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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1894)
OREGON MIST. rtlBUaHBO SVKRy FRIDAY, SJe-uead paragbapm Tits JuMTtoi Cauiur. Before Justloe ftwdgtir TueaUay waa triad the case of UniMi vs uaroea Ufcowii wage fur labor performed, mi oourt reserved decision unlfl tomorrow. Ort TH Jtitjr. Tbe ateataer IC Jmni haa buen off Uer tegular run all week, and it la not Itnown when jhe will resume har run. I'lie Kehanl imi bean ureal accommodation to the people of St. Helena and thota long the aloucb, and bar dully visits ,eaou way are greauy tnuaea. Uktil Novkmviik 1st. Thi Mist's jreduolien of SO per oent on subsorip. - ill 411 - " linn aaoounw win not noia good after November I, IBtfa. Patrons wiahing die oanent 01 uie discount SDOUId call aud settle before that date. County warranta of amall denomination! taken l their market value on aH aoaounla. J-BHSOJUfc AND LOCAJL. convene next rvTHUK BilX. Avon Lodne No. 2. K. ol 1'.. of thia place, haa deoldad to give grand public ball oo the night oiuetoiier mim, in ma large opera nun in e. ueien. x.soeuen muilo will be furnlehed, a grand supper will I aerveo, ana every member of Avon lodge will eee mat aU who attend an Joy tbemaelvea. Fas Tna ruLvtaizio Suoab. U men are the aaJl at tba earth, the wo men are undoubtedly the augar. Salt ia a necessity, augar a luxury. Viol ant men are saltpeter, ludifforent men rook aalt, and nice man table salt, Old maids are brown augar, good natured matrona the loaf augar, and tfce pretty girl the fine pulverised sugar, Paat tba pulvariied augar, please. Till BToaa-cauiHia. Burka 4 Chapman will atart their atone-ei-usher again thia week with a force of 16 Italians. Tba macadam wbich they will manufaetues wilt be need on the atretic of Portland. Tba familiar aound of tba eruiher will be ver nieaeant to our eare alter lie long ! lenoe, and it would alto be very agree. tie to hear ibe bum ol oilier macbin ry which baa aiao been long ailenl. Wild Hat Caor. Owing to the fact of the aummer frethet lingering a it did, the growth of wild hay was retarded, and at a retail the work of taking eare of that product haa bean extended late Into the tall. There are many tone of bay down, and if there ie not a change in meterorologlcal ondiliona immediately there will be a heavy loee Inflicted upon our low land farmers who depend upon that pro duct One condition with another bat worked many hardahipa upon our farmers, and lastly to have their hay crop destroyed is the most severe in jury that could be Inflicted upon them. KtcKBD by A IIokdi. Mlie Mary Kendall, of CorvaJlie, well known here, while ont driving with Miea Emerick the other day, had one of her lower limbs fractured by a lick from a kicking liorse. They were on the Albany road : aeveral milea from town when the! horse began kicking, breaking op the harness, and atrook Miea Kendall a lick on the leg. The young ladloe borrowed a barnece and returned with the fractioua animal and vehicle. Au examination br a phyaioian showed that the limb waa fractured, and tba young lady will be eoollned to ber room for aeveral weeks. Ohb or Oct Bora. Kdmond C. Gilmer, who baa aered nearly eight yeare aa aeaiatant secretary of atate, waa last week elected secretary-manager of the Stale Iaturenee Company of Halcm, vice W. II. Collie, resigned. Kd ia one of our boya and wa are proud of blm. too. While jret a youth -17 years old ha baa held, for nearly eight years, one of the most responsible offices ia the state, and it has been efficiency in administering his paat duUee that made hit laat pro motion possible. Wa have no knowl edge of so young a man having been the recipient of such an honor, not only in name but floanoially aa woll. Tba people of Columbia county wish you auoceea, Ed. Burr Swu Factobt. A. beet augar factory la projected (?Ju?JUn; The plant will coat about 1100.000. A company la now almost formed, with a capitalised atock ol HOO.OOO, and active work can soon be expected. Mr. J. L. Smith, who waa mainly inttru menial in originating the idea and nothing it forward, says that there can be raiaed to the acre sixty tone ol heeta,andit la alwaya a aura oropj that enough can be raiaed in that community to Insure the running ol the mill tba year round. The reason why the eompany'a caplUllaed atock Ss 1400,000 ia that tba company will use ita aurplua to purchase lands with the aim of growing beeta. Thi would not be dona it it waa thought the la.min In tht nstellborhOOd COUld tha damand. Thia indicates lhat Ilia wimnintf lain earnest. Mr Rmith Hurva much Credit for bis ,.Lnr(.ln anirlt. and it is B gOOd thing for Tualatin that be ia a resident id that town. Vo d A aancl ITIOl , J. B. v mw - " nnrnrla. anrtnmnaoied by DlS Wlie, at.ri.wi fa. PanriUtsm Monday morn u hr ihA will attend tba meet- Ina ri tha Oreaaa Presa Assoialiin tB Ik ink wnaassaiak1 ihrrm Tueidtty morn- ing. The Oregon fdilora and their vivea will be tbe gueste ol tba most hospitable people in the slate i! oneia to judge Irom tbe reports i which come from that city. There has not been one thing left nndone by the people of Pendleton which would add to the pleasure or oomtort of the vis ore. The common council ol that city went so tar even as to "ord; inanoe imposing a penalty ol f 20 upon any risitor who so far lorgets himseil as to attempt to pay lor anything while in the city. Pendleton sees the necea ally ol such treatment to her "'' as tbe people are aware of the fact that no better opportunity will offer to establish a reputation lor hosp al ity than to give the editors a reoept on ot that kind, since as they are treated well the pencil-puthere will do the cuy juiiice upon wu "- v. rr-I-,-inla.Alunioranyeineraouii Mr. end Mr.. Beegle will probably torn JjyJijj STANDARD. iviurn tioaie touay. upyouraubtoiipUon and use pSn'J"' M"'omc. or neat "job TAm llltrl f1 fli . m in town Morj'' BttU"n- . A. 8lmnnaliuu. f v. . town vu...i r ' was in Circuit Tuesday morning. Despite the hard tlma. n i. great deal ol travel, - r , ... . fn........ .i ' . " oaiem IDS i m 0on"t). ' Deer Island, waa in Porllaod Mouiiav. IlerniaB Beamor, of Deer Island in wwn Monday, Try one of those fragrant "La Bet- '(! aupi uy uots One extreme followa another first vum -, nexi warm weather, mill Work of repairing Muokle Bros is being pushed steadily along. U, 11. rOM. M Frtal mam l a . . -a--e -.- " au wvwu iw ouuuttf en route for rortUad ino aaiournea term of count v.. .iuwuiiiu Deiv Wednesday, ine circuit court dnrkt In, n.. October. 189. Urm. cm Mara in llilai ' ar -w MIm Klttlt Moor, of SaW was In town me orepart ol the week visiting Mrs. D. Hensbaw. of Houlton. waa a passenger oown from Portland Mon day evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. Davie were nataen gerafor Portland yetteidav morninv . . " un mo i oung America. II. A. Matthews and wifa. of Pitta. burg, were in town Tuesday on their waw uoine irom rortiand. Mrs. Kawler. of Houlton. returned last Moaday evening from a three- weeks' sojourn on the Bound. i ne seaguu is making Its appear ance upon me river, indicating tbe approach ot the winter Beaton. Oo to Roes' draft store for vonr writ. ing tablets. You can And anything in that Una there that you wish. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Switxer returned Monday morning from Rainier, where they bad apent Sunday with relativea. The floanolal condition ol Columbia oouotr, per tabulated report ol clerk, sheriff, and treasurer, appeara in this issue. Borne activity exists in tbe lumber and shingle business. One mill in Beaver valley ia running day and night. B. F. Qlltner and Secretary George W. McBride were passengers up on the mail boat last Mouday, en route for Balem. Alfred Harrison and wife, who have been visiting relatives tor soma time in Washington atate, relumed to this place Monday, Tbe severest rain storm that has visited this section for a number of years at thia eeaeon, prevailed here during the present week. On the county court docket for the October lerm.which appears in another column, there are eighteen law cases and twenty equity cases. The county officials are makiog the necessary preparations for the term of circuit court which oonvenee neat Tuesday, tha 9th instant. When the lumbering and logging businesa revives in Columbia county then can wa look for an improvement in every channel ol business. W. M. Davis, a prominent young attorney of Portland, was in town Tuesday, looking after the interests ol olient in Justice Bwagers court. R. P. Graham, of Portland, waa in mmm m B town on boaiueaa weanosaey. air. Graham haa been spending several daya at his old home at Marshland. CeDt Houkerk. of tbe Young Amer ica, moved his family to town yester day from Portland. They are located . via... air a Tf I . n tbe bouse oocupiea oy vr. a. narru. The duck season, for some reason or other doea not convey rays of sun- light upon tha expectations ot tne average gunner, xowia m in very slowly. Had it not beeu tor tbe faot that oordwood ia a necessity there would have been hundreds more idle men in Columbia county than there baa been for tbe past year. If von doubt it call and see lor your own aalisfaclion that we can turn out job work at this office equal to any Portland office, and at prices commen surate with the limee. Denuty Sheriff Charles Blakesley re turned last Saturday Irom a tour of the counly on whloh occasion he summoned the jury for the coming session of circuit court. " Gold excitement rune high in Ne- halera. News Irom mere is to we ei feet that ore laken Irom tha ledge ae iaysfromf3,()00tof7,000aton. The mines are on hock om. at ftliir and Stevens, who i a.i ha lka farm on Sauvies island, recently purchased from W. D. Connell, ol Deer island, seventy head ol oows. The former gentlemen will engage extensively in dairying. .""J jro1? onerfor job printing to mil office instead of sending your """"j oroor out of tbe county. We era dm oared tn turn th',iD. in appearance equal to that of rortiand offioM. and f.r nMa jf. ' - -vi wuiuWIiII100. Miss Downiriff. a atvllah n,tlUn nf Portland, will he 4a fit UA1. "ki tnka ft . - uii W.VIWUB WWWWI mi ano ium with a luU line of Jedies1 misses' and childrnn.' fax. Mix Downing Invites the ladies ol St. Hel ens and vicinity to call at tbe Oriental "owi par lore. P. Peck, of Vernonla, was In town ouuHiay. iwr. recit came across me Hunker hill road Tuesday through uie drenching rain, and reports the atmosphere nmuh cooler up Uiere man down in the valley. In lact it was very cold. County Surveyor Will Meserve was In town Wednesday ou his way to Portland to have his Instrument re paired. Tha crnpass got out of re pair while Mr. Meserve waa locating a road on Pebble ereek and ha was obliged lo suspend operations and take ii to rortiand. Peter Cramer, a fireman on a North ern faoino freio-ht enarine. was drowned at Kalama laet Saturday morning at 4 o'clock. A ewitcb had been changed on the ferry track, and another section of the train crashed Into the part to which Cramer's en gine waa attached, strikins: it with such force aa to knock it overboard. Tbe remaina were recoverd immedi ately. I Tuesday might aa the eteamer Sarah Dixon waa on her way up if rem Asto ria, aha huided at Rainier to Uke on wood, and while lying there the Har vest Queen, in attempting to land along side, crashed into Iter, almost wrecking her. Tbe Dixon was efuck on the port aide about opposite the boiler, and for aeyerei J eel back the guard and side ol the house were car ried away. The Dixon ia in the Port land boneyard. . ,: Tbe committee on entertainment of the Grand Lodge Knighte of Pythias has changed the former programme aa follows j Boceutlon at Elk's hall.Mar- auam building, Tueaday, October 9th, 2 P. M. grand bhU and reception at Hotel rortiand Tuesday, uctooer via 9 P. M.; grand parade Wednesday evening-. October 10th 7 P. M. The Hotel Portland haa been officially des ignated aa headquarters of tbe Grand Lodge. Special Notice. A liberal offer will be made the ladiea of Columbia county by celling at Tha La Mode millinery parlors, 228 First street, Port- laud. Mew store and atyusu goons: A. M. Bailey, a well-known citizen of En- gens, Oregon, says that for years his wife bat been troubled with ehroiile diarrhoea, and'uied many remedies with little relief an til the tried Chamberlain's Cbolle, Chol era, and Diarrhoea Remedy, which bat cared ber sound and well. Give it a trial and you will bo surprised at tbe prompt re lief it affords. Twenty nye and 60 cent bottles for sale by Edwin Ross. Awarded fflgbMt Honorf Wwld'At PaW ft. i- I MOST PERPECT MADB. COLUMBIA COUNTY'S FINANCIAL EXHIBIT Giving the Clerk, Sheriff, and Treasurer's Re port for the Six Months Ending September 30, 1894. SEMI ANNUAL REPORT Of the County CUit of Columbia County, BUM of Orefoa. rtowlnn the amount and nnobarol ciaimt aiiowta djt ma county court, wr wnai aiiowoa, amount 01 wwiwiiiqhwiipiuh amount of warrant outatandlnii aad unpaid, from Uie 1st day el April, laM, to tha 8OU1 day ol September, law, both ineluaire; ON WHAT ACCOUNT ALLOWED load and bridgs I'aunar Criminal act Circuit eourt... Criminal aat Juallpaeourt Kaeord booka. atatlonarv and orluUna Court bouae aad Jail Clarke ,.V-7.... Hhrrlflk Bounty on wild aoimala Ballllf. , School uparlntendent...... Count Judaa Com ui lulouert Road auparvlaora luaano, oranar Traaaurar Anawor 1 Klartion Diilnut atlornay KuWIc etamUaUoa si taaehera Raaateuz Surveyor. Boarding prison!.,.... Total amount ellm allowed and drawn, AMOUNT or CLAIMS ALLOW kD 4.065 74 621 42 742 77 379 101 ma m 117 ! I,M8 6I 1,010 01 cs ooj S21 M IMS 98 2S1 m ll SO ato IS 40j 174 4H S7S 75 , 4 4M vn 40 MOM 72 UM 112 10 30i23) . ,$ 18,810 051 AMOUNT OF WAKRANT8 DRAWN I H,M0 06 AMOUNT OF OUT8TANDINQ WARRANTS UNPAID Ontatandlnc, unpaid oounty warranta on the SOtb day oil hepianiMr. iitw Kill mated InMraat accrued tharoon Total amount ot unpaid county warrant raisciPAL 41.7IS 76 tfM 00 f 44.7U78I INTKRK8T I s,ooo 00 I 44.7H76 STATB OF OR BOON. I County n Columoia.i I. Judann Waad. Count clerk of the county of Columbia. Mate of Omron, do hereby certify that tha foraoiiuj i a true and correct latinni of th nunber aad amount ( claim allowed by tha Coonty taurt 01 aaia otiuiity, lor tn i montn anainv on in iva aay 01 NiwiDKr, icnn, u what account tba am were allowed, and tha amount of warranta drawn, and tba amount of war- mmm n.,l...,li.. .nrf . a ,h. urn. .niMT iinnn thrMnlB of DIT Otlice. and In BV Official euatody. Witnoa my band and the aaai of the County Court ol ld county, thi lt day of Octo br, A. D. 1WK. JUDSON WBEO, County Clerk. SEMI ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT Of the financial condition ol the County of Columbia, la the Stole of Oracon, en the J0th day of sepumoar, A. v. itwt. ' LIABILITIES To warrant drawn on thai County Trouurar, ana out lUading aad unpaid To eatimatod amounl of inter M aecruoa taaraoa Total llabOIUs..' AMOUNT . 41.7M 71 .. , , s,oao 00 144,71 7S RESOUBCE8 Ry fund Ui hand of County Tna- urar, appiicapta to wa paymant i ciinxT warrauia. ................ Ry M acrea of land By catimafd delinquent tax a By lndebtednea of county Total roaource.. AMOUNT 57 7 00 00 M ai 29 1S.WS 71 I44.71S 7S ,M5 05 8EMI AKHUAL STATEMENT Of the amount of money sad warrant reiTd for tax, and money paia 10 tn ioniy j raaa- uror oy the enenn 01 uotumoia iouniy, uivim naptambar, A. D. iStfi: lor thealx month ending on the aOudeyoi TO AMOUNTS RECEIVED n oolo and currency lor tax, a coin and currtnoy for fee. . . Total reciTed DURING THE MONTH Of JULY 7S80I at m SIM l.V AUOU8T 90 S3 as so S4S87 SEPT 44 28 45 4 SK7 74 By amonnt paid to County Treaaurer In the month of July Br imiHiul paid to County Traaauntr in tha month of AuguM... .. By amount paid lo County Treaaurer In tbe mouth of Boptambar. . ..SUM IS .. 46 87 .. 87 74 STATE OF OREGON, I county 01 voiumoia.) I. C. F. Dean, harlff of said eonnty, do hrby eortlfy that th foreaplnc (Utement is oor- reot and true. Witnea my hand thia let day of October A. i. ine. c.f.uoah. , ... ' auJlita VA vwasaaaswsea vvuutji f , SEMIANNUAL STATEMENT Of the Connty Treaaurer of Columbia oounty, Oregon, for the ill month ending on the SOtb aay Of BepimDer. im. Ol mUOJ lOtWi . K1U WtU - " . .wa.m uv " ouro, aud on what aoooant paid eut; ' 1SH. April 1. " 28 May 1 Anffiiat 90 ... Sptmbr SS. AMOUNTS RECEIVED. To amount on hand from last report. . , . To amount received from Haa. of itt. . " nnn " " " atate treu'er " " hrin-... " Co. clerk ' ' " eherlfr... 1 co. elerk Co. Beh'ISuptj obool oUikh Co. asaor. lioanK Co. elerk . . herift-. FROM WHAT SOURCE RECEIVED. State road fund..,,... N. P. R. B. tax SUtCMhool fund.........',,.. Special school tax....... General tax , . . . . ,, , lOonnty road tax. mai lee ., Teacher' public Examioat'n uverpm ana returnee. Poll tax... Liquor Fee to October 1st..,.. GEN'L. FUND. ,42 85 IUI '1 248 80 1,76 10 1.U4 88 8 4 9J.498 l US 70 4 78 63 . eses i 888 75 88 00 900 00 811 78 BS 89 1 84028 11 18S4. Septemba 80. May Saptembar 90. " 88. AMOUNTS PAID OUT. By amount paid out on oounty warrant. r. , I ,1 " " " Hhool unerintendnt'a warrant balance general runo on nann to pav aot. county warranta ' aohool fund on hand apportioned " poiaI " i county road tax en band tate " " ' " " Institute fund 11 aneclal deposit applicant aapoyint ...ta t. nuM &ta paid Andanon Irom elal dpolt. .. .. .nulla 1 MhMl Ik V ii 11 " on county achool Snpt'. order on Inttltut fund.. " amount Pld on tal roaq tuna warrant. . nant of oouuty warrant on hand. amount atato tax paid (late trauurer. . GENERAL FUND 14,980 78 ,186 74 101 48 478 30 IS 78 4 7 84 78 141 00 49 91 ' 471 81 8.711 91 97 47 1488 05 87 00 1,000 00 84.028 21 STATE OF OREGON. I,,, , - M whartnn do hereby certify that the foregoing I a tru and correct atatemeut of the "y!!n?, L'f iX;Pn th. snth dar of SeDUuiber. A. P.. 1894. Wilaea. my handthl. 8rd day of raw'"--''"" ' C.H, wnlHlvn, October, A, !., Iov4. , County Traaaurer. While in Chicago, Mr. Charles L. Kabler, a prominent shos merchant, of Des Mulnes, Iowa, bad euite a serioos time of It. He eeok such a severe cold that he could hard ly navigate or talk, bnt tbe prompt nee of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured mm of his -cold so quickly that oilier at the hotel who bad bad colds followed HI ex ample, and bait a doxea peroews ordered It from tbe nearest drag store. They were profuse In their thank to Mr. Kabler for telling them how to cure a bad cold so quickly. For sale by E. Ross, druggist When Baby waa etch, we gar bar Carter!. Whao lb waChilAb cried for Oaatorla. Whan b teoame Wm, eh ehug to Caatorla. Whan tbm bad Chlklraa, rtw gaTaxbem Caatcrl. Irving V. Larlmore, pbysicsl director of Y. M. O. A., Des Molno, Iowa, says he can conwientionsljr recommend Chamber lain's Pain Balm to athletes, gymnasts, bL cyclists, football players, and tbs profes sion in general, for braises, sprains, and dislocations; else far soreness and stiffness of the Muscles. When applied before the parts become swolen It will effect a cure in one half tbe time usually required. For sale by Edwin Roes. DISSOLI'TIO NOTICE. Notice i berebv given that tbe firm here tofore known a w. J Muckle ACo.,ba this day diswlved partnership by mutual consent, Mr. D. C. Tedford retiring, and all obligation of the firm will be aasuracd by W. J. Muckle, to whom all account due tbe firm are to be paid. w. J. Mocklb, D. C. Taoroao. Dated thi 7th day of September, A. D.. 1864, at Rainier, Oregon. 14o6 tunaoHs. Ix Tax Ciscuit Coorr or raa Stan ot 0 BOOa, 90S TBS CODKTV OF COLOMBIA 1 Maxtba E. McLocaauw, Plaintiff, vs. Johx B. Obtxl, Mabv Amanda Oarxi.,and Eo wabd E. Pabsori, Defendant : To Marr Amanda Ortei and John B. Or- tel, two of the above-named defendant : Is tbb SAum or thx Statx or uaxooa: Yon are berebv notified and reanired to at orar and anwer the cjmnlalnt tiled in said court on the 16tb dsy of May, 1804, against tne anove-namea aeienaania, in tna forego ing-entitled suit, on or before the tint day of the next term of said Court, next follow ing the expiration of six weeks from tbe nrst puDUcauon 01 ime summon, w-wit: Bv the Tuesday after tbe second Monday in Octabr,1894.being the9tb day of said month of October, and tbat if yon fail to so appear and aoawer, the plaintiff will, for want thereof, apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint, to-wit: For iudgment against you and each of yon, for lie sum of $250, together with Interest thereon from tbe 13th day of November. 1803, at ten per cent per annum . and for tbe further sum of 00 as attorney's fees, and for his costs and disbursements in said suit, and for a decree of foreclorureof tin mortgage in said complaint described, given by you, on tbe following-described real property, to-wit: Tha northwest of sec tion Si, township 6, north range. 3 west of the Willamette meridian. Columbia county Oregon, to secure said amount, and for an order of sale ot said premises to satisfy said judgment, and for snch further relie! as to tbe coart may seem right and Jurt. This summon is served by the publica tton thereof for six successive weeks, by the order of Hon. Thos. A. McBride, iudge of said circuit eourt, wade and dated May 16th, 1804. DAVIS. GANTENBEIN A VKAZIE. a!02l Attorneys for Plaintiff. For Sale ENGLISH SHROPSHIRE RAMS Address W. W. WEST, 8CAPP00SE. - - OREGON SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Large Assortment of Pure and fresh . Drugs and Patent Medicines T Trflt. PROFESSIONAL. j-jr. a. p. McLaren, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Rainier, Oregon. JJR. H. . CUFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St Helens, Oregon. J-JR. J. X. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatskauie. Columbia county, Or. JR. EDWIN ROSS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 8U Helena, Oragoa. JJR. J. M. P. CHALMERS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 8t Helens, Oregon. VT N. MESERVE, Surveyor and Civil Engineer ; DELENA, OREGON. V Conntv Survevor. Land Survevlmr. Town Platting and Engineering work promptly executed. WANTEDCOUNTY WARRANTS! I will pay the highest cash price tor Colum- nia county warrants. Bend me an order for vour conntv war rant, and receive the cash for It by return O. V. WAV IB, ' Bt. Helens, Oregon. JYlSTe Slusser, HAIR DRESSER TON ORIAL; ARTIST. Having recently located in the city and wishing to establish myself, I invite the publio to favor me with at least a share of your trad. Sharp, keen tssors. COLBURN'S OLD STAND Bt. HELENS, 111 OREGON St. Helens Drug Store - - - TOILET ARTICLES - - - 0AP , PERFUMERY, BRU HES, POWDERS, &C Prescriptions Compounded AT ANY HOUR DURING THE DAY OR NIGHT Dr. Edwin Ross, Proprietor ST.HEJLjBNS - OrREQQOlNT THE ST. CHARLES HOTEL Corner Trent and Morriaon Btreotw. ' This Is th most popular hotel In Portland, and has been for many year. If you want to wseet a friend yon will surely find him at the St. Charles. It also enjov the patronage of the business man of tbe northwest. Courteous attendants. ' Favorite Hotel of th Citr ot Portland. Propria) tow TI-iH3 B-AJSTQUHTT Main Street. St. Belena. Oregon. FINE WINES, LIQUPRS, AND CIGARS. Cite axUbvatk "ltlinlaa;M er" 4Urt n tPronaht. A Good Billiard and Pool Table is provided for the nsc of Patrons, and parties who Wish to spend a pleasant hour should remember ' 'THE BANQUET." ejnlv tha Jfmreet ut set of (() fltsft em flenk. , r . Card Tables are at the disposal of patrons who wish to indulge in a social frame of cards "W. UHEKKB. Proprietor LEADING - RESORT - IN - THE - CITY mtljokilje: bros MAKTJFACTDBBBe OF AMD SKALBX8 IW Rough and Dressed Lumber :FIR AND CEDARS Of Every Style, Grade and Variety AT THE OLD STAND, 8T. HELENS, OREGON STOP FOR YOUR MEDICINS AT THE CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE Where yon will find the largest stock of Patent . Medicines, Prescription Drug, Toilet Articles, etc., ever found in Columbia County. DR. J. JE. HAXXi, Proprietor The tables 'are always supplied with the Best Edibles and Delicar : cies the market afford. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS Having been newly refurnished we are pre oared to give aatisfao- tiou to all our patrons,' a&d solicit a share of your patronage. ' J. GEORGE, Proprietor, St. Helens. Oregon MCMUTT BROS -THE LEADING MERCHANTS OF- Vernonia and Cornelius. ; Ogn. WRITE TO CORNELIUS FOR STAGE DATES. FISHERMEN AND CAMPERS SUPPLIED . . J. H. DECKER . . . TONSORIALi PRTPIST? The old and reliable barber has his raxora just aa sharp aa can be found, and will ebave you com forUbly and quickly for only fifteen cents. GIVE HIM A CALL AT THE OLD STAND ON STRAND ST THE OEIEIITillA ; nOTEI The table will be supplied with the beat the market affords. Board by the Day, Week, or Month at Reasonable rates Everything Clean. A Share of Your Patronage is Solicited. A. H. BLAKESLEY, Prop, ST. HELENS, OR ST. HELENS MEAT MARKET All kinds of Fresh and Salted Meats, Sausage and Fish. Meats . by Wholesale at 8pecial rates. Express wagon run to all parta of the the city, and chargea reasonable. SWEETLAND - & - SHELDON. - PROPRIETORS