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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1898)
OREGON MIST; FIUDAY, APRIL 22. I. H. Jor1and, ionu Monday. of Warren, wni Jri Mm. Iltmstmw, of IIoulLon wm In jTurtlund Tuesday. Mm. M. 0. Gray vlsiUd Portland last Monday afternoon. " Afr.ftdln.RoM Mi light-tenlng In' Portland lasl Friday. JDr, Edwin Bos did business in 1'ortluiid on Monday. James Bhldon wm Portland vis tor Monday aftornoon. Attorney Q. A. Brodift, ol Portland, wi in thin oily fuotday. Mr. Ed Stun wood wan among tbe visitor to Portland Monday. Tbe Columbia Is tlowly rising m a ywult ol lite recent warm weather. Mossrs. Dr. Clin" and Oeorge May gar were in Portland last Haturday, Mr. W. D. Connell, of Deer Island, was visiting in this city Wednesday. Mr. Oenree and Charley Merrill, of Deer Islauu, were in Portland lion day. Mr. ITpz Caples, of OapW Landing, was let Portland on Monday of tbia week. JMr. A. T. Law, of Quinsy, wl in this city Monday attending lo matter of busluosa. WAR IS CERTAIN! War with Spain I an assured thing, M the president at 11 :30 on Wed net dny ilgnad tha concurrent reiolution demanding ihat Spanish troop forth with evacuate Cuba. The ultimatum wa ont to Spain, giving that nation until Saturday to rofue or accept. Troojs are at present teing mobelinsd u convenient places In the South, and the only thing that can avert war Is Spain acceeding to our demands and the conceedlng of that country's free- om. The American navy is hld in readiness, and although no call for vol un tear 1ia been made by the pres ident, there are hundreds of thous- ndf of men anxiously awaiting the Invitation. The Spanish minister. Polo, with his staff, received his pass port and Wft Washington Wednesday for Spain, by way of Halifax. A OEM-INK BUHPIUSE. W. A. Harris was purchasing goods for his grocery eslabhebmeiit in Port land Tuesday. Miss Flora Vinoot, of University Psrlt, is in this city visiting her sister, Mrs. U. O. Haley. The Rev. Mr. A.Fairohild will preach t k annum next rjaniay at U a. m.. and 7 i 80 in the evening. Old aoldlert and prospective soldier coma and hear the lecture at the church Saturday evening. Rev. Mr, Puilbrook will preach at Bcappoose next Sunday morning and veuing at tbe usual lumi. . Captain Ifendvrsoo went lo Port land WuUtiosday to bid bis wife a pleasant journey and visit East. Mr. liriacoo, of West Portland, was in tha oity a few days last week visit ioc her daughter, Mra,U. A. Hall. Dennis Perry and m.Us, of Portland, were in this City Wednesday attending e funeral of Mr. Joitu MclSuliy. Mosar. Herb Howard and Charles liriggs, of Yanklon, were doing bui ties in the uielropoli last Monday. Mr. (Jeorgo Foster, of Ooble, was in I'ortlaml last Monday, aud in this city Tuesday looking alter business Matters, Win. Rrinn, formerly of this county, but wbu is now in business at Tillsv nook, is visiting relaliva at Yankuiu. An in cream) in tha number of fish is ex rev ted villi a rise in the river and continuation of the pleaoaiit weather. Tuesday night's rain waa oportune. Crop needed the moisture, and the iwoetit of the shower ia visible on every hand. Mr. Charle Gabia i getting the room for tbe bowling alley In shape very fast, and aoou the ball will begin to roll. ius Wilulroni, accompanied by bis oldest ton who is attending school at University Park, wuro pasavuuar fur rortland Monday. Mra. U. J. Waters and children, who Jhava been visitiug in Akron, Ohio, for auyeritl iHiintlia, rurr?4 to this city last Sunday evening. N. A. Perry, of Houllon, weut to TorUand Monday lo look after the ma terial for hi new residence now uuder course of construction at Houltou. Look out for the M. . church en ierlainmrnl uulice uexl week, A bet ter enlertai iinetit than the one given on January 7 last ia being planned. There will be a special literary pro gramme rendered by the Y. P. A., at Houllon, Sunday evening, commenc ing at 6 : 30, to which the public i in tiled. Dr. J. W. Meserve, ot F-li-ne, was In this oity over nlaht lat Monday on hi way home from a visit of about a month's duration to points up tbe Co lumbia and in the Willamette valley District Attorney Clneton apent Sat' urdoy and Sunday fn this city, and on Monday went to Oregon City to attend to duties there during the preaeut term of circuit court, winch upened on Monday, Mr. D. J. Swftaer returned to this city lust Saturday from Clabfkanie, where he bud been enslaved for some time superintending the construction of the city water system, which is now completed. Prof. T. Bruitifcr. F. R. 8., of Port land University, lectured before the , reading cirole lust Friday eveniug. It raaa.vcry Interesting and instructive lecture. The subject, "Student Life in Uie German Uuleriii,"wa naudlod only as an ex-studont of tho.e schools could handle it. ; " Next Sunday, Dr. G. W. Gue, pre siding elder of Portland district M- K church, will preach in Houllon at 11 a. m.; Warren, 8 p. m and in St. Hel ens at 8 p. m. This is the occasion of the third quarterly conference. The business meeting will be held at 3 p. m. Saturday next in St. Helens. Rev. O. W. Gue. D. I)., will deliver afree lecture in the M. E. Church next Saturday evening, Apr. 23rd. Suhjeot, . "Army Reminiscences." This is the l)rotr' moat popular lecture and wherevar ha has delivered it, immense crowds havo bean edified and delighted r,.mtt umt hour ilie best lecture of tha year. A collection will .probably be taken for the benetlt of the Mctnouiai Church. Tarn vudpl Attn XI. 3. Warren, a drug' Bist at Pleasant Brook, N.Y., bought n small auuidv of Chamberlain's Oougn Remedy. Hesumsupthe result a f,.l "At that time the Roods were unknown in this section i today Cham borlain's Cough Remedy Is a bouse- ' bold word." It, is the same in hundreds of communities. Wherever the good qualities of Chamberlain' Cough Rem edy become known tbe people wtll have The neat littla home of Canlain and Mrs. A. Henderson, at Houllon, was tha seen of a pleasant lime three or four hour last Sunday evening, the occasion being a farewell surprise party given lo Mrs. Henderson, who on Tues day took her departure for her old borne in Maine, where she expects to remain for three or four months. The surprise was conceived and carried out by the members of Mizpah chapter of eastern Star, ol tin city, o! winch Mr. Henderson is a favorite member. Capt. Henderson and Mr. Uenshaw figured conspicuously in the affair, and so thoroughly carried their plans into execution that the result was the seme of perlection, and Mrs. Hender son was completely surprised. The people from this city who were present arrived about 8 o'clock, while Mr. Henderson was attending church, and after the crowd arrived she was noti fied that company was awaiting her at home. The proceedings seemtd a little strange to her, since upon leavlug home tbe had carefully locked and bolted all the doors, but she neverthe less hurried homeward to find tli house filled with expectant faces. Af ter a couple of hours social conversa tion tiie (guests were invited lo partake of a splendid lunch, when all prepared in reosir to their homes, wishing Mrs. Henderson a pleasant visit and jour ney. Those present were uapb ann Mrs. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Henshaw, Mr. and Mra. Js. MuckW, Mr. and Mrs. E. r,. Quick, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Johns, Mr. and Mr. V. JJ.tvta, Mrs. K. uox, Messrs. N. A. Puny, Dr. Ross, A. Ross, aud Rud Henshaw. HOtil.TON HAt't'ENINOa, Mrs. C. E. Thilbrook visited Port land Monday. Rv. Durlineame went to Guble lael Monday eveuing. Mrs. J. II. Urie, was a passenger fur Portland Tuesday. Mis Katie Harrison ha returned to her home near Vancouver. The Y, P. A. Is preparing a splendid programme for Suuday evening. Mrs. F. M. Florv and daughter are visitiug on Milton creek this week. Mr. and Mr. R. B. Maaoo and chil dren are visiting in Silvcrton this week. Mra. llenrv Burnett is reported to be quite sick with neuralgia and ague Our schoolmaster, Mr. Adams, took trip to Kalama Wednesday evening, Mrs. Hall has moved from N, A Perry' house to one of Mr. Wikstrom' cottage. Our tehool ia progressing quite well and wa huvA several new DUPli at tending. Mm. 8. E. Henderson started East Tuesday, where she expects to spend some weeks visiting reiauvu. A. B. Little atarted last week for the southern and eastern part of the state, where he has surveying lo do. Mrs. LiitJiie Kelso ia so much im proved tu health that aha wit takeu lo her home at Yankton Sunday. The Slavens Brua. have taken the contract 10 buiid N. A. Perry's bouse and have moved into the house for merly oocupied by Mr. Hall. Rev.' and Mrs. Burlingame start next Tuesday to attend the annual oonfer .i fi,.!m.!f the Evangelical As sociation. Binhop Horn, of Cleveland, Ohio, will officiate. There will be ft specinl programme N.nrired at ilie Y. P. A. in the church in this place Sunday evening, couv nienoinx at 0 :30. A general luvita tion is extended to ail. Tha railroad com nan y has been fix ing the crossing at tua station, ami lmi nan rims HOW wSthOlll being in danger of running off the side of the grade. It IS a goou piene i vu., has been neeaeu wr m iun CliATfSKANIM NOTEM. If. C. Dale, of the Nehalom valley, was in town Tuesday. " Mother Orwiir has been sick at the home of her sou for a few day. Tom Carter i box hie no tbe hy drants and stops connected with tbe water Worki, Tha Meier family moved out to the Tichenor sawmill a few day ego, and will look after feeding the mill force tin season, 0, B. Fisher and wife, of Mist, were 10 town this week. He expect to move to our neighboring stated Wash ington ia the near future. The delegate to the state republican and congressional couventiuns from this section have returned, satisfied that they performed their duties at Astoria. John Myers is a faithful worker with hisahovel, digging and filling ditohes. lie has the gilt of continuance, and the city council wa fortunate in se curing hi lervicea. The Tichenor (hinale-mill ha been supplied Utely wilb a big lot of bolt floated down irom the Upper Clats kauie. They will keep tbe mill run niug for a long time. A few of our people are bringing in strings of catfish lately, caught in oue of the Beaver tributaries. They are not a very handsome fish, but seem palatable and exceedingly plenty. D. J. Switzer completed hi contract with the city water company, and left for St. Helen the latter part of last week. Judge Hwuzer understand hi business aud did aatisfactory work, P. J. Popham i now "striking while the iron is hot" at tbe blacksmith shop, while Eagle i over in Washington workine ai'a logging earn p. Popham understands the business, and is doing good work. Bruce Hainra is now superintendent of the water work and ia finishing up the attachments and odds and ends necessary to get everything in shape. , We are pleased With the conveuieul addition to our city. John English was obliged to lake some mill machinery to Portland tin Tuesday fur repairs. It was taken to Eureka in a small boat to be snippea on tbe steamer that night. A machine shop would bo a couvauisuce in our town.. . 1 i Henry Brsuning, a former mer chant of Mist, who left for tha Ross laud goid mines nearly two year ago, wa seen on our streets luesaay. ror tha past four months he has been in the Baker City mining region aud pre fers that to Klondike or Kosaland. Oliver Anderson ha been buying some 700 feet of galvaniaed iron pipe lor a water system to supply his Mouse and barn. A number of our ranchers might add greatly to theirconvenience and comfort by bringing spring water to their house instead of having to carry it several rods. Harvey Syverson, of Quincy, came ia on the steamer Monday morning on his return from a month's visit to Arizona and Southern California. Harrv ia Quite imnresed with the pos sibilities of that couutry in agriculture if water can be found to irrigate the soil. He has seen I he desert blossom in many places under irrigation. An alarm of fire Sunday morning irava an an onoortunity to test the new water supply. 'The Mrs. Merrill huuse, oDiiosile the church, caught fire at tbe roof, and soon volumes of smoke gave Ilia appearance that the house was doomed. Prompt action on the part of our citizens checked the names and .aved the house by giving it a pretty rood drenching. 8. C. Tichenor and family were occupants and had their thiogs carried out iu short order. They took occasion to move out to the saw mill, whore Bieve expecta to work this summer. By the way, aa the shingle-mill are runnina aeaia around here, the num- her nf aceidsnta is on tha Increase. John English mashed a finger at the Tiehenor mill last week, and Lewis Orwie cat a fearful gash in his right arm Tuesday at the new mill of Orwig A Ron. Will Diooold i JuBt able to work again at that mill, after a lay oa of three weeks from a saw cut on nis srm. Several young men about here wear tbe badge of sbiogle-mill opera tives in mutilated hngers and various scars about their hands. A.UBOH-DAY BXfcUCIBUB. BoArroos. Oregon, April 12, 1S08. Monntaln View school celebrated Arbor Day In Hie following manner'! MEN WANTED. Th Ann Wnnd niunnv. at this place. would like to have twenty or twenty-five men to cut wood. Tuny are paying 70 centa Song "God Bless Our Country".. . School lading" Quotation chain Wnnll.h ol Oregon's Children" W. i. wans .. ....School lleeltn Hon "Orchard Dlonsoms" ........ , ., Dolly Hutchinson Reoltatlon "The Uses of Flowera" Stella Pomeroy Recltatlon-"KIUlni the Birds". ...... , ,. , Alice Bunker Beciiatioo--"The Mttls Hatchet"..,... ,. . , Ord Klspp Sons "Woodman Spare That Tree" Beiiool Kecltation "Why and Because".'... Mafritts uaiianan, urace uny Recitatlon--'Wlisn and Then" . . Bimie Pomcroy, Katie Callahan Recitation "The Tree" . lailu Krakes, Jeanie Thomas, Olive llolcuiuson Reading "Arbor Pay Brevities" . ' Alice Bnnker 8ong" America" ................... School The school marched to the grounds and planted a tree, lilac bunh. and several rose bushes. Mas. W. T. Watts, teacher. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice l herehv eiven that alt warrant of tbe City of St. U. lens, Oregon, presented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds" op to December 1st, Wi. wm o paw upon presentation to me. Interest will not be allowed alter this date. A prtl 14, 1808. DAVID DAVIS, Treasurer of the City of St. Helens, Oregon A COBItKCTION. Understanding It was the Impression throughout Columbia county that- I was dissatisfied with the action of the last coun ty republican convention held at Clatskanie recently, and by such action was not going to support said ticket, I wish to inform th people of Columbia county that said rumor is without foundation, sad that I intend to gira the ticket my heartiest support, be lieving it U have beea as good a ticket as could be nominated. I will be found work ing in the ranks now as I have always done before. Respectfully yours, 6. G. Mavukb. NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. Lawd omca at Oaaooi Citt, Oa.. March 19th. W. OTICB IS HEREBY OIVKS THAt THB followlnc-named settler ha fUd nolim ol i lf.u..H,. h, nmllA rillftl IITOOl in IlllrllOrt Ul ht elalm, and thxt alrt prool will be made be fore (he liegltr and Receiver at Oregon CUy. Oregon, on May 2nd, lWt, EMERY fltCKHKI.L,, IIomentMul Entry, No. 10.SOT, for the east! of norllieant !i. autf north 'A of nouthewtt t of sec tion a. towuahip 6 north, rontie a went. He namea the following wtlnewe to prrvre nl continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, Tlz: Wlillair. h. Brown, Frwlerlek H. Ntenstodt, of Apiary, Oretcon, Lewis F. Ban zer.of Hudson, Oregon, sndJaraee L, Hutu, ol B' WeKnCHA8. B. MOORES, Register. ' SCHOOL. RKfOItX. (ScArroosE, Oregon, April 18, 1809. Report of Monntaln View sehoel (or the month ending April 15th: Days taught. 20; days attendance, 623U; days absence, 63H S number times tardy, 9; number bors enrolled, 12: number eirls en rolled, 23j total number enrolled, 35; aver age mumbsr belonging, 35; average daily at tendance, 81. The followiag-named pupils were neiiher absent nor tardy: Lulu. Lewis, Charles and Willie Boschman. Katie and Maggie C'allabaa, Pearl, Dolly and Oiive llutchlnaon, Ernestine Newman, Oracs Oatby, brace Thomas. Mas W. T. Watts, teacher. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Btate of Oregon, lor Columbia uouwty. , T. A. Sluda, Plalntllf, va Paulina Binds, Helena- Tn ?r,,'nr. flinrfn. tha atwiTe-named Defendant. mra rMDilrml toaunearand answer the oom plal lit liled against you in the above entitled f... t. . u.v unli. im. whleh ia tba drat aay ol me next term ui u ctuiiiuu.--iv tha AvnirAiinn nt the time oregct'ibed in the order for the publication of this summons, and ir you ran mi to answer u niaintiw wtu lo the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-witi for a decree dlBM.lving the bonds of matrimony now and femlant; for the costs aud dlsbursemnna of this snlt; and forsucn otner auu luriuer y ortier ot tne lion. . . .iu.imB, j'4s hove-entlilwl Court, made tltla Wtu day ol March, uss. . . ml'imS ' ' Attorneys lor Plaintiff. imarit-ans are the most" Inventive t,.M.,le on earth. To thorn have been issued nearly 000,000 patents, or more than one-third ol all tne pate ms iBueu ; il.o world. No discovery of modern years has been of greater benefit to mankind lhan Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or lis done more to relieve pain anu buiih- t.. r w v,.iii'iin. ni wnaiun, .. says: l navo finlm. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy il for several years, a find it to be the best medioino I ever A ... in Uie Siomaen auu K-.ia For sale by Ir. Edwin Ross. " nr.. a Inveen. residinR at 720 Henry St., Alton, III., suffered with sciatic rheumatism for over eight mrmihs. She doctored for it nearly .ki nf thia lime, nsintf various remedies recommended by friends, and a. treated by the physioians, nuv re celved no relief. She then used one and a half bottle of Chamberlain VM Balm, which effected a complete cure. This is published at her request, aa , he wants Cthera, similarly afflicted 7? L,. hat nuratl-lier. The 25 and 50 cent sises for sale by lr. K. Ross. Card of Tbsnks. To those who so kindly assisted ns during the sickness and burial of our brother, we wi-ft to extend our most sincere thanks. and aasure rou that your kinaueas win long be remeutlered. ' Mas. J S. hart Aan aisrsa. M.niniTT In thia eilv. Tueadav. Anril 19. 1KM, of iilcernnon ol me stoiuacn, jona T. McNulty, agea o years. Dcceaaed bad resided in this county since 1850, having come from Sheridan county Ho., at that time with bis parents and other members of the family. Upon arriv ing here his father took up a piece of land just back of thia city, where the family re sided continuaualy. Two slaters. Airs. J as. Dart, of this city, and Mrs. O. E. Baoon, of Warren, a daughter, Mrs. J. 8. Cloninger, of this oity. and a young son, Clyde Me- Nulty. aurviye deceased. The funeral ser vices were held In the Congregational church conducted by Rev. Philbiook.on Wednes day, and the remains were laid to rest in tbe family burying groond, at tbe old home. beside those of his father, mother and one sister..' Msk At Dayton, Ohio, April 10, 1898, William Jlenlte, of Jjrigui s uiseaae. Deceased, up to about two years ago, re sided near Vernonia, where he had a home stead. Hs was favorably known in that lo cality. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Orison, for Columbia County. . , , George Kane. Plaintiff, vs. A. 1. Alley and Jeasa Alley, liutendaiiM. . an 0M,.h ..f von Am hereby required to appear and answer the complaint Bled against i- tha ahnva ttlitltla Si'Liiin bV the 10th laor May. Vm. it being the first day of the .inn r.t lt r,Hnlir.atinn t thil HURimOIll. atid If you tait ut answer u k.-"'" wtll causa your default to be enured, and apply .A tha nit Fn, thn Tliff dprimnORll fO ttlC complaint, to-wit: tor a jadgraent asalnit the defendants, i. Alley for the sum of SMI. i, with Interest at the rate oi iu pereeniiwr-ou.iiu (mm the ! dn of October. together with 1150.(10 attorney's fees awl costs, and that a de cree be made against both of you foreclosing all Interest whlcn yon nan on uie -wi ber, lim, the dale of the morteaire given by de fendant, A. J. Alley, to plainUir, on the prein laea described, or nave since acquired in or to HOMN. Bios -In this city, Thursday, April 21 1S!W. to the wife of James C. Rice, son Wkat lr. A. Si. Hatter Says. Buffalo, N. Y. Gents : From my per sonal knowledge, gained tn observing the eff-et of your 8hiloh's Cure In cases of ad vanced Consumption, I am prepared to say it la tha most remarkable Remedy that has aver hoen brought to rov attention. It has certainly saved many from Consumption. Bold by Dr. r-awin noes. For constipation take Karl's Clover Root ta .. - LI I ...... KnA tea, tne great oioou puiuiKi. nnrvntimwu. eruntioiiB on the lace and makes the head clear aa a bell. Sold by Dr. Kd win Ross. Karl's Clover Root Tea, for consumption li.'a thn heat and it after usiiiff it you don't say so, return the package and get your mouey. eoia oy ut. Atiwm xvim?. Stop that cough 1 Take warning. It may XaaA tn frtnamtintlnn. A 200 bottle Ol Bbiloh's cure may ssve your life. Hold by Dr. Kdwm Koss. Shlloh's Conanmptlon Cure outes where others fall. It ia tne leaumg uuugu re, .,,,1 nn hnma shnnlil be without It. trieae- ant to take and noes riant to me spot, ooiu bv Dr. Edwin Ross. Arrangements are being made to celebrate the closing of our publio school on Friday evening. On scholar has completed the highschool course and will graduate, constituting tha first graduating Class, aii evotung of literary and musical exercises ou Friday evening win oe tuiioweu oy another pnbllo eahibition on Saturday evHiiine to which the public is invited for a consideration of 25 cent. Ex tensive preparations have been made to give an attentive and interesting programme on toi evenings, a ua Friday avenins; eraduatine exercises are free to the public, while Saturday evening is for revenue a well a eu tertainment. VERNONIA GI.EAN1XOS. Gua Tin It lost a valuable cow Mou- day. The cause is unknown. Mrs. Joseph Coulter visited at Mr. S. I). Sheeley'g luat Wednesday, Miss Dosaie Wilson began a term of school iu the Beaver district last Mon day. Wm. Wileon, Jr., left on Monday to find work in a logging camp on the river. Miss Vernonia Shoeloy began a term of school in the Wilkinson district last Monday. j 8. A. Wilkinson con es to town now-! a-days with a large smile on his face.! Cause 7-pound boy. . The many friends of Mrs. William Wilkinson will be pleased to learn that she is much improved iu health, aud j in a few days we hope lo see hur about again. . ' Thomas Brink and wife, after bav-1 ing spent the winter with Mr. Brink's; parents, returned to their home in the i metropolis Thursday. Turn suys he is j tired of muddy muds. I Farm For Sale, A mod niece ol land, containing 160 acres, for ante at a naraain. uli mr innve yo a .vmu uv...du two tori. 82xat. well noisnea a oaru vum three acres of orchard, bearing nil kinds fruit; good garden; cut over 80 tons of tamo h au..t. .u. or. nftrtlnularlv trood Kalure coiineetlon with the place Is the cedar timber, which is estimated to be worth f-tOOO. I'ar further Information call on B, E. Quick, St. Helens, or at this otiloe. Terms easy. WANTED FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEN to travel for responni hie established house In Oregon. Salary I1S0 and expenses. Position ermauent. Ktferam'O. Enclose self add resaad siamptd envelopa. auce blCg., Chicago. The National, Star luaur- tid 88 cents per cord. Apply aygvr, bt. liuioiia, Uregoti. lo George III - ; " Is." 1 ' !'."" 1 - -r. j; i i. THAT TH JicgctablePreparalionforA3 5lmllatlr. UxroodandKccula tinj Uie Stomachs andBoweb of Promote9XSigestion,Cheeifut ness and JtestContains ncilhcr Ojnum.Morphiiu? not Mineral, KotNahcotic. jtiiitt Jaatt ; fifiafimnt a Ylmtfiod Sujara iumnvnm-runmti - ii A perfect Remedy forConslipa lion. Sour Storiiach.Diarrhdca, VVortnsX;onvuLsions,Feverish oess midLosaOF S?XEE Tac Simile Signature eif NEW VORK. FAC-GIMILE SIGNATURE ; -OP- IS OIT TUT! WRAPPER CP ETESX BOTTTJE OT? A uLL EXACT C0PYOT WRAPPER. arila' Oaatoria Is jrat sp la ene-i' tottles only. It nt M la hulk. Don't allow aima to sail ' yos anjtiiing else oa tii" pl" s proiaias that it h ia "jturt u aoi" and "will answer every pw. , 'poae." vBeetl!atyis jBtO-A-S-T-O-a-X-i. , IJr r kM at Is w Tsir wrsjvaa. the-KWof the (otherwise desert nee i as lot No. 2) and tbeSEWof the Xbii and the nf thRKt nf ftCttOU no. a, wWIISIlll Wi north of range No. S, west of the W illaroette meridian, in Coinmbla eoonty, Oregon, con taining las acres of land, and ordering said premises sold according to law, aud applying the proceeds tberof to tbe payment of said Judg ment. ..... Thia summons la punnsnea ot oraer oi Hnnnmhla Judce of thia Court, made on the lath day of March, 198. . . m25m Attorneys for Plaintiff. ii.. nw ! W aiaranBrWrMt-mmim a)yay aryassipijsia y tnv -p- y-a-v - . - ' - - ama. a at-, m m ' a-a Ba aft. 9- t J t HARRIS GAbri UhUUbiiY j For Your WjifSrVrVfrVsaVVSas KwTa ftlwuyfl on hand all klnils of . ftlJti.MU i i rat iv j pivt.i.iiuv r l I-r.ivisious, farm iiriixe, ur(-u arid Oovnestio iruhs In pi'iu-oii, hn U'iWanvl cofleeK, tobaficoand ;iKrs A line line ol coiiiuionry nlo in hum Jt ami various athec wpeciuUies. Groceries. CORNER COWLITZ AND MAIN STREET. ST, HELENS OR, CstAAAAwVAarkJksrkAjfa OASTOHIA. nsfss- SlBils tgaaran at . H e very rraipai. D0Y0O 9 KNOW THE NEWS i You can have it all for Per.,., RAn Per.... . Mil uUl Mflntii In The Evening Telegram, of Portland, Oregon. It is the largest evening news paper published in Oregou; it contains all the news of tha state and of the na tion. Try it for a month. A eample copy will be mailed to you free. Address THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. ST. HELNSJVIEAT MARKET All Kinds of Fresh Meats, Hams, Bactn Jtilsrj Meats by Wholesale At Special Rates. MAIX STREET. James H. Sheldon, ST. II3Sr.iC3Q"S. OREGON. wfks-siniis clgwut OABTOIIIA. STS.T witfiea. DENTIST Dr. Slghers or Dr. Reid Wilb BB IN ST. HEI.RNS KVF.RY MONDAY. TUESDAY, WKIINKSIUY. AND TIIUBtoDAY OF EACH WKKK Prepared to do- ALL KINDS OF DENTAL WORK Fm,I,BKTTKETH........7 SO to S10 09 FILLING .,...'....;.. 60 upwards GOLBCKOWNS..... 13 50 to 5 00 We are here to stay. Call and see n and be con vinced that we moan business. All work guar anteed. Offlc Next Door to Rosa' Drugstore St. HELENS, : : : 1 OREGON ST. HELENS PHARMACY Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. DRUGS LJfcr- Patent Medicines, Fancy Toilet Articles. PERFUMES AND FANCY STATIONERY. Prescriptions... Carefully and Accur ately Compounded.... DAY OR NIGHT.' ....Cigars.. Sks ha il ails SlgaMius I OB erf V to trarri for responsible established housa In Oregon. Salary 7f ar.d ex enaoi. f osltlon parmanent. Bafereuca. Enc osa teif-a.ldjo-.sad !7n,,,d auvelmte. The Kalioual, M Ijiaur- auceBldg., Chicago. WAKTED FAiTITf tJI. MEN OR WOMEN to travel for reaponalblaaatabllahad honss In Oregon. Salary S7 and expensa. Fosliiou Jarman.ut. Reference. Enclose sall-addrassed tamped envelope. Tbe NaUoual, etas Iaatu auoe Jildg., Chicago. K.yal meiwa tb. food pra, wbalasHWW and dsllciosuh ftf f-" s Mm r .OVs Vt a . 4 xrmji wwmt pww m., w?,. E.E. QUICK Gf. W, COLE Coramisaioncr of . Notary Pnbllo . Deads fuc WaaU lugLon. ...... COLE & QUICK, PROPRIETORS OF THORNE'S Hraericil SystemTiHo Abstracts. TUte Kxamined and Ferfoctid.- Alwtnvta Furnished. AossmenU KxamineJ. lu mirftnod VVrlttou. Tftaton PtUU nd Couvey Complete Line of. School Books... and.... School Supplies 't.3aMM AAAA.AAAAAAIaBLfaaAfagVaVj 2 ULUMDlfi tUUiMl Lrt.LUO r ....For Sale Dy.... LsJlalaaaVrWys, ST. IlKI.KrtS, OBEQOS 1J 9 i i i i i i i i i i i i i j Main Street, - - St. Helens, Oregon On hundred and twenty acres, lVf miles from county sat-. 40 acres in onUivurlon; I mile from aohoulhouas; on Uoluuibia river; price ?2d 00 per atre. Tinker claim ; snaores; estimated at 4,XX, 0(10 feet of timber; acweasuble to iuggiug stream; prieofiiOOua. Timl-er claim ; W0 acres; over 8,1X0.000 '.cot ; prk:o :) (W, One hundred and twenty acr.s; pnnd or chard; SO acres good swale laud; all laud i level; 1 mile from schiwlhonaas H ni'te from railroad station; 1 it.'ile from tidewater; good ohauce ior cordwuod. Ten acrea on MHlon creek, 4 mile from school; 3-roora bonac, barn, outhonsea, et(.; svcall orchard; Sacres la cultivation; price JMOOO. One hundred and twenty acres of timber land iu tp t a. r 2 west; price iMl tW. 81x hnndreJ and forty aorna of timber land tp 4 n, r 2 weits: pne-o i0 per acre, . Kk'hty ai'Ttw. miles from eovmty seat; all le'vnl aud timber alasbadt H Ul,le ln"tt aehnoihonse; on countv road; will sell In 10 oi 30 acre, tracts; piica :oot) per acre; part catih aud balance on tixae. . COLE & QUICK, CASTOR I A For InhJxU and CMldroa. tfcafliS" slailt dgauBN It sV is St ery mm "ft 4 I ff '3K WANTSD FAITHFUL MKH OK WOMKN to travel for re.ix)lbl estateliisbeii hnusa InOresna. Bftlsry S.Ml and expanses. FoffKion pannaiient. Kefarsneav B.icloaa self-ajldrewod Sta'uffd snveiopjo. Tu hatiouai, Biar iusur anv liidg., untcago. . Ma t aa - a mi h-m I mii' i WrrHour TXkihq Auno a f ,'r" V UimmSNT Mouri.s -FS- At-V CAJ,1B.KR ' 1 Fo 2 to SO they aks Tri . i&wcfvsrtii AMt-'iftmw, vsroay t f-. I IVf"?' Ii i Vi Sr t Ii VP" - " l