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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1897)
OREGON MIST, f itrEDr.EBT raivAV momuna BEEGLE PAVI8. Bwbiiorlpilvn Htea. On onpv one year la adra-ca.... .-.-Una oopr ikx liioutiu.nn..mMHn...w. ..II 00 . to yidraMlMnc rates made known npon application COLOMBIA COUNTT DIRECTORY. ....Joseph B Doan. Rainier .....Jud-ott weed, Vemonia J. ...S.M. N. Rice. Clatakanla Wharton. Ht. Helens Ceas-ty ameers Jodire , Clark Sheriff Treasurer.: Bupt. of School Awmn or. ........ Survoyor. ........... ...... w. M. Meserve, Helena veneer ir. a. r. stcuuen. Kaiaier a. Watts. SoaPDOOM ....Mu-un w nut, vjuincy T. HE-Ell9,OBEe01i, MARCO. It. CORBETT APPOINTED SENATOR. Governor Lord on last Saturday ap pointed ex-Senator II. W. Cor belt to be A senator for Oregon until such lima m the legislature should elect to . nil the vacancy. It ii not likely, how ever, that Mr. Uorbett will be seated, aince lb preoedeuU heretofore estab- ItHbed by the senate are advene to acn appointment. The case of John B. Allen, of Washington, two years ago was a parallel case to this one and the senate refused to seat him on the ground that the authority did not feet with the governor to appoint after the legislature failed to eject at the expiration of a term; that he.ceuld only appoint to fill a vacancy caused by death or resignation during a term, The appointment of Mr. Corbett is a very unusual proceeding. He is now 70 years old, infirm and childish, and W seated could be of no material serv ice to the state. But it must be re membered in " connection with this Appointment that Mr. Corbett has been accused (and the accusation has not been disputed) of havina: furnished the money spent in holding np the ' recent legislature, and for this "valua ble service" to the state Mr. Simon demanded bis appointment as part pay meat lor sncb services. There seems no other substantial reason why ; a man like Corbett should be ap pointed when there are any number of younger men in the state who have the intelligence end ability coupled with vigor to fill snch a position. It baa been current topio that Mr. Cor bett furnished the money lor Simon And Bourne to handle the populists with at Salem during the forty-five day larce, and now the old gentleman is to be recompensed by being given COUNTT COURT. At a regular terra nl the County Conrt of the Stat of Oregon for Columbia County, Helens, Orsvon. on Wednaada. U.reh 8. toW.ths sm being Wednesday sttsr the erst Monday In said month and the time . . P lw ,or holding a regular term of aid l Court. There was present: Hon. J. B. Dpan. county judge; Hone. P. A. Frakes ana . u. t'etenon. county cdtutuissioners Judsoa Wert, oounty clerk; J. N. Kice, oounty Mien it . The following proceeding were had; Matter of reports of road supervisors The lollowtne road supervisors Dresented their reports, which were examined and approved and tbe clerk orders! to draw warrant on the treasurer for the several mounts found due the said supervisors follows, to-srit: J. 0. Johnson, district No. 82 00 T. A. Cloninger, 8 MOO K. O. Hasen, S 6 00 J. B. Qobfrey, 4 62 00 James Qaitens, " ,8 44 00 Frank Bishop, ' " 0 ....... M 00 John Dibblee, ' ' 7 88 00 P. A. Brant, " 8 44 00 A. T. Un, e 89 00 Dan Rice, 10 ....... 100 00 James Wallace, " it .... . 41 00 D. W. Freeman, Y 18.. .... 8S 00 James Adams. " 18 86 00 T. B. Denslow. ' 18 23 00 U. K. Wonderiy. 17. ....... 61 28 J. B. Wilverding, " SO 18 00 William Ross. " St 29 00 A. C, Bergersoa, f 80 ....... 17 00 John Fntnts. 28 96 00 Koad district No. S3 not reported P. O. Marks, district No. 24 ....... 14 85 Saesar SolarL 48........ 8100 O.K. Olson. " 88 ....... 90 00 Andrew Anderson. " 27 88 00 John Berdahl. "28 15 00 Amoros isrbmttlio. " W 28 00 Andrew Klliott. , 83 10 00 Otto Beidleman. 'f 93 ....... 13 00 KeDorts wars received from road districts Kos. 14, 81, IS and 19, but was adjudged by the Court as incomplete as no vouchers for money ezpenaea or toe supervisors were niea witn sua reports, it was ordered or the Court that said resorts be continued till the proper vouchers are filed in this vourc Matter of designating the official esonty paper, vn this day this matter coining on to be heard, having been continued from the January term, and it aDDearinr from the affidavits of Beeiile A Davis, publishers ot the uregoa Mist and oi u. A. Minora, publisher of the Columbia County News, that the Columbia County Mews has the greatest number of yearly subscribers within the county, it was ordered that the voiuniota uounty ews be designated as me official oountv paper lor t tie year lt7. Matter of BDD.ication of Joel Bate for a license to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors in Deer Island precinct. Petition granted and a license ordered issued on filing treasurer's received for 8200. Matter of netition of Joe Dnnont at al. for county road; petition continued for the term. Matter of petition of the commander of John Bucher Post No. 70, G. a.. R., for re lief of James Whltcomb, an indigent sol dier; petition granted and an order made directing the elerk to issue a warrant on the oountv treasurer for 812 ont of tha fund tor uae rcnei OI indigent soldlars and sailors. Matter of petition of Oeorse W. Lane for aid in keeping three' Bitner children, or phans: ordered that Gcom W. Lane ha allowed A3.00 per month from March 1,1897. Matter oi ue appointment oi Justice of tbe oeaee in AniarT nrecinet : ordered that 0. A. Buck be appointed. Maner oi pennon of w. v. Uimtr for Ml Absolutely pure. Celebrated for Its great leavening strength and healthfulnens. Assures the food aealnat alum and alt forms of adul teration common to the oiieap brawls. SOTiL BAK1HO rOWDBS CO., MSW TUE. HIS ACCOUNTS SHORT. At tha annual school meetlne In this nitr heid on the first of March 0. H. Newell was re-elected clerk for the third time and Mis tbe usual custom, a committee was appointed to examine his accounts and re port to the sciiooi Dosrd as soon as their work was completed. Tbe committee be gan its investigation last Monday and had not proceeded isr nnm u was apparent something was wrong. There was evidence that money had been paid to the olerk which he had not charged himself with. Newell was present and claimed that cet tain money had not been received from the oounty treasurer, but It took but a few minutes for Treasurer Wharton to produce nis receipta irora neweii tor ine niunev. The ireslirttion was not completed until Tuesday mgbt and on Wednesday night the school board held a meetina- to receiT the report of tbe committee, which report showed the clerk to be short 8277.08. Tha oince of clerK was declared vacant by the board and B. E. Ouick was chosen to fill the vacancy. Newell has not been seen since Monday night, when. It is said, he boarded the steamer bound un the river. The special commit tee's report follows : To the Board of Directors of School District No. St. Helens, Oregon: We. Tour committee aooolnted at nwnlir school meeting of said dlMrlct, held at BL Hel ens, Oregon, Msroh 1, 1W7, to examine and re port on the condition of the books, account and report of C. H. Newell as school elerk, al present date, respectfully report as follows: we nna ue lojiowing outstanding, unpaid an opportunity to take a trip to Wash- e"dirf the year 1892; It appearing the year 1892 and that no credit had been made on the tax Boll, it is ordered that the sheriff make the proper credits on the de linquent roll for the year 1892. Matter of petition of B. W. James for credit for taxes for the year 1891; contta- uvu tor we term. Matter of settlement wttK jvwnt nAM the accounts of the elerk and treasurer were examined, found correct and ordered ington at his own sxpense. If seated he may baye physical strength to Answer roll oall and be may not ; if he baa his vote will be recorded with the republicans. PEOPLE HELD VP AND BOBBED. Tbe failure of tbe legialature to or- ganiie will cost the state hundreds of The following bills were approved and uraerwi pan- thousands of dollars. By reason of snch failure to organize no general appropriation bill was passed for cur rent ezpenses of state government for tbe next two years. The amount re quired for state purposes as itemised in the usual general Appropriation mil lor two yeara is over 11,000,000. The Uz on tbe Assessment for 1896 is now being collected sod will be turned over to the state treasurer, who has no authority to pay out one cent of it ex cept by special provuion oi the legis lative sssemDiy. The legislature hav ing failed or refused to make neces sary provision, this money will lay idle in the vaults of the state treasury de partment and the secretary of state will issue certificates in payment of current expenses which will ran for two years, or until proper provision is Martin White, conntv assaasnr tJA nfl 'J. w. juaaeaiey. work in assessor's office ok no uart ax Muckle. snonlies ennntv eh A no joon uoian, board of James Moore.. 10 00 a. r. atciAren, medicine for county chim am ibarles Korean, lumber r d No. 10... 6 00 Jmlson Weed, postage..... 16 00 John Priuzle. suddIimt conntv hM ft an 0. H. Newth, medicine, oounty cbge 8 00 u. jr. unogren. supplies lor count chares xienry riuoer. santmrt countT rtn Irt no a. h. fvinnwM-r inmhp w a a i Oregon Mist, stationery and printing 40 00 A. P. McLaren, coroner's fees, inquest on body of Mrs. Cassady 8 75 rerun a urenoone. Blow I or r d a on A. H. Blakeeley, board of prisoners..' 7 64 n. j. men, attorney, cemnutment on insanitv a no Joseph J HoU, attending county chge 6 00 J. N. Rice, posul cards and postage 40 00 meserve tsros.. mmhar. r a 17 mm T- Cj Watts, supplies, county charge 13 80 warrants, existing against said district, aeoteuness: so. waaaaav. pars 8ft April Z7, 1HM 8) My2 ....Dee. 10 105..... April 28, 1893 106 Mae S 107 May SI 108 ...juneU 109 Inly IS 1U October 2S 112 Noremberar US Norember so lis Jaa. 10, IN lie February 1 120. ....... ..February 1 121 February 122 Februarys 125 March 27 MS ....March 27 W7 April 14 12s MayS 12 JuneS 110 Ju1t 131 July St as an la- GRASS AND CLOVER Vegetable ; and : Flower : Seeds SEND FOR FULLY ILLUSTRATED CATALOG. Large Stock, Low Prices. Mail Orders Solicited and Satis faction Guaranteed. BUELL LAMBERSON iSoand 182 Front S ree .Corner Yamhill, Portland, Or Groceries, Clothing,. . Boots and Shoes DART & MUCKLE ST, HELENS, OREGON, MONTE VISTA NURSERY CmP.ete Stock of Rubber Goods A choice lot of Red YVintrApple Ircen, snt-U as Ben Davis, opiixeuoerg, normoiQ spy. uuiuwin, Hing, JUoiod, and a Qravenateit). ITALIAN AND PETIT PRUNE TREES Cherry, Pear, Plum, Peach, Aprloot and Quince trees, small fruits Blackberry, Raspberry, (3ooebrrv, Strawberry, Wineberry and Currants. FAY'S PROLIFIC CURRANT, mm rgo una dvo umei proiino til me KJtxwy uurrut. TRY A DOZEN BUSHES Trees are grown on Or timber soil, have good roots, which we endeavor to dig and ship with trees. Trees have beau inspected and pronounced clean and thrifty. We are a Columbia Countv Concern Aud we would like to do business with you. Write us if you want uses, rnce list seut free upon application. A. HOLADAY, Scappoose, Oregon SHELF HARDWARE AND NOTIONS. Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain. ST. HELENS MEAT MARKET Jijk Bacon and Lard AtMta by Wholesale ai spiai Kates. james 11. Sheldon, MAIN 8TRFKT, , BT. IISXKNS. OHKOON, PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE To tbe Honorable County Court of Colum bia Countv, Oreeon: XTE, THK UNDER.SIGNKD LEGAL T voters, residing In Oak Point nre- inecl body, at iu next adjourned term cinct, Columbia County, Bute of Oregon. wuuiu reepectiutiy pettui (fully petition your Honorable nut adiouraeil term, whinh will be beld on Saturday, tbe loth day of &urii ioo. ai we conrt-afiasa miiiaoitv of Si. Helens, Columbia County, titate of Oregon, tbat a license be eranted to Neil Hare to sell snirltuons. iinon. anrl malt liquors in less Quantities than one aallnn. in Oak Point precinct, and tbat auch 11- lf-T fh -ftl BS -Li 133 ...July St 183.. W., 185: t3 187 188 IW M0 Ml....... M3 144 146 Total. August IS ...September 80 ...October SO ...November S ...Novembers : ...November 80 ...December 6 ...December 6 ...December 22 ...Jan. 21, Vm ...Jan. 90 ...Feb, 22 aa'v. I I 40 . aa oo sow oo ss oo M00 SO 00 06 00 40 00 40 OO 4 60 40 00 88 00 13 00 S3 00 13 00 30 00 100 18 00 46 00 46 00 46 00 sao w 5 76 46 00 46 00 S36 1 70 46 00 7 60 126 60 00 1 M MOO 60 00 ..S47 86 and Interest. 5 made by the legislature, bearing eight H. Sheffield, suppoit, county chge 20 00 per cent interest which, oa the eertifi J?' Af2,"n'y charge. 10 76 ..!,. i..1 R. . iV -! umoer, tin. 1J 00 w--rv-si uw aasvw w sat 0UJUUUk I MMtm Jt. IVVMkrt mnsiesM wmumA 1A V . tOAW ! -s 9 .. I mnr " .'. -O.-O - J w w,uw mm oo tnosa uiaea tne Truiimrn reu, wiinttt tMfora mm econd yMr 40,000, mkiof ft toUl in 'l October term 4 90 ioterefli alone of f 120,000 for tb two .iuon a mcum animation in n. Alma W. Beegle, same .. 10 60 miiiam jseserre. nonntv n-wn or en t. R . luce, boarding prisoners 2 80 f- jonnaon, support, eonnty chge 54 82 W. L. Parker, eatuinine insane na. tlent. Dsn Muckle, supplies for county chsree. .......... . . A. Sbannahen, makinc iurv list. Aa. burn nrecinet T. E. Kills, same Martin Davison S 00 (90 years. Again, persons boldine these eertifi eates will be oblieed to discount them to brokers at least 10 per cent, which, on the whole amount would entail a loea to state employes and others of 1100,000. Besides this, those firms and individuals furnishing supplies to we state, Kaowine tbeir certificates AliM ka .!.'.-... ... J 1 J . , nmnnnt t th. rl,-,-.. .1.. :. ., 50. e.iD washing, county charge bfviui WUIVU SB UlUUIlt 1UD I v.fcisj k state would lose, makinr orobablv an- .. -aienoy other 1 100.000. Here have 320,000 already enumerated, without count- in e tha ssvinir that ahnnM hen h-m I W H Convera. aama m.H. In II. a ..,. ,!.... ,. .v-i: 1 A M Tlcheoor. same tienofrie..commiion. and other a&iiZ& 176 -ii-uui.urBa vrutco, oy reason OI we I snenn 81 o . w saner, support, coonty chge. 88 Cliff, medicine, CTunty charge.. 8 00 We And that C. H. Newell i-nlWUvl ,u,k during the year from March 1, 1804 to March 2. 19-.. - 1601 a That h paid out during asld time 671 16 Leaving cash on hand. .... 28 OS naraoer oi voucnera, it. We find that, Including cash oa hand, said Newell collected, according te his ewn credits, during the year ending Marcb 2, 1896 1749 73 That he paid outdaring said tins........ 720 SB leaving cash on hand..... 28 81 nuuw OI vwivcuvrs, o. We find thai said Newell collected, socordlni to his own books, during the year endlnc Marc I 1. 187 fM7 67 That he paid out during said time 668 11 LeaTlnreash on hand .....8 39 a uniuer oi voacoefs, is. We further find that soma of tha warrant. paid were never countersigned by the clerk; Thst many of the warrants were paid out of their regular order and without previous pre sentation; That said Newell onlv carried forward 18.08 of toe nrst easn naianee oi i.o; and tbat be en tirely failed to earrv forward nr otharwlae aa. count for the second cash balance of r8-l: tbat on April 8, lmb, he received of the county treasurer the sum of 110127, for which he did not aceannt: thaton June B. lsofL Kj. mm!n of said county treasurer, for said district, tha uw o, st.qb. ior woicu ne aia not account; that on November 12, 16. he received from Messrs. Cole Quick, for said district the turn of 70 00, for which he did not account; that bs lain arrears In hla aeennnta wtrh aM Almtwli.1 In tbe snm of. st least, 8277.02: and thst be nar poeely falsified his books. very respecuuny submitted, Jiaas Dsbt, ) W. B. Dtuaao.) Committee. K. K. QvicK, 8t Halens, March 10, 18V7. Co. renairinar tvr. writer".."... " J K Hall, making Jury list. Clatakanie 1 00 1 00 1 00 8 60 10 00 preclnct.. WH( S 10 S 00 2 00 2 00 WHWi I H B layman jaema. renainnsr wairon broken down hauling property stoiea nv reiber on 5 medlc'ne, county charges.'." 19 70 a I) Peterson. commi..nnp oa An P A Frakes. aama " on J G Watts, conducting teachers ei" in Kn . v i . . . : - - " a viara, justice tees, state vs. ist. of honor and integrity to the Uxull t'Sl ...10 25 . w.. . i a. xwuinson. consunia. sama " rwf ijih mo uuee i van ttaicn, witness, same o years nonce r session s failure to transact business. win os eamea over anotner two years. The whole situation summed ud means nothing else than tbat the rale or ruin policy of Simon and tbe popu lists will ooet the state more than a half million dollars, which might have oeeq saved by sending none but men 11 20 1 60 I . : ' . -- i ou lf?ei.TlcKa',m 10 Whether or not Mr. Corbett is aeated in tbe United States senate the case now pending offers an op portunity ior estaDiisning a very dan gerous precedent and thereby encour age just such proceedings as took place this winter. Tbe seating of Mr. Corbett would be virtually saying to sue peopie oi uregon tbat at any time in tbe future any eleven members of me state senate and tha H R Cliff, same John Tnmblin. aama John Payton, same .,,.. J P Tamblin, same DrWH Say lor, aama.... aame waiter Bradler. T J Cleeton, district attorney, same i, . J attorney, same., f 5 9'rk' justice fees, state vs. Coss A Boblason. eonatahla. aama J 1 Cleeton. district attorney, same. . Li Archibald, inmr Mtmiur , innni a .u, aama . rrra aesstern, aame. L E Eisele. aama rem a auey, . ij .. v. ,. 7 . ADicnois, same.. wuiuiswi iiw uiiim Biates senator I Mrs George Parr, witness, same w4oiug v miuw tut WKWiaiwarv lO I c",c -Tw.He, Minis nriri.niv.i Tha Mm kk aau l.. I UftTld Caller, uma . " - skuv BWUIV VVICUI UUU1U IIP in. -. - accomplished bv twentv-rma momk... lV! 't'"' .M of the house. In this instenoe that is 1 60 2 80 2 90 2 90 7 60 7 60 600 866 1 76 6 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 -- vw.Mij. vbuis, j ijtj The followine bills . tl t.. u iv,rf ..j ii r.i"L . .. l.. u.-l. i .. . !... "7 - -7j T. JTr: "l. uier- jus. wuat uaa ueeu aone Dy IDS nouse. I riu oi.trici aa. n-v. (..! . . . mannnun n,inihi. was H Ant nl -. money comina Into hi. h.nH.,n, .1 ..M rn.A A..,... .;-T "" Ihe organization of the house prevented by a minority and thereby Hinwhri; hauling bridge guvornur was ciotnea witn or aa- pians: tim turned the right to appoint a senator. T-f.?0"1". work oeridges h oo -w. swwj w bmuw aa w lues I iun lunusm often as the minority see fit to do so. I WH Bamgai .. . . r , s . - 1 M'tlh.a ! . . ana witn tne governor, can name the r T.T iS:. i io oo .,. . . . . i o HnjiDm. i rrt i n m Knvh. senator. Jt Is a dangorons precedent uai may ne established in tbis ease, and one tbat strikes at tbe very foun dation of a republican form of govern Bient for instead of a majority jt will te ft jpjgorUy rule. 'muy 21 26 Wherennon Conrt allnnrnel a -.-ii . 1SB7. ' Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. sshewsaatlsssi aalcklv Cwre. After having been confined to the house for eleven days and paying out gS in doe- tor bills without benefit, Mr. Prank Dolson of fiault 8U. Marie, Mich., was cured by one bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm costing 25 cents and has not sinee been tronbled with tbat complaint For sale by vt. rawin boss. oense be granted for a period of six months. I which your petitioners will ever for all of urav: CChnrehiH, JBlck, Wm Ternahan, Chas. Teroahan, Charles Kreckson, A PHmith.VW S"Jf?r. "nry Henderson, Louis Btoekenberg, .CKwlng, P A TibbetM. Louis Vluhrer. Wm nuhrer, Carl Btockenberg, L d Msson, Oeorse " wnaries nisca, w w eiaughter, C Ulomquist, A Madden, F Ternahan. F D CranUall, Joeeph Bertrand. Peterson, P crtrana, n v, rrea Usllaher, 1 Sand Strom, John Mesch, James Coakley, Oeorn O Mavger, Wm M Roberta, James Stockenberg, 8 R Norgren, John Bryant, Charles Mayger, J Rounds. Simon Kaspar, Frank Hill, J Johnston, C McDonald. Thomas Bennett, J W Huffman, M L Mathers, Arthur McOrsw, J L DowUng, 0 Smith, F A Pstersoa, Andrew Jobnaton, O W Anderson, NOMorqnl-t. Ouy B Barnes, Horn Jurack, August Lund, t A Kemp, C Berklan, D J Barnes. Farm For Jcnt. The J. A. Atkins place in Beaver valley, 2K miles from Haliiler, 90 acres In cultiva tion, large pasture, good buildings and bearing orchard. An excellent chance for dairying. Terms very reasonable to right party. Call on or address tbe undersigned at Clatakanie. Or., or Mrs. Sarah Meserve, Deleaa, Oregon, tor full particulars. 1. 3. MKSlh HVR Aominisiraior oi Atkins, deceased. the titate of Julio A. 10 DOZEN 4 1 Your Money's Worth Every Time i i i i Dolman's Store. .. Ofll oe ot Wilusmi, Woen a i.iHTHicua. I PoavLaMD, Or., m a in. I haveeainln,Nl Ihe KnyioieHr I lllcnonsrv. ami I In my Judgment It i is an esceeaiogii I valuale work, ami I tha Dio.t perfiwt dictionary nowes taut. 1 And it tu bo I a ootmueta eivmo. I wgi e a i, o r i n o- graomcai and nis I torlcal Ireatiuent nl the Eugll.h lau Isuasa. It la wnoia iiorary lu itseii. Uao. R. Wimtsh. AX-athiruevseu. eral ol Ihe United HIata.. aud as-aen tor ol lbs Uulted I Htataa, FOB A SHORT TIME ONLY THE GREAT lonary A limited number of sets of this great work will be distributed at the low Introductory prices. Decker's BARBER SHOP l. B. DKCKER, Proprietor, The old and reliable barber has his rasors Just as sharp as can be found, and will van U(nH.kl..H -..... i I .. . . - -AT ONCE A- BT. HELENS, l OREGON Dictionary i Encyclopaedia Lumber 5359 pages, 25o,ooo word.s5o,ooo encyclopaedic subjects' produced at a cost of $.00,000. Jt our massive volumes. GALLON CANS -OF- GALLON CANS OF APRICOTS PEACHES ONLY 25 CENTS A CAN AT A. H. TARBELL, HOULTON, - - OBEGON Lost. bcappoosk. Light snow fell here this week. The demand for smsll troot books has already began; bad lack to the speckled UVKUUgS. Hiss Mildred Bovle will berln a term of vnooi in amnci , joint, next Monday. Georee Vollsns Is stasre earnentarand manager for Ucsppoose amateur talent. Tbe conntv road to flcatinoosa landlnsr 1 wui uiga uupassaD-s at present. . If. Gove has tra .ed hla timber far a noose and lot in rortiand. Tbe section crews will be increased to 10 men eacn soon, ii reports are true. Mr. L Dahlman has aarerad his enn. nectlon with the Hegele ranch, after hay. ing neen foreman there for several years, It Is not vet known when' railroad mark til begin here. Tbe anrjolntment of Hon. H. W (WhaU w miv senatorsnii. aires isir aausraetion among local politicians, although better men were passed oy. lmi Hatnrdav nlB-ht a hnho hrnka a window in the depot and crawled Into tbe watchman's bed bat was properly bounced oy we depot men and sent eat of town. The Dlsv Baturdav is nroriMurIa well and if the weather is not too savara a verr yicaoau. mug wiu urn uaa. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. FINAL. SETTLEMENT. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVE THAT THE undenilened in min(trf rt r nl thm .,. of J. B. D. Hharrlnghouaen, decessed, has Died her II nal account and report In the office of tbe Clerk of the County Court of Columbia County, Oregon, and the Hon. Juilire of said Conrt has appointed Tuesday, the 23nl day of Marcb, MOT. at o'clock P. tf., and the Court Boom ol said Court In Ht. Helens In said County and State, as the time sad plaee for the hearinir and settle ment of the same, at which time and place any person Interested may aonear and caauat tha aame. . LIZZIE BEOWV, nee Bharrlnghonsen, Administrstrlz of ths JUtale of I. B. D. 8har- rlngbottwn, fUnilt One White vearllnv mlm mmrVmA with "Key" mark la left ear: also a red yearling ueuer, usving smau wnite spot over nips. Anyone knowing whereabouts of either nr now ammais, piease notify owner, V. Balene aj iener aaarcssea, ou Jlelens, care Captain Good. 0. BALENE. PB0FES8I0NAL. SEef?. mUavb, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW Will nraetios in all eonrta of (.ream, at w..h Ington. Prompt attention given to convevano- Itwanil Ml.ral.ul.. Q. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND CO0N8ELOE-AT-LAW, 8T. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abstract Books, Notsry Public, Coramls- .iuuer m teeos ior waaninKton, ana anezper- 8. D. DENNIS, Attornej Counselor at Lar. Gekebai, Law Feactice. Collections, Foreclosures, Mechanics' liens, etc. wm practice In sll ths courts of Oregon and Washington. Tatlob Bdilciso, - - Br. Hslms, Oa. D b. h. b. cuyy, PHYSICIAN AND 8UBGE0N. 8t. Helens, Oregon. QB. J. E. HALV PHYSIOIAN AND S0EGE0N. Clatakanie, Colombia county, Or. Vy N, ME8EHVE, Sorreyor and Ciyil Engineer DELENA, OEEQON. Conntv Surveyor. Tanrf Riimnrlnir T Platting and Eneineerinc work ORIENTAL HOTEL A. H. BLAKE8LKT, Proprietor. Board by Day, Week or Month AT REASONABLE RATE8. Tbe table la aurmllM. w!k th h. .... afford. Everything clean. A share of your oat-ronas-s Is solicited. BT. HELENS. OKEoGk All kioda of rouKh and dressed Lumber on abort notice. R1 S f ri.Mw9 LJUllUCl Material Of tbe beet quality delivered to any point on tbe river at the Lowest Possible Price One-half Caah and One-half In FARM PRODUCE. Addreaa all order to E B. BORTHWICK, GOBLE, OREGON. $2.50 Secures the delivery of the entire work ; balance to be paid st the rale of 91 GO per month, for one year. Send your name end address to the Pacific Coaat Newspaper Syndicate and ?o will be supplied with samule tianea fur examination. 14 fi. some Street, San Francisco, California. Clatskanie Drug Store DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. t Nei and Select Stock. " A-j-av;-f. - Patent Medicines and Prist's Notions. rA Stationery. School Books. Prescriptions Carefully Componnded TOTE COLLAR LINE AND O. R. & N. CO., PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. TELEPHONE. Leaven Portland ri.iiv ,, u..-.- . . Leaves Astoria dally ezoept Sunday at P. H. E. B. THOMPSON, o. a. a w. en. Leaves Portland dally except Sunday at 8 P. M Leaves Astoria daily ezoept Hunday at 7 A. M r u-hi--.JI.A-fcA-L-ra, ....ST. HELENS HOTEL.... Oar tables will at all times be found supplied with the best edibles and dclicitcies the market affords. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS The hotel having been newly refurnished we are prepared to give satis- v. uur iiatruiis, aim solicit your patronage. TlCketS Of the tWn rvmrnl . V. boat V.S&MTvZliEX w e UUUtlB , U J. George. Proprietor, 8t. Helens, Or. sy y lay y Pf'l iiio PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE g 3 . TO THE BAST, GIVES THB CHOICl 01 Tfo Transcontinental Routes GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY! Bt WAT OP ookane, Minneapolis & Si. Paul UNION PACIFIC RY BY WAY OP ENTER, OMAHA, & KANSAS CITY E J0?EPH KELL0GQ company's river steamer STEAMER O. VT. SHAVER. Dell Shaver. Master. Th?.!I?. Waehlnjton street. Toesdav, ;,THnf,ndJBunia venln at ft o'clock. BetomlnK-Uaves : Ulatskanli i (tide per fs iPortl'and . 1 -M A 'i tiV26 ' Raini'" Kalama 9:J5 Bt. Helens JO:S0. Arrive id roruana 1 .SO A. M. Tne coaiDsnv nairm tha ii, tn !..., ,i . ...., . .. w ftima wiuiuu uuiiuw kllAVKB TRANaPOnTATION COItlVAIOY. . LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAM EBB LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 6 DAY8I For San Francisco. For Full Detail. Call on or Address W. II. HORLBURT. General Freight and Pass. Agl., Portland. mcNelil, Free ana n. .... '.KSIII', lw STR JOSBPH KELLOGO FOR PORTLAND Leaves Kelso Monrfa VS. W,ll.A.. - - P.! I . m ,, ',. ' T Pn.,Uni T... j- n.i V "', aim rriusjs at a O0I00K a. nl, t-w" Tortland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 o'clock a.m. , t i s