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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1897)
y A Good Onk. On day (hit wai-k prominent vlnrloal digiiliary of tlii city otiiouiuJ el MiMiug, Whau the ceremony hail been niifornid, tli c-riicin meekly Inquired wtiai Hid usual fa M.' Tl oleruyman mulled, anything you wish to ijlve." Imagine til astonishment whoa the groom )iulli"d Irom hi pocket two (sifter. Do you muilo'?" Tim elder stam mered, ',No.M Tho groom then man gd to squoexe fiom his m-kut two small silver coin of but very tittle valae. Etigone Register. Iktkniik BumRiHO. It I mid that Bhttt'iiiHii county, In Oregon, raised 8,500,000 bu.lmU of wheat thi ywar. Thin Is 't f 00 for viry man, worn Mlltl child of the 4000 papu lation In till ouuuly, from thi one crop alone. Lest year, out, u( 8'J0 votae cast la Slicrmen, McKlnley rcueivad 426 and Hryen 418. It would b In (uruMiitis to know liow muoli these Dryanliea I offered for (ear there would n't be enmiali money to buy their wheat, and the Intensity of thulr re aentnient In geitlog money good all over tho world, instead of 40 cent dollar. Lackratcd FixoBRg. Last Friday forenoon Archie Cloninger, ion of Mr. and Mr. Thorn ciomnKer, of cap pooee, suffered the loaa of the and of tti Hi u mb and flret two flogars of th rlEUt hand while xperimeutlng with a Klant cup. The boy, ao wa ara told, uaihotiirtiterfly liahted tha fuse at taobed to the cup, and held ilieduarfly Initrummit In hi finger a second or two too long, with the result meiiiiuned ahove. I)r, Uooi was summoned and foutiJ it necessary to amputate the member ot abaut lite llrt joint. Ai last report tha boy wa getting along very wall. Biisa It lit Miau. "Only bear in mind tha prices ot wheat, wool, and tinpa, a they wero just before McKin lay 'a aleetion, and a year from now, Iter tha new administration and it tariff la are in full awing; nota the price tt Ilia famaeomnioditie. The comparison I likely to ha instructive." Koibnrg Review, Nov. 19, 1800. Yea, Uroliier Review, we have borne your augitemioo jn mind, and o have the wheat raisers, Ilia wihjI producer, tha hop grower, and all of tha reat of tha producing fraternity, and we have all learned ihe lesson of instruction, and will all know jut how to vote gala iu 1900. Eugene JtoglsUir. Th P, V. Y. Railway. Thi. sveefc aiticlo of incorporation of the Portland, Vanaouver fc Yakima Rail way Company wore tiled In the county auditor' oflice by Loui Qrlingcr, (leorge T. Gerlingcr, of this city, and James II. Hubbard, of Portland, with a capital 4k of f .0,000. Tbe object ia lu build a ltc of rod Irom Yakima with a branch to Uotdendale, It ia the purrxw of tha company to thoroughly overhaul tha present Una, put iu uew ties, lay btuvir steel, and before the and of ISM i In light wa may expect Ia reach tha Chvlatcbie country by rail. A number of passenger coaches, freight car, and other necessities have lwu ordeied, and it looka now ee if Vancouver waa Ut have a genuine rail road, conducted Upon business prill-ipl-Veuomiver Columbian. Mary Attn Loot. -Many gd items of new are lt to tb newspapers by tha niodcty of thu people, who hesi tate to toll the reporter of matter con cerning themwlve. Not that they do not want it published, but they are afraid they would bo putting them elves forwurd. Thia i a wrong idea. From reportorlul standpoint, the man who will Hop a newtpaper re porter on the tret and inform him that he ha dabo Iu Chicago or eome other city, that hi wife entertained (riend from a ditanco, i the beat mau alive. May hi likeneae incrcaie an earth. If ycu have done anything mean and disrcputabU it ian't iiece aary to tll it, for there are alway plooty of people who will do that for you. It i iho gxl thing about your aelf and neigubor that we waul you to tell ui about. ' Kknult of PoiBoNoua Foou. Forly ix ivrtou in Corvallia lie proatrataa a reetilt of eating poiaonou food lieadobceaa and eauaage made on a farm uear that city. The article were tukeu to Oorvalli laat wck and aold permiacnloualy throughout the town. At (irt it wa thought to have bcei the bndchce whirl) did the mischief, but laUir It wa found that pcraon who had not ean that faal, but who had eaten tho niBneI wore alao illiclod. Four or five of the cae are quite Msrioim, but the physician think all will ruooyer. No aualyai baa yet In-en made of the pniwmoiu fmid. honoe tha particle which it contained re unknown. John Hnrlhurt, at wlioe farm the headebeeae wa made, went to Oorvalli with hie family Tue dav morning for medical aid, hence there certainly could huo ho criminal intent on the part of the one Who made lb cheese and aa linage. ruoNAOioiiB Monooliak Theque tion a Ui the Mongolian pheaaani running out the native quail and par tridge ha bean frequently di-cuaed among Oregon pheaaant hreedcrt and aoorUiunn. pro and con. The Mongo lian phfiumit ia a very pngnaoion bird. Knpoclally i the combativencua of the mala mauifvat irt every inove ment of hi body. A to whether thoy will run out the native quail of the t nnt av. but we nuve doubt of thi every occurring. In Oregon, our native quail, pheaaant, an. I irrmuM are erowiutf lc every year. It i claimed by many that the Mongolian pheaaant i driving out our native birila, and it i aiapuieu oj aa good authority. Tho a.Uive and aver rCHllraa nature of the Mongolian ..i... ........,a iIipmi a vci v liiuiiy .;..! ,,.1 .l.U it the L'hlif ICaaon ol th.'ir inureate in Oregon, and if the .i.,..f il.- nrot'pa to I m rfiiially a well adapted to Ihe propagation of theaegame lurila, tlify ' there a rapidly- aa hern. If thoy do, depend upon it, the peopln will have a Bamblrd which uone of iho game ..I il.- Wi. cn enual. We no not believe the Mongolian pheaaant H...-.,. .,..t n,.. .iilwir I'niiiw hiioa, and their wild and aecrelivo natma mke them more dillicultof capture by an imal and bird of prey. Eugene uuaiu, LOUAIi AMD OKJSKrtAli. Large billa are out announcing the K. of P. danca at llaluior on Friday evening, Deo. 21. ' Mr. S. 8. Way, of thi city.wa thia week granted a alale eertifluate by Uie tate board of educator. Rev. A. Fairohild will preach at the Yankton (ohoulhouie uext rtuuday at It o'clock in the forenoon and at 7 lu the evening, The continuous rain keo the rir. era and imatl itroam twollen, afford ing exoenooi apportuiilty to logger to reach tidewater with their log. Owing to the absence of a quorum there wa no meeting of the city conu cil laal Monday. That wa the date for the regular monthly meeting. Hon. W. K. Barrett, formerly di trlot attirney for th tilth iudicial dlilrict, wa re elected mayor of Hill boio at the auuuul .lauiioo io tbat city Tuesday. Rev, 0. E. rhilbrook will preach at the Deer Island aohoolhou e neil Sun day at 11 a. m., at Columbia City at a p. m ana in tin city in the even ing at 7:30. A movement i on foot to build a idewalk to the church on the hill. It I asserted by tho interested that s walk of y ascent and at nominal col can be built. New from Canton, Ohio, received In Portland at 2:30 Thursday morning waa to ttie euect that Mother McKin ley waa sinking rapidly and at tbat time was unconauiou. Judge McDrlde will hold an ad journed (arm of circuit court ia thi city, beginning Thursday, January 6, until which time the petit jury of the October term wa excused. The Astoria New ay fUhiug for iteelhetd lalmon U just commencing around Skamokewa, and aevnral buy era are around offering from 8 to 8J cent per ioiiud. Tha fishermen are not (alisfled with tbe-e price. The friend of Ihe Congregational church io tbUcity wish it announced that the dedication of their new build ing will take place on Sunday, Decem ber 19th, at 11 o'clock. Everybody il cordially invited. Egg ara quoted at 40 cant per doteu In Walla Walla. Verily the In laud Empire hen ia a bloated and aria toe ratio monopolist, and ahould re- coive the immediate attention of the populist party and the vaiiou trade nous. Rainior lodge K. of P. will entertain visitor from Ivanhoe lodge, Portland, and Kalama and 81. Helen. Saturday evening. Work in the aecond and third rank will be doue, after which aupper will be carved. A good time w atsured all who attend. The stock yard at tha Li on ton can nery have become a great reaort for seagull and crow. Hundred of these bird hsunt the yard in March ot food, whicb, perhaps, consist only of car caau of horse which have died of tarvation, a it i aald that many have thus perished. i The city election held in Aalori Wednesday proved a clever urprie to many. Isaac Bergman, democratic candidate, waa elected mayor over Judge Frank J. Taylor. Harrison Allen, republican, wa elected city at torney. Six republican and five dem ocrat were elected. November' export at Tacoma were the largest of any month in the his tory of the port, reaching a million and a half in value. Over a million bushel of wheat were ehipped in ten veacele. Four thousand bale of cot ton alone were shipped to China. Other heavy export were flour and lumber. The Astoria n learn that one of Clatsop eouoly'a best farmer, and one who has been luost successful, ha de termined to leave the county and settle in the Willamette valley, because of the difficulty of gelling to market over the present roads. He ia the last of a colony of twenty who tried to locale there. Till is a stroug argument tor belter road. A newspaper tells of a boy who "killed a mouutuin linn a tew day ago with a shotgun which measured nearly seven feel from tip to tip." The re porter who wrote thi item muat have been the same fellow who wrote an ad vancement worded aa follow: "A fine piano for sale by a lady with ma hogauy oarvad leg and case." Hereafter the steamer Young Amer Ina will make no 8unday trip to Port land until further' notice, which, prob ably, will be given early in the spring. Thi popular aieamer ha been a faithful little carrier, but through the remaining months of winter and the early spiing buBinesa does not justify a Sunday trip, and the manager feela that he can best serve his patrons by devoting one day lo repairing and Ins boat. Juat as Bonn as buine justifies, Sunday trip will be returned. President Loom!, of the I. R. A N. f!n. of Ilwaoo. Tuesday turned the learner Ocean Wave over to Captain Charles Clancy, of Tacoma, who i the repreaentalive of a yndioato wbieh hus leaatd the teamer, and will take h n the Sound. The steamer ia be ing placed in . readines for the trip, and will tart on her ocean voyage a aniin aa the weather permits. Captain Clancy will go round with Ihe eteamor himself, out as yet naa noi eeoureu mo crew tbat will accompany mm. Tho" three vear-old boy of J. A. John son, of Lynn Center, III., is subject io attack of croup. Mr. Johnson says that he is satiefled that the timely of Chambcrlain'a Cough Kerned, dur ing a severe attack aaved his Utile boy' life. Ho ia in the drug business, a member of the firm of Johnson Dim, of that pliice, and thoy handle a great many patent medicines for throut and lung diseases He hail all these to choj from, and skilled physicians ready to respond to his aall, but se looted this remedy tor use in bis fam ily at a time when his child's life was in danger, because he knew it to be euperior to any other, and famous the oonntry over for its ourea of croup. Mr. Johnson says thia la the besl sell ing cough medicine they handle, and that il gives splendid satisfaction in ull case. Sold by Dr. Edwin Buss. No man is infallible. Mistakes will happen when the utmost care ia ex ercised. Mr. and Mr. James Muckle enter tained a few friend last Baturda evening at whist. Last Sunday' Oregonian wa one literal mass of advertisement; au evi dence that lime have improved. Yet "adverlwing doeu't pay." Mny cae of genuine 1 grippe are reported from diilerent part of the county, and many St. Helen people are sillicted with the Bam disease. A Klamath county man aaks for a divorce on the ground tbat his wife hypnotised him before marriage. Half the married men coitlJ be uumarried if tbat were a legal ground for divorce. The old adage that one must begin at the bottom will not work, says an exchange, since the young man who commenced dealing a band of poker at the bottom loat his job, and his life, too. In Portland the other day two Jews participated in bioycle race, and one of the papers announced that "Gold steiu won hy a nose." The paper went on to explain that be finished six yard ahead at bis opponent. In several Inatancea in this week's Issue you will notice the advertise ment of our local firm are reset. Every man wuo advertises iu these column is worthy of your putronage, and we cheerfully recommend them to tho public Il ia expected that within a week all tho drat and aecond class poatolDce of the country will have been supplied with the new" styles of postal cards, which are the production of a paper manufacturing concern at Piedraout, West Virginia. Bryan and Pennover should form a Jack Sprat and wife trustor combina tion for their scriptural work. The "crowu of thorn and cross of gold," combined with the late attack upon Portland's clergy, ahould catch 'em goiu'au' coming'. No one would have been particularly sorry if that couple who got married in a nage that contained two lions in San Francisco tha other day bad loat a few chunks of meat off lhir anatomy during the show. No use killiug in nocent animals witli which to feed the lions when such idiots ara about. Baker City Republican : Why do we not hear something from populists snd Bryan democrats about shortage of money to do business with. It has been a bad day for tbat kind of non- sence, aince the fact baa become known that we now have f'JO.OOO.OOO more money lhau we bad a year ago. W, F. Slaughter, the long democrat of Mayger, was in town on TucaUay, en route from Westport, where he had been engaged in settling up bia lot ging interests. Mr. Slaughter say be believes the outlook for lugs to rise in price wa never be tier, and confidently expecta to see tbcm $5 iu the spring. Calhlamet Gazette. We believe the formers' institute) is a cood thing, and advise Columbia county farmers to take an interest in it. Aa exchange of Ideas, at least. will benefit you, and in such a meet ing aa the one held yesieiday and to day at Soappooae is tbe place to exchange plana and ideas as to the best methods of farming. A trip on the steamers from Port land will convince one of tbe magni tude of the business done by the de partment stores iu Portland. Perhaps 75 per cent ot tbe business of this county coea to tbe department stores of tha metropolis, and not one cent is returned to us in any way. ma river steamers have docena of packages from those establishments every trip. irnn Xfu PMphL ttnAmifet arant of - - - - - r a the U. S. general land office, arrived home from Rosoburg yesterday. He Ima written to his chief. Biniror Her mann, that if he caunol run the gov ernment without bim for a month or so to lock it up, aa he intend taking layoff and goiug to Tollman's spring to recuperate. He ia still io a bad state of health. Ashland Record. A mni-flnisni Is tn ta made at once looking to the etartiug up of the w - . 1-. t 1 smelter at x,innioa, wmcn uaa iuug been lying idle. It is apparent that if anything is ever to be done with this smeller, now is the time to make a move, and an expert in the smelting business is to arrive here in a abort time lo look into the matter, says the Oregonian. Tha annual mAnlinCT of the State League of Republican Clubs will be held in Portland on Monday, reoruary 1st, 1898. The representation of olubs iiimtiirimnt tha sLata has been fixed for one representative-at-large and one for each 20 member or traction tuereoi greater than 15. The work of reorg.m ixitig clubs in this county should be started at once, and the county well represented at the State League meet- lug. it ilia aami-annual eleotioa of officers of Avon lodge K. of P. last Tuesday evening, tbe following officers wero chosen for the ensuing lerm: C. O , Marion Gray; V. C, Win. Har ris; M. of W., Frank Dow: Prelate, Ed Watta; M.ol E.. E. E. Quick M of F., Edwin Ross j K. of R. and S., Char ley Blakesloy; M. at A., Harry Cliff; 1. Q., D. Davi ; O. G., Jas. Sheldon ; oraanlsi. Harry R Cliff; trustee, three years, Frank Dow. Royal Btakaa tha load para, whotaaoaia and daUriaaa. Absolutely Kur The county clerk issued a marriage license Wednesday to Harry 0. Oliver and Miss iris Tarbell. November gave ns no "cold snap" this year, aud this generation will probably pass away before last year's experience is repeated. Captain Hurry L. Wells, of Port land, who has recently returned from two-woeks' tour of California, say that there will be a heavy immigration to Oregon and the Pacilio coast thia winter. The tide of travel, which sev eral eastern railroad companies direct to the south every year, has been turned by the yellow fever epidemic, and much of it will come to Oregon and California. In a Nebraska county two persons were running for school superintend enta woman aud a man. Just be fore the election, when it wa too tate to put another candidate in the field, the woman withdrew from the canvass, and tbe man got the office without op position. Then the man married tbe woman. That combination had a dead cinch on the electors and worked it for everything that was iu sight. On Wednesday the steamer Annie came down from Portland to this city on a trial trip, having on brd some of the officials of the L'camas Pulp fc Paper Co., to whom Mr. Gua Wik strom sold the (teamer tbat day for $3000. Mr. Wikatrom built tbe Annie only about a year ago, since whicb time she bas been a money-maker for bim, but owing to other important matters he was obliged to retire from the steamboat business. Tbe new owners have a good boat. This is for a gentle reminder that it costs something to get out a newt paper. We make this statement be cause manv of our subscribers seem to thiuk otherwise. Preseut bill to a man for subscription and he will swear by all the fabled gods that he paid bis subscription three years in advance, but we don't always believe bim. We don't mean you, but if you think you are a few months behind you might call and ask how your credit ia. Just come and say you expect to pay up some lima, aud we can get out the paper another year on promises. Hbavy 8mdes or Astoria Road. There Is uo prospect for the Astoria Goble railroad being completed by January 1, as was intended. The late heavy rain storms have caused some very extensive landslides along the line, owing in some cases to the banks of tha cut not having been given slope enough. Some 6000 or 7000 yards of earth have come down in cuts between Rainier and Maygers, and there are Other targe slides between Clatskanie and Westport. Tbe county road ia blocked for some distance where it runs alongsido the railroad, and tbe aggregate amount ot tbe slides is past computation. A borae got into one of these slides and sank till nothing but bis head was visible. An attempt was made to pull bim out with a pair of horses, but thia waa found to be im possible, aud it was necessary to shoot the poor brute where be lay. Tbe nun.ber of men at work on the line varies greatly, as it is very difficult to hold men in such weather. Une day thore may be 700 at work, aud the next not more than 500. Tbe rails are laid up to near Clifton, but it will take a long time and cost a Urge amount to clear the grade of the earth which tbe late storms have brought down. Deeds Recorded. Ckaa Brook lo John M Brack, power at attoriicv. Mary" E Detrick to Title Guarantee & Trust Uo. nH of nel and sK of "e'A ol see 22. 1 5 n. r 4 west; .ttO. Daniel Dixon to Norman Merrill, lot 8. and nw'4 of se sec 1, t 7 n, r 5 west, quit claim; a.vo. Mattie W Davidson and husband to Amos Johnioo.eM acres and swX of nwHofsec 20. t8 n. '3 west: PM0. H R Dibbloe lo Astoria A Colombia Hivsr R It Co, part of Dibble DLC, bond for area. i V Kerr and wife to Tittle Guarantee 4 Trust Co, 82 acres in sec H, 1 5 n, r 4 west; 1500. Norman Merrill and wile t James A Walm.ley, part of naif of of sec 12, so'4 of e ot sec I, I S n, r a west : mo. Carl Hands and wife to Astoria A Colum bia River R K Co, rirJit-of-way ; aO. Matilda Kaiubolski to Ask Alexander, eH of neK. sec 27, 1 5 a. r 2 west; $2U0. Mary F Kiriri to J Cy Smith, X ol blk T, Dobbins addition to Rainier; $150. Maria tihimanw to W Mm-kle, 07 seX of ec 27. 1 5 d, r 2 west; 1300. Clara B. Whilt-hoiise lo Amy M Honiana, undivided of 4,347 00-100 acres; 1. Ladies.... I 1 i:i Vj Men's Suits and Overcoats $10.00 $12.50 FAflOUS Clothing House COR. MORRISON AND 2ND. STRS., PORTLAND, OR. ft) Jewel Stoves -a-ARE THEBEST Air-Tight Stoves Granite-ware, Hardware, U. EI. OIIOWjN, FKItSONAIi JIENTION. Mr. Jm. Part was a Porttaad visitor laat Monday. . . H. Bu.ln. of Clatskanie. was in this clij Thursday. Jiidre Doan was in town last Friday on official business. Otto Kulner. of the steamer Klwood, spent Sunday in tbl eity. Frank and Marlon Blavsns, of Warren, wer iu Portland Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dow. of Oak Island, spent Wednesday in this city. Oenrva Foster, of Goble. waa In Portland Monday and Tuesday of this week. Mr. snd Mrs. Edwin Merrill, of peer Island, wei iu our eity Wednesday. Mrs. David Ilembaw, of Honllon. was In Portland the forepart of tna week. T. C, Watts, of Reuben, was attending to business matters in Portland Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hlieldon spent laal Sunday wilb Mr. and Mrs. Connell at Deer Island. Attorney K. W. Avery, ol rorunna, was attending to business in this city laat Friday. J. F. McHenry, originator of h order of Vigilantes, was ia town Wednesday evening. tending lo business bare laat Friday after- nooa. 8urrvor Meserre returned home lat Friday, 'alter dotag some surveying at ttcap- poote. u rm I,,l,n Rmtt ho has been ":L'9 sick for some time, is reported uiueh improved In health. Merchant N. A. Perry, of Houlto'a. was attending to business matters in Portland Monday. Mr. John Do'an. of Warren, was lookinc after business id at tars in Portland Tues day laat. A stenson of Elijah Hawkins, of War ren, is suffering from a severe attack of pneuuieina. Mra. A. S. Rubert. sr.. left last Friday for San Francisco, where she will remain dur ing the winter. rnmmfnifmer Frakea and James McKay, ol bvappooae. were in Portland Tuesday of this week on business. Mra. Allen, of Albany, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Day in thia city Uaiurday and Sunday. nr. 1 R Hall, of Clatskanie. was in St. Helena Tuesday attending a meeting of tb board of pension examiners. Mrs. C. K. Hart, of Kelso, was visiting in this city Wednesday, tibe visited rebv lives at Warreo later In the week. Mrs. H. R. Cliff and children visited at the home of Mr. and Mra. Frank Dow sev eral days, returning borne Tuesday. F.I Jnsenh. who soma time sinea was taken to Uuod Samaritan hospital, Port land, is reported improving rapidly. Mnura. R. Cox and C. 8. Emerson were home from Portland last Saturday. They were excused from jury duty uoui Manaay forenoon. J. R. Beetle, of Oregon City, spent Bun and Monday iu thia city. He a sc conipauied ou Ids return to Oregon City by Mrs. lieegle, Miss Mattie Butugarduer, of Deer Island, wbo bas been lulling in health for some lime, was taken toUood Samaritan hospital in Portland but Monday. - Mr. W. F. Slauchter. of Mayger. has been in this vicinity several days looking afor tha new flume being built into Una city from tbe MUton creea country Mra. Jacob Georxe, who had been at f!n,-l Samaritan boanital in Portlaud lor nearly three weeks, returned boms last r rtday tuuen ituproveu iu ucaitu. Fred Langfeldt, formerly of thia city. kn, has af I laUkanie. aocOlnoaiiied by his wife and children, were in bb Heleas yesterday on their way home from Port land Messrs. "ran wuxuo, y and krnest Shaunakan, of Ver- . l-lt.-.. tun. Pk'.l aenin tliu citv laat Friday. Mr. Shamiaban making filial proof ou hia home stead. M. F. Haxen, formerly of this county but i..nta n.tilector on the Wilson River road between Forest Grove and Tillamook.1 waa in Su Helens last saiuraay iovuik after business interests. Robert Patrick, of Vernonia, who spent the summersai-tof the mountains, returned to this place last Thursday evening. Mr. Patrick reports the condition of the times iu Eastern Oregon in a much more prosper ous condition thau tbey have been lor sev eral years, and be says there is no excuse for people beinK out of employment if they ill but go to where the work is. He also sava common laborers receive not less than 2 "60 per day , and everybody io thataectlon is in a prosperous condition. Mr. Patrick will probably go to Alaska some Unie lo February. - School Report. , ScArraoea. Or., Deo. S, 1837. Report of Mountain View school for tbe month endiHg November 26, 18U7: Number davs taught, 20; number days attendance, 371; number days absent, Ob; number times tarday, 10; number of boys enrolled, 10; number of girls enrolled 18; total number. 28; average belonging. 21 ; average daily attendance, 19. Ihefollowing naiued pupils were neither absent nor tardy : Charlie. Willie, Lewis, and Lulu Buschman, Katie Callahan, and Suxie Pomeroy. Mildkkd Boylc, teacher. Make your Husband save his money; it's extra spending money for you when they do save it. HERE IS HOW TO DO IT: Competitor ask from $3 to $s mora. BUY OF US. It'a extra spending money aaved. We carry a complete line of Klondike Klothing. 01 ALL SIZES, LOWEST PRICES Cutlery, Cross-Ciit Saws, Etc 212 First St., Portland, Or. v'cgelable Preparation for As slmllatlng tterocdandKegula tirjg tjh Stomachs and Bowels cf ngss jmdIfest.Con tains neither CrnVMorptund nor MuxraL InotNabcotic. JlmfJtm Smi iirrMlt.Ull- sf" r'n-f -i '-laaf Wjm'WSI A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomaxh.Diarrhoea, Woiworrvulsion3,FevErish arss and Loss or SlXEg facsimile Signature of NEW YUFK. l. -t-.Tf j JDCACT COPT OT VBAWEB. j-J HARRIS' CASH GROCERY 5 KeM! always on hand all kinds of stniiie and fancy groceries and pro provisions, farm produce, tropical and domestic fruits in soanou, tine For Your tea and coffees, A tine line of eoofeciiooery also la stock, and variouaolher specialities. t CORNER COWLITZ AND MAIN "The Perkins" C. W. KNOWLES, Manager. Mr. Knowles was, for many yoars, pioprietor of tho St. Charles hotel, and while there established a reputation as a hotel man. He ia now in a better position to entertain his friends than ever before, and will welcome all his old patrons to his new place of business, where can be found an op-to-date hotel. Corner Fifth aragyy navajft-ajaraya ajUajprayyay ST. HELENS PHARMACY Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. DRUGS Patent Medicines, Fancy Toilet Articles. PERFUMES AND FANCY STATIONERY. Prescriptions... Complete Une of... Carefully and Accur-, DlTIgglStS SnadilCS ately Compounded.... DAY OR NIGHT. School Books... . :.: and.... ....Cigars.... ( School Supplies 1. lJs.A S'V'W UtamirYVinuiiaiAlMa' . , --..--- , a w - a a.A. .a aiba' . 4 ..'I.. '.ty lr..J 11' f' .Oo PirrntENT f"ouei.s hD- aucsusih V4 ima aa ra ia v-uav a rue. - mm -- bV) Miners a tZk -TJM r-.-v T ' -mrm as - - ,.Ta-aaa.aa..a.a.aa-aaaaaaaaaasaaaaasaaaSaaaaamasasaaa1 1 ORIENTAL HOTEL A. H. BLAKBSLEY, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT REASONABLE RATES. The tabla Is supplied with the beat the market affords. Everything elean. A share of yr".r pat roaare Is solicited. ST. snnos, u - WAKTEO FAlTKFUI. MM 1K.M"H to tiavsl for r..i.ponilbl'1l? hw.e lnOreaoii. 6l.rT HW sod enase. Iixltlun K,d 1 envelope. The NMtooul. Sim Uiaur auceeUg. Chlto, -X i . -a-aj jeatr J THAT THE FAOSIMILE SIGNATURE1 OF 13 ON THE WRAPPER ; CF FSTEY yT BOTTLE OJP J Gasteria is wt la eas-stm ssttlss sal. It !ta ot aold la bulk. Boa't allew aayaae ts sail Tim eaytkhur sua as tks visa sr uasiiss last ft ii la "Just as geed" tai "will aaswar evary yaa poss." a-Baitaatyos(SO-A-a-x-w-aVlra. ThS H- 0-mmmt SgastSH I... J Groceries. tobacco aiKl citmra. STREET. ST. HELENS, OR. J and Washington Streets, Portland. 'ajarajarjyyTayjayyayaya'ayarM ; a L.:" - ... If mm JSf A PVPOY-WHriir I FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. STEAMER Young Ameri -VI A- WILLAMETTC SLOUGH Ienve St. Helens Arrive at Portland .. . Leave Portlanil ..... Arrive at St. Helens... . . fltSO A M 10n) A M 2 P M .' . P M PAKE S3 C !'.' ' Will Curry Notliinn lK Tat and Fust Freiglil. JAMES GOOD, 1 kjU tad) J OiialisUal