inquired Into in the course of a few weeks. The vein is now opened up for a distance of 16 feet. Fooling; Hop for Better Frloee. The hopgrowers in the vioinity of Independence, Or., in order to take advantage of the raising market are pooling their crops together .and hope to obtain 17 cents. A recent shipment from there consisted of fire carloads. containing 801 bales of fiist-olase hops. There still remains In that city some 700 bales of hops unsold. For San Franeieeo Market. Owing to tbe extreme dry season In California during the past year large sales of cattle for shipment to Califor nia have been made in Oregon. Two wholesale batchers of San Francisco pnrofaased 900 head of fine beef cattle near - Lakeview. The sale approxi mates 130,000. Bonds Sold. Tbe municipal bonds of Great Falls, Mont, have been sold to good advan tage in Chicago. The issue amounts to (376,000, on which a premium of 110,105 was obtained, which added to the accrued interest made a total of 1381,526.21 received by the city. . Water Mala Contract Lot. The city counoil of New 'Whatcom, Wash., has let a contract for extending the eity water system 8,600 feet to J. H. Thomas for (19,808. Tbe pipe will be wooden-stave, and the bond re quired in the sum of 130,000. Clearlng-Houso Returns. Victoria, B. C, has had a clearing' house for two weeks now, and the vol ume of business shows a good Increase, The returns for last week were 1785,- 186, while for the week previous tbe figures were (700,658. New Industry. The first shipment was made last week from Port Moody to Vancouver, B, O., of oil of cedar. A company has been organized to carry on tiie indus try, and though now in its infancy, a possible great future is ahead of the enterprise. .v.; New City Hall Contract Let. The counoil of La Grande, . Or., last week awarded a contract for the erection of a new olty ball, to cost 2,650. The largest log drive for several years will be brought down this season by tbe Colfax, Wash., saw mill. It will consist of 4.000,000 feet of logs. Undoubtedly there will be a great rush into the Atlin district, Alaska, in the spring. The oountry has proved very rich. A consignment of 280,000 feet of fir and cedar lumber, the product of tbe Simpson Mill Co., of Ballard,' will be shipped from Seattle December 1 to j Honolulu, to be used by the United 1 States government In the erection of barracks. 1 PAOIFIO COAST TRADE. Portland Mark. ' Wheat Walla Waila, 6960o; Val far and Blneetem, SRo per bnehel. Floor Best grades, 3.45 graham, 13; superfine, 2.25 per barrel. , Oats Choice white, 88340c; oholot gray, 87 88o per bushel. f Barley Feed barley, (21 21; brew lng, (S3 per ton. Millatuffs-Bran, (16.60 per ton; mid dlings, (21; shorts, (16; chop, (16.60 per ton. Hay Timothy, (9dl0; clover, (7 8; Oregon wild hay, 0 per ton. Butler Fancy creiimery, 6098Bo; seconds, 45(36001 dairy, 8540o store, 8085o. : Cheese Oregon full cream, 11(5101 Young America, 13Jio; new oheese, lOo per pound. Poultry Chlokens, mixed, (533.00 rttr dosen; hens, (3.60(34.80; springs, 1.26(53; geese, (S.00$6.00 for old, (4.50 5 for yonng; ducks, (4.00(3 5.00 per dosefl; turkeys, lire, 1JX IStyo per pound. Potatoes 60S0o per sack; sweets. 2c pet pound. Vegetables Beets, 90o; turnips, 76 per tack; garlie, To per pound; cab bage, (1 1.86 per 100 poundet cauli flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, T6e per saok; beans, So per pound; telory, 70(8 75o per dosen; cucumbers, 80c per box; peas, 8 (3 3 c per pound. Onions Oregon, 75o3(l per sack. Hops 16(3 Uo; 1897 crop, 48o. Wdol Valley, 10(9 12o per poundj Eastern Oregon, 8 ($126; mohair. 2 So per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wether and ewes, 8 Ho; dressed mutton, 7ct Spring lambs, 7)o per lb. Hogs Gross, ohoice heavy, (4.7S( light and feeders, (8.00 (9 4. OOf dressed, (5.60(86.60 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 8.60(8(3. 7B cows, (3.60(88.00; dressed beef, 8 6 He per pound. Veal Large, 6i6ct small, OX T.o per pound. Seattle Markets. Tomatoes, 6086oper box. Cucumbers, 10 (3 19c pot doa. Onions, 85($90o per 100 pounds. Potatoes. (10(3 13. Beets, per sack, (1. Turnips, per sack, 60(3680. Carrots, per saok, 65c Parsnips, per sack, (1. Beans, green, 2 8a Gretm corn, (1.25Q1.B0 per sack. Cauliflower, 75o per doa. Celery, 4060o. Cabbage, native and California (1.00(31.00 per 100 pounds. Apples, 60c 65o per box. Pears, 75c(l per box. Prunes, 60c per box. Peaches, 76a Plums, 60o. Butter Creamery, 27a per pound dairy and ranch, 18?0o per pound Eggs, 82a Cheese Native. 12 (g 13)0. Poultry Old hens, 18o per pound spring chickens, 15o; turkeys, 19c. Fresh meats Choice dressed beef steers, prime, 0Hic; cows, prime, 6 He; mutton, 7fo; pork, 7(g8o; veal 7(3 8a Wheat Feed wheat, (31. Oats Choice, per ton, (23. Hay Poget Bound mixed, (9.50(3 10; choice Eastern Washington tim otby, (12. Corn Whole. (23.60; cracked, (24t feed meal, 133.60. k Barley Boiled or ground, per ton. (24 25; whole, (22. Flour Patent, per barrel. (3.60; straights, (3.28; California brands, (3.25; buckwheat flour, (3.78; graham. per barrel, (3.70; wbole wheat flour. (3.75; rye flour, (4. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, (14 shorts, per ton, (16. Deed Chopped teea, mnmn per ton; middlings, per ton, (17; oil cake meal, per ton, (38. San Franetseo Harfce. Wool Spring Nevada, 10I4e pet pound; Oregon, Eastern, 10 12c; Val ley, 1617c; Noithern, 9(llc. Millatuffs Middlings, (1921.00i bran, (16. 60(3 16.60 per ton. Onions Yellow. 80 a 46c per sack Butter Fancy creamery, 24o; do seconds, 22c23; fancy dairy, .21(8 22c; do seconds, 20 24c per pound, iggs Btore, 1822o; fancy ranch, 4042o. Citrus Fruit Oranges. Valencia, (3 ($2.60; Mexican limes, (66.60; Call, fornia lemons, (3. 00. 800; do cboioe- (3. 60 4. 60; per box. THE OLD-TIMERS. Elder Abram Perkins of the Shaker settlement, is 91 years old, yet fre quently walks all the way to Concord, . H., a distance of over 20 miles. James A. Davis,, who died in Dor Chester connty, Maryland, last week, steered the first steamer that crossed Lake Erie, Chicago was then, he said, but three brick houeeo. Mrs. Nancy Carlnr Is dead at Dills- boro, I nil., aged 67. For 47 years she bad lived leas than a mile from a rail road and within easy sound of tbe loco motive whistle, but never saw either road, car or engine. Mma Eiafori, otherwise tbe Mar quise Capranica del Grilio, is in ber 77th year, and is lying critioally ill at Borne, being thus unable to accept the Invitation of the queen of Italy to pass a few days with her at Gressony. Frederick P. Sanguinet, father of 11 children with 26 grandchildren, hat nst died at bis home, 4368 Evans avrt nue, St, Louis. His death is the first that bas oconrred in tbe family, in cluding three generations, for overjhalf century. The Sangulnets have lived i St. Louis all the time. During Mr. Banguinet's 78 years he has not been ill a day, and nntii three weeks ago, when taken ill with liver trouble, was engaged in-' active business as a sivil engineer. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 8prlng Haskell have been celebrating the 70th anni versary of their wedding at 81 Lefferts place, Brooklyn. Mr. Haskell is 90 years old, his wife 86. They are both lar from being infirm. The husband uses no glasses; tbe wife reads com fortably with them. They talk spirit edly of the old days when Brooklyn was a wilderness, and they are the idol their children, their grandchildren tnd their great-grand children. Chinese laundrymen of New York ttave formel trust, and prices have been raised. THE FARM AND HOME MATTERS OP INTERSST TO FARM. ER AND HOUSEWIFE. Crops BbonM Be Properly Rotated Dew Honey Beee front the Philip pine -How to Car for Horse To Prevent Cow Jam pins'. What the rotation of crops should be nmet depend largely on the quality and condition of the soli m well as on its location, but experience bas shown, thnt in orvlor to economically cmltfvato the scrfl crops must be grown that will not too soriouely encYonch on any one par ticular dement in the soil to the exclu sion of tbe others. That this is not more generally understood is the catise of rneny failures. A fa,nnor will find ttmt plowing under dovcr or pens or some other nitrogenous plant hee given htm t eoil on which he rainofl a fine crop Of corn, tnd Instead of bolng aMefled with this rosult be must needs put the kind la flora again to still further de plete IM fortuity without returning anything to tt. The result Is that while be neneiiy obtains a good Second crop of corn, the soil is rn precisely the same Condition as tt was bfore the legumes wtre put mfo tt, and In order to keep up tta fertility Considerable more must be spent on ferttllzert of some sort This could hwre been avoided had the land been ptrt into vf-heat and dovw after the first op of corn; not only avoided, but he would have had a second crop of clover to turn under, which would he-Ve added more fertility to the soil than was ta"ken from tt by the corn and wheat crops. Atlanta Journal Olant Eaat India Been, One of our acquisitions with the Philippine Islands ta likely to be a new species of the honey bee. It Is one half larger than the American honey bee, with a much greater capacity for making both wax and honey. In Its wild srrate It builds combs on large for est trees or ta clefts of the rocks In the mountains of the Island. As It goes np (he mountains for a distance of 6,000 icet, tt Is believed that ft can be acctl mated so as to live in the United States. Mr. Fiwhk Benton of tbe Department of Agriculture went to the Philippines to inreetlgftte these new kind of bees. He reports tbero not to be easily Irri tated, unfortunately a swarm which Mr. Benton captured In the jungle died oi its passage across the Pacific. These bees have a wasp-like figure, with or ange-colored bands encircling its body. The combs it makes are much larger than those made by ordinary bees. If ft can be domesticated In hives tbe hrvM must be very large ones. In fact, a roonl would scarcely be too large, and It might accommodate several swarms. Care of a Uorae, The animals should be first watered, then fed, and white they are eating their com the bed Is turned up, the stalls mucked out, the feet picked out with tihe picker, and the Boles, frogs and walls well washed with the water brush, the shoes being examined to see that they are firm and serviceable. Thorough grooming with brush, curry comb, sponge and linen rubber. SIctt and idle horses require grooming as much aa working ami amis do to keep them tn health. If horses got more effi dent grooming there would be fewer Complaints as to "surfeit, " pimples, blotches, hidebound, roughness and other things that affect the health and spoil the appearance of tbe animal, and there would also be lees demand for alterative and "condition" powders, which are generally rendered neces sary through the akin becoming on headthy owing to Its neglected condi tion. The clean ng out of the foot le an Im portant point that la entirely neglected with meet of oor form horses. Of course, when out at poo to re it la not necessary, but where horses are ta the table continuously the feet should be looked after better than they usually are Mara i-ane Express. To Keen a Cow front JnmDfamv Make a good strong halter and sur- ctnglet make both of good leather or of good three-fourths Inch ropei put the surcingle around Just behind tbe fore legs, having a good large ring fastened to it under tbe brisket Put the halter on as on a horse, having a stout ring under the cTiIn. Fasten a Short chain from tbe ring In the surcingle to the ring In the halter, having It short enough that she can not raise her head more than two feet from the ground, or less if she Is tery bad. The surcingle where It crosses the back and the halt er on the nose should be wrapped- with soft cloth to keep them from rubbing. With this a cow can neither throw nor ump fence, and still she can throw her bead around to her sides to fight off the files. Practical Farmer. 11 Oalnar Raw Bone on the Farm. The quickest and simplest method of utilizing old bone la to bum them in the ki-tehen ove and carefully save the ashes. In this way you get In the ash all the phosphoric acid and lime there is 111 the bone, but you lose tbe nitrogen, which goes off as gas tn the smoke, whore the quantity of bones Is small, however, and cupeeittlly if the facilities required for other methods of using them are not at hand, and If the bones cannot be sold at a fair price, this burning ot them is far better than to permit them to go to waste. Bone makes an Intense heat, and as far as It goes la a Valuable fuel. Every thrifty farmer aavea all the wood ash from the bouse, for ft is so rich in phosphoric acid ana potash that not a pound of it should be wasted, but every bit of wood ash (whether containing bone ash or not) should be religiously preserved. Every intelligent and thrifty farmer knows the value of A dressing of rich Wood ash and fine bone meal. Except for the lose of nitrogen by burning, this home-made combtoaition of wood ash and bone ash will accomplish nearly as good results as the famous unleached wood ash and bone meal mixtures- American Agriculturist Uaa and Coat of Land Plaster. Land plaster la sold very cheaply In places whore the rock suitable for grinding It from fa abundant It Is there, too, that tt appears to do most good, probably tn part because tho gypsum rock has always enough holes through It to make good drainage. Its best effect Is always found on light and dry sollav for one of the properties of plnMer Is to attract moisture, which such lot usually noeds. Plaster hat been sold at the mills as low as f'J per ton In winter when moat of the rock grinding Is rtonft. 1Vn or fifteen mllee way and In au minor, when farniors wnnted to nso It on crops, the price would lump up to (4.60 and even 3 per ton. Bo those who used much plaster generally wont with slolghr during a nm of good s,Vlghlnu, when they would sometlmns draw two tons of more on a loud. A half bushel of plaster weighs pretty near 100 pounds, so ttmt a good deal can bo put In an ordinary sleigh box. 81 p Tomatoes for Christmas. Bofore frost Comt pi ok ail sound green fruit from the vines, and careful ly wrap each one In a 0xO-Inch shoot of white wax paper, taking carts not to twist as In packing oranges. Spread but In a slnglo layor on frays or ta shallow boxes, and place In a partial light la A celltiVr To bastion rtpculng they may occnulonally be exposed to the sun half an hour at a time. Once A wwk examine and pick out the red ones and those that tony dooay. This tnay be done easily, a the transpar ency of the paper doe not necessitate unwrapping. Thus one may have a Constant supply of plump, palatable and beautiful tomatoes till Christmas, with trifling expense or trouble. Amer ican Agriculturist. Pruning. There fa a difference of opinion as to nw proper time to prune an orchard, but good time Is when the knife Is sharp. Visit the orchard often and cut off all water sprouts and superfluous limbs that interfere with their neigh bors. Head tbe trees low. It will be more convenient to gather the fruit and storms are not so bard on a low tree as a high one, A Bl Horte, The largest horse In America has been discovered In Illinois. He stands twenty hands high, weighs 2,!W0 pounds, and has never been cither broken or shod. He Is nearly a pure Mood Clydesdale, Of course, he la a freak, and not likely to be worth any thing except for exhibition purposes. Far a Notea. When a farmer's stock seems to be ail of one mold, and that a good one, there are dealers ready to rake them as lot, and at the owner's price. A first- Class animal la sure to brtng a good figure, but he who baa all flrst-clast animals usually obtains the top of tbe market . while there are a good many kinds of toads, all of them bring sudden death to every bug or fly which comes within their, reach. . It Is doubtful If the most Industrious bird devours as many Insects In a year as the toad. They are not attractive In appearance, but We should never destroy one of them. . Tbe entire manurlol product of the aalry herd kept at Cornell JJntverslty Station was kept In a covered barnyard during one winter. Samples were taken from time to time and analyed. The) results based upoh tjib market price of I the then principal fertilizing Ingredi ents showed the manure of the herd to be worth per cow per day 8.62 cents. A cow that produces 2,325 quarts yields within a fraction of 6,000 1 bounds. A good cow should produce 6,000 pounds of 8.75 to i per cent milk. At 9 cents A quart the cash value of 6,000 pounds of milk is $09.75. With good farm management aucb cows should be kept for $40, which leaves a profit above the cost of the feed of $29.75. The labor cost should not ex ceed one good man to fifteen cows. Hoard's Dairyman. Very many people are fond of a good garden, but think they can not keep chickens and have a garden, too. The Maine farmer tells of a ponltryman who Is noted for success tn producing re co-1 taDies. lie grows twice as much on an acre as formerly. He keeps 100 fowls, and has two lots of ground, one being given up to fowls, while tho other Is used for garden, the lots being about one and A quarter acres each. The next year be turns the fowls on the garden plat and uses for a garden the plAt then vacated by the fowls. By thus giving up the garden plat to poultry every alternate year he keeps the soil very fertile. Cream left to Itself will spontaneous ly become sour; this Is the result of the growth of lactic acid bacteria, which feed upon the milk sugar, and as a final process convert It into a lactlo acid. Other forms of bacteria are always present In cream; some have little or no effect In tbe ripening process, while others, If allowed to develop, produce undesirable and often obnoxious fla vors. To cultivate and develop these "wild" germs Is called "spontaneous" ripening, and Is often attended with un certainty. Good butter-making de mands the Ose of a "starter," either home-made Or A pure culture. The for mer should be made of selected skim milk. Carbolic salve should always be kept ready for use at the cow barb. Bruises and sores often occur In the best tegu- lated establishment and there Is noth lng really better than a Carbolic oint ment for such cases. This may be pur chased already prepared at any drun store, or the dairyman cao easily pre pare It for himself by simply taking some vaseline or even lard and adding to It a very small quantity of the acid. Two of three drops of carbolic acid would be Sufficient for one tablespoon ful of the vaseline or lard, only mix them thoroughly together. Such oint ment Is a rapid healer and keeps files away from sores. It Is excellent for man or beast. Practical Dairyman. Always In digging an nndcrdraln tho lowest subsoil, often solid, bard and without vegetable mold, Is more or less mixed with that dug near the surface. and which is usually richer. . In filling the aitcn this mixture continues, so that the soli that was dug from tbe bot tom of the ditch may often be In the last spadeful thrown tn. Yet It never has been known to make any differ ence. Always crops of any kind show a better growth directly over the drain than they do oh either side, even dur ing the first season's growth. After a year or two the good effect of the drain extends to and on either side, as the soil freezes deeper when surplus water Ib removed from h, and tho roots of plants can go doopor for moisture or plant food. American Cultivator. In every ear of pop corn there art ffralns that will not iop. Italy's Aeeettloa f Territory. Italy has had 204 square miles of (nnd added to its territory in the Inst 10 years by the advance of the delta of the l'o Into the Adriatic sea. The monsuromcnt has boon made by fro lessor Matlnolll, who carefully com pared the Austrian tutveys of 1898 with the Itnllun surveys of lbUU. New Voik 8un, . TWO GRATEFUL WOMEN Itoetorod to Hoalth by Lydla ffl. Flokbam's Vegetablo Compound, "Can Do My Own WeraJ Mrs. TATnica Dahkut, West Wlnnted, Conn., writes I Drab Mrs. Piskhami It la with pleasure that I write to you of the benefit I have derived from using your wonderful Vegetable Compound. I was very ill, suffered with female weak' neaa and displacement of the womb. " I could not sleep at n Igh t, had to walk the floor, I suffered to with pain In my aide and small of my back. Was trou bled with bloating, and at times would faint aways had a terrible pain in my heart, a bad twite in my mouth all the time and would vomiti butnow, thanks to Mrs. Piukhara and her Vegetable Compound, I feel well and aleep well, can do mv work without feeling tired; do not bloat or have any trouble whatever. "I sincerely thank you for the good advice you gave me and for what yonr medicine has done for mo." Cannot Pralsa It Enough, Mlaa GKrrriH Dunkik, Franklin, Nob., writes: " I suffered for some time with point ful and Irregular menstruation, falling of the womb Bud pain in tho back. I tried physicians, but found no relief. " I was at lost persuaded to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and cannot praise it enough for what it has dona for me. I feel like a new person, and would not part with your medicine. I have recommended it to several of my f Honda." Rug weaving fs an art otilor than the Pharaohs, and the history of the first loom lies shrouded In oblivion. . Eat? Work. Too muoh exorcise leaves one a prey to soieness and stiffness, but It Is easy work for St. Jacobs Oil to get the inuBolos back Into proper shape and cure the distress. A process has been recently perfected by wbloh tbln sheets of absolutely transparent oellnloid are silvered by a similar process to that formerly used on glass. AN AFFAIRS NATION It ha,s been sUd of Amerkcvn th&t they ere"& nation of dyspeptic and it is true that few are entirely free from disorder of the digestive tract. Indigestion, Dyspepsia., Stomach and Bowel trouble, or Constipation. the treatment of these diseaves with cathartic medicines too. often ag gravates the trouble, THE LOGICAL TREATMENT is the use of a remedy, that win build uo the system, thereby organs to act as nature intenaea they shouidJ Such a remedy Is found In Or Williams PinK -...-.. II mis tor raie reopie f nere is the proor la Detroit there art ft-w soldier mort popular aod ctBdent.tbaa tin X. Darlca, flmt acraratrt of Co, B. Ilia oomt la at 41A Third ATeaua, For four yarn h, ni bookkeeper with the wtoolank Stng honat of Farraud, William Si Clark, and ht sayst "I have chargtd t many thonaana order, for Dr. WlUtama' pink Pill for Pais pcopl, but nam knew thai worth anllt I nied them for tht cur ef chmole drpepila. For two yni I luffcrad and doctond for that aggravating troubhi but could Only tta helped temporarily. "I think djpep,la I on of the moat slubbers, of ailment, and then ,1 scarcely a clerk or otBct man bat what to mora or law a victim. Soma dar I mld eat anything, while at other time t woold be starving. Tboat dUtmued pain would force me to quit work, t bata tried naay treatment and remedle but they wonld help only for a time. A friend induced me to try Dr. William' Tlnk Pllla for Pale People, and after tak ing a few doaei'I found much relief and after ulng several bora t waa cured. I know then pill will cur drpepla of It worst form and I am pleated to recommend ihtm,"Ditnit (Mkk.)Jirul. ,; Th oenuine p&cka2AWs br tht luUn&mc At all dructclivtV o nt ooMDald. on retelot of otUt 50t per ton, by tht Or.vfiUiams Medicine to, SchniUty,N.Y You will find Coupons like this In.... THIS COUPON Cut till ont and tend or Nam. ... 200-211 IstBt., Address..... Portland, Or. EVERYONE can have a piano now, ....FLOUR MILL ; WarehoDsa Machinery, Chop Supplies of all Kinds. Write tor Prices We carry In itook a largo upply of the above conveyor, both rlirht nd loft which wa will ellat greatly reduced price. aVo all le of elevator buck.t and bolt. ' Willamet Iron Works Front and Everett 6ts. If nun 1 neiirci youracn; It 1 tlis perfect (Itllng trim applied In oaon which effect a cure; th Imperfect nover; 3,000 atylea to elect from enable 11 to guar antee a fit, or no charge! If your drumliit doe not keep tliera write in for direction for self, measurement correnpnndenea uiMiiiuwium ana images sent . cure from obnervatlon, to any adilrem; money refunded If not iill8fuctory. is. II. Woorinrrl Co., Expert Trim Flttor. 108 Second Bt., Portland, Or. WORK FOR ALL 7f?.5d w0,nn r meklng from IS M to 7.w per day lolling our gumi. No eiporlcnce neceneary. Beud two cent tamp for a free ample. JtfK m hit Ml), Flrt at., room 1 4 is, Portland, Or. A Itnes Against Fit. Tin crow of a stnsmrr ft "tit Spain dtt covered In mid ocean that Unmet were rog tug In tlio hold, lor ten duyt they bravely fouirltt the llniues, If men would light at uouLtoutly Otfttlntt dtsorJots of tha slum mh, fioro would be I'mnr prsmnttirs deaths. The lmt weapon for Suuh a ttgtil Is llostutter'l Htomaoli bitter. The total number of oliemloul works registered in all parts of Germany it 6,144, with 188,440 employes, AvoldlhiTtiiiiht 7r. Avoid the night air when damp and cold, and you will often avoid having neuralgia, but St Jacobs Oil will cute It no matter what Is the causa and no matter how long It hat continued. The height of the monntalns In the moon linn boon memmort. One lias an altitude of 88,000 fuut, and several are upwards of 80,000 lout In height Ta Cnr a Colli In On Dr Take Laxative llmmo Quinine Tablets. AU ilru(rnlsli refund money if it fulls to oitre, I:.'. , The (uiiilnino enthusiasm over Soli ley surpasses that displayed toward IJoli on to a degieo which suggests an In. olinatlnn to make a dintiitation between a lieutenant and an admiral. five furmftiwtillr Curwl. Ho norvmiKnia rue aftor firm ,ly m of Dr. nii,'a li Narva Ii..iuorr. s-m1 fur !mtllml triwllflft. tin. R I tot 1'KM . trim n, . u. luMm, uo., m ArUi suiwt, f UlladoliHi!, fa. The violet, for modesty and shy uu obtiuslvenesa, Isn't In it Willi a girl who Is wearing an old hat when every one else has on new millinery, If you want the best wind mlft, pumps, tanks, plows, wagons, bells ot ail iIms boilers, cnitlnes. or uenrral tiiaehlnerv. wit or write JOHN I'OOl.H, foot of iiorrton Street, Portland, Oregon. Wt offnr Oho Ttundroil llollim Reward tor any ' sue o( Vtotrrn tnaloiMi mil bt cured by llain Catarrh Cure. . r. j. i iiknky a co., rroet;, Toieoo, ti, We tlieundtiriiiinvil.hnvd known t, 1. Clioncr lor the pan! 16 vrr, and baliev him porlm'tir honnrablfi In all butriiit'i traiiftaotimiti anil nn- lu'lnll-; able toearrjr out any ottl(nUuua made by tUalr Arm. v, vrr w I RvAK, Wlilele HnniilU, Tolerlo, O. Waumkh, Kinnn A tUnviN, Wholeialt Drugi-liu, Toledo, O. I? all's Cstarrh Oura lltnktit, Internal) v. art Iris rtlrcoUjou the lilonii and mucous nurlai-ot ol thsviitom. Irlea 7Wi nr linLtla. Salil bv all dri)irt:tata. Tenttmnuialt Iree. Uall't family I'll It - re tli bast Paper made from seaweed is a grow lng industry in Fiance. It ia so trans parent that it has been used in place of glass. .. . ; ' I'lso't Cure fur Contimntion has heen aOod-sond to me. Wm. M. WcClellan, Chester, Florida, September 17, IS96. Gilding la easily applied to signs and decorations by a new brush, which has reel on the handle on wliioh the metalllo leaf la woand, one end being Inserted under the tip of the brush, which slides along and deposits the foil on the surface underneath. enabling the various a " . - . . . i Portland Oregonlan, Tradesman, Telegram nnd Times) Al:o In your looal town paper. Be Oulok About It. If yonr I among the urflt lot) coupon reaching acnepiea a part pafinmu, nudor onr eaay Itv accepted an part payment, iih u, is irtti ue wiMuuivu, plan, ivr a urBpuiaa new piano. leumeui plan, Tae..Your Choice-Knal.e, Flnoher, I.miwlt, Klnoklniry. or llurdmau-the; am th ivtniivu mi .MAI, up. wd a good one, too. MACHINERY.... Mills, Water Wheels. "" on. VETERANS i: If you mudeahnm teal entry prior to un22.IN7. Iurl lit An 111(1 ara. you are entitled to an additional entry, which I Mutenarilu and worth nmethliiir. Widow and minor ortthnnii of dcci'imed lnl. dlen have nine rlKht. 1 will buy It. fw not WMU pmtnK(i union you inado an original entry a tinted above. JKlta COLLI Nil, Helena, Montana. cure r0u3sn.Fr I'm Bis 4)1 tor nrmntnrFtl to 1 to I riart, flmranlnafi fle)tani.n( itI1mniHHuii. riitfttloim op uieomtiutia "'-ai'fiHtiH autiMnlno. I'sllllorifl. fili'l liol aUtlllita tfe M not ta Mr let ana. CI in il CI O It tltnilibru ieirHtfrmOHEMini Or,, S r SeUeaoii. B. a. A. j i pr int In plnln wrjimw. Jk . ." 1 1" prem, prep il, l4 .V. --da li.oi. r t KottlM, t.'T. w" Cuvular Mitt on raiiuett, N. P. N. U. NO. 4H-'B8. WUBlf wrltlna to advertUers plaaaa utaaUoa tul pap,