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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1897)
1 J V. BiiOH Elotd. Last Mon ejaytha annual school Uotioo for the ot Portland w.. held fd In the election ot Mr. I. V. Besoh dirsctor lor wo candidates in ths flold betide. Mr. Hitch. J. D. 1 n X.nna, nd ool of 848. toUs cast Mr. Jjiaoh received 2270. BiPHiimnvi Kum DAD.Mr. J.H. Kruie, populist representative from Olaokernss county, died In the .um hnanltal 1m t Monday of typhoid fever He i bd Imm" confined to hit 1 Srt.reTiw.kt, but hi. d..t ot looked for. H w one of h. S Imembere of the Dayl. -oust) lathe 1 late attempted Uglilttura. I CoLUonno Tami.- fi''erlf..R'" filed hie taxoollectlnf bond with the I court lMt Wednesday a week eg o, the me being approved nd f'P' I and Mr.Hica ie bow t! i The total U to be collected la MtV 058.69, divided " Whwi ' BwUI aohool tea, M.860.8TI road, $1,030.80; CHy of VeVnonlj f 81 S general U,, : state, county and eohool, VdS,14o.3V, I la Bmold. Messrs. Hanstaaw and Henderson, who aome time ago pur- chaeed the national notei in roruaiio, have told their Intereet In the builoett and retired. Had It not been for the hot that thete gentlemen made a prof itable sale tbey would not have die poeedoflt, and they are probably a good many dollar! ahead on the deal Mr. Hendsrtoa la again a resident of Houlton, where he will probably reaide In the luture. MoKimley'i Cabinbt. Preildeut VeKinley't cabinet oonsists ol the following well-known gentlemen t Sec retary of state, John Sherman, ot Ohlot treasury. Lyman J. Gage, of Tlllnnla: new. John D. Long, of Mat aohutettei; war, Russell A. Alter, of Miobigan; agriculture, Jamei F. Wil eon, of Iowa; interior, Cornelius N Bliss, of Nsw York; postmaster gen eral, James A. Gray, of Maryland ; at toner general, Joseph McKenoa.of California. His Eras Omdd "I have almost eworn that I will never cast a vote for another populist as long as I lire,' aid a oiliien of Salem yesterday, a man whe has riven as much time and labor to the cause of populism the nut two rears as any man in the .state. "I am so disgusted with our vofHilial leciilstora for allowing them selves to fall into the eluicuee ot the uosorupulous Joe Bimon, only to be nnrerinionlouely dropped Into the slough of despond wben he had need them to his satisfaction, that I have lost all faith In the wisdom and sagac Ity of our leaders, and I am going to wash rt.y hands of the whole pack of d o fool. The number ot promt ent populists who will echo thia seu timent is legion. Statesman. BsnAToa Dolph'i Cohditiow. The life of ex-Senator Dolph has been de sprired ot for several days. Fur many years he has been a sufferer from die- JhiUi. B careful dielinff hit life hat probably been prolonged for several years. One day last week Mr. Dolph became a sufferer from a gangrened tore In his left foot from which blood poisoning resulted and in order to save tile life amputation became necessary and at once, eousequeutly the limb was taken off Just above lue Knee, The patient, at last accounts, was 1m proving slightly and some hopes for Ms recovery were entertained. Mr. Dolph Is 00 years ol age and thie fact makes his condition mora eriuoal than it wonld otherwise have been Later Mr. Dolph died at 10. -60 a. m weauesaay. LacTuaa on Turkey. The women of the Aid Society of this place have invited D. P. Thompson, of Portland, to lecture here tor the benefit ol the Congregational church fund, and re ceived a reply that be can come in the Aear future. The subject of his leo ture will be "Turkey," and while min ister to that country ha acquainted himself with the habits and customs ol that strange people. Where he has lectured on this subject in different towns ot the etate, and especially to the schools, the lectures have been considered rery intereating and in structive. He will hare for ethibilion some Turkish costumes and articles of decoration, whioh will add inierest to his "talk," as he modestly terms it. The admission lee to the leoture will be 15 cents; children 19 cents. A rare treat is in store for those who avail themselves ol this opportunity. Thi 8bttlbrs Win. The mandate ot the United Slates suprtme court in the suit of the United Statea rt. the Oregon and California Railroad Com pany was received in the United States circuit oourt in Portland last Satur day. This ia what is known as the overlap land ease, and effects the rights of settlers of lauds In Washington county. The suit was brought by the United States on behalf of the settlers and was decided in their favor by .Judge Bellinger. The railroad com ipany appealed to the United Statea -eirouit oourt of appeals, wt)ioh reversed Judge Bellinger's decison. An appeal was then taken by the United States to the supreme court, and the decision of Judge Bellinger waa affirmed, aud the decis on of the United States cir cult court of appeals was reversed, and the settlers therefore win. Attorney George II. Williams appeared in be halt of the eettlers and argued theii case in Wain inn ton before the su prerne court. The lands were granted to the Oregon Central railroad Com pany on the proposition that they were to build a railroad to Astoria, whicn eras not done. The Oregon and Call' forma Bailroad Company subsequent ly claimed to hold the lauds as the auooesiors of the former. Dtnrtn ( Ibe Orla. Fbe greatest danger from la grippe I of its resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care U used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Anion- (lie tens of thousands who hsve used llil remedy for la grippe, we have not yet to learn of a tingle case having resulted in pneumonia, which sbowt oonoluilvely that this remedy It e certain oreventtve of that dread disease. It will effect a nermanent cure in lest time than any other treatment. The 28 and 60 cent siset for tilt by Dr. Edwin Ron. PERSONAL AMD LOCAL. , Aa adlournsd term of circuit court will be held here tomorrow. Edgar A. Ketthla has been In th city several days visiting relatives. Edward II. Fhilbrook arrived In this city yesterday from Portland. Mrs. J, 0. Muokle waa a nassanaer tor Portland on the Potter Monday. Bohool Superintendent Watts, of Soappoote, waa In town last Friday, The"F. D " brand of butter can be had by calling at the reti ieuos ot Mr. The drama "A Fisherman's Luck." will be produced here about the 24th of April. Attorney Joseph, of Portland, was attending to lecal business in probate court here last Saturday. Ber. Fhilbrook will preach at 8cap- poose nest Sunday morning and at Iloulton In the evening. At the recent school meeting at Iloulton J. B. Godfrey was chosen di rector and G. D. Gilson clerk. Fred Caples started Wednesday for Bossland, B. O,, and other points in the Uppor Coulumbia river region. J. W. Bonnell, of Portland, was In our olty last Monday and Tuesday en bis way to bis place in fJarloo valley, Mils Mary Gilinore, after vlailiog her parents here for several days, re turned to Oregon City Monday morn ing.' N. A. Ferry, of Iloulton. was a Port land visitor last Friday night, return ing Saturday morning on the Tele phoue. The oldest son of Mr. Clarence Gar rison, of gnappoosa bay, is reported to be threatened with an attack of ty phoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dow, ot Oak Island, were in the city Tuesday and Wednesday, the guest ol Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Harris. Mrs. T. J. Cleeton has been at home durina the oast week entertaining ber mother and brother, from Vernunu, - r . . . who bare beeu visiting hsr. Mrs. J. G. Walls, Miss Mildred Boyle, Miss Marie Watt and Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Frakee. of Soappoote, were in this city last Tuesday evening. B. O. Basen, of Warren, was in this city frlday last. Mr. Haten is desirous of selling his piece and emigrating to a climate asore agreeable to mm. Dr. W. B. Morse, ot Salem, was in this citr a short time laet Friday after oon, and went to Astoria on tne nignv boat, returning to Salem tne next nay. Mr. B. S. Perkins, proprietor and inanaztir of the Hotel Ferkiat, fori land, was In this city last Tuesday on business eonueoled with the county clerk's office. Mitt Orace Herriman. of Astoria, was In thie olty last Monday on her war lo Woodland, where she bas ao oepted a position as compositor on the Lewis ttiver frees. Work on the new Episcopal churob la nroarreatina- in a most satisfactory manner, and by another week, if the weather Is favorable, the edifice will be nearly fluUhed. The Columbia hank was attached Wednesday by W. W. Blakesley, who cliiiua to hate deposited money in the concern and was unable to draw it out because there waa none to draw, Superintendent Watts authorises us to announce tnai sonooi uiatnuw r airintr teachera' resistors or olerk's rec ord books can obtain the same by writing to the county superintendent The preliminary stent were taken in this city last Tuesday evening to institute a temple of Bathbone Bitters. Officers were elected and tne aate as cided on for institution is Thursday, Maou 26th. The dramatic olubot Soappoote will nlar the drama "Handicapped" at Watts 4 Prioe's ball tomorrow (Satur day) evenintv A large honte will un doubtedly greet them and its success ful production is assured. Soma lime since an article appeared in one ol our exchanges in regard to the immenss growth of sprout from a prune tree. Tbis week nr. uouirey hrnourm to tnie omoe sprout irum prune tree 8 feet 4 inohes long, whioh r ..... ..... IS DUI MIW JTO " Banorta from the stale Insane asy lam are to the effeot that Ole Muneou committed from thie plaoe about two months ago, has little, or no enanoe fr Moaeerv. and that the courts will be asked to appoint a guardian tor his estate. . luu Bumeardner. of Deer lilt nd. was in town last Monday looking after his taxes and other matters of Import ance. He incidentally remarked that Columbia county eohould get some oi the Immigration coming westward the coming summer. Nest Monday, March 15th, at 10 ..dock a. tit., the corner atone of the new Episcopal church in this oity will be placed in position by the Bight Rev. BlshoD Barker, of Washington .!.!.. h flea elarrrmen from Port land. Appropriate ceremonies will be held. S. M. Joy, of Bcappoose, who his been at the St. Helens hotel in this citr receiving treatment, died yester- i.v Mfinrnaon. Interment will take plaoe today or tomorrow and the Ur,l will be conducted by the Masonic fraternity of whioh order he was a member. Mr. William Fluhrer.of Maygar, was a psssenger down on the Bliaver i ues a. -oninir. Mr. Fluhrer contem plates moving his ahlnglemill to the Washington side, jutt above Stella, thara ha has ourohssed a tract of Ha is also considering the plan of adding a sawmill plant to his eatab- liihmenl. The number of pertont paying taxes in M. nnuniv has evidently oeen uiiu innntuad durinethe peityeur Last year Sheriff Doan uted 1625 postal cards to notify the taxpayers of the amount of their taxes; this year ak..;r Rina his a bill in for 8000 postal cardt for the same purpose. Tha niimhor of tsxoavsrs in the ooun ty bas evidsmly increased in the last year about 1375. IT. HELENS SCHOOL MOTES. Yin Lottie Hall lias been absent from chool tblt week on account of sickness. Attendanoa hits not hum .a-natf as mnal this wsek on aooounto! wbooplngcougb be ing prevaleat. Wa aotlea that tha Halule Railcw has a school oolniun similar to eurt, which seems wai us editor na -stolen our taunaer." The criduallnc olau It dolus- a taree mount of night work In arithmetic his tory and geography, and are all greatly In terested in their studies, preparing for el iminations at the end of the month. Dr. Rust will lectori in the araduatlna olm In physiology Friday morning on the subjnot of "Respiration and the Voloe." Arraniieraenti have been made with Ibe (iootor to delirer a lecture on physiological subjects onoe a week. Our school column Is otien to anr of our resderi for the dlseusilon of educational matters, and wa anrdlallv Invlla an one Intereited lu eduoatlna to contribute arti cles. Wa believe that education is un mount to ill tblnas. and artlulas on that subject wm oe very acceptable. TUB MCHBIB "0." From time Immemorlnl the nntnbar 7 has been considered by all clauses of people as me luciy number, nut a is lusceptame of Tha ulna disits. 2146678 9. whan addad ara 4ft. which is equal to an even numberof nlnei. If we reverse tbem and subtract one from the other, we will atlll have the same. From this originated the old pussle of subtracting the sum of 49 from the sum of it. Another mathematical pastime, we mnv call it. no doubt, sprung from the same sources that It ending the lost ngare in a reversible number. Take any number vou may think of, provided it is revenable. subtract tbe larger irom tne tniaiter, multiply tnis re mainder by asy one of the nine diiitt. then erase one figure In the product. Tbe question Is to tell wbat this figure la bv knowing the others. Let ut suppose, for example, the number 887 It choVin. This reversed is 786 ; 786 minus W7 equals 90; 99 limes o equau on. now suppose we erase the 4. we have left 09. How would yon tell Irom this what the missing figure Is T Bim- Dly by adding tbe 0 and 9. whicn eqnaia 14. Now. how many added to 14 will make an even number of ninesf Four, of course, which is the answer. Tblt will prove true In every case, with one exception, which le. when tbe nroduot hsDnens to be an even number of nines, then the answer will be either 9 or 0. This subject may be made till more interesting by e lew remarks in nward to "idditlon at ttaht" or "mind reading in addition." 1 Bit u done in toe following mtnner. and wben learned to oerfection. will, we think, afford tomt amusement to our voune friends: ion win lata vonr slate ana write aown any number you have la mind. Wt will suppose you select the number A W T JVVt W.. " . V . ... mind four more rows of figures, which yon will place under the above, of course the same number i.68 of figures being in a row. We re ply that we have also lu mind four urn rows that we will write under Tour. Wt also inform veu tbat we will wi rite tbe answer In addition at above, before we set down the figures, and we write 44,686, which will be the answer. Tbe first row of figures it Suppose you write underneath 4,Bf 6,726 wa win write. 3,274 And again you place We write, and so on Until wa have Tbe tlx rows Adding, we find the 7,638 2..16I 4,5ftt 6.437 7.619 Answer to be the seme.... 44,5881 At that wa wrote for you before setungl down the figures. No matter bow many Unas ol oguret mere ara tne answer may ha written after tha first line Is known. We will leave the explanation of this ior the next Issue ef Thb Mist. In ths Mean time we would be pleased If soma of our young friends would inform ot how It It done. Tbe above It written more for the i sasant reereatlon of tbe school children ban anything else, yet we hive found the "addition at eight" of tome practical use in the efthimlrooru. The rule for the calculation ol simple in terest will be given next week. AHiwtat to QDimona. 1. A man was born May 20 1840, at S o'clock. IS mlnutet and 19 seconds, A. M.. bow old will be be November S, 6 o'olock, 21 minutes and 21 seconds. P. Mf Answer vo years, o monins, uays, hourt. 2 minutes aud 2 seconds. Answered by Messrs, Godfrey aad waiters, 2. I look at tay watch when leaving St Helant and Bnd it Just 13 o'olock (noon) Answered by Messrs. Godfrey aud Win ter!. A A surveyor lavs out a Dfeoe of land In tha form of a triangle, the sides being 10, 10 and xO chains reaxectivelv. How many aores in ItT Answer 8 acres, 138.677 plus root. Answerea oy air. uoairey, 1 lit men In 10 U davt of 8Vt hrs each ean rlla a dllr.h BSU feat lour. 4i feet Wide and im feet deep oi OH aegreea naranese, how many yards of ditch will 12 men dig In YD dayt OI VM art taon, toe aitcn oemg o feet wide. 6H feet deep and ol 11 degree hardness T Answer 17 . jaras. a us wered by Mr. uodlrty, Wa ara reauaslad to let the Sth and 6th nneatinns rnitn another week, aa there is a great dlSerenoe ot opiuloo ia regard to them. - The following question wit tent by a young lady from the North Central sohool, Portland: "A ben layt on an average 130 eggs la a year, worth Mo per doaea. Bhe eata a quart of barley every 5 days, worth o6c a bushel, what Is the profits from this benT" Ant-wer-ll.iaii. Antwerad by Mr. Winters. a aw qoistiom. I. I have a keg containing 8 jtallont of wine; I wish tn divide it between 2 persons, giving each 4 gallons; I hive nothing to measure It with but a 6-gaUon and a S-gal- lon keg. How It it done r I sell two knuiea for 1120 each, en one 1 gain 20 per cent, and on tha other I lose 20 per eeut. Do I gain or lose, and how niuciiT 8. I wish to buy 100 head of stock with 1100. I will pay 10 for horses, 13 for sheen and SO cents for hois. How many of each will! get! 4. . A trea 120 feet hlah b reiki off and the top strikes ths ground AO feet front the bae of the tree. How high It the part standing T 8. A young lady buys a watch for which she pays H ue money ana nas ana a i AnUmr near, a Hraaa ooala har 14 she left and one-half dollar over; a Bat she hat left and half a dollar oyer; apalrpf sheet H the has left and hall a dollar over : sue men nas no money tut. had the at nrstT How muoh 8. The tallowing Is contributed by a res nf HL Helens ! "How many oublo feet in a ttone 8 feet, 3 inches long; 2 feet, 6 lnchet thick ; and 8 feet, 6 inches wider The auaatlona In a-rammar will remain another week. Those who are Interested in thia oolnoin. aad we trust that all are. will onnfer a great favor by sending tbeir contributions as early at possible. RiBBIED. RA8MU8EN-GILM0RE.- In Portland. Oregon, on Wednesday. At arch 10, 1897, at 11 o'clock A. St., in St. David's Epis copal church, by Rer. O. B. Van Waters, Air. Sword Rasmusen, of Oregon City, nd Miss Mary Ann Oilmore. Mrs. liasninfen bat resided with her par ents, Mr. and Mrt. J. Gilinore. here since she waa eleven yean old. and hat a hoatof friend! here who wiah her a long, happy and prosperous Journey through lite, while Mr, Rasmusen is one of Oregon City's most prosperous young men. The young couple will in future reside at Tualatin, near Ore gon I ity, where they own their home. BOB!.. DEMINO. In this city, Monday, March 8th, 1807, to tha wife of Jay Den lug, a daughter. : -.,:j.::.7 ri,i.T..,;i.r-ii - " r-u"u" v-r. .rr"". "i. changed to mat 1 J . " j " r:r sr. ,iir.vt :r " i ""a..,or "'"""ju"' ." . -"" i and that the name ot m!? "S 11 .ZJ... 7 X"1LJ-T.,Zi btli' ""reotor. ana x. U. wattt, clew. , ch.-ed to that ot " A IHIUI. aA auiaautesv Statu atH newwaaw sawow I ..... VEBMOMIA VARIETIES. Mr. Door Keasey passed throngh Verno- nia last ounuay on nie mum , L. Selgert has been elected director In school district No. 46 and Mn. B. J. Mltcu- ellclerk. u u.i.,nn I. an.nln a few davt on h a homestead and win return to noui- . . : . ... . . r i ton next week. Last Saturday a meeting wat held at Z1U- gilt's ball to discuss waya and meant to get a rauroaa to veniuiii. Ultt Nettle Guild arrived from McMlnn- vllla last Saturday, fche will teach the Kttsey school tblt summer. . R FT. Wltalmll has hmtn enlaced to teach In the Schoonraver district, and h. W. Van Dyke In tbe Solomon district. Tha two mad district, on Pebble creek have been consolidated, and Jonas Kautf- roan It supervisor there tblt year. J. B. Dow. who bat lost closed a five month's term of trhool at Vernonia. has been engaged to tench tbe Tucker school, beginning April 1st. Hiss Bertha Detrick. who closed a very successful term of school at Pittsburg last Friday. It visiting Mist Ullllban at ner ranch on East Fork. Tha KanfTman bovs ara tnakinaT lott of Improvement! on their ranchet on Pabblt creek. Tbey also have quite an apiary with improved hives and tome pure Italian queens. On February 17th tbe PebbMiee gathered at the home of K. H. Mitchell and bad a food time. Some people thought tbat Bt. 'atrick'a dav had lumued a month, but on inquiry it wat touiia to oe Jtr. saiicueu s birthday. Last Friday was the last day of the win ter term of school held In Vernonia. In the evsning the regular exercisea of the literary society were dispensed with and "e iwuowiog programme was rcuuercu oy ibe puptlt: " Yankee Doodle".. W. , , 1 . .Elmer Davidson m. u unimi Reading Recitation.. vnn i ucaer . ... Hurt Hosford and Ed Beiseman Head ma... Dialogue, Msgirle Spencer and Ed Sessenian "America line talion "Tb Philharmonic Society Ml mlaPan . . . . Miss Myrtle rowen ee" . Oral 8pencer I Keadine "Tha Dvinc Soldier" Ruby AUen dier"Buby Allen Song-" Who will care for Mother Now'' noes oeraeman Recitation "Pavina Tribute to Our country ana wisningtou" Lena incier Music S. D. Quartet itecltauon "Tbe colorea uuara- . Winnie newin Recitation Delia Da idtoo KecitaUon "Linooln's Soeech at Gel- tytburg" umar opencer Recitation Harrison Rose ReadrDK "The National Flag" Chat Newtii Song "Bally Bound the Flag" f niiuarmonio rjooier Recitation Cleve Melliuger Kecitatloa-"Unooln'e Birthday" , ...Burt Mills Recitation Willie Alien Muslo B. v. tjnartet Recitation Ray Mills Reading "The Flag on Kvery school Hoaaa" L. Davison Recitation Florence Rote ftnnr ftianr-hina Thranah Georcia 7 f v f... ... 1. Ul.a Recitation Roy Davison I new ni.Hni....iiiiiiBUUH duvwvt Valedictory Myrtle foweil Oloeing address ..Prof. J. E. Dow inaintr mnarMai . ..,.rnL af. Ss. ivw i Much tMdlt I. da. Mr. Dow for the toUr- eat taken In school work during the put two wlnteit. COBLE NEWS NOTES. Ooau, March 4, 1897. 8. A. Fowler wat in Portland laat week. H. O. Brown, of Portland, wat In Goble last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tusant. of Portland, were visiting Mrt. 8. A. Fowler last wee a. Miss Bessie Archibald, who hat been at work in tbis plaoe for tome time, hat re turned noma. Tha danca riven at Near City last Satur day night wat wen attenaaa oy now people and intoxicating Deveragee. Mr. Ed Fowler bat Invented a stump- puller, which he is caving great success with In pulling ttumpt en his place near nere. Mr. This, flamon. a brother of Mn. 8. A. Fowler, ku laat arrived home from Jack- aon county, ana reports tne uuiuug uuii- ntst mere at being quite uuii. At th, nhooX meeting held in district No, Quite an excitement waa created at the store of T. 0. Watts laat Saturday night at ! Mr. Bagera waa returning from the nott offlce about 10 o'clock. Hit attention wat attracted by someone In tbe store, and knowing that at tbat time Mr. Watts was in St. Helena, so his suspicion wat aroused. and going to the door he taw a man inside who waa busying himself filling a tack with various articles. He rattled Ibe door and tbe nigbt-bawk Jumped out tha window and made hit escape, but wat arretted the next dav. and be Droved to be Viotor Witel. of Uaukiat' point. MAYO Elt ITEMS. W. J. Binborn aad ton made a trip to Portland last week. Ludwlg Hendricksoa, ot Dent, wit teen in thit vicinity laat week. Mrs John Wilson, who waa recently at tacked by lagnppe, is improving. Mra. Orle was elected clerk and B. H, King school director In thit district. Mra. 1. W. Boats, who his been lick for the past two months, it able to be up onoe more. A deckhand on tbe steamer Shaver was drowned at thit place last Thursday even ing a weea ago. Messrs. Buckler. Casper aad Davidson are clearing land on tbeir respective ranchet at present. Messrs. Sanborn. Wilson and Lillard ware called to Clatskanie last ween as witnesses in tha Davidson vs. Blackford lawsuit. The deoiaion waa in favor ot m r. uaviuaon A large crowd attended the debating so ciety lait Friday night to hear the question hRmaIm that nnnTint labor should com pete with honest labor,'! discussed. The question waa ably bandied by both sides, .t.. .,..,;. -,.. ai1m.Mriil but the nagatiya wat tuoceastui. Fraaa Orlpnla Creetc. Alter the big tire in Cripple Creek, I took a very severe cold and tried many remedial without help, tbe cold only becoming more settled. After using three mall bottles ot Cbamberlaln't Cough Remedy, both the oough and cold left tne, and in thit high altitude ii take. . meritorious cough reme- dy to do any gooa. u. a. nenaersou, sai lor Dally Adrertiser. For tale by Dr. Ed win Ross. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Farm for Sale! Thlrtv-flve acres of land lying on Milton oreelc, about one mile west of Iloulton, Co lumbia I ountv. and known as the Shannon plaoe. There are about 13 aores cleared. Prina. 10(10. For terms annl to Mra. S. R. Weetcott, southwest corner Park and Yam hill. Portland. Or., or 8. 8. Way , St. Helena, uoinmoia uounty, ur. - na-st CASTORIA for Infanta ajtd. Children. Tttika. Bisula Urn Stguiui, SI FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT The underrigiifd hat Bled, In the County Oonrt of the Btate of Oregon, for trlml- i..,.tin nnon the estate Jf Benj8mln Ki N,4r deceased; and that tha ludce of said Court bas appointed Haturdav. A or 1 1 8. 1897. at 10 oetoca A. aim im vuum to.ii . - . i i . . M, . .!. i Court. In Wt. u.l.n. In ..M ivinntv and Btate. aa tbe I time and nine for the bearing thereof, at which time and place any person Inter ested may appear sua con"i l""VJ" Administratrix of tha Estate of Benjamin ns ivn s-m m i x mm. . . Near, deceased. " NOTICE TO CREDITORS. vroTICB 18 HERKBY GIVKH THAT 111 ti. nnirlnd lias, bv the County nnH. Ar atatm nl ftrmann. tar theCounty I of Columbia, been duly appointed adminis trator of the estate of Elizabeth Beeghley, iiMti-nMirl. and that all persons bavlnc ...I,.., tha aatata of laid deceased sre hereby notinea ana requirea iiwii. the same duly verified and with proper voucher, to the undersigned at inch ad ministrator, at hit place of residence near Vernonia, Oregon, within tlx moBtht from the date of this notice. Dated March 6, 1897. Administrator of the Estate of Eliaabeth Raeahlev. deceased. CITATION TO HEIRS. In the County Court of the State ot Oregon, for I uotumoia ioniT. i In the Matter oi tbe Estate of Frank M. Meeker, I wfijAAb.v Ann. flmlth. Anderson Smith. Willie Bmllh, Utile Bmun ,d m.u... a i . v. L.u. .. i. n, ,Mnk at. Meeker, de-1 ceased, and to all other heirs of said deceased, .. l n I. -nv k.m hji- IN THI! HM1! OFTHE STATS ur ubiuuh, Too, and each of you, are hereby enm- r. -IT t.7r. ,h. Honorable county Court ol the Htate of Oregon, In and lor tne county oi wiomoii, a","ri"iiniw 'yt?S!SiSSV& said day. it Deinc tne regular mmj wmw J? IX it. 5,.i. w . .xtat. whv an order ' w . ..ia 0f sale ol all the real property Deioniinc . estate, should not be rosde, as prayed for In the eetltlon on ale In said Court; said real property "Hs ecrtbed " follows, u-wij. oi'ourth Interest In and to the soulh- , .mthMit Quarter, and tbe .Mk... o,,.rfrn, the anuthweat a darter, ol aeetlon number one, In township number two north of range number two west ot tbe w ium etia Meridian. In Multnomah County, State of Oregon, and containing In the wh ignty acres oiiana. ,, , . .v in testimony wnereoi, , "U"Y " rJr''r f w I m2 ami uj .n th. nf mm court, mi mr I ice in the Citr of St. Ueleni, oi wrvsuu, thl 4th dar of March. A. V. wf. Mil. ,u W7 ol 1 LUi j Icooutt oouar niLj JVWOK WEED, County Clerk. (ml2a23) jsy n. . n.siii, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE or REAL ESTATE. N' imn is HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN I nursnanoe of an order of tbe Connty Court court I of the Btate of Oregon, lor uoinmpia wmmr. made ana enterea in tne matter ui uio vmttm AammmaA An the flth dsv of Febru ary. MOT. the nnrtenlgned. the admlnlitratorof ne.saio eswie, win eaii -"V'.V nignest maaer, ior ein, gom com uo Htates ana muject to wuiiniimw. ui County Court on Monday, the 15th dar of March, A. D. 1W7, ma t.lUa. A W aft sKat favvnt rlfvnr Of th I a jbj IJ V VSV A aat-f aaa, 1HV aave ' - T - 1 rA tT.u In fit RAlMnci. In B&id CoontT D(I I . .it .i ' -iV-a a-iln Inftawaaart atnel aaaataYIA ilf I nutuj. mn mo tiku. www, - - TPJ&tRWiE .iikiBk, ,llart1 intoreatthat tha I late nsa oy operation wi w . - quired, other than or in addition to that of the I to all that lot. Piece or parcel oi re.i ... nninmhta County. Rtite of Oregon, and particularly described aa follows, I to-wlt: The south half of the southwest quarter. section twenty-alx in township seven north of ...... ,,mhr flv Mt nt the Willamette Meri dian, and containing 160 acre, of land, together Wltn an improvement mrnwu. T-AM.a ...H .1 (M.n nf aale. Cash. Gold Coin of the United Statea, Ten Per Cent i of the pnr h.umnnAv in h nai.1 tn tha said adminis trator on the day of sale ; balance on eonilrma- tloo ol sale by sua vounty won. A,1H Administrator of tha Estate of John Keller. deceased. ORDER ON PETITION. In the Connty Court of the State of Oregon, for uolumme ircuniy. Tn th matiar nf tha anDlication for the change of names oi Busy Harriet r w and Beatrice Ioua Foster, miner chbV Beatrice O. Merrill, having filed in the rv.nnrv Conrt of the Htate of Oregon, lor rnimhia rtniintv. her rjetition Driving thai ! name of Busy jnnrnet rwiwr, us . . . . . ww ; i, nnir nirr Bb aniui, Keatrice tona revw Beatrice tons Mer rill." ...... It la ordered by the uourt mat Baiuruev, the Srd dav of Anril. 1807. at 10 o'clock A. M., and the Courtroom of said Conrt, at tha Court House in 8t Helens, Oregon, be nrf tha aama ia hereby appointed as the Uma and nlaca for tha hearing of the said petition; at which time and place all per sons may appear and ahow cause, it any tbey nave, wny sara appm.-i; n namniaHanraved lor in said netitlon. And It it further ordered that a copy of thi order, duly attested by the Clerk of mmtA rinnpL k mihliahsd in the Oregon Mist, a weekly newspaper ot general circu lation, printed and published in said County and Bute, and that the tame be to pub lished for it least once a week for four con secutive and successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. , ., UlteU Ulll lit day Ol marca, ioi . J. B. DOAfil. Attest: County Judge. Innailf Wain, tjuuntv UllTK. faaat. 1 m8l2 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State ef Oregon, for the county oi uoiumoia. Waller J. Burns, plaintiff, C. C. Cole, Amanda Cole, J. P. Marshall, Josle I joie, w. u. nenaersou aou aww i 1.f.T..t. .... To 0. C. Cole, Amanda Cole ana Josle cole, ae-1 rv raiVm n Tn STATK OF OREGON. 1 I vn.. m h.Mhf nMintred to aDoear and I answer the oomDlaint filed walnut you In the I iKTe entitled salt In the above named Court on or before Tuesday, the eleventh day ol May, D. H7, said date being the first day of the next r will take deorae aaalnst you, ana eacn oi you, rorecioaing that oerUtn mortgaxe executed on the 29th day of July, 188. by will W. Cole and W. O. Hender son, as partners under the Arm name of Cole k Henderson, to one Wm. Dunbar on all of the following ""JTim inVnahS One (1) in Beotion Thlrty-ilx (86) in lownanip jn n Nonh o, R two a) west I of the Willamette Men, of the Willamette Meridian, containing U.tsi acres, more or less; also the west One-half (H) of I the Northeaat One-fourth 04), and the South-1 east Quarter of the Northeast quarter, of Section I Number Tnirty-nre toj, in rowuamn numucr Seven nl Nonh. Ranee Number Two (2) Weat of the Willamette atenaia containing 120 acres. mora or leu: ,M.m Phttln.. Outfit, and ill buildings erected thereon, for the lu u.reuii, ... u i vment In full of a i purpose of seeurina the paymei SffS. K'J! Id'.te aeuverva w i bv said Cole I . . . ..I A Henderson, whereby the said Cole A Header on agreed to pay to said Wm. Dunbar on or be-1 fore lemomni liter aaie oiaaiu ww i. w i Fifteen Hundred Dollars, with Interest at the I rate of eieht per cent, per annum until paid, ana In case suit Is Instituted to collect said n I note, any portion thereof, then such a sum is should 5XvanuM'ttot' rh mnVMmiM tn twia moranucv iwiug fu v . . 1 . h. aui.l A RnnHemnn tnthe aald TV 111 Ininh&r. anil nnnriitlnnfid for the Davmant Of tho I said sum of 1500, and interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum, until paid and Ior tbe payment ol an taxea upon tne props mAntinneo In aaid mnrtsraora: and aatd mortll axea uoon the property I said mortgage; and Slid mortgage haina mcorded In the office of the County Clerk of Columbia Couuty, tn Book K, page SH8 of the Ol VHJluuiuia WUU.J . 1U DW. O, W(. " Records of Mortgages of said County; and tbe further relief demanded In said suit Is (1) Judg ment against said W. C. Henderson for the sum nf IMIlnnn Hundred Tlnllara. with Interest there on from the 39th day of July, 18K9. at the rate of etgnt per cent, per annum, ana luruiowui w Three Hundred Dollars aa attorneya' fees, and mmU and dtahnranmenta in thta ault: til that said Judgment be decreed a first lien upon said land, and that said land be sold aa prescribed by I law and tha nrnmul,. nr atirnfltenl thereof 06- I nvea irom sucn seie oe eppueu w t wm."; otsald Judgment; ana m tnit you, anaeaouoi you, be foreclosed and barred aa to any Intorest In aald landi and fairorauon runner reiiei aa (hA rnnrima, aaam inat and nnnltable. This summons Is published and mailed to you nw vlFtna nf an nrdar nf tha Hnn. T. A. MoBride. Judge of the above named Court, made on the wtnoayoif eDruary.tmif. AL.Xjr.n is w EMMONS A EMMONS, latas Attorneys for Plaintiff. .MiDuir-J AVcfictaWelVeparalioii lor As similating wrcxdondite&tito Ung tlieStoafldis aialBowela of TCSsafviIfcsU3nlaInsneltla OpnuCMorpWar tot IfiiHTfll. Not NAbc otic. AnpriWtEcmedv forConsIlp- tion. Sour Slonh.Diarxhoea, Worms ortvuisions.tevensar otss aidLossorSLEEE VacSmale Signature of . NEW "VOHK. tXACT C0PTOT VRAPPMS. fir 31. I pose. -LAST WEEK OF- Clearance ale MONEY-SAVING SALE. ladies' $3 Dongola Kid and Cloth-top Pointed Toes, $2.25 Ladies' $3.50 Dongola Pointed Toe, - - 2.75 Children, E!en and Boys' Shoes at Prices that can't be Beat LEO SELLING, 4 i i i J 167 Third Street, Between Yamhill i ST. HELENS, OREGON Constantly Keeps in Stock a Complete Line of ttactt: DRUGS, i TOILET i ARTICLES 'Vjvjjj'i'"Jf?3wPS55 b School W .. , , i i j c An Unu8uallj weii-teiecteu owea vi nunuji,,.u.,iu- W I ik. S.l Int.. n Ida M.rtat 11 oils, aud tbe Beet A FINE LINE OF Finest Perfumes and Soaps....... Patent lledielnea I InAA!n ITftTrhlfl WATlrC a HoLUl Id U1U UU11V0 J. H. IMHOFF, Profrictor. MAHUFAOTVBBR OF Monuments ane ORANITK AMD ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK ITALIAN MARBLE A RKCIALTV. or I J . nn Foot of Twelfin Street, ASTORIA, OR. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. TSAMER Young America -VIA- WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave St. Helena Arrive at Portia nd . . . Jjeave Portland. Arrive at St. Helens. . . 6:30 A .10:00 A - 2:80 P .. 6:00 F FARB CERTS. Will Carry Nothing but Passengers and Fast Freight. . JAMES GOOD, MASTER Sa ill THATTHE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE' op IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTT3L3S OW m ilil1 Oastorla Is wit U soe-sije Vottlas mil. II la set told ia tralk. Dea't allow aayeaa to stU yea aayOlag else ta hs ylsa tv yieoust that it , U "Jaat as good" aaa "wui earns- wtwjto- . tWBet Uat yea fts w-av-D-x-v-arM. i W ' and Morrison, PORTLAND, OE. I Supplies i i irr:.r rp..i.1n,. Tnn . T J Inks on tbe Market. FANCY STATIONERY PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. -THE BANQUET SALOON J. 8. CLONINGER, Prop. Wine and Liquor iMm. nnnl table, billiard table and other devices fdr the entertainment of pat rons, where time can be pleasantly spent. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS - taMi. ut. nnnnlar hranda. are kept constantly on hand to supply the increased trade at this very popular saioon. TH FAMOUS ( CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS KKFT AT HI BANQUIT, IIUCKLE BROS. MAMOrACTUtlla OF Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Rustic. Sheathing. Casings, and a complete stock of eyeiy variety of Rough and Dressed Iiumber ; ALWAYS OK. HAND. AT THB OLD STAND, ST. HELENS OREGON M M M M r'" y y