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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1898)
MIST TV!D DAVIS. fhl COPT one yr in SutySUO......,..,...! .si m KU:h Ci"... ..... A iteming rat vmmle tnowa upon application COLUMBIA COUNTY DIIMCTOKY. Cattntr Hleeiw. t,.t .......JudKOU Weed, Veritoma 8'terin .... J. N. Rifle, Ctatskaiile Irm-iw K. M. Wbartoa St. Helens fiiintol Schools.,, ..JO- Wstt, ScsniHiose 8nr. .............. ....waruii wutic-, wniwij li.i.v.,.i. . - W. N. Mt4rvti. IMena Doroner , Dr. A. P. McLaren, Haulier r, i I...... ..P. A. Prases, rleaupojse ConunlSKloners j ,..K. 1. Pelrso.u. Mint ST. tlKCESp.OHttiliOJI.IWAKCtt 88 Miss Mamie Part jeut Bunds in iiuscuy. Tom Clontnger, )r.,ol Eeappoose, tu ia tows Monday. Ei Fhilbrook has eon to Forest Grove M stteud school. Wai, T. Watts, of Scappoosa, was in town Monday afternoon. Mrs. F. L. Clear aed Mr. D. Davis .were in FortUuc! Tuesday. School Superintendent Watts, of . Bcappooaa, was ia town Tuesday. JUr. M. Burlingame will preach at Houlton Sunday at 11 a, m. and 8 p. ro Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Day entertained ft tew friends at wbiat Monday evening; Jadge Does cam up from Bainier Tuesday, returning bom the aam day. Ke. Mr. Philbrook will preach at BcappooM next Sunday morning and evening. ; Mr. G. D. Young returned to Port- laud Taesdar alter spending a lew days iu town. 16. Wikstrom attended to business in Portland Monday, aa did also Mr. .W.HDolmaa. Mr. O. A. Brodie, of Portland, I member of the Oregon Wood Com pany, was in towa Monday. A abort Urm of circuit court was held here laat Saturday. A few ma- lion and demur were heard.; John Scott shipped the building etone Wednesday to Astoria, which he ha been engaged in getting out. A ton of W. H. King, of ClaUkauie, lost one of his fingers in bis father's shingle mill at that place Wednesday. Mr. D. W. Freeman, of Fiahhawk, waa in our city Tuesday on bis way to attend the funeral of Mis. Alooso Mer rill. Mrs. 1L J. Scott has complete line of spring millinery oa display at her residence in this city, Ladies invited lo inspect. ; District Attorney Cleeton was in towa a tew houra Saturday, continuing on to Hiilsboro, where court convened Monday morning. Hon. Norman Merrill, of Clatakanie, was in town Tuesday on his way to Beer Island to attend the funeral of his sister-io-law, Mra. Alonao Merrill Robert George went down to the Coweeman Tuesday to visit bia father. Bob is contemplating a trip to Califor nia, and will probably locals at Bed Blufla. ... County Clerk Weed and Surveyor Heserve went over to Vernonia last Sunday, the former to look after bis farm and the latter to survey the Coul ter road. The case of the state of Oregon John W. Isenhart hss been decided in tbs supreme court affirming the decis ion of tbs lower court. The opinion was given by Wolvsrtoa. Mr. Charles Muckto. of this city, is confined to bis room with a very ag gravated and stubborn attack of la grippe. His physician, however, does not anticipate anything, serious. Mr. B.B. Carlson, of Wisconsin, who hss ben in this city and vicinity for over a week, and who came West look' iog for a dairy farm, started on bis re tarn home last Monday. He made uo purchase. The campaign of 1898 ia Columbia county ia fairly on, the democratic and populist conventions having been held aod a full ticket placed before the peo ple. The result of tbs conventions is a complete fusion. Prof. Vaa Scoy, of Portland, deliv ered a splendid lecture in the M. E. church here last Friday evening on "Books." The professor is sn able speaker, and his lecture was greatly appreciated by those who beard hioi. Monday night's frost, it is feared, severely injured the early cherries, but so fat as apples, pears, and plums ars concerned there is perbsps little or no injury done tbein, ss tbe buds were not far enough advanced. Clarence Beed, of Vernonia, waa in to see OS Tuesday, Clarence is con siderably interested ia tbe Bock creek mines, aod be says tbe prospects for successfully working tbe mine this season are not at all discouraging. Carpenters are at work this week repairing tbe jail floor. A quantity of material for that purpose arrived down from Portland last weak, and wheo the work is finished tbe callaboose will be a much safer place to keep prisoners. William Tyacke, who has been em ployed at driving team in this city for some time, went to Bainier Tuesday, where he found employment in Peter son's logging camp back of that plsce. Will is engaged ss a timber feller at a monthly salary of 800. As ws stated some time ago, 8t Hel ens is now to base a bowling alley. II r. Charltis Gable has recently pur chased the Cooper barn, on Front street, and is now St work clearing and cleaning away, preparatory to en Urging and remodeling tbs building for bis alley. The material has ben ordered, and as fast as tbe work can be pushed tha alloy will be completed. Tli enterprise will afford a source of mumwnt for tha public, and we be lieve a source of revenue for the owner. ON Editor Penois, at the Rainier B& viuw, was circulating on our streets Tuesday. Mr. Dennis had been spoken of ss a candidate for district attorney, but when seen by a Misr reporter denied any knowledge of the state ment. Mr. Dennis said bis sympa thies l;;a UU IW ir luoveuiem. but tie was not a candidate lor oiuco. He said it would bs folly to undertake to .defeat Mr. Cleeton, ss that gentle, man was popular, a good campaigner, ana Ms re-election was being de manded by other counties in the di trict. The hypnotio entertainment given by Dr. IS artel Inst Saturday night was a decided success; in fact so much so that it was contiuued on Monday night by special request. The demonstra tion were convincing, and enjoyed by each and everyone present during last night's entertainment. Bob Hill went on lbs stag to bs treated for tha tobacco habit, of which he wasaslave, and Hill pronounces the curs com' plete, and says that it la now impossi ble for htm to usa the weed to any form. The entertainment netted the library $22 80. Warrenton Tribune. I desire to attest to the merits of Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy as one ot the most valuable and eminent preparations on the market. It broke aa exceedingly dangerous cough for nt in ii hours, and in gratitude there for, I desire to inform you that I will uever be without it, and you should fesl proud of tbs high esteem in which your Bemedias are held by people in general. It is the one remedy among tea thousand. Success to it. O. B. Downey, Editor Democrat, Albioo, Ind. For sale by Dr. Edwin Boss. There will be an entertainment at N. A. Perry's ball, at Houlton, on Sat urday evening, March 26, the proceeds to finish paying for tbe organ and tbe walk to the ecboolhousa. Tha enter tainment will constat of speeches, dia logues, songs, and instrumental music, with refreshments after programme. Admission to hall, 10 oenta; to supper, IQ cents each. All children takiug part ia the entertainment, free. Every- body invited. It ia, or should be. the highest1 aim of every merchant to please his cus tomers; sad that the wide-awake drug firm of Meyers A Eshleman, Sterling, IU., is doing so, is proven by the fol lowing from Mr. Eshlemao: "In my sixteen yeara experience in tbe drug business 1 have never seen or sold or tried a medicine that gave as good sat isfaction ss Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Bemedy. Bold by Dr. Edwin Boss. Doctor Bartel, a celebrated bvnotiet, will give an entertainment in this city at the opera-house next Friday, April 1st. Tbe entertainment is sure to de light, please, and instruct men and womeu of all classes, and something tha little folks will remember a life time. Tuis is your opportunity to sea and hear of tbe things that are stirring the whole world. Admission, ad ulta, 25 cents; children 15 cents. Mr. 3. L. Smiley, manager of the Eureka Epicure A Packing Company, was in this city Monday looking after fishing interests and visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sheldon. Mr. Smiley states that the prospects for a lively season in the fishing business are good. A very high water is not looked for, a sufficient rise, however, to enable gill- net iBshermen and seiners to operate their gear at an advantage. The railroad rate wsr now on offers great inducements to people to take an Eastern trip. .Never in tbs history ot the country have rates been so low as at tbe present time, and certainly toe opportunity to ro East at compar atively uitie cost is golden. One can goto Missouri river points for $20, first-class; to Chicago, $31 50; to St, Louis, $27 50; to Nsw York for $35. On tha morning of Feb. 20, 1895, 1 was sick with rbeumstism, and lay in bed until May 21st, wbsn I got a bot tle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Tbe first application of it relieved me al most entirely from tbs pain, and tbe second afforded complete relief. In a abort time 1 was able to be up and about again. A. T. Moreaux, Luvarne, Minn. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss. It is authentically stated that Mr. Marshal Shearer, of Desp crk, has sold his valuable body of cedar and fir timber, consisting of 340 seres, to Mr. John .Lane, tbe pnrcbass price beiog f low. The purchaser is in ins saw- mill business, and it is thought be has made a very profitable investment. Ole Sundby, who for two years has resided at Hanford, Cat., returned to this city on Thursday night of last week on a visit to his parents and frisnds. "Peg" is much pleased with California aa a place to reaide, and ex pects to return there at once. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tracy, of Ver nonia, returned on Tuesday from a visit to Seattle. - Frank says Seattle is "bummer," and prospects for a repe tition of old-time days are good, in fact, they are being experienced in that city at present. The entertainment to be given at the opera-bouse next Friday night will be highly entertaining, refined, and instructive. Endorsed by the press everywhere. Admission, only 25 and 15 cents. Don't fail to attend the hypnotist entertainment at the opera-house, on JTriday night, April 1st. You will be well repaid for your attendance. Bus and Carpet Weavers. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Doan, of Bainier, who recently returned from Sandwich, Ills, are engaged in tbe manufacture el I chenille rugs, which are of the latest design and highest attractive features in appearance and quality. . Their ma- hioe is one of Kirk s latest improved osrpet and rug weavers, and to see a sample of tbe work is at once to be come impressed with it. The material used is imported from Pennsylvania, and its quality is guaranteed. Their Workmanship is of tbe highest char acter, and the rugs sre not equaled in any carpet establishment in Portland. Some of the rugs are on exhibition In this city, and we believe all who are contemplating the purchasing of such sn article of adornment and comfort cannot do better than to see those samples before buying. Mr, aod Mrs. Doaa are prepared also to weave car pets at the most reasonable prices, and they guarantee tha work. . i Bio Pbkep Pkal A. W. Stanton, buyer of sheep from Montana, com piuted tbe purchase laat Saturday in Pendleton f 1600 yearling, 8500 choice breeding ewes, and 3000 lambs, to bs delivered si Heppner sfter shearing. The ewes brooiiht 92 !5 rwr hoad and the lambs fl 65. Tbe seller was B. F. Monroe, sn extensive sheeiHiwner of Condon, Gilliam county. This is the largest daal so far reportnl in Eastern Oregon this season. Mr. Stanton is still in the market, as he wants a few mora sheep. He has slso made pur chase from a Umatilla couuty sheep man, John Campbell, who sold bim 1600 head of breeding ewes on a basis of $2 50 for tbe ewes and $1 25 tor tbe undropped lambs. Cold Storaoc at Astoria. The establishment of the . Trescott cold elorape plaut in Aitoria ready to han dle 300 tons of fish during the coming season, also two other plants, each of which will have a capacity equal to that of their competitor, will aid in a greet measure in solving the fishing question this year, aod will tend to keep the price for raw tub at a good figure. It will also be the starting point for a new industry in Astoria, which wa trust will in a few years re sult in tbe establishment of deep-sea fisheries there. BsauLAlCBBDULS Soow. On Sat urday night the tracklayers on the eastorn end of Astoria-Goble railroad reached Beaver slough, and on the As toria snd they got about three miles above W est port, leaving a gap of eleven miles to complete tbe line. This pres ent week the tracklayers will push along as fast as the pile-drivers snd the irestle-buildiag can getoutof their way. It can confidently be expeotsd that the line will be completed to connection about the first of April and after two or three weeks ballasting. etc., it is probable that a regular schedule will be adopted between As toria and Portland. Bev. Mr. Smith will preach ia Mr. Haley's place at Houlton and St. Hel ens Sunday. The body which was reported found on Knox & Abraham's place, on 8au- vies island, was that ol en Indian in fant. Dr. McLaren went np on Thurs day of laat week to investigate, return ing tbe same day. Mra 8. A. Miles is quite ilL Mr. W. J. Sanborn, of Sanborn's landing, wss in town last week. aS4MN. Hashisok At Houlton. March 23. 1SD8, io iti rue or Alfred uarrism, a son. HAKaSieis. GiKTT-Usaia. At Houlton, on Monday. March 21, 198. by Justice Clark. Mr H Gtrty and Miss Anna P Usher, both of this county. DIED, Msaaiix. At Deer bland. Or., on Sunday, . . an . m j . . i Meriil, aired 33 yeara. Cause of death, convulsions. , Deceased was well known in thia vicinity. having resided hers since she wss a little girl. Bbe resided with tbe family of John Benbamier maiden name being Clara Jans Rockett, and was universally liked. De ceased was born in Clark county. Wash., near Vancouver, in May, 1865, residing there until she was 12 years of ags. A bos- band and three daughters are left to saoorn her untimely death. Tbe funeral services were held at the family resilience at 1 o'clock, Tuesday, and tbs remains were laid to rest later in the day at the burying; ground near Deer Island station, in tbs presence of a large number sf sorrowing friends and acquaintances, Ber. Philbrook conducting the services. Notice of Precinct Primaries. Kotice i hereby given that on Saturday, April 1. 1898, at 1 o7clock in the afteraoon, the republican primaries for Union pre cinct, Columbia county, Oregon, will be held in the courthouse, in the city of St Helens, for tha purpose of electing firs (S) delegates to tbe county convention to be held at Clatskanis, on Wednesday, April 0, l(i. and lo transact soch other business as may come before the meeting. I). DAVIS, Precinct Committeman. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stats of Oregon, for Columbia County. George Kan. Plaintiff, vs. A. J. Alley sad Jesse To A. i. Alley and lemm Alley, Defendants. AJier. fcieouama. N THKNAMK OF THB STATE CFOBKOON, jl you ana vac n oi too are nareDj f Ton are h.reo, rani quired to appear snd answer the complaint Sled against you In the above entitled action bv the 10th day ot May, 1898, it being the flrat day of tbe term of said Court next following the expira tion of tbe pnolfcatlon of this summons, and ft you fail to answer the complaint the plaintiff wiu cause your aeiauu ro oe entered, ana apply to the court for tbs relief demanded ia the oomplsiut, to-wlt: for a judgment against tha asrenaanc. a - Auey tor ine aura oi S441.70, wnn Interest as the rate of 10 per cent per annum from tbeltSd day of October, UM, togethmr with f 1430.00 attorney's fees and costs, sod that a de cree he made against both ol yon foreclosing all interest which you had on th 23d day of Octo ber, 1W4, the date of the momrage given by de fendant, A. I. Alley, to plaintiff, on the prem ises described, or have sioc-t acquired In or to the N'W'of the (othenrles described as lot No. 2) and the SEW of the NE'and the NEW oi ine or seouou no. , township No. S. west of the Willamette meridian. In Columbia count ty. Oregon, con tainine 120 seres of land. an id ordering said premises sold according to law, and applying toe proceeas tneroi w tne payment oi saui juog nifiit. This summons is published by order of the rjonoraoie jootra or mis LourL nuuia aa tne una day oi atarcn, leue. Dil.LARO A DAY, nnl Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of tha Btate of Oregon, tor T. A. Sluda, Plaintiff, vs. Paulina giuds, Defend' ant. ui unuu uiuiiii. To Paulina Sinda, tbe above-named Defendant. In joe AMa or tne atate of Oregon: Ion are hereby required to armear and answer the complsf ut filed against you in the above entitled first day of the next term of ald court follow. ins the expiration of the time prescribed in the order for the publication of this summons, and if you fail to to answer for want thereof, the plaint! If will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wtt; for a decree dissolving tbe bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing; between nlalntlff and de fendant; for the costs and disbursements of this suit; and for such other and further relief as may be equitable. This summons is published by order of the Hon. T. A. McBrtde, Judge of the above-entitled Court, made thia 1Mb day of March, tout. C. J, McDouoal, W. A. M. Johss, m25ra- Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laid Orgies at Oaasos Cirr, Oa., February 1, 18BS. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVKN THAT THE following-named settler hss filed notice of his Inteutlon to make final proof in support of his claim, and that aald proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Columbia County at St. Helens, Oregon, on April 2nd, IK8, via; RUPUS D. BLAKELY, Homestead Entry No. 9WS, for the east K of southeast of section 25, township ft north, range 6 west, and lot4 and aoutheast $i of south west of section SO, township 4 north, range weet. He names tbe following witnesses lo prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land, viz: W. C. Kicbman, of Keaeey, Or eKon, snd John Campbell. George ft. gliZKorald, snd Lewis JriUKrald, of Vernonia, Oriron. 1-iX.l CHAB. B. MOOKfci), Register. Tub Li'mbkr Business. The lum ber busiiiess ot Lane couuty is now a most prosperous business, and all mills s re rushed with orders, ilie follow jug from the Lebanon Criterion speaks of tbs mills at Saginaw; "A. B. Nick- arann writes from 0o!t:';0 GfOVO tllUt the lumbar company with which he is now connected at that place is doing an immense business this spring. Mr, Nickerson has oharge of the planing mill, and says that he received the other day an order for five cars of drvsssd flooring, and that before he had one carloud dressed they seut in a duplicate order making iO cars. They now bave on hand order to the amount of laUAJw feet of dressed luni ber. They bave also an order from a railroad in the East for 75,000 red fir ties, 500 hemlock ties, and 25,000 cedar ties, snd other orders sggregsting 41)0 csrloads. Tha lAwnnH employs 60 men aud the planer 20. dry Treasarer'e Nottoa. IU ..II .Ml. v. 1 1 1 n niij v, . .l.i.i... Oretron, endorsed "Not paid for want ot funds." Brier to Nov. 12th ars now payable npon presentation to uie, aud will not bear inisrest after una nate. W. B. Uiiuhd, City Trair. Dated, 8t Hvlens, Oregon, March list, ls Card of Thanks. The undersigned desire to sipress their thsnks to trie mis snd iiebhHora for their kindness darinc tbs brief llinoss snd burial of my wife, and assure you that ws are duly appreciative of your many kind Alohso Msaaiu. asd samu.t. OABTCniA. Vtafcs- slall has St"; srair SI tMiJWS, tssas. .siaws jsr fflrr!" Is SI swy WMfjea OA0TOXUA. siatis xrar stttt; 1 hss svtjy npa Bton that cough I Take warning. It mar lead to consumption. A StAc bottle of Shiloh's cure may aave your Ills. Hold by ut. aawio iuiss. Shiloh's Consumption Cure cures where otners ran. is is tne waning oouga cure, and no home should be without it. Pleas ant to take and goes right to the spot. Sold ty vt. Jbdwin aoaa. For constipation take Karl's Clover Boot Tea, tbe great blood purifier. Cures head ache, nervousness, eruptions on the face. and makes the head clear aa a ball. Sold by Dr. dwia Rosa. Catarrh Cured. A clear bead and sweet breatb secured witn Shiloh s Catarrh lem- eily.eoldon a guarantee Nasal injector tree, sold by vt. auwin moss. Karl's Clover Root Tea. for consumption it's the best and if after using it you don't say so, return tbe package and get your money. Bold by nr. tuiwiu noes. Farm For Sale. A good piece of land, containing UO seres, for sale at a bargain. On the place ia a good house, two stories. well finished; a barn 64x64; three acres of orchard, bearing all kinds ot Iniit; good garden; cut over JO tons of tame aav each year. One particularly good feature in connection with the place Is the cedar timber, which is eitimaled to bs worth ttouo. For further information call on E. I. Quick, 8t Helens, or at this office. Terms easy. WAKTID FAlTHFTTI, MIW OR WOMKW to travel for rasponalbl established house ta Oregon. Salary gso and expense, foattiva permanent. Kefersuoe. Jincloee self-addressed etempsd envelops. The tiaUooal, Star laaur aaoaslag., Chicago. WAifTKD FAITHFTJt, MCW OS WOMSM to travel for responsible eetablishsd bouse sn Oregon. Salary ,780 and expense. FoeiUoa permanent, Reference. JCacloas ssl'-sddreseed stamped envelope. The MaUoaai, Star Insur aase Bldg., Chicago. FOB A County Repnblicaii taiitioB A republican convention for the county of Coluutbis, stats of Oregon, is called to meet at Uatakame. ijregoii, on Wednesday, Aoril 8. 1WW. at 10 o'clock A. M.. for the purpose of nominating candidates for tha county offices of said Columbia county, and to elect six (6) delegates to tbs slate convention, and to transact any other busi ness mat may come netore ine convention, Tbe convention will consist of thirty-live Jo ) delegates, apportioned among us sev eral precidcta as follows : Apiary ... ... Auburn Beaver Falls. ..1 ..3 .2 ..6 ..8 ...1 Nohalem ...... Oak Point Bainier.,...., Scappoose .... Clatakaoie . . Deer Island. Marshland . . Sherman 3 Unioa. 6 The same being one delegate-at-Iarga from eacb precinct and ore delegate for every twenty-fonr(24) votes and one for the major fraction of twenty-four (24) votes esst for Supreme Judge Robert 8. Bean at the Juns election In li. The county central committee recom mends that the primaries in the several irecincts be held at tne usual voting places n said precints on Saturday, April 2. 11. at 1 o'clock P. M., and that the delegates attend tbe convention in person, ry order or tne committee, W. U. PERKY, DAVID DAVIS, Bacretary. Chairman, CASTORIA Tot Infant and CfciMraa. nihs tialls 1 kss Put wtfSa gtgSAtUS, SI Commlnsioner of Deeds lor Wash ington. COLE & QUICK, PBOFBIET0R9 Of THORNE'S Kamerical Sjsteijifle- Abstracts. Titles Examined and Perfected. Abstracts Furnished. Assessments Kxamined. In surance Written, Taxes Paid aud Convey ancing. - ST. IieLEfllt, 0HKG0X. WANTED PAITHTrJL MEN OB WOMEW to travel for responsible established house fa Oreeon. Salary 170 and expeusss. Positfoa pennaneot. itference. ancloee self-addressed tampad envelope. ThstiaUoaaL Star llisur- it uig., bnivsgo. , E. E. QUICK G. WCOLE . Rotary Public, j Oriental Hotel L. L. DCCKCR, MANAOIR. ST. 1IELEN3, '"' t OiiEUoN. everything In connection with the house It itrwily flrat class. About twenty well ftrnlhMl and well kept rooms. The table supplied at all times with Uie beat the market affords. -a MONEY'S WORTH' VtRY TIMI AT DOLHAH'S STORE. T. NELtrta, OREGON. Mr. Onlman always keeps a full stock of tieneral Merchandise, which bs sells at prices that diy competiUou. O. R. & N; -..TO TH EAST. Oives the choice of Twa Transccntincnta! Rcntss JSREAL. ...OREGOL. KOSTBERI E'y. SHORT LINE E'y. . . via ' ' ; ' via-. ' SPOKANE DEKVKB MINNEAPOLIS SALT LAM BT. PAUL OMASA snd sad CHICAGO KANSAS CITY , ,fl(an ytsamscaw Oregon Ceo. Y7. Elder CITY OF TOPEKA LIAVI PORTLAND IVERY flVE DAT8 FOB ALASKA POINTS. OCKArf STKAMCRS LKAVB PORTLAND SV BKY ruUR DATS Fob SAN FRANCISCO. STEAK BR monthly from Portland to Yo So noma and Hons: Kona. la connection, with tne u. n. ei n. Ampauy. For full Information call on or address W H. ill KLBUkT. General Passenger Agent, . Portland, Oregon DODWEtL. CARIJLt, A CO.. General Agents Northern Peel tie B. B. Co. Portland, Oregon. Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's HOULTON, OREGON. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. TIAMIft Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave 8t. Helens Arrive at Portland... Leave Portland . . , Arrive at Bt. Helens.. . :H0 A M .10:00 A M . 2:110 P M ,. 0:00 P M ' FA KM M CENTS. ' Will Carry Nothing but Passengers and Past FrcaKus. JAMES Ot OD, Master. PBOFE88IONAL. I. W. DAY W. B. DU.LAKS ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office next door to Courthouse. ST. Ulf LENS, OHKUGtl! General practice in courts of Oregon or Wash- Ington. Abstracts made directly from eouuty reoorus. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Collections, foreclosures, mechsnles' lelns, eta Afepuiy prowcuuug etuiruey. vucs with T. 1, Clsetoa, St. Helehb, : : Obkooh. G. W. COLE, ' ATTORNEY AHD COUNSELOB-AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OEEGON. Title Abstract Books. Notary PnbllS. Commis sioner oi ueens for wasnington, ana n exper ienced collector In connect! on with office. 0R. EDWIIT BOSS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ; St. Helens, Oregon JJB, II. B. CUFf, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. BL Helens, Oregon. hall, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Olstsksuis, Columbia county, Or. ry X. ME8SBVE, s Surveyor and Civil Engineer DELENA, OEBOOKT County Snrveyor. Land Surveying, Town Platting and Engineering work promptly executed. SSaSSar2e2S8&28 rwn Street, Dahrt is..,, including a and dross DART & Main Street, - C. W. KN0WLES, Managers Mr. Know les was, for many years, proprietor of the St. Charles hotel, and while there established a reputation as a hotel man. He is now iu a better position to entertain his friends than ever before, and will welcome all his old patrons to his Dew place ol business, where eau be found an up-to-date hotel. Corner Fifth and Washington Streets, Pcrt!3nl Ipt ahw autp JLsi-llQln.i JULi JL1V UU Q1U1VL DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, . Has fast received a tsrga smirtnuat . ef freeA snd Pwro Drug's and Ctiemicals ii i.a i iv ' Krwi Also s new aad select stock of drng) and patent medicines, fancy stationery, nchonl bona, and school supplies, perfumery and toilet articles, aud in tact vrv thing which ia usually kept at a Srst class drug store. Prescriptions Carefully Coraponnded -AT CT.ATSKANTK ., . . -TU BANQUET SALOON OLONINGEIUCOOPEB, PEOPaiETORS. Wine and Liquor Card tables, rmol table, billiard table and other devices fur lite entertainment of pat rons, susrf aims cau urn lueeattnur epent. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Besides ether popular brands, are kept instantly on hand to sudiiIv tha increased trade at this vary popular saloon. THB FAMOUS YRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS KEPT AT THB BAWQUET. JOHN WINTERS MANUFACTURE Of Casks and Barrels ATKIN S OLD STAND ST. HELENS. OREGON. STEAMER G. DELL SHAVER, Maeter. TflTpa Portland, foot of Washington street, Tuesday, Thursday, and Snndav evanfne. . a litmVU o'ehwi. Ktumlii-l.ves01at.karii,tl,le permitting MVnd.rWedneHiy InJ Prlday evenings at So'eloek, Will psxs Onk Point abnntTi btflla T:1S: lUvnr f-M Iy'. Kalaraafhia: St. ll.ilnn. ail Chang, time without notice. Two Newspapers Together. 3 3- .: - 1 OREGON MIST Only Two Dollars Per sV' ...STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... leaves KhIha on Mondays, Wednesdsvs snd Fridays at O'clock a. m. Portland and Kelso Routs St. rJcI-stu, Crsjoa. Choice Groceries Always on hand. Flour, grain, and feed. Tobacco snd vigars, aud sutukura' articles, uuttons. elo. ...Hardware;,. CROCKERY AND TINWARE ...Dry Goods... general assortment nf clothing, furnishings, foods. Also a Hue tins of boots aud shoes. MUCKLE - St. Helens, Dregon. 11 rvrTTr . ornnr wr k. iv m-a THI STOT?F . . M TIUCKLE BROS MANUPAOTUfrCrtl OS Dimension Lumber, Ploortng, R'i.tlo, Sheath Iu. i:sliisv, and a complete stock of evsrr vsrletv of ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER ALWAYS ON NAND AT TUB OLD STAND, BT, HELENS, OR WHITE COLLAR LINE THE COLUMBIA RIVEi AND PUGKT SOUND) BAVIOATIOH 00. FOEIUHD-iSIOEIi EOUTE. - Steamer Bailey Gatert Landlne Foot n 11.. u, .... . Leaves l'orliand dally teseeut Sunday 1 at 1 A. M. Leaves Ashia dally feaoept Suudav) 7 P. St. Oatsert Tljketa Oood oa Steamer Thompson. Steamer Thompson Tloketa Oood oa Uauert B. A. 8BELKY, Agt. V. B. 8C0TT. Pres. W. SHAVER The Only Direct Route ,PROM.u Portland to Clatskanie JZD Arrive la Portland 1:3U a m. The coatparijr roeervss the right to' Shaver Transportation Company. am OREGON IAN Year In Advance. ' IftVA Port tftllft Tltt),sly-a 1 huHMiay, And fiaiunturi, at via Willanstts Slcrh..... .