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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1897)
V,,..ii'- " " pcnSONAIi AND LOCAL. Mrs. C. II. Figgott tlilted Portland yesterday,. for ' god, oool drink go to the naw saloon. Mlit Manila Dart visited Portland IhI Tuesday. Mr. and Mri. A. Davli were In Fori land yesterday, Hava you tried the new pool table at tbe new laloonf Mr. and Mj-i. J. II. Sheldon were In Portland Tuesday. Gbarley Coonor bai a position dock band on the Potter, Mr. 0. W. Mayger wu in our city a day or two this week. Mr. Edwin Merrill, of Deer Wand, u in town Wednesday last, Mr. J. M. Cooper, of Warren, wai in town Tueiday for a short time. Mrs. E, Ferry, of Xloultoa, visited relatiree in Rainier last Monday, Joe Dupont and eon, of Valley, re turned from tbe hopfleldi Tueiday, Mrs. Frank Dow, of Oak island, vis ited in this eity a day or two this week. E.O.Blackford, of tbe Clatikanie Chief, epent last Bunday In this city. Hon. Norman Merrill, of Claiskanle, was in the county eeat last Saturday. Attorney 0. A. Brcdla, of Portland, pent a lew days In our eity this week. Mrs. W. J. Muckle, of Baluier, fla iled relatives here last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Davis went to Claiskanle Bunday evening to spend day or two. , Mre. G. D. Glleo, of Houlton, and Mrs. Waters, of thia otty, were Port land vioi tors Tueoday loU Mr. Charles Meeerve, editor of tbe Oregon City Enterprise, spent last Sunday with friende in this eity. Mrs. Cleetoa and mother, Mre. Bhan naliao, were passengers for Portland on tbe Shaver Wednesday night. Deputy Clerk Harris returned on Tuesday from Nehalem valley, where be bad gone to look after bie plaee. Mr. 0. H. riggolt wss lo Portland several days laat week and most of this week looking after eourt affairs. District Attorney T.J. Cleeton went to Astoria laat Monday lo attend his offloial duties before the circuit court. Judge 0. II. Carey, of Portland, president of tbe slate league of repub lican clubs, wss in this city a short time last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ansorgs, of Leb anon, are in the city visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. W. Day. Tbey came down Wednesday evening. Mrs. James Young, of Portland, spent evra! days laat week with her sister, Mrs. J. Q. Muckle, in this city, returning home on Saturday. Dr. W. B. Morse, of Salem, spent some time laat Friday wilb his mother, Mrs. W. IL. Dolman, of this city, re turning on the afternoon steamer. Meeers. T. B. Denslow and Fbiness Teck, of Veraonia, arrived in town Wednesday evening. Mr. Deailow continued to Portland tbe next day. For Sale, Cheap. 300 fathoms good 9 and 19 inch mesh net and a good oow for aale cheap if taken at onoe. Apply to J. T. Walker, Houlton, Or. Mr. Edgsr Keitbley visited relatives in this city a day orHwo this week, re turning to Portland Wedueaday morn ing, accompanied by his sister-in-law, Mre. J. O. Muck lo. Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Brlsco, of West Portland, spent laat Sunday in this eity at the home of their eon and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hall. Tbey returned borne Monday morning. Mre. Charles Iloogbklrk and son, of Rainier, stopped In Si. Helens a short time last Sunday evening while on tbeir way home (rom a visit of several daya on Oak Island with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dow, Mis Marguerite Longacre, now em ployed as teacher in tbe Atkinson school, Portland, acoompanied by ber friend, Miss Banks, ipsnt last Sunday in this city at the homo of Mr. and M.C.Gray. Mr. D. J. Switser returned to this city a week ago Thursday from Grant county, whore lie naa spent several weeks in the mining die trio ta. He renorts considerable aotivity there and the finds and quality of gold are cre ating considerable stir. Last Sunday evening tbe stesmer Shaver on ber down trip carried 87 pay passegners, mostly railroad men, besides a cargo of freight. This boat ta kept busy handling a large amount of cedar and shingles, of which there is an inoreased demand. Mr. Frank Payne, of Scsppoose, who has a paint factory located about H miles Irom me roruana roau to wards Soapnoose falla, was in town laat Wednesday. Tho paint manu factured by Mr. Payne ie said to be a first class artiole and commands a good price. H. A. Butler and family, of Wash inaton county, came down on the Young America Tuesday evening to visit with the family of M. K. JMpv, who is Mr. Butler's brother-in-law, Tbe latter gentleman and family will oontiuue to San Francieoo in a to days. County Treasurer Whsrton went lo Rainier fait Saturday evening, where he was joined by Judge Doan, and on Sunday morning the gentlemen started on an inspection tour down the river. Several railroad camps were visited and a nnmber of choice Indian relics were found. Mr. Wharton returned home Monday morning. An entertainment for the benefit of the pnblio school of thin city, is on the boards, to be given at the opera house nn VriAnu Auunintr Onttihflr lit. The VU .IIUHJ - programme to bo rendered promiiei to ue one or eacepwuniM invrnunwuuw., ana me enorie or me promoter, win undoubtedly be rewarded by a liberal ... ... l tl... K.,t.lln An adnitailmi fee of 25 cents and 15 cent! will be charged. Lunch will ne lervea auer the entortuinment. "MAKH MENTION OF IT." "Wheat bos (one up, wood boi (one an, Bopi have gone up, shingles bars Ron up, eattls havs gnus up, bowli tin republican To which we add, taxes have gone up. banki are solng ui. aanurtictareri ir (tolng up, merchant are going up, and pub. liBuwra mfw iuihic up. nut ' are going up. But we won't be I noting If our friendi will tell oe wb or Ingoing up,' In price, or point to lanoe in ioiuuiDt. aountv wnar. it bu gmie up. When the M tickles, Oonnells, Wnti, Blanohards, Bniitbi, Borthwlcks, ! end tb big farmer! and mill man, of this county, pay mora for help than tbey did laat year, we want to know It and wUI gladly make mention of It." Hews. During the put few days Tbs Mist bai mads some Inquiry with reference to tbe wages paid now and ons yeir ago, and while it wai lmpoulbls to reach all thoes mentioned In the above Item, oerae of them have expressed themselves frsely in tbs matter, and others have voluntarily mads itatemeaw. Hear what they have to say; H. Weit, Scappooae, farmer: "Last year men wsre banting work and offering to work for SO cents and TS cents per day, and five men tor svery job. At present men are getting from ft to 11.20 per day, and Ave lobs for svery msn. Ons form band told me that he bad fire different men after blra In ons wisk, sad tbey offered gl.28 per day." Frank Dow, Bauvles Island, dairyman: "I pay my bands SO.OO per mentb more tbia yesr tbsa I did lost, an advance or 93H percent.". James Muckle, of Mookle Bros.: "Tbs men employed by wbo work in tbe tim ber snd on our farms receive 90.00 per month mere then tbey did last year, an in ereoee or 23 per eent." 0, W. Mayger, ef Tbe Msyger Co., wood dealers: "We ars now employing about sixty men In getting out wood. Thoss wbo work by tbe dsy receive 25 eent a day mere than tbey did one year ago, while the men hauling receive 8 cents per cord advance over lost yesr which would be an Increase of about 1 per day for a msn and team. We are unable to get all the men we want notwithstanding the advance in wages for the reason that there Is no one Idle wbo desires employment. . The Astoria railroad contractors have advanced wsges of com mon laborers 25 eente a day, now paying fl.75 Instead of tl.00 per day. A nun and asa receive 13.50 per dsy on tbe ralUood." i. M. Cooper, Warren : "Farm hands In in this section receive 25 cents per dsy ad vance over last year." ; II, L. Co) fin, Marshland, logger: "Some of my men receive 15 per month more than last year, while nearly all of them receive an advaocs ever two years ago. Tbe reason wages for loggers have not advanced more Is because last spring when men were be ing employed for the summer the demand tor logs wss not good. It Is my belief, however, that men being hired now receive on sa avsrage ot So per montn advance, and In ons instance, namely, Mr. Frank Lonkey, a chopper, employed by Thomas Boyle, receives an advance of tlO per month over bis wages early in tbe present season. Ia no single Instance do I know of loggers' wsges being decreased this year." Herman MernU, Clatskanle: "Last year I blred men to work in baying at ft per day, giving tbem tbeir dinners in addition. Thli year I paid 11.50 per day snd dinner for tbe same work." U. Burfoid, Clatskanle, teamster: "Men with teams wbo hsul shingles from the mills to the steamer landing are getting an advanoe of 20 per cent over the figure of six months ago." A prominent shingle manufacturer, ot Clatskanle, says; "I pay 20 per cent more new for shingle bolts than six months ago. A nnmber ot men are engaged ' getting out bolts." A man was engaged for pack- lag shingles last week at an advance of 25 cents per day. He Is employed at Duron A Go's. mill. Will b Rebuilt. The work ot ex tending tbe wood flume further np Milton creek bas been commenced by the wood company. The flume will be extended 14 miles up the orsek at present and that part of the flume which baa been in use for a year or more will be changed into a "V" shape instead of being flat bottom. Mr. C. W. Mnvaer ia now interested in the enterprise, and it is now expeoted the property win no put on a paying sun. Humni.n MisxaT. -Not for manv mnmha haa that bean atioh a demand for shingles as there ie at present. rUrser norauy, OI iue Bteaiuwr mum, haa an nrrlav for lOearloada of ahineles. or 1,250,000, and he cannot get any where near enough to fill the order. He is paying f 1 5J per tnousana, ana ll ha nnnlil apnnra at Clatakanie and other down-river points the first of tbe week was xi4,uuu. xnis is oniy one instance where the demand is so m,h uruiar than the lunulv. Shin gles will, in all probability, command a gooa price an winter. Vmiia Um. RniniThii Ttlant cuuua i of tbe big roller mills at Pendleton, owned by Mr. Byers, was destroyed by fire last Monday morning, the confla gration being caused by spontaneous oombustion. The large warehouie, wbich wae supposed to be fire proof was also destroyed, with ite contenti of bv.uuu ouineis 01 wneai nuu vw barrel! of flour. Tbe Pendleton mills have for years enjoyed the reputation for making the best flour on tbe mar- k.i rrl,. l.r.t v.lnarl at 175.000 and the wheat and flour stored repre- . . ... a in.. lemon about me same botuuh. a ho buildings were Insured for 150,000. Waou Go Up. For some time past contractors for street work have been .ulna tha lahnrara thflV amnlovad $1.60 per day. Tbeir pay has now been railed tofzperoay. uonauneu, who had ocosiion to employ a number of laborers yesterday, when informed that wsges would be t2 per day, said hs was glad of it. Ol course a con tractor figuring on a job now will make his estimate enough higher to balance the rise in wages, so that il ii all the same to him whether he payi half dollar does not come out of his pocket. Bricklayers are still working lor eo.ou per uav . eight hours, which is the rate fixed by their union, and as there is but little work in their line going on, there is little probability of any advance in their wages at present, but they ex pect sn sdvance in the spring to 9 or $4.60 per day. An advance in the l 1 1, a l-horino nlaaa is looked upon by moil people aa one of the surest igns OI returning proaporngr. Oregonian. We have carefully prepared descrip tive pamphlets of Columbia oounty for sale at this office. OLATSKAMIB NOTES. Miss Mary Conysri was In this city this week on a vlilt to psrsnts snd friends. P. J. Fopbsm is qultee skillful meobsnlo and is doing railroad work st good wiges. Ansea Orwlg and family are now estab lsbed In the Rlrervisw hotel ready for cus tomers. Miis Oopsland, ot Woodland, Wash., a very successful school teacher, ipent Mon day in town:',. Daniel Dixon, sr., drove Into town last Monday with his horse and buggy. He drives a good rig. , Henry Doerr bos returned from Boss lsnd, B. 0., whether permanently or not Is not known by this writer. Dr, Hall wai in St. Helens Tuesday to as sist In organizing a board of pension ex aminers for Columbia county. A Are st Myers' bouse one day last week was discovered In time to be sxtlngulsbed before much damage was dene. Mrs. Lee and Mrs. lirewlck are cleaning the sohool house this week and getting it in good shape fer tbe opening of school next week.'- Our cooper, D. G, Aldridge, seems to be about the builest man In town lately, and Is getting out new barrels at a rapid rate to supply an urgent demand. Rev. Shannon and family returned on Wednesday morning from a visit to Hills bore and Portland. Tbey take op tbeir abode with us for another year. It Is eminently proper now that since Prof. Wbltten and bis wife ars both en gaged to teach onr school ibe should have charge of the primary department Phil Popham did not go hopplcklng but bu been doing good work for tbe railroad company at splendid wsges for one of bis sge, and he already begins te feel like s capitalist. David Davis snd wife visited onr town Monday. Mrs. Davis remained to spend a little Urns with Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Con yen, while Mr. Davis returned that even ing to do dnty st tbe county seat. Ed Page has some of the prettiest apples on exhibition at bis store window that we have seen this fall. Both he and Krats havs bandied a great deal of fruit this sea son, most of which bss been excellent In quality and demonstrates that Colombia oounty does not have to take a back seat as a fruit producer. Charley Lindgren li bringing over from the Mebalem valley a considerable quantity of baled bay which is being stored for market. Tbe price of hay seems to be on tbe ap grade lately. Adam Barr, near town, has been baling quite a quantity, which Is ready for market when be gets an offer to suit him. A good hay crop this fall seems as good ss a good wheat crop and will benefit this section more. Hux A Co., Including Tom Laws, Arthur Qulgley and Marion Fowler, have moved tbeir camp to the Karavon place, and are filling a grada along where the house and barn used te stand. Olson's men are work ing at the rocky point on tbe Fisk place and hauling dirt out over what tbe dredger has thrown up en the survey over the prairie on that place, while Anderson A Allen are busy at work with what men and teams they can get, making a Oil at and below Mayger A few days more ot pleasant weather will see the railroad work pretty well completed between Clatskanle and afoyger. So far as we know all the hopplckers from tbii vicinity have returned, bringing with them more or less coin as a result of their enterprise. More or less seems to ex press their condition, some declaring they bad mors fun than money, lome had more wet weather to contend with tbsa working days, but st least one brought back with her mors than she took away In the shape of sore hands and face from poisoning at Ike work. Hopplcklng seems an enjoy able occupation when the weather is favor able, but this season has not beea a very attractive one on account of the rain that continued during several days. All have returned, however, with the single excep tion of Ibe child ot Mrs. Metcalf, wbo was severely burned, and it is at tbe hospital In Portland with its mother. The ranch of 0. Lovegren Is sn interest ing illustration of what can be accomplished by work. Locating In the midst of a heavy growth of fir Umber, with the aid of a few boys he has in a few years a farm cleared and thoroughly cleaned, too, and ia an ex cellent state of cultivation. Fruit trees have been planted and this year his prone crop is so large he despairs of trying: to find a market for his green fruit and is hav fns a dryer and evaporating apparatus built to take care ot it until he can find a market for shipment He has plenty of strawberries in aesson, and ii considered one of our best butter makers, his butter being eagerly sought after. He is one msn tbat can farm tor profit under as great nat ural disadvantages as anyons in the neigh borhood, but to do so does not spend much time in discussing financial problems for the nation or In giving advice about how this government should be run. He is sat isfied to work for his living on bis own place and is reaping the reward of honest toil, an example for many who do other wise. ' The marriage ef Professor Whltten and Miss Abbie Bryant of onr city on Wednes day of last week, while not unexpected, surprised our people In the quiet way It was done. It was not unusual for the professor to go to Portland as he did last week, and It was a very easy thing to stop effatBt Helens, secure a license, return Wednesday morning, get married the same day before people were aware of what was in the wind, and take the steamer the same evening with his bride for another trip to Portland. It waa all too sudden, however, and did not Just suit us, bnt now tbat it Is done we bave made up our minds to accept the sit iiatlnn and extend congratulations. But Just think of it. No brilliant assemblage, ne renorter to describe how the bride looked in her charming costume, or at what hour tbe aeremony took place, no one to play tbe wedding march, no report of the num erous and costly presents, and no nothing, only the report later in tbe day that tbey were married by Bev. 8hannon. It ia too bad. Tbs Miit might have had a column of particulars, and the Chief, why, tbe Chief man would have been beside himself with delight at tna write-up he wai going to give them. The couple missed tbecbance of a lifetime and we missed tbe particular!, but we did not miss seeing the furniture that came down on the steamer Monday morning and was taken to the bouse newly fitted up In anticipation of this event. Nor did we miss hearing tbe sound of the tauk hammer since as the carpets were being put In place, but did miss hearing what the loving bridegroom said as be tried to fit the Joints of stove-pipe together as be put up the stove. It is not beat to hear everything. VERJVOfllA OLF,";IHO. The hopplckers are returning. Harvest time is a thlag of the past. Bberiff Bice was a Veraonia visitor tbs Brat of the week. Bev. F. M. Fisher returned from Sunny- side tbe first of tbe week. Our blacksmith, Wra. Allen, la kept busy these days fixing the farmers' plows, to. Mrs. 0. Mow left on Monday for Center- villa to visit her mother, Mrs. Armstrong. Bert Mead was a Veraonia visitor Friday. He reports everything prosperous on Peb ble creok. Carrol Ksssey paid the county seat a visit Saturday, He is running a freight wagon for a change. There are more bachelors and widowers te the square mile in this valley than any otber place on the globe. Bev. Palmer made a flying visit to the Bnrn last Friday. He inform! us that bii wife Is very sick at present. Mr, Ed Throop left Wednesday morning for the hopflelds, where his family are picking. He expects to return soon. Thomas Anderson Is having a neat res idence built on his ranch on the Upper river, James Turk being the architect Frank Malmsten visited Yankton tbe latter part of last week. Frank thinks some of going Esst in tbe near future. Why don't the cem missions' get a move on themselves and inspect the Taylor bridge, wbich is becoming quite rickety. Mr. Nelson, from Clatskanle. passed through our city Thursday on his wsy to Independence, wbere he has two brothers residing. Samuel Mow started for Centervllle Fri day morning. He intends to bring his wifs and mother-in-law home with him when hs returns. Beef csttle srs st a premium in this val ley at present yet the pops cry: "Wbere Is that McKlnley prosperity yon republi cans promised last fall?" Mr. B. D. Blakeley returned Thursday to bis ranch on Bock creek. Mr. Blakely bai been sojourning In Southern Oregon the past spring and summer. A. Shannshan and Samuel Mow paid the gristmill at Pittsburg a visit Thursday. Ws are told the mill is kept quite busy grinding the golden grain. We notloe among the late arrivals from the hopflelds the families of I. Spencer and 8. Hosford, Win Mellinger and Mrs. Wm Wilson and daughters, Ida and Dessie. We are Informed by the returning hop plckers that Mrs. Curtis, sr., and Mrs. Wood and Quo. Rice met with an Interest ing reception by a few Infuriated yellow Jackets when tbey were in the hopyards. Mr. Omar 8pencer closed a very success f ul terra of school at Braunsport last Thurs dsy and left on Saturday for University Park, wbere he will attend school this win ter. Omar will be greatly missed by his friends and schoolmates, as be was among tbe foremoit in his studies and literary work. It la a noticeable fact that all this har- rangoe which meets -oar gaxe in populist print concerning the non-appearance of prosperity, originates from persons who do not possess anything, never did or ever will. In this valley we hsve hod more cattle-buy ers this summer than ever before. Some of oar popocrats will sit around on the bosom of their trousers and atter the most vile abuses regarding our executive. How could such people be aware of returning prosperity T Get out and go to work en your farnrttf yon are men, and do not sit around on nail kegs and spend all yonr lime "pintln'" and telling what "you would do if you was there," for ten chances to one if yen were yon would skip by the nearest road to Canada or South Africa, as some have done in the post A Care fer Billsms Colle. Bbsodbcb, Screven Co., Gs I havs been subject to attacks of billons colic for several years. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy is tbe only sure relief. It seta like a charm. One dose of It gives relief when all other remedies falL (i. D. Stuar. For sale by Dr. E. Boss. , Jury List, October Term. W. J. Fullerton, farmer 8. B. Mohler, farmer.. Alonio Merrill, farmer J ease Hendricks, farmer R. 0. Hasen, farmer.... 8. Betser, farmer........ ...... B. W. Llnd, farmer B. 8. Payne, farmer.......... Fred Wikstrom, farmer. . . .... Albert Adams, farmer Andrew Parker, farmer,....,, G. W. Richardson, farmer.... B. D. Ticbenor, farmer Daniel Berg, farmer. , J. H. Eiwell, farmer J. J. Bralm, fisherman Max Berg, farmer Lars Magnusen, farmer. . . . . , W. L. Colvin, farmer J. A. Deeds, farmer. 0. W, Hosier, farmer. C. B. Fisher, farmer Walter Brothers, farmer V. it. Beeghley, farmer J. M. Payne, farmer J. W. Charlton, farmer . ... Warren Gobie .Deer Island Carico Warren . .St Helens Mist Qulncy .... Yankton ..Scsppoose ...Veraonia ...... Delena ..Clatskanle ...Flshhawk ....Hudson .... .Rainier Warren ..: Mist ..Marshland ........Mist Rainier ........Mist ......Apiary . ..Veraonia .Deer Island ....Yankton M. B. Emmons, blacksmith... . . .Veraonia ...Veraonia 0. L. Parker, farmer W. E. Vsnvolkeuberg, farmer A. Seffert, farmer. John Cramer, farmer ..Flshhawk Deer Island Mayger Wkat Dr. A. E. Baiter Saye. Rnrmo. N. Y. Gents : Fro to my per sonal knowledge, gained in observing the eft ot of your Shiloh's Cure in oases of ad vanced nnnaumntlon. I am prepared to say It is the most remarkable Bemedy tbat has ever been brought to my attention, it nas certainly saved msny from Consumption. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. Royal 4Uolute)yFir School Report, The following Is a report of school dis trict No. 20, Goble, Oregon, lor the month ending Friday, Sep. 10, lt7: No, of dsyi taught.; ,. 20 No. of days attendance 60S No. of days absence. 2 No. of times tardy No. of boys enrolled...... 17 No. of girls enrolled 18 Total enrolled................ 85 Average dally attendance S3 No. of visitors for month...... 1 Those neither absent nor tardy during the month were: Robert Burnett, Charley Hlnes. John Himw, Alfred, Thomas and Oscar Hunter, Hasel and Etta Jordan, Wil lie Cameron, J a tie Lindsay, Bella and Mary Neer, Harry Olsen, Laura Sager, Os lie, Edgar, Frankleand Belle Fowler. A short programme was rendered by the pupils lsst Friday and the following ladies were present: Mesdames E. W. Fowler. Lsura Neer. McGinn, Hunter, Hines, Voygt, H. Stehmsn, Shoemaker, J. Mon roe, Joidon, Seyerson, and Miss Emms Hunter. . NxwiS Kiasir, Teacher. , Shiloh's Consumption Cure cures where others fail. It is tbe leading cough care, and no home should be without it neas snt to take and goes right to tbe spot Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss. Dr. Roes' new drug etore is fast as suming a nsaler appearance inside, and when treated to a coat of paint on the outside will be one of the attrac tive business houses of our city. The location of the new store ie a conven ient one, and tbe volume of buiines done by tbe doctor, in the drug line, will undoubtedly be increased. Some time azo a board of pension examinere waa appointed for Colum bia county, consisting of Drs. Boss and Cliff, of this city, and Dr. J. E. Hall, of Clatskanle. Dr. Hall was in town last Tuesday and while here tbe board perfected an organisation by electing Dr. il. a. Ulill, prenaeni; ur. E. Boss, secretary ; and Dr. Hall, treas urer. Judge Thomas A. McBride and fam ily came In from Mount Bt. Helens last Friday after spending nearly seven weeks in camp by tbe side of Trout lake. The judge stales that during the afternoon ot the last day at the lake he captured twenty-seven trout wbich would average over onn pound each. He also killed a large bear dur ing his stay out there. Saturday night Jodee McBride left for Astoria to be gin the regular September term of court. "My boy came home from school one dar with bis band badly lacerated and bleeding, and suffered great pain," says Mr. J. Scball, with Meyer Bros.' Drug Co., St. Louii, Mo. "I dressed tbe wound, and applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely. All pain ceased, and in a remarkably short time healed without leaving a scar. For wounds, sprains, swellings and rheumatism I know of no medicine or prescription equal to it. I consider it a household necessity." Tbe 25 and 60 cent sixes for sale by Dr. Edwin Kosa. The Homs of Delinquents. An editor died snd slowly wended his way down to the place where be supposed a warm welcome awaited him. Tbe devil met him and said : "For many years thou hast been blamed for the bad spelling tbe printer nss gotten into tbe paper. The paper baa gone out for one dollar, and, alas I the money has failed to come in. Tbe printer has bedriven thee for wages when tbon bast not a aarn tanning to tbv name. People bave taken thy paper without paying for it and have cursed thee tor not naTing a oeiier sheet Thou hast been called a dead beat hv the railroad conductors when thou bast shown an annual pass to their envious gaxe. All these wrongs tbon bast borne in silence, xnou shalt not enter here." And ae the devil turned to go away, he muttered : "Heaven ia hie home, and besides if I bad let him enter he would have been dunning bis delinquent subscribers and thus creating discord in my xing dora." Milton Eagle. Catarrh Cured. A clear head and sweet breath secured With Shiloh's Catarrh lem- edy, sold on a guarantee. Nasal Injector free. Sold by Dr; Edwin Ross. Deeds Recorded. Laura A. Allen to Albert A. Hang, a of xttM of see 21, tp 5 n, r 4 west; $294.85. Wm. Gunther and wife toG. L. Wattson, of e4 ol sw&ot sec its, tp a a, r a west; 1250. Sallle Rice and husband to Honaymon, DeHart 4 Co., sej of swX of sec 18, tp 7 n. r 8 west: 1325. Eleaor Symons to 0. R. Donohoe, lots 1 and 2, sec 15, tp 8 n, r 4 west; 800. J. M. Wallace to W. J. Fullerton, 21 acres intp4n, rl west; $550. For constipation take Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood purifier. Cures head ache, nervousness, eruptions on the face, and makes the head clear as a bell. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. VIED. RovLBDOX. In Mendota, 111., on Wednes day, Bepr, 10, lot) i, Mre. IjUcj m.. aui ledge, ef typhoid fever. ' Mra. Rntlarive wu a slater of Mrs. W. H, Conyers, of Clatskanle, and will be remem bered by many people of this county, she having resided here tor several years. , HABBIGD. WiLiis-DowHiHO. At Rainier, Oregon, on Downing and Miss Jessie M. Willis, both Of xininier, juugu . jj. asvh, uiuumhur. BlflOFF & 11INAR, Mi.N0FACTUEKR8 OF Monuments ORANITI AND ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK ITALIAN MARBLS a KCIALTY. 321 E.?.!crrisoii St.,Pcrt!and, Or AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. VTE ARB ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RluriT TO 1 aS EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "C ASTORIA" AND "PITCHER'S CASTOmA," A3 OUR TRADE MARK. 7, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, $ Eyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has lorne and does now Mf-? on bear the facsimile signature of Oza&zra&fa wrapper. This is the original PITCHERS CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you have always bought jnj? on the and has the signature of CMfflui4Z wrap-1 per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex-; cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the In gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. TMB KsVTAVH i vvvvyvvvvvvvvivvvvvvvvvvvvi GET PROVISIONS -AT- Harris' Cash Grocery. I 'The Perkins" C. W. KNOWLES, Manager, Mr. Knowles was, for many years, proprietor of the St. Charles botel, and while there established a reputation as a hotel man. He is now in a better position to entertain his friends than ever before, and will welcome all his old patrons to hia new place of business, where can be found an np-to-date hotel. Corner Fifth Dr. E. Ross ST. HELENS, OREGON Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of DRUGS, TOILET f ARTICLES School An Unusually well-selected Stock of Writing Tablets, Pent, Fen- jj oils, and tbe Best Inka on the Market. . A FINK LINE Of Finest Parfumes and Rops. Patent Medicines A a iWi " -J, THE MIST AND OREGONIAN TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR, ONLY TWO DOLLARS f 5 Ts YliWl -Mtr lii' '' -fc's.Vml Illtl'iaWrall rUlHH r' WHITE COLLAR LINE FAST TIME. Str. Telephone Leaves Portland daily (except Sunday) 7 A. M. Leaves Astoria dally (except Bunday) 7 P. It. Str. Bailey Gatzert Leaves Portland dally (exoent Sunday) S P. si, Saturday olntats at 10 o'c.kxia. Leaves Astoria dally (except Bnnday and Mott day) at 7 A. at. bunday night at 7 o'ciocok. - Lending: Foot of Alder street, Portland. Or., navel aooic, Astoria, uragua. YOUR i and Washington Streets, Portia d, 4 i saaaaaVsMsjsrssws,VaMi Supplies MNGi STATIUNM PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY AND ACCURATI'.LY - COMPOUNDED. catklufeafejtV -TEE BANQUET SALOON CLONINGER&COOPEU, PROPRIETORS. Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devices for tho entertainment ol pat rons, where time can be pleasantly speut. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CI - Besides other popular branrln, are krrt constantly on baud to supply the JnenjutiiiJ trade at this very popular saloon. J THK FAMOUS cyrus nodle vi3i.;::v I KEPT AT UK BAHQVKT.