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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1898)
OREGON MIST. -BY- DAVID DAVIS. ftnbecrlpttitii Itauas. One copy one year In ad ratio. II W oe ou.y six aiuutha...... W Advertlsm M "Maud known npon application COLOMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. Caasity Oflleera. Indite Joseph B. Doan, lUtnler Clerk . ....... .J utison WeeJ, Vemouia fciiariff , J, N. Rice, Clatukanle Ireuum ,.... U. Wharton tit. Helena Bitot, of School.. J- O. Watts, Scappooa Aummr.. , Martin White, Quincy Bnrvevor ,.,..W. N. MftMrve, Helena Coroner Dr. A. P. McLaren. Rainier Prakea, 8onnpn.sMi Commissioners n. D. Feteraou, Mist T. HELENS, OBEfiON, APKIt . DISHONORABLE SURRENDER. Under the above eaptio ap peared the following editorial in (ha Portland Weekly Dipatch, the editor of wbiob, Mr. A. Noltner, haa been a life-long democrat, and who, aa the ar ticle abowa, baa no hesitancy in apeak log bia seotiuasnt in regard to the ao tioa of the Oregon democrat at the ; lata three-hoaded convoDtiou held in Portlands "From and aver aioca we became voter, wa hava readily and loyally u re ported tba action of every deinocralio convention, elate and national. We bare never faltered or hesitated in tbia reapect, and it ia with no ordinary re gret that we are compelled to condemn and disapprove the action of the late convention and refuse to indorae ita action. We had hoped that the belter judgment of the delegate would pre vail and that a onion would be formed which could have been confidently supported by all who were opposed to the republican financial policy. But it proved otherwise, and waa nothing abort of a complete and dishonorable surrender of every democratic princi ple. The platform adopted by this conference indorsee the wont forma of populism, and virtually makes the St. Lous platform of tbat party toe issue in the campaign. It ia not a bimetal- list platform, bat a fiat declaration. and adopts aa ita creed the moat vic ious doctrine of paternalism. The democrats on that committee had no right to commit the party to this doc trine, and while we regard the present republican financial policy aa bad, and of incalculable injury to the country, that proposed in tbia platform would be ita ruin. It would not advance the ailver cause, but fiat paper would soon retire both gold and ailver. In order that we may not be accused of mis quoting the platform on this point, we produce it here : "'We demand national money, Safe and sound, issued by the general government only, without the inter vention of banks of issue, to be a full legal tender for all debts, public and private: also a just, equitable and ef ficient means of distribution direct to the people through tbe lawful dia- boraementa of the government.' "In tbia plank yon have both fiat- Sam and paternalism. It demanda fiat money from the government and its distribution among the people. Aa if tbe plank waa not plain enough on this point and might be interpreted aa not meaning that tbe government shall become a loaning agency by means of its fiat iaaue, thia plank follows: " 'We demand that tbe velome of Circulating medium be speedily in creased to an amount aumciest to meet the demanda of the business and popu lation ot this country, and to restore the just level of price of labor and production.' "Here yon have the pure doctrine of paternalism aa preached by the popu lists. When these two planka were made a condition, there should have been sufficient democracy left in the jaeoubera not to submit to it. On the initiative and referendum question, there waa adopted the most ultra pop ulist views. There ia no use to mince words. The platform ia an insult to every intelligent democrat in tbe state, while we know tbat many of tbe dele gates in tbe convention recognized thia fact, we regret to aay that not one had the courage to enter a protect againat thia humiliating and dishon orable surrender. "In the matter of the distribution of the spoils the democrats got just what tbe magnamimons pope saw fit to give them. Should the ticket be successful, the state administration will be in their hands. ''There was an opportunity present ed to make an honorable union. Thia opportunity was thrown away. We have no advise to offer to the demo crats. Thousands will refuse to ratify this surrender and indorse the plat , form presented. We were told by some of the populists that we could not help purself, and would have to stand in and support tbe combine. We are an American citizen, and no man or aet of men can force us to approve, direct ly or indirectly, a policy or doctrine Which we believe will strike down tbia government, and which Is in defiance of every principle of the party as ad vocated from Jefferson's to tbe present time. Events mar occur which mav justify tbe success of this combine. We are a democrat and propose to stand firmly to tbe principles of tbe party as taught by ita founders for ld and silver as the money of the country and opposed to all forms of oovwaaienl paternalism. TUB HOXIKATIOHS. The republican convention has met and the result oi ita deliberations ia generally satisfactory to tbe entire party. The people bave had months in which to consider well tbe merits of the men nominated, and the expres sion is universal that on the ticket are among the best men we have. With the gravity of the situation thoroughly impressed npou them the delegates went into tbe convention determined to nominate the best material at haud, and bow well they succeeded ean be judged by the many expression of satisfaction heard on all sides. And while there waa plenty of tbe very best material at band, which was not utilized, the convention, with com saeadable deliberation, has made choice of candidates which it can of fer to the voters of tbe county and be assured of their indorsement and un divided support. Calm deliberation must convince all votera that this ia the ticket whiou should receive their suffrage, and the nominees are all men whom they can consistently vote for with a feeling that they are doing tbe people, the county, and themselves but simple justice. It is a matter, too, to be eonaidered tbat the convention could not make a mistake, for all who aspired and were defeated are aa good men aa the party has, and it waa only a matter of choos ing between good and honorable men. It is a matter for further and more hearty congratulation that if any ani rcosity or friction existed betwen tbe various candidates, that such animos ities bave been buried and forgotten No eerioi's friction existed, nothing more than a friendly rivalry between opposing candidatea. We heartily in dorse the whole ticket offered at the convention, and cheerfully recoav mend it to tbe voters of the county. Thb populist legislatures aee the handwriting on tbe wall, and in order to get another whack at the sack are sending missionaries all over the state urging populists to demand an extra session of the state legislature. The excuse they offer for it is to submit a constitutional amendment providiug for exemption of property from taxa tion. The state ought not to be plagued by the gathering of this body again, but it would serve the purpose of helping to eradicate populism from the state, and for tbia reason the gov ernor could hardly be expected to see sufficient cause for calling an extra session. The boys are "out and in jured." Toledo (Wash.) Tidings. A popoceatic exchange makes the prediction that our Lord will give way to a King next June. We aay not, so long as the republicans bave as high Qeer as we now possess. Union Precinct Primaries. The primaries of tbe republican party tor Oil ion precinct was held in the courthouse last Saturday afternoon in pursuance of ths recossmendation of tbe county central com mittee and npon tbe call of the precinct committeeman. The meeting was called to order by D. Davis, wbo stated its object, and Mr. 0. W. Col was elected chairman by acclamation. The chair appointed David Davis secretary aad E. H. Wharton assis tant. James Muckle, W. A. Harris, aad Jadsan Weed were appointed judges, and J. S. Blakaaley acd G. A. Hall tellers. nominations were then declared in order for delegates to the county convention whereupon nine nam were placed before the meeting. A motion was made and car ried that the meeting proceed to ballot upon one name at a time, and after one ballot had been taken this mode of election was found to be impracticable, and the former rule was Anally suspended and a motion made and carried that tbe meeting proceed to ballot upon the name in nomination and the five receiving the highest number of votes be declared elected. The result of the ballot showed Chaa. Blakesley. Magnus Saxon, Cbas. Gable, Geo. Ferry and D. Davi to have received the greatest number of votes, whereupon the five above-named were declared duly elected. B. Cox was elected tbe nominee of the meeting for jiutlee of tbe peace and L. L. Decker constable. No instructions were offered for the dele gates. HOC ITON HAPPENINGS. Mr. and Mrs. K. Burnett were visiting in Portland Monday. Mr. A. B. Little and mother were viiitlng ia Portland last week. Mrs. G. D. GlUon and daughter, Jennie, were visiters to Portland Tuesday. Mr. John Lamberson, jr., was visiting relatives in this place Saturday. Oar teacher here, Mr. C. Adams, took a trip Into Nebalem Friday evening. Mr. Martin Bnrlingame is having quite a severe time with chili and fever. Mr. K. Emerson came up from down the river and peat a few days with his parent. Mr. Barns and family, of Scappooee, have moved into tbe store-building of Geo. W. Perry. Mis Katie Harrison, of Vancouver, Wash- ington, I here visiting her brother, Alfred Harrison. Bev. Burlingam returned from Scap pooee Monday, and will conduct services here Easter Sunday. VALLEX NEWS ITEMS. School commenced last Mondav with Miss Betts Dawson as teacher. Preacbina- at tbe Perls school honne h-r Bev. Fairchild ths first and second Sunday in each month. Mr. J. Duoont recently sold a voka nf cattle to Mr. Brown, of Yankton, who is lately from tbe East, for 170. Mr. N. J . Dupont left on the 2nd Inst for ths Lower Colombia, where he will prepare for the opening of ths Ashing season. Mr, and Mrs. Dupont paid a short visit to Hoolton last week, and while there made tbe purchase of a fin dweJIing-bouse. CQLOIA COUHITS Giving th Clerk. Sheriff and Tresurr. Report for tho Six Months End ing on tho 31st SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT Ot th County Clerk of ColrnnbU County, But ClcUTUS ftilUWrU DT Jm V-OUUIV JOUif. Iw WntH amount ot wrraut and uupftid, UeVjr tjl XBsVTVU, WB, DUM tUQUMaV. ON WHAT ACCOUNT ALLOWED. Road and bridge Pauper Ctt mtual account, circuit court Criminal account, Juatica of the paaoa court.. ...... ...... Stationery printing and postage. Courthouse and jail,. ............ ,...,..,.,.,. ........... Clerk's account. . , , , Bhajrlff ' account......... Bnmtr.aoeount.... School uprlmeadnt and taachera' warulnation. ........ County JmtRvj,,,,, County oommtwloaora. Road swpervUora Inaano.,... ........... ......,.....,..,,,..,,............... Jury. ...... ............ , , Coroner ...... Tmuiurer A &weHOs ...a........ ............ ......,............... Meporter , DUtriet attorney Board of prisoner Surveyor . SoMten and sailors' inJgeut fund Rebate of tax Tax paid by oouuty on land bought at tax tale Attorney fee. Tratucriblng tax roll! 1887 to l&tt lnclu4ve Katuiuot probate feea Totatamooat ot elaima allowed and warrants drawn. AMOCNT Of OCTSTANDINO WARRANTS Ontntandlrtir unpaid Bounty warrants on the Mrrn, ins KsUmated tnteaest accrued thereon Total amount unpaid Bounty warrants. , 8TATB OP ORKOON. County of Columbia.! I, Jndson Weed, Connty elerk of the county of Columbia, ttat of Oreton, do hereby eerttfy that the forexolnf ia a true and correct statement of th. number and amount of elaima allowed by the County Court of said ocunty, for th atx months ending on the Slot day of March, UH1, on what account the same were allowed, and the amount of warrant, drawn, and the amount of war Mnt. oiitfttnnriin and nnnald as th. mmm anriear boon the record, nf mv omee. and in ml official custody. Wltneaetay hand and the seal ot th April A. D. 1888. SEMI-ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT Of tbe financial eonditloa ot th. County of Karen, a. u, uwe. LIABILITIES. AMOUNT. To warrant draws on the eonnty treasurer, and out atandf nt and unoaid. . .44 5M To estimated amount of tntor est accrued thereon..... To amount of state tax. Te amount of school tax. . . S 980 0 .4 7? 10 .. 7 472 88 . 136 88 To amount of soldier' and sailors' tax Total liabilities. .60 448 79; SEMI-ANNUAL Of the County Treasurer of Colombia eonnty, t Marin ism, oi money receive ana pu ana on wnat account paia out; 1888 AMOUNTS RECEIVED. March 81 amount on hand from last report.... amount received from sheriff " eooty " school Bupt.. " Co. assessor. Total Resetted. , AMOUNTS PAID OUT. March 81 By amount paid out on eonnty warrant By balance general fund on hand to ht amonnt naia one on Mcnooi nunennienoem s vsrnaw.,.. Of oaianoe acnooi runa on nana not By amonnt special school tax paid By amount special city tax paid Jy amount county roaa tax paia By amount staW road tax paid... By amount on hand state tax of 1M7 By amount on hand special city tax 187 By amount on hand special school tax................ , Hv amount on hand couutv road tax...... by amount on hand special deposit By amount on band state road fund By amount on hand institute fund... By amount on hand Umatilla county warrant By amount on hand applicable to payment of connty warrants. Total paid out. . STATE OP OREGON, County of Columbia,) " 1 I. E. M. Wharton, do hereby certify that th amount reoeivea, paia ont ana remaining on nana, in uie ioumy i reasury oi aaia county tor tne six months ending on the 81st day of March, A. P., 18M. Witness my band thia 1st day of April, A. u., im. SEMI ANNUAL STATEMENT as h ,irnnni n mnnv and warrants received for taxes, and moner nald to tha ConntT Trsaa. arer by the Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon, Marco, a.u. let's. AMOUNTS RECEIVED SOURCE. October Nor'mb'r Dec'mb'r iamuiry February March Fees collected from th. 8 per cent penalty 8110 17 88 ;.. ,. .......... Amount on hand Oct 1st WW I 71 25 Tax 187 in eoln and currency SOS 87 ...13 W 100 88 87 082 20 " In county warrant....,.. , 8 714 12 . 866 22 1895 16 86 ,.. - ltl " vm... , 88 09 " 1W2 12 24 .... 7 87 , 7 15 lil 12 80 .....880 01 8 28 ' imO 18 17 , 10 44 . " 1HH8 ., 12 80........ "WS8 i... 8210 Total received...... ...8881 8 ...8W 88 .88 838 77 ....841 8i .87 038 "w BY AMOUNT PAID. October Nov'mb'r Dec'mb'r January February March Fees collected from th 8 per cent penalty . '. 110 17 . 8 92 , To county treasurer 8878 82 . . . 836 8 . 100 88 84 8M 86 " , 8 714 12 678 87 ' , 16 86 ii u rr trr t .... .......... ......... " - !!;;;!;;;;!!!!;; '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.v. , .'iA'w " ' " , .812 24. ...8 7 87 7 16 " 12 89.. 8.10 91 .6 28 - 18 07 10 44 , t 12 80 62 10 Total paid treasurer TTsSnsii 88 .88 888 77 .,..841 84 866 7 Balance on hand collected the last week In March STATE OF OREGON, I county oi Columbia.) 1. 1. N. Rice, aherlff of aald ennntr. do hereby certify that the foreiolns statement is cor rect and true. Witness my haud this 81st day of - 81iiloh's Consumption Cur core where IhAra fail, ft ia tlm learlinv A.,itirh mlrA. others fail. and d no horn should be without it. Pleas t to take aod goes right to th spot. Sold Dr. Edwin Boss, ant by Catarrh Cured. A clear head and sweet breath secured with Hliiiolt's Catarrh isiit- ecly, sold on a frunrniee. Kasal injector free. Bold by Vr. Edwin Koss. SEII-AMUE FIMECIHL SEOIL! Day of AUrch, 169$. of Orejron. thowlnn th -mount nd number of gtliOWm, RRIUIIIII VI waiiBHtsu.awii, au tv irou thft lal day of Outobor, 1W1 to Ui BUI J AMOUNT Of CLAIMS AM.OWRD AND WAKKANTtt fUAWM. .1 Ml n . Kit 18 . 018(H) ,. mi so .. 817 (Hi ,, 840 '. M 00 ,. 114 00 ,, 2S0 0I1 .. II 70 ., tfl 08 .. ISO 78 ., &' 10 ., 77 90 .. moo .. 874 7ft .. 40 00 .. mm .. Ktl 111! .. 101 00 .. 42 00 07 .. (714 12 10 00 .. 218 00 .. 10 00 . .118994 4 UNPAID. PRINCIPAL. INTEREST. slat day of ,.44 W0 3! ...... IS S80 00 .......St M0 00 ,.144 840 8 v County Court nf aald county, thl 2nd day of juiwow ntcD, vouHiyuer. Columbia, ia th Stat of Oregon, on th Slat day of RESOURCES. AMOUNT. Bt funds tn hands of connty trea nrer applicant, to tn payment oil eountv warranta By ru tula in hands of county sheriff applicant to toe payment oi eouu tv wrrrantt By estimated unpaid current taxes applicant, to we payment couii tv warrant... 24 118 64 IWU SMI 74 By delinquent tax 1887 to 188, to' elusive By amount of tax nd coat on land Did in by connty By amount of tax paid by county on lanu nouitnt oy eouuiy... By amount in Band treasurer, state 8 78 41 Bt amount in hands sheriff, state tax tax 1(78 24 781 liy amoant in nanus anerin, acnooi tax By unpaid school tax Rv unoaid soldier's and sailor's tax. 81 18 186 86 28 00 1H7 By amount Umaiilla county warrant By amount state road fund In hand or treasurer By 80 acres of land By courthouse, future and lot Total resources 8O0 0O 1 6U0 00 .8 88 814 80 STATEMENT , Oreiron, for the six months ending- on the lt day iwww ... uvm. wum www! FROM WHAT SOURCE! iO'NERX SCHOOL RECEIVED. PUNU. PUND. 8 8 70S 08 ;l 898 44 General tax Special school tax County road tax........ special city tax. 7R1 14 288 48 78 122 92 elerk. reus Land redemption Feoe Fine and license Institute fund Poll tax 1 728 08 MO 80 "sb'so 00 874 10 822 168 80:8 1 172 64 O'NER'IiBCHOOL PUND. FOr-D. fU 801 401 ' s eta's 9 M12 pay advertised eonnty warn is I eppuraouvu. 878 42 1 006 is 7 8fl 404 4 8 78 2i 2 1 251 SCI 11 St 88 M 157 81 lhOtM 26 001 80 4St 1823 166 80ta 1 872 64 , foregoing I true and correct statement of the m. jb. rrssaatiun, vouniy treasurer. for the six month ending on the Slat day of DURING THS MONTHS OP Cash 82 701 86.,.. County warrants 1281 86 March, A. D. IMS.. . J. N. KICK. enenir oi Columbia county. For constipation take Karl's Clover Boot Tes, the crest blood purifier. Cure heud acne, nervonsnens, eruptions on the fane, and makes the head clear a a bell. Bold by Vr. Edwin Ross. KS ft. lies Upwn, f Oriental Hotel L. t. DECKER, ST. HELENS, t : l OREGON. VwutMn In eonnantton with the holts. Is strictly" first clan. About twenty wll furnished and wen sept rooms. n taot aupuitw, au llutM Wltll ttl post tn. maraet auurus. - MONEY'S WORTH; VERY TIMI AT DOLHAN'S STORE. T. HELENS, OREOON. Mr. Dolman alwnvs keeps a full stock of General Memhaiidls., whtohbasnU at prltie that dely ootupstlUun. O. R.&N. .,..TO THE..- EAST. OWe th choice of Two Transcontinental Routes ...CHEAT... NORTHERN R'y, .. -Tie- SPOKANI MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL :" and CHICAGO ...OREGON... SHORT LIKE E' J. DENVER salt lake OMAHA ' and KANSAS CITY nViiaa Steamevew Oregon Geo. W. Elder CITY OF TOPEKA LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY FIVE DAYS FOR ALASKA POINTS. OCEAN r.iEAMFRS LEAVE PORTLAND 1 VERY FIVE DAYS FOR SAN FRANCISCO. OTEAMERS mnnthlv from Portland to Voko- O boms and Hona Kong, In eouneotioa with tne v. at. at n. iHiinpany. For full Information call on or address W. H. HUKLUUkT. General Paangar Agent, Portland, Oregon DODWELL, CARLILL It CO., General Agents Northern PaclSe B. 8. Co. Portlaud, Otetron. Qet Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's HOULTON, OREGON. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. STEAMER Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave 8t. Helen... 6:80 A M Arriv at Portland 10:00 A M LeT Portland 2:30 PM Arrive at St. Helens 6:00 P M . FIRB t CENTS. ' Will Carry Nothing bnt Passengers aod Fast Frtight. JAMES Q( OD, Master. PROFESSIONAL, J. W. BAT W. B. DILLARD 2?Ultrlr & 5)ttit, ATTORNEYS - AT-LAW Office next door to Courthouse, BT. HELENS, OREUON. General practice In court of Oregon or Wash ington. Abstract mad directly from oouuty record. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORN EY - AT - LAW. : Collections, foreclosures, mecbenloa' lelnt, eta. Deputy prosecutltfg attorney. Olllce with T. t. Cleetou. St. Helens, Oregon. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COUN8ELOB-AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON, Title Abstract Books. Nntanr Pnhlln. Pomml. sion.r oi ieeos tor nasnmitton, ana snexper JJR. EDWIN ROBS, PHYSICIAN AND SUEOEON. St. Helens, Oregon JTJR. H. R. CUFF, PHYSICUN AND 9UEGE0N. 8t Helen, Oregon, J)B. J. X. BALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatskaule, Columbia county, Or. . MESERVE, Surveyor and Civil Engineer SELENA, OREGON. County Surveyor. Land Surveying, Town Platting and Engineering work promptly executed. DART & naln Street, Choice Groceries ft ""ZZA 2XXT&2& io.irco "4 sr" ...Hardware... ....MERCHANDISE .' CROCKERY AND TINWARE. ...Drv Goods... Ineltirtln s genersl ssnrlment of ololhlni, furnishing, and drum goods, Also alius litis ot boots sua shoes. issaisaaiaaaaiaaaaaiSiaiaAeiarfWMsasisssasiaaaa'a'a'aa DART & Main Street, , - "The Perkins" C. W. KNOWLES, Manager. Mr, Knowle was, for many yesrs, pioprietor of the St. Charles hotel, aod wblla there established a reputation as a hotel man. He is now in a better position to entertain bis friends than ever before, sod will welcome all his old patrons to bis now place of business, where can be found aa op-to-duts hotel. , Corner Fifth and Washington Streets, Portland. GLATSKANI'E DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, fla ft relve4 a tare suwitowat I Frwh aad f'isr Drugs andChemicals Also a new and select stock of dm and patent medicine, fsner stationary, aehonl honss and arhool supplies, iwrfumery aiut toilet srUvIes, and ia Is. t av.r) lliiug whitih I usually kept at a UrsHjiaa drug atom. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded AT THE CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE A- ' -THE BANQUET SALOON 0L0NINGER& COOPER, PROPRIETORS. Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool lablv, billiard table and other device for the entertainment of put ron, where time can be pleasantly spent. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS .. .-. Beside other popular brand, are kept constantly on hand to upplv th increased trad at thia very popular saloon. THS yAMOUS ( CYRUS NOBLE WHISKV IS KBIT AT TU1 BA If QUIT. JOHN WINTERS MANUFACTURER Of Casks and Barrels ATKIN S OLD STAND 8T. HELENS. OREGON, STEAMER G. DELL SHAVER, Master. IF 4. II r k TiPilTPfl Portland, foot of WashlnKtoa street, Ttiesdsy, Thursday, and fhinday evenfnnatS 5vV . i ocl.ii', Keturnln(f-LvCIUknl, tide, Monday. WedneMlar, and Prtday evsnlnss at o'clock. Will pass Oi.k Point about ?! Bllla7:16; Wayger i :; Kalama :lf; St. Helens :o. Arrive in Portland 1:80 a. m. The company reserves th risht t man IF A Utllsl llha-llt. nrttla-taa JJbuaVsnkjatsBk. i -Two Newspapers Together. OREGON MIST Only Two Dollars Per ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... jjSDsj" .".XT"' '- WSattUr.. . -8. iJi'a'il.i.irsaisilisairiuti, Wsrs1iilsWniesailliiii l,las.lS'i'eAlwa','1' Leaves Kelno on Mondays, Wednesdava and Pridays at o o ctoct a. m, Portland and Kelso Routs MUCKLE St. Helena, Oregon. MUCKLE - St. Ilelcns, Orecron. DRUG STORE TIUCKLE BROS MANUFAOTUHCHI Of Dimension Lumber, Klonrln. Ro.lio, sheath. Ina, CaalnKs, and a eouiuteu) stotitt ot ry variety of ROUGH asd DRESSED LUMBER ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE OLD STAND, ST. HELENS, OK WHITE COLLAR LINE - TBI COLUMBIA RIVER AND VVQVt SOl'itD NAVIGATION CO. , PORTLAND-ASTORIA BOOTH. Steamer Bailey Gatzert J JUndln foot of Alder Street, Portland. Uevee 1'ortlaud dally (except eundav) at J A. if. I.andlns Telephudok, Astoria. Uavas Astoria dally (exitepl Sunday) 7 P. M. Oatnert Tickets Good on Steamer Thorn paoa oiwuier iavin)wa ..oaew uoou ou uauers K. A. SEKLBY. Ast V. B. SCOTT, Pres. W. SHAVER The Only Direct Route . ...FROM... Portland to Clatskanie l sr. Wic?Si',aHL'-'Hfetc;'('-'' -' - 1 L.,, J Shaver Transportation Company. E am OREGON IAN i Year In Advance. I J leaves Port- lnnd Tuesday, Thursday, and ftatunlnys, at o'rlook a, m. via Wilfametts Sloii2!i...:..