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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1894)
OREGON MIST. MMVKO EVERY miPAY HOMNINU OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER, ftisltacrlpUaai Hats, n Hy on ru In atlvanc.,. uji. copy "it muuuin... iu copy,... : , t Advertising rata mads known upon application COLOMBIA. COUNT? DIRECTORY. . Cawwtv tfieare, ' Jndge. Dean Blsachard, Rainier jl'lerk ...JmUon Wml, Variiotila BtMrtir. .v...'....' "....cha. r. iuen, Rainier Treasurer.. ,.. m. nqanon-wwumHiivJ UmtL Af Hchnula .... J.O. WatU. tteaDPOone AMMonor.. ...... W. H. Kyser, fcvaer SHirveyor.., n. nnvnct uvivim 1 P A. PrakM. 8cppoaM ..; sweieir nette. . Mlomc.-8t. Helens Led, Sfl. S3 Rmrnlar eouiiBUJilrMJoiw Drat end thin) Saturday la wil woaUi (U 7:!IOr. H. tNAKUilc hall. Visit Uut mwutwnia geed etaJiM invited to at- Maomc.-Ralnler todse. No. S Stated nestings Saturday an or iMiuraeaufe full moon al :. at Maaouie hall, over Blauehard a atom. Vlaltlug lumbers in food uadiu ta ttled to aittnd, Oi VaLLOwe 8t Helena l.odfre No. 1W Meet everv Saturday night at T:. Transient brethren U imat steading cordially iuvlted to attend. Kmiohti or Print. a. Avoa lodge No. J, inert every Tuesday evening at : o'clock, la Old KUows hall, St. Helena, Oregon. Trau aleut brethren Invited to attend. Kmiohti or Pythias. Rainier Lodge S. Ineeta every Saturday evening at 7:80 o'clock. ii their hail. over Haiti' store. Traaaient brats ran cordially luviiad to attend. . Jcitttos Obdb Unma Aaaaicin Maca Ire. Columbia Council No. 10. Meets in Odd Srllows' hall, 8t Helena, every Thurndav eveo if at 7:M o'clock. Vial ting brethren la (ood standing, invited to etlead. T. ULBI1, KKOON, OCT. a. POSTAGE SUMPS MOT MOUSY. "Com, you oil party yejpers who prate about money that i good in 'Yurrnp and please tell us why post age stamps ara never below part And they have no rnetal bae."-Sentinel. A postage stamp is simply evidence el money, hard cash, which has al ready been paid to the government. Postage stamps may property be called a receipt for money paid. The law provides the amount of postage which shall be charged by tb government for carrying from one part of lb country to another each letter, paper, or package. Stamps are aim ply receipts for the amouut required by law to be paid for the transportation of each tetter, paper, or package to its destination. - Understand, the government fixes (ha price at which such letters, papers or packages shall be carried, and the lav provides that the payments shall bo provided for by stamp. The gov ernment has already received the cash for these Stamps before they are used, shall constitute all the proof needed to show that the person desiring to seud mail matter has paid the amount as indicated the stamps. The government, which receives all matter which is mailed for transporta tion, at once oancels such stamps, so that they may not be used a second time: thus every stamp is redeemed by the work being done for which the stamp was used. The question which was meant to be asked by the Sentinel is, no doubt, something like this t "Why are stamps sot as good as paper money T" That is very simple. There is no similarity at all between a postage tamp and paper money. Whyf Be cause paper money is always a "prom ise to pay" by the government or some banking institution, a certain amount. Btempe are evidence that the amount of their face has already been paid : and they imply an agreement on the part of the government to do the worn for which the money nas been so paiu A moment's reflection will convince any one of the great difference between DOStaee stamps and greenbacks. All greenbacks are made payable to bear- r ( consequently tne government re ceives them and redeems tbem from any one having tbem in bis possession. Postage stamps are simply evidences that the bearer, whoever he may be, is entitled to have the mail matter on which they are pasted, carried by the government, because the government has received the money with which to pay it for sncb work. The stamps are considered to be good in the bauds of Whoever they may be. ' A moment's reflection will convince any one that it is utterly impossible to carry on the enormous mail business of the people without payment in ad vance, and without the stamps being themselves prima facie proof that the government has received the money, and that the person in possesion of tbem has a right to use them. Fgopjji of today are too apt to make large purchases without regard to their ability to pay. This being the case it is incumbent on dealers to guard closely their interests in selling and inquire closely into the commer cial standing of purchasers. A roan may represent himself as being1 out in the interest of some large comp any and at the same time the aforesaid company not bare one dollar upon which to operate. Ingenuous people sometime organize themselves into ao called companies without capital for the sole purpose of fraud. The word "company" sounds loud, but it meant nothing unless there it capital back of it, That fraad and deceit are the weapons of unscrupulous and dis honest schemers is visible in our everyday life. When a man comes to you with propositions to buy, it is your duty to make yourself safe and require bint to produce some evidence of his ability to pay. It is the duty of every good citisen to frown down the unlimited frauds being perpetrated in the country, daily. Thx democratic convention in New York that" run iti-elf," placed David T ff ;il a ,kjuti,ltav rmaitinn IhAf.arMn fire at,d water, as it were. He is afraid to jump for fear that it will be out of the jjmu iuto tbe fire. Ir St. Helens would secure the pro posed road from the Nehaleru valley there must be concerted and immeui ate action on the part of her oitiions. Tbe project is meeting with much encouragement from the people along the line in Washington county, and the prospects as they now appear, are flattering in the extreme for the suc cess of i lie scheme in the last men tioned inalauce. Why should not the people of this place and those living along the proposed line via Milton creek show the same interest, and the same willingness as the people of Washiugtou county, in the matter? This is a bunine.s chance for St. Hel ena that does not present itself often, and if the people were wide awake to their interests there would be more lively action taken. Thkrk is ao muuli to be slid in be half of republican principles that it is with much difficulty we dispel the de sire to go across the river and help the brother out. We've been through our campaign and know just how it works. Wondjee what prompted Senator Peffer to remark that he thought the next house would be overwhelmingly republican? The result of the receut election in Columbia county may have had something to do with it-iust a Mtlo. : ' Tuni rimta aum Lo ha not the requisite harmony for success in the rleiuneratiu- ranks. In aoaie of the eastern states there are two democratic tickets in the field all democrats, but different kinds. What will happen to the Wilson bill provided Senator Peffer's predic tion proves true? You can imsgine. The name of Kork seems dead ; at least he is silent as a tombstone. He knows the people know him. i ii ii. Wat. HcKinlky will speak in ten states during the campaign in the east and south. CliATSKAMK. P. Dixon Sr. took a trip to Portland last Saturday. We understand the Clatskanie hotel is toon to open again under the man agement of Thomas Dawson. H. L. Warren has bought out his partner in tbe meat business and is now running the business alone. Mrs. W. K. Ticheoor i stopping at the Biverriew hotel this week, in search of improvement in health. Ed Page and family made a trip to Portland last week, expecting to pay a visit to Prof. Cleeton at Bainier, on their return trip. The vacant house next John Black ford's will be occuiied by the new minister, Bev. and Mrs. O. A. White. They have already moved their house bold effects and are getting in tbape for living comfortably, Bev. White, the new minister for this circuit, came in on the Shaver last Friday accompanied by his wife, and on Sabbath evening preached his first sermon to quite a large audience. He is an easy and rather fluent speak er, and creates a favorable impression. A few evenings ago seme of John Bryant' friends assembled at the Biv erviuw hotel to congratulate bim on emerging from bis minority to the mature age of twenty-one years. He received tbe numerous congratulations with becoming dignity snd assisted in makng tbe evening paes pleasantly. Tbe road supervisor and a few men have been trying to complete a bridge near Adam Barr's place on tbe new Bainier road along tbe ridge between Clatskanie and Beaver. The comple tion of this bridge will open the rosd se it can ee traveled by persons on horseback at least, and will be a very great convenience to many persons. Something either got in the liquor a lew men drank last Thursday or too mncb of it got into tbem for it made them very q uarrelsome and gave some people here who happened to see it, a very sorry exhibition of how men will lose their sense of self respect nnder the influence of strong drink. We have not had much of this kind of an exhibition lately and it is hoped will not have it again. Some people took it into their heads the other day that they would surprise Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cooyers on tbe anniversary of their wedding daj which occured on Wednesday of last week. Accordingly they assembled in the vicinity and about 8 :30 P. M., proceeded in a crowd to invade their premise. After some vigorous rap pine at the door the crowd was re ceived without even the appearance of a shotgun or other hostile demon stration and the man of tbe house who bad retired, was kind enough to get up sod try to make his visitors feel at home while they rema ned. In fact, both the host and hostess united in making it pleasant for all present. Messrs. Fsbrique, . Blackford and Shrouds had come prepared to furnish some instrumental music which added much to tbe enjoyment of the even ing. It was noticed .that the ladies bad packages with tbem, and later in tbe evening a spread of cake and cof fee demonstrated to those present what the package contained. A very enjoyable . evening was spent, old memories revived, war stones told, an occasional song listened to sad a con siderable quantity of cake and coffee disposed of, and about 1 o'clock the party dispersed wishing W, II. (Jon yert and wife at least twenty-eight years more of wedded life. BORN. RICHARDSON. Tuesday, October 2. 184, 10 tne wne ot va ihchardsok, a son. , 1 A Terrlflo Cyclone, While we on this coast have bteo drenched by rain for the past week, we are very lucky, Tuesday night a terrific cyclone visited Littlo Bock, Arkansas, almost totally destroying the business portion of tbe city. Bus iness houses were unroofed, snd their contents subjected to sn almost inces sant downpour of rain which accom panied the "blow." Two or three live were lost. The loss is estimated at a half million dollar. CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET, M.W.Miller vs. W. D. Catasy; Em mons & Knimon (or plaintiff, W. I. Zillman vs. Charles Bureau; Lewis A Keenau for plain tiff. F. W. Thorp vs. U. McSnUrs; W. J. Rire for plaintiff. D, Htnkte vs. U. McKittire; W. J. Bice for plaintiff. Tat urn A Boweu vs. 0. A. Mass!; Wood ward A Woodward (or plaintiff. Columbia county vs. W. A. Meeker; W. N. Barrett and W. J. Rice for plaintiff; Columbia county v. O. A. Massle; W. N. Barrett and W. J- Klce for plsintitr. W. W. West vs. a. A. Masste; W. J. Rio for pUiuiiu". " 8. Barber vs. L. G. Allen and K, R. Bird; Pax ton A Paddock (or plaintiff. . R. B. Brenham v. K. Kiasendahlt R. O. Morrow lor plaiutjlT. A. Eiuruons vs. 8. B. Eos. Out. H. Bynon vs. 8. B, Ross. John Gildner vs Sam tel Munn. O. M. Farr vs Stats Insurance Co; C. K. Kindt (or plaintiff. F. P. Haleva. Wm. Rimrset. ah DUlard A Cole fur plaintiff. Tha Columbia River Parkin Co. vs. L. 0. Baxter; Frank Spittle for plaintiff. The Portland Bavins Bank vs. Joseph Smith; Watson, Beokman A Watson for plsintitf. SUl'tTT. Matter of assignment of Colombia City Lumber Co. ; insolvent debtor. Matter of assignment of Link A Blak insolvent debtors Matter of assignment of Nicholas. Bevis A Bplawn, insolvent debtors. Matter of asaiirnmaat of E. Snyder, in solvent debtor. W. J. Burn v. W. Col. Fisk A Johnson, insolvent debtor, vs. K Merrill. . G. B. Murphy vs. John W. Shttonetux. W. J. Bice vs. Columbia Banking Co. F. E. Beach vs. W. A I Husgrovs. Matter of M. Boeser, insolvent debtor. Mrs. Bobt. McMath vs. John Maynard U ah Philander Harris, bv guardian, vs. B. W. James et. at. Mercy S. Dobbin vs. A. F. Dobbin. Cbas. P. Mugel vs. Geo, S. DIppold. Tbos. F. Gke et si. vs. Geo. C. J squish. Thos. F. Oakes et. al, vs. Eeuben Foster, James Dart vs. Thomas Dowson. . C. A. Freeman vs. Albert Freeman, B, W. Clarke vs. Paler 6. Wright at, at M. E. McLaughlin vs. John B. Oriel et, al. DRLENA. Mrs. H. H. Kyle, of Colombia City, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs C. S, B. YYasnnurn. Wilson A Palm have added another boiler to their mill, and expect to ran night and day, cutting both lumber and sntiigle. John Alvin has returned from Portland where be has been working the past year, aud is making soma improvement on his place. Harrv Deserve came down from Wag ner mill Saturday ana returned &unaay, Olson Bros, have stopped logging (or the season and expect to move their camp to a new location soon. J. Dibblee passed through this place last Tuesday on bin way to Clatskanie to bay additional lumber for the new schoolhouse being built at Rainier. J. W. Turner has been employed as saw yer in Johnson Bros.' mill at Mayger. Alfred Morgan returned home last week and spent several days looking after his interests up Lost creek, but disappeared again Sunday, Tommy Meserve was seen last Sunday heading for Lost creek with a bucket of piums. nonaer wnere ne was going r Petltlaai few ,lar License. To the Honorable tbe County Court of Co lumbia county, Oregon: We, tbe undersigned legal voters residing in rJcaDDOoM precinct, lioiuuioia counir State of Ore run. would resuectfullv Dtti tion your honorable body at its next ad. Joumed term which will be belri on October 12th. 1394, in the Court House in the City of St. Helens, Columbia county. Oregon, that a license be granted to i. U, . I I n I, q . Ii .... ! t vinous and malt liauors in quantities less than one gallon in Scappoose precinct, and that such license be issued for the period of one year, for all of which your petitioners will ever pray. A Lane. P L Stephens. Wm McMalns Lafavette Brown. J L Armstrong. J S Har, na. u Lafabar, Peter O Jobnsen, L O Hax UV 141 .BJm U I UAMuAei I 1 U.ln Vireii I Smith, J F Sederstrwn, Qlifiord b Harris. W H McFarland. P Y Abrens.O D Garrison, A M Lamberson, G H Hiercks. W T Freeman. M J Knglert. C R Konkle. 1 B Duncan. C J Lamberson, D E Freeman. John M Gove, George I Gove, Uobert Mo- Kay, M tsasendort, J f walker, J u romp kins, P LousiKnont, K L Hcbmeluser, Ed Lamberson. W Anderson. Wm T White. George Grant, G A Ln. h W Bonser, Peter V lifers. Bud Hatrye.J W Guild , E Armstrong. W Guild, F B Armstrong, K Kiesendahl, George Pierce, K H Harnett, J o sparks, John ochraitke. 1 uammann, I Neefta, H White, 8 Veirmln. O A Kegels. Malcolm McKay. John Beardsley, F Pavne, Fred Hammeyer. George Satzen, Gust Lange, Thomas A Clonineer. J L Piper, E H Lvni h, Tom Grant, C Bobinsky, Wm Wolf, T PoulselL s!4ol2 summons. In the Cironit Court of the 6tat of Oregon for the Countv of Columbia. Jams Dabt, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas Pawsou, Mamtha E. Dawsox, 8. A. Miles, Walts H. Beat and Loct T. Hur. Defendenta. To Walter H. Burr and Lucy T. Burr, two of the above named defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE Ml' ATE OF Oregon, yon and each of you are hereby notified snd required to appear and answer tbe complaint nied in said Court on the Slatdavnf Julv, against the above named defendants In tbe foregoing entitled suit, on nr before tbe first day of the next term of asld Court next following the expira tion of six Weeks from the first publication of this summons, to-wit: By the first Tuesday after tbe second Monday in October, liflH, being the 9th day of said month of October, and that if you fail to so appear and ans wer, the plidiitin will, (or want thereof, apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint, to-wit: For judgment Against defendants Thomas Dawson and Martha E. Dawson for the sum of SI 110.00. together with interest thereon from the mh dav of August. 1892. at tbe rate of ten per cent, per annum, and (or the further suui oi wio.w a attorney s lees, ana a mo the further sum of $12.08 paid as taxes on mortgaged premises hereinafter described, and for his costs and disbursement in said suit and for s decree of foreclosure of the mortgage in said complaint described given by the defendants, Thomas Dawson and Martha E. Dawson, on the following des cribed real estate, to-wit: The northeast quarter of tbe northwest quarter of section fourteen, and also tbe east half of the south west Quarter of section eleven, all In town ship seven north, ranee three went of the Willamette Meridian snd containing one hundred and twenty acres of land in Co. lumbla county, Oregon, to secure said amount, and for an order of sale of aid premises to satisfy said Judgment, and (or such (urther relief as to the Court may seem right and just. This summons is served by tb public lion thereof for six successive weeks by the order of Hon. Thomas A. McBride. fudge of said Circuit Court made and dated Aug ust lxt, 1W.' DILLARD A COLE. IHuS Attorneys (or Plaintiff. 1 By VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION, ludiriuant order and decree, duly issued out of and under the seal of tb Circuit Court of the State of Oregon and County of Columbia, to me duly directed, dated the &tu day ot Peptemoer. iu, upon a juuk meat and decree rendered and entered In aald Court on the 7th day ot June. ISM. In favor of Archibald Campbell as plaintiff ana against r ranaiiit wiiuams as aeienu nt, (or the sum of on thousand and thirty, eight (1.038) dollar, with Interest thereon from said 7th day of June, 14, at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum, and tbe (urther sum of fourteen and 14 100 (IU.15) dollars costs and diabutseaenta; also th eostaof and upon this writ, commanding ui to make sal of th following real property of th above-named defendant, to-wit t The southwest quarter of the northeast quarter (swu of neH); also the north halt oi the southeast quarter InU of seVi), and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter (ewK otaeii), alt in section fourteen (14), township seven (V) north of range four (4) weatot ui Willamette saenuian in lotum Ma aminav. Stat of Oregon: with the ex ception of the part el tbe on hundred and sixty acres sold to J. B. Bridge, and de scribed as follows, to-wit: The north thirty acre of the above-described southwest quarter of Ui northeast quarter (wX of ueV) Now, therefore, by virtue of said axauu- uon, judgment oraer ana decree, ana in compliance with the commands et said writ. I will, on Saturday, th ISth day of October, l.-SH, at the hour ot iu o ciooe in the forenoon, at the (root door of the county . TT n U, IIJ... attl.l n.k.lli , V and state, set! st public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder (or cash, all the right, title and Interest of the above named defendant, to satisfy said execution, judgment order and decree, interest and costs ana au accruing costs. September 11. lftM. C. F. DOAN, sUoix Sheriff of Columbia County, Or SHERIFF'S SALE. judgment order and decree, duly iseued out of and under the seal o( th Circuit Court of th Stat of Oregon and County of Columbia, to me duly directed, dated the 11th day of September, lHtM, upon a Judg ment sad decree rendered and entered in aid Court on the Wb day of May, im. in favor of Willard Galloway a aplalntilt and against Aikin Copeland and if. H. Korlh- wicx ana Mary a. oortnwa;aasaeienuanta, (or the sum of eleven hundred and seventy (11170.001 dollars, with interest thereon from said SMth day of May, iiSM, at the rate of 8 percent, per annnm. and one hundred and twenty-five ($125 00) dollars atturney's fees and the further sum of twenty and 2O-100 (120.201 dollars costs and dioburse- ments : also th cost on this writ, com manding me to make sale of th following real property ot tba above-named defend ants, to-wit: Tbe northeast quarter of sec tion twenty-seven (27) in township six () north, range two 2) west of the Willamette Meridian, in Columbia county, State of Oregon. Now. therefore, bv virtue of aald execu tion, judgment order and decree, and in oomnhance with tbe commands of said writ, 1 will, on Saturday the 80th day ot October, llt, at the hour oi 11 o docx in the forenoon, at the (rant door of the county Court House, in St. Helena, said county and state, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to tb highest bidder for cash, all tbe right, title and interest which th above-named defendants or either of tbem had on the 0th day of April, IS01. or since bad in and to tne anoye-iiescripea real property to satisfy said execution, judg ment order and decree, Interests and costs and all accruing costs. September 11. 1891. C. F. DOAN, 21oia Sheriff of Columbia County, Oi SVMinOMS. In tbe Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon, for Columbia county. Mrs. Robert McMath. Pltf., John Maynard. W. H. Con. SUMMONS vers, and N. B. Moyer, Defendants. To tbe above-named defendant, N. B. Moy er. In the name ot the state oi Oregon You are hereby required to appear iu the Circuit court of the State of Oregon, (or Co lumbia county, on or before the flint day of the next regular term o said court, town: T ......I .. Ik. Ul. Aau nt nnnru.v A ft 1KM, ami answer the complaint filed against you by the piaintill in the aoove-entitiea suit: and vou will take notice that if voti (ail to so appear and answer, the plaintiff win tate jiiagmeoc against you lor tne re. lief prayed for In th complaint, viz: Judg ment for tbe sum of $690 with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per an num from January 9th, 1802, untu paid; (or one hundred dollars attorney' fee in this suit, and the costs herein, to be taxed ; (or a decree foreclosing a certain mortgage given to seenre the aforesaid sum, ana an order to sell the real estate described in said mortgage, a follow, to-wit: Tbe southeast one-quarter of the southeast one quarter, and th lots numbered five (S), six (0), seven (7). and eight (8). o( section sev enteen (17). In township six (8) north of range five (6). west of the Willamette mer idian, according to th government survey, and being in Columbia county, Oregon, and barring you and all parties claiming said land or any part thereof, (i om any and all sanities, of redemption or otherwise, in and to tbe same and for an order to apply tbe proceeds ot the sale of said land to th payment o( plaintiff's judgment. This summons is published by an order made by Hon. Thomas A. McBride, the presiding judge for said court, at Chamber on tbe 1st day of August. 18(4. W. J. RICE 31o5 Attorney" (or Plaintiff. What io fiflillailslVvTs1hs-slilBfcTs ST--aT-st Hiart si" Caatorlav la Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants ' and Cblldren. K contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Kareotla substance. It la harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil, It is Pleasant. Its guarantee la thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cure Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castorla relieves teething troubles, cores constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates tbe stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Caa torla la the Children's Panacea-iho Mother's Friend. Caatoria. wCaterta I an axeeUeat medietas for shil ren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of IU goodaffact upon tbetr children." Pa. O. id. OaoooB, ; ., towU, Mas. Oeatoria is tbe baM remedy for chlldraa of whlcfalam acquaioted. I hope tbe day f not far distant when mother srtll consider the real Intarcat ot their children, and oae Caatorla Id. ateadot tha vrtoariaoknntrimMi which are syatroytog their loved ones, by foralar opium, tsorpbiae, soothing symp and other hurtful acent dowa thetr throats, tbareby aeoduu; Eases to prematura gravs." Da. I. F. KnoBsaes, . Conway, Ark. The Ceataav Oasayaay, TT M I 0. W. COLB, !. . , Notary PubUt Deeds fee Wanlagtaa Cole & Quick. 5t. Helens, Oregon P80PVIBT0K OP II Thorn's Numerical System . 0P, Title Abstracts' FOB Columbia - County, Oregon TITLES : Kxaminad and abstracts furnished. Will attend to mailers before the Hoard of Kquaiisatlou; iwyuMiit uf taxva, etc. Heal Ksiate, Conveyancing, aud Insurance, aud loans negotiated. Aanlialstratere Nolle. Notice Is hereby given that I, tb under signed, have been duly appointed by th honorable county court of Columbia county, Oregon, administrator of th estate of Merritt Potuarsv. deceased, aud that all person having claims agnlnxt said estate are required to present them with th proper vouc tiers, wunin six muntns irum the date hereof to tne at hi. Helens, nmmi. 1 ... , . A.MAfW M U..I...,, win j , vi'wi t' w, ,, .... Jlated at St Helens, Oregon, this Mil day oi afepteuiber, Iran. " fcl)M0ND 0. 0ILTNEH. Administrator of the estate of Merritt Pomeroy, deceased. s7o6 Fruit Trees- APPLE TREES! - Northern Spy, Spttxenburg, fien Davis, Baldwin, uravenaiein, cm. PBVNE TBEESl Italian, Petite and Silver. Plum, Cherry and Pear Trees Our Apple and Prone Trees are grsfted from our own young bearing orchard, and are trne to name and (re (rum peats. A nice lot of Currant, Oooseberry, Wine- berry and aarbeart ttaspberry. A. HOLADAY, Bcappoose, Or. e POPHAM'S e ' THK ONLY GUARANTEED OURI FOR RHEUMATISM. NEVER FAILatl W refer you to David Tan Hlyke, Castle Rock, n atningiuii; u, nvanua, iiiiii, naumiw. r. IT . ' V .... l (.!....... U ...... ..I Yaw err, Bueoda, Waahlngum : C. C. Lee, ax-jusllce oune peat's or vMunanie, 'no. uonwav, vu- flneer Bryant's mill, Clatukanle, Oregon; C, AtMimi. fanner, (.'latakanle. Oreaon. and hun dreds ef others if re nested. We refer to lhee because they are close By, ana are wen aaown. WE DON'T CROSS THE AT LANTIC FOR REFERENCES $1.00 per Bottle. Six Bottles for $5.00 BOLD AT THE LABORATORIES -OF THE SUtfttralian ffttbtcin' Co CLATSKANIE. j : OREGON. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -STCAMCH Young America -VIA- WILLAM ETTE SLOUGH. Leave St. Helen., 6:30 A. M Arrive at Portland Leave Portland Arrive at 8t. Helen.... 10:00" " .3:30 P. If .......AtiQ - " Round Trip Tickets 60 Cents. will carry nothing but Passen gera and &st freight. JAMES GOOD, MASTER. Castorla. " Osstorla Is so wall adapted to children 4iai f reoonnnend tt a superior toany prsaeriptksi kaowa to sas," H. A Aacssa, K. 0., Ill 80, Oxford St.. Brooslya, If. T. u Our payUclao In the ehlldrea' depart ment have ipokea highly of their experi ence (a thehr etitstd practlo with Castorla, and although w only have among our medical anppllas what 1 known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that tb merits of Oeatoria ha woa us to look srlta favor upon It." Uxrraa Bori. MB Diarmurr, Auaw C Barrg, Prt., array Btreert, Hew Tsvk City. B. B. QUICK, Patronize .. SEASON Our Second Sale since Removing to Our New Store, S. W. Cor. Third and Oak streets. $9-95 MENS All-Wool Suits Frocks and Single and Donble-Brcasted Sacks, 20 and 22-ounce goods; eigjitcen iattenw, including Blue and Black Cheviots. Every suit warranted made ot celebrated Albany Woolen Mill Caeilmere, snd manufactured on our own premises. Ws employ bauds ana money paid (or labor remains here at home. , J. M. HOYER&CO., Wholesale and Retail Clothiers Nos. 81 and 83 Third Street, S. W. Cor. Oak, Portland, Oregon DART & MUCKLE Are once mors doing business at th old stand formerly oc cupied by Muokle Bros., where cau be found a complel slock o( Fresh Staple Just from th best new snd ootnplst line of ...... . Ladies Dress Qoods, Latest Patterns. Bealixing that their gentlemen also carry Ladies' and Qents' Fine Footwear A THE JOSEPH KELLOGG d sVeWw taafiianM(Bi mammtmmimi'mt " STR aOSH3PH KE3I-iLjOOC3- FOR PORTLAND Leave Kelso Monday, Wednesdays, snd Friday at 6 o'clock a. ta. Leaves Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 0 o'clock s, iu. it FA I PON " BEE (n tbe matter of quality, the best Northwestern Agent. POBTL AND SEED CO. On hundred and evenly-oti St. Helens Livery Stables THOS. COOPEB, Proprietor. Handy location, and you can feel sure that your horse will receive as good attention as though you were caring for them yourself. HANDY TURNOUTS ST. HELENS ST1UND Mr. Thomas Cooper has Just opened up hi where can constantly Also best Brands Domestic and Key West Cigars. MR. COOPER IS ALWAYS GLAD TO HIS PLACE St. Helens St. Helens, - THE PORTLAND AND -y!,! :e i SARAH DIXON, O. Leaves Portland, al Alder tret dock, on Mondsy, Wednesday and Friday morning at A o'clock, (or Clatskanie, touching at Sativi Island, St. Helens. Columbia City, Kalama. Neer City, Rainier, Cedar Landing, ML Cottin, Bradlmrv. Htella, and al( ntermedialf points, rtturrilng Tuesday, Thursday, iid8atnrUy wordings. Home Industry 1804-05 $9-95 Groceries market of tb world. Thsy alto bv a stock would be Incomplete without, th t large Uivoios of , . COMPANY'S RIVER STEAMER SUPPLIES er placed on tills market W ar th Hecond street, Portland, Oregon. OITSitQRT NOTICE. EXCHANGE STREET. new and elegant barroom In lit. Helens, be (ound tb (anions TO WELCOME HIS OLD FRIENDS OF BUSINESS. Exchange. - Oregon CLATSKANIE ROUTE M. Shaver. Master.