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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1894)
8IDEHEAD PARAGRAPHS. Attixtioh I Public marling of M JCIuley division or tbe county repuuli oau club mil Wednesday evening, Completed fin Labors Wednes dij evenings seven-day's union of ooanty court m adjourned uutil the lOtu of May, next. Should Bccciid. Our county Is better organised for fighting now than it ever but been, end If the republican party does not gain the viutory iu Juue U U its own fault. To SovTHCRM Orioom. Lon Em moot and E. Binder, of Vernonia, assed throUKh town yesterday mom imj on their way to gold livid) iu tbe southern pert of the ititte. From thi Sukrv South Cept. A. Henderson returned last Friday from his trip to Celif.-rnie, where lie went in search of desirable location for a future bonis fur himself and wife. A Floukihhino Club. Tbe division of (be county republican club at lioul 4011 ie in a moot healthy and prosper ous condition, and bid fair to be one of tbe important cluba of tbe county. CotiMTY MtmNO There will be a county meeting of delegates from eanh division of republican clube in this enmity at Ralniur on Monday, April S, 1804. Be aura to aend your dole galea. Thb Liquor Ohdihanck. The final reading of an ordinance will be had next Monday evening, In which it ia proposed to grant a liquor 'license for the period of six month, instead of one year, aa la now tbe law iu thia city. Mircid Resemblance. The pop. ul I t platform reminda ui of the aciiool girl's composition, which ran about as followt : "Sawmills la very useful things. They cut logs into sawdust. I could write a whole lot more, but my paper la out." Crowobd Out. Local news was somewhat neglected thia week on ac count of other matters which presented themselves, and which could not well be laid over for another week. That which ia a loss in one way is a gain in not hers so next ek there will be more to tell you. Sidewalk Ordinances. At the council meeiing Monday evening the city granted one more week's time in which to comply with the ordinances relative to constructing sidewalks around block eleven of this city. All sidewalks not completed at that time will be built by the city at tbe ex pense of tbe property owner. Ill At This Place Hon. Geo. W. McBride, of Salem, Is at this place, very III. Mr. MoBiide is suffering from his old-time ailments, but it i hoped that tinder the treatment of Dr. Mnrse, of Salem, who wsa culled here Monday, and under the attentive care of his sinter, Mrs. Dolman, he will soon recover from his indieposi tlon. Bkpaihs Nearly Com plktbd. -Since (he fire nt the Muckle store there have been many improvements made on the interior of the buildiug, and when completed it will bo one of the neatest and most commodiously appointed lore buildings along the river. The proprietors will be ready to receive their now stock in a few days, and then business will be invigorated with new seal and energy. Republicans at Dklena. The re publicans of Beaver Falls precinct or ganised the nret 01 mis ween wim eighteen members, with flattering prospects of a much larger enrollment. All reoublicane in the precinct are re quested to attend and become aolive members, ana everyooay in sympamj with the nrincioles of republicanism re cordially invited to attend tbe club. Ta vpv Enthusiastic John B . Beeela.of the Hillsboro Independent and a never-coaslna worker in the re publican ranks, was In town last Sun- !av .haWinir hands with old friend John a not lost, hv any means, when be attempts to make a political argu ment, aa be talks laots ana no mure, end we miaht add just here that John is growing in popularity every day for the nomination of state primer, No better aeleoliou could be made. A Pubuo Meeting. The' McKirf. ley division No. 1 of the Columbia uouniy republican club gives iu first open, or public meeting, at its hull In lliis city, next Wednesday eveuiog, March Slat, to which everybody is re spectfully inviiad, and those opposed to the republican party are especially invited to attend, and, if they so de sire, will be given an opportunity of explaining their ideas aud doctrines. An appropriate programme has been prepared, consisting of good inusio by 0. 11. Newell and choir. Then there will be select readings by L. B. Stuart and others. Hon K W. Huberts has been procured to explain to the peo ple the objects and aim and the work Ings of the club system of this county. Hon. Q. 0. Ames, of Portland, will then address the meeting at length on the general political issues of the day. Let everybody tura out and spend a pleasant and instructive evening. Back From the Fair. W, D. Con nell and wife returned last Tuesday from the California fair, where they have been spending the last two weeks visiting Ban Francisco and the sun M'liiding country. Mr. Council says that the fair is really more than he ex pected it to be, and that there are many visitors in the city from the east, however Han Franciscans say that the visitors have not yet arrived from the eastern state. Mr. Connell also savs that iu order to see the fair thoroughly one should spend about three days, however the exhibits are good and very interesting. Mi. Connell visited the country surrounding Ban Fran cisco and was surprised to see that fruit and vegetables are quite as back ward there a here, there being no bloom, as yet, upon the fruit treea. aocomuiodate the community", . . , H L. Hhatto is about to build a bouse on B. S. Bryant's place, near ths few families that are already located there :. A lodge Of good templars Is starting out with very so coiiraging prospects of being a society suo cess, at least, and with tbs hops of accom plishing good in lis litis . . The local school election excited considerable Interest In tbls vicinity, especially In tbls cltr where sbout Ally persons ssxsiubled to tnke part In the proceedings The meeting bad been appointed for the upper room In thescbnol imildiiig, where quite a number gathered. School being In session down stairs, and thers being ne stove In tbs room, the crowd srijourued to ths city ball where the room wa made comfortable. Oonslileiable lig uring bal been indulged In beforehand as to ths selection of a director to All Dr.Hall's place, but he was re-sleoted by a decided nmjorlty for ths ensuing three years Frank Merrill was elected clerk, and tbe crowd separated with apparent satisfaction at tbe management of the school affairs. In the Burr district, L. Leonard was elected di rector to succeed Win. Uarr, and, Ud. Wil cox refusing to again serve as clerk, Jhnies Barr was sleeted. In the Nichols dtstrlct Ed , Psge a as elected director to succeed J, D. MeUon. W are plsased to note an In creased Interest In school affairs by the Cit izens generally.... Mrs. H. D. Liggett and daughters. Nora and Gertie, left last week to spend some time near Freepo t, across the river.,. .Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, of Warren, who assisted in the meetings here for nearly four weeks, returned home ac. oompauied by the good wishes of many friends made during their stay here. 43 80 27 00 30 00 71 20 A Slight Increase. Robert T. Lincoln division of the county repub lican club was organized at Gillton last Friday evening with nineteen members. This is an encouraging outlook. That particular place was, with the exception of two or three voters, claimed by populists, but there seems to have been a revelation in political affairs at Oillton. Like other places, the light has dawned and by its dawning there has come many changes. A little action on the part of republicans will bring many things to light. Has Much Interest. C. A. Foster. of Portland, was in town Monday look ing after timber Interests in this county. He expresses great confidence in tha future of the county, in that respect, and mora especially so since there are such bright prospects for railroads to be constructed through the county. Mr. Foster will locate in this county, and a he is young.bnght, aud energetio, ws welcome him, aud tbrouuh his knowledge ol tlie country and his ability as a promoter 01 enter prises, Mr. Foster will, no doubt, be a valuable acquisition. City Primary. Pursuant to a call for a urlinary to nonrinate a city ticket of a full corps of officers, the voters of St. Helens met at the courthouse on Wednesday evening and nominated the following persons for city officers For president of the council, K. uox ; for councilmen, 8. A. Miles, E. E. Quick, W. I. Sweclland, aud Jamee Dart: for recorder, Oeo. U. Lmont; for treasurer, D. J. Switxer; for mar slial, L. L. Decks. COUNTY COURT. Proceedings of tbe March Term of Conrt, 1894. Or Exceptional Lenoth. Ths t& cent term of county court has beon one ol exceptional length, there bolng an exceedingly long Hat or business ai lairs to be attended to. There was so much other busiuess at tbe January term that the court could not dispose of all the road supervisors' cases, so that work was brought up this term. The business was rigidly investigated, aud iu disposition was rapidly pushed. A Oroanizino Tour. Hon. B. W. Roberts ia out on an organising tour of the county, and haa organised re publican clubs at Vernonia, Mist, Clatskanie, Quincy, and Mayger, and reports flue success ana nattering prospects. Thb County Taxes. Sheriff Watte is collecting taxes at a rapid rate, and from the way in which people are bringing and sending in their amounts we infer that the money stringoucy is somewhat relieved. Increasing. The McKinley club received flye new membera at its regu lar meeting last Wednesday evening. H. Helena fire company will meet at the courthouse this (Friday) even ing, for the transaction 01 business, Rad This. Hard times, after all, m nnlv known bv comparing one period with another. Everybody mus i drinir ami wear, but economy ii tint) lh order of dxv. Mr. Win . Dol nn ! makino- mirohases in all line of e-eneral merchandise, without the least fear that the universe will stop and wait for good times. The shelves behind the glass doors are being well and nioely fitted up. - Clatskanie Republicans. Ths 1 re publicans met at Clatskanie last Fri day evening and organised a republi can club with an enrolled membership r Tha officers of the club are Capt. N. Nichols, president! W. 8. Miller, vice-president i H. L. Warner, secretary, and Lous Kiihn, assistant eecretary. The club will discuss the following question tonight : "Resolved ; That the suooess ot the democrats party is largely responsible for the present hard times." Skating Carnival. The mask skat ing carnival given lat Friday even ing by Mr. 6wager, proved a suooess in each particular. The muaio was exceptionally welt spoken of, and the skating was witnessed by a Urge crowd thsl declared it to be tha most amusi ig feature of the evening, and the. whole affair to be the most pleas ant one yet attended In this plsoe. As an amusement-affording agent, Mr. Bwager ia conoeded to be one of ex ceptional qualifications, and from the thorough enjoyable time veryborly had Uat. Friday evening, we think Mr. f wager justly deseves his good name. - . lTtr. Orvilla Yearsaiti. of Oregon BCity, came down Wednesday evening H . a nrnffl.sional visit to Hon. O. W. . . . . 1 :ii McBride, wno is aangeroueiy 111 home in this place. v. ,: CliATSKANlE. CLaTSKASta. Or. March W.-A.B.Gordon left a few days sine for Clatsop county to begin a six-months' term of sobool .... Mrs. B. W. Blood has returned from a visit to herdauehter near Kelso . .James Fisk bas ,. nnnfined to his bed for two weeks,suf. farina from pneumonia. He is improving nn .. B. Hushes lias also been confined to his bed for tbe past few days sunenng from lumbago . .Mrs. Perry, of Honlton, came down to Beaver the other day to visit Mrs. Martin White, and tne two lames eame over Friday evening to attend preach ing service, after which they spent the night in town with friends .. Afire broks out in one of the olosots in Flsk's residence last Wednesday morning, and burned con siderable clothing before it was discovered. August Lunn, employed at tha place, burned both hands very badly In trying to avs the olothlng that was on Are. After this was taken out, a little water soon ex tinguished the Are, however, not before the whole inside of tha closet waa very rauoh blackened ...J. A. Knallsb and family left left last week to visit friends up tbe river a few days before taking their "departure for southern California.. . The series of relig ious meetings held here during the past four weeks has discontinued. Twenty-eight persons gave their names as probationers in tbs ohuroh at the last meeting, which was largsly attendsd, showing that the new building is not going to C any 100 large 10 MARCH SEVENTH.. In the matter of tbe settlement of the county with M. 0. Humphrey. Now on this day comes. M. C. Hum phrey and ask the court for a settle ment with him in reference to land purchased by the county of him ; and the coii't being fully advised in the matter, it is ordered and adjudged by the court that the clerk of this court draw a warrant on the county treas urer in the sum of $196.91 in payment of the balanoe found due the said M 0. Humphrey after all just credits and offsets had been made. In the matter of the appointment of a road supervisor for road district No. 21. of Columbia county, Oregon. Now on this day thia matter coming on reeularlv to be heard, and it appear ing to the court that there was no le gal and qualified road supervisor in road district No. 21. It ia therefore now ordered and adjudged by the court that R. L. Nicholson be, and he is hereby appointed road supervisor or road district No. 21, of said county and state, to serve until February 1, 1895. In the matter of the application of J, D. McKay to sell spiritous, vinous, and malt liqttora In less quantities than one gallon in Bcuppoose precinct, Now on tins day this matter coming on regularly for bearing, and it ap pearing to the court from the petitiou of the said applicant that a majority of all the loizal voter of the said pre cinct had signed the petition; that the said petition had been published aa required by law for the necessary time, aud theru being no remonstrance thereto. It is tliereiore now conaiu arad and ordered bv tho court that a liceuse be, aud the same ie hereby is sued to the suid J. D. McKay to tell spiritous, vinous, and malt liquors in quantities less than One gallon, in gcappoose precinct, in the said county and atate. for such a time not leas lhau aix months as shall appear by the county treasurer's receipt; and it is further considered and ordered by the court that wheo the said J. D. McKay shall present and file the bond in the manner and form as required by the statute to be approved, that the county clerk be. and he is hereby authorized aud directed to execute and deliver to the said J. D. McKay a license as aforesaid for said term, as shown by tha eountv treasurer's receipt, filed with the said clerk by the said J. D, MoKav. and the said license shall bear date and be in force from and af tar ita iasuanoe by tbe said clerk for the term paid for. In the matter of remittance of tax of J. W. Meserve for the year 1893. Now on this day comes J. W. Meserve and asks the court that he be allowed a remittance on bis tux for the yeai 1S93. in the sum of 17 58. And it ap nearine to the court that the said J. W. Meserve had heretofore appeared hflfora the county board of equalis tion. and that said board had reduced . . M J 11. a. his assessment irom six ooimra per acre 011 his land to four dollars per acre, but that in copying tlie assess ment roll for said year for tax pur poses, that tbe correction allowed by said board of equalization had been inadvertently omitted. It is therefore rdered and adiudged by tne court at the sheriff be. and be is hereby uthorised to remit from the tax of it aaid J. W. Meserve the sum of even and fifty-eight one hundredths (87.58) dollars. In the matter of the application of W. J. Deits for remittance of -tax for tbe year 1893. Upon hearing the ap plication and proof in open court, the court fiuds that the assessment of W. 3. Dei is for tbe year 1893. upon mer chandise and implements, was raised by the county hoard of equalizatiou in the sum of $2,000, upon which the tax amounts to $40.60 for that year, and that said raise was made without the said Deits being notified, therefore, as required by law, and.therefore.witliout riaht of authority. It is therefore ordered that a remission of $40.60 bo, and the same is hereby allowed the said W. J. Deits on said assessment for the year 1893. In the matter of the report of the several road supervisors. Now nn this dav this matter coming ou reirnlarly to be heard upon the re oorts aud bills filed by the various rbad supervisors in Columbia county, Oregon, mid the court being fully ad visAri in the matter at this time. It is nrdnrod that the following road sup ftrviaors' rei)orta. as filed be accepted and aDDroved. It is further ordered by the court that the clerk ot this rnnrt draw warrants ill favor of the aavnral mad suDervisors on the treaS' nrer of Columbia county, Oregon, for the several amouuts aa follows: tTalranhiirgr. Joserjh. SuD. K. D. No. 9, and ISsignboarda. .$68 00 1 8nie 68 00 6 50 38 95 196 91 34 00 40 50 Smith. A A. Sun. R. D. No. 20 - 6 60 Graham, A 8, Sup.B.'D.No. 11 88 96 Nicholson, K L. iup.B.D.No.21 44 00 Merrill, Edwin, Sup.R.D.No.6 34 00 MARCH SIOHTH. In the matter of the report of the several road supervisors. On this day this matter coining on regularly to tie heard upon the report and biila 11 lid by tlie Virions road supervisors in Co lumbia county, Oregon, and the court being fully advised iu the matter at thia time. It is ordered that tlie fol lowing road supervisors' reports, ss riled, be accepted and approved. It is further ordered by the court that the clerk of this court draw warrants in favor of the several road supervisors on the treasurer of Columbia county, Oregon, for the several amounts as follows! Albert Wood.Bup. E.D.N0.I8. .$10 60 John Hendrickson, Sup. R. D. No. 9 W F Slaughter, deputy Sup. R. D. No. 9.... Harrv West report approved. J A Vanvolkinburg, Sup. R. D, No. 11 : C W Mosher. 8uo. R. D. So. 7 I W Detrick, Sup. R. D.No. 14 1 W a M Corliss. Sun. R. D. No. 22 86 00 Peter Walter, Sup. R. D.No. 16 64 00 In the matter of rebate of tax of David Wiloox. Now on this day comes David Wilcox, by his agent, and asks the court that his tax for the year of 1892 be rebated to him in the sum of $7.34. he having paid that amount in excesa of hia lust taxes, and tne couri being? fully advised in the matter. It is therefore now ordered and adjudged bv the court that the said David Wil cox's tax for the year 1892 be, and the same is hereby rebated in tne earn sum of $7.34. It is further orJered that the clerk of this court draw a war rant on tbe county treasurer in favor ot said David Wilcox in the said snm of $7.34. In the matter of the relocation of the county road from Vernonia to Mist, Now on this day this matter coming on regularly to be beard, upon the viewers' report, and it appealing to the court that said viewers' report had been mailed by register letter to tbe clerk of this court, and that aaid re. port had been mislaid or lost. It is therefore now ordered and adjudged bv the court that said matter be, and the same ia hereby continued until the 10th day of May, 1894 the next regu lar term ol una court. bills allowed At the March term of county court, 1894: Joseph Hackenburg, services as road supervisor ot roaa district No. 8. and thirteen sign boards $ A A Smith, services aa super visor of road district jxovs. . A 8 Qraham, services as super visor of road . M C Humphrey, balance due for sale of land to county R L Nicholson, services as aunerviaor of road district No. 21 44 00 Edwin Merrill, services as su pervisor of road district No.O Albert Wo jds, services as su pervisor road district No. 18 John Hendricks, services as supervisor of road district No 9... W F Slanghterervises as dep-, uty supervisor ot roaa ais trict No. 9 J A Vauvolkiaberg, services as supervisor ot road uistrici No.l2....v O W Mosber, services as super visor of road district No. 7 . . I W Detrick, services as super visor of roud district No. 14 D M Corliss, services as super visor of road district No. zz eo w Peter Walter,services as uper- viaor of road district No. lo Doan , J B, services as s ppraieer on Him pel road Peterson, F J, eame. Meserve, J W.same Haines, Bruce, services aa su pervisor road district No. iu Webber, W J, services as su pervisor road district No. lu Rned. Clarence, services as su pervisor road district No. 10 iw w r 1 . , w . -1- : . M. UlllilBKie, f raits., aorvn-ca no supervisor road district No.zd Ada mas, Clarence, services as Downing, John, services as su pervisor road district No. o Beegle, J R, -services as super visor road district No, 3. . . . Dolan, John, board and lodg ing of James Moore Wilcox, David, rebate of tax for the year 1892 Bumgarduer, I, bounty on scalps of wild animals Sparks, W 8, same Conyers, W E, same . Adams, Alonio, same. ..... Beyer, John, same Morgan, Ueorge u.same Stehman, Dan, same Simons, E L, same Denslow, B, same. Kerr, Joe, same Nicholson, K L, same Parker. Daniel, same Nimatead, T H, work on bridge in road district No. 8. . . . . . Rice, S M, work hauling lum ber road district No. 0 McNutt Bros, supplies fur nished M C Humphrey. . . . Newth, C H, medicines fur nished M J Humphrey. . . . Lovegren, Chaa O, material furnished for bridge, and building same Woodham, Henry, fees as jus tice of tbe peace, state vs. Felber Burton, J F, constable fees, state vs. Felber Koble, F, witness fees, state vs. Felber, 150 Nicholson, R L, to be applied for work iu road district No. 21... , 9 00 Glass A Pfudhomme, for lax receipts lor sheriff. ........ 45 00 Henderson, Henry, fees as cor oner on body of Jacob An derson ..... ; 8 00 Good Samaritan hospital, med ioal attendance on Eli Bonso 17 00 Fowler, H M, services as su pervisor road district No. 6 28 00 Irwiu, Ben C & Co, supplies furnished oounty aa siauion ary for conrthouse. Same . . 20 00 13 25 2 46 2 20 2 46 2 20 2 20 2 20 52 30 14 20 40 00 4 00 20 50 45 10 2 60 3 25 4 10 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Bisliop, Frank,servlces as road supervisor road district No. 6 v. . Glass k Prudhomme, receipts for treasurer. . .-. . ..... . Gsitens, James, viewer on road survey No. 97. ........ . . fleffert, Bert, same . .......... Kinder, Sam uel, same . . . . . . . . Oleson Ole, chain man on same Smith, O L, same. .......... Olson, C L, marker on same. . Meston fc Dygert, supplies fur nished courthouse. 1 Pool, John, Co. lamber fur nished road district No. 8. . Meston & Dygert, for 2,000 county warrants Huzey, M R, work ia road dis trict No. 24 Risher, H C, logging for lum ber furnished road district No. 8 RWier, H C, for plank fur nished road district o. o. . Harris, J H, witness fees, state vs. WiKstrom Maclay, W P.taking Eli Ronso to hospital Glass At Prudhomme.blocks for treasurer's receipt . Ben Irwin & Co, lax receipts for sheriff Iti 10 Kistner, 8 H, juror, state of Oregon vs. B IT fowning. . . Braim, J J, same Doan, C F, same .i. McLaren. A P, same. Hooker, J C, same. Limsford, Wra, same Smith, Jos, witness, state ol Oregon vs. a r Downing. . . Hennerson, Jas, same Smith, Mrs Rosa, same Crosley, Mrs Ida J, same -. Downing, B F, same Symons, Wm.same Simon, John, same Bemis, Harrison, same Perry, W M, police judge,state vs. Downing Harmer, W L, deputy sheriff, atate vs. B F Downing Cooyers, E W, supplies lur- nished Mrs limonen, pau per . Conyers, E W, supplies fur nished Mrs wauruna, pau per Decker, C L L, sawing for courthouse . Graham. A E, plank for diBtrictNo. 8 Headlee, J R, same. Whitehead, D Rame Voight, E H.same. ......... Davis Bros, county printing.. Davis, David, same Dibblee, S W, meals furnished J W Green, pauper.. .. Cleeton, T J, public examine tion of teachers. ........... Dolman, N E, same Little. A B. same. .Hart, C R.witness before grand Jury Cleeton, T J. for postage and supplies, school superinten dent Mxanrvn Bros.lumber furnished road district No. 17 40 00 Hazeu. R O. atuiraiser on dam' a of Wm Wolf road 4 40 Dolman. W H. supplies fur nished Mrs Rainboebi 20 20 Dnwninir. John, appraisers of - . ' ' . . M damage on Wolf road w EDWIKT -RGBS Pharmacist . DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES. O0 X o o My stock in this line is as complete as can be found outside of the city of Portland. 1 make a specialty in ibis ne and carry the very freshest goods. ooX-x-o o SOAPS, TOILET ARTICLES. In this line vou will find a complete nd varied assortment to select from, here you can choose with the assur ance that the goods you get are fresh. EDWIN ItOSB; Proprietor. srt1. i-IEjUjEjjSTS, . ORBaoisr. Vernonia, wood road 16 00 30 00 3 75 13 30 24 50 13 50 9 80 34 37 33 50 31 00 9 00 9 00 9 00 4 00 11 00 43 80 27 00 30 00 71 20 16 00 9 60 9 60 10 00 8 80 17 00 58 00 42 00 48 00 27 00 27 00 78 00 7 34 42 00 10 00 42 00 4 00 2 00 8 00 2 00 2 00 6 00 10 00 4 00 10 00 8 25 2 00 64 70 5 50 30 00 3 75 5 10 Bacon. James, same f Campbell. J W, witness, state of Oncgon vs. J L Armstrong Glass A Prudhomme, assess ment blanks for assessor. . . Orwig, A 8, labor performed in road district No. Id. - Schnider, Conrad, services as deputy sheriff, state vs. Lane Little, A B, fees as county sur veyor TWt . Wiitkins. aupnlies fur nished McCoy 15 00 Quick, E E, fees aa county clerk - 65 BILLS rejected. Blackford, E C, for publishing riolinnnnnt road liat for Web- ber 6 00 3 30 42 00 . 6 00 4 90 62 80 School Books School Supplied Your school supplies, can be pro ceed here, such. as pens, pencils, ink; writing tablets, slates, and in fact quite) everything coming under this head. PERFUMERY. PRESCRIPTIONS As to periu meries, ottr stock is varied and complete. We make this article sv specialty. We will com pou od prescrip tions any hour of the day or night. tJ MdNUTT i- -THE LEADIMG- Gteneral Oregon Hustler - Heal - Estate TIMBER LANDS Bonded and Sales Negotiated on Commissions Is thoroughly familiar itn the great timber region of tne FAMOUS - NEHALEM - COUNTRY IvILJGKII-jE! BFiOS MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS Rough and Dressed Lumber - IR AND CEDAR: Of Every Style Grade and Variety, AT? THE OLD STAtfB, ST. HELENS, : STOP FOR YOUR MEDICINES AT THE: CLATSKANIE DRUG Where you will find the largest stock of Patent Medicines, Prescription Drugs, Toilet Articles etc.", ever found in Columbia County. -"--V'.' '. : "'' ' :" ' DR J. E; TAX.Ij, Proprietor SE'H EJT-jElTSrS 16 95 32 75 00 suEBirris SALE. nv VTHTriWOF AN EXECUTION. ludg ment, order, and decree, duly issued out of and under tbs seal of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Mult nomab to meduly dlrected.dated the6th day of February ,18W, upon a judgment entered in said court on the 31st day ot January. a.. i mm in fvnr nt The Commercial & SaTings Bank (a domestio corporation) as Slaintiffs, and against Samuel Coulter and ames Lotan as defendants, for the sum of three thousand one nunare ano siiiy-nve and eigibv-three one-nundredths ($3,165.83) .,niu.. ,"),. inrret thxreon at the rate of eight (8) per cent per annum since the Slat d8y of December, A. D,.l3; and the further sura 01 uiree uumucu ow.w l.r, u tmrneva' fees: and the further sun f thlrtv.nina and fifteen one-hundreilths ($39.16) dollars as costs and disbursementa ot Wis action , ciunruantuiiB iu km iuo sale of the following real property of the above-named dt'fenuant, jarues iiotan. w wit : The southeast one-quarier(tSE) of the southeast one-quarter (tjE) of section No. twenty-two (22), and the southwest one-qtiarter(SWX)of the southwest one auarter (SWk) of section No. twenty-three (23). and the east one-half (EH) of the southeasioiie-quartr(8EX) of Bection No. twenty-three (23). and the southeast one quarter (8EX) o the northeast one-quarter (Nfc!!4)ot section No. twenty-three (23), and the southeast one-quarter (ShU)of tha southwest one-quxrter (8WJi) of section No. twenty-three (a), ana me west uue half (WH) of the southeast one-quarter (tit&ii) ol section No. twenty-three (23). and the northeast one-quarter (Nb) of the southwest one-quarter (8 WW) of sec tion No. twentv-three (23). and the north west one-quarter (SWX) of the northwest one-quarter (N WW) of section No. twenty six (26), and the northeast one-quarter (NEW) of the northeast one-quarter (NEX) of section No. twenty-six (26), and the northeast one-quarter ( NEK) of the south west one-quarter (8W) of section No. twe,ity-eix (26), and the east one-half (EX) of the northwest one-quarter (N WM) ol section No. twentv-eix (26), and the north west one-quarter (NWX) the northeast one-quarter (NEW) of section No. twenty six (26), and the northeast one-quarter (NEW) of the northeast one-quarter (NEW) of section No. twenty-seven (27), all Ivinv and being situated in township number seven (7 , nortnoi range ore ai. west of the Willamette meridian, in Co lumbia county, state ot Oregon, together with the tenements, hereditaments, ana appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. I duly levied up on said real-eUt on tiie 7th day of Feb ruary. 1894. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution.judxtneiit, order, and decree, and in .nn,niitiinA with tha commands of said writ, I will on Saturday, the 17th day of March, A. D.,l8M, at the hour of eleven (11) o'clock a. in. of that day, at the front door of the county ouurthouse, in the qtty of St. Helens, in said county and state, sell, sub i.t tn redemntion. at nublio auction, to the highest bidder therefor for cash, all the risht. title, and interest which the above- named defendant,James Lotan. had on the Stst day of January, 1894, or has since had in and to tue anoTe-oescnnca real property to satisfy suid execution. Judgement, inter est, costs, and all accruing costs. T. O. WATT8. Sheriff of Columbia county, Uregoa. Bt( Relent, Oregon, February 7tn, iwt. Ths tables are always sapplied with the Best Edibles and Delica cies the market affbrde. TERMS REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS' Having been newly refurnished we are prepared to give aatisfac tion to all our patrons, and solicit a share of your patronage. j. GEORGE, Proprietor, St Helens. Oregon St; Helens Livery Stables .THOS. COOPER, Proprietor. Handy location, and you can feel sure that your horses will receive as good attention as though yon were caring for them yourself. HANDY TURNOUTS ON SHORT NOTICE. MPISTUTT BROS -THE LEADING MERCHANTS OF Vernonia and Cornelius, Ogn. WRITE TO CORNELIUS FOR 8TAGE DATES. FISHERMEN AND CAMPERS oUHHLitu . . J. H. DECKER . . , TONSORIAL ARTIST The old and reliable barber has his razors ust as sharp as can be found, and will shave you com fortably and quickly for only fifteen cents. GIVE HIM A. CALL AT THE OLD STAND ON STRAND ST THE ' .. . OEIENTilli . HOWJSJL The table will be supplied with tbe best the market affords. Board by the Day, Week, or Month at Reasonabla rates Everything Clean. A Share of Your Patronage is Solicited: A. H. BLAKESLEY, Prop, ST. HELENS, OR ST. HELENS MEAT MARKET Alt kinds of Fresh and Salted Meats, Sausage and Fi"h. Meate . , by Wholesal j at 8peoial rates. Express wagon ran to all parts . . of the the city, and charges reasonable. SWEETLAND - & - SHELDON, - PROPRIETORS.