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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1897)
OREGON MIST. MMJED EVERT FHIDAY mOH.Iine ' -Y- BEEGLE A DAVIS. Oaeeopy year la edvane...... One oopr UK moulh. ,...... single eopy.....,..... ............ Advertising rata, marts known npon application COLOMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. Cwmr ilictn, re... ............. ..Joseph B. rxan. Rainier a...., Julia la A, Cler Sheriff. Treasurer Bup4.o( School. . Assessor ...... Surveyor...,. Coroner , Commissioners J POLITICAL COMMENT. .Judscn fad, Vrnoma J. N. Rice, Catskaule ..E. M. Wbarton B. Helens ......J. . Wstts, Seappoose Martin White, Qiilncy ......W. N. Moserve, Oelena .Dr. A. P. McLaren. Kalnier ,...P. A. FraKce. 8eappose N. I. i-eteraiiu, Mist T. HELENS, OREOOia, HEP, t A ropocsAT editor says of the pre eat condition ol prosperity; "They can't last forevsr, end that ie why we are apprehensive of the future." This le poor tort of talk lor en American eitiien. A chronio whine i mighty poor politics end was formerly on known to any of oar parties. "It was an impertinence on the part of 'the delegation' to offer Hon. T. Geer the land office," says the mouth piece of Simon in the big tower at Portland. The Simon-Oregonian crowd bae evidently always considered it an "impertinence" to offer Mr. Geer an office, and therefore have not made the offer, notwithstanding it basfor years been in their power to do eo. , Th appointment of Hon. Charles B. Moores by the president last Wed oeeday to be register of the Oregon City land office, vice T. T. Geer, de clined, will be hailed with satisfaction, Mr. Moores has been a consistent and effective speaker for the republican eacse since be attained bis majority, and it is safe to say bis new duties will be transacted on strictly business principles, and to the satisfaction ol the public. C. B. Moores, who was notified by Be am tor McBride that the congression al delegation had selected him for the position of register of the Oregon City land officer is one of the most promi nent republicans of Marion county, He lock an active part on the stomp in the late November campaign. He baa occupied responsible positions at several legislative sessions, and at the session of 1895 was speaker of the bouse of representatives, and made an able presiding officer. He baa been fully as active and prominent in the councils of his party as Mr. Geer, and will make a faithful and efficient of ficer in the land office. Astoria News. Thb assertion made in the Simon press that Mr. Geer has been, "turned aown, ana mat tua mends wbo are alee aspirants for places receive no recognition, is far from the truth. On the contrary Mr. C. B. Mooree, who has been recommended for the land office since Mr. Geer declined, is the "personal friend" whom the latter gentleman "joined in recommending tor sne piace, wmcn ne speaks ol in hut letter of declination. Not only did the delegation offer Mr. Geer a good place, but when he considered the offer as an "insult" it was tendered to the "personal friend" whom he had recommended. This does not smack of a conspiracy against Mr. Geer and bis friends. a ( at is inaeea a source ol mucn grati fication tn am thn (armors in all mr of the state receiving good prices for their products. In spite of the wail of the calamity press to the effect that limes are not improving, farmers in all sections are paying off their mort gages and having a little surplus to deposit in the banks after purchasing their supplies for tbe coming winter. AH the arguments that may emit from tbe calamity press will hardly convince .tbe Oregon farmer that his condition baa not improved. It is a good deal like trying to make a man believe bis stomach is empty when it is full. . Th Mist rejoices with the farmers that their condition is improved and that it fa beyond the power of the pro fessional calamity bowler to make it otherwise. Let them howl; it fa their stock in trade; it fa tbe only thing they produce for sale, and thank for tune the demand for it grows beauti fully less every day. The Oregon City Enterprise, In speaking of the recommendation of T. T. Geer for register ot the land office. Has the following: "His able sad effective speeohes in behalf ef tbe republican party the cam paign, of recent years have made him soany warm friend In the party who are pleased to vee his services so handsomely recognised. His party friends and tile farmer friends of all parties would be pleased to see him obtain the office of col lector of customs, but as that office may not be filled for some time to come, they are glad that the office of register ot the land office, paying as It does a salary ot about 13,000 a year, has been offered him. Mr. Oeer'a friends .who were disappointed at his failure to receive any recognition at the bauds of his party of the state office two years ago, will heartily Congratulate him oo the appointment which will quite sure to follow the action ot the dele tattoo. This appointment of Geer recalls the fact that another presidential elector, who has been forenost among our cam paign speakers tor many years, has also re ceived a good appointment upon tbe quest of our prevent delegation tn con grew. Everybody who ' knows Hon. John Caples, the "Old Man Eloquent" ot the re publican party, rejoiced when he received the appointment ot consul at Valparaiso, an office which pars about the same at the registercblp 13.000 a year. Our leading republican speakers snd presidential elect ore have not always received as lucrative appointments as have fallen to Messrs, Geer and Caples." "The great strength of the republican party lies in the fact that the number of soreheads within its ranks are few. All good republicans forget the struggle ot y terday and in defeat or victory are ever ready to stand shoulder to shoulder when ever the best interests of their party are at stake. A good fighter has a soft and gen erous heart like Grant; no bitterness in his soul; no bates to avenge," Fendleton Re publican. The appointment of Mr. Geer to the Oregon City land office is quite satisfactory to those who understand the situation This b ths tint time that Mr. Geer has been recognised at the hands of any delega tion in congress and is s graceful apprecia tion of his service. The criticism of the appointment appears to come from those who themselves when distributing the plums of office have entirely ignored the claims of Mr. Geer." Hillsboro Independ ent. "V7e regret to see that Bon. T.T. Geer has announced his intention ot not accept ing ths ragistenbip at tbs Oregon City land office if tendered him, as recommended by the Oregon delegation; and now that the president has appointed him, we are sorry indeed, of his probable refusal to take the place. It is very embarrassing to the Ore gon delegation not to he able to satisfy their friends after tbe labored effort they have made to do so." The Dalles Chronicle. There are some questions Mr. Geer should ask himself. Who are they who are so eager to have him decline and snub the delegation? Are they his friends f What purpose have they in view bis benefit or bia injury? It is plain those who are eager to have him decline are not his friends, nor the friends of the delegation, snd they care not what becomes of Mr. Geer if they can use him to embarrass the delegation, They are simply using him as a tool, and his honest nature as a trap for his undoing. Because he is in a formidable position as a presidential elector, they have singled him out as the proper person to defy, gracefully bulldose and dictate to the delegation. He may learn later that this is a dangerous thing to do." Astoria Evening Mews. "The 'friends' of T. T. Geer who pre vailed npon him to decline the Oregon City land office have placed him in antagonism with the congressional delegation when there was no necessity for so doing. He ill now find himself identified with the Simon-Lord -Scott combination, who held up the last legislature. It is unfortunate for Mr. Geer, even if he has been promised tbe governorship or tbe nomination for congress from bis district." Astoria Hews. "It can be said kind 1 shall no refuse the appointment it tendered.'" Salem Statesman, Tn report that Mr. Geer has de clined the Oregon City land office ap pointment will be a source of surprise and regret to bis many republican friends in Columbia county, wbo would have been pleased to see him installed in the custom house at Portland, but recognizing tbe custom long in vogue whereby the congressional delegation may recommend, and believing im plicitly in tbe ability of Senator Mc Bride and Congressmen Ellis and Tongue to do the very best thing un der all tbe circumstances, a large num ber of Columbia county republicans think Mr. Geer has acted unapprecUt ingly toward tbeee gentlemen, and more especially so since the present delegation is the only one that has ever recognised his services to the party as being meritorious, notwith standing the fact that Mr. Simon, Mr. Dolpb, Mr. Scott,' Mr. Lord and Mr. Corbett have been in a position for many years to assist Mr. Geer to re sponsible positions. without disparagement that Hon. Charles B. Moores, If hs receive the appointment from the president, will be the best equipped man for the duties there of who ever took charge of tbe Oregon City laud office. He will aot need any clerks, excepting to perform duties beyond bis own capacity for work." Salem Statesman. In spite of his sbls services, Mr. Geer has always been strangely overlooked when substantial recognition was being made to the tried snd faithful. Year after year he has been ignored, aad yet year after year he led the way to victory. He has never let his personal disappointments disturb his party loyalty, nor temper his seal. It was therefore with genuine pleasure that his friends and admirers learned that the Oregon delegation had recommended tbe appointment of Mr. Geer as register of the land afBce at Oregon City, for which posi tion there were fifteen candidates. The office is an honorable, important and profit able one. It is one of the best places at tbe present disposal of the delegation. In common with many of bis other warm friends, the Gazette acknowledges a feeling of disappointment that Mr. Geer did not receive the coliectorship, for which hs was more particularly a candidate, but appre ciating the difficulties that beset ths mem bers of the delegation In making selections from so many good republicans for so few offices, and believing that they are in ths beet position to be the best judges, ws ten der congratulations to Mr. Geer and to tbe delegation." Corvallis Gazette, Sept. 10. "Charles B. Hoeres was yesterday inter viewed by a representative of tbe States man in regard to his probable course in the matter of bis recommendation for the regis tership of the Oregon City land office. He plying to inquiries, he said : 'If the recom mendation of tbe congressional delegation approved and tbe appointment is made I shall accept. Col. K. A. Miller, the present register, assnres me that while tbe business of the office has not been so large during tbe psst four years ss in fonder years, tbe story of dwindling fees is greatly exagger ated and that tbe office is worth $3,000 an nually. I regret the complications thtt surround tbe matter, but my relations to it are entirely different from those of Mr. Geer. When Mr. Geer was appointed I bad supposed the question was finally settled. bare not met aay of the delegation since, and the first intimation I had of my selec tion was contained In the telegram I re ceived from Senator McBride announcing that I bad been recommended for tb place, and this is the only communication I have received from any of them since Mr. Geer's appointment. As this has corns to us without conditions or suggestions of any 'As to the Oregoman's charge that Mr, Geer has been turned down by the so-called 'Mituhell-McBride"oowoiaat(on,we should like to have that paper Inform Its readers wby Mr. Gear wss not taken ears of by the Simon push when they practically dictated every office In the state-controlled the con ventions and named the nominees? Mr. Geer is no new srrlval. Hs Is a native sou ef Oregon and after years ot splendid work on the stump it was left to ths so-called "Mitohell McBride" combination to recog nise his valuable services and give him a plaoe on ths state ticket. Tbe second time hs Is reoocuiaed we find that It is by ths same "Mitekeli-McBride" combination. If Mr. Geer is such sn ideal man as the Ore- gonlan seems to bsvs so lately discovered him to be. It Is quits strange that Joe Si mon and the Oregon tan did not give him a boost long ago. The fact of the matter Is that It is anything to make trouble aad there Is s good deal of groping in the dark for a tangible exouse to stir up a hornet's nest." fendleton Republican. BERK AND KVEKV WHERE. Wheal has struck a 8 :40 gait as an equivalent per bushel for silver bullion, , The word popocrst this year means a man who eiplaius what he thought be meant a year ago. Any man that has been whining about the future of the united States may expect to be roughly handled. Europe wants our beef and pork this year as well ss our wheat and cotton. ' Tbe microbe on Americau products fa no longer in evidence. Tbe poet who wrote about the mild September used the wroog adjective as regards eastern and southern states. September was evidently invented to show the need of longer vacations. Last year the American crop of cot ton alone was worth live times as much ss the silver output. The silver ite party is nursing a very small issue with very poor success. The New York Herald sava that 28.- 000 more skilled laborers are employed now than at tbe same time last year. No form of prosperity fa mors solid or more weloome. The 600 dead horses scattered along the trail near Skaguay are a lament- bie waste of provisions. A horse steak will be a great luxury in Alaska before the snow stops flying next spring. If anybody ever said that prosperity in this country could never come under tbe cold standard he should be allowed the privilege of silence. mistake as big as that demands hu mane treatment. Ohio figures no a gain of over 139 000,000 over last year in the value of its agricultural products. The ad' vance agent of prosperity will pass muster on that, though some of the states have done better. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. neft. Si Bills ageatsn Si CITATION TO HEIRS. In the County Court of the State ot Oregon, tor Columbia County, In the mailer ot the Kstat.of Oalas Oherrlugton, (lev,!. To Vernunia V. Pawann, heir at law ol Oslas Cherriugton, deueased, and to ail heirs uo, anowu. It any there be: TK THB NAMK OF TUB HTATE O ORKQON, JL niamied to be and appear County Court or the State yon. are harvbi com 1 before the Hvuorable i of Oregon, In and for me vouuiy orcoiumtua. at tne Court-House, tn 8U Helous, Oregon, on Haturdsy, the tUrd day of October, A. U. 17, at 10 o'clock A. at. of said uay, oemg me regular eepieiuoer term nt sHl Court, to show cause, If any exist, why an ontnr of sale ot the whole of the o-artnershtp real estate of Able and Cherrtnitou, should uot be made as prayed for In the petition ol the exec utorol the last will of Usiiis Uherrlngton, de ceased, and administrator of the partnership estate of Able and Chorrlnetou, now on Ale In said Court; said lutrttu-nihip real estate belug de- Knimi a follows tu-wu: Flrst-The NSof NKW; IheNRVofNWWt the fractional SW' al N w'J: the 8E'of NWtJ, and the HH of NK-J()f Section No. 31 In Township No. S North of Ranim No. 1 Wast of lbs Wilhuu. ette Meridian in Multnomah County. Stale of urvgon, and coutainiug 271.14 sores of land. Second A tract of laud situated In said Mult nomah County, Oregon, and containing 70 aerea; said tract of land being knowa and de- scruxm as "ins joy 70 acre Trent," ana is sit uated lu theSoulu end of the Hani. Latnbereon and Man Jane lambvnou Douatton Land Claim, in Section No. 'A in Township No. S North, ot Bans No. t West of the Willamette Merhlisu. and is more particularly described In a certain deed Hum I- M. joy and wtfetojeok son Able and U. Cherrtmrton. dated October l'jth 1IV4S, and which deed Is reoorded tn the Koeords of Multnomah county, Oregon, In Book lots, at paire 46U, to which reference Is hereby made for turtner description, in seatimonv whereof. I. Jndsoa Weed. CterS of the County Court aforesaid, do hereunto set my band andamx the seal ol said County Court, at my ottleeln the City of 81. Helens, Oregon, una iota aay or eeptemoer, a. i. t ifiiwiiu ivssn t east, i County Clara-. (rami irouaTl SI70XI J. JS.. Ja. A AsrWsfkanVjsUnViaVj Your Money's Yorth Every Time Dolman's Store. . . . OASTOriXdL alalia - . . sr Sf. .Cit4. ts en wren Is Sarea She Crawwy Chliarwai, Biavisw, Vs. Ws have a splendid sale on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and our customers coming from far and near, speak of it in the highest terms. If any have said that their children would bavs died ot croup it Chamberlain's Cough Remedy had not been given. Kills A Odbkix. Tbe 25 and 60 cent sixes for sale by Dr. E. Boss, fzefis- stalls Stgaatar. OASTOIUA. tsss 4S Earl's Clover Root Tea, for consumption it's ths best and if after using It you don't say so, return the psckage and get your money. Bold by Dr. Edwin Ross. tsetse- stalls OiUBTOXlXaV, Is as wtatfsa Stop that eoogb I Take warning. It msv lesd to consumption. A 2So bottle of Bhlloh's cure may savs your life. Sold by vt. iuiwm Ross. Get Your Letter Heads, 5 Note Heads, Envelopes, Etc. LOWEST PRICES The Hist ZjMMIhsflsisfflrfPs Wheel I iwsrr 100! 1 i 9 STYLE! Tbe lightest Running Wheels on Earth. THE ELDREDGE moANDtm THE BELVIDERE, We slwavs Made esse tewing atreftlassl Why fUMalsVt we Msae (seed Wftesstsl National Sewing Machine Co., tit Broadway, Pactorri NewVerfc. Bdvkiere, Uls. CITATION. la the County Court of the State of Oregon, for coiumnia veuniy. In the Matter of the Kstate of Philander Harris, an incompeteui nemin. 7UKRBaS, W. J. Ml'CKI.K, TUB DPI.Y VV appointed. Qualified and artlua euardiaa of the person and estate of Philander Harris, an incompetent person, has Sled his peUtion lu the abore entitled Court asking fur a license or autnonty to sell tbe following-described real estate belonging to the Mate ot said Philander Harris for tbe purpose of proeurlng means tor me maintenance 01 in e said warn, namely tne East one-half of the Southwest auarter of 8ee- tlon 21, Township 7 North. Hange i West of Uta niiuHKiwii.iniiMi, Now. therefore, the hearinv of said netluon Is set for Monday, November 1st, MI7, at the hour oc to o eiora a. at., auu tne place is at tne County Court-Hnose. in 81. Helens, Oregon, at whiob lime and place all persons Interested In said property and In said estate, or either of in em. are Berenr notified and reuuired to an- pear and show cause, If any they hare, why said Ktltlon should uot be granted and the said laud sold, and said notice of this hearlog to be published for three oonsecuUre weeks lu the Oivxon Mist. Pone al Chambers this 13th day of September, j. n. in). County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I. ths undersigned administratrix of the estate of Frank hi Meeker, deceased, have filed in the ofBce of ths county elerk of tbe County of Columbia, Slate of Oregnn, my Hnal account of my administration upon tbs said estate of the said deceased, and that tbe lion. i. B. Poan. judge of tbe County Court of said County and Htate, has appointed Tuesday, October l'Jth, 1HU7, at 1 o'clock P. M ., and ths courtroom of aid county courthouse, iu the City of Ht. Helena, in said County snd Bute, as the time and place for ths bearing and settle ment of said final account, at which titns snd place any person Interested in said es tate may appear and tile their objections thereto. Dated at Ht. Helens, Oregon, Hep tember9th,18!7. KMKL1NK MEEKER, Administratrix of the aetata of Frank M Meeker, deceased. SIO08 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT we. tbe undersigned administrators of tbe estate of Cutbbert ritunip, sr., deoeaaed. have filed In tbe office of the county elerk of Colombia eon sty, Btate of Oregon, our float account ot onr administration nnnn said estate; together with oar petition for final distribution of tbe residue of said es tate among tbe persons entitled thereto; that tbe Hon. J. B. Doan, Judge ot the County Court of said Con nty and Htate, bas appointed Monday the first day of Novem ber, 1007, at one o'clock p. m., and lbs court-room ot said Court at the County Court-house, in the City of tit. Helms, In said County and Htate, as the time and place for the settlement of said final sa. count and the bearing of ssid petition for distribution: at which time and place any person Interested In aaid estata mav snnur and file their objections thereto. Dated at ot. Helens. Oregon. 8ttember tftb.lMtf. A. HTUMPand CCTHBERT 6TTJMP, Jr., Administrators of the Estata of Cnlhbert Stump, Br., deceased. slOoS Lumber All kinds of rough end tlressod Lumber ou short notice. Builders' Material Of the best quality delivered to any point ou tbe river at the Lowest Possible Price One-half Cash and One-half la FARM PRODUCE. Address all ordorsto H. B. BORTHWICK, G0BLE, OREGON. O.E.&N. -TO THB- GIVES THt OHOI0I OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RY. VI SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL CHICAGO OltSOON SHORT LINE. ' . vt ' DENVER SALT LAKE OMAHA KANSAS CITY LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS " LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAY8 FOR San Francisco For full Information call on or addrsae W. H. ilUHLDURT, Gen. Pass. Agent, Pobtlsid, Oa. PROFESSIONAL. NOTICE OF FINAL 6CTTLCMCNT NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT I. THE uaderslaned atmlnlLimtnr of t h m .at ni Charles Isaksen, decease'), have Sled in the office of the Clerk of the Conntv Court of the Btate of Oregon. In and for Columbia Conntv. my final account and netltlon for Anl rllatrihti. son 01 me residue, in tne matter Ol seia estate; nw uie nun. . a. wmu, junge 01 sata lMJrt, has appointed Tuesday, the 2nd day of Novem ber, 1897. at 10 O'clock A. M. of that die. as th. time, and the Court-room ol said Court at the County Court-House, in tbs City of Ht. Helens, In said County and Slate, as tbe place for tbe settlement of said account, and the hearing of aaid petition for distribution, at which time and piace any person interested may appear and file their objection thereto. CHRISTIAN HOVEN, Administrator of ths Estate of Charles Isaksen, ucceaseu. szeuzv J. W. BAY W. B. DIU.ABD ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office next door to Courthouse, , HKUEHtJ, OKEUON. Genera! oraetlee In eonrta of Orecnn or Wash' tngtou. Abstracts made directly trout county rewras. - ANTEDFAITH FTJ I MEN OB WOMEN - ei.ri ivetiruuBBiriei gajWVIUIlta HO UN n Oregon. SUry $780 and tipnM. posttloa fMrmtnenk Itotonmc. JEneluM if-fjudrfMd Dipfd nrlop. Tbt) NaUoiia. Mar " j irr Hhi 1 Get Value Received EVERY TIMC AT N. A. Perry's, HOULTON, OREGON. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -8TEAMeR Young America -VIA- WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave 8t. Helens.. ... Arrive at Portland... Leave Portland . . . Arrive at fit. Helens. . 6:30 A M .10:1)0 A M . 2:30 P M . 6:00 P M mbe ss CEirra. Will Carry Nothing bnt Passengers ana met r reigut. JAMES GOOD, MASTER, WANTED FAITHFUL MEN OB WOMEN to trarsl for responsible established boase In Oregon. Salary S7eo and ex penses. Fosltles permanent. Reference. Inclose self-addressed stamped enrelope. Ths National, Star Insur ance BMg Chicago. WANTED FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEN to treys! for rstoonslbla sstahllshsd hn,u In Oregon. Salary $780 and espenses. position permanent. Reference. Enclose self-addressed atampad enrelope. The National, Star insur ance Bldg., Chicago. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORN EY - AT - LAW. Collections, foreeloenres, mediantcs lelna, eto. ueputy prosecuting attorney, umos with X, J. Cleelon. St. Helens, Okkoon. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COCN8ELOR-AT LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abstract Books, Notary Public, Commis sioner 01 ueeus lor rvasnuiKton, sou an exper ienced collector In connection with office. DENNIS & TIMMONS, Attorneys anil Counselors at Law. General Law Practice. Collections, Foreclosures, Mechanics' liens, ate. Will practice in all the eonrta of Oregon and Washington. Tatiob Buildiko, - - Br. Hxr,sng, Os. JB. EDWIN B08M, , . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon JJR. H. ft. CUFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St, Helens, Oregon. )R. i. M. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. -.. Clatekaiiia, Columbia county, Or. yy N. MESERVE, Surveyor and Cml Engineer DELBNA, OREGON, Conntv finrvevne. T.anrf flnrvavlnir Town Platting and Engineering work promptly executed. WfTJLDdlrI'n,PI' 0 WOMEN to travel for respensl Me established bouse tn Oregon. Salary 7 snd expenses. Position penoahpat. Referenee. Enclose self-addressed "f" e National, 8tat Insur SMe aidf,, Chisago. Dart & Eauckl' lfssjgMBri. -IS THE PLACE TO GET Choice Groceries ST, HELENS, OREGON, Complete Line of Clothing SHELF HARDWARE AND NOTIONS. Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain. ST. HELENSJV1EAT MARKET All Kinds of Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon and lard Meats by Wholesale -At Special Rates. James H. Shcld Off, MAINBTRVRT, t I HT. IIICIiWNW. OIlWttON, Clatskanie Drug Store Net and Select Stock. DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. Patent Medicines and Druggist's Notions. Stationery, School Boots. Prescriptions Caicltilly Compounded r si JsfaWn gsfteaJeflsV ST. HELENS HOTEL.... Our tables will at all times be found supplied with the best edibles tui ti'Iioru's the market affords, TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS The bolel having been newly refurnished ws are tr pared to give satis faction is all our patrons, and solicit your patronage. j J. George, Proprietor, St. Helens. Or. I ff'W js If "W ay V eya ay ay sgs ayTearejp ay ay ay ay ay yay ajnyyia Buy Your Shoes From Us 1 Reduction Sale Ladies9 Shoes Ladies' Tan 1.75, Oxford, Square or Round Toe, $x.2$ Ladies' Tan $2.50, Oxford, Square or Round Toe, $1.85 Ladies' Tan $1.00, Oxford, Square or Round Toe, 85c Misses Shoes Misses Tan $3.00 Shoes, sizes njg to a, tW.50 Misses Tan $1.50 Shoes, sizes 11 to a, $1.25 Men's Shoes Gents $5.00 Tan Shoes, Square or Opera Toe, size 5, $ and 6 for... ; LEO SELLING, 4A7 Third, Bet Yamhill ami Morrison, 101 PORTLAND, OREGON. Send Us Your Mall Order. IIUCKLE BROS. -' MAKOfAOTtlSgSS 0 ' Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Bustle, Sheathing, Casings, and a complete stock of eyeiy variety of Eough and Dressed Lumber ALWAYS On HAND. AT THB OLD STAND, ST. HELKKS OBKOOK ORIENTAL HOTEL A. H. JU.AKEBI.RY, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT BATKS. The table Is supplied with th. best the eisrtrt .(Tunis. Kverylhliigolean. rpsl' rouav. I. solicited, HT. HKl.hNrt. 01 UOtl PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE STEAMER O. "VV. SHAVER, Dell Shaver, Master. Cororoendne Attrll lfi. 1N(M. will Wv Pnril Tuesdsf Thursday and Hunclny eveninga at ft o'clovk. lioturnliig-.cavu Olslakaiile, (H)VT ninai at 6 o'clock. Will p "": lnl'ortlnnai:30 A. M. inmiiav .nil H-rn .vnniiin. avger7:2T: Rulnlnr 8:20: Kalaina ll:l: ni. Helena I0:.K). Arrl' JL I lie company reserve, the right to cliange time without noil"1 BHAVKK THANSFOHTATIOIV OOnfAKS THE JOSEPH KELLOGG & COMPANY'8 RIVER STEAMER FOR PORTLAND Leaves Kelso Mondays, Wednesdays, snd Fridays al 5 o'clock a. m. IV Portland Tuesdey, Thursday and Saturday at 6 o'clock a. m.