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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1898)
OJiEGON MIST. Vridnr, Auttuat 19, 1HUB, Kuril the lubsorlplion price of tliit pupor fno y?tr ry lofi'istjim t9 new, auh eubaaribore. Kv.C,K.riilnirook will preeoh next Sunday at Doer Island la the morning and iu una city in trio eyening, The apportionment of etato euhool fund for Columbia county will be fuund in anotlior column of tlile Issue. Each pernon who will send ne two new yearly cash etibecriptiuue for Tub Miht will receive tliie paper gratia fur .one veer. , The dedication of the new Method ist church t Soappoose will take puce next Buminy. A pleasant end profitable time ie anticipated, The "good roads" question U of more importance lothepeoploof thie county than i "whet (hull we do with the rkillipineef 'Tillamook Herald. Beat brand of hama lljcnnts; beat brand) of bacon 10, 11 mid 12 cents; Union Moat Co. end Otidahya lard, beet qualities, 45 end 60 cente per 6 lb pall at Bt. Jiolens Heat Market. The Tillamook Herald says: "The laa who clear land enough to feed one more cow adds VuU tier year to the permanent wealth of the county, which eqnls an investment of more than 1800 at 8 percent. It baa come at lait. Sidney Dell hai announced through the San Francisco Examiner that be will be candidate for president of the United 8tatei on the JSon Com poa Menti 16 to 1 plat form. Ain't that bell Astoria. Herald. The Aitoria Herald eays: ('Colum bia county baa not apent one-third at much money on county road ae Clat aonoounty, yet hor roads are far au perior to roade In Ibia county." Won der what the thunder tbey have down ihoref -.. , ; We bave decided to furniah the Weekly Oregonlan and Okwjo Mist together one year for I1.T5, invariably in advance. Better yet t Tim Miht will be aent nntil January let, 1900. The price of the Oregonlan one year ia IL50. At the quarterly examination for toachera of our public eohoole, con ducted in thia city laat week, there were twelve applicants, all of whom were successful iu tboir undertaking. The board re porta very creditable per centagea In each instance. The direotora of thia aohool d la trie t laat week purchased twenty-two new ingle deaka for the achoolhouao, be eldee a new deak for the teacher and four new cheire. Thia furniture will be in piaee before the fall term beglna, whicii will be September filh. Tbja ba been an exceptionally clear eaaon a compared with former yeara, when amoke front the dreaded foreat firee obscured the view and made the atmosphere almost unbearable. The tneay ahowere of rain throughout the ummer hare been welcome visitor. One ef the home of George Lamont'a rood team full through the floor of, Muckle'e wharf laat Friday afternoon. The horse lodged on some beneath timbers after nearly bait the body went out of eight, and after being pried up Again, aave numerous scratches, no evere injury ie believed to bave re-1 utied. It ia not amis at thia time to aug geet that people make one of a liberal quantity of chloride of lime In cess pool and water-cloaota. Thia ia the eaaon of the year for typhoid fever and like dineaeee that thrive on filth. The axiom of "Cleanliness ia next to Godliness" appliee with double force at thia particular lime. We who have been vainly longing for a cool retreat in "any old place' where we might escape the intermin able) brat, have our deairaa gratiBod Dy remaining at nouie. mmiamio baa been so fickle that thermometers ore registering all aorta of conditions, and at press hour overcoata and urn brellas had become in evidence. The lot joining the property of John 8oott, in thia city, baa been purchaaed by the MethodUts of thia city, tha Iranafer being made Tuesday, and the work of removing and remodeling the old church on the hill will be begun at once. It ie a desirable property for uch a purpose, and tha building, wbeu removed to ite new location, will be in a much more convenient place. The Bev. W. B, Coetley, of Stock bridge, Oa., while attending to hie pas toral dutiea at Ellenwood, that atate, waa attacked by cholera morbua. He eays : "By chance I happened to get hold of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemcdy, and I think it waa the means of saving my life. It relieved me at onee." For lale by Dr. E. Boaa, druggist. The Astoria A Columbia Elver Rail- .i aimntiiv Iweu arrenfrod to olaoe a apeoial train aohedule in effeol dur ing the Astoria regatta wmco win n- .1.1 uiaitnra In lnava Fnrtland in the morning, see all the afternoon exer cises and return the aame day, arriv ing at Portland at at .0:20 p. m. Train leave Astoria for Seaside and 11 Clatsop beach poiula frequently during thoday. rrt.. niian nf Ilia recretta at Astoria, which baa been the center of interest in that city for some time, waa brought to a oiosa ias rnuj night. Mrs. Normile was elected, hav fU.flOO votes, with Misa Maude Stockton a eloae second, she receiving oyer 63,000 votea. Mrs. Harrison Allen, formerly of thia city, waa a candidate, out ane roucivou uij . about one-half aa many votea aa either of the ludiea mentioneu. flaalnn nf floatlm. WlshinE' Ington county, was iM town Tuesday. r ka.ij litm roi.mrlr whilA herA that In 1884 lie visited 8t. Helena for the purpose of purchasing the townsite with a view to extending the West ' .. . . .. . . .i D.!Aa Bide portion ot tne woutneru jraumu here and making thia the metropolie of Oregon, but his plan failed (we have observed that it did) because the own era refused any and all ofl'era that were made. Mr. Gaston Is now quite an eldorly gentleman, end he hue an extended knowledge of the history of thia city, and hie recitation of the reminieoeneea of the early eeltleroeut of thia aeclion are very interesting. H. B. Borthwiok, the millman of GoUe, pawed up on the Larline Bun- uy evening, Mr. UorUiwiclc cuts about 00,0(10 foot of lumber per. day ana carries on an extensive piling, wood, and towing business. He bae rented theMichigan mill at Vancouver, and will start it up In about 60 days. Mr. Borthwiok hn a contract for sup plying 1,61)0,000 feet of lumber for the 4 N. dock being built at Albina. Mr. Borthwick ia a live, pro gressive citizen, and deserves all the auccesa be attuins.-Cathlsmot Gazette, Just because a stranger appeared at wie courthouse Tuesday morninir and asked to aee the county treaaurer in order that he might pay his tux, he was at once decreed to be insane. He waa an elderly fceulleinen. and bia actions may have been a hula peou liar, but we believe ho possessed all his fuoultiea. He resides In Washington, wnore taxes are payable to the county treasmer. He was unjustly judged, out tuose present are exousable from the fact that at one time in Columbia county's history it was a rather crazy proceeding to pay taxes. Avon lodae. Knlirhte off vthias. cel ebrated Its fourth annivorsary last Tuesday evening in a neat and fitting manner. Alter conferring the aeoond rank on two admirable candidates, the lodge-room wae thrown open to friends ladies and gentlemen -and a light Iuneii of coUne and sandwiches and ice cream waa eerved. Duriug the evening a short resume of the history of the order and lodge was given by two prominent past ebancollora, and other appropriate remark made by members of the order. The evening, op te midnight, waa apent in a moat ploasant manner, when the friends de parted, wishing tha lodge continued prosperity. A. J. Johnson, of Astoria, says tbere are numeroua and extensive firee through the woods in Southsrn Oregon and Northern California, where be has uat been, making it very disagreeable to settler and very destructive to tim ber. It is olaimed that buntera after deer Set most of theae Bret, bnt there are so many ways of Arcs getting eut that it ia impossible to tell bow they are started. No one baa been arrested and tbore eeeme to be no one whose businesa it ia to look after auch mat tera. If the forests of Oregon, which are one of its greatest sources of wealth, are to be preserved, some legislation must b enacted very loon and string ently enforced. ' Reports from part of the Willam ette valley are to the effect that the late long apell of hot weather baa in ured late-sown grain in a few places. Thie damage haa, however, been offset by the complete vextermination of aphia and hop lice, which the hot apell effected. A bopdealer who baa been looking through a number of hop yards in various parts of the country aaya: Oreeon will thia season produce the cleanest lot of hope harvested for 10 yeara, no matter what hopgrowers may say." When Improvements in Harvest ing tnschioery and other things render It possible for farmers to got all their wheat sown in the fail ana winter, there will be uo late grain to be injured by aphis or bot weather. Miss Bessie Hackloroad, of Bcap- Doose. met with a very painful acci dent while boarding the southbound Northern Fauino passenger at lioul ton last Friday evening. Her left fool waa caught between the bumpers of theamokerand following coach and crushed apparently to a jelly. The air waa on and It seeimu almost im- nosaible to separate the cara enough to allow the foot to be taken oat, but after the lapse of seven minutes the foot was extricated.- Dr. Cliff wae summoned and replaced the shattered bones. The young lady waa removed to Mrs. Scott' private boarding-house, in this city, when ths toot waa placed in a plueter-of-Paris cast, and the phy sician now is of the opinion that no deformity will result from the fracture. A railroad built over a lake. Such is praotically the condition of a por tion of the Columbia River and Astoria line, where, a small chunk of the road sank Saturday night The passengers were tranefered around tho gap. A Urge gang of men wno were put to work now have repaired the road. The sinking of the road waa oorioua. It happened near ClaUkanie. At thia point the road skirts the edge of a bog or marsh. Saturday evening when the last train went over tne place it waa pevfootly level. Sunday morn ing a chunk of t he road zw teet long had aunk to a depth ot aix er eight feet. A train passing after the sink ing would have been telescoped. Some of the officials aay there ia a lake un derneath the bog. The aod and grass haa formed a bridge above they thinK. About one month ago my child, ,t.l..h im flffann months old. had an attack of diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting. 1 gave it aucn remeuies aa mil irivAn in such cases, but as nothing gave relief, we aent for a phy sician and tt waa unaer nis cara iur a week. At this time the child had been aick for about ten daya and waa having about twenty five operationa of the bowels every twelve noura, ana we nnnvlnnad that unloss it soon ob tained relief it would not live. Cham berlain' Oolio, Cholera and Uiarrtioea Rumuiitf aa recommended and I de cided to try it. I soon noticed a change for the better ; oy its connnuu u complete cure was brought about, and it is now perfectly healthy. C. L. Booaa, . Stumptown, Gilmer county, W. Va. For sale by Dr. Ross, druggist. The second raft of the season to be constructed at the Inman, Poulsori fc i. na hnut half nnmnleled. It is not quite so large aa the first one, as it will contain only 4,500,000 feet. It differ slightly in construction from .u. tu.i no anl It lit hnllnvod that it IUD 1IIB VIJV, " " --- - Will Ull Ml ' without any auch mishap aa oooured lit . . 1. - k. ,nn i M.N m rinniinti to the ini'ini ran. n i oapoun-u .v -111 h alartnd fln its VOVaee Uo Ban Francisco about September 1. Tbe huge rait constructed ai me nww Paciflo mills, whioh was moored off the Willamette Steam mills property for a while, has been moved to the east side of the harbor in front of where the old ooal bunkers used to atand. It waa expected that this raft, whioh coutaine 5,600,000 feet of lumber, would have been atarted for San Franoisoo two or three week ago, but there haa been delay in getting tbe tug. Save 20 per eent by paying up your subscription to this paper during Aug ust and September. On one years subscription you will aave an amount equal to your amount of war tax. Ed K. Walls, representing liiw fa- ciuo Jurisdiction Western 1ibrary uoinpany, is iu this city with a view to establishing a seotlon of bis co-op erative club library here. Twenty members are required. We are in receipt of a folder an nounoing the third annual session of the ClatBk'&nio High School, wiiich term begina August 29, 1808. The psat two years have boon productive of successful work in that school, and the people are beginning to appreciate good learning institutions aa la evi denced by the number of country peo ple who move to Clatskanie each fall to give their children the benefit of a first-class school. The county court will meet in ad journed session today to discuss, among other things, the matter of purchasing a portable sawmill for the improve ment of county roads. There is one in the city which can be purchased at a very reasonable price, and a com mittee of the Trogretsiv Association will wait upon tbe court with a view of purchasing it. As the noceasity of making some permanent improvement to highways in the county is apparent to everyone interested it ia probable the court will decide on buying tbe portable sawmill. Friday's Astorian. Tbe White Collar Steamer Line will sell round trip tickets for tbe price of one single fare from any point on the Columbia river to Astoria and return during the Astoria regatta. Tickets aold on August 18,19,20,21,22,23. Parties buying tickets must go tbe day after bought, but can return op to August 24ih inclusive. This will en able all partiea living along tbs Colum bia river to take in tbe regatta at As toria, The committee having the regatta ia charge promise a perform ance tbe like of which never was. Theae tickets are Interchangeable with all boats. About a year has elapsed aince An- dree and hia balloon atarted from Spits bergen, for the North Pole, and no authentio word baa been received from him and hia two companions. Tbe eilent froaen regions of tbe north will probably never give np tbe secret of their fate. Somewhere tbe aiftinganow covers all that ia mortal of them or the dark, cold waters give them a wind ing: sheet, and three more namea are added to tbe list of those who bave perished in the attempt to wrest secret from the Artie regions. But others will not be deterred by their tragic fate. Many good men and true have lost their lives in Artio snows aince Sir John Franklin led the vanguard. Some of the Portland and Astoria people bays been worrying over the increasing scarcity of spruce logs along tbe Columbia river, and a prominent sawmill man of ths Utter place haa been over on Shoalwater bay bunting for available timber to aupply hia mill with theae logs. He thiuka tbe loga from over there wilt bave to be shipped by rail The people Of Astoria need not go out of the state to secure such logs. Tbere are great bodies of tbe finest ef spruce timber on tbe 3fha lem and along ali the five rivers flow ing into Tillamook bay. All of thia country is tributary to Astoria or at least it must be made so before that city need aspire to SBiume metropoli tan proportions. A railroad from As toria to Tillamook bay and on through to Salem ia what Astoria needs. Then the spruce timber question will settle itself. The new mail contract with the As toria and Columbia River Railroad Company, which went into effeot last Friday, will give excellent aervice be tween Aatcria acd Portland, and double eervice between Seaside and Astoria. Tbe mail agent leaving Port land in the morning will run through to Seaside, bistributing local mail even on the Northern Pacific, between Ooble and Portland; returning from Seaside In the afternoon lf will handle local Aatoria mail, and will go back to Sea aide the aame evening, spend the night there, and go on the through train the next morning to fortiana, nananng through and local mail all the way. Two mail agenta, making theae aame ruua, will thua give daily local mail aervice over tbe whole line. Tbe night traina out of Portend and Aalona will handle pouch mail only. Thia gives Aatoria double mail service in both directions. A large blaok bear, shot by Mr. P. F. Tappendoff, of Scappooae, was ex hibited in a game market iu Portland Monday. One of the men on the Tap pendoff place came across tbe bear flrat and took a shot at it, but as the brush waa thick did not follow up tha animal to see whether it waa fatally wounded or not, but-wentto the house and told what he had done. Mrs. Tap pendoff seised a loaded gun and atarted oat to aee what had become of the bear. She soon found it, and when it saw her it sat np on ita haunches and looked at her aa much aa to say: "Well, if ever what next, I wonder." The next thing waa that Mrs. Tappen doff took deadly aim, fired, and the bear tumbled over dead. The animal waa in very good condition, bot, of course, ita fur waa not very thick at thia season. Mr. Tappendoff, however, i sroini to have tbe skin tanned and mode into a rug aa a trophy for the prowess of his better half. Royal saafc tka too pan, ' wboiuoote and daltcfewu j teat i - . t si w 4 i - a i .JUtsohtftilrui anvn " rmm.' ., www. Pif""" """l a. r.v PKIlBONAb MENTION. $d Watt was la Portland last Saturday. Mrs. A. Davis Is visiting In Portland this week. Mrs. W. A. Harris spent last Saturday In Pufiiautl. Attorney O. W. Cote was In Portland laat Saturday. Judge Doan was In this city Wednesday afternoon. W. B. Buoll vlsltod Portland tbe forepart of the week. David Honshaw. of Houlton. was In Fort- land Monday. Mrs. L. t. Docksr visited relatives nsur Rainier this week. Miss Mamie Dart visited ber parents In tbis city Tuouiay. Mrs. James Cox, of Houlton, was visiting Portland Tuesday. Ocorira Mavirer was doln business in Portland Tuesday. D. J. Swltzer was doing business in the metropolis Tuesday. Charley Lanen haa returned from the lower river ticheries. M. A. Perrv and family, of Houlton, spent tbis week at beaside. . Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kulper visited in tbis eity Tuesday svenlng. School Superintendent Copelsnd was in from Warren Tuesday. W. D. Connell. of Deer Island, waa In the metropolis Tuesday. Miss Bertha Batler returned to her home In Oregon City Tuesday, Mr. B. Perrv, of Houlton. returned home front Portland Monday. Walter Blakesley and Eugene Whitney were in Portland Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bubert were In Port land Saturday and Sunday. Merchant Charles Briars, of Yankton, was in Portland Wednesday. Bev. O. Q. Halev and wife visited Port land Monday end Thursday. W. H. Dolman was looking after business matters in Portland Monday. V. it. Beearhtev and Was. Placke were over from Vernonia Tuesday. B. H. Bailev. of Honlton. waedolna busi ness iu tbe metropolis Monday. John Tompkins and Henry Bnmirardnef were up from Deer lslaad Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dow and children spent Monday and Tuesday in tbis city. Frank Poroerov. of Bainier, attended K. of P. lodge in thia city Tuesday evening. T. C. Watts, of Beuben. waa looking after bnsiueaa matters In the metropolis Tuesday. Edaar Keithlev spent a dav or two In this city thia week visiting his son and daughter. Mr. Holcorab, ef Portland, visited her daughter, Mrs. DUlard, in thia city, this week. James Mackle. Ir.. is still nursing bis re cently injured leg, bat the wound is rapidly healing. Miss Georirle Glltner came In from Bunker hill camp bunday and continued to Balera on Monday. Asuetsor Martin White went to Girocy last Friday evening, where he remained over Bunday. Misses Amy George. Daisy Watkinsand Amies Muckle are enjoying a vacation at Coweeman this week. Dr. McLaren and Miles Sheelrn. of Rain ier, came np Tuesday afternoon and at- termed a., r. loage in me evening. Mrs. Nellie Mile, accompanied bv her eon. Bherman, was in this city laat iriday on ber return to Salem from Ban Francisoo. Deontv Clerk Harris and daughter. Birdie, started Sunday evening for Buffalo, New York, to remain until the first week in September. Clarence Adams, who of late has been employed in a down-river logging camp, vinited borne and relaiives near Vernonia tbis week. Meaara. Richard Cox. A. Davis. Adin Koea. and Jack Balroanno are camped this week near Peris poaioffloe. They expect to remain away two weeka. JnHn Worelnnd and Attorney Geo. E. Davia were down from Portland Tuesday attending an adjourned term ot circuit court held here on that day. Qua Wikstrom reDorts splendid progress on the construction work of bis new flume and mill this side ol and back ol JLaiama. Mr. WiksUow was in Portland Monday. Mrs. A. A. Henderson, of Houlton, who bos been absent from that place oa an ex tended visit in Maine and Massaonuseiis, wilt arrive home probably tbe early part of next month. . Smith Kistner. of Bainier. was circulating smong St. Helens friends Tuesday. He at tended the anniversary celebration of Avon lodge in tha evening and continued on to for nan a toe nexi aay. ScBiMl Waj-rauata Pyale. Notice is hereby given that the following out standing warrants of school dlbtriot No. a, Oo- uimnia conniy, wrcKon, are uuw imv.iuc . a." k, im ia iai and 162 will be naid uoon vre- fientatlon to me, at St. Halen, Oregon. Interest will cease alter august w. jona. .., . Si. tt. vtumjk, metric oiera. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Nrvilcfl ia hereby given that all warrants of the City of 8t. Helens, Oregon, presented anAnnuul 'tint Paid for Want of Funds" nil to April utn, uxh, mi d paiu upon nntaentatinn to me. Interest will not be allowed alter tbis date, VIDDAVJS Treasurer of the City of St. Helens, Oregon SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County. Miss Emma H. Stenbcrg, plain tiffl John C. Manta, Annie Hants, va. Sadie Man is. rune Mann, Carl Manta, M. Hendricks. Alphia Adams, and Etbel ilunHrl,lr llAfonflAtltll , -. , To John O. Manta, Annie Manta, Sadie Manta, Tillie Matitt, uari Maura, ana jh. Hendricks, of tha above-named defend ants: VOH AND EACH OF YOU ARE X hereby required to appear and answer the compaint Bled against you in me aoove . . i i li. 1 A US' Hau a! tia n avl 6ii ii ilea euiv uy wo me term of the above-entitled Court following: the expirauou 01 vue uuw p. cov, ,.w.. ,u order for publication of this summon. day of October, ISftS, and if you fail so to appear or answer aaiu w lt- fore said day for want thereof, the plaintiff m ..,! toaaid Court for ths relief de manded in her complaint. The relief demanded in plamtirrs com plaint is that the mortgage held and owned by her upon' the following described real property situated in the County of Colum bia and State of Oregon, to-wit: the South west quarter of Seotion four (4), In Town ship three (3) North. Range two(2) West of the Willamette Meridian, containing 160 aores, be forclosed. and tho said premises be sold to eiiiiafv the mortgage debt due plaintin eeeurt'ii uj rum korv,, .wbi.. The sum of JIO0.0O, together with interest on tbe same at vne rate ui iu yr wu annum since the 18th day of August, 1&7, also a reasonable attorney's fee and the costs and disbuseiumts of this suit, and that you and each of yon. and all persons Ctnuuitig wr iu ... . v. you or either of vou eunrqnnt to the com mencement o( tlii suit, be barred and forj ever foreclosed or an rignt. oiauu, reuempvion, or inner mwiwi roai propeny. ano aueii vitmr u .......... relief as to the Court may seem meet and proper. , , This Summons Is pnblished by an order of Hon. T. A. McBride, Judge of theabove eutitled Court, made August 5th. 188S. J. THOUSBURN ROBS, P. P. DABNEY, and E. B. 8EABROOK, al2s23 Attorneys for Fiaiuti BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. 0rioa o CoufTV AiUKnima, BT. Jiai.saa, Oreuon, Jnlv , NOTlfM IB HEREBY OIVBN THAT THE Board ol Eiimlimtlan for Oltimi.ift couu ty, Oruirou, will meet la the courthouse, Iu tiie cltyolKt. Hellion, onuon, on Monday, AukuiiI asttt, WW, for the purimne of jNiualtsliur, the as- ttMlmnil, ui iovo. iiu.iuiumIui i- n;Uit b urnde before the board. MAkliU W1HTK. yainM County anoeenor. TREASURER'S NOTICE. CouaTY Tasimiasa's Orvica, Ht. Hklxms, Ok., July W, WW. NOTICR IB HKHEBY OIVKN THAT ALL unpaid County Warrants of Columbia uonniy, uregon, wnirn nave own umow.K and endoraed; "Not Paid for Want of Funds," tntlon at thbioffice, Iutcrent will nut be nl lowed tll thin data. EDWIN ROH.4. j'MM Treasurer of i'olambia County, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lamo Orrici at Oasoow City, Oa., Ancmt 11th, MM. NOTfCB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TUB follovflng-iiKiiicd settler has filed notice of his Intention to make llnal proof In support of hia claim, and that said proof will be msde be fore the Koulxter and Receiver, at Orogoo City, Oregon, oa September SUtb, lhm. vtsi CHUIHTIAN VON BKEK, flomestead Entry No. WTO, for tho east H of the southeast 'A of section , township I noitb, range 4 went. He names the following witnesses to prove hia continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, vis: John Hoes, John Brann and Frank Steele, of Braunsoort, Oregon, and Ven ial Llecy, of Buxton, Oregon. mma . CUAtf. U. MOOBEH, Beglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Orncs at Oaooow Oitv, Ob.. m AuKiiat 11th, IMS. NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVKN THAT Till following-named settler haa Died notice of his Intention to make dual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on September Soto. VS. vis: JOHN HOES, Homestead Entry No. tWTvl, for the south U of toe iionneiwi V au w '-77 - 71 " 7 v. section S, township s north, range 4 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous reaidence upon and cultivation of said land, vie: nermanus xutmer, join, o. Braun, Oust Mmldiing and Christian Van Beek, all of Braunauort, Oregon. als28 t'HAB B, MOOBES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lisp Omcs at Oasooa City, Oa., August 1, 1IW9. NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has died notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that sold proof will be made be fore tbe county clerk ot Columbia eounty at St Helens, Oregon, oa September is, lute, vis: THOMAfl ME8ERVB. Homestead Entry No. 10,227, tor the southeast '4 of southeast of section 12, township 7, north, range 4 west. lie names the following wltneases to prove hie continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, vis: C. O. Lindahl, of Clatakanle. Oreeon, O. E. Wonderely, J. W. Pugb, and John Alvln, of Delcaa, Oregon. 012823 CHAM. B. afOORES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Ovtics at 0koo Citt, Oa., I..l 1. llHW OTICB IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT. THE follnwlnir-narnMl w.ttter hn filed notice Of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the county clerk of Columblaeounty, at St. Helens, Oregon, on August 30, law, vis: JAMES H. BICE, Homestead Entry No. D0KJ, for the irmil of sec tion , township north, range 8 west Ma n.mM Uia following witnesses to wove his continuous residence uiion, and cultivation of said land, via: jo. o. uauan, 01 nv. neiemi, Oregon, Henry Moulton and A. E. Thomas, of Miki. and T. A. Bmith. of Clabtkanie, Oregon. m CHAS. B. MOOBES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lard Orric at Oaaooa Crry, Oa., July 14, 18M. NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE fallowing-named settler has filed notice of ber Intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that mild proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregon CHy, Oregon, September 1, lays, vis: EMILY J. MITCHELL, Formerly Emily 1. iiohoonover, Homestead Entry No. 9B52, for the southwest of section 10, township 4 north, range 4 west. She names the following witnewes to prove her eonunuona residence npoa and cultivation of aaid land, via: Elmer E. Nickeraon, 8. P. Ballard. John O. Prtuxle and A.F. Adams, all of Vernonia, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasm Otrica at Oksxioh Cirr, Oo., July 14, 1S9. XTOTIOE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE IN following-named settler haa filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Reister and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on September X, am, via: ELMER K. NICKXRSON, Homestead Entry No. VOX, for tbe west i of northwest of section 2, and northeast . ot northeast &of section i, township 4 north, range 4 west. " He names the following witnesses to prove his continnona residence upon, and cultivation of said land, vli: R. H. Mitchell, a P. Bal lard, John G. Prtugle and A. F. Adams, all of Vernonia, Oregon. i&a26 CHAS. B. MOOBES, Register. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, Jnne , IMS. A SUFFICIENT CONTEST AFFIDAVIT HAV ing been filed in this office by Oeoige F. Smith, contestant, against homestead entry No. 91197, made June 11, Iftitt, for seji of seetion 11, township 4 north, range 4 west, by Constant Bruggeman. connate, in which ft fs altered that: the said Constant Brnggeman has totally abandoned the same, said partiea are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching aaid allegation at 10 o'clock a, m. on August 23. 1898, belore the Roirlster and Re ceiver at the United States land office In Oregon City, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, filed Jnne 27, 1S9S. set forth facta which show that after due dilligence, per sonal aervice ot this notice cannot be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be iriven by due and proper publication, jlfiaia WM; GALLOWAY, Receiver. SUMMONS. Ia tbe Circuit Court for Columbia County, Oregon. ' Minnie Mitchell, plaintiff, vs. Lexington Mitchell, defeadant. To Lexington Mitchell, defendant. IN THE AMK OP THIS STATE OF Oregon: Yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above-entitled suit by the first Tuesdav after tha second Monday in October, 18iW, Slid if you fall so to ans wer, for want thereof tbe plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, yis: For a decree for ever divorcing her froui the defendant. This summons is published in Th Obk gob Mist by order of the Hon. T. A. Mc Bride, judge of the above-entitled court, made July 13, im ' ' E. MENDKNHALL and A. R, MENDKNHALL, j22s2 . Attorneys for Plaintiff. CITATION TO HEIRS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia county. : In the matter of the estate 1 of John Elmore, deceased. ) To all the heirs and devises of John El more, deceased, known and unknown, and to all persons interested in the said estate. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, you and each of you are here by commanded to be and appear before the Hon. County Court of the State of Oregon in and for the Connty of Columbia, at the Courthouse in St. Helens, Oregon, on Mon day, the 6th day of September, A. D.. lt98, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day. it being the regular terra, to show cause, if any exist, why an order Of sale of all the real estate belonging to said estate should not bemade as prayed for iu ths petition oa tile in said Court, aaid real property being desoribed as follows, to-wit: The southeast quarter of section 34, township 6 north, ranger S west of the Willamette Meridian in Columbia oounty, in the State of Oregon, and con taining Jijo acres. Tn testimony whereof. I. J. O. Watts, clerk of the County court aforesaid, do here nnin set my hand aud adit the seal of said Court at my office in the City ot St. Helens, Uregon, lUlt) A'm uJ Ol J mjr. -a.. lofi. aos2 J. O. WATTS, County Cleik. By W, A. Habbis, Deputy. I ScfabJePreparaiioftBjfAa- sliniiaiing therocdflrrfB&tf uta licg tteSiiifliAiiiS aaiik3Yii.iJ cat Irtjmo&gTJLsSoTiJIawM- Jnvha Set mi" Aocfed Remedy forCofaffoa- I1011. Sour Srorrjach.Dianhoca, Warms orrvulsicns JavensJi' oess andloss or SIXER SaeSioiite Signature oj KKW YOI7K. 1 DUCT COWCr VPAfSFEB. Opmut,Morpktnf) nor MiaeraL NotNabcotic. 1 .y-v aasalSiiaitsili.ary. ;J -ssstMi " v- HARRIS' CASH GROCERY S Kep always on band nil It hidB of L , . ; staple awl faouy groceris and ; -- ..... - n . . praviflions, furra produce, iropical FOr YOUr ; domestic frut in ema, fine ; flrOCCrlCS ... - tewi and wtrs, totyawo and civvm. .- p :- - "" "" ; A line line of confectionery alno to " tock.aad varlouaoii-arpwiiiitie rtDMCO rnAl IT7 A Kf Fi It ft A k -svuni'iK.n wii ui iv nnw mnni w i nuu i ui. iwiwiasiw, frv1 v"gnvrsTgi'wrT'v v ST. HELENS PIIAIOilAGY Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. DRUGS esoeeooooc; Patent Medicines, PERFUMES AND Prescriptions... Carefully and Accur ately Compounded.... DAY OR NIGHT. Oigtirs.... i'm ism air a"f r " mm mar DART & ruin Street, Oeahrt in.... GENERAL MERCHANDISE InclwIliiR a and dress DART & 1 Ma main oirfjei. - fAarVitVatWarVAaffcAaatfcA. SOME RARE BARGAINS -FARMING LANDS- One bnndred and twenty acres, IV)J miles from eounty seat; 40 acres in cultivation; t mile from Mhooihouae; oa Columbia river, price $ao 00 per acre. One hundred and twenty acres; rood or chard; 90 acres good Bwale laud; all land la level; 1 aille from schoolhouse: H mile from ratlroad station: 1 aille from tidewater; good chance tor oordwood. -TIMBER Timber claim ; 80 acres; estimated at I.Ono, 000 feet of timlior; acoesaable to logging stream; price fM 00. Timber claim ; lflO acres; over d.OOO.OOO feet; price (000 00. For further information call on or a-" Main Street, - 1 1 1 V. , -4 1,4 k-M fc.l a i .- rr r ir, : -1 r p-n 1 ! 6V.4I lf..B -"J tH- Tb K - 9" fs. i k m ffj Lrw Signateo TIlG Kind You llavo Always Bough?. r 3 s f n n hi; ', N :;!'- j hi 'is U vwa esHrTHua cohiwamv. wirw vr..Hi firrv. I M CTDCCT ot tin ewe r.R Fancy Toilet Articles. FANCY STATIONERY. Complete Line of. School Books... and..- School Supplies - i smiSuMi aa Mm m MUCKLE St. Helena, Oregon. f 01 A .i j a w y Choice Groceries Always on hanil. floor, prafn, and feert. Tobacco and cigars, and smokers' article, noUona, ew. ...Hardware... CROCKERY AND TINWARE. ...Drv Goods... general hssortment of elothinit, funiishluRS, goods. Also a Hue Hue of boom and allocs. MUCKLE - pu xieieua, it.uii' Ten seres on Milton creek. W mile from school; 8-roora house, barn, outnnuaes, ete.( siiuill orchard; Saeres la ouluvauuu; ptii,e tl.OOO, EtKhty acres, 8Vi miles from eounty m-iit; alllevoland timlwr slasheii; K mile from schoolhouse; on oounty roait; will sell iu 10 or 'JD acre tracts; price fOuO por aore; part caAh and balance on time. LANDS- " One hundred and twemv ai'ri's of timber land iu tp 4 n, r 2 wt-at: price mi. Blx hundred and forty aerps of ttinbvr laud tp 4 u, r i west; pme a.' no jiur aeru. jUTtv rr-w-v iff? f- X - - St. II:!