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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1895)
OREGON MIST. FUIIMHIIKD KVKRY FHUUY. 8IDE-IIEAD PARAGRAPHS. Guard Dam. Towkjkt. Tlio Junior Ordor of Amorloan Mechanics give a hartl-liiim ball in tlio opera house to night. t 1 given under the auspices ( Columbia Council No. 10. 'fluke) including suppor, am on sale at 70 cunts eaoli, spectators, 10 cents. FitKD DougIAhh Dkad. Frederick pouglusa, the colored orator, dropped (load in Washington, 1), 0., but Wed nesday. He was 78 yean old, and Las held many public poaltlona in the gift of the people of this country and - lilluu thorn with honor. i TmiiTV-Bix Years Om.-On the Mih of February, 1058, the bill admit ting Oregon at a atate was signed by the president, on whloh day Senator Delaion Smith and Josoph Lane and the representative, LaFayelte Orover, prosotUed their certificates of election and took the oath of ollloe iu their ro apcolive houses. Th a Odd Kkllows. Grand Mailer Li. U. raraer, x. u. yj. r., win pay a ira- '.' a . -.1.14 LJ. , I inrnui Tivin w Ph &uiuua jjuuku' aiw. i - - ir t. o.i. t - -.i jai, un junruu ovii. auv uiciiiuoio wi the order here are making preparation fur a royal reception to Grand Mauler l'arkor and Orand Secretary Sharen, . -.1. 1. 1 .. . I .l La 1 - that date. The grand lodge ofllceri win nrst go to AHtoria ana itop on at thii plaoe on their return to Portland. How is ThibT It oomea to our ears " that a certain Sabbath school teacher ,; in our city asked her pupil to repeat '. an appropriate verse of acriplure when ., tlwy drooped their offering into the : contribution box. One little boy upon ,5 drooping hit nickel into the box re v poated " 'tin bolter to give than to re f ceive." Another put in a penny say . ing "Ood loveth a cheerful giver." The ,' third hold back,' and when asked for j' liia reason, he said "because a fool and ' ma money are soon parted. -uuara. Fiftkem Ybabi. Attorney X. N. Sleeves was teutenoed by Judge Stev ens in Portland last Saturday to fifteen year in the penitentiary and to pay a fine of 11000.' Bteevo was tried for the murder of Oeo. W. Bay res some time ago, and oonvictedof manslaugh ter. A motion for a new trial was argued but waa overruled by the court, whereupon Sleeves' attorney appealed the ease to the supreme court, pending which, the defendant it out on bail. The sentence is the full limit oi the law except that the fine might have been 15000 instead of 91000. Fbuit Growius Hbbd. The follow ing extract from a letter written by a imminent commission house in the .asl to a woll known busiuoss man of ltost'burg, should be remembered by our fruit growers; "In our opinion the prunes of Oregon are surpassed by none in the world, if they are equaled, but nine tenths of the shippers have a great deal to learn. About one tenth !ut their fruit up well, but the salo of theee is damaged-by those poorly cured and packed." That the facta are as stated by this house, there is no doubt, and our fruit men must overcome this obstacle before they can ex poet to make ; money out of the business. IIkavy Immigration, The Portland ' U..n ...... Tl.n.. I. . i)AMi,h.I from the eastern and southern slates to the Oregon board of immigration for information concerning this state, its leading industries, cities, and pop ulation, together with statistic oon oorning it wheat and other crops. The officers in charge to supply lb I demand, have sent numberless de mands to the various states, but es pecially to Nebraska, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, and Texas. We - may confi dently expect a large increase in the number of immigrant! next spriag from point further east, at least, so eta to those Informed on the subject. Hittino IIabd. Misa Fay Fuller, the editor of the Pendleton Daily Trib une, talks timely: "There has ac tually been introduced in the New York legislature at Albany, a bill mak ing it a criminal offense for women to wear big thoater hata and baloon aleevel at places of amusement. This is a paltry cause for serious legislation. The fashion is only a passing one, and t worst comparatively few womeu of fend in thi rostieot. . If legislation is to be appealed to every time that petty annoyances of thi kind arise, law maker will have their hands full. The amusement-loving publio ha not suf fered a tithe a much from the expan sive and usually becoming headgear of women a it ha from the praotive of men in climbing over apootator to go out between the act to. .'see a friend.' It 1 rediculou and almost beyond be lief that suoh a bill should be intro duced in any legislature." , A Mabhbb in Diboiiibx. At the masquerade ball at Scappoose last week occurred an amusing incident. While the masker were in the midst of their hilarity a "female' figure ap peared in the ballroom, dresed in the very latest style and took her aeat gracefully toward one end of the ball all alone, somewhat on the "wall flower" plan if you pleas,, or a real Mia PrudoD.ce Prim, her ' faoe,. of course, being covered to conceal her identity. Presently one of our young gentlemen friends who thought the, beautiful form of the graceful mis too tempting to further desist, sailed forth and offered hi assistance in the next quadrille, which was accepted, and so allureing wa the grace of this fair damsel that a seoond dance was spoken for, and a third, and so on until the aforesaid gentleman's better hull began to get nervous boiore he would forego. As soon as one dance was finished a number of gentlemen would make a atampede for tba charming female, the successful oue nlway chafing his less fortunate rival for being so slow. They all talked very nice to the fair creature until anally the little witch squeezed one gentloman' hand who, in return, when they came to wing again, almost broke three of her short ribs. . The festivities went on in this way until the lime came to unmask, and who do you think this bunch of aireetness was Bert Mason, FURBONAIi AND OBNBHAIi. .;"V ' " Jack MoKlo, of Stella, wss in town Monday, ........ ; ,' That plank walk doe not seem to progross very rapiuiy. Samuel Kinder, of Doer Island, Was In town on Wednesday last. There is talk of resuming operation at the Linuton smeller soon. Judge Switzer went to Portland on Monday lust on a business trip, Dr. B. A. Parent, of Woodland, was a visitor in Bt. Helen Tuesday. W. A. Harris left last Saturday to visit his family on tho homestead noar Veruonia, Judire McDrlde passed down oa the Shaver Sunday for Astoria, where he 1 holding court this week. Distrlot Attorney Barrett is in Asto ria this week attending to criminal bus iness before the circuit court. Charlie Cooper, Frank George and Knute Sunby went down to the Cow lit Wednesday in aearcli of smelt. Oliver Andorson,.of Clatskanie, wat a caller at this office on Friday last. Ho wa on hi way home from Port land. The Potter la again on her old route between Portland and Astoria. One noticeable change in the steamer is the sound of her whistle. Notice are poated announcing the annual school meeting lor luis district to be held on Monday, the 4th day of March. A large attendance is desired. The Knights of Pythias ball at Rain ier Tueaday night waa attended by Dr. Cliff, W. B. Dillard and James C. Cox. The gentlemen report having had a pleasant time. Tub Mist want a correspondent in every neighborhood. If anything of Interest happen in your locality lot the world know it through the col umns of Thb Mibt. The Northwest, on her up trip Wed nesday, brought any number of smelt from the Cowlitx river. I he 08b deal er disposed of about a dosen boxes at thi place, receiving 70 cent a box. The store in Nehalem valley are out of coffee, sugar and bacon ; at least that was reported by some of the Ne halem people who were laying in a clock of these substantial at Mr. vol man'a store. . The bonded indebtedness of Portland is the enormoua sura of $54 per capita ; in Ban Francisco it ia only 11.60; in Eugene it is about 14 per capita, while in Bt. Helen it is nothing. There yon have the situation on thi subject oi four great cities on ine racino coast. Dr. E. T. Carna, dentist, of Portland, will visit Rainier April 10th and re main until April 20th. Dr. Cams i prepared to do all kind of work per taining to dentistry. Teeth on gold, silver, aluminum, ana ruoner plates. Gold crown and bridge work. Teeth extraofed without pain. W. W, Saunders, who wat pardoned from the penitentiary by Governor Penuoyer, ha been admitted to the bar at Spokane upon the recommen dation of Oeo. W. Belt and I. F. Fen ton. Saunders is a graduate of Harv ard, and well fitted by nature and ed ucation for his new avocation. We see that cutting down the price In merchandise brings more trade. Mr. Dolman ha filled several order for down the river aud to the baok country thi week, all at very small margins over first cost. Some of these persons had been going to Portland to make purchases, but found Mr. Dolman's average prices lower than Portland. Some time ago Mr. Simon Goldbaum of Ban Luis Key, Cat., was troubled with a lame back and rheumatism. He used Chamberlain' Balm and a firompt cure waa effected. He says ib has since advised niaay of his friend to try it and all who nave done ao have aoken highly of it. It is for gale by Dr. Edwin Koas, druggiut. Said the foreman at the print shop: "Billy, put George Washington on the galley and then finish the murder you commenced yesterday. Set up Ruins of Heculoa and then distribute the small pox ; you needn't finish the run away matter. Lock up Jeff Davis, and slide Butler into hell, and let that 1 alone until after dinner. Put the adios' Fair to preas, and go to the devil and put him to woik on Deacon Fogg's article on Eternal Punishment." Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is fam ous for its cure of bad colds. It opens the secretions, relieves the lungs and aid nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. If freely used as soon as the cold has been contracted, and before it has become settled in the system, it greatly lessens the severity of the attack and ha often cured in a tingle day what would have been a se vere cold. Forsalo by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist. Quadrant Resolution. Vbrhonu, Or., Feb. 16, 1895. Editors Mist : At a mass meeting held at thi place today in regard to the Quadrant Land cose, Mr. Ben Denslow, 0. L. Parker and Peter Walter were eleoted a delegatea to attend a meeting at Buxton February 19th. A large attendance wa had and the following resolution were unanimously adopted: Whereas, The Federal courts did. on February 4, 1805, deoiile tlia quadrant land esse In favor of the railroad and against the settlers; and Whkbkas, Many of the said settlers on aaid land have made flnal proof and re ceived their patents from the government for a portion of the land: and Whsreas, Under the said decision these same settlers will have to buy their land attain of the railroad company or move, therefore, be It KucijiVED, That we, citicens of the state of Oregon, would respectfully petition our senator and representatives in Washington to bring before oongreas and use their ut most Influence to pass it, a bill forfeiting this said land nod restore It to the citizens to whom it lawfully and rightfully belongs; and be it further - UiaoLVcn, That we demand of Mr. Glee, ton, our representative, and Mr. Maxwell, our Joint senator at 8alem to cast their vote in opposition to Mr. Dolph'a re-eleo-tlon as 11 nite Htates senator as he Is the recognised attorney for the railroad cor partitions. B. B. BOSK, L. W. VawDtkk, Chairman. Secretary. All the symptoms of poverty will be displayed at the masquerade tonight, : -A Nut to Crok.i yf " In the Chief of last week' appeared an article signed by "A Staunch Re publican," In whloh the "staunch" (?) republican says Dolph represent the true blue principles of republicanism. Theri, if this be true, Congressmen Ellis and Hermann, Senator Mitchell, Governor Lord, Secretary Klncaid, C. W. Fulton, Judge MoBride, Thomas II. Tongue, and, in fact nearly all the other leading republican politicians of the state do not represent the true principle of republicanism, became they are all opposed to the policy of "staunch" republican, Dolph and Simon, But the correspondent says: "The republican of Columbia county who nominated and eleoted these two gen tlemen (Cleoton and Maxwell) to the legislature are republican through principle." Then It is safe to say the aforesaid correspondent did not vote for either of the gentlemen, for a re publican from principle is never afraid to subscribe bis true name to such declaration. Again, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Lord and Mr. Kincaid were repnbli can candidate before the people of this county last spring, and all known to favor silver and opposed to the financial policy of Mr. Dolph. If "staunch" republican voted for them last spring (and being such a staunch republican we presume he did), and now advocate Dolph' financial policy, i he not inconsistent? But we do not care to further discuss this or any other subject with persons who desire to conceal their identity. Why don't "staunch" republican sign hi true name so that republican of principle can judge of hi republicanism? And again, calling one a populist does not make it so, especially by such ore-heads a thi "staunch" republi can. That assertion savor much of populism itself. The republicanism of Ellis, Hermann, Lord, Kincaid, Ful ton, Tongue, McBride and Moore is good enough for us. J. R. Bxbole. POLISH VP THB TOWN. No one thing will give a visitor or a prospective investor such a favorable impression of a town or city aa the virtue next to godliness cleanliness. Merchant have long since learned that it ia the clean store that ia most inviting to the purchaser, and we all appreciate a clean home. The same principle applies in regard to public building, sidewalks, law, streets and alley. Our schools, of oourae, should be kept clean, and are aa example to the young, and to prevent the lodge ment and propagation of disease of any kind, the streets and alley ought to receive more careful attention. Too often, the latter, especially, are made the receptacle of all kind of filth, that in warm weather especially, offend the nostril and spread all aorU of infection broadcast. In such weather as we are having now the nuisance is not so apparent, but is equally dan gerous. Let our streets be kept clean and free from rubbish of any kind. This winter there was, of neoessily, a great deal of mud and slush on our sidewalks, but the exceedingly un pleasant effect of it may be to a very great extent overcome if each house holder will exercise a little care in keeping the walk in front of his house properly cleaned up, and instead of a ceoessary walk about town being a cause ot regret it will be a pleasure to get about. Thereby sociability will be promoted, and those who come among us will have cause to be charmed with our progressive idea. A waa aaid, there ia nothing that give more agree able first impressions of a city or town than the cleanliness of ita streets, stores, and publio place. It may be the cause of drawing to ua many in habitant and large investments. CIjATBKANIK. Miss Jennie Myers spent most of last week in the family ot William Barr, the guest of the girls. Another residence is being built in a lightly location to be ocoupied by Jack Campbell and family. Some ot our enterprising rancher have been ploughing and planting during the fine weather of the past ten days. Frank Merrill ia spending part of the present week in Portland. The new parsonage is now under roof. The school board decided to defer any additional school until after the annual meeting on the first Monday of next month, at which time a stater ment of the financial condition of the district will be discussed. The dis trict seems to be considerably in debt and the prospects of large appropria tions is not very flatteriug. A delegation of Seventh Day Ad ventista have been dilligently trying for three weeks past to convince the people that Saturday is the day to Keep for Sabbath, and to otherwise regulate the moral condition of the community after their standards. The members of the school board of this distriot got a little gratuitous notice in your columns last week iu a communication from this place. They commend the correspondent for sign ing his name to his article, and feel assured that a bottle of soothing syrup will improve his oondition. Buy a Home -IN- St. Helens The original town plat oan be seen by applying in person on E. E. QUICK, Resident Agent, St. Helena, Oregon ' ' Another bog 11 ft. Astoria, Feb, 19. Another attempt to tow a log raft to Ban Francisco from the Columbia river will be made the coming summer by Messrs. .Rob ertson A Barnes, of Ban Francisco, the owners of the raft that went to pieces a few miles below the mouth of the Columbia river last fall.' Mr. Robert son is at present at Stella, where the former raft was constructed, and is un derstood to be making arrangements with the loggers of that plaoe for a supply of logs to be delivered at tide water at an early date. Lumber with which to 'make certain changes in the style of the raft has been purchased aud will be delivered tomorrow. War tn Seattle. Seattle, Feb. 19. John Riplinger, chief clork -in the county treasurer's office, was this morning elected county treasurer of King county by the board of county commissioners. The board declared the office vacant at a meet ing held yestesday afternoon, after re jecting the bonds filed by Treasurer-elect-M.ple and Treasurer Mitten, and after the latter had tendered his resignation, to take effect at the earl iest possible time. The populists were very angry at the action of the county commissioners, and some went so far as to threaten to bang the chairman. For a Salmon Hatchery. Astobia, Feb. 19. The cannerymen on the Washington side of the river are inter esting themselves In an effort to secure the establishment of a hatchery on the Kalama river, in Cowlits county, as well as one on the Chinook river, at or near the point where Deputy Fish Commissioner Al Hoacben conducted his successful experi ments In salmon batching last fall. The canners expect that the recent appropria tion of 120,000 by the Washington legisla ture will be sufficient when economically expended lo establish two hatcheries at the points named, on such a scale as will prove a powerful argument In favor of a more liberal appropriation by the next legislature. Thb death of Isaac P. Gray, minis ter to Mexico and ex-governor of In diana, removes a prominent figure from the field of American politics. Mr. Gray wa among the democratic presidential possibilities in 1896. Thb political complexion of the United State senate now stands 43 democrats, 40 republicans and 5 popu lists. This includes Wilson of Wash ington, who has just been elected by the republicans. Thi legislature will adioura at 12 o'clock tomorrow night, and thus end a session of cat-hauling second only to that of the present democratic con gress, which also adjourns in a few daya. Out of the eight applicants for teachers' certificates at the examina tion last week not one failed to pass, while the standing of some was far above what the applicants themselves had expected. Teachers generally ex press themselves aa desirous of seeing the standard in educational matters raised, ami the better class of teachers are atriving to accomplish .thia end. Aa OU Moltfler'a BacnamenasttlM. In the late war I was a soldier in the First Maryland Volunteers, Company G. During my term of service I con tracted chronic diarrhoea, since then I have used a great amount of medi cine, but when I found one that would eiveme relief it would injure my stomach, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy was brought to my notice. I used it and will say it is the only remedy that gave me permanent relief and no bad results followed. I take pleasure in recom mending this preparation to all of my old comrades, who, while giving their services to their country, contracted this dreadful disease as I did, from eat ing unholeome and uncooked food. Your truly, A. E. Bending, Halsey, Oregon. For sate by Dr. Edwin Ross. When Baby waa dek, we gare her Caatoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Cutort. When she became Ulm, the clung to CsstorU. When she had Children, she gave them Cutoria. SHERIFF'S SALE. Ia the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for uoiumoia iHimy. BY VIRTUB OF AN EXECUTION, DECREE and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, and to me duly directed, dated on the 23nt day of January, Uw5, upon a Judgment and decree rendered and eutered in said Court on the 4th day of January, 1X95, la favor of K. O. Moll, plaintiff, and saalnst W. C. Henderson aud M. C. lienderton, defendants, for the sum of Five Hundred Sixty-two and 50-100 dollars (SSA2.M) end the further sum of Seventy-five dollars (175.00) ad the further sum of 112.10 costs and disbursements, all in United States gold coin with intoeast thereon at 8 per cent per annum In like gold coin from date of said de cree, to-wit: Jan. 4th. 189ft, and for the costs and expenses of sale under this writ. Now, therefore, by virtue of and in pursuance of said judgment, decree and order of sale, I duly levied upon, and will, on the 2nd day ot March, lWU, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the county court house, in the City of St. Helens, tn said county and state, sell, subject to redemption according to law, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all of the Interest of the defendants, W. G. Henderson and M. C. Henderson In the following described real estate in Columbia county, State of Oregon, to-wit: The southwest quarter (sw) of section thirty two (32) in tawnshtp four (it north, range two (2) west ot the Willamette Meridian, containing one hundred and sixty (160) acres, more or less, aoeordlng to government survey, to satisfy the herein mentioned sums and fr costs and ex penses of ssid sals. Witness my hand this 29th day of January. 18 flinl 0. F. DOAN, Bherlff of Columbia County, Oregon. LEONARD HUFF & CO., Commission Merchants BWAGER'B OLD STAND. A general asortment of teed kept on hand, . and sold at the lowest prices - - FOR CASH. Undertaking Goods ' FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. St. Helens, ; ; ' ; Oregon. ; Awarded Highest Honor World' Fair. DH CREAM MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Crap Cream of Tartar Powder. Pre from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THB STANDARD. Thb Mist does not object to taking silver on subscription. We are even glad to get Columbia county warrants. They are taken at tbi office on all account. STRAYED. A aarrel mare, with white strip in fore head and white on one hind foot. Any in formation will be rewarded br JOHN FRANTZ, Houlton, Columbia Oounty, Orespn. WANTED TO TRADE. I have a good, two-seated buckboard, has been used but four months, worth SU0. and which I would like to trade for a yoke of good, young work oxen. . Apply to ml O. D.OILSON, Houlton. Oregon. Notice Creditors. TOTICE is hereby given that the under Xl signed has been appointed administra tor of the estate of Charles Trim, deceased, and all persons havinic claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me. with the necessary vouchers, within six months from the first publication of thi notice, at my residence, at Deer Island, Columbia county, Oregon, flml OEO ROE TRIM. Administrator of the estate of Charles Trim, deceased. Dated February 1. 1886. stiiiimoNS. lathe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia. C. A. Freeman, Abbie J. Freeman and Kate E. Freeman, plain tiffs. vs. Albert Freeman, defendant. To A. Freeman, defendant In the name of State of Oregon: YOU ARK HEREBY REQUIRED TO Ap pear and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs Bled against you in the above entitled suit on the flrat day of the next regular term of ssid court, which shall commence six weeks or more atter the first publication of this summons, to-wit: On Tuesday, the lh day of May. 1W5, and if you fall so to appear and answer the Slalntlffi will apply to the Court for the relief emended in the complaint filed herein. The relief claimed is that the plaintiffs may have a decree for the lsnds desert tied ss follows, to-wit: The southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 13, and the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 24, and the south east quarter of the southwest quarter of said see Uon 13, all tn township four (4) north, range two (2) west, in Columbia county nd that the sstd lands be adjudged to be the binds of the plaintiffs. And for aueh other and further relief as in equity shall seem meet and under justice shall appertain, and for their costs and disbursements. This summons is published In pursuance of an order of said Circuit Court, Hon. T. A. Mc Bride, presiding, made In open Court on the 12th dsyof October, 1)94; that this summons be served upon yon herein by publication in the Oskoon Mist, a weekly newspaper published In St Helens once a week for six weeks. jUf22 1. C. MOKELAND, Attorney for Plaintiff. PEOPLE Desirous op Buying JEWELRY, Watches, Clocks, Etc., Would do well to order frees Q. HEITKEMPER The Portland Jeweler, Corner of Third and Morrison. Ton will save at least 25 per cent, and get good goods. Diamonds, watches, silverware, optical goods, etc. Vour correspondence is solicited. PROFESSIONAL. H ABEISON ALLEN, Attorney and Counselor at Law. ST. HELENS, OREGON. Notary Public Conveyancing, aad Collections rpUOMAS C. WATTS, NOTARY PUBLIC. , ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TAKEN, CONVEYANCING AND GENERAL NOTARIAL WORK DONE. REUBEN, OREGON JQR. A. P. McLAREN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Rainier, Oregon. jyLH. B. CLIFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bt Helena, Oregon. D R. J. E, BALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatskanie, Columbia county, Or. J-JR. J. M. P. CHALMERS, . . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bt. Helens, Oregon. yy N. ME8ERVE, Surveyor and Civil Engineer DELENA, OREGON. County Surveyor. Land Surveying, Town Platting and Engineering work promptly executed. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT There has just been received a large assortment of pure and fresh drnge, patent medicines, etc. Also numerous other articles which are found hi all Hrst-claaa drug stores. Remember that the place to buy your drugs if at a drug store. SAINT HELENS - - - TOILET ARTICLES This bouse also carries a very large assortment of fancy notions, constating of toilet articles such as perfumery, soaps, tooth-brushes, tooth-powders, anil In fact all articles included in that line. Also writing paper aud school supplies. PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED DAY OR NIGHT A competent pharmacist is always on hand ready to compound prescriptions on short order. Mr. Ross is ever watchful of the public's demands, and you will always find what you want at bis establishment. DR. EDWIN MAIN STREET ST. CHARLES HOTEL If yon want to meet a friend you Corner Front and Morrison SU. Portland, Oregon. VVVVVrVVVVVVVlv"l,TVlyTyylv'VT DART & TiUCKLE Are once more doing business at the old stand formerly oc cupied by Muckle Bros., where can be found a complete stock of Fresh Staple Just from the best markets of the world. They also have a new and complete line Ladies' Dress Goods, Latest Patterns. Beallzing that tbeir entleraen also carry I Ladies' and Gents' Fine Footwear XIUOK1IjEj BROS MANUFACTURERS Rough and Dressed Lumber of ST. HELENS. : Clatskanie Drugstore PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS Patent Medicines, Prescription Drags, Toilet Articles, Fancy Motions, etc. SSH1 E5T-iE33SrS The tables are always supplied with the Beat Edibles and Delica cies the market affords. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS m Having been newly refurnished we are prepared to give aatisiao tion to all our patrons, and solicit a sbtre oi your patronage. J. GEORGE, Proprietor,- St. Helens, Oregon MNUTT BFiOS THE LEADING MERCHANTS OF Vernonia and Oornelms, Ogn. WHITE TO CORNELIUS FOR STAGE DATES. FISHERMEN AND CAMPERS SUPPLIED St. Helens MEAT - TiARKET All Kinds of fresh and salted meats, sausage, aad fish. An express wagou runs daily to all parts of the city. Meat by Wholeaato at Special Rates. . . J. H, DECKER . . . TONSORIAL A RTIST The old and reliable barber has his mora just aa sharp aa can be found, and will shave you com fortably and quickly for only fifteen cents. GIVE HIM A CALL AT THE OLD STAND ON STRAND ST 2 OKIEIWJLL MOTKIa The table will be supplied with the best the market affords. Board by the Day, Week, or Month at Reasonable rates Everything Clean. A Share of Your Patronage is Solicited. A. H. BLAKESLEY, Prop., ST. HELENS, OR Job Printing DRUG STORE ROSS, Prop. ST. HELENS, OREGON THIS LEADING FMILV HOTEL HAS BEEN OOM PLETCLY RENOVATED. will surely find bim at this hotel. C. W. KNOWLES, Proprietor aad Maneges1 Groceries of . . ... . . stock would be incomplete without, these a large invoke of ... . OF AUD DEALERS IN Every Style, Grade and Variety : OREGON ice to ssnirt Your Fmh MadlclnM DR. J. B. HALL. PrsDrMar Clatskasrie, IrL Ol'HIT 1 Sweetland & Sheldon, . Mala SU. St. Hasans. Qnpm la all Its branch aaatly and arMstleally done. We make a specialty f baofc. swUf, and cemmsrclat job printing. rr ftn Je printing THB MIST hi no qul an tho ,