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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1896)
FORGOT HIS HOME WEALTH. It ft Fortune la Cellforala to Become Rich la Coat a Africa. t- Another strange discovery haa coma to light In the Hlbernl. Bank deposit that, have been neglected for many years by tholr owners. It appears that Jeremiab Pendergaet, Ion mourned aa C'ini, Is llve ami prosperous In South Africa, where be has made a fortune. It Is learned that he haa apparently for gotten that 12,000 await him In tha HI tern la Bank of San Francisco. The history of Tendergast's deposit la one of the roost Interesting of all the old estate that have lain unclaimed fotv yeara In tha vaults of San Francisco banks. In the first place It now amounts to f 12,000, being the largest turn of all the unclaimed deposits; and. In the next place, It has perhaps been more widely advertised and more generally claimed than any other sum In the list. Strange ly, however, nearly all the Fendergaeti, are the real owner seem to have beard, of this money and laid claim to it, whllq the original depositor baa lived quietly In South Africa all these years, heedless of the fact that his gold lies In the bank awaiting the owner's orders. Attorney Oscar T. Shuck haa Just located the original Jeremiah Pendergast In the Congo Free State, where tha old man lives In great luxury, having amassed a large fortune since he went there as one of the pioneers of nearly twenty years ago. "Pendergast went to South Africa In 1S78," said Attorney 8huck, "being one of the leaders of a California colony, 'lie left a good sum In the bank here, since which time no one has ever heard of him until I got word that he was well and rich. The nearest trace we ever got of him here was that he was at the old Empire Hotel on Pacific street some time between 1868 and 1870. Hundreds of alleged heirs have been after the es tate, but it will no doubt, soon reach the original depositor." j A strange fact about the case Is that j the nubile administrator recently petl- tioned for letters of administration, al leging In a general way that Pender gast died some years ago In Nevada. Judge Slack went so far as to appoint Atorney J. J. Dwyer to represent tne absent heirs, but Attorney Shuck sug gested that Pendergast still lived, whereupon the letters of administration were withheld. It in quite probable that the claimants were really Induced to believe that their ancestor died In Nevada, where an old miner named Pendergast ex pired In a fire that destroyed his cabin and himself at midnight in a mountain fasmess. They will soon learn, how- ever, inai me irue ClSt, WOO leil a w uotimiw """'"? In the Hlbernla Bank to 1S68, went to South Africa with only a little money, and is now grizzled with age. but gilded with gold also. The real heirs to thit strange pioneer lived In Massachusetts. The bankers and attorneys, as well as the public administrator, are won dering why the pioneer of '49 deserted his gold here, even to become a pioneer in the African gold fields. At any rate, the money Is safe. The distribution of a living man's funds has been prevent ed, and $12,000 now awaita the owner's order. San Francisco Chronicle. TRIPS C.NDEBT1KSN FOB HEALTH'S Will be rendered more beneficial, and the f tigues of travel counteracted, If the voyagei wUl take Along with him Hostetter'a Btomacb Bluer, and use that protective and enabling tonic, nerve invigoraut and appetizer regit larl. Imparities in air and water is neutral tied by it, and it is a matchless tranauillzei and regulator of the stomach, liver and bowele It counteracts malaria, rheumatism, and s tendency to kidney and bladder ailments. The oity of Marseilles, France, has juat completed ita drainage system on the plan of Paris, at a oost of $7,000, 000. Piso's Cure for Consumption has saved me large doctor bills. C. L Baker, 425 Begent So,., Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 8, "86 HOW'S IHI8T We offer OneF tred Dollars Reward tor any rase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall' Catarrh Cure. F. J: CHKNET A CO., Toledo, O. We, the Bndera'iriie'l. hare knowu if. J. Cbener for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable I" all business transaction and financially able to carry oat any obligation! made by ttlr Arm. WT ATRtnx, Wholesale OrnrtrUt". Toledo, O. Wii.Dio, KncnaN A MiiTis, Wholesale DrugilaU, Toledo, O. Rail's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, aetlnt directly npo thebloot and mncom turlaeet ol theavatem. Testimonial sent free, Frio 76s. per boltie. oid ny all drugtiata. Hall's Family fills are the bet: Beinald Benault, the French scien tist, baa discovered fossil miobrobes in the earliest geologiol formations. O It Sharply to the condition of your blood. At this reason peculiar perils assail the system. There are sudden changes in tem perature ; fogs and dampness, chilly nights, lowering e'ouds, drenching rains. These sudden changes bring on colds, fecers, pneumonia, bronchitis and other ailments. Keep the blood pure, rich and full of vitality and yon will be well. IH1 bod's Sarsaparilla Is the Beat In fsct the One Trae Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills are the best after -dinner pills, aid digestion. 24c WHEAT. Mak money by tec.fl pcaUtlon la Chicago. W bay nod tell wheat tber 011 mr Bin. Fortune bare been made on a small be (lnninv by t riding In future. Write for full lartlruUra. Beat of reference given. Several Tear experience on the Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough knowledge of the buai lie. Downing. Hooktn A Co., Cbicaeo Board of Trade Broken. Offices In Portland Oregon and dpokaoe Wash, , . FRAZER dcacc BEST IN THE W0RL0. WltCHwC Its wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actually oiitlaattug two boxes of any other brand, free fram Animal Oils. Gar TH GEMJINBU VCR BALI BY ORKOON AND CaV-WASHINGTON MBKCH AXTS sua xwauera generally. FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK er ''Juat Don't Peal Wall," tium nils an to Oaa Tains to oh. Only One for a Dose. V aoMey vnawaHSi a sea eiila 'flea, staieae Je) Dr.fetsaasMoa, CaVPaUa. fa. A QUICKSILVER MINE. Cnforteaatal tor the Dlaeeverara I aa ' Qavernmeal Laud. San Franolaoo, Oct 1. For a short time yesterday Christian Soli and John P. Green, two old prospectors, be Ueved they said good-bye to poverty and had jumped into rlohea that olonded tha fame of Monte Criato from view. They were the possessors, they were confident, by means of filing a mining olaim on a portion of the ocean shore near the oliff bonis, of the rich est quicksilver mine in tha world. A moderate estimate of its value they thought would reaoh 110,000,000, and as the ledge was on property owned by Adolph Satro, a they thought, they believed they could aoquire it under tb mining law. The dream waa abort-lived. Tbey bad soaroely left the oity ball, after filing their mineral notice, when they learned that they bad looated on a pieoe of tha Presidio, instead of tha possessions of the mayor. With this knowledge away went shimmering dreams of untold wealth, for title to military reservations is beyond the reaoh of tha oaveat of the law regard ing mining claims. But even in the faoe of this disheart ening turn of fortune, Green and Soli atill hope, altbough an inaurutable and immutable band bad banished them like Adam from their Eden. Tbey hope that the government will allow them to develop as muoh of their olaim aa lies between the lines of high and low tide, tor even with this morsel from the feast they think they can ao quir wealth enough for all praotioal purposes. PAPERS REFUSED HIM. Merchant Kaeenbloona Is Nat a Walking EnoTelopeala, Be Ha Can't Tata. Omaha, Neb.. Oot 18. Merchant ftoeenbloom, of Omaha, was today re fused eitisenahip papers in the district court because he could not name the number of representatives each state has in congress. Judge C R. Soott, who has obtained notoriety through in arbitrary course on the bench, pre sided. ' Rosenbloom was subjected to a severe fire of orosa-questiona. He answered correctly aa to the manner of electing a president in this country, the re quirements of a foreign citisen desir ing to become naturalised, the number of senators snd representatives in congress, and the number of senators and representatives Nebraska has in oongraa, but when asked the number of representatives from each state, be waa stumped. He offered to name ggjm 0f them, but this was not satis factory to the court Becoming some what indignant,Bosenbloom exclaimed: I am only a plain business man, your honor, and do not have the time to study up all these questions." "That does not make any differ ence," haughtily replied the court, "if the people don't know any more about the requirements than you do, they should never be naturalised." The oonrt closed the book with a slam, curtly informing the applicant that he talked too muoh and could not get hia papers. THE ARGENTINE WRECK. The Dlaastar Waa Dae ta a Deaaa Fog Prevailing; at the Tuna. Kansas City; Oot. 13. A ouriout combination of wrecks took plaoe in the Santa Fe yards at Argentine. A dense fog caused the trouble. Font trains were wrecked, but, strange to say, only one man was hurt, and be not fatally. An eaatbound freight train, in trying to enter the yard, was stopped by a switch that refused to work. Before the trouble could be remedied, spe oial freight, which was following close behind, came along. On account of the fog, the danger aignala were not seen until too late. The second train dashed into the first one, , wrecking the engine and several cars. Hardly bad this collision occurred, when passen ger train No. 8 crashed into the rear of the wrecked special, and a few min uses later passenger train No. 3, the California limited, plowed through the rear cars of No. 8. The only person hurt in these wrecks was a switchman named Gdbrge Slater, who bad bis arm broken and his head badly cut. His injuries, although painful, are not considered dangerous. The passengers were somewhat shaken, but no one else was injured. The damage to railroad property amounts to $50,000. Coal Mining Decision. South McAllister, L T., Oot 12. Chief Jnstioe Springer, of the Indian territory court of appeals, has rendered decision, which involves a title to the coal mine property operated by the Chootaw, Oklahoma & Gulf railway and directly affecting property in the Choctaw nation to the value of several millions. The decision holds that any person who disco vers coal in the Choo taw nation ia entitled to take all tbe coal beneath tbe surface within a mile radius in every direction from bit works. . ' ' . Election Be form a la Australia. Melbourne, Oot 13. The assembly, after an all-night sitting, passed the second reading of the bill establishing female suffrage and ''one man to one vote." . J Rue for Infringement of Patent. San Francisco, Oot 13. A suit was oommenoed today in tbe United States circuit court by Herman Cramer, claiming $6,000,000 from tbe Singer Sewing Machine Company, profits al leged to have been made by the com pany in selling machines infringing on Cramer's patent . German investigations seem to show that towns strung with telephone wires are less liable to lightning stroke than others. 1 A Cruiser for Zanalbar. London, Oot 13. The first-class oruiser Gibraltar, now attaobed to the Mediterranean fleet, haa been ordered to Zanalbar. The dispatch of rein forcements to Bear Admiral Rawson was in connection with the removal of tbe former ruler of Zanzibar on a Ger man warship. San Franoisoo, Oot 13. -John A. Meely, of 188 Tennessee street, quar reled with bit brother at tha break fast table yesterday, and tha latter struck him on the bead with a bam bone, fracturing bit skull. ta Fan! Cuban Daaajaoaa. . ., Havana, Oct U.Weyler la fooling our consul, Lee. Tbe order prohibit iug the Amerloan oonsol-genersi from visiting tbe military prison ksepa bim from personally investigating the con dition of Amerioant imprisoned there. He has to rely upon what Weyler tells bim. In their last interview General Lee complained of the unsanitary con dition of the cells tha Ainerioan pri soners were in. Weyler replied boldly: "Oh, I have attended to tbia matter. They have been removed to cells Not. 41 and ." General Lee retired flattered at hit apposed tuooess, not knowing the Americans hava always oooupied oells No. 1 and i. Those oells, by the way. are gloomy and so damp that water ooaea from tha ceilings and trickles down the walls. wotting the floor, wbiob never dries. In one of these wretched oells are Mel ton, the Ameiioan newspaperman, and George Agnirre, looked up with a man suffering from email pox. Tbe dis agreement between Weyler and Lee continues, the arrested Americans suf fering the consequenoea, Sharker at Saa Franolaoo. San Franoisoo, Oot 18. Tom Shar key, resplendent in a light suit of the latest New York cut. has returned to the oity. Several sports Journeyed aoross the bay to meet tbe ' big gun" in pugilism. Sharkey was informed of the latent phase of the attempt to make a match by Dan Lynoh. Shar key, who ia thoroughly beut on fight ing: and who ia desperately in earnest, became quite indignant "I will wait and bear what Corbett has to say in hia letter," aaid Sharkey. "If be does not mean buatness I will leave for the East and will make either Corbett or Fitssimmons fight or I will stamp both as pretenders and ihow thein up to the world." Sharkey waa asked if he was satisfied with the winner taking all of the $10,000. "That ia perfectly satisfactory. I do not want a cent if I lose tbe oontest" Sbarkey told hia frienda that Corbett and Fitasimmona were "dead" ones and related how tbe Antipodean waa willing to give a bag punobing exhi bition twice a day for $150 a week. Thia is one of the reasons that makes Shaikey think that both Corbett and Fitxsirumona will have to fight in the near future. Ta Develop Corean Mines. San Francisco, Oot 13. A party of prominent Denver mining opera tort and capitalists are here on their way to Corea to engage in a big mining venture. While unwilling to disclose their plans, it is understood they ex pect to take advantage of a oonoesslon granted by the Corean government for the exploration and development of certain vauable mining property In the hermit kingdom, and are taking with them a civil engineer to superintend the construction of a railway to con nect the minea with tbe seaport of Chemulpo. The party includes H. Col burn, L. L. Bailey and George Arthur Rice, all of Denver. With them ia W. T. Carley, a civil engineer of Chatta nooga, who will have charge of the railway construction and snob other works as the syndicate may undertake. The members of the party have engag ed passage on the steamer China, which sails today. Attacked by Pirates. Malaga, Oct 12. The Spanish mer chant steamer Seville, from French Mediterranean ports, reports that the French bark Corinthe, while beclamed recently near the island of Hulcemas, a Spanish prison settlement off the ooast of Morocco, was attacked by armed Moon in boats. Tbe pirates bound the crew and pillaged the ship. The crew of the Seville succeeded in rescu ing one of the crew of the Corinthe and captured one boatload of the Moors, When the Seville approached tbe Cor inthe, tbe pirates opened fire upon her, killing two men and wounding four and eventually compelling the Seville to retire. A Spanish boat baa teen sent to Morocco with instructions to demand the release of tbe prisoners and the payment of indemnity. The out rage took place in Spanish waters. Peter Fellers. Woodburn, Or., Oct 13. Peter Fellers, who died a few daya ago at bit home near Bntteville, was one of tbe oldest ploneert in Marion county. He was born in France, March fl, 1822; came to this country in 1847 and set tled in Davia county, Illinois; came to Oregon in 1858, and for the first four years ran a freight team between Ore gon City and Albany. He then settled upon hit present farm near Bntteville, where be lived for forty-two years. He left, a widow and six children. Ivory again Bemanded. London, Oot 12. Edward J. Ivory, aliaa Bell, the saloon-keeper of New York, charged with aiding and abetting the alleged dynamite conspiracy, was brought up again today on remand from tbe Bow atreet polioe court Counsel for tbe treasury department called several witnesses. Tbe prisoner was sgain remanded for a week. Wholesale Grain-Dealer Assigns. Philadelphia, Oot 12. John Lunn, wholesale grain dealer, has made an assignment for tbe benefit of hia credit ors. The liabilities amount to $78,000; assets, $30,000. La Grande, Oot. 12. Two more ar rests bave been made of persons alleged to bave been egaged in tbe robbery of the bank in Joseph, Wallowa county, October 8. Today John Martin and Ben Owenby were examined before Jnatioe in Enterprise and beld in $2,000 bonds to appear before the next grand jury. James Tucker, the robber that wat wounded at tbe time of tbe rob bery, has turned state's evidence, and it was through bim that the arrest were made. Atlantis Greyhound Disabled. New York, Oct 12. The Hamburg American steamer Fnerst Bismarck, wbiob arrived this morning from Ham burg, reported tbat at 12:80 yesterday afternoon, he sighted tbe steamer Parit, with her starboard engine broken down. No assistance wat required. The Parit signalled tbat she would pro oeed under port engine only. Tha Paris left this port October 7 for Southampton. Philadelphia wat the first oity to Issue a directory, its first edition com. Ing out in 1786. TORTURED A DYING WOMAN. Tha Horrible Crime at a Chicago Fhyelelaa. Chicago, Oot , 9. Carl F. Nlta, a physician, stabbed bit wife to death aud afterwarda blew hit brains out The oonple bad lived a quarrelsome and unhappy life, and the woman had made repeated efforta to obtain poasve aton of her h,usband't property. Dur ing a quarrel, Nlta stabbed bis wife in the abdomen with a surgical lustra inent, and, tha wound not proving fatal, stabbed her second time. From notes found iu the room it ia evident that tbe physician had tat down beside bis victim to watob ber die, and that, while so oooupied, he repeatedly plunged tha knife into tbe vital parta and on paper noted the effoot of tha wounds inflicted. For over four hours, as shown by hit notes, he tortured the dying woman. During this time, be went oot and procured an oyster ttew at a neighboring restaurant, and pur chased the revolver with which be Anally killed himself. Late in tbe evening the polioe learned of the murder and went to the house. Nits, who had hid In tbe basement, killed himself when be found there was no ohanoe of escape. While the woman was slowly dying, the aged fa- their of the phyeioian sat in an adjoin ing room ignorant of the tragedy that was being oommltted. The murderer and euioide was 40 yeara of age, and well to do. BAD JUDGMENT ONLY. Coroner's Jury's Verdict In Railroad Aeeideut Near lloaeburg. Roaeburg, Or., Oot. 0. The ooro tier's jury resumed taking testimony In the Ualnwreck case tbia morning. James Porter, engineer of No. 18, and Superintendent Fields were heard, and the jury brought in the following ver dict at 4 P.M.: "We, the coroner's jury, Impaneled and sworn to inquire how the deceased persona were, aud when, where and by what meana they came to their deaths, do find the deceased perona to be Albert Toy, John McGonlgle and George R. Happersett; tbat they came to their death October 0, 1806, half a mile south of Green's station, on the South ern Paoifio railroad, by a collision be tween two locomotives. It was elicit ed from tbe evidence that tbe south bound engine wat runuiug under or ders, and that the northbound engine had a right to flag back, at there waa no telegraph ttation at Green'a station, and did comply with thia regulation np to the straight track, one mite aud half south of Green'a ttation, which straight track they bad a right to run over unflagged when they oocld see. It being daylight they dropped down this straight track with the intention of flagging through the fog aud around a small curve. We find no one guilty of breaking the regolationa of running, but deficient jugdment wat shown as to the distance from the fog that would make them safe in commencing to flag again, which, according to evideooe. tbey were Intending to resume. A Viahtrman's Haa!. Aberdeen, Wash., Oct 0. Last eve ning at about 8 o'clock, a fisherman known at Austian Pete, while drifting for salmon in the harbor, felt an unu sually heavy weight on bit net Upon hauling up the net, be found tbe dead body of John Fuse entangled in the meshes. The ooroner wat at once noti fied, and took the body in charge. It will be buried today. Fuss bad been drinking heavily, and after 6 o'clock last evening left Doian't saloon, on tbe ooroner of Heron and F streets, telling hit friendt that be waa going to "jump overboard." Tbey paid little attention to bia remark, as be bad frequently threatened to commit suicide. lie wat last seen alive about 7 o'clock, and hia being picked up so toon it very remark able. Stealing Real Eatata Mot a Crime. San Francisco, Oct. 0. Tbe supreme court today decided that, to obtain real estate nnder false pretenses is no crime under the statute. Jamea H. Cum min gt wat tried for inch an offense in the supreme oonrt and acquitted on a demurrer wbioh contended that tha code only defined the offense of obtain ing money nnder false pretenses, and of swindling to obtain merely money, wares, merchandise and other property. It waa beld that thit exempted real es tate from the section, tbe wordt "and other property" being construed to mean other property of the same char acter at the kindt mentioned. Tbe su preme oourt upheld the decision of the lower court K. B. On la. Mow Mayor of Taeotna. Taooma, Oot . A. V. Fawoett, aoting mayor since April, vacated the office at 8 o'olock this morning, the state supreme oourt having decided E. S. Orr, the contestant, entitled to be tested pending a further hearing of the case, which will be in the superior oourt in about two months. Mayor Orr called a special meeting of tbe oity oounoll for tomorrow morning to con sider bow public business can be most barmonionsly carried on. . v Boreas for Honolulu. Ellensbnrg, Wash., Oct 0. Claude and Ralph Helm left today with a car load of Percberon horses, bound for San Francisco, wbenos they will tail for Honolulu. Tbe horses range from 1,400 to 1,800 pounds each. Tonng DeLasseps Killed Himself. London, Oct 0. A special from Parit says it it rumored tbat Viator de Lessept, ton of tbe late Count de Lesseps,wbo died yesterday, committed suicide. It wat at first tupposed tbe injuries which caused hit death were the result of a fall. A new bypnotio hat probably been found in the Jamaica dogwood. The fluid extraot bat been found effloaciout in dentistry. You probably pay too much a month for tea; it is probably not very good. Try Schillings Best. If you don't like it, your gro cer returns your money. You may find unexpected pleasure and profit in it A Schilling tk Company irauiave tn OREGON'S METROPOLIS. Paitland'a Industrial EiposlUoa end Soma of Ber Thriving Institutions, lK-lal Cotreaponiieuoe. Portland, Or. , Oot 7. Bay, do you know that this is a pretty good kind of a town! The people are mon eoolablt than one would think. Several very nicely dressed ladles, and with their faces dtme up in paint arid powder, bave Invited me to oorue right to their bonnes, and me never having been In troduced to thera at all. I oall that real sociable, I do. Out at the Exposition, where I wat total strange r, one lady I never taw before introduced herself to mo, and asked me to her house, saying she bad several very attractive girls. Of course I had to go, aud what do you think I donof You see, I bad to shave my self. I got flexible rator strop, oanvaas one side, leather the other, from Wood ard, Clarke & Co., Fourth and Wash ington. They mail these elegar-t strops to any address for thirty centf. Saturday night wat Kedmen'a night at the Exposition; and, judging from the number of 'em there, it looked at if there were no pale faces In Portland. These make-believe Injuns had wig wams, tomahawks, aud pipes of peace galore. One thing that moat ploasod nie wat that I find they pay pretty good sick benefits, and also they uiaka Mark Twain's saying good, that the good Injun ia the dead Injun; for aa soon at yon re dead your squaw gets some thousands of dollars. "All oarpots fade. Some people say they won't, but we know they will" What do you think of a sign like tuatr I wai surprised to see it In the largest oarpet and furniture house west of Chi oago, the 1. V. Jtsreeano company. This house baa four floors 100x100 crowded with all classes of furniture from plainest cottage to tuperb baud- carved mahoganies. I wat afraid to ask prices as I looked through tbe won derful establishment My friend wat not to carefnul, and we found that prices here were oheaper than anywhere iu Portland. That conies from trading with factories in tralnload lota. Port- laud is justly proud of the great H. G Breeden establishment Mayor Penuoyer and Harvey Soott are having it hot over the fire depart ment The mayor, he haa the depart- neut; and Harvey, be baa the grumb ling; so it looks just like each one would have hia own turn the mayor with the departtnont, and Harvey with bit grumbling. It ain't for me to say word one way nor totber, but I think when Harvey's done with Syl vester, and the mayor is through with the editor,. that they'll kiss and make up. Both are pioneers, and that makes On-gon aristocracy. Somehow I feel at if we deserved no manufactures here. Our people teem to prefer Eastern or foreign goods. Look at Golden West Baking Pow der, an artlole tbat is surpassed by none, wbiob has been used by me for five years with entire satisfaction. It ia made here by men of character; yet bow many of ut use Eastern goods without thought that money spent at borne for home goods stays with us. Thit tame house Closset & Derers has an exhibit of a P. P. C gaa ooffee roaster, patented only last April. Tbe machine roasts ISO pounds of ooffee in from 0 to 13 minutes, at against 45 with the old method. The long, sim mering of the ooffee over an intensely hot fire destroyed all the fine aroma, and virtually killed the coffee. By tbe new and. short method the ooffee falls through a flame, at tbe rate of 40 times to the minute. Tbe flame, being in tbe cylinder with the ooffee, tbe In tense beat directly applied, drawl tbe oil which it near tha surface of the coffee out aud seals the berry so tbat as tbe roasting continues, none of tbt aroma escapes. This is a campaign of education. Ob the corner of Third and Washington, there are daily, and all-day, from ont to three crowds discussing the money question. You never- bear a word on tariff thank God I Free ailver is all one heart. It't lively bouts tbey do be baviug. too, I oan tell yea that Of course, I don't pretend to know which i side is right but I do know that tbe plain folks like me seem to know "ita titioe" on either side better tbsn I ever knew since I studied Role Three. The law and the medical schools all opened last week. I went to both de bute Science it making great head way. I feel like my grandmother af ter thre dayt In a big city. She beard freethinker lectnre, and there wat no hell; end then she hesrd a dress re former lecture, and there wat tbe "union" garment; to, when the dear old soul came baok to the ranch, she said she guessed she'd enough of oity life first, there wat no hell, and then there waa no "cblmmle," and tbat made Ufa not worth living. EZEKIEU Matrimonial Wafer. Perry, O. T., Oot. 7. The election will deolde whether Mist Alice Yoong- er snd T. J. Stanton, of thia oity, will become husband and wife. Miss Younger wagers that if Bryan is elect ed she will wed Stanton, and if Mo- Kinly is elected she will not Havana, Oct 6. Tha local guerilla force at Ban .Nicholas bat killed the 1m por&nt Insurgent leader known at In- glesite, whose name wat Alfred Gold. His body bat been identified. One of the insurgent captains wat also killed. Murdered and Bobbed. Ben Franklin, Tex., Oct 7, D Knowlet, an old citizen, and hit mar ried daughter were assaulted at tbelr borne, seven milet touth of this plaoe, last nignt witn an ax by unknown per tons. Robbery wat tbe objeot of the assassins. Knowles died today, but bis daughter may recover. Tbe oldest national flag In the world it that of Denmark, wbiob bat been used since tbe year 1319, Lar(st Loeoinotire In the West, Denver, Oot 7. The largest loco motive ever teen in the West, and one of the largest in the United States, made a trial ron from Denver to Pueblo today, hauling forty-five cart. It it calculated that thit engine oan run seventy miles an hour. Another of tbe tame pattern is being built When both are in use, the running time between Denver and Pueblo may be reduced to a mile a minute. The flrtt patent wat issued to Samuel Hopkins In 1790 for making "pot or pearl ashes." uwibwr " . trow -rrx m 0 Sl1' i NOTHING BUT THE GENUIN U. f iBKrfSSfiWftifit aT MM i'ittl MM inVVVJ TaO" ..'s Tm JTI t .JW Durham. Dux a bat of Oils fp J IT'T I , celebrated lobaeoo and read lia "Tlg7 J .. the eoupoo-whlca glvst a M-t ll efvaluaM prases tsaad ' S'lmSb ! aewtofttihsm. A Jims j 1 Best Quality! Largest Size! Lowest Price! at) oik ' SJW,.. 'A HERCULES Gasoline Engine BHNINO HOIST, 4 to 85 h. p. TTIX (tatted tnatantty. fobs or Elee trie Ignites, Clean. Safe. Kara, fl Hercules Gas Engine Works Gas, Oil aaid Oaaollae Knglaee, I ta tOO-aere rawer. SlCea, 40S tad 407 Sajuom. Strut, works. m - m - i - m - rM!Mzr - K9 - Cancer Of the Face. Mrs. Laura E. Mlms.of Smlthvilie.Ga., ssys: "A small pimple ef a strawberry color appeared on my cheek ; it soon began to grow rapidly, notwithstand ing all efforts to check it. My eye became terribly inflamed, and wat to tvollen that for quite while I could not tee. The doctors said I had Cancer of the most malignant tvna. anil mlimv - banstlng their effort without doinar me anv eood. thev care np tne case at nopeiens. When in formed that my father hsd died from the same disease, they said I must die, as hereditary Cancer waa incurable. "At this crisis, I wsa advised to try 8.S..'., and in a short while the Cancer began to discharge and continued todo to (or three months, then it began to heal. I coiiieinieil the medicine a while longer until the Cancer disappt-ared en tirely. Tbia waa seversl years sgo and there has been no return of tbe disease.," A Real Blood Remedy. Cant er is a blood disease, and onfy a blood reiuerlv will enre It. R s R (euarantetd purely vegetable) ia a real blood remedy, and never fails to per manently cure Cancer, Scrofula, Eczema, Klieunutism or auv other diaeaaa nf tlta blood. Send for our books oa Cancer and Blood Diseases, viailed free to SUV adrlrasa Swift Snecinc t 'aw Co. Atlanta, Ca. STAND yhwl : Tou will And one esupo. fv!vfS?.. K'i'l I and twocoupons loslds sack I twocoupons I Ibur ouaoe Uutof Black wsll'i v- St mrm Ik s. HOISTING Engines . PUMPING Engines ' . fiUKini. engines STATIONARY Engines. Tae Are tha Real ta Hair. Cheapest ta Ope rata. Mast etlafaatarjr, MINE OWNERS Oosnot afford to uo Soltti tint Ut .nrtHr.bli. Tbt 1UC&CTXLE3 BOmUAoiolutalTStie. Al. ays Heady- O&t auta opntM raffia aad Hoist. Sttitfftotlsa ffUaxt-atKd mymx moaty took. - - i bat at. Baa rrtaclaoo. Ctl. Write for r-.taloma. The best they say of other bindings f' is that they are "y BIAS VELVETEEN SKIRT BINDING1. Ask for the new S. H. & M. CORD EDGE. If your dealer WILL NOT supply you we will. Scmfltntaunnf UMt tiut mattrteh maMrti. " Home Dreumtklnr Mada ae.-' a new 71 sua bookb Miss EmffliM, Hooper.ef the Ladles Heat Journal, tells n plain words how to make dresses si kome without previous training; : mailed for 28a. . H, M. Ca., P. O, box 609, N. V. City. ; lint rn rnrr Tn an mAArm. Alt . . . .' KlUILXU rnCX .....i.iai rn.a MOU81MOLO POOPS. 1TO. This drenlar Is Issued tor (he benefit ot nr onimlrjr rmloiners whnrannnt avail themselves of our Hall Mtwriat Kales, Hend na your ad diets. You will And bnlbKooilasml rrli na right, Wll.l, A KINCK CO., lift mo) Market street. Han rranelsou, Cel. LESS V, NtsJlM ink lMnaft.lM BMU, s' I iraa art aaail ireafj. rftal In writing to advertiser! don't for get to meutiou thit paper. GUFJECURE roRPI sai. sua. mrmti va luMaawa. lust igssi f 1 In lima. Hf-iij by Atnntotm. f 1 Sat " "-ij V. t. X. V. JTo. 071,-f, F. V, V. ft. 7