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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1896)
OREGON MIST. issvbb mvsuv rniDAV moatiuna BEEGLE & DAVIS. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. akecrltlei Kales. On eopr w nw I "t m, ' I tluf I oopr- -- I question scares every mtn who hM dollar which under other ciroum stances fa would invsst to pine his money in nmi safe depository or bide it awey through fear of the uncertain outcome of the dilema. Mouey will not circulate until inch time a the barriera against it earning a profit are taken away. Like a living thing it seeks shelter from the treaoheroua at titude of ila master. TBS PERILS OF FUSS COIN AG t. Adrertlsinf rates mad know upon appllratloa COLOMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. CBMtr lllceie. Jndge Clerk BIwrilT Treasurer Suplot Schools... JkMHT Surveyor... Cdroaer Coaailssioner j ....Joseph B. Doan, Rainier ......Juaaoa WmI Vtrnonia J. N. Rice, Clatskaul ...W. H. Dolman. St Helen J O. Watts, Seappoos , Martin Whit. Qulucy ,.W. N. Meserr, llaa ..Dr. A. P. McLaren, Rainier P. A. Prakea, Soeppoaa .........N. D. Petemou, Xlst . HELEHS, SIEKOn, OCT. 11. PROTECTION AND PROSPERITY. FOE PRESIDENT W. McKlNLEY, of OHIO. FOR VICI-PRESIDKXT OARRET A. HOBART. of New Jersey W. J. Rice is out for Bryan. With aoch popular leaders as Rice and Hat tan to champion hi cause the popo cratie candidate ought to rest easy as to the inevitable result. ' Ths farmers can surely be trusted not to deprive themselves of Lbe ad van tags of the risins; price of wheat by Toting to accept payment in money worth only ball as much as that which they are now receiving. Thb greatest present need of the country is not more money, but more of the credit and confidence that pots money in circulation and makes chances to obtain it in exchange for labor and commodities. Haxxisoh may properly point with pride to the fact that when he was president the country was more proe perons than it had ever been before ; and there could not be a better argu ment made in favor of the restoration of the republican party to power. Bbta will have to look after his running mate, Bewail, who asks : "How can you increase labor's purchasing power by increasing the price of labor's product?" That is just what a great many workiugtnen would like to know, but the question is not answered in any of Bryan's speeches. The argument tor free coinage very brief and simple. In its extreme form it may be thus stated : "The do monetisation of silver in 1873 has pro duced incalculable injury and hard ship; therefore the reraonetisation of silver in lwfl will produce incalculable Den ti la. But the argument la as ri lacioua as it is simple. "A change in the standard of values instituted when the difference between the bullion value of gold and silver was insignifii- cant, accomplished gradually through a period of twenty years, and mitigated by the extensive coinage of silver by the United States during the major part of that time, produced great in jury, not to ay injustice, in the com munitr." This fact is a very poor reason for thinking that another change in the standard of value, -introduced at a time when gold bullion ia worth twice the pro of silver bullion, car ried into effect instantly and as the remit of a heated campaign, and with out any financial provision for it, will produce nothing but beneficent suits. The experience of the past twenty years, if it teaches anything. teaches that any modification of the standard of values should be under taken with the greatest reluctance, earned into effect with the greatest caution, and iutrnsted in its execution to the wisest and moat experienced statesmen. The readiness of some of our con temporaries to prophesy some of whom seem to have concentrated all their knowledge on the future, since they appear to have none of the past makes ns cautions. We distrust our own prescience. But, so far as we are able to forecast the future, the election of Mr. Bryan would at once make the United States a silver nation, would pot gold at a considerable premium, would drive it into hoarding or ont of thj country, would endanger and at least temporarily seriously lower our national credit both at home ard abroad, would by ila expulsion of gold, u not of all circulation based on gold, greatly contract the currency, would compel creditors to enforce the pay- meat of debts to prevent their own bankruptcy in short, would produce a commercial disaster more widespread, if not more lasting1, than any the country has ever experienced. The effect of this disaster the wage-earner would be the first to feel and from it the last to recover. If Grover Cleveland's election brought bard time in 1892 what will Bryan's election bring now. Brran has all the free-trade proclivities of Cleveland coupled with a spirit of re pudiation snd insurrection, to say nothing of his anarchy. The first was s calamity; this would be disintegra tion. - Is the last month of Harrison's ad ministration the debt of the United States wss $585,017,100. On July 1 last the debt had amounted to $847, 363,890, an increase of $262,346,790. Bryan is so busy with his paramount issue that he never mentions these figures, or what be would do to remedy them if he were president. BBYAB AS A POPULIST. t Candidate Bryan s:iid in his Utter to the populists, which he gsve to the public from 8L Louis, thst he was "able to accept" the populist nomina tion "without departing from the plat form adopted by the democratic national convention at Chicago." In this remark he was correct, of cource. ids only mistake be made in it was in calling the Chicago convention "democratic." There was nothing democratic about that convention or its platform, if the teachings of Jeffer son, Jackson, Seymour. Tilden, and Cleveland are democratic. Both dem ocrats and republicans call the crowd wbich nominated Bryan, and which supports him, popocrats, but there waa no need of coining this new name for that party. The name populist, which waa ready to their hand, ia more graphic. The populism in Bryan's creed is be- populatioa during the seme period has not doubled. Of the $700,000,000 of silver now in existence a very small portion of it is in circulation for the reason that the depressed business sit uation does not require its use. It is in hiding and will remain there until snob time ss the industries of the country are permitted, by a protective tariff, to operate. It will first be nec essary to find employment for that which has already beeu coined before it would be advisable to coin more. Money ia of no use except in business transactions, and business ran only be improved by protection. Hence with' nut protection all the money in the world would not help the situation for it could not be used profitably, and no man ia going la invest a cent unless he can be persuaded that it will yield hint an income. Is indorsing the Chicago platform Mr. Bryan admita that in case he is elected president ot these United States be would make no effort to put dowi insurrection and riot if appealed to by a alate overrun by an organised mob. He does not ssy so in that many words, but bis platform aays it for him and be stands upon that instrument. Had Mr. Bryan been governor of Ore gon last spring the fishermen's strike on the Columbia river would have con tinued throughout the season, notwith standing the appeala that might have been made to the state s chief execu tive, and the result must be apparent to every thinking person. What may the American people expect of a man for president who would not protect the lives and property of bis people? Yet this is the very thing that Mr. Bryan u advocating. He who caters to lawlessness is not a proper pernio to preside over the destiny of a great nation, and we believe the American people will say so by their ballots, the best wein at their disposal. Grand J wry Report. In ths clroult court of ths Stats of Ore gon, for ths County of Columbia. To ths Hon. Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of ths sbovs named oourt : We, ths undersigned grand Jury for ths October, 1806. term ot th clroult court for Columbia county, Oregon, tasks this ss our final report and respectfully represent to the court; That we have carefully investigated all ehsrgos ef crime that have been presented tons, aad have disposed of the sanis In such manner aa we deemed warranted by the evidence, and have returned Into court tlx true hills and three uot true bills, be sides investigating- several other matters brought to our attention. W visited th county Jail and found It entirely Inadequate and unsafe. The ven tilation la very poor, and the floor unsafe and easily broken. . There Is no safe place to keep prisoners except in th sells which are poorly ventilated and necessarily un healthy. We respectfully recommend that tb Jail be furnished with a hydrant, snd that erery thing about th Jail be kept in a proper sanitary condition, and especially do we recommend that the jail be mad more secure, so that' those thsr held a prisoners may be secure from escape and that this be done aa speedily as posiule. Ws visited th offli-es ot county clerk sheriff, assessor, treasurer and surveyor and found their offices nest snd well kept. W examined the books of lbs various officers as well as we could without the ss sisUncc of sa expert. Ws found ths so- count of each office a check upoaeacb other, and the varion reports correspond ing and w heartily endors this system, And now, hsving completed our labors. we respectfully request to b discharged Jons Doian, tornnsn, Usoaas W. Obist, Washibotoh attrcau, Cbabxis Bib, Jambs Babb, T. N., 8. Ksixt. Real Estate Transfer. V. H. Dohaaa aad wits to I.G.Wik- strom, tide land in front of certain lots sad blocks In 8t Helens; $1.00. Joseph Hayburn and wife to Liadley Meeker, H of the Cunningham donatio) claim: 1 12a George F. Moeck aad wife to Joeeoh SU cr, hjh o ana , oiacs oi , ana tor e ana 8, block 36, Mosck's addition to Bainier; ftS. ' A. Keer sad wife to Anns Lindsay, lot 4S, Near City srave yard ; 15.00. H. Orchard et al. to the St. Helens Light snd Water Company, lot 7, block 19,81 Helens, aad franchise; 11.00. J. N. Sice, sheriff, to F. A. Zillgltt, W of swX sec 33, to 5 n, r 4 west; $17. D. J. Switcer et slL to Ths 8t. Helens Light snd Water Company, lot 7, block 19, St, Helens, snd franchise; 11.00, George M. Tucker to Susan Praper. u of section 20, tp 5 n, r 4 west; $300. refer Walter to Jemima Walter, of K, sec 7, tp 4 B, r 4 west: $1. United States to Fater Waller, aeK 7, tp 4 a, r 4 west; patent Two Uvea Haved. Mrs, Phoebe Thomas, et Junction City, Ills., waa told by her doctors shs bad eon sumption and that there was no hope tor her, but two bottles of Or. King's New Dis covery completely cured ber, and shs says savsd her life. Mr. Thomas Esters. 139 Florida street. Baa Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consumption, ; tried without result everything els, than bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery, snd in twe weeks waa cured. H is naturally thankful. It la such results, ef which these are samples, that pravs ths wonderful fflcacy of this mtdicln ia coughs and colds. Free trial bottles at Dr. Edwin Boss' drag store. Regular sise 90 cents snd $1.00, For Salel The cheapest place county. Inquire of B. Warren, Oregon. in Colombia O. IIAZEN tf Ms. Pxbtiotxs's speech was a die- appointment to ths more conservative I oming more and more manifest every time be talks, lie started out by op poeiog national banks, hot in his later speeches he condemns all sorts of banks. At the outset he bad honeyed words for the eminent democrats who compose the Indianapolis ticket, and for the other distinguished democrats who support it, but in his Indianapolis members of the popocratie party who Heard it. Xbe great mogul of popu lism put in most of his time telling what "V have done and what "I" would do. The disgusting part of his speech, though, wss making assertions without presenting any evidence to Drove them. Mere aasertiona count lor nothing unless backed up by facts speeches a day or two ago he called that really had existence, and Mr. that ticket and party a "transparent Feanoyer never had a faculty for do- fraud." This abuse hurts neither the ing this. The longer Pennoyer re- ticket nor its advocates, but it shows mains in public life the nearer he be- the hollowness of Bryan's earlier pre- eomes a blackguard, and aside from tense that he is ft democratic candi- inlellect be ranks second only to Till-1 date, and it betrays the folly of bis ap wau auu AngsHi. .' . i peai ior me soua support ot the demo cratic party. Thb business interests of Oregon I But when the term populist is applied are at stake in this campaign. Even o Bryan and bis followers their idiocy f f McKinley is elected, the fact that and hypocrisy are revealed. Nothing Oregon had cast its vote for Bryan Bourke Cochran speech in St, would be evidence to the world that Louis a short time ago enraged tbe the state had fallen into line wiih Bryanitea so mucb as his persistence Peauoyerism and repudiation. Money in calling them populists. He could seeking investment would not come not, of course, with any regard for tbe this way to any considerable degree. Historical proprieties, term them dear and we would be required to trod ocrats, and be rejected the diluted along for four years more, or until hybrid popocrat. Bryan, since then, such time as tbe state should demon- bis references to this democratic strata the fact that it waa on a sound orator, shows by bis displays of ill- business basis. Every man looking to I temper that he feels the force of the future prosperity should apply himself reproach implied by this designation, to the cause of saving tbe state's repu-1 Tbe designation, however, was appro- tation in tbe present crisis and cast pnate, whether it sticks or not. Tom his lot On tbe 3d of November with Watson, in one of his early outbursts me friends of protection and prosper-1 against sewell and Bryan, declared ity. Kansas has had its experience I tn' tbe Chicago convention "stole during tbe past few years and tbe fair I the populist platform." He was right state of Oregon should be rescued from of course. No democrat of the old such a fate. The hour is at hand and days, or of any day prior to 1896, loyal citizens are called upon to pro-1 would be able to see anything demo ted and defend tbe good name of this crane in that deliverance. It is the commonwealth. old greenback party's doctrine, plus the absurdities and rascalities evolved At.t. twaannatila mn in.( .a or Mie ex-greenbackers and their uroe- that the money already in existence enT"le Ppnl'te, in the doxen year does not circulate because there is not wnlcn Ped since the r non business to make it circulate. Hoar Pr death. There are threat then would the coinage of more money ttonK one element of tbe Bryauites relieve tbe situation when there is no v. ' .'re wstson off the ticket, but profitable employment for the money whllf Bryan remains upon it it will already existing? What is money used , 1 Ppn'wt ticket, and nothing uu maiier now oryau ana nis supporters dodge the designation. VERNONIA VARIETIES. Nice weather. Bases in bloom. McKinley is gsining votes. P. Bheeley took a band of fat steers Forest Grove Mooaay. Messrs. Josh Beeaeman and Will Palmer are going to reek their fortunes ia California. 8. B. Rase is eomiajr home from Idaho in For Salel Fullblood Shroupshire bucks at reas onable prices. Call on or address 15UKT WEST, Bcappooee.Or. te Oregon Shoe Stores 1A8 Third 8t. bet, Morrison and Yamhill a short time as aooa aa McKinley is sleeted. C mas S a f Coin . ?uctyiui jaic of Shoes Jos. Tanblaricom ia talkins of rlrinr whole block of ground for the new school site. Mrs. F. Johnson has rone te Nebraska ti. ill follow in a abort Frank wil visit friends. time. n.- m ... j nc niisDarg nounng mills are running night and day, with Harvard Andersen and r. Jtauara at tne halm. Mr. Wm. Wilson, jr., and his sisters, Ida and Bertha, started Monday morning for rnuomatn wne taey will attend the U. B. eoiiegi Our Stock la Complete. Embracing all Pop- alar 1... I. r inlrj. DBEM'8 aad MKV8 SHOES Ladle' DonffoU Rid 8hoM. In N Arrow Bovavrf) aimI Piccadilly Toe: and Common I )1 nX. sw4 sU taT XS a...ia.- a m t At s I aweaofcey. eya.ew tv fj,w, trw V'AIurun W.U4J7 m UUUIUCI Ul VWUUa tlUB 111 XllIB nrSSM I In 'fmn sans. Mla.k' B-in.nea.Aa. V . einct will east tneir first vots next Novem- Hn.r. arf pi.-iTi. i .... iw.T ' dr. V. . " ner ana in nearly every ease McKinley will The school directors are hard at arnrk trying te build a school honse worth tha name in Vernon ia. Nearly half the lumber m iinw msKruisa. At s mcetinc of the Ladle' Tataran AM society, ot V ernonu, Held on Saturday, Oct. i"u, low, toe loiiowing resolution was passed: "Resolved. That a vota nf thank. oi uu aocletv be tendered to Messrs. neecie llavia lor their kindneaa in nrint. lag naages tor ine ase Of wis society. MB. A. BB4KS1HAS, fresldsnt. Bqore and Piccadilly Lasts, from 80 cent up. Men' Shoe up to date, from 11 25 to 13 SO. Children's snd Misses gchool 8hoes from SO cents np. Children' 8nrtn Heel 1 9 to 12, 60 cent. Children's Spring Heel 6 cents. We Sell Reliable Goods Only. OREGON SHOE STORE, 168 Third St. bet. Morrison snd Ysmhill. for anyway if it is not in conducting the business enterprises and industries of the country; and if these enter prises and industries cannot be profit ably operated what will make tbe money circulatef These two questions are germaiu to the present political aituation and are admitted facta by populists as well as republicans. Pop ulists nearly all admit that the indus tries of the country must be in opera tion before we can have any degree of prosperity, but here they leave tbe question aad again wonder off after tbe silver question wnicn does not otter increased activity in business channels. On tbe contrary the agitation of the Thxbb is more silver in existence today as money than ever before in tbe history of tbe government. The annual coinage since 1873 bss largely exceeded each year the amount for any one year coined prior to that date, and yet our populist friends contend that it is a Greater coinage of silver that is necessary to relieve tbe present stringency in finance. How can it be urged that tbe coinage of more silver is the remedy when we bays now in existence about seven times as much in use as we had in 1S73, while our "Ma. T. fi. Mull. Secretary. CIRCUIT COURT. James Dart vs. Thomas Dawaoa; eoa- Bnnatioa of sal. Michael Piertier v. Wm. MUiugr; de murrer argaed and submitted and by tbs oourt tsken under advisement. Tbe grand jnry reported not tra bills in tbe following cases : 8trt of Oregon vs. K. E. NickersoB; Bute of Oregon v. William aute: But of Oregon vs. Lndwig Stripling. State of Oregon vs. Monro and Albert urown ; pleaded geiliy as to charge of steal ing net of the value of over $35.00 and ware sentenced to one year in ths penitentiary, rr. j. sums vs. v. v. vols et. al.; con- nrmation oi sale on foreclosure. George 8. Foster wss excused as a Juror for ths term last Monday. Cildner vs. Muon; judcmmit for defend ant. SUteof Oregon vs.Josepb Coulter; bonds men released. SUteof Oregon vs. George Thompson: bondsmen released. Tbe America Fire Insurance Company vs. C. O. Lotregren. The jury were Eli Lynch. Esek Potter, W. M. Roberts, John M. Foster, E. Merrill, L. D. Dusan, James Kennedy, E. A. Cushman, C. N. Gable. John Girt, I. N. Shatto. H. T. Grawell. Verdict for plaintiff in tbe snm of (28. Pauline Hall va. Wm: A. Hall; dismissed. Abel v. Cberrington; dismissed. G. F. Lindgren ys. John 8. Turpfn; dis missed. Forbes va. Sisters of Charity; de murrer overruled and defendant given fir days to answer. Abel vs. psrtnsrship aetata of Abel fc Cberrington; motion to dismiss overruled to which defendant except. Referred to 0. E Rnnyon to take testimony end report to tne court the Hading of facts. Herman Scbmitt admitted te citizenship. Btackleai'e Arales Balve. Tbe best Salve in tbe world for cots. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sore, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains. corns, snd all skin eruptions, and positively enres pile, or no pay required. It Is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For1 sals by Dr. Edwin Boss. In AH"" ififc TMB-s. Hist and Oregon ian ONE YEAR $2.00' i nis oner Doias gooa only for new yesrly subscribers who pay in advance and old ones who pay up to date and one year in advance. One Dollar 8aved by taking the two papers together, the price of each, leper rately, being f 1.50. The Mist Has been designated the official paper of Columbia county by the County Court, and consequently will furnish all the news pertain ing to public mattera in which the people are interested. PROFESSIONAL. J). EDWW KOHS, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon QR. h, a. curr, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bt. IIlns, Oregon, J-a. 1. I. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatakanle, Columbia county, Or. T. J. CiaarnH. U. ALLEN dt CLE ETON, Attorneys and Counselors at Law BT. IIBLKNS, . ORKUON. yy N. miukbVK, Surveyor and Civil Engineer DEI.EHA, OREGON. Canntv Surveyor. Land 8urvvui. Town Platting and Engineering work promptly Xfcuted. For Salel My share, consisting of S13 acres In range 7 west Willamette meridian. sections S and 3 situate on Columbia river near town of Rainier, off Jamas Dobbins' donatkm land olslrn. D. W. DOBBINS. Lumber & AO YOU NEED GROCERIES? If you do and dlrs th beat qusllly for ths Jt mousy your wants can slways be supplied by DART & MUCKLE, Who have a complete line Dress Goods, Clothing, Fancy Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes, FURNISHING GOODS St. Helens, Oregone sMbbbbbb1bbbbbbbbWbbbb ST. HELENS MEAT MARKET All Kinds of Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon and lard Meats by Wholesale At special Kates. MAINT BTXIKKT. i t James li. Sheldon. BT, MKIMCNW. UllKOON, Clatskanie Drugstore Ine als le aseur Your Fresh Medleine PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS All kindf ot rough and dressed Lumber on short notice. Builders' Material Of the best quality delivered to any point on tbe river at tbe Lowest Possible Price One-half Cash and One-half la FARM PRODUCE. Address all orders to E B. BORTHWICK, OOBLE, OREGON. Patent Medlolnea, FresorlpMaB Draft Toilet Articles, Pansy Motions, eta, OK. J. B. HALL, Pretrials "VCIatakaale, Ore ... ST. HELENS HOTEL.... Our table will at all time be found supplied with the best edible and delicacies the market afford. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS Th hotel having been nswly refurnished we are prepared to girt satie- isciion i an our patrons, ana solicit your patronage. J. George, Proprietor. 8t. Helens, Or. sysysy ay ay ayrssjF eorrtc awo crop Houac D. H. BROWN, Prop. EASTERN Best Meal in the City for 15c AND UPWARDS. 11(1 fhirs" St Ns Cat. Bapl.ys. tie iimauu. poktlano. oaiaoN. I COLUMBIA BANKING COMPANY ST. HCLCNS, ONCOjON Make lartatments, rerelres deposits and does I a geaerai tanaiug business. . Capital Stock, $20,000. All kinds or coed securities boaahl and sold. ascnaDg, gooa rrwber In lb world, sold. INCORPORATED JAN. , g4. 1. B-Kelll, president; E. W. Allen, viee-prad " . v. ... miM. wocrwiurwi r. n. warn. I ant secretary; C. H. MsweU. cashier. f NEWELL & WATKINS DEALER IX Groceries, Hay, Flour and Feed weeo Aits) aaflinsLE. Conntrv ProdncBoachtsnd Bold, snd Ex- coangra roruooa. U nderlaklnf boods furnished on Hhort Notice. , Store on Strand Street, BT. HE1.ES8. OR. AT THt New Drug Store There Is a Complete Stock 1 or 1 Patent Medicines DRUGS EE CHEMICALS EST BRANDS OF CIGARS Perfumery, Stationery and 5chool Books DRUGGI8TS' SUNDRIES Dr. Edwin Boss, Prop. HCLCNS, . - OREGON PRracRiprroKii CUXroUNDKU PAT OB NIUMT. ST. its MUCKLE BROS. PORTLAND AND nr. A TSTC A 1MTTC ssaei viavi vaasw war Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Rustic. Sbeathine. Carina, and a complete stock oi every variety of Rough and Dressed Lumber AXWAT OB7 HARD. AT THB OLD STAND, BT. BXLXF ORIOOH Your Honey's Worth Every Time jiaaask Ira At, Dolman's Store. . . . STEAMER a. VT. SHAVER, DeU Sharer. Master. uommancin Tboradav and mittini). If ondav. 1 booik ; cieiia In Portland IIATKK THAPiarOHTATIOl COMVMHV. vLaZIa ': a ... V ".ir..i..,-,w viausaaie. I Hue per. , Wednday and Friday evenlnn at A o'clock. Will h.k p,,ini 7:lo: Mavirer7:a: Kalnlrr S-ai- Clam. a.ia. u. u.i" : ..... . ' IMA.U. Tb company reserve the rlaht to change time without notice. THE MIST AND OREGONIAN TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR, ONLY TWO DOLLARS THE JOSEPH KELLOQQ A COMPANY'S RIVER STEAMER TO THE 0ITB8 TBI CHOICI 01 Two Transcontinental Routes GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY -BY WAY OP STIR UroSESTJri KELLOQO utt arUJtvTIiAND- LOW KATKS TO ALL EASTERN CITIE8 TURNOUT! ON 1H0T NOTIOE. 8T, HELENS, , , OREGON OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS For San Francisco. For Full Details Call on or Address W. H. HURLBURT. General Freight and Pans. Agt.. Portland. i. inciseiii, p,M, bb4 Decker's BARBER SHOP . H. DEOKEB, Proprietor. a sharp as ean be found, and will shav. .., "omionaoiy and quickly lor ouly 16 ceuts. ST. HELENS. , vKVVAl Leaves KoIko Mon(,n.rt j .... . Sookane, Minneapolis & Si. Paul FortUpdTed'yTf'-,day.ndB.trd,y .t SKkV r' IBlistai nai . . I uixiuin rAUII-IUKY RT HRTUM5 TTVrDV OTi ipc wai uuuunv AJ1IJUU1 Bill LL0 . TH08. COOPVR. P.,... DENVER, OMAHA, i KANSAS CITY Horses Boarded and Cared For tu. Leave FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. . -TIAMtR- Young America WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave 81. Helens,..; 8:50 A M Arrive at Portland 10:00 A M Leave Portland. . 2;,10 P M Arrive at 8t. Helens 8:00 P M wauk is ctsn ia. Will Curry Nothing but Passenger and Fast Freight. JAMES GOOD, MASTER.