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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1895)
;.im j--l.i.,Wwt.i!fl-ii9 vP-lr II ........ - I THE WAlUP OAROEN. f .A MTTU THINtt. 5fl or. JIhsoIately pure All other powders are cheaper made and in ferior, and leave either acid or alkali in the food ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO, iS WALL ST., NEW-YORK. AN OTTAWA SENSATION. Society Women Attend Poker Club While Uuabanua Look After Domestic Affairs. . The disco-very of a poker club In a fash lonnblo quarter of Ottawa would have at tracted little attention bad it not become known that this club is composed of wom en as well as men who are classed among the leaders In Ottawa's society. The fact first leaked out through a prominent member of the civil service Laving to mortgage his house to pa; for his wife's losses at the gaming table. He did not play himself, but his wife did, while, ho remained at home to look after domestic affairs. Whisky aud water appear to have been tho favorite beverage, and If 'all accounts axe true it has not been taken In small quantities, either, by this select party. So exclusive and quiet ban this little coterie of the "smart set" been that some hus bands of the wives who have membership at this fashionable Monte Carlo have been Ignorant of what was going on, a sowing circle or church guild always accounting for their wives' absence during the even ings they were at play. Coaseut Vp to Date. Van Arndt And do yon really think you could support us in the style to which 1 have leen accustomed Her Father I really think so. Van A. Then you may become my father-in-law. Kate Field's Washington. An Ingenious landlord of Detroit who bad undesirable tenants in his Bat is said to have got rid of them by temporarily placing a boy with a snare dram, a cornet player aud a student of vocal music in the next room. THINGS YOU CAN BUY. A LIST OF ARTICLES NOT GENERALLY ,. CONSIDERED MERCHANTABLE. , A SURGEON'S KNIFE girr von a reeling of horror and dread. There' is no longer necessity for its use in many diseases formerly regarded as incurable without cutting. The Triumph of Conservative Surrery is well illustrated by the (act that DITDTI1DP or Breach is now rail! KUr I IRC raiiy cared without the knife and without pain. Clumsy, chaf ing trusses can be thrown away f They never cure but often induce inflamma tion, strangulation and death. Tl IMftPSC Ovarian. Fibroid (Uterine) 1 Ui Ivrlw and many others, are now removed without the perils of cutting operations. PILE TUMORS, !?uTuu ta.Td other diseases of the lower bowel, are permanently cured without pain or re sort to the knife. CTTWP in the Bladder, no matter O I villi how large, is crushed, pul verized, washed out and perfectly re moved without cutting. CTDirTIIPP of Urinary Pssssge Is 3 1 Klvl UrvC also removed without cutting in hundreds of cases. For pam phlet, references and all particulars, send to cents (in stamps) to World's Dis. pensary Medical Association, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. MOTHERS . and those soon to be- come mothers, should know that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription rob childbirth of its tor tures, terrors and dangers to both mother and child, by aiding nature in pre paring tne system lor parturition. Thereby "labor" and the period of confinement are greatly shortened. It also promotes the secretion of an abundance of nourishment for the child. Mrs. Dor A. GCTHRrft. of Oakley, Ovtrlom Co., Ten., writes : " When I began taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I was not able to stand ou my feet without suffering almost death. Now I do all my housework, washing, cooking, sewing and everylhing for my family of eight. 1 am alouter now than I have been in six years. Your ' Favorite Prescription ' is the best to take before confinement, or at least it proved so with me. I never suffered so liule with any of my children as I did with my last." jr . -o 1 a a AMEfCICAH TYPE FOUNOERS'CO. PALMER at REY BRANCH TarYyTii", 1 iiiiiFi "jmiaWlTr Cor. fefecund and Sutrk 8t., Portland, Or. Ely's Cream Balm M UX ( I KE Catarrh Apply llaltn into each nostril, Ely UKu.,MWraa&k,tt.Y. ejoasnmsxsvee and people who have weak huvtsor Asth ma, should mas) Pleo'e Core lor Consumption. It has wl tkawaaMhk ft has not Injur. Sons, it Is not bad to take. Is IM hast eosgh ayrnp. Bon eyejryw nw . aw Van Time and Water For Sale la New Xork. Electricity and Power Are Daily Bought, and a. View Has Value la Read Estate. People Who Sell Their Dead Bodies. In New York, as in other great cities, where the fight for life is fiercest, there is a price for everything even tinder certain conditions for the very air we breathe. Father Time himself is on sale. The Western Union Telegraph company has desks in the national observatory in Washington. Four minutes before noon the wires of the system all over the United States are cleared of busi ness, and the instant the son passes the seventy-fifth meridian electricity car ries the news to every city. The time ball falls in New York at noon, in Chi cago at 11 a. m., in Omaha at 10 a. m. and in San Francisco at 9 a. m., in simultaneous obedience to that single click from the instrument at Washing ton. . In all the large cities the Western Union has supplied business houses, banks and offices with electric clocks that respond obediently to the daily mandate. Each of these rents for f 15 per year, and in New York alone over 8,000 have been pnt up. Last year' revenue to the telegraph company from the sale of time approximated $1,600, 000. r Water is sold regularly to the ships in the harbor, and the "water boats, " with big tanks on board, are familiar objects to all yachtsmen. Brooklynites will recall the discomfort incident to the breaking of a big main not long since, and the people of Newark cannot forget the annoyance and cost of their experience three years ago. The supply from the Passaio was like mud soup, and for the time being the owners of an artesian well in the Oranges did large trade in water. The householders of Roseville and those even farther down town watched for the morning water carts more eagerly than ever a milkman was awaited and saw a suf ficient quantity for the day provided be fore taking train for New York. Ordinarily there is no sale for air; bat, like water, when a man wants it he wants it "mighty bad." This fox awhile was the case at Libby prison, where, before the prisoners organized sort of government of their own, it was customary for the stronger men to get as near the windows as they dared and then sell their places to weaker com rades who were gasping for breath. Fire, of course, in the form of various com bustibles is a recognized commodity. One frequently hears of those who suffer from strange and incurable dis eases and who make comfortable their last days by selling their bodies to the surgeons for dissection. At church and other sorts of fairs kisses may sometimes be purchased, the tariff varying according to the parse of the kisser or the charms of the kisses. Reduced gentlewomen often derive reve nue by chaperoning and . introducing to good society the daughters of the newly rich. Invitations to select balls occa sionally represent a large outlay, and it probably costs as much to get into the swell set as it does to gain a seat in congress. The social aspirant makes "presents," while the political is "as sessed." Relics, sacred, profane and ghastly, have their price. Autographs of famous people are always in demand, and a bit of the rope with which a murderer has been hanged is valued by gamblers and the superstitious. In Paris it is custom ary, once a year, to sell at auction the personal effects of those who have been executed, and this always attracts large crowd of purchasers. Locks of hair from the heads of noted beauties or celebrated men are marketable. Charms, including, of course, the rabbit's foot, dear to the African heart; bring revenne to their cunning devisers, and astrologers and fortune tellers have a clientele respectable in numbers. Lucky stones and madstones are prized by those who believe in their virtues. Consumptives often pay for the priv ilege of drinking fresh blood as it poors from the necks of butchered animals at the slaughter house, hoping that the sanguine draft may stay the ravages of disease. The big hotels in New York and elsewhere derive some income from the sale of unspoiled scraps of food to the keepers of cheap restaurants, and thus the latter are able to serve their patrons with large bowls of stew at a maximum price of 10 cents. On the east side of this city several people eke out a scanty living by writ ing letters for the illiterate. Even the fonr leaved clover may be turned into coin, 'a big business is done in selling electricity and steam power, while many a man in New York Is paying a high price for sunlight A "view" adds ma terially to the value of house.' " '' How He Rewarded Byrnes For Capturing a Crank. TIPS THAT LED TO A FOBTUUB. A Story of Clever Deteetivo Work la Which tho rorsoaaJ Column Furores Coaaplca onaly The MllUoaalro Threatened by a Vengeful Speculator. : Without entering Into the general sub ject of the financial luok of New York po lice officials, It Is worthy of comment that there Is scarcely a poor man among them. ifl" -..y,' lP SUPERINTENDENT BTBNES. Byrnes, Williams, Meaklni and several others can count the value or their proper ty in six figures, remarks the New York Herald. The story of the foundation of Superintendent Byrnes' wealth is an in terestina one. In October, 1881, Mr. Gould received a long, rambling letter complaining of the way In which the "Little Wlaard" ban died the stock market and winding up with a threat of personal violence. The letter was signed ' Victim." It was fol lowed by another and another until they began to get monotonous and Mr. Gould got scared. He was always a timid man where a question of his personal safety was involved. He sent for Inspector Byrnes, who was then In command of the entire city detective organization. At that time Byrnes was in the heyday of his rep utation as a detective. V This man is annoying me, " said Mr. Gould. "I wish yon would do something about it. " "I will attend to It," replied the In spector. " Then he took all the letters to his office and looked them carefully over. They were all alike In tenor and composition. The writer threatened to kill Jay Gould if the latter did not give him "tips" on the market. This was a simple proposition for the writer, but for awhile it proved a rather bard one (or the inspector. On Deo. 89 be Inserted the following personal In The Herald: If the person who sent an anonymous eom- mtuiication signed "Victim" to a prominent Wall street broker, complaining of his losses in stocks, will call at his office or state where an Interview can be had, everything will be ar ranged to his satisfaction. "Victim" paid no attention to the bait Therefore on Oct 81 the Inspector tried the following: ' Correspondent from Texas can receive advice on security that will make good all he asks for and name his own way of communicating. I have no desire to have a personal interview. To this came a wily answer, asking Mr. Gould If the decline was to continue, but not suggesting any other means of communication than through The Herald. The letter also Inclosed the following cipher, which Mr. Gould was to use In the formulation of bis personals: Western Union, Windsor; Erie, Spoon; Tex as Pacific, White; Union Pacific, Asia; Manhat tan Elevated, Salvation ; Missouri Pacific, Tay lor; D.. L. A W., Todd; Pacific Mail, Concord; Hannibal and St. Jo, common, Wednesday; Hannibal and St. Jo. preferred, Tuesday; Michigan Central, French ; New Tork Central, Berlin; Ohio, Hayes; Denver and Bio Grande, Profit; Metropolitan Elevated, Dislike; Peoria, D. at E., Command; N. P., common. Wheat; N. P., preferred. Corn; Lake Shore, Exchange; Canada Southern, Pulton: Bull, Up Town; Bear, Down Tows. On Nov. 8 Byrnes Inserted the following: Texas correspondent aiust not look for much more decline. Select some other means of communication. This is attracting too much attention. Would rather give a check. Still the wily "Texan" refused to nib ble. The offer of a check did not meet with his approval. In his own words, be "preferred to continue to operate." Then ensced a series of personals with no satis factory result, and on Nov. 8 Mr. Gould said: t Mr FRiajro Your last is unjust. I warned yon not to look for farther decline; alsoagainst the two yon said yon had. Why should yon not trust me rather than ask me to trust youf I assure yon that all yon have sent will be overlooked, and yon have my sympathy and will have my aid cheerfully given in the way I have named. This way of communicating Is not quick enough to prevent accident. I do not Intend to desert you. Be more manly. To this Mr. Gould received the follow ing reply: Dbab Sib Tour object in Inserting the above personal surpasses my comprehension. Do yon suppose that if our positions were re versed yon would think of calling on met If yon did, after what has occurred, yon would be arrested at once. I expect the same treatment from yon. Therefore there is no other way of your aiding ine, if yon really desire to do so, as yon say you do, than in the simple and easy way I have already set forth. I fear that this letter will not reach yon to day, and which I deeply regret, for I must re ceive from yon a favorable reply or none at once. If I do not receive such a reply by "Thursday, I beg of you again if yon will not give it, then Insert none. I snail sell out the few remaining stocks that I have, and yon may prepare for the worst. Yon will be too late in giving me the desired information if yon neg lect this opportunity, and if yon do yon will have no one but yourself to blame for it and what is to follow. This threatening epistle elicited a straight tip from Mr. Gould: Up town salvation. Then tot me know at once how yon stand. This meant "Buy Manhattan Elevat ed." On Nov. 8 Manhattan Elevated closed at 61 K. Two days later It was 68K, and three days later It reached B8J. It evidently pleased the crank Immensely, as he wrote a letter of thanks to Mr. Gould. Another straight tip followed, and then the trap of Inspector Byrnes was thor oughly set. He had procured a great num ber of letter carriers to watch the boxes In the district of station E, where all 'Vic tim's" letters were posted. On Nov. 14 one of the carriers saw sn elderly gentleman drop a letter In a box and hurry away. H opened the box and ' - - saw a letter addressed to "Jay Gould." Detectives who were near by arrested the man, who proved to be Colonel J. Howard Welles, a gentleman with a mania for speculation. He had taken this means to recoup a lost fortune. , This case was the basis of Superintend ent Byrnes' fortune. Through It alone be claims to have made $280,000 on the very tips which Colonel J. Howard Welles bad sought In vain. It was a wise move of Superintendent Byrnes to lefnse the (10,000 cash offered him by Mr. Gould. He probably felt that sooner or later Mr. Gould would express bis gratitude with a "pointer." An ancient garden with a crumbling wall HerelstmeMlvroamthsllveldhgday Mid old gnarled pear trees hung with li chens gray Through pathways doomed to slow ellaoemsnl On grassy borders, where In silence fall The drifted petals ot the browning mart By honeyed banks where wanton bressss And scents commingled ev'ry air enthrall A garden fair, wherein to court mine ease, To wander, heedless If ths shadows pass O'er the gray sundial peeping from ths grass 1 A haunted garden, "mid ths age bent trees Fair Julia's lover may have wooed the shads And with his amorous lute In Itilesss played! -Frank Miller In Good Words. Some People In Eastern Tennessee. ' It Is not generally known that in ths mountains of eastern Tennessee there lives aelass of peculiar looking people whose origin is wrapped in mystery and who are called by the whites Melungeoua. Tbey re sent this appellation aud proudly declare that they are Portuguese. The legend of their history, which they carefully preserve, Is this: A great many years ago these mountains were settled by a society of Portuguese adventurers, men ... .nnin whn name from the shore of Will . u- u . . Vtrgluia that they might be freed from the restraints ana urewoacas iropoaeu uuuu them by any form of government. They made themselves friendly with the Indians, and, freed as they were from every kind of social government, they uprooted ail conventional forms of society aud lived in a kind of delightful Utopia of their own creation, despising all forms of religion and subsisting- upon corn the only possible nri,t nf the anil and the u-ame of the great forests. Tbey intermixed with the Indians and suosequentiy witn tne negnsa, and thus formed the present race of Melun geons. They are tall, straight, well formed pee pie, of a dark copper color, but with Cir cassian features. They were privileged ni In tlm old elava davs and accredited citlxens. They are brave, but quarrelsome, and are hospitable to strangers. They have no preachers among them ana are aimosi without any knowledge of a supreme being. New York Recorder. Boyishness la Great Mea. Doctor B was an old minister In Dor Chester while Edward Everett was a child them. When years afterward he was told of the polished and brilliant orations which were making Mr. Everett famous. ha shook his head doubtfully, sayingt "No man ever took a lasting boliLon the affections of other men who bad not retain cd something of the boy in bis nature. Ned never was a boy. He was always grown an." Whether the old clergyman was Just In his estimate of the scholarly and formal orator of Massachusetts or not, be was as su redly right in the Importance which he gave to the boyish elements in cnaracter. "The man of genius is always young.'' says Bouvier. "Scott." says the most acute of his crit ics, "always saw men and places with the vivid insight of a youth. He laughed and wept like a child into bis old age. Ha Is a bov to bis countrymen suit, w any,- tney call hlra affectionately, disregarding all later honors or titles. "Youth s Com pan ton. Vocations of Senators. There are 88 United States senators (88 including the vice president), and 85 of them are lawyers. Several have taught school. Three are, have been, or are accused of being, Journalists, and 00 senators received a common school education nothing mora. Senator Kyle of South Dakota entered the Western Theological seminary at Alle ghany City, from which be graduated in 1853. He was pastor of Congregational churches in Utah for three years. Senator Peffer. his Populist colleague from Kansas, has no academic record. Senator Hill was educated in his native town of Havana, N. Y., and Senator Murphy, his colleague from Mew York, attended bt. jonn s col lege in Fordham. New York Sun. Two Durable Australian Woods, Experts seem to be divided aa to which of the two bard woods jarran and karri of western Australia Is the more durable. Jarrah wood piles 2 feet 3 Inches square, driven 83 years ago at the Largs bay pier, were found on examination to be aa sound as the day they were put m. Some specimens of karri wood taken from a fence were recently sent to London, and thongb the wood had been under ground for 25 years it was perfectly sound. A specimen of jarrah wood under similar circumstances showed serious decay. Chi cago Times. , Sometimes after years of unhealthful living which baa had no apparent effect a child will succumb In a week to some pre vailing disease, and his death will be called a "mysterious visitation of Providence." Remember that out of a man's own mouth be is judged, voice, language and accent being far better criteria of a person's gentility than his garments. aA a eyfcaasWMsrfssSaSiS, Mk , Better check it at once. There's no telling what a sore throat will do if you give it right of way. Uncertain remedies often cause dangerous delay. Yon had bet ter make the cure sure with Pain-Killer Known for half a century as a specific for sore throat, croup, coughs and all kindred troubles. Keep it by you for an emergency. It never fails. Sold everywhere. The quantity has been doubled, but the price remains the same. Ptrry Dam 4 Son, Providtnct, It. I. wvvii'swwwwriwrvs wee BE8T JpN -as. -mar, n m.a..i m of hM Stats 90cta.i 8 LOO Bottle. One cent a doss. It is sold en guarantee by all dru arista, It euros Incipient Consumption aud is the best Cough sod Croup Our. it la a little thing to steak a phrase comfort which by dally uie 1 almost lost its sense, yet on ths ear of him h tklnaa to dla unnioumed it Wl'l fll iiv. choicest music" It Is a simple thing to suffer ordinary pain: but when It ooiiks by day and night with neuralgia's cruel hurt, there's nothing better 10 pure It lhau part that aches leases the pain Slid leaves a perfect cure behind it. It's s little thing to do, but theeomfort of relief from luoh distress will make one icet ma nappi hours 01 ins. by clr- bt The Ina-enioua Macule. m.. .nu la imt.hlm If not Ingenious gMV UetaBt,ya aasr hvm,i'b - - - n He always barricades his bulky neat with thorn branches, so uie to piuuuer n is an aaav matter: but when I ...-m i,lliHi tha "tile" to build In low bush or hedge sn absence of lofty trees being a niarxeu feature 01 some northern localities he not only Interlaces bis home, but also the entire ousn in most formidable manner. Nor does hs stoj here. To "make assurance doubly sure, 1.. a maana nf vt aa Well aB tt - ... ,1,. A..tiM an that If disturbed irauuv vu mh . - - can slip out by his back door, as It were. Exchange Unleavened Bread. The unleavened cakes of bread used dur ing the whole of the eight days of passovei are called niatsoth, and are made of wheat n..u nf a round form about a foot 111 - diameter, perforated all over, and so very thin that a poena s weigui wuuuue iwui nine cakes. Many families distribute a ,kia frairila nakea anions! their kind and affectionate, but somewhat simple, Christian nelgntKira, wno treasure wiem curiosities. Temple Bar. Tii Ward OtTConaumutlon. A celebrated specialist In lung diseases recoinniemla to a very ueucaie pnuvut struggling with an Incipient cough and .Ul.llltw this atartllim rented V 10 raw eggs a day aa nourishment. The poor little woman baa brougut uereeti up uy painful degrees to ia She refuses to go any further. rbiiudelpnia rrcas. HOPK CKV8HKU TO BAKTII Will rise again in the bo-om ol a dysnept c wise enoush to substitute lor the paeuilo-tou 1 ;. have bamboosled him out ol his ImsIM in ins possibility ol cure, tne real luvliorant and Ho mMnhle. Hnatetlar'a Ktomacu Hlllers. The bll .... .. . . ,1. lh. .huiffi.llll 1UUS, 111" Hr,IW, IU,.'l i "W . alike derive speedy bem At I mm tha helpful Ik tamo meillclue. Persons suffering from tndi- Jieatlnn will gain no positive iiertnaueiit good rota the "err, uamedioated stimulants ol com merce, too often used recklessly. The Hitters Is immaaaurablv to ba nreferred to these ass tonic. Since It pure haslals motlllled by thecoiiiuiio--lon with it ol vegetable ingredients uf the highest remedial excellence. Malaria Is lre veiiied aud remedied by tl, and it Infuses vigor Into the weak and sickly. A wloegiaaalul three times a day Is the average aoee. Well riaoed. "Did the colonel ever pay you that bill he owed yon?" "Never." "What's he doiug now?" "President of a collection agency. " Atlanta Constitution. Rev. Dr. Parker Is the b loved pastor of the Universal ist church at Fargo, N. D., and has also oeen a pator in 1'rovlilence, K. I., fiew Xork Uity and Troy, w. Y. He says: "I regard Hood's Sarsaparilla the best blood purifier, and I have good reason for this opinion. 1 am now 80 yesrs ofsge. Four year ago I was afflicted with rheumatism In my back and limbs, so badly that it was impos sible for me to get my usual sleep at nigbt. I hud just partially re covered from the grip, which ro- 1 Bern . jf. H. Park., n r. ' " Ksrgo, i.N. 40 lbs. My appe tite was poor and I felt languid and weak In fact I was in a very dilapida ed con dltton. Having heard and read so much sbout the wonderful cures p-oaucen u Hnrwl's hanniuirilla I resn ved lo Kive I a trial. 1 followed the directions, and be- HoodVP-Cures fa ths h kntlla ii finished mv an- petite was restnred. I felt invigorated and strong, siy rneumatio oimcuiiv uai en tirely disappeared. 1 cannoi nut mum very highly of Hood's Barsnparillo." J. N. Parkib. HOOD'S CURES. Hood's PI'S are the best family cathartic iud hver medlL-iiie. Harmless, reliable, ,uie. CIIICSCEfl RsUSKCQPAYS tfyouusethePrta I dcb baton a Brea Make money vi others sre wss time byoldpracei Catalog tells alia It , and describes e article needed for poultry business. The "ERIE" mechanically the tiest .wheel. Prettiest model. we sre Pacific Coast Agents. Bicycle cata logue, mailed free, gives full desertpt Ion. prices, etc., Soairr s wawtro. rETAtOMA ntCFBATOI CO.,retslams.CaLj BaANca Hoosa, ty stain St., Los Angelea.l m mi 1 1 Pa vAjI Illustrated I tp Catalogue PRA7LCP AXLE I lin.-L.ll PDCACn BEST IN THI WORLD. slCivWlss ItswearingQUalltlee are unsurpassed. actuall. ouiiaaungiwo Doxesoi aiiyoiaer orana. rrei irom animsi una iiet tiik ukuuikk, ruK SALS BY OKKUON AND ?- ASHINOTOff MBROHAMTS ana uesiers generally. IMPROVE YOUR S1QHT. EYF8 fltteil br mall. Wrlt tnt onr ham . i-in ui uiiuig me cyes-rn.aV, REED A MALCOLM RutabiUhed 1881. 0ronlan Bltf', Portlands Or. Manhood restored. I lNight J&miiftiftrue Weak memory, Atrophy! Senual Weak net., etc., Surely cured by POLLEN ACM! S.TU.S-. S.MSV The UfSggerra snd vital force of piaats and flowrt It givta vigor, powtr and sirs to the vital organs ol man. POLLEN ACM! Th moat won ierful achievement in Medical Science. The only acknowl edged permanent cure guaranteed. New York addreM iiS-ny Fulton St Eaiy to carry In vent pocket. Price ii. Six for $5. Sent In plain wrapper, oral all Dmggittfe CATTbC, wah F Its Fame Will Live. f ! i jS ' ' . sWflTlii,M,ill.liiaMrin.iiimiln.nJffmass- j, , , , IMniiliij l,M,L I STATUS Of THI REPUBLIC COURT OF HONOR WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, The World'i Columbian Expoi. itlon marked tho climax of hu man achievement. It will live in memory of the crowning glory of modern times. No other devel opment of the cloiing century can compare with it in practical benefit to mankind. Who that exhibited la not proud of it ? Who that failed to exhibit does not regret the omis. sion t The former are the people of to-day. The latter are relics of the past. No honor so high as that em. bodied in an award at tho fair. Competition was world-wido, the fruits of ripest experience and noblest endeavors were submit' ted for examination. Honest tribunals, composed of eminent scientists, examined and passed upon the claims of exhib itors, Their judgement based on i inquiry and justice, proves con clusively the value of any article they commend. Their approval was stamped on Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder It received the highest award at the fair from a jury headed by the Chief Chemist of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Dr. Price's was officially commended for highest leavening power, purity, keeping qualities and general excellence. A Olut ol Mummies. The latest news from ths Etryptlan no ssiun at Uhueseh Is that there ia snob i glut of niumuiilitxl humanity there, ow ing to the quantities of priests of Am nion discovered awhile ago In upper Egypt, that the Egyptian government has proposed to the museums of London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Bt. Petersburg and Rome to take them off Its hands. Tbey are to be divided Into lota, which are to be drawn for by the accepting parties. Dut at present one and all are somewhat reluctant to take them. So there Is still a chance that the poor priests may fol low in the wake of the sacred vats, whose mummified remains were shipped to Liv erpool as a fertiliser for the fields. Lon don Tit-Uits. The Fusallag Case of Ah Wins;, "Well, this stumps me," said Lawyer O. w. Stapleton the other day as he con cluded the reading of a letter from Ah Wing, a Chinaman who is serving a life sentence in tho Doer Lodge penitentiary. Ah Wing wrote Mr. Stapleton that be was in for life, and wanted to know what effect the Oeary law wonld have npon bint. The law provide that all Chinamen should register at certain time May S. If tbey are not registered at that time they shall be deported. Ab Wing says the prison authorities would not let him ont to register, and be will be perfectly satisfied to go back to China, This is a condition which the framers of the law hardly looked for, and It Is likely the supreme court will be called npon to settle the point, Ab Wing killed three of his countrymen In Bea verhead connty three years ago, Butte Inter Mountain. HOW'S THIS We offer On Hundred Hollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh that oanuol be cured by Hall's Catarrh Ouret IT. J. L'HENKY A i'O.', Props.. Toledo, Ohio. We, ths undersigned, have known K. J. Cheney for Hie last U years, and believe him perisetly honorable In all business transactions aud Hnanetally able to carry out any obligations mails by their tlrm WTATstui, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. : Wstutsu, KiassR Maavis, ' Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Ours is taken Internally, soling directly upon the blood and iiiumus surfaces of the system. Price, 7So. per bol Ue. Bold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. A man mtv ran lata debt, but hs seldom ooves oat eur faaier loan s wall. Tourist (oa ths dnmeol the reDlln)My, hnw the wind n-rs up hers, fluids-That Lit I lbs wind, sir. That's eongrsaa In session. CAITIOK. Ths lletort Soothing. "Go away I" said the sick man to the doe tor. "I'd rather trust myself to a boras doctor than to you." "Well, I admit you are mors in his line than in mine," said the doctor. Truth. er VAga.'a.-' R. HALL'S PULMONARY BALSAM Ths Beat f'l HK for t'ougbs, Colds snd (onsunaptlon. sold by all Urusslata. Prli-s, fiO rents. J. K. liATKo A CO..I'mprletore, 417 Hansome HI., S. T. NEW WAY EAST? Portland, Walls Walls, Hpoksne.vla 0. R. A N. nauway .end ursst Nnrlharn ItMllaraw ia Molilalia points, Bt. Paul, Minneapolis, Om.Ha, Ht. Umia, Chi eago and Kaat. Address ineareat agent. C, C. uuiitTan, uen, Agt . Arassa earn aj rnmi,vr. , n. v nie u--'"-""-'-ii-nHhlniH,KRiit,nun, no oust; rook-ballast traek; Sua aoenery: palace tleenlng and dining ears: buffet library cars family tourist sleepers; new equipment. DROPSY . ... . TREATED rBKB. Posltl iFOarsd with Vegetable Remedial Have eased thousands of esisa. Cum -11-11 am. sounoad boneless be baatBh.ZTn. iy-ptomadlmppear:ln tea daysatleaMtwo-uurai sll SVmntmna Mmn wmA mmA u ........ . .. alals of miraculous eures. Tsa Jars' inuam tree by mall. If yoo order trial, send lOe. InsuaiM Jrpay postage. Da. II II OHBsms,tlsflla7iT Uroa ordertrlsl return tbli edTarUeemani JTw Imitations have been put upon the mar ket so closely resembling Abi eot s's 1'oa ous pLAfeTgas In general appearance as to be well calculated lo deceive. It Is, bow ever, In general appearance only that they compare with Auxot'i's, fur they are worse than wortleas, Inasmuch aa they contain deleterious Ingredients wbloh are apt to cause serious injury. Kenismbrf that Aukvcs's are lbs genuine porous plasters the best eilernal remedy ever' produced; when purchasing plasters do not only ask fur but make sure that you get Abu-ova's. Ukamdsbth's Pills, the best anti-billions remedy. Biggs-There are Tory hw poor men In the anusis nowadays, lilgge Yea, but bars sie pUniy of mighty poor ae. a tors. ( PIANOS llaidmaa Cblcksrlng Itaebar. 1-nw prices; easy lerme. for sals by WILKV M. ALI.KN CO. (ths Oldest snd Largest mule store), all first St., PorUand. Tsr 0 isms a for breakfast. I l'a gnsBisllns Stove Polish; no dust, no smal W. L.Douclas SQ C ! ISTHCBfST. ?- f IIWEsPlTPOa A KINO. . CORDOVAN, : rstscs AUMisuun estr. 3.woucE,ssoita. .i.TBm'to'J30LMl UmtiC tfTOM. MA. Ovr OtH MIIMm Popl wmt U W. L Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes ar equally satisfactory I ase-iH- I 1 ,!nn V. fH I S 1 ney give i ne nasi vales for the meney. They equal eastern shess la style sad fit. Their wearing aswIHIee are unsurpassed. 1 ne pncee are anlloraa, stamped a sole. Prom i to Sj ssved over ether makes. II your dealer cannot supply roe, ws can. You Can (let V-rfv'a m J- aa eans " 'asm tmmU m.wl .(i. .1 L mm imH smses sex s M is anas a,i(ar m tou goi li.vid aira rrum rarrv s ftMd arm Ferrys Seeds! ll sre known and planted every. In where, and are always the ru a rny-i asm annual A iur ivo tens an about ek lhem.-IW ... . scroti ismitm sv Sm N. P. N. U. No. M&-B. T. N . U. No. 602 tstab. 1808. CQnniTT A IL-AM civ start It ion S,: ,Mr Mbsral on spprovd . " i"""" w '" '""o- , g i i,ri n y, tn. MALARIA! Trvlt. YOU VKUL BAD? IMIK'S Vdliu uti-u acheT Does every step seem a burden? Yoo need MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY. OS. WIitSLOW S "WW FOR CHILD ft I II TIETHIHO Wmm dU her mil - - skat .. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. "'.'""Vl . rauviBiOHSol ns, and ws will save you money. Ws hsndls the beat wis and deliver free to trains or boats. Ws hoy and sell for InVt iu?h, si'd sell goods cheaper sn any oihsr firm In ths country. Send us your name snd sdVlrewTsnd f we will msll youoai w price 1st, which will bs out soon. We offer to-days Climai tolbaeeo. to oauls ,r eound. y grsnulsted sugsr In lOWb. sacks lor....,t 76 1 Best eosl ill per ossi SI SO stTirsnds ol dour per barrel J it Arbiiokii a i.lsiaiTS'.'.V.'.'i'"" Eu Bsnd . lU. e, JThst yo. sd, idwi wli? XTpli" MARK t. OOMM A oo. 14. Front StrMt, partlAnsi, or.