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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1898)
OREGON MIST. KKCKMBEtt S, 189$. LOCAL NEWS NOTES. llo v. O. G. Haley will preach In HuuHoii noau Bunduy tnowilug at 11 o'clock. ISvttrybody invited. Kuv, Mr. rhilbrook will preach at JJaolielor Flat noil Bunduy morning and at Boapjooe la in evening, Jewell on tue lower Nebalem, has a new postmaster, Woi. ji. Lewis having nignud. W. A. Fouler wu appointed. We will quota you prlcei on job irinliog ea low any ol tbe I'ortUiid ofllces. Let ui figure wltii you on your work. Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy can always be de- pendod upon and is pleasant and sale to take, emu oy vr. m. uom.aruggut, Thie ofllce received eight new tub- cribere Utl week. It it evident that the people understand that in order to uet ilia oouotv newi they mutt read I'm Mit. Rev. D. B. Gray, of Portland haa oc cupied the pulpit in the Congregational church in ihii oily each evening this week, and will continue the tervicei ove Monday, Tua Miht guarantee! to it adver tlera aod reader a larger actual, bona fide, legitimate circulation than any paper published iu Columbia eouuty, lira official paper of tliia county to the contrary, notwithstanding. Thie paper received from the paper upidy-bouae in Portland, thit week, ten thousand envelopes, a like number of letter-bead, note-head, statements and billheads, and we are now pre tared to eupply Urge order for tuoh stationery. Our prices are retainable nd our workmanship guaranteed. Martin Oottigan, held to the grand jury from the justice oourt of thie pre viuot, wat taken to Portland Tuesday to await the convening of tbe rirouit court. Another man waa arrested last Saturday, aocuaed ( being the person cum milting the crime for whioh Costl gan it held, but ha wat relented upon exaiuluation. Paine In the chost when person kae cold indicate tendency toward pneumonia. A piece of flannel damp ened Willi Chamberlain' Pain Balm and bound on to the client over the eat of pain will promptly relieve the pain and prevent the threatenod at tack of pneumonia, Thit tame treet tuuut will cure a lame baek in a few hours, tiuld by Dr. E. Boat, druggist. A grand event it in t'.ore for the de votees of dtnoing. A masque ball is to be given in thin city on Friday even lug, December 30th, by the members of Avou lodge Knighu of Pythias, ol this city. By direction of the lodge locutions will be issued, and the affair will be select. No mean will be epared to make this an enjoyable affair. Tickets, including aupper, will be sold tot 1.00 each. Friday evening November 18, Mia Flora, Vincent, teacher of tbe Yankton arhool, gave a candy-pull and party to the putls and the young people of Yankton. The feature of the evening wat the game "A Penny tor Your Thoughts," whioh was heartily enjoyed fcy JL The first prwet were won by Fred Briggt and Harry Sherman. The booby prises were won by Harry Brown nd Guy Tarbell. Some lime since Tim Mm suggested that at St. Helena there is an excellent opening for banking institution, aud we are yet of the eameopiuion. Busi neat it rapidly increasing and the future prumisot a better condition of liuaUMit affair than ever existed in the county, and the demand, gener ally, is for such an institution in our midst. 81. Helen Is certainly a splen did point for a bank. The Houlton Mhool will give a basket social on Saturday evening, December 17th. A good programme will be given, to whioh a email admit tance fee will be charged. Ladies at tending are requested to take lunches for two. There will be sold after the usual custom. The proceeds of the affair are to be applied to school needs. Everyone it cordially invited toatleud nd have a pleasant evening. Interest in tbe outcome of the bowl ing contest in this oity it increasing. Fifteen game out of the tournament of tweniy-one garnet have been played, with no distinct difference in the acorei of the two team. Both sides "struck a frott" on Friday night of last weekend miserable scores resulted. However, better scoring resulted last Monday evening. The contest will dote on Monday eveniug ol next week. The profile, together with the plans nd specifications of the church edi fice to be built at Houlton by the Methodist denomination, have arrived k..b fr..m ilia Portland architect, and work on the ttructure will toon be commenced. When completed it will number amoung Ihe neat edifices of the oounty, and will certainly ba an ornament to the town aud a credit to thote who are responsible for it ereo' tlott, ..: Th ln.llat nf the EoUcopal church of thit city will, some time during the present month, give a oaiaar nuu for the benefit of the church. A liter ary and musical programme will M rendered and refreshments served. A number of useful little artioles appio priate for Christmas presents, will be on tale at the baaaar. The date it not vi. L l.... itu arranged. OUl l ' thought this event will take about the 10th of tbe mouth. place Not with a boastful spirit do w say it k..t. ,miiaa it ia the truth, and It does not harm to repeat trutbe. Th Mibt it the only paper in Columbia count' that printt all the county news. Whoncver you want to see the pro ceedings of any court circuit, probate or county wish lo keep poted on mattcrt around the courthouse, read Thm Mtkt. A county paper it usually taken because the subscriber wants ti,. il.o I'onntv. and when a paper fails to furnish those matters of intereat lo the putvno w is n i i ,i,u .,i;n which recommend i. rrn Hitntthnr 'that In order tokeop posted on county matters of interest to the public it is necessary to subscribe for and read Tn Mwt. Lnst week the most suoceitful pre- mature drives of log ever made on the Columbia river look place at the Ooweeman, when tlx million feet oi logs were carried to the Columbia by the breaking of the two large damt In the logging stream. The immense DOdy ol water consequent upon the ueavy rami wniuh had prevailed In that vicinity for tome time previous proved to ba more than the damt could hold, and the ttructure gave war, with the result before mentioned. Muckle Brut., of thit oitv. had teveral million feet of logt In the it ream, and a great many of them were oarried out. This firm began logging operations on that stream last April, and as remit the output was sold last week for $28,000, r rtr .... . T ' to. io per tnoussnd feet having been received for the logs. This is only one oi nie many instances where a similar price has been received for logs this fall. Mr. Muckle feels biichiy elated over the result of his summer's work, anu win continue operatlout at bit camp during lb wiuter. The time of the reappearance of tbe pumpkin pie it with us once more, and one of our exchanges say i "Whether the pumpkin pie wet created for Thauktgiving, or Thanksgiving for tbe pumpkin pie, we know not, but tbe a funky between the two Is quite evi dent. The pumpkin pie la of great sociological and patriotic Interest. Social ttndent and patriot are alike ooncerned with the question of tbe snpply of great men, and the pump kin pie it evidently developer of greatness. Vermont fed Dewey on pumpkin pie for 20 years. Behold the result I Who knows what might have been the euloome had Montejo been an eater of pumpkin pie, and Dewey of ella podiida con aguardientef Here's to the pumpkin pie I Hay its genial complexion pate not, nor itt interior loose itt fragrance at the years past I" Town killers are olattlfied into eight separate branchoa, at follows : First, those who go out ol town to do their shopping: second, thote who are opposed to improvement; third, thote who prater quiet town to one of push and enterprise; fourth, thote who imagine they ewn tbe town; fifth, those who deride publio spirited men ; tixtb, those who oppose every move ment that doea not originate with them; seventh, those who oppose very movement that does not appear to benefit them ; eighth, those who seek to injure the credit or reputation of individuals. How few who are in the habit of playfully pulling the chair from under another at he it about to tit dowu real ize iust what fatal result are likely to occur from tucb an action. A short time since at Hollingsworth, Wash., the 16-year-old ton of Mr. and Mrs. MoGuire came to his death from con cussion of tbe brain caused by striking the back of hit oead against the edge of the chair, which was pulled from under him by friend. What remorae mutt have come to bis companion as the awful newt reached him that he had been the cause of bit chum's death. Don't growl if a newspaper failt to give every scrap of new eo loog at you take no trouble to give the editor information. We have beard of read ers who are awfully put out at timet if we make no note of the arrival or de nature of friends vieiting them, or of social affairs, or tbe heaven tent babies that visited their homes over nignt. Tbe average , nevtjpaper man isn't a medium, nor a mind reader, nut gets most of hit new the tame way that milkmen get their milk by pumping. The down train Friday night, tayt Tuesday's Astorian, waa delayed by slide near ymncy. The up train suc ceeded in getting through, but it wat impossible for the west-bound to pass the slide. Early the next morning a train was sent from Astoria to transfer Ihe paasengera. The slide occurred at the only bad place along the road, and the work of clearing tbe track took some time. If Brother Banford it to bnty reoeiv- jing subscriptions that be hasn't time to cuange mat euuoruu iu arhftth aoaaka so clooueutly and earn estly of the superior qualifications of Sheriff Bice, we will loan him a slug of stereotype plate lo run in itt place. It may be that the editorial referred to is Sanford'i "whittle to keep up oour- age." . Alas, "we nave teen wunt wo have aeen." The people of Vernonia baye made op their minda to have a road out to the Columbia river, and St. Helena, Clatskanie and Balnier are each fightr ing for the terminus. It seems to ut that if the merchautt of either town were alive lo their interests they would "put in" with the oounty court, or build it themselves. Warrenton (Or.) Tribune. Timber land sales are beginning to take place in large trade and it will not be long before the timber laudtot the northwest will be sought after at eagerly at those of the upper Mistis tippi valley. This timber is one of the greatest resources that Orgon has, and will briug a mint of money lo thie oouutry in the next few year. " Ed Stanwood, the Brinn boyt, Waeh Muckle, Tom Holstein and other, who i.ud in Milton creek, tre congrat ulating themselves on their good for tune in getting their log to tide water, and re further congratulating them .! unon the good fortune in re ceiving $4 00 and $4.50 per thoutaud feel for them. Mr. Dolman's Improvement! show a .n ,iavatnnt lan of a large, con venient storeroom, well filled. When i. m mil stocks ana low prions St. Helen stands well up among the tmall river townt. Ti. Indication! are that "whistling for courage" will not lumce. Mtij' Makes toe food more delicious end whotesome . sevi ll'?SlT"i'MWiiiattaniiiin FEKtORAI. HEftTIOIta Win fieffart. Of DmF lalaiwt. In tnm Tuesday. Mint Manila Dart spent Thsnksrivrag In this city. Mfu Marie Watts spent Thanksgiving in Portland. Georst Hall and wife sp?nt Thanksgiving In Portland. Ed Webator, ot Keaiey, was saen in Ibis city Tuesday. Mrs. T. 0, Watts, of Beubtn, spent last Sunday in tliisciiy.- Albtrt Johnton was down from Bcap poost last Saturday. Dr. Morte, of Bslem. tptnt thanksgiving with relatives in tills city. A. B. I.lrtlt was a jnassenier for Portland Monday, rtlurning Tuesday, Mrs. A. J. Detain and children were in Portland a day or two ttiis week. Oforftt Hayirnr attended Masonic lodgs at Rainier last Saturday evening, Dranla Terry and wife, of Portland, spent Tbankagiving with ralatlvtt here. Mrt. A, E. Johnson, of Scsppoote, Is suf fering front an attack of erysipelas. B. F. Pont and wife and son. Dart, of Bachelor Flat, wert in Portland Monday. Judge Case, of Pittshunr, was In this city Wednesday. He returned home Tbumday. Mr. and Mrt. W. A. Harris ate Tbankt- firms dinner at the Dow borne, at Oak Ulan d. S. H. Bailey, of Yankton, wat attending to bunineat matters In the metro polls last Monday. Frank George It confined to hit bed tt his father's noma, in this city, with ty phoid fever. - Mr. tnd Mrt. Wm. D. Connell spent Thankngirln In thit city with Mr. and Mrs, U tuning. Mrt. Jamct Muckle will leave tomorrow for Btn Diego, Cel., where the will remain two or three months. Ernest MoCauler came over from Verno nia Tuetdav. Ht expecti to And employ ment near here this winter. Mlas Nora Convert, after tpendinr abont (out weekt In thit city, returned to bar home in Clattktnie Tuesday. Mrt. J. B. Dacker.who bas been suffering for some time with rheumatism, it reported to be able to be about again. Misses Mary Barks, Tlllie Muckle and A mv George, who are attending school in Portland, spent Thanksgiving in this city. Charley Cooper, sfter aa absence of some time, came home last week to spend a few days. Charley la employed at Oak Point. Mr, Jacob George was teen In town on Tbankagiving day. He continued on to romand in tne aiiernoon in visit dis whs and ehildreo. Joe Kversot and Tommy Clonlngtr left on tilt Kellogg Toetdty for the Ooweeman, where they will be employed in tbe Muckle logging oamp. . Clarence Adamt, In a letter to na, state that ht ia teaching school at Mountain Dal, in Washinaton county. Ua expects to remain there all winter. School Siinerlntendent Oontland has re cently made a tour of the county, vieiting many of the schools. He returned to this cky Tueeday evening from a few days visit at Albany, witn relatives. KEASET REWI NOTES. Mr. Thomas Brown and daughters, with Mr. William Brown, expected to return to Forest Grove this week. Mlta Mabel Harvev was sofonrninsr with ber sister, Mrt. Kd Webster, enjoying the loneaomecess of a life ia Hock creek valley. A dance was on the orocramme for Sat- urdty night at tbe residence of Kd Web ster. Rain, wind and mud art no obsta cles to lbs pleasures ol the young (oiks. Mr. and Mrt. Keaaev. also Miss Boss eeetemaa, went to tit. Helent with Mr. J. Pringle thit week, en route for Portland. Mr. and Mrt. Kaatev tbenee to Southern California to tpeud the winter. If there is a banner school In Columbia county surely It is district No. 27, tt thit place. All the teachers thai have been em ployes lor me atl tlgm jeare ut paeeeu unon it aa one containing very briubt pu pils, and many art so reepeetfuf as to be al most self-governing. Truly a good report. Fridav November 35th. closed the two months term of school at Xeasey, which wat not regretted by eltner tue teacher or nnnila. aa aome ot the latter have bad a pleasant morning and evening walk of two and a half milet each way. and Mias Wil son a ride of five miles. Fall and winter schools to the rural districts are not the most agreeable. All have been well pleased witn the instruction, uowevtr. The latest newt from Klondike wit re ceived from tbe pen of Mr. 0. P. Cheldelin who states that be has arrived taieiy ana taken a claim, but not vet begun work. The long arctic winter it nothing to be de tired, but Mr. Cheldelin. In hit younger days, was accustomed to tuch a climate in hit native land of Sweden. At a reward (or hit btrdehipt and labors we tball hope to see him returning with enough, at least. to make himself ana lamny quite con tented and happy. VEBtllOMA VABIETIEII. Dr. Hatfield it slowly recovering his strength. Tbe recent rains have caused onr river to rise considerably. Mr. Gustavson was a visitor at tbe county seat Wednesday. Mr. E. W. Keatev and wife left forsunny Calfornia Tuesday. Mrs. A. Shannahan It visiting with friends at Buxton this week. Wm. Wilson and wife returned from the metropolis Friday evening. Edward Stephens, of Buxton, wat the tuestolMr. and Mrs. A. tJhaunahan on Friday ot last week. Messrs. Smith snd Hall and wives, of Centervllle, Washington county, were th guests ot Mr. and Mrs. & J. Mow thit weea. . Two dogs or two ooyotes are feasting on the settlers' shoep up the river.having killed two (or J 8. Mowe aud one (or A. bhauna ban tbisweek. Bev. F. M. Fisher preached at Beaver nhonlhnniui l.i the morniriB. and at Keatev iu tbe afternoon, and at this place in tbe evening last Sunday. , Tl,.nkulvin wis verv auletlv observed in tills vioinity. One not knowing that this day was set apart (or the purpose oi givins h.i.b. ia ilia Alinlirhtv (or bis watchful care over us, would never have known it bad he been here, (or it was just th tame as each and every other day. CAPPOOBB NOTE. T). W. Price it having all the wood out there it iu the woods. We hope he makes a "oord" o( money out ol It. . Mrs. Stump is building an addition to her new house, and having a bay window made out of one o( the pnrotie. whioh It all nice, and very convenient. ThtHoladsy nursery people received a diploma from the Portland Industrial W- i- w vJi st sssv noaltlnn for a dlrlav of sonles. It Is evi dent that the eltorw of thtwe people have set ine pact ror a revolution in iruit ihhui in thit county. It It renorted that W. T. Watts shipped a carload o( wheat the other day. Wilt is still furnishing milk to the creamery. Mr. Watts alto sold quite tot of apples Here this (slL Mr. J. 0. Johnson has lust completed a (irst-class, up-to-date creamery and is about ready to move his machinery into it. Mr. Johnson bat a herd of grade Jerseyt to go witn tbe new creamery, and oe win continue lo turn out first-class goods. Mr. Johason haa a nice young orchard that netted him over 1103 cash Ibis year. The Hnlalav Nuraarv llnmnanv thit fall dried about eight tone of prunes, and have shipped two carloads of applet to Coloraiio. Resides various oilier iocs suiu at laoonie, Portland and other nolntt. Tbey havt an exoellent herd ( cowt, Jerseys and others. They continue to furnish Ihe country wiib flrit-clsas (ruit treoa of all kinds. That company reports their sale of trees Ibis year the largest they ever had. School Heport, Followlne it the renort of tht Houlton school (or the month ending November 26: IHunioer of uays laugm jo Number ol days attendance.... Uf)M Number of days absence...... MH Cases of tardiness 6 Number of boys enrolled.. v Nunibsrof girls enrolled 18 Total enrolled Pupils neither absent nor tardy wert: John and Clarence Garrison, Charley, Annie and Mary Wikstrom, Eona and Earl Perry, Ota and Wilbur Walker, Lola Braddock, Opal Cox. Jeanit 8 pence, Frank Berdahl, w alpha nonkie, urace iteuey ana wnaney Little. ' Visitors during the month were: Rev. Weatherrinn and daughter. Klosaie. of Port land, Koy Webber, of Vernonia, Mrs. Hen ahaw, Messrs. C. and E. Garrison, J. Lam berton and A. Keiley, of Houlton. Owine tolnclemeut weather and bad roads some of the smaller children are frequently absent, and a few have bad to leave school. 1.KAH vviLBOB, xracoer. Knlgbti, Attention. Tbe members of Avon lodge No. 62. K. of P.. art hereby notified that at the next con vention the tarui-annual election of officer! will take place. There will also be work in the second and third ranks. Your presence Is requested. K. E. QUICK, C. C. U. W. B1.A JlEoLKY, K. ol K.a.0. Revival Services). Revival services will be held In tbe Evan gelical church at Houlton, commencing Sunday evening, December 4th. Bev. W. r. L.auner, ol kittle ails, wait., win as sist in the nieetinire. Services every night during the week. Come and enjoy the song service. A. E. Mvass, Pastor. Congart are said to be prowling round the outskirts of the city, and within the past two weeks have been teen at different placet. Max Fold re turned from a trip to tbe Waliuski yesterday, and wat informed by Bridge Tender Craig, of the Waliuski bridge, that a cougar and three cubs were teen crossing tbe bridge Sunday night. The bridge-tender made no attempt to ahool tbe animal and tbey were al lowed to go their way unmolested. Their track yesterday were teen on the road for quite a distance at the east and of the bridge, and doubtless the animal have not yet left that vicinity. Attorinn. Send in your order, for job work now. Yon will need a new supply of billheads, sletements,etc.,to straighten up your year's bneineaa. Work done at Portland pricee. DO YOU KKOW Consumption Is preventable T Science has proven mat, and also tnat neglect a sui cidal. The worst cold or cough ean be cured with Shiloh't Cough and Consump tion Cure. Bold on a positive guarantee for over fifty years. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, Ht. Helena, Oregon, ana n. a. ferry, tiounon, uregon. TREASURER'S NOTICE. Coosttv TKtisuasB't Ovncc, XTOTICR IB HEKKBY GIVEN THAT ALL iv unnatd Countv Warrants of Columbia uoanw, uregon, woicq nave oeen preavnieu anu enuorsea: "not raia ror want oi runas, prior to Jan. 1, US7, will be patd upon presen tation at this office, lulereat will not be allowed after this date. EDWIN ROUS. Dtd2 Treasurer oLColumbia County, Oregon. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Omci or City Ttaaaoaaa. Om. II ... -u . I , .. to f , ,IM rpHE CITY TREASURER Of ST.'beLENB, X Oregon hereby elves notice that all war rants Ol wis cut wnicn nave oeen presenvea nd endorsed "Not Paid tor Want ol Funds." prior to Attftost t, 1t7, and warrant No. KH, en- hohm Aunui a J Ml . win oe naia onoa nrv aentatioa to me. Intereat will not be allowed after this date. uavid davib, ;ity Treasurer, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laks Ofvici at Osteon City, Ob.. October M, 189ft, NOTICK 13 HERRBT GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler haa tied notice of hit intention to make final proof In support ot bis olaim, and that said proof will be made be fore the couuty clerk ot Columbia county at St. Helena, Oregon, on December 8, 1898, via: 6IGKL WILKINSON, Homestead entry No. 82t, (or the north K ot northwest U of section 97. and east U of north east a of section 2S, township a north, range 4 west. He names the rbllowfn witnesses to Drove &fs continuous rosldanoa upon, and cultivation of said land, vis: wiiiiam wooa, u. at. jseefrmev, r. at. raraer and Win Mellinaer. all of Vernouia. Oretrou. 02033 Chas. B. afuoaia, Begisttr. Mu cf Final Settlement NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT I, THE undersigned, administrator of the estate of William Kellum, deceaied, have Died In tht onlceof the clerk of Ine County Court of tbe State ot Oregon, for Columbia County, my final acoonnt of my administration upon said estate, together with my petition for final settlement and distribution of tbe residue of said estate, and that said eoart has appointed Tuesday, the 30th day of Deoember, Man, at 1 o'clock p. m., as the tlins, and the courtroom of said Court, at the courthouse. In 8t Helens, ssld oounty and state, as the place for tbe settlement of said account and the hearing of said petition, at which time and place any person interested In said estate may appearand file written obiectious to said account and the granting of said petition. CHARLES MAYGKR, Administrator of the estate of William Kellum, deceased. nUdlS Notice of FiEal Scttlemeat NOTIC 18 HKRKBYOIVTtS THAT I, THE undersigned, administrator of the estate At Ink. 11 k.. ikl.A I. " "I floe oi the clerk of too bounty Court of tbe Btate ot Oregon, for Columbia County, my final account oi my sximinisirauon upon saio estate, together with my petition for nnal settlement of said estate, and that aald Court has appointed Tuesday, tht SUib day of December, M, all o'clock p. m., aa the time, and the conrtroom of said Court, at tbe oourthoiase In St. Helens, in said county and stater ff the place for tbe set tlement of said account and tne hearing of said petition, at which time and place any person interested In said estate may appear and hie written objections to said account and the grant ing of said petition. K. K. QUICK, Administrator of tht estate of John Elmore, deoeased. nitidis Notice of Final Settlement NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN BY THE Un dersigned administrator oi tbe estate oi James Cook, deceaned, that he bss Died In the ot( of the County Court ot Columbia County, Oregon, his final account of bis administration upon aald estate, together with his volition for nnal settlement; and that the Hon. J. B. Snan, Judge of said Court, has appointed Saturday, the 31st day of December, lls'Jo, at 1 o'clock In the afternoon of said day, as the time, and tbe Courtroom of said Court at the Courthouse in St. Httlene, Oregon, as the place for the hear ing and settlement of said account and petition, ut which time and place any person interested may appttar and file objaoUousin writing to satd account and petition. W. D. CASK, Administrator oi tha Estate oi James Cook, deceased. tl'UJO CONTEST NOTICE. DirABTWUKV or th Imtki!i, ( Uultsd tsts Land Oillce.l WHa.ow Oitv, Orroo, Oflt. 1. ISO. Atvrrivi. rT outi'itwr a vimuavix ma V . lua been Sled In this eftloe hv Oeonre P. Smith, cnnteHtant, aenluat homestead entry No. mule June 11, lt2, for Southeast Hoctlou 11, Townsnip 4 nortn, aange 4 west, oy uonstani nrtittiftttrian. contestee. In which It is aliened thai the said (jnnslant Brninreman never made settlement on his claim; that he never resided there at all after he made entry, cor did be cul tivate or Improve the sarr.e alter making entry; that h has not lived on his claim or been on his claim for over six years nor anyone acting for hlmi that his absence Is not due to his em Clnyment In the military or naval service of the nltd Htates In time of war: said parties are bereby notiiiod to appear, respond and ofter evi dence touching said allegation at to o'clock a. m. on Loceinher Sth, ihuh, before tbe Register and Receiver at the united States Land Omos in Oregon City, Oregon. The said contestant having, In a proper affi davit, filed Oct. 1, lBtw, set forth facts which show that alter due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, ft is bereby or dered and directed that such notice be given by dus and proper publication. CHAfl. B. MOORES, R winter. o2n2 WM. GALLOWAY, Receiver. SIcrilT'sSalisciiForeclOTS. In the Circuit Court of tht State of Oregon, tor tht Uninty oi uiiumoia. to. WiasTaaa, Plaintiff, vs. Jobs V. Ptieso and Elm Pxts&sok, Defendants. BY VIRTUE OC AN EXECUTION, JUDG ment, order and decree, duly issued out of and under tht seal of the above-entitled Coart, in the above-entitled cause, to me duly directed, and dated the 15th day of November, tow. Is favor of tht ahove named plaintiff. 1.0. Wlk- i nv tad ssnrailnasv ttm atinva.namarl AmlanA. anu, iohn MPeterson and Ellen Peterson, for tne sum oi sixteen nunarea isiomui amiars, wiin Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum Irom tne 1st day oi Hovemrjer. iny. sua tbe larther sura of seventy-seven (77.uo aoi Ifirtt. with Interest thereon at lbs rate of ten per cent per annum from tht Mth day of October, tews ana tne farmer nn w mmw mv tnmnv's fees, and the ftiriber sum of fifteen (S16.WI) dollars costs and disbursements, and tbe costs of and upon thia writ, commanding and requiring me to make sale of tbe following-described mortgaged premises to-wit: The south west one-ouarter (sw of section 29, township a north of range 4. west of tba Willamette mer- lulan, in uoiumoia county, uregon. riow, mere fore, bv virtue of said execution. Judgment. order and decree, tnd in compliance with tbe commands of said writ, 1 win, on tionaay, tne loth day of December, UD8, at tbe hour of 10 caeca a. m. or said day, at tne rront aoor oi the aountv courthouse, in the Citv of 8t. Helens. Columbia county, Htata of Oregon, sell, at pub lic aaction, subject to reaempnon, to tne mgn est bidder, for United States gold coin, cash In hand, all the rWht, title and interest which the above-named deendants, or either of them had. In and to tht foregoing-described mort anured nrAmisea on tba date ol DtaintifTe mort gage, or since bad, to satisfy said execution, judgment, order and decree, costs and all accru ing costs. J, Ti, RICE, Sheriff of Colnmbia County, Oregon. vatea at si. ueiens, vt ov. u, una. nuuio Sheriff's Sale ca Foreclosure. In tbe drctilt Conrt of th Stat of Oregon, for u wjUQiy oi uoiumoia. H. Varwio, Jju. Plaintiff. WM. Asms Wixlkr inn W. M. WiiXKS, DefenflftDta. IY VIRTUK OF AN FXJEOUXION. JU1X1- I") meat, order and decree, duly issued out of ana onaer tne eai oi tne aoove-entitiea jouix. Is. frK aV,.r anllll.i ssnta l ma rfsilw KssbaIimI and dkted tbe 4th day of Govern bet, 1BD8, upon a jndement and decree rendered ana entered In said Court on the 12tb day of October, -Wl, in favor of the above-named plaintiff, H. Varwfg, jr., and aicainst the above-named defenduita. Annie Miller and W. M.Miller, for the sum of four hundred (f.00) dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of elk; tit per eent per annum since October Uth, inland thirty dollars attorney's fees, and twenty-five ($'25 00) dollars coste and accruing con is of and upon this writ, command log and requiring me to make sale of the follow-fng-deMribed mortgaged premises, to-wit: The northeast Quarter (..e) of the northeast Quar ter (no of section fourteen (14), in township six (6), north of range two (2), west of the Will amette menaian, containing tony acres ot tana, in Columbia countv. Oreson. Now. therefore, by virtue of said execution, Judgment, order ana aeoree ana in compliance wiin uie com' manddof said writ. I will, on Mondav. Decern ber lth, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at the front door of the county court house, In tbe City of Bt. Helens, said county and state, sell, sumect to redemption, at nubile auction, to the highest bidder, for United States goto coin, casn in nana, an ine ngm, uue m 1 1 wuiuu i,iiv ewuviruntuiru UWriiUwUtt, Annie Miller and W. M. Miller, or either of them, naa, on tbe toregoing aescnoea propeny an the date of nlrttnti rnorieue. or Rince had. to satisfy said execution, judgment, order and aeoree, micros, ousts ana au accruing cosis. i tva atir Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon. usviea wis -uin amy oi noveniDer, unm. Dim Sheriff's Sale on Foreclosure. In the Circuit Conrt of tht State ol Oregon, for tnt vounty ot t;oiumnia. Ksitu H. STEnaaaa, Plaintiff, vs. Johk C. Mahts, Aaaia Mast. 8aib Maktz, Tillis Mamti. Cam. Hants. AtrHiA Adaus. M. HuHOUCKt AMD KTB.-L HtHBRlCAS, 16 fndiLnta. BY ViaTHK OF AH EXECUTION. JCDO ment, order and decree, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above-entitled Court, in the above-entitled cause, to me duly directed, and dated the 4th day of November, ISM, upon a judgment and decree rendered and entered in said Court on the 22nd day oi October, 1W8, in favor of tbe above-named plaintiff, Emma H. Stenberg, and against the above-named defend ant, John C. Mants, for the sum of four hundred r&4001 dollars- with interest thereon irom tbe lath day of August, 1897, at tbe rate of ten per cent per annum, and ninety (90) dollars attor ney fees, and the sum of forty-two (Si2) dollars costs or suit ana accruing costs oi ana upon this writ, commanding and requiring me to make sale of the following-described mortgaged J' remises, to-wit: The southwest quarter of seo lon four (4), township three (8), north oi range two (2), west of tbe Willamette meridian, all in Columbia County, State oi Oregon. Mow, there fore, by virtue of said elocution, judgment, or der and decree, and inoeompliauce with the commands of said writ, I will, on Monday, the Lllh dsv of December, 1898, at the hour of 1 o'clock in the Afternoon, at the front door ot the oounty courthouse, in tbe City of &t- Helens, said county and state, sell, subject to redemp- lor United States gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the above-named defendants, or either of them, had, at tbe time oi the commencement of this suit, or since had in and to tht above-described property, to sat isfy ssld execution, judgment, order anu aecreo, interest, costs, ana aoeruing costs. J. N. RICE. Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon. Dated, St. Helens, uregon, Nov. u, ism. niuin Stoif 's Sale ca Foreclosure. In tht Circuit Conrt of the Stat of Oregon, for Columbia uninty. Johm Coxwat, Plaintiff, vs. Natsuh Nichols, Mav C. Hiu, JoL Hiu Attn Maktha J. Nichols, Defendants. BY "VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION, JUDQ ment, order and decree, duly Issued out of and under the seal ol the above-entitled Court, in the above-entitted cause, to me duly directed, nd dated tbe 1st day oi November, lSat, upon a judirment and decree rendered and entered In said Court on the 14th day of October, ISM), in tavor wl ine euove-usmeu piaiuuu, .uuuvwi, wav. and against the above-named defendants, Nathan Nichols and Mary C. HIU. for the sum oi three hundred and forty-four and ninety-four one hundredths ($344.94) dollars, with interest thereon at tbe rate ol eight per eent per annum from the 14th day of October, lim, and tha further sura of fifty (150) dollars attorney's fee, and tbe further sum of twenty-threw and filly one-hundredths (Jl.60) dollars costs and dis bursementa, and the costs of and upon this writ, oommantllng and requiring me to make sale of the following-described property, to-wit: A lot of land described aa beginning at a point where the county road Intersects a lot of land now owned by H. W. Blood, which borders on thMnmnliMiilA river, thence rnnninir in a south erly direction course on tne line oi sal a iota distance of one hundred feet; thence In an east erly direction one hundred feet to the county road; thence running along said county road in a northorly course, fifty feet; thence running along said county road one hundred and six teeu feet, to tbe place of beginning: said lot be ing a part of the donation claim of E. O. Hryant, In ftnntion A. tnwnahiti 7 north, rauae 4. west of Willamette meridian; and also that certain lot of laud beginning at a stake marked 'li", run ning thence due south 1UI feel; thence due east ISO foot; thenoe due north 100 feet; thence west 60 feet, to the place of beginning, being also a nnrtion of tha donation claim of said fi. Q. Hry- tnL in Motion a. tmvnshin 7 north, ranire 4. west of Willamette meridian, with all the tenements and herldiuments thereunto Belonging, now therefore, bv virtue of said execution. Judg ment, order and decree, and in compliance with IhAnnmmunilint tulirt writ. I Will, on Monday. December 12th, 18, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the front door of the court house. In the city of Bt. Helens, in saia vounty and State, sell, subject to redemption, at public ,,titu, t fcha hlchuHt htiltler. for United States sold coin. OAtth In hand, all the right title and interest whioh the above-named delendaiits, or either of them had, in and to the foregoing described premises, all in said enunty and slate, on the date of plaintitfa mortm'. or since had, to satisfy ssld execution. Judgment, order and dree ree, Interest, costs and all accruing costs. J. N. RICE, Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon, Dated at St. Helens, Oregon, November 11, 1W8. Joseph Uaslon, attorney for Plaintiff. nll-cW 1 jCVfegstablePrcparal'ion ror As similating thcrocd and Regula ting th& S Uimodts aadiknwb of ProteaTficstion.CIicerrul i!3sandI!csl.C0Bbiias neiUxr Oimun,Morplune vat Miflefal IvOTNAHCOTIC. Iwa'm SmJ- i' HWWWJWHf ' ', iinf un sav fjintr VJfcS- tion. SourSlomach.Diarclu.ica, Worns jConvTJteiors,r.evensrt Hess and IO ss of Sixer IeSuniat Signature ot TJTW "YORK. EXACT COPY OT WEAPFTB. HARRIS' CASH GROCERY ' Keeps always on hand all kinds of - : staple and fancy groceries and : - provisions, farm produce, tropical . pOr lOUr : and domestic fruits in season, due : CirOCeneS. teas and coffees, tobacco and cigars. " A tine Una of conlectlonery also iu ' stock, and vartoutother specialties. CORNER COWLITZ AND MAIN STREET. ST. HELENS, OR. J rsrsrsBrgrsgrausaysiyjsjtay ST. HELENS PHAR2dAGY Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor Patent Medicines, PERFUMES AND Prescriptions... Carefully and Accur ately Compounded.... DAY OR NIGHT. tt. Cigars.... rsftW rf - aftr m 'i nfl. mm DART Sl nain Street, Dtalera in. GENERAL -..MERCHANDISE DART &, Main Street, - GOOD TOOLS! .FOR NET Jennlng'3 Patent Bits . Clark's Ejpaniion Bits.,.. Common Braces Ratohet Braces Drawina-knivet... Folding Drawing-knives., , Common 8aw-tts ......... Morrell't Baw-sets Carpenters' fatmroert...... Carpenters' hatchets. Carpenters' handaxet...... Jack planes Iiisston htndsawa Good steel handsaws ...... f irmer chisels 12 toSOo ...70c to $1.10 85 to 50c ...eoo to2.oo 4flo 20 ISC . ......... 60c .".'.'.'.'.as io 6o ......SStofiOc eo to 7c 5ftc J 25 ..... .60 to 75c 17 to 35c tea cbsam rssEzaas, l-qt. Artio .1 E5 5-qt. Artio 1 15 3-qt. Artio , 1 30 Black Diamond Files, Oil Stoves, Pinchers, Wrenches, mid n v c used by all ktuda of people, at low prices or tlio next , u,. i. (..,',. Atewiie1 ssnel illarrlavia Kit iiuutiiad: "Tf ffff Vff f A. Ill J aU.til IU ias, J IStfSJlf Pl . j A Bears tlio Sigmturo of i'liG Kim You llavo Always Bought. f Si . I Mf 1 'al U TMK eiTWTIIUfl ennWNY, tVrnWVOfVK CITf. 1 Fancy Toilet. Articles. FANCY STATIONERY. Complete Line of .......Dnilsts' Ssdrlss School Books... ancL. School Supplies mm h i M 1 .a. AW , ft, IA 11 fh n f 'i v t, a- jkjs1 MUCKLE St. Helens, Oregon. Choice Groceries Always on hsnrl. Flour, train, tnd feed. Tobacco tnd cigars, and smokers' articles, notion, em. ...Hardware... CROCKERY AND TINWARE ...Dry Goods... Inelnritng general Mnortmeut of clothing, fumlMhluKs, untl Axon goods. Aino a flue liue of boots and aiiuus. MUCKLE - St. Helens, Oregon. LOW PRICES! SPOT CASH.... 4-Quart Artie....... 1- qt. Whits Mountain 2- qt. White Mountain 8-t. White Mountain... 4-qt. Wliita Mountain..... 6-it, White Mountain .... 1 ) .... I r, .... 1 7.' .... 2 t'l .... 2 ;v LAWK MOWItRS. 1J inch Phlladolplila.. it-inch Philadelphia. ........ l(J-inch rhiladlphta., lWnch Fhilidelphia.... Al-inch PHladnlphia Camp Collee PuW .... 4 fiO 6 I) , . . . . 8 t; :') ..... 7 tf) .20 to &.o 01111111 TJsMF RTTUtS. 3qt. with oovar 4-qt. with cover . . , 6-qt. xrlih cover 8-qt. with coyer i i J!