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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1898)
r LICANS OF OREGON. ..nv-ot'on Wold la AalorU-NMlH-tlun and rintfwrm. Tho Itapuhlioan state and conaros- ,M,w,;U;:;s varc ho!.! in"-"tori, li st week. Xho oonBrousional convon tion, which met on Wednesday, nora instPil Malcolm A. Moody, of Wasoo county, for representative for the second district, Thoa. II. Tongne, of Washinnton county, was noininatod tor representa tive for the first distriot at the congres sional JWention held in Eugene few days previously. The state convention met on Thurs day and completed state ticket before adjournment was taken. The following resolution uraa adopted immediately after organisation was effected: "Kesoired, That the following mes sage be at once wired to President Mo Kinloy: 'The Republicans of Oregon, in convention, assembled, to the presi dent of the United States, greeting: With the utmost confldenoe in the wis dom of your administration and pledg ing yon the support of the state of Oregon, we express our earnest convic tions that the Maine was destroyed by design 01 criminal neglect of Spanish officers, and that this outrage is Just cause for the United States to drive the Bpanish nation from the Western hem isphere.' " The Stat Ticket. I Governor T. T. Oeer, of Marion. Secretary of state F. L Dunbar, ol Clatsop.. Supreme judge P. A. Moore, of Columbia. State treasurer Chas. 8. Moore, of Klamath. State printer W. H. Leeds, of Jackson. . Attorney general D. R. N. Black burn, of Linn. Superintendent of public instruction J. H. Ackerman, of Multnomah. Th Pusifb-. "We, the Republican voters of the state of Oregon, in convention assem bled, congratulate the people of the state as well as of the whole nation on the unmistakable fact that the dark cloud of adversity, which has hung like a pall over our fair land, has been dis sipated. We recognise that the return of prosperity is due to the restoration of the Republican paity to power. " We are in favor of the maintenance of the present gold standard; we are unqualifiedly opposed to the free coin age of silver and to all other schemes looking to the debasement of the onr rency and the repudiation of debt We believe that the best money in the world is none too good to be assured by the government to the laborer as the fruit of his toil and to the farmer as the price of bis crop. We condemn the continued agitation for free silver as calculated to jeopardize the prosperity of the country and to shake Jhe confi dence of the people in the maintenance of a wise financial policy; we particu larly condemn as unpatriotic the efforts of the free-silver agitators to array class against class and section against sec tion; we declare that the interests of all classes and of all sections of our country alike demand a sound and stable financial system. "While we deplore the imminence of war, we recognize that the country is on the eve of war, undertaken for the vindication of the national honor and the performance of a work dictated by every instinct of humanity; we declare that the administration is entitled . in tins conflict to the confidence and sup port of the entire people. "We are firmly attached to the prin ciples of the federal constitution; we recognise that representative govern ment is one of these principles, and we are opposed to any change in law or constitution which will abrogate this time-honored principle. "We are in favor of retrenchment and reform in state and county matters. "We demand strict economy in pub lic affairs, and the abolition of ail need " less offices and commissione. : "The salmon fishing industry, so fruitful a source of revenue to the state, should be fostered, and to that end we favor state aid in the artificial propa gation of salmon, and their distribu tion in the waters of this state. "We affirm our allegiance to the principles of the Republican party of tbe United States, as enunciated by the Republican convention in St Louis in 181)8..' " "We denounce the fusion party of Oregon as an aggregation of spoilsmen, who are ready to subordinate principles to offices. Each of the parties to this compact is willing to stultify itself and form alliances with elements which it has heretofore denounced as dangerous and unfit to be intrusted with power; we declare that good government can not come from such an alliance." A Western man has designed an end less chain propeller for boats in which a double chain of buckets is hung to two shafts extending crosswise through the boat, -with power transmitted to the shafts by piston rods attached to a crank section in the center of each shaft. Moscow has s hospital laige enongh to bold 7,000 persons. It was founded in 1764, and at present takes in chil dren at the rate of 40 s day, or about 1 6, 000 a year. There are 86 physicians and about 800 nurses. ..' Very Calorie. The emotional literateur has just written a piece of which he was very proud. The editor looked it over and then said: "Do you candidly think such opinions ought to go into cold type?" "I don't know much about the prac tical work of printing," was the reply, "bat I don't believe it makes any difference.-. Even if the type is cold 1 guess that article will take tbe chill off it." Washington Star. Wkn It Didn't Caunt "Did yon give him anv encourage ment?'' inquired the mother, referring to the impecunious young man who re f ,ieed to consider himself out ina the cold. "Oh, dear, no; none at all," replied 'the beautiful daughter. , "On one or two occasions at the seashore last sum mer I promised to be his wife, but that w.-is all. "Chicago Post. - Okh-U's imports from the United rrat'-a increase! o,wv,uuw ins jw ,..! her imports from England de- J - 1 AAA OREGON PROHIBITIONISTS. Nominate Stat Officers Mutton) I'lrtt foras of ! Adopted. The Prohibition party of Oregon hM ! state eoHvention in Newtwra' Wednesday. The number of delegates present was somewhat smaller than ei pect;ed. Interesting sessions were held and much enthusiasm was manifested. The following nominations were made: Representatives First district, L. Ff. Peterson, of Woodburn; seoond distriot, O. W. Ingalla. Governor H. M. Clinton, ol Fort land. Secretary of state H. 0. Dsvis of Halsey. State treasurer Moses Botaw, of Kewberg. Superintendent of public instruction B. E. Binaries:, of Philomath. Supreme judge T. K. fJackerman, of Albany. Attorney-general T. J. Bright, or Wasco, " . State printer M. P. Marqnam, of Forest Grove. v The national platform, whioh was adopted, follows: ' "The inhibition nartv. in national convention assembled, declares its oonviotion tha the manufacture, exi nnrtation. imriortation and able of al cohol io beverages has produced such social, commercial, inauecriai na po litic! wmnira. and is now so threaten ing the perpetuity of all our sooial and political institutions that the suppres sion of the same by a national party, organised therefor, is the greatest ob ject to be accomplished by the voters of our country, and is of such import that it of risrht oueht to control the political action of all our patriotio oitisens until sucn suppression is ac complished. The urgency of this cause demands the union without further de lay of all oitisens who desire the pro hibition of the liquor traffic; therefore, "Resolved, That we favor the legal prohibition, by state and national leg islation, of the manufacture, importa tion axnortation and interstate trans portation and sale of alcoholio bever ages; that we declare our purpose to organise and unite all the friends of prohibition into one party, and in order to accomplish this end, we deem it but right to leave every prohibitionist the f wtnm of his own convictions upon all other political questions, and trust our representatives to take such action nnnn othnr nnllticftl auestions ss the f " . change occasioned by prohibition, and theweiiareoi uie wnoie peupio demand." ' ;' " BIGGEST FIND OF ALL. A Great Mlae Near Baaanvtlle, County. Grant W. P. Mount, of Susanville, arrived in Canyon City Wednesday, having in his possession some of tbe richest and most beautiful free gold quarts speci mens ever seen in this country, taken from his recent discovery, the Sky scraper mine. The specimens exhibited were of the pretty white quarts variety, almost identically the same as taken from the Vitruemine, near Baker City, and came nearer being nuggets than quarts specimens. "I have known for several months past that the Skyscraper would, if suffi ciently developed, become a bullion producer of no mean importance," said Mr. Mount, "but the past week, has shown it to be perhaps the richest mine on the coast Even prior to the finding of the extremely rich body of ore oncov ered a few days ago, tbe normal and continuous wealth of the ledge waa re garded by practical mining men as phenomenal, the returns from samples taken indiscriminately ranging from f80 to $350 per ton. April 1 a body of gold was encountered in the level fol lowing the ledge, a description of which would sound moie like fiction than fact At this point the lively, clear cut, hard quarts is literally welded and bound together by the yellow metal, samples going ss high ss 1150,000 per ton. From eight ounces of this ore. 25 waa extracted in coarse gold, while se lected specimens would give greater re turns. From the result of three days' stripping we estimate that 130,000 worth of ore will be taken out The deposit of gold has been traced along the ledge for a distance of 1.700 feet, showing an ore chute of very unusual length, and the ledge ranging in width from one to foul feet Every particle of the rock extracted from the com mencement of operations last August up to the present time will average (100 per ton, something unknown in the history of gold mining tbe world over. "It is not a pocket ledge by any means, as may be surmised from its ex treme richness, bnt at times the gold seems to be concentrated in very rich bunches, though without interfering a particle with the regular precipitation of the wealth characteristic of the ledge. "Negotiations are under way for the erection of a modern stamp mill of large capacity, including rockbreaker, concentrator "snd self-feeder. Just as soon as the roads are in good condition the plant will be forwaided to tbe prop erty without delay." The Skyscraper is not the only mine in the Susanville district, by any means. Messrs. De Witt and McLean, operating the Hughes group in the in terest of a San Franoisco company, have completed their shipment of ore and are now pushing development work vigorously snd as soon as tbe roads will admit they will have a 10-stamp mill. The ore body exposed by Horace Sloan last winter looks like a bouquet to a miner's eye, and is already attracting the attention of mining men. TJie ore chute is between five and eight feet wide, and in the neighborhood of 60 feet long. Milling tests show a free gold deposit of almost (9 per ton, while a concentrating test will go lao. The Gem of the Mountains, owned by Mr. Blake, of Canyon City, now bonded to Mr. Mount, though base, is one of the most promising mining prop erties of that nature in Eastern Oregon Development work is limited, but what has been done is sufficient to demon' strate that an ore body of prodigious eise will be unfolded as depth is at tained, and also that the precipitation of gold will be greater. The average value of the heavy base ore is in the neighborhood of $50 per ton, and the ledge is fully five feet wide in the hot torn of the 80-foot shaft. About 80 feet above this ledge is another strong one, running parallel and carrying small deposit of free gold, and from the trend of tbe two ledges they will cer tainly merge together at no very great ALASKA SALMON FISHERIES. Secretary of the Treasury Has a BUI for Their I'rotectloa. The secretary of the treasury has submitted to oonsrwa the draft of a bill for .the amendment of the laws now in force tor the protection of the salmon fisheries of Alaska. The secre tary thinks that the present laws are inadequate to meet the exisliug ie quirements and should be ammided. The proposed changes are based on rec ommendations submitted by sgenU wbo were appointed to investigate the state of the fisheries, and are as fol lows: Traps should only be erected under regulations prescribed by the secretary of the treasury. The protection to salmon trout should 'be withdrawn, as those fish are said to be destructive to salmon spawn and fry. The laws should be extended to ter ritorial waters so as to prevent the erection of obstructions in rivers and streams.' ' No salmon canneries should be erect ed in Alaska without permission from the secretary of the treasury. An annual statement should be made by all canneries and such establish ments to special agents for salmon tioh eriea, and employee of the treasury department should be assigned to act as special agents without extra compensa tion. A tax should be levied upon the out put of all canneries, salteriee, fish oil and fertiliser works; and the penalty for violation of the fisheries law should be increased from'11,000 to 5,000. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 8081c; Val lev and Blueetem, 82 tS83o per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.00; graham, $3.66; superfine, $3.50 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 38 (8 39c; choice gray, 85 36c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, fl980.00; brewing, $21 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $33; shorts, $17. Hay Timothy, $13.50; clover, $10 11; Oregon wild hay, $9(810 per ton. Eggs Oregon, llHoper dosen. Butter Fancy creamery, 45 (g 50a; fair -to good, 4045o; dairy, S540e per roll. Cheese Oregon full cream, 12s'o; Young America, 13(8 14o. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50 4.00 per dozen; hens, $4.00(34.60; geese, $8.00 7.00; ducks, $8.00 7.00 per dosen; turkeys, live, 1818.Sic per pound. . Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 40 (S 50c per sack; sweets, $1.75 8 per cental. Onions Oregon, $3.253.60 per sack. - Hods 14(316o per pound for new crop; 1898 crop, 4 6c Wool Valley, 14 16c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 70 13c; mohair, S5c per pound. Mutrin-frna ' best sheen, wethers and ewes, 4c;. dressed mutton, 6.lac; spring lambs, $3. 50 (3 each. Hogs Gross, choice Heavy, f4. ao; liirht and feeders, $3.00(84.00; dressed. $5.005.50 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $3.60(8 4.00; cows, $3.503.25; dressed beef, 7c per pound. Veal Large, 6c,Lgc; small, 7(ssc per pound. Seattle Market. Potatoes Yakircaa, $13 (g 14 per ton; natives,$U12;sweets, 2,cper pound; box of 60 pounds, $1.75. Butter Fancy native creamery, brick, 25c; ranch, 1415c; dairy, 18c; Iowa fancy creamery, 23c. Cheese Native Washington, 12 18c; Eastern cheese, 18 He. Eggs Fresh ranch, 15c; California ranch, 14o. Meats Choice dressed beef steers, 8c; cows, 77c; mutton, 8.c; pork, 7c; veal, small, 80. , Poultry Chickens, live, per pound, hens, 1 8c; dressed, 14c; turkeys, live, 12c; dressed, 16c. Fresh Fish Halibut, 67c; steel heads. 78c;talmon trout, 12 'c; floun ders and sola, 84o; torn cod, 4c; ling cod, 45o; rock cod, 6c; smelt, 8(3 6c; herring, 4o. Olympia oysters, per sack, $3(3 8.60. Corn Whole, $23; cracked, per ton, $23; feed meal, $23 per ton. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $23; whole, $23. Flour Patents, per barrel, $4,250 4.60; straights, $4.00; California brands, $4. 75 5; Dakota brands, $5.40 $5. 75; buckwheat flour, $6. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $16; shorts, per ton, $17 18. Feed Chopped feed, $1820 per ton; middlings, per ton, $24; oil cake meal, per ton, $35. Hay Puget Sound, new, per ton, $11 18; Eastern Washington timothy, $1617; alfalfa, $12; straw, $7. Wheat Feed wheat, per ton, $28. Oats Choice, per ton, $23. an Fraooltce Market. Wool Nevada, 11 13c; Oregon, 13 14o; Southern coast lambs, 7 8c. Millstuffs Middlings, $2325.50; California bran, $19.6020.60 per ton. Onions Silverskinfc $2.60g2.8Sper cental. Eggs Store, 12Ji13o; ranch, 13 14o. Butter Fancy creamery, 18 19o; do seconds, 18c; fancy dairy, 18c; good to choice, 16 17c per pound. Fresh Fruit Apples, 35ctl.85 per large box; grapes, 25 40c; Isabella, 60 76c; peaches, 60c$l; pears, 75o $1 per box; plums, 2035c. Potatoes Early Rose, 40 50c. Citrus Fruit Oranges, navels, $1.00 3.25; Mexican limes, $4.00; 4.60 California lemons, choice, $1.60; do sommon, 60c$1.00 per box. . Hay Wheat, $2024; wheat and oat, $1928; oat, $14.60 18.60; best barley, $1720; alfalfa, $18.60 16; clover, $13 15. Hops 12 16o per pound. Cheese Fancy mild, new, 10c; old, 10c per pound. French cballies line up in profusion in all fashionable tones of color. For instance, if yon get a French challie, yon can have it plain or with satin stripes, with floral design or conveni ently patterned; it may be dotted or not. - ; An Indiana man hne discovered a process by which he can get petroleum from abandoned gas wells in quantities as large as before the wells collapsed. If the lucky gentleman did not ateo re side in Kokomo we would accept the remarkable story with grain of sus picion. . ",: . " ' Is Lire . ;.' ' -r - tr til c?. e9iijy u Is Health. Without Wood etreulattnir thronah four veins you could not live. Without pur blood you cannot b well. It you have nit rheum, orolula noroii, pimples, bolli or any kind ol humor, your blood U not pure. If yoa take Hood'i Sftrnnparllla It will muke your blood pure end promptly relieve all those tronMr. "I wih to add my pruise for thu merits of Hood's anaarilla, It lias cured me of a lung trouble and Muttering of the heart, and since I bfgun hiking it my weight has increased twenty pounds, ami I can now enjoy my meitls and t wilh romtort. I recommend Hood's Snniapa rilla the best medicine that it is possible to tlnd."- C. W. Carey, I'rlnevilto, Or. Hood' Sarsa 3 parilla in Americn't Gretet Medtoln. ly all dnmsiita tl: i lor tt 'y Mood's. Hnod'c DJIIc '' "".'y ,0 ,l!,l IlOOU 9 I'll IS wtiiilml'ai$ftmparilla. ANIMALS AS MODELS. 8am of the experiences ol aa Art lit In Sketching From Life. "Leaves from the Sketch Book of an Animal Artist," is an article by Mere dith Nugent in the St. Nioholtis. Mr. Nugent says: There was an elephant in the Jardin-dos-Pluneti that would not pose, unless be were paid for it, and paid in advance. Then he took pay ment in buna and pie, but if these wore not forthcoming, he would deliberately walk to the farther end of "the enclosure and turn his hack. The only way to got a drawing of this big fellow was to engage some one to feed him mean while. In the same gardens I saw an unusually interesting sight one morn ing. A little aunbear with a large marrow bone in his shaggy paws was resorting to all sorts of bear devices to get the sweet marrow. Suddenly he lay down on his back, placed one end of the bone in his Jaws, and with his hind paws tipped the other end of the bone so high up that the choice morsel slipped into his mouth. If the animal could only have understood the shouts of approval that greeted this perform ance, I think it would have turned his head. In one of the sketches you will see how this feat Was accomplished. As rule I find tbe models very good na tural. True, they keep a sharp eye on nieforthe first few days, but after that are generally quite friendly. Of course, there are some parts of the business they do not like. The oriole never was happy when I held liim In my band for close inspection, but a beautiful cat which rebelled when I first plaoed her in a bird cage to keep her in front of me grew so fond of being there, and after I finished my drawings she cried and cried to be put back into the cage. Intense curiosity is the great chaiacteristio of animals when in the studio. They are as much interested in yon and the surroundings as yon are in them. This is especially the case with birds. Leave' the studio but a few minutes, and these two legged fellows are hopping into every thing. Of course they inspect the paper on which yon have been draw ing, and the paints, and tbe brushes, and occasionally vary these" proceeding by taking a bath in tbe water bowl. THE TWENTIETH CENTURT. ih twentieth rAtitnrv will brain on Jan. lit 1901, and end with MM, I'eople did not bruin An.lciinl(in.rniMA.I). 1. but watted until about the &V11I1 yr ol the Chriatlan era. I'eo ple who begin 10 take the areet health rtntora- alter the rlrit outbreak o dynonwla, malaria, rheumatism, constipation, utrvoMn or kid ney trouble will date their cure iiuinedlate.y Irom menu Draughting compasses are being made with a flexible rubber suction cup of one end to fasten to the paper and bold the instrument wnile tne circle is being drawn- In the spring cleanse your system by Using ur. i lunuer viku" uiuw hiww Bad Heart Are Coetlleet. When once tbe fact gets firmly estab lished in the minds of the farmers of the United States that it is more ex pensive to maintain bad roads than to make and keep in condition goou roaua they will take active interest in tho question and ah era of road building will begin . which will add to their wealth, prosperity and comfort, and benefit the country at large as much as has tbe laying of railroad tracks snd the advance of the steam locomotive. Let those engaged in agriculture etudr such figures as those recently issued by the supervisor of New York, wherein he shows that it costs half as much to haul produce three miles by wagon as it costs to haul it 500 miles on the rail road. The supervisor figures out that with a system of good macadam roads the farmers would save an amount each year equal to the interest on from $10 to $30 an acre, according to the crop raised, and would increase the value of their land either to sell or bold by a like amount rolle Shark Catcher. Among the multifurous duties which demand tbe attention of the Calcutta police the capture ol sharks in the Hooghly finds place. During the past 20 years rewards have been paid for the destruction of these marine maneaters, and recently the Bengal government laid down a scale for these payments, N. Y. Sun. It is stated that 65 English towns snd cities are now burning their gnrbago and solid refuse, using an average of bout 10 furnaces each. Steam is gen erated and used for electric lighting and other purposes. ALABAST1NB IS WB ATT Alahaallne Is durable and natural costing for wails and eellliics entirely different from II kalsomlne prenarlkn, mule ready lor lit In white or twelve bfsutilul tints bythcslmple ddltlon of water llai.-HI make being ail.ti il to mil with cold watw) put up In dry powder loriD, In 6 pound packages, wltii full dlrevtlon on every package. WHAT AH1C KAI.HOM1N1CNT ITsliomlnea are cheap temporary prry-araiinin finuuK.ud Irani tlils,lys, whitiig,ic.,, Y A o ) A t rvJ1-"! i-H. V r Mill Afrloe a Man. Little Africa, a lithe, petite dancer, sprang into popularity at Detroit a tew weeks atfo, sud through ft shrewd mail" ajter, beciune drawing card at privulo "dinners" given by tho "nice" yoium muii. Two wuuU ttgo tlio Detroit Ittfht guard gave a "smoKer," and one of the attractions was tho mysterious Little Africa, . The Seoley dinner danoa was repro duced In all its interesting dotuils. The little "wigglor" whs reoulled again and again, and each timo re simnded with a new movement. Ulaeses clinked to her honor, she was showered with'bouquots an I coins, and every effort was made to discover her identity. Bince that two "quiut" stag parties have been given by Detroit select young men, and Little Africa, the clever little dancer, as nearly cos tumed a la Eve as was consistent with proper entertainments, has been idol ized. - Society was scandalised,' and Little AM,., mirmtantMil niAnV a sweetheart in th9 affections of some fust young men. Her admirers nave wen soiiron- inir the oity to do her hoiunge, ami tho scandal ised members have been searching for her to make her trouble. It linn now )wn ilim-overnd that the dancer wjs Frank Bruetser.-a well- known costuiner. Who has ueen Having tun at the expense of his friends. Bruesser's form has a remarkable le setnblance to that of a woman. A CHEAP THICK. T-... n,..,nf.h,M a !,.!, kaluimina Block on the wall with glue, claiming it to he the "'sain thins" or "Just a good" as the ilnrahlt Alaltlne, or to buy and wll such K1101U on such representations would seem 1 . , , L- I, Trt h safe, buy Albantiue only in packages and property laoeirti. tin. it tha houviMBt Inftimnttvft of ordinary pattern ever made la now tunning over the Ureat -Northern rail road. It weighs 95 tons, exclusive of the tender. " too KEWABD SJIOO. Th reader ol thin paper will b pleated to team that there ia at least on dreaded Iim; .t.t u,t.iiM Km hfwn able to our In all Ua stale, and that Isoatarrh. llnll'nt "tarrh Cure Is tbe only poainre cure inowu hi me wwn-i fraternity. Catarrh bainsaconatitutlonaldi. ease, n'o.utrp a eontuititonal treatment. Hall's t'atarrh Cure t taken Internally, arttn directly noon th blood and muoou nrfaee ol the tynteta, thereby d'Mroiti- th 4otinde. tlon eit lh diea, and living th patient trent-th by bnlldtu up th eomttiat'on and axalating nature In doing Ita work. The pro-p-lvtora have to mtteh latin In It euratu power, that they otter Oua Hundred pnllart tor n cse Ihtl It (nils toouru. Hand lor Hat ol teatlmoitlal. Addrens T. . t'HKNST A CO., Toledo, 0. fold br drfirlat,74o. Uaii'a Family t'Ula ar tbe best. ' Jk treacherous wretch In Flemington, N. J., entered tbe stable of Hotomon Oale and pouted nitric acid upon tbe eyes and ears of a valuable horse. SHAKE INTO TOUR SHOES. Allen's Foot-Ram. a powder for the feet. It cure painful, swollen smarting feet and instantly take the ming out of corns and bunions. It's the irtvatent comfort discov ery of the age. Allen Koot-Ke innkei tight-titling or new pitoes feel eaay. It in a certain cure for chilblains, sweating, damn, callous ami lint, tired aching feet. We hare over 10.0W teatinionialsuf cure. Try it today, fold by all druiim and ho store. Bv mail for Kie. in stamp Tnt package PKKK. Addrvns Allen 8. 01m ated, Le Hoy, K. Y, Indications multiply that the gold fields of Alnnka will turn out to be richer than those of the Klondike region, ' HOME PKOHUCTS ADD Ft HE rilllll. All Kaatera Syrup, areallad, naually eery light colored and ol heary body, la made from giueoae. M'Mi Hnrtie tiriu" 1 (com Sugarcane and t strictly pur. It la lor tale by r)rt-el rocra, iu eana only, klanulao. tured br the Pacific Coin Hviccr Co. All gen uine "7n tMrtlrn Driif" have the manufac turer's nam lithographed on vry ean. For many years Theodore 8. Tarvin, of Coilar Bapids, la., has been gathering works on masonry, and now has a col lection of them numbering over 80,000 volumes. '' AN OPEN LETTCIt TO MOTHERS. We re amerting In the eourts our right to the CTclontre tin of the word "CASTORIA," and UrcHUK'SCABTOKlA," a our Trade Mark. I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyann la, MasuchuactU, waa th originator of " WTCHKK'a CASTOKIA," the same that has born and does now bear th fac almile signature of CMA9. H. FLK TCHKH on every wrapper. This is the original v PITCIIKR'S CASTOR. 1 A " which has been used In the homes of th mothers of America for over thirty years. Look Carefully at the wrapper and re that It I Iht kind fom ham alwayi bought, and ha th signature of CHA3. H. FLETCHER on th wrapper. No one has authority from me to ua my name except The Centaur Company of which Cha. H. Fletcher tat Prentdcut March $, jSr. SAMUEL PITCHER, MJk According to the computations of Prof. Hainy, the black race embraces about one-tenth of tbe living members of the human species, or 160,000,000 individuals. flTf Permanently Cured. No SUor nerrnuanes rile after Ural ilay'a un of Or. Kline'a Ureal Nerv Ueatorer. Send for FUKK SM.OO trial bottle and treatlne. In. B, H. UJAlilL, Ltd., Ml Arch Mxeet, f biladelphla, , Before 1880 the average number of labor strikes of all kinds in this coun try was about 600 a year. Bince that date the average has been 1,600. Two bottles of I'lso's Cur for Commmp tion enred me of a bad lung trou!le.-Min. I. Nichols, Princeton, lull., March 2), 1WJ5. Coal mined in China is being export ed to California, and it is said that in a few years the Flowery Land will sup ply the whole Pacific coast ' After blnr swindled hy all others, send uaatamp for particulars of King noloruofi'N Treasure, tlie ONl.V renewer of manly srretiRth. MAHON t IIHUI At. CO., P. O. Bus 747, VUlladelphls, I'. Spain' Underground River. The Ouadiana, a Spanish river, after ) flowing for 80 miles overhead, vanishes j underground, and for tbe next 80 miles pursues its course ss an underground j river, only appearing at Intervals in . tbe shape of lakelets, the ogos or eyes I of the Ouadiana as they are called, j This is the largest underground river whioh has been fully traced. are stuck on the wall with decaying nnlrnal giue, Alabaiitllie is a cerr.ent, which goes through a process of setting, Imrduna with age, can be re-coated and re-decorated Irom time to time without having to wash and scrap off Its old coats befor renewing. MUCH SICKNESS Particularly throat and lung ' difficulties, wrongly attributed to other causes, I th re sult of unsanitary condition, o! wall and cell lugs, Think of having bedrooms covered with la) era ol moldiag Sour past M feed Tsrmln, U s e o n 1 y ing teaspoonful of Schilling s Best Bak ing Powder to a quart of flour. You must use tw teajpoonfuli of other baking powder. .'"'" :'' tQA Church II11IH of Coral. A church built of coral Is one of tho curiosities r the Isle of Mahe, one of .1.1 u-l,n,i Ulnnds In the Inriintl ooenn, The Seychelles lalantis, wincn , are aupiosed by many U " sue 01 j the I'.don of Old Toatammit history, j form an archipelago of one nnnureu .,,,,1 fmirlnnn ixlnnds. and AIS situtlted shout 1,400 miles east ot Aden ami 1,000 miles from Zansiliar. lliey rise .,.w.,,U mil nf the sen. culminating ill the We of Mahe, whioh is about 8,000 feet above the level of the ocean.auti is nourlv 1 tin nontnr of the siotin. All these islands are of coral growth. The houses are built of 8ei:les of massive nnrul Vinarn lliln aottura blocks. Wllk'll glisten like white marble, and show themselves to the utmost advantiige in the variou tinted green of the thick tropical palms, whose immense fern like leaves give pleansant and much needed shade. These palms grow at high as 100 feet and more, overtopping both the houses and the coral-hnilt church. They line the seashore and cover the mountains, forming in many places extensive forests. The magnetic clock was invented by Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, in 1847-48. The name of Nebraska is an Indian word, which moans shallow water. MQTIIERIIOOD. Mm Plnkliivm Declares No Woman Hood Despair. There are many curable causes for sterility in women. One of the mot common la general debility, accom panied by a peculiar condition of the blood. Wrlto frwoly and fully to Mrs. Tlnls ham. Her address Is Lynn, Mass. f ho will tell you, free of ulvargo, the cause of your trouble and what course to take. Believe mo, under right condi tions, you have a fair chance to become the Joyful mother of children. Mb. Lircr Lttle, 8S5 Henderson Kt., Jersey City, N. J., certainly thlnltsao. Shesayei " I am more than proud of Lydia B. rinltham' Vegetable Compound, and cannot find words to express tho good it has done me. I was troubled very badly with the loucorrheca and severe womb pains. From the time I was married, in 1883, until last year, I was under the doctor's care. We had no children. I have had nearly every doctor In Jersey City, and have been to Rclvtn Hospital, but all to no avail. I aavr Mr, rink ham's advertisement in tho paper, and have used five bot tles of her medicine It has done more for me than all the doctors I ever had It has stopped my pains, and has brought me si fine little girl. I have been well over since my baby was bom. I heartily recommend Mrs. Pinkbam's medicine to all women suffering front sterility." n -fSZ . . V 1 eud and 1 rue. The Old German DOCTOR i.Fnpni jys Will cur Baesaehe. lllwaaed KWneya. NereiMin- enry and kindred conntiis. ruriauiutlun free: 43 years' etperleuc. Ternia to -nil. t all or write. 290 Alder Street, Portland, Oregon. Plain or with Cutter. Th. hrst nmlle hi lh. aisr kt. I'aeu ly alt uuk aew.ra. yur "ale tiy all ata ersl mercaasiule alores, ur by win. riNOK co., KB Market Ntrret, nan Kranclaco, Cat. T1ATrt Air trains and lfiostln Onld or silver nilllStlre. I'iKl or liiirlvl lrrn.iirra. M. II. UVlU rtiWLEH, B"i w7,H.,uiuluiin,Coun. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MAXCTAOTTSKKS 8T ... CALIFORNIA Fid SYRUP CO. IVNOvrrTHB KAMC BLUE8T0NE 'in Barrels Welgdlng Irom m to m lbs. 44C. Per Lb. LESS QUANTITIES' (Jo. PER Li. Cut this out and send with order. TBE SEATTLE . Mill. 10., Ill OocldMltl ., Kstlls, Wash. iMH rtntttr. ALL (Uc f I t.'ough Syrup, f aatee (loud. 17 i! Vm j in time. Mold hv driiffKl.ta. with paper to hid them and absorb tb mola tttr of respiration, sud sn animal glue culture ground on Its face for dl.cno germs; this hav ing strong colors added, Ilk a colored shirt, to hide the dirt; then think of "th rtsaty practice" of repeating this psperlng, without removing th old, and a number of timet, at that, as many do. Then think nf s room coated with pure, porous, parmansnt AlabaatiB, which Is retlnted with but little trouble or as pens, nd Is purifying and swset-smellliig and Alls cracks. Wall paper free would be dcsrrr than Alabastln IS cost ol rmorlii ppr Is considered. I , 1 1 ; m 'mm'. one h e ap - Timidity of an Ulepliant. Hiding along a road in India, I saw the following Instance of a big els phuiit'a timidity, which I venture to send to jrmi: The elephant, ridden by a mahout, was followed by a small Mh1 te torrior which, Intent on Its own affuirs, trotted boslilo its inastor, mak ing occasional instinctive Investigations by the roadside after the initnutir of iUfs, .without particularly noticing oilier tiaveleia. From the llrst mo ment the elephant sot eyes on the do he never butt sight of him, turning dom aide to side always with " oj small animal, and hurrying out of his way whenever he spproauhtitl. The timidity ol the one and the confidence of the olber were irresistibly amusing. London Spectator. Greater New York has 1,100 chiliohes within ita limits, and over 130.0C0 dwelling houses. established 170. Baker's Chocolate, celebrated for more 2 than a century ss a delicious, nutiiliou. ? si'W,. l.. .... y. ovvaiMge, ,,e wui f woll-ktiown ' J? Yellow Label t on the front of iry package, and our trade iimk,"t, liel! t'hooolaliere,"on lbs tat.. . . NuNB OTHlitt OGMUINB. MADS OKI SV WALTER BARER k CO. Ltd. Dorchester. Mass. THE BEST IEAD IS THE LEAD THAT WEARS LONGEST. It I Raowa a WESTERN WHITE LEAD Writs to ns bon II. Our hook on painting sKMT KUKK. Cleveland Oil I Paint if Co.. PORTLAND, ORIOOM. Good Health at httmnuy ImtmL l.ruiir h. Jin iMiiifi you. rwr em bition, n"', vltaiiijr waalittg away t Wha Mtisr fall amy.' For trie epaMr, and mrnianent eor of all Nrroua.t hronle and SieelnldlaeM,aren in tiiHr mml mvatt ruriiul. 'I here I no man In th world wti waAnv.Hl no many iwrmannt cur in Both Men and Womtm r troulil wnU'li ulhtir ulir.itina tif ai-k nwliill ahlf lljr bad glv up as hmmlp.. a this amtiH'ot .fHN'iail.t. .NKItitlt H IIKHII.ITV and all ita attendlhf IlitiMiW, or VOtMl, tll.fl UKS. Tbeawnil stTMa ol nralnted or Improp erly trvatrd ca.M. eMuatn ilrftlns, weaklimM of buuf and hraln. ulnfnM, IWIlin memory, la'k of eorrsy and eonlt.iem'. PUi in liaok, lolna and and many other oi.trea.lhg aymi.lonia, uriflttltisoit for atudy. buaiiHia or of lift.. Dr Hili(liiiourou.ui matter who or What haa fHii.d. . , WEAKM fcl. H reatnre losl Tteor nd To tality to weak men. Oman of til body whir b hvben wnakwwMl throush diawwa. overwork, ttcmtHH or lloliairretlon era reatored 10 full pow.r, atrenmh and vlir through ills own auiwesalul ay tern or tratmi.iii. VKi M KI IE. hrdrorla, awalllns and ton dm of th gland, trust "l with iinl.Ulna aiuxieu. HI'KCIAL IHMKAHK. InSarouiallim, ilia. Charam, eu., whleli, If nrghwted or linuroprly inotml, hrrak down the ay.i.ui, saua kidney and bladder i!!"., etc. I.KMKAHr:i OK fOStieil. Promjit and . IhwIuI aili-iitlon given to all thelf many ilineal. III IK lryoureawarof any troiihl. 1KJ NoT ui;i,A V. fall uu Jr. luuilinVtfNiar, Ifyou mnui.i call, writ him. His valuable hook m 1 o ail ailBrei-a CONhUI.TATION r llKkl and onS denOal at otBp or by Irtter. E. M. RATGUFFE, 18 flrt ha, Wtllt. UI WHEAT Mk BKn br sneowlul aiuulaiion In 'htuaro. W buy aim sett wheat uu mar. Ins. Fortunos have bona ir..di an a amall tifulllllillff br usdlllsln fit lures. Writ lor lull particulars, imsi ol ret ereuce given. Heveral years' e.itltine on th Clilc.uo Hoard of Trade, and a thoroitKh know letlae of the hu-tneM.. Heiid for our Ire roler ence book. DCWMNU, lluTKlNH A Co., Clilraiia liosrd of Trail Rroki'ra. Ofnoes ID Portland, Oregon and Heattl, Wean. YOUR LIVER la it Wrong? Get It Right. Keep it Right. Moor'sKvaled Keiuady Wllldolt. Thre doses will rusk you leel better. Get It from yonr druggist or sny wholesale drug boos, or torn rUewarl It Holmes UrugCo., eestlle. M. P. X. V. o. IT. ' I ruentloM this paper, Alabastln I sold by plnt dealers WV where. Ask your dealer for card of tint. ' to ik a I. sr. its. Do ant bny a law suit or an Injunction wllh chespkslnomlnes, which are all lmitstlons o Alalieitlue. Dealers assume th rlak of " for damagus by selling sn Infringement. ' bastltie Ooniimuy own tli right, covered by letters patent, to malt and aell wall Si1'"1 dapled to be miksd with culd Jlr. Alsbt tlu Co,, Uraad Hspldt, Mlf U. - i A A-V 11 v.,.- I a If ) DOCTOR I RATCXIFFE,