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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1896)
OREGON MIST. DSl'ROKV CKl t KIUAY AtOHNINU -BV- BEEGLE & DAVIS. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Kubarrlptlon Itnles. On eopy one year In advance. i 60 One copy alx inootba...........,.,,,., ., 76 mugie copy .... 6 Adverttaing rates made known upon application COLOMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY, Conntr Ulcers. JmlCT.. Joeph II. Dau, Rainier .JIinKOll kwi Clerk BherllT Treasurer ., . fcnnt. of Hchoola. A&msaaor , ... . tiurvevor. Coroner. Commissioner . Vernoma J. N. nice, hirskaine ,V. H. Dolman. St. lltlena ,...,.J. G. lYatta, Hciiopooae Martin White, tiulucy . n. . Aioverve, iieiena Dr. A. P. Mol-aren. Rainier ...P. A. r rakes, 8t' N. D. Peterson, Mist ST. HELESIg, ORKniH, AVti. CD. CHANG SD HIS TACTICS. PROTECTION AND PROSPERITY FOR PRESIDENT Win. McKinley, of Ohio. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT Garret A. Hobart, of N. J How changed (be conditions pre vailing aince the election of the present administration! It was elected upon an issue that proposed the reversal of the economic policies that bad brought to the nation these marvelous results. , Since then our energies have been stifled, hope and courage have almost fled, and instead of the chorus of plenty, want's gaunt hand has pressed Close upon many of our people, f ros trate industries, idle wheels, smokeless furnaces, palsied capital, idle labor, unsought production have cried in vain for help, and the only answer of "triumphant democracy" was the Wil son bill, with its "perfidy and dis .hOQor," that wrecked our prosperity nd ruined our industries. The late action of tiie two state central committees in Oregon, in op position to the McKinley forces, h of such a nature as to keep people guess ing as to which one has done the ab sorbing. Both pariies have been sucked up through the same quill, audit's hard' to tell which one will .furnish the music while the other one -dances. "what a difference it woald make in Columbia county it our sawmills and logging camps were operated to full capacity, as was the case a few years ago? But such cannot be un J I . , " . - t . ucr present conditions, vv e nan a Change three years ago and in conse- vuence are suffering for want of change. Men who work in logging .camps and sawmills today (if they are fortunate enongh to get a job at any price) should compare their wages with the wages received a few years ago and see of the difference in change would not benefit them. Lumber is on the free list, you know. When Mr. Bryan delivered his lf!,000 word speech in New York, as well as during bis trip eastward, he has not once mentioned the taritf. Well, tint is his safest course, considering his record, and a very shrewd couree it is. His avoidance of the tariff issue is Mr. Bryan's way of saying, "the tariff is settled." Not Unit Mr. Bryan be lieves that the tarilf is si'ltled, liny more than does Mr. Wliituoy or any of the other tariff reformers. Three years ago Mr. Bryan declared the tariff a vital issue and advocated free-trade as the panacea for all ill. Nor did he accept the Wilson Gorman bill us a settlement of tha question. Ha said. during the discussion on the tariff bill : "I think the duties sll the way through this hill are higher than necessary, anil I favor the bill, not beoauae it is perfw linn, not because the duties are brouelit ilown a low as thev milit be, but beeaue the hill is infinitely better than the law nhleh we now have, and is u step in tha tight di rection." Why does Mr. Bryan falter in his "step" trward free-trade? Why dia he not labor for thit "perfect" bill which would give us free-trade? , Can it be because he is afraid to face the issue, after two years' test of only "tariff reform?" From 1789 lo 18S8, a period of ninety-nine years, there have been forty seven years when a democratic reve nue taritf policy has prevailed, and fifi.v-two years under the protective tariff policy, and it is a noteworthy fact that the most progressive and prosperous periods of our history in every department of human effort and material development were during tlin fifty-two years when the protective party was in control, and protective tariffs were maintained; and the most disantrone years years of want and wretchedness, ruin and retrogression, eventuating in insufficient revenues and shattered credits, individual and national were during the free-trade or revenue tariff eras of our history. No man lives' who passed through anv of the latter periods but would dread their return, and would nee from them as he would escape from fire and pesti lnnce; and we believe the party which promotes their return will merit and receive popular condemnation. by singing "Washed in the Blood of the Lamb," followed by "Blessod Be the Tie that Binds." Fkm-Tkader Bbyan is spending many words, if not much thought, in perfecting his pose as the friend of the laboring man. He cannot mean the friend of American laboring men, lor, if Mr. Bryan had his way, we would buy our goods in Europe and hut up the factories in this country. As a friend of the laboring men, Mr. Bryan bears a striking resemblance to well-known character who appeared in sheep's clothing. If, however, Mr. Bryan is indeed appearing in borrowed garments we may be sure that it is not taken from the back of an Amer ican sheep. For that animal Mr. Bryaa hat a rooted and grounded an tipathy. Thk man who, a few years ago, re ceived $1 per cord for cutting wood, but now receives but 60 to 70 cents, ought reasonably to be expected to vote lor McKinley; not that there ever has toeen a duty on wood cutting, but be cause the price is regulated by the price of other articles produced by labor to wnicn protection brings bigher wages, iiay, under the Wilson law, has biea selling for $10 per ton ; un der the McKinley law the same grade of bay brought $18 to $20 per ton. The same ratio holds good in every product of the farm, unless higher prices prevail because of a short crop. Take your choice between these two priee lists. British Columbia has a greater lumber area than that of the Pacific coast. Dunne the year 1S93 the states of Oregon and Washington sold to the people of the stale of Conforms ever 3ao,uuy,ouu feet of lumber aud 11,000,000 shingles. The employes in the lumber industry of British Colum bia are principally Chinese and Kan akas, and lumber and shingles in that territory are produced at greatlv re duced fates compared with the cost of production in the United States. The different policies of the United States and Canada in their treatment re spectively of the public lands and the public timber is another matter re sulting largely in favor of the Cana dian lumber producer. Lumbeimen n tbe United btates are not permit ted to go on the public lands, while in Canada they are rented out at a mere nominal figure per acre, with the right to cut timber and manufacture lumber. No large amount of capital therefore is required there as in the United Stales for investment in stumpage. Senator Mitchell. I'lalnly to the Point. Major McKinley said in his letter of ac ceptance: f "W havo cither been sending too much money out of the country, or getting too little In, or both. We have lost steadily in both directions. Our foreign trade has been diminished, and our domestic trade has a n tiered inculculiihle loss. Does n this suggest the cause of our present tit predion and indicate Its remedy ? Oonli dence in home enterprise lius almost wholly disappeared. Our shops are closed, or run ning on half time at reduced wages and small profit. If not actual loss. Our men at huiae are Idle, and while they are idle men abroad are occupied in supplying us with goods. Our unrivalled home mark ol the farmer has also greatly sullered, be cause they who constitute it. the great army of wape-earners. are without the nork and waxes they formerly hud. If they cannot earn wages, they cannot buy products. They cannot earn if they hare no employment, and when they do not earn, the farmers' home market is lessened and impaired, and tbe loss la felt by both prodm-er aud consumer. The loss of earn ing power alono in this country in the past three years Is sufficient to have produced our unfortunate business situation. If our labor was well employed, and employed at as remunerative wages as in 1802, in a few months every fanner in the laud would feel the glad chango in the increased dn mana for his products and ' in the better prices which he wivild receive." IMd You liver. Try Electric Hittera as a remedy for yoat troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has becu found to he peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonder ful direct influence in giving strength and lone to the organs. If you have loss of Ap petite, Constipation. Headacl-e, Fainting spells or are Nervous, Bleepless, Excitable, Melancholy or troubled with Piety Spells, Klectric Bitters in the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and 11.00 at Dr. Ross' Drug Store. Call for Meeting. Ir the lesson of the past three years is Jacking in convincing qualities then history is of no consequence. We were told four years ago by our popu list and democratic ' friends that the McKiuley tariff was overflowing the country with money and there must be something done to check the im mense amount of money accumulat ing in the public treasury ; that capi tal was lying idle because the wheels of industry did not require such a vast sura as was being turned loose in this country ; and therefore a tariff for revenue was sufficient. Practically free trade was tha desired remedy for all the threatening ills. Well, the supposed tnnn-lor revenue bill was A meeting of the McKinlev Renublicsn Club, of St. Helens, is hereby called for Monday. August Hist, ltwti, at the Court House, at Ho clock P. M.. for the nurnose of making preparations for actively con ducting the coining camoaiim. Everybody cordially invited to attend. Members will please be present. D. Davis, ' H. Alien, Secretary. President. 1)1 BURNETT. At Yankton.Oregon.on Aug ust 21st. 189(5, Kial Burnett, aged To years and 10 months. Deceased was horn at Charleston, South Carolina, in W20. The iuneral services were held at Houlton lost Sunday, con ducted by Rev. C. K. Philbrnok, and the remains were laid to rest in Odd Fellows' cemetery. DOWNING. At Warren on Sunday, Aug ust 23, IS!!, Mr. Downing, father of Jlr. John Downing. SUMMONS. Iii the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for the Couuty of Coliimbli. suit in ugi'irr. Atlolph BNntiiK.r hihI AUx mrt nrtt dultiK lm-ltHni uu.lcr the firm mutte I hik) tylof tiiMUfiwr ,St lo., ,'lniiiUlttij I v. f Katie Hnhaeffr, J with Hrlmofer, M Cunrm. I ni it. letr t'otiVHil, itcftMiiUutM. J To K title Srlmofor mul Jmvb goluu'fer, of the above imiutM dt-tViuunitu: VOIJ, AND KAl'lt OK VOtT, AUK HKRKHY 1 ro(itlrHt to ppMir lioroitt the mmve on mica i ourt on im- i-uu tiny oi ttnuwr, irwt, (hut Ih'Ihk the Urst .hv of tliw October term of moo t'ouri, to Hiiwtr ino oompnum .hmviii mu In Hie it b vp until UM mMlnn; Hint If you lull to in 'pour or anwr heroin, for want thereof, tho planum win appiy to ins i.our ior uiu rvuui ummttiueu m inv mmpiuiMi nrrtMu, iu-w it: 1ml- Fur n lutiarmtHit HUHiimt Kiitle Hchtiefor. Jacob ft'hfttMor, UUConrml ami I'eter (Nmruri, tvu'li of them. oViViutaiiU hurolu. fur the sum of Six Humtred mul Mt'vuntv tivo mul 00 1P0 fti?,M-P U.IlHn. tOL-etluT wtilt uteroMt thereon at the rute of 10 per rent per Niinttm from the 17th lny of Mny. 1MM. uiso foi the further aunt nf iyl M titvtw iui hi hv th uhm tt iuniiil nliittitlift till (lit mini nvm-rntvu i it uiu v,'niuitnu iteitriii. itf titer with. mteiva on mui amount no imm for taxeti, Ht the rule of M per eeut ier anutint from the !m1 tluy of Mny, 1 MHt, li for the further mint ol One ItttuUreil (SUM) Dollar uinl- torneyn fee In thUtmtt, mul the cosU mul Uiu bitrxementH of thin null. ami: lht the inmal ueoroe mt? h mmt for the !wlo of the premise uVsorltnM tu lite com plaint horeln, to wit: The northwest one quarter (iiw-j ot Neeiion iweive hmu iowuiutti i ut-ee tS) north, ranue Three (S) wet of the VVinmoette Mni-minii. tn t ihimh:a piinntv. Sttitt nf OrMuitn. contHlniuit One Uumlre! mi4 Sixty aerot of lautl. more or Ies, toceiher with the tette- inentM, rtereuftnmeutN a tut Mppurteniiuee thure- tittto tM mumur or in ativ wiMeaoheria uintr. -dv the iherltfof the t'ore.iul eounty, In the ma ti ne r provided by law, ami actsmlma to the prtio lice of Khin i'ourt. ami that the nroeeedH of sahl sale te applied, by hhM heritr, to the pavment ot ute muotmt one puunmi-t, ana nun tne ue fetxlaitttt, lid all oemuiN elaimlttir umler them Mtihseiueut to the execution ol the mo ri un ire tipt'n anui preini-(in the eotttpiutnt sot forth, either lmrehaKer. eni'tinuiraneer- or other wise may be barml nnl foii'ver forei'Me! if all nuht, cUitn or equity of reileniptton in mU premlKe mul everv purt thereof: that the plain tiffs may have jtuliruiettt mul exeeutlon HKrtinl nU ilefeiulatitH, anil each of them, for any tie- encv With h mitv remain alter MPiuyfnir all tne proeeeun or trie saietu Haiti premise iiroper- iv Hpt'iieiuue to ine faiitiiaciion or hhui niuir- tuent; that the itlalutiii or any other party to I ints Mm may neeome a purenaaur at bhui wtie; that ihesheritt exeeitte a deed to the pnrvhawer: that ttte bald purt'hajter te let into pttwueMion of ute premise on prouucitoit or tne Kite nit h ueeu therefor, and that the ptniulltrM mav have stu h other and further relief tu the premises aa to thi Court may neem meet and (iiuitahle. iniM sumtnons is uuiuisneu ny onier niute Honorable Thomas A MeHride. ludtre of laid Court, mmle upon the tl'h day of July, istm. liKAKLN. BILVES' ON K A HKOIMK. j!7u Attorneys for riaiutitt mOFESSlONAL, J-JH- KDW1N ROH8, rilYSICIAN AND HUllCiKOX. St. Iolonn Orogon D O YOU NEED GROCERIES? If you do and Jsnlre tho bout quality for the lunU luuuuy your wuiits can ulways bo uillvtl by , DART & 1UCKLE, Who have a complete line J-JR. II. It, CIJKF, I'llYSICIAN AND SURG EON. Kt. Helens, Oregon. QR. J. K. IIAbb, ruyamiAX and surgeon. Clatkiiule, Columbia county, Or, " I w-w sj v a . s,,N. ii.Ati.Kit, iii r linm k. t ,ifiiiiiiii. i m. tk.7iv s.w w """ r!77 AUEH 4 CUSETOH, T... 1 1 4 l- Boots and Shoes. Attorneys and Counselors at Law 8T. IIKt.KNH, OHKIIOM. N. MKSKKVK, Surveyor and Civil Engineer DKI.KNA, OKKtiON. Conntv Kiirvevor. Land Snrvevlnr.Town i iatiinir ami r.iiiriiii'erliiir work iroiniuv exeeuieu. COLUMBIA BANKING COMPANY ST. HCLCNB, ONCOON Makes lfetment, reoelvM deinulla and tluw asenerul uHnklng tMislnetis. Capital stock, $20,000. AH klnila of good itecnrltleii tkiutrht and until. KxehsuHtf, kwkI vvvrvHiiure In the world, aold INCORPORATED JAN. 0, lSo. J. R. Kt'lll. nrenldent: R. W. Alton, vles nreol dent:!!. N. Seolt. vrratarv: t'- II Ward. ajwll- unt awrelary; u. II. Newell, earhler. FURNISHING GOODS St. Helens, Oregon. ST. HELENS MEAT MARKET All Kinds of Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon and Lard Meats by Wholesale At Special Kate. MAIN Ft 'I'll 1ST, James M. Sheldon, HT. IlEIiKNH. Oil KCtOfi. THE A HI' HE It '9 KOTICK. County Tkka8i:kku'8 OrrirK, ) St. Hbi kns, Or., Aiibuhi. 7, 1890.$ TCTICK is hereby Riven that all unpaid X County Warrants of saiil county, which have been tiretenteil and endorsed Not I'aid for Want of Knnds." nrior to January 1 1, IH4. win oe siu upon present- stion at mis otnee. lnti ret will not be al- nftAV thim Aata W It lliHUlV a7s4 Treasurer of Columbia County, Or. NEWELL & WATKINS IN Groceries, Hay, Flonr and Feed WOOD AID NIIIMUI.K. Country I'roditee ItotiRhtaiHl SoKl.nml Ex- cnangetl lorliomtn. l'iHlertiikthr tioous furnished on iShort Notice. Store on Strand Street, ST. 1IKI.EN8, Oil. Clatskanie Drugstore the Placs to Sacure Your fri Madlelnas PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS Patent Medicines, I'reierlpllnn Pruira, Toilet Articles, Katiey N'otluna, UK. J. B. HAI L, Praprhtar Clatakanle, Or Ma-atk A sffc afa i 2 KQIj'AI.IZATIO'M NOTIt'C. WHITE COLLAR LINE 8trs. Tele hone and Bslley (iRttert COLUMBIA RIVER A PUGET Bol'ND NAV. CO Alder St., Portland; Flavel dock, Aatnrl XTOTICK is hereby eiven that the Board of Liiualization will meet at St. Hot-1 ens, in tbe ( ourt llnuse. on Mondav. August 31, lSWf, for the ournose of equal izing the assessment of All rlaima for correction must be made before the board. .MAKT1N WHITK, County AMnesor. -, rii'TaVr ST. HELENS HOTEL.... Our tables will at all times lie (mini) supplied with tho bust vdiblot ami tlelivucios the iiiurkot ullortla. TERMS REASONABLE TOR REGULAR BOARDERS The hotel having hten newly rnftirnishntl wn am tirfpnrod to givo latia faction ts all our patrons, ami soliuit your (latronago. j J. George, Proprietor, St. Helens. Or. frTrvV V VVV VVtfVVVWVWV V V V W INollre t Iredicora. "NOTICE is hereby Riven that the under XI signed have been duly appointed by th. County I ourt of Columbia county, Ore eon.'administrators of the' estate of Cuth bert Stump, sr., deceased, and hare quali fied as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present me same. Willi rjrouer voucher, lo uu. ni tne taw oince oi uiiiara K Loie, in St. Helens, said county and staW, within six monin irom tne date hereof. uated at St. Helens. Or., Aug. 28, 1830. ADAM STUMP and CUTHBERT STL' MP. ir.. Administrators of th. Estate of Cuthbert Stump, sr., deceased. o2Ss In Advance. THE-. Mat Ice t Creditor.. In tho County Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia Countv. In the mutter of the estate of Frank M. Meeker, deceased. "VTOTICK is hereby given that the nnder li signed was, on th. 22nd day of Aug ust, li, duly appointed administratrix of the estate of Frank M. Meeker, deceased, by the Countv Court for Columhia Countv. Oregon; and oil persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present thera. with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned, as such administratrix, at her place of residence, at St. Helens. Co- Wist and Oregon ian ONE YEAR PORTLAND AND AHTUH1A Telenhon. lesvea P-.irtlnnd dnllv r,'zent Him, day) at 7 a. in., leuvea Aatorla dally at 7 p. m.. (except Sunday). Runa direct to train fur flat-1 ml ncacn, ami counaeia witn siemuer llnaee I lor iiwuuo traina, running lo alliolulou Nurlb beneli. I nailer (iataert leaves Portlnnd dallv at s b m.. texcept Humla), mi saiuntuy at 11 p.' in. Leave anion uuny ni v a. m. tcxeepi Minilay audi Mtindrtv). un Hllmlav at 7 n. in CftiiitMcia Mill, I all Iraltia for f lataop Iwaen and Ilwaeo iwaeh. I nils line naaanoat cnnuectlua with both hcache. rulUrillUtf frum AnUirla evurv ttltfltt In I tha week. I K. A. SKELKY, Agrot U. B. tlOOTT. Pros. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA f'r 2 ft in ni i 10 $2.00 nLA .nA V,o.. . i v, ""'"'. Hnl.- ""-egon, wirnia six monins au ,u .o-1 irom tne oa'e ne'eot. Last Monday two gentlemen got on board the steamer at Scsppooss for Portland. They were no sooner on board than they engaged in the dis cussion of politics. Both of them were apparently over 60 year of age, ana one was lor tree trade and free . ailver and the other for protection and the gold standard. The discussion went on for some lime, each one stat ing his points in emphatic tones and insisting that the other should take them as absolutely authentic. As the discussion went on something of a crowd gathered about to acquire in formation. Finally the cold man made some reference to Mr. Bryan's position on the money question. This aroused the curiosity of the silver statesman and he at once woke up in i his fashion as if from a dream: "Bryan! Who is Bryan? What office is h running for? Where does he come from? Why, I never heard of him before. What does this man Bryan you speak of say about it." It is need less to say the listeners dispersed in disgust, for they bad evidently be lieved, up to this time, that the man knew at least something about the subject which he was trying to discuss. suit we have with us still. This year, however, our friends have changed front and say it is not a high tariff that is causing the trouble which we freely admit consequently another hobby is attempted to be ridden, and the same disastrous result, coupled witn tne Wilson law, will be the in evituble termination should the dem ocratic-populist fusion succeed. Four years hence no doubt some other hobby will be presented. The demo cratic party, after having during its entire existence, fought its battle on the line of free trade and finally ac quired coutrol of tbe government now hastens to condemn its own acts, not by honestly admitting that its tariff policy is an absolute failure, but by denouncing its own president and congress and garbling the principles oi a not tier parly, iiike the ship at sea it accumulates barnacles without regard to their size or quality, Fdsioh. Tbe democratic and popu list state central committees met in Portland last Tuesday and agreed upon a plan ox fusion in this state in which the nan-e of Bewail, the democratic candidate for vice president will not appear upon the official ballot. Each party agreed to withdraw two of their candidates for presidential elect ors, and put up an united ticket com posed of two democrats and two pop ulists who pledged themselves to sup port Bryan and Watson, thus leaving 8ewall out of the race so far as this state is concerned. The democratic committee made tbe proposition that each party have but two electors, and the populists accepted on the condi tion that the name of Se wall should not appear on the ballot. This con dition was eagerly accepted by the democratic committee and the deal was complete. A.t a session held next morning, however, the plans were somewhat changed, and the demo crats surrendered another point to their "oppressors" by allowing them to clip another wing. The electors as they now stand are : M. L. Olmstead, of Raker county ; Harry Walloon, of Yamhill county, both pnpuliats; li. L. Butler, ol Polk county, democrat, and E. Hofer, of Marion county, heretofore a republican. Thus populist "purity" and democratic "perfidy and dishonor" revel in each oiIht's embrace and the "rottenness" of the old purlv is purged by the application of populism. Tbe joint meeting should have adjourned gT. HELENS, St. Helens AueiiJit 25th. 18.90. KMKLiNE MEEKER. Administratrix of the Estate of Frank M. Meeker, deceased. a2sLij SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Mic ouniy in vinuinnia. suit in HOUITY. Adolph DbsliiKcr and Max Hellbronner.l partners dol in; luisiiiess untler thetlrm name and style of Uiwdnger & Co., plaintiffs, I vs. f Katie Scbaefer and Jacob Schaefer, defendants. To Katie Schaefer and Jacob Schaefer, the above named 'leiendkntu: TOV, AND EACH OP YOU ARE HEREBY J. required to appear before the above en titled Court on the 13ili day of .ctober. 18U6. that being the Urst day of the October term of mm oourt, to ani wer the complaint Herein filed In the above entitled action; and If you fail to appear or answer herein, for want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the re- uei uemanoeu iu tne complaint herein, to-wit: jsi: rora inngiiient against the defendants, and each of them, for the sum nf Hit Ilnmlrw and Seventy-fiv-e(i;70u) bollars, together with interest thereon at the rate of Ten ner cent i,r milium imui uie uiu uu; hi May, I'm, aisoine (miner nuui wi taxes paia nv tne aoove named plaintilfs on the land described In the vuiupiaini nereiu, togetner with Interest on said amount so paid for taxes at the rate of 8 Der w,iv ier milium irom tne zzna oay ol May, also lor tne further sum of One Hundred K)U) Dollars a. attorneys fees in thin suit and for the costs ana aisrjurseinenta of this anit. 2nd: That the usual decree may be made for the saleof the nrernipea rtpcHhf In thn cmn- plaint herein, to-wit: The southeast one-quarter vs-'-t " Becinjii uiiinuer iwo yz) in townsnip Three (:)) north, ranxe number Three (.1) west of the Willamette Meridian in f!,,lnmhia frnintv. State of Oregon, containing: One Hundred ami Sixty (IliO) acres of land, together with the tene ments, hereditaments and appurtenances there unto belonKiiiK or In any wise appertaining by the sheriff of the aforesaid county, in the man- rovfded by law, and according to the prac- 1 this Court, and that the nrocepris of said Sale be aunlled. hv said Nhnrill' ts, tha rnt'niiit of the amount due plaintiffs, and that the de fendants and all ncrsona claimfnv under them subsequent to the execution ol the mortftaife upon said premises in the complaint set forth, ef'heras purchaser!, encumbrancers or other wise, mav be harrcd and foravn, fnraclrtHori nf all right, claim or equity of redemption In said premises ana everv nart tncir-f : thut the main. tiffs may have Judgment and execution eiialnst id defendant, and each iA th, for riv Hp. Ilciency which may remain after applying all the proceeds of the sale of said premises proper ly applicable to Hie satisfaction of said Judg ment: that the nhLilltfflM r n,,t- nlhAP fttirtv Ot ,,o ,, may ,;ecuine a purcnaser lit sani saie; that the sheriff execute a deed to the riiirehuner: that thesaid purchaser be let Into possession of me premises on production of the aherlfr 'a deed inereior, aim inut tne plaintiffs may have such other and further relief aa to this Court may seem meet and equitable. Thla summons Is published by order of the Honorable Thomas A. McBrlde, Judge of said Court, made unou the lath day of July, Win. OEAKIN, HILVKB'i'ONE A BKOtllK, J17ai Attorneys for Plaintiff. This offer holds good only for new yearly subscribers who pay in advance and old ones who pay up to dttle and one year in advance. One Dollar navea oy taking the two papers together, the price of each, separ ately, being $ 1.50. The Mist Has been designated the official paper of Columbia county by the County Court, and conscqutntly will furnish all the news pertain ing to public matters in which the people are interested. TO THE EAST GIVES THE CHOICE Or Two Transcontinental Routes GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY BY WAY Ot' Sookane, Minneapolis & St. Paul UNION PACIFIC RY BY WAY OF DENVER, OMAHA, & KANSAS CITY j LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 6 DAYS I For San Francisco. For Full Details Call on or Atldreas W. H. HDRLBUKT, General Freight and l'aaa. Agt.. Portland. E, McNeill, Prea. and manager. oAT THta- "VT T a". . ,,,cre HCW Uriltf More complete Stock -or-. i Patent Medicines DRUGS ' CHEMICALS BEST BRANDS Of CIGARS Perfumery. Stationery and School Books DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Dr. Edwin Hons, Prop, ST. HELENS, . OREGON rrtKscnuTioNs COMIMU.NUKII PAY OK KIOIIT. i X ilAAAA aHuaVafe A A. A AJt ST. HELENS EXCHANGE, Mr. Cooner1, new and ele(nt bar rwiin Iii the favorite r- f sort of the city, where at ail lliue can b found the famous 9 PRIDE OF KENTUCKY WHISKY BUNT lilt AW ON DOOTF.ItTIC AND MIPOKTKO t'lUAIt Mr Cooper I always clad lo welcome Ms ' olU fiieinla to lil popular platse of binliieiis ST. HELENS EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. ""STEAMER PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE Young America g VIA WILLAMETTE SLOUGH MmveHl. He ena n.m i ""i" l oruanu ii):(0 A M Leave Portland 2'SO P M Arrive at fit. Jfr-lem (j':oo p j( fa he i r.m ia. Will Uarry Notliinir bnt Paaannirora ana raat frciglit, JAMES GOOD, MASTER. 09 H XS1 -THE STEAMER O. W. SHAVER, Doll Shaver, Master. Ifl Decker's BARBER SHOP J. H. DECKER, Proprietor. The oM and reliable barber hna M raznra lni aa sharp aa can be fouiul, and will ahave you comfortably and quickly for only 16 cent. THE GREATEST SPECIALISTS OS THE AEKRICAB CONTIHEIT. Most Successful Catarrli Doctors In the City. They treat SCIENTIFICALLY and SUCCESSFULLY, cure Quickly and PEltMANKNTLY, PRIVATlf VOUS DKBIUTY and SEXUAL DIS ORDERS SYPHILIS, GONORRHOEA and GLEET, Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakneaa, Loat Manhood, Night Emia iiona.UnaeenLoaaei.DecayingFacultiei HYDROCELE, VARl6oCELE and STRICTURES radically and aafely cured without pain or detention from buaineaa. All deformitiea and ImpedimenU to marriage onickly removed. A CERTAIN and POSITIVE CURB for the awful effect of early vice and numerous evils that follow in its train. PEItIENCEI SPECIALISTS for DISEASES OF WOMEN, or write, sending stamp. Consultation (re and confidential. National Hedical Institute PRINCIPAL OFFICK, ST., PORTLAND, OR- BANQUET SALOON OREGON 132 THIRD Haa re-onnneil ofonoRi.E a: b binn. ;;" 7 and Oowlim ritrectn, Wt. Helena, Oregon nucreoan oe round the choicest brantla of WINE AND LIQUOR Card table, nool i.niiar.i 1- , other devices for the entertain filiatli lit r... rons, where time can be pleasantly apciit. FAMOUS FIRE LADDIE CIGARS ( Iteaiilea other nomilar brnn.l. ... t.. trade at this very popular aaloon. THH FAM0U8 CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY 18 KEPT AT THK BANQUET, Th,?rr.ynat Wa-Hlnon strent. Tuesday, nutting), Moiwlai 'VneJ iraml Vrl I .Tl "elur"'nR-lf aves t:latksnle. (Il.le per annul? HfellaVW W"' P k Point in Portland lin A M -PSl!.' "'nIor 8:9T; kalanu Oiloj Ht. Helens I0:;. Arrive m l ortland 1 ..10 A. M. I he company reaerve- th. Hghl to change tlmi notice. MMVfcll TRANaPOHTATIO (JfimPANV. THE MIST AND OREGONIAN TWO TOGETHER ONE YEAR, ONLY TWO DOLLARS THE JOSEPH KELLOGG t RIVE STEAMER & COMPANY'S ffJIVf1' ST?IR JOSEPH KSLLOGO ' FOR PORTLAND rorllundw0avThaySWt,dn?'l,iy''' flnJ FtMy 6 o'clock a. ru. Leavca loruund lucuday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 o'clock a. m.