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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1897)
OREGON MIST. ISSUfclir.VKHV f UIUAV IIIOUNIMO ' -BT-' DAVIP DAVIS. Subscription Haiti. One copy one jn.irln ailvanoe.. ............ Oneooy six nionthe,...,..,..,.......,... 8iuglo oopy ...... 00 . 60 Attvertlsins rnles made knawa upon application COLUMMA COUNTY DIRKCTOUY. Couuty Ulllcarct, 01rk.V,.V,7.V.l.,.....Jti4Kon Veod, Varnoma H!ierlir J. N. Klee. UlatsKante Treasurer..' .....K. M. Wharton St. Helens 8itlt, of Schools, ......... J. O. WatM, 8emooe . Assessor...... .........Martin White, Ouiticy Surveyor W. N. NUwrve, Ueleua Coroner A. r. Moiaren, Kainier ST. HEI.KNS, HUGOS, DEC. 10. Onb of tha most fertile spots on earth is Cubs, soil more people there are dying of starvation than any where ejse ia the world. ' Tub (01111(1-010067 vote in the United States senate has been strengthened fcy the 1S9? elections. Ia rolling on. the silver moon is nearing the last quarter. - ' Th great business improvement, Which the country has seen since lost July, is due largely to the feeling among merchants and business men that the new tariff will furnish both protection and revenue sufficient to run the government. Gorman's defeat iu a state in which he has until recently been as much of a dictator as Crocker is ia New York City, is a republican triumph of large dimensions. The republicans will gain a United States senator from Mary land, and that viotory is heightened by the fact that the democrat who is retired is one of the most experienced and adroit politicians which his pirty has developed since the war. Mary land has given a grand account of herself. Humorous papers may continue to poke fan at the agriculturist, and city Biea may persist in laughing at "brother hayseed' as they condescend ingly term him ; but it still remains an unconlroverted fact that tha farmer ia the only really independent man in this world. He is practically the king among men a he rules over his modest domain from the tilling of whose fer tile soil the only true source of ma terial wealth he reaps bealth,strength and happiness. The state and county election to be held in Oregon next June is one of great importance in point tf numbers of state, district and county officials to be eleeled. . The lint of state officers, embracing the governor, secretary of slate, treasurer, school superintendent, attorney-general and state printer are to be chosen, also a member of con gross from each district. It behooves very republican to be on the alert and see that our party the only party that has, and can give prosperity to the country, and peace and content to its people fills these positions. Thk farmers in Oregon which have good creameries are fortunate. Even when the price of dairy i roiucts have been low, the dairying communities have remained in the best financial condition. There are a good many farmers who have hitherto been con fining themselves almost exclusively to fruit-growing or some other one branch of farming, who are now think ing that it would be better for them i( they could engage to some extent in dairying. Where there is a creamery near at hand it is an easy matter to luake a start with a few enwi. Last year Kansas gave Bryan a plu rality of 13,000. The vote this year hows a republican gaiu of something like 33,000. On this year's vote every congressional district ia the state went republican. In 31 counties, repub licans elected the entire tickets, and h majority of the officers elected in 79 counties are republicans. The repub licans elected 407 county officers in the state, while the populists elected 217, and the democrats six. Evidently the voters have had a taste of pros perity. A good report may be ex pec ted from that state in the state and congressional elections next year. - Brisk trade in the necessities of life are notalways the best gauges of thrift, . for people must bs clothed and fed, re gardless of times. But the trade of tha fakir is always an index of the scarcity or plentifulness of money. When the fakir can sell his wares readily it is al way o a pretty good in dication that people have money not required in every day business ; in other words, that tbey have money to throw at the birds. Taking this as an index, we must conclude that people iu The Dalles are not in straightened cir cumstances. Only a short time ago s bankrupt slock of watches, jewelry and trash was sold here at auction and the bidding was brisk, nearly everybody seeming anxio'is to part with a little surplus cash nnd be humbugged. Then another fakir came along who was mating cheap ornaments worth from fiv to fiffy ?ents, and sold them off lite "hot raked" at from one to throe dollars. These are only a few of the evidences that Wasco county's big crop has put new life into the com munity, and has driven hard times from the doors of The Dalles. Dalles Times-Mountaineer. IT is not surprising that the free silver advocates 12 ud tbeir farces break ing away from them, and taking ground iu absolute fiat money. Large numbers of them who supported silver last year are reported fiom all sections of the country as transferring their party adhesion from the silver ranks to those of tha parties and organixa tions favoring an enormous issue of paper money by the government. It is entirely logical that the men who a year ago were willing to see the gov ernment issue dollars that would be CO per cent fiat, are by this time will ing to go further and make the dollars all fiat. Astorian. VERXOMA GLEANINGS. A few Sue days tbis week. News very scarce Id these parts. . Guy Mill loft Friday for West port ou Business. Charles Armstrong was a Pittsburg vis itor Wednesday. F. L. Wilson left Friday for the county seat and Portland on business. Willard Denslow wis promenading the streets of Clatskauie laat week, returning home Sunday. Peter Pnlmer and Clyds Mills were busily engager) Friday cutting wood for our worthy postmaster. O. D. Lavender has left this valley again for the lower river in quest of employment. Robert Patrick's fare is again seen on our streets. Robert has spent the past summer in Butter county, but expect to start tor Alaska in the spring. Prof. Dow is havitiff quite an attendance at his weekly meetings of Kinging school, and those that attend report good order aod(perfect attention. Messrs. Samuel Mows and Wru. Wihon drove another band of catiie to Portland this week, making the second drove from this neck o' the woods this (all. Hans Ohnstianson returned from the Astorla-Goble railroad Saturday, where he has been employed as straw boss. He re ports pienty of work for those wish to work. j Our mail carrier was quite late Saturday on account of bavin? to whistle for his do, which was quite slow and tired. We hope he will not have many dogs to toll over the montaiu. Ernest G. 8hannataan, accompanied by Phillip Hheeley, passed through tbis ci y Friday for St Helens, where the former 3oes to make final proof upon his home stead scutu of town. Frank Malmsten drove Cad Keasey's ?ara oVcf the Tnttuay, aim re turned to Portland Friday in time his parents, who have came on from the East to reside in our midst in the future. CliATSKANIE NOTES. Fred I.anirefeldt and wife are in Portland this week, having shut down the shingle mill. Miss Carrie Tichenor ia at home spain, having successfully completed her three months' of school. C. W. Meserve, of Oregon City, made or town a short visit last week, shaking bauds with his mauy acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Davey were in town Mon day with their boy, Ralph, to consult the doctor about an injury to his limbs. L. J. Meserve rode over through the rain from Mist last Saturday to spend a few hours in our town. Lincoln is teaching at Mutt. . Mrs. Crosby returned witli her sick child Monday morning after a few bays' absence at the hospital. Her friends are gratified at seeing her able to return so sooa. Mrs. M. M. Ham. of Castle Rock, who has been visiting friends in this vicinity for some weeks, started for home on the steamer Monday evening. Bnd Bryant baa the Bryant stock of goods removed from the Edgerton haildinic to the postotfice building lately vacated by Page. He is making a nice display there and in vites his friends to call. At a meeting of the school board Monday a resolution was passed to cau a special school meeting for Thursday of next week to vote a tax for school purposes. Notices are posted to that effect. Ed Page returned from Portland Monday morning and will spend a few days in this vicinity before he takes his deosrture wiib hia faniilv for Vale. Oreeon. Ed has a few names on his books be wishes to interview before be leaves town. It was announced at the Breaching ser vice last bunday evening that the ladies of the missionary society would meet in spec ial session at the church on Tuesday with implements prepared to clean the building. ery practical noma mission work that is. One of the sad occurrences that at times shock a community and remind us of life's i uncertainty, was tbedeatb Irom Hcute pneu- j moiiia of Archie, third sou of Mr. and M rs. j E. 8. Bryant who reside near this city. Deceased was a raa&nificient specimen! of vigorous young manhood, but 20 years of age, and when he took sick, less than a week ago, it was thouzht that Wis vigorous constitution would carry him safely through me aisease. me pneumonia, nowever, proved to be of a most severe type, and on the evening of the day before death it was noticed that he was rauidlv. failinir The deliruni of fever kept him exceedingly rest less iioro mat lime until nis aeatn. anout 2 p. ui. Monday. He was surrounded by Ins parents and friends who did all thev could to promote his comfort and recovery, only to be saddened and disappointed by seeing mm rapiuiy mil ana ai. Arcni' wus wU known and a very popular younir man iu this community, andhisearlydtath is very much regretted. SCAPPOOSB NEWS. Heavy rains here tbe past few dayn. A. H. Larsen has gone to Fort Stevens to work. Messrs. Un Meeker and C. A. Wikstrora, of Houlton. were here rjatnrday to appraise the damages on the Joy road survey. Miss Boyle finished s full term of school in district No. 9, last Friday. The lattday's exercises were very pretty, and were wit nessed by many patrons ot the school. Be-not deceived, A Cough, Hoarseness or Croup, are not to be trifled with; A dose in time of Shilob's Cure will save you much trouble. Bold by Dr. Edwin Rosa, HARKS SHOE COMPANY 253 Morrison St., Near TJiird, Portland, Or. SPECIAL BARGAINS Children's School Shoes from CO cents upwards. 11,, VH1 " M M 1 fj . Youths' " " i 28 i All the Latest Styles in Footwear at Lowest Prices. Marks Shoe Company ok- '"PRISON ST.. NEAR THIRD, PORTLAV- f A Correction. St. Hsi.kns. Or.. Deo. 3, 1807. (To the editor.) Iu tho local coluina of the Columbia County News of data of Nov, 2tith, I notice the following: "in the ease of the state of Oregon vs. Martin Davison, in Justice tShanaaiian's court at Vernonia lt Saturday, the defendant wits acquitted. W. K. Tiniuions appeared tor the defense." And in another place: "In the case of the stale of Orejnm vs. Joseph Coulter, in Jus tice Sbannahan's court it Vernonia last .Saturday, the defendant was acqiiuieaon five counts, and was bound over in the sum of 1260. on one count, to appear before the grand jury. W. F. Tinimons appeared for the defense." Tho fact are these: Martin Iltivison was not acquitted, but the oliarge against him was dismissed by my request, before the case ever came to trial. In regard to the chances of state vs. Coulter: lie w as ar rested on one criminal charge only and that was "assault With a dangerous weai- ou, "for which ho was noun.i over in mr sum of I50 to appear before the grand jury. Ho una ats.i an esteil on a c halve of -'t hreat- ening to commit a prime bv thn-atening to kill," and he did not deny the charge ana roniiinul to eive bonds of tlOO to keep the peace. Now, Mr. Editor these are the facts, and the statements in the News to the contrary are unvarni-hed lies, meant to mi.-lead, and do not contain an elcuientof truth in thenv only that W. r. I immons pieared for the detenu in the cases tried. There were no other charges brought against either of the above-named aeientf anta ami wi,v such statements should ap pear in a paper which pretends to give facts to its readers is Deyoud my coiuprenrnwuu, (J to. A. Hall. MAUUIfcU. LTNCH-MutUNs. At 8cappoone, Wednes day. Dec. 8, Mr. Grant Lynch and Miss Gertrude Mullina. Dyspepsia cured. Shiloli's Vitaliser im mediately relieve sour stomach, coming-ap-of-fotid distress, and is the great kidney aud liver remedy. Suld by Dr. R. Boss. Ladies, tuke the best. If you are troub led with constipation, sallow skin, and a tired feeling, take Karl's Clover Tea. It is pleasant to take. Sold by Or. Edwin Ross. Karl's Clover Root Tea ia a pleasant lax ative. Regulates th bowels, purifies the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 23 cents. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. OASTOniA. Asfit- simils SlxUtSN St DISSOLUTION NOTICE. XTOTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK co-partnership heretofore existing be tween J. R. Beeple fttid I'livid DttvU, known an thetirrao' Beetle & Davis, publisher? ofTHtt O he' jon Mist, t t. Helen, Orec-n, it thin day dijwolved by mutual consent, J. R- Weegle re Urinjf. Mr! Dtivid Davis will conduct the bus iness in tne future ana tui omsuue toe saiu nnn are payable to him and all account owed by 8am arm win oe pam oy mm. J)ute4 thifl l&th dy I JSoyember, ift7. J II THn,PaT DAVID DAVIS. NOTICE tOIl PUBLICATION. Land Owes at Ormoh City, Or.. November 9th. 1R97. XTOTTCE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE il foUowtnjr-nuraed settlor has filed notice of bin intention to make final proof In support of his claim, aud that stiid proof will be made be fore the Countv Clerk of Columbia Con my. at at, Helens, Oregon, on uecemner 2un. i&w, vu; CONSTANTINE MARSCHALL, nmctmA Vntrv Vrt QQOK rnP th antithtVMt XA oi uontieafttJ4 oi section townsnip o norm, ran if warn. He names the followlne: witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vi: i. a. btu.ia, t. oitmeciti, joe unpontand Fred zeuer, all or vwitey, ore won. IU2U1V uiiAD. D. aiuu n ttegiBier. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT XTOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I. THE nndersiened administrator of tbe estate of John A. Attlne, deceased, nave tiled In the odice of the clerk of the county eoart of the state nf OreRou for Columbia county my flniil account of Div administration npon said estate, together with my petition for Bual dis tribution of the renidua thereof, and that ths said county court has made &n order aptKiintluR Friday, the Htb dny of January, wm, al 2 o'clovs p. sn., and the courtroom of said county court at the county courthouse in Ht. Helens, in said couuty and state, as tbe time and place for tbe hearing of said matters, at which time and place auy peraon Interested in said estate may appear and hie written objections thereto. h. J. ME8EBVE, Administrator of the estate of John A. Atkins, deceased. dl07 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. i In the Conntv Court of tlx State Of Oregon, lor I Columbia County. in the matter oi tne estate of William Wilkin son, deceased. VTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE il undersigned was, on the 4th day of Octo ber. 1817. duly annnlnted administratrix nf the restate oi nuiiam Wilkinson, oeceasea, ny tne j County Court of Columbia County, Oregon, and all perrfoiiN having claims against said estate are her3by required to present them, with the prop ! er vouchers, to the undersigned, at her resi ' deuce, near Pittsburg, Columbia County, Ore gon, wituiu six raomns irnm meaaie nareoi. Pittsburg, Oregon, Nov. 80. 117. LUCINDA WILKINSON, Administratrix of the estate of William Wilkin son, deceased. d3d31 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT I, THE undersigned executrix of the Last Will aud Testament of Jacob Beusch, deceased, bsve filed In the office of the Clerk of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia Connty, my final account, together with my pennon mr nnai ntsfrioiition oi tne residue of said estate, and that said County Court of said County and Slate, has appointed January 14, HMO. at 2 o'clock P. M., and the Court-room of said County Court at the County Couct-bouse in .St. Helens, iu said County and State, as the time and place for the settlement of said final account aud hearing suld petition for final distribution; at which time and place auy iwraon imeresuMi may anfiear ana nie tneir objections thereto. MAKY HEUHCH, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Jacob lleusch. deceased. 010)7 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for IJ1B LOUUiy OI V'OlUTuDlU. E. JS. Foss, Plaiiitlir, William Kuenzler, Defendant. To William Kuenzler, Defendant. IN THK NAME OF THE HTA'i'B OF 0RE00N, You are hereby required to appearand ans wer the complaint filed aifnlnKt vou in tbe atHve entitled suit on or before In first tl:iv of the regu lar term of thisCourt, which will begin the llrxt Tuesday after the second Monday ill May, WJS; aud if you fall to suswnr, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment and decrees prayed for in the comul&iut herein, declaring the mortgages therein' mentioned, both given on the '.aid day of January, IMS), one by Thomas Miller to Defendant for the Kof SwCi, and lots 8 and 4, and one given by Stephen Miller to Defeudant for the SK, both tract of land be ing in section 30, townships north, range west, Willamette meridian, paid, and ordering the sume huttancd aud released upon the records thereof. Publication of this summons is made in ac cordance with an order of the Hon T. A. Mc Urlde, Judge of said court, inflc the l'2th day of October, h. T. BAttlN, oa10 Attorney for plalutifT, Lsdtos' Solid Durable Shoes from ft 50 upwards. Ladles' Drcasy Btylish " " 1 70 " Men's Solid Working " "160 Men's Dressy Stylish " " 1 76 " v m, .j v y y V ; Free Excursion ! j TO PORTLAND- a-' In order to onitbla our numerous frimid and customers lo pay us a visit and-examine our NEW STORE with Its entirely NEW STOCK we Imve ooncludud to give them au opportunity of doing so FKEE OF COST. Our Plan is Everyone visiting our store from Colum bia Count! who makes a purchase of us amounting to $10 a, rami nf this add of his or her steamer fare to Portland j and return refunded by us. To assure those who are not acquainted with our bouse, we beg leu veto ..y that we have but . And that is the lowest. figures. Our stock is ENTIRELY NEW and has been care- i fully selected by our Mr. Ben Selling, and we sell ouly at I'OrU- i LAR PRICES. 4 Moyer Clothing Co., BEN SELLING, Manager. OASTOXIZA. Unfit si alls toss my alewtua si Dreadfully piervwus. Gehts: I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted ray nerves and strengtheasd my whole Nervous System. I was I rouble J with constipation, kidney and bowel troub le. Your tea soon cleansed my whole ays tern so thoroughly that I rapidly regained my health and strength. Mm. 9. A. Sweet. (Hartford, Con. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. Cure that cough with Sbilob's Cure, The lieut Couch Cnre. Relieves cioup promptly tine million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 26 cents. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. till is It as try stfutan, m How to Cure Bilious Colic. I suffered for weeks with colic and pains in my Ktoiuaib caused by biliousness, and hud to take medicine all the while until I used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dl arrhoea Remedy, which cured me. I have since recommended it to a good many peo ple. Mrs. F. Butler,, Fairhaven, Conn. Persona who are subject to billons colic can ward off the attacks by taking litis remedy as sooa as the first symptoms ap pear. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. "The worst cold I ever had In my life was cured by Chamberlain's CotiL'li Remedy," writes W. H. Norton, of Sutter Urei k, C'al. "This cold left tne with a cough, and I was expectorating all tbe time. The remedy cured me, and I want all my friends when troub led with a cough or cold to use it, for it will do them good." Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. CASTORIA For Infant and Children. 1 km tntf MW Sf -wwe yft toiwi WANTED FAITH FUL MEN OR WOMEN to travel for rMiwinslble established house In Oretron. Salary I7W) and esneusas. Pmdtion permauant. Heference. Kncloa Mlf-addrwund stamusd envelope. Ihs National, Star luaur aacs lildg., Chicago. E. E. QUICK ComtnisnIftTier of JtevnU tor Wash ington. , 0. WCOLE . Notary Public . COLE & QUICK, PROPKIETOKS OF THORNE'S Numerical SyslemJPitle Abstracts. Title Examine, and Perfected. Ah-otrarts PumiNhed. AwMjBKiiienin Kxamlnel. In au ranee Written, Taxes Paid aud Convey' ancin. ST. HELEN. OBEGOR. WANTEO FAITHFUL MKK OK WOMEM to travel for resnonslhle established hnttss InOreKoo. Salsry 7M) and txpsuses. PnilUon permanent. Itefurence. Enclose self-addressad stampad envelope. The National, Btar Insur ance Bld(., thlcoo. -THK BANQUET SALOON CLONINGER& COOPER, PROPRIETORS. Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devices for the entertainment of pat rons, where time can be pleasantly spent. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS Besides other popular brands, are keol constantly on hand to supply the increased trade at this very popular saloon, TUB FAMOUS- CYRU5 NOBLE WHISKY VTrVWV VVVVj This: or over and presenting tjj will have the amount s All our goods are marked ia plain 4 THIRD AND OAK STS. J r Your Money's Worth i i i i Every Time P Dolman's Store. . . . y V ajl y y sajs ay TSjrTynj All kinds of rotifrb and dressed Lumber on short notice. Builders' Material Of the best quality delivered lo any point ou the river at tbe Lowest Possible Price One-half Ctuh and One-half lo FARM PRODUCE. Address all orders to H. B. BORTHWICK, G0BLE, OREGON. 4 Get Value Received V EVERY TIME AT 2 N. A. Perry's, HOULTON, OREGON. PROFESSIONAL. 1. W, DAY W. B. DILL BD ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office next door to Cotirthotias, BT. HKLKNH, OitKUON. General practice in courts of Oregon or Wash Inirton. Abstracts mule directly Irou couuty records. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Collections, foreclosures, mechanics' lelns, etc. Ilepuly prirtectitlng attorney. OUloe with T. 1. Cleetou. BT. IlKLICSfS, Oreoos. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSKLOB-AT LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Ahstraet Bonks, Notary Pttblio, Commis sioner of lieeds for WashlnKton, and an exper ienced collector tn connection with office. jQB. EDWIN K0S8, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon JJR. II. R, CUFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bt. Helens, Oregon. JTJB. . E, HALL, PHYSirilAN AND SURGEON. Clatskanle, Columbia county, Or. W N. ME8EUVIC, Surveyor and Civil Engineer tJEl.ENA, OKKGON. County Surveyor. Land Surveying, Town Platting and Engineering worlc promptly sxecntetl, ' WANTED FAITHFUL KBH OB WOMICH to travel for respgnslble Ubltshed hnuse In Orscon. Salary ?H0 and expanstw. Position Iarnianent. Rnfcreuus. inelos salf-addrvMsd lamptd envelope. The national, Star Insur '.i. . (i ' ...... . . . Limer - 1 DART & riiiltr Street, wv yy ryyrnririrrihTrn''i i-r-sssiain. Dtafor In..,. CEKMAI ....MERCHUNDISl Iticliidlne a aiitldrvM aMMsiii s DART & Main Street. - ST. HELENSM EAT MARKET All Kinds 01 Fresh Keats, Hams, Bacon anil Laid . .. Meata by Wholesale At Special Rate. MAlKBTRtTKT, i t CLATSKANIE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Has lest received a hwf asset lisMt l aoods lr th. ....HOLIDAY TRADE.... Also a new and select stock of drugs aud patent medicines, fancy stationery, school hooks and 'hoot sudle, eriuiiitr)r and toilet articU's, aud Iu tact r)lhtu which Is usually sept at a unt-elass drug store. Prescriptions i Ciirefully Coinpoimded AT THE CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE THE MIST AND OREGONIAN TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR, ONLY TWO DOLLARS a. .ayr1 Vt..,,.,,.. ..,'A.W,..--a WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia Itiver and Paget Sound Navigation Co. F0BTLA8D-AST0RIA ROUTE. . Steamer Bailey Gatzert rndfn Fontnf Aldnr Mtreet. Portland. Leave. 1'ortianu dally (except Sunday) ul 7 A, M. LandlneTeletihone dock. A.toria. Leaves Asioria dully (eaceit fcuutlaj ) 7 t, M. Oatsert Ttcketa Onod on Htentnor Thompson Bteatner Thotuisou Tickets Uuod on Uauert E. A. BKKLBV, Agt. U. B. 8C0TT, Pres. MUCKLE BROS. MAMirACTllKSBS of Dimension Lumber, Fl(Mring, Buntin. Shoatlilnu. CasliiKS, and a complete stuck of tyt iy variety of . Rough and Dressed Lumber ALWAYS ON HAND. AT THE OLD STAND, 8T, HBLKN8 0IIE0( PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE fsfaiSSiit Abu- STEAMKR a. W. SHAVER, Dell Shaver, Master. Commendn April 15, 180(1, will leave Portland, foot of Waalilnuton street, Tuesday Th ii rail ay and Htnirliiy evenlntfa at 4 o'clock. KrliirninK tenvea (latskanle. (tide per niittini;), Monday, Wedimsilay nntl Kriilav cvftiinirs at 5 o'clock. Will nas Oak Point about 7; Htlla7:ir; Mayger 7:211: Hulnler n l'nrl. unit 1 A M ' 'ha n,.,..n..H,. ftllAVKft THE JQSEPHTeLLOGQ , JfSWJtta- . J. I STR OTOSE3FI-I KlHLjLoaa : -FOR PORTJL-ANr Leaves Kelso Mondays, Wetlnesrlays, Btid Fridays al 5 o'clock a, m. Leaves '" " . ,!.. , ... , p. ,.,,,,,. )l( ( r.inUnV ft m. ' MUCKLE St. Helena, Oretfon. Choice Groceries Always on hand. Clour, kIh, and feed, Tohaoeo and ellian, and smokers' arllelvs, uotlons, eta, ...Hardware.,. CROCKERY AND TINWARE, ...Dry Goods... tetif ml assortment of otnlhlnir, furnishings, goods. Also a flue Uue oi bouts and shows. MUCKLE - St. Helens, Dresron. II , , , t J JaiTlCS H. Sheldon, BT. IUM-KNB, OBWOON. DRUG STORE V) O.R&N. -TO THE . EAST OIVCI TH OHOlOt Of ':. TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES OBEAT NORTHERN RL VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL ORKOOK SHORT LINE. TIA DENVER SALT LAKE OMAHA- CHICAGO KANSAS CITY Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS FOR San Francisco Stramrr monthly from Portland lo Yokohama aud Hong KoiiU, via the Norlliern Pscifio Hieamsliip Co. in con tiectiiin with O. R. aixl N. For (till Information call on or adtlross W.H, HHB1-HUUT, (Jen. l'S'is. Agent, PoilThSKD, Or. fl:20; Kalatna 0:16: Kt. Helens 10:,')0, Arrivs he cotnptiny recrvtw the rlffht to change thus without notice. u THANhPOIiTATIMKI ClornPANV- COMPANY'S RIVER STEAMER -I f . X & N