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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1894)
THK OREGON MIST "AVB DAVIS. Publiihtr. UnitsftStates ani County Official Papsr. FRIDAY, XABCB JS, 1894. THS OFFICIAL PAPER. With characteristic gall.tlie Sentinel outfit wins into the county court with petition to ba made ths official pa per, and a bill to do the county print ing for fifteen cents an inch, all on the strength oi an alleged circulation of CoNQHBasMAM Bland remarked the other day that "If a democratic ma jority of one hundred can't do bus iness in the house, we had butter give way to some party that can." Mr, Bland is right. The democracy, since the war, has been shiftless, vascilaiing, and imbecile. Apparently all the nerve, vigor, and resource fullness of the organisation disappeared when the old regime of the south cut loose from the northern end of the party in 1861, Tho party ia atill powerful for obstruction, but for construction it is miserably and contemptibly IVeble. It never had any potential strength a ao administration body, and, when it the ,209 subscribers. The court, however, I attempts to sail the ship of state, with the exception of Mr. County I old vessel looses her bearings, rudder, Commissioner Schoonover, refused to I compass, and rigging, and soon be consider the Sentinel's petition, and comes a helpless derelict in the throes -could not consider its bid because none I ' mighty political maelstrom had been asked for, and very promptly declared TBI Mist the official paper Some republicans who were led l the county, and awarded it the con- away by the glittering prom tans of .tract lor publishing the court pro-1 good times which the populiita . held tetdingsat twenty-live cents an inch, lout, are returning to the ranks of the republican party and assign as a principles wuwu iuo populists Kaon, m r ii i ... i Tk electiflB next Junm '. wot nnW """J mo wou,a aeae" PP1 f ii.. . .k - party wituout runner auo u tuny out mh..i,. a; . realised that the teachings of the sin on the nation at large, and, therefore, should receive the closest attention. nominees by said republican party ; unbosom himself to the state delegates, us "0t "i tlisia its a kind of a "Referendum Resolved, That we will endeavor but tlis first speaker liad not proceeded to thwart and overthrow what we very iar before there beuan to he "Inltla. deem MWiea and errors of judgment ted" a general movement for supper, leav- or our political opponent, thereby lug a bare quorum to adjourn. lessening the danger of further imi nent peril to which our institution!) are subjected; and Kksolvbo. That we are not pre suming to make recommendations to, or in any way impair the duties and privileges of our legislator, but in tend and desire lo be luw-ab dina.wiili iiu'. cavil or roproach, manifesting our riKhtH and desires at the ballot box : always abiding ila results peaceably. ana in tne language of the lamented Lincoln, "With malice toward none; with chiirilv for all doinor the riirht as God gives us to see the right. The president then annotated a com mit lee of three to draft bylaws and submit them at the next meeting, to be held in one week, when large ao cessions are exuected aa there will be utile or no .a. i-4 lithe banquet -FOR A- Mala Straw t, Bt, Jlslena, Ortgoa, A rrtir.mtU Hide. E. R. Swelnam. of Fairfax station. Vie. ginia. says: "A party came forty miles to my attire tor Chamberlain's CoumIi Kemedv and bought a dosen bottles. The remedv ia a great favorite in this vicinity, and lm performed some wonderful cures bore." It la intended especially croup, ami wnoopinj lie wherever known. noas. fur couirha. onlda. , anil whooping cough, and la a favor- ror saie oy r.uwiu Republican County ConYentlon! pg wines, liquors, AND cigars, Che lsr 'slnhi tfssv" M Vttaht Billiard and Pool Tabls Is provided for ths ns of J .ft ho visl), lo aHind a pluatant hour shuuld reinswlwr "TUB slANtiHe.!.' nlt ths Vurset nb f Ilnttava en Bank. Fob Sale. The tine Norman stal- lion, "Tempest," is for sale cheap. For full information concerning age, pedi gree, etc., call on R. Cox, or Muckle tiros., St. Helens, Oregon. A republican convention for the county of Columbia la called to meet at Bt, Helena Orea-on, on Wednesday, April 4, 1MM, atli o cluck p. ni., for the purpose of nominal tint oamlldatos for the county officer! of suid county, and to elect six delegatus to the atate convention, and to trunaiict any other business that may come tiefore tne cnnveti tiun. The convention will consist of thirty- three (33) delegates, spmirtioned among the aeverai preuiuuts aa lonowa . o o A Good Card Tables are at ths dpnal of patrons who wish to Indulge .ni,VrL"i?,',n.!!J,..0,r,,n and ws van ensure them that they will be well treated at "flitt ItANqUKT." W. A. MHKKnn. Iroprtto Psais, In the present condition of affairs there isevery incentive to stimulate the patriot to exert his utmost endeavors to restore prosperity to the country, and, by careful study, to ascertain what are the actuating causes of the present depression. It is no time to xperiuittot, or to continue aqy policy which has weakened public confidence and tended to increase the financial disasters of the past year; but it ia a time when wise statesmanship and pare patriotism demand that all spec ulative theories should be laid aside aud only well-tried principles be put in operation. Iq the history of the world, there has never been witnessed such a sud den change from prosperity to adver sity, and from affluence to poverty as baa happened since the inauguration of Mr. Cleveland and his party, and a ball should be called before American industries are entirely rained and the chists snd the ultra populists are upon the same line and have in view the same end. Farmers, as a class, are not anarchists, and have at heart no sympathy with that class. Can they afford to be led away by a party advo eating thn same doctrines, the differ ence being in degree only. Oregon City Enterprise. no eXDense attondinir thmut meetings, and we oxiwni in win munu I worn, waveriuir voters tfr. .Uiinn t with her mother, Mrs. Moyer, in this nctgh June. Iborhood.. .It makes as feel happy clear down in our boots to know ttere la but two alliance men In our neighborhood, and no prospect tor more. . . Messrs. Pope A Frye, of this place, have been absent In St. Hel ens, doing some repair work in W. U. Dol man's store. ..John Smith went to Tide creek, Saturday, to see his beat girl. We would advise you to bring her home, John. If she will come ..It Is not every county that can furuish a tuaa to ro to Africa, of his own free ail), and preach up alliance to theueirroea ...A. Smith had the misfor tune to lose a fine ox not long since from some cause uuknown .to us... Owing to the bad condition of the road, the mail to this place was a little late Saturday. Apiary ..2 Auburn 3 Beaver FaU8..2Clatskanio...4 LEADING - RESORT - IN - THE - CITY Doer Island...4 Marshland... II Nehalem 2 Oak Point-... SSl- Say--?! forest .- grove .- poultry - yardsi . I klUUlUlUlsall'SMsa J IUUU v I PERIS. Tkey Wsm the Best. "The rennta nf thin vlolnltv InaUt . having I'hamberlain'a Coilffh Remedv mud do not want any other," tya John V. Bishop, of Cortland Hills. Indiana. That isrhtht. 1 hey know it to be superior to any other lor colds, snd as a preventive and cure for croup, and why should they not insist UDon havina- it- Kift. Mint hnUiM for sale by Edwin Ross. The same belnx one deleeate-at-larm from each precinct, autl one d!leaate fur every ESTABLISHED IN 1877. mhmmx . a a n.- a.. wa ..a. vr I.. la. a sa a thirty (so) votes, and one for every fraction I lor naiching from wyandotus, i iymniiin itoras, A.ignt oranmai. over one-half thereof cast for Uotirreiuan I Brown and White Leghorns. America's best breeus. W. K. KUis at the June election In IHU'A The Uoiintv Central Committee recnin- a-t ttl (Tn ff sTl oettat T"C Ci mend that the nriii.arlea In the several pre- Vi,,v iWMi "ivv, wtv. r.aaat.u. vD.w cincta be held at the usual voting places In , ,, ,, , ., i yj r jiioc uiwuiiik diwmb vii me a hitiiiw tinp. My Fowls have been in the Lead fur the l'ast Ueventesn Years. The only full-fledgod poultry yard in this state. THB RAINIER CONVENTION. aaid urvcincts on Wednesday. March gtilh. I tt4. at 1 o'clock p. in., snd that the dele gates attend in peraon. By order of the Committee a W. MAYOKR, T. 0. WATTS, Secretary. Chairman. The Astoria Budget is attempting to show to the people that there hangs a mistery over the man Penderson, woo was commnteu to the insane asylum from that place a short time since. It say that it intends to see The Popaltats Assemble and Nomi nate a County Ticket. Pursuant to the call of the countr com mittee foj the people's party convention, the delegates went stramlina: Into Rainier last Saturday, wearing despondent looks, and. gathering at the town hall.commenced organisation by apiKiimlng W. H. Kyser temporary chairman, and W. A. Wood temporary secretary, and appointing the necessary committees before abuser. Gath ering at 1 p. ni., the appointed hour, some routine work was perfumed, including ex amination ol credentials, reporting thirty seveu delegates present, after which Mr. Davidson was elected permanent chairman, Mr. Wood permanent secretary, and If r. Miliar assistant secretary. In a short time 31 $tv Ijo if xcltrrU for $al at 83.00 aclt.. Send 8tainp for catalogue). Address: J. M. Garrison, .... Forest Grove, Oregon ONE DAY CURE HATTEES CO the case through, and see that Mr. Penderann s-Ata inatinj, n.f ..ti.'A. I the eoiiimlttea on resolutions reported .and tion for hi. nniuat confinem.nt . in a ullsU are .touting - ior a Ktiamon of lavna lunitio asylum. xt is true mat the president wsa knocked oat on Van Allen, Horn blower, Peckham, and Queen LU., but he has the satisfaction of knowing that the casual observer, the striking contrast he has knocked out and sent to free I between the bold, enthusiastic attitude of the second reaol-i-1 non demanded more pay for the assessor I and treasurer, but Mr. Kyser opposed this ana It was Onaily rejected, and Mr. Kyser also refused to have the honor of a renom-1 Ination conferred npo t him. hence he I could afford to assume that position. To I notice or riNAL s;ttleiweit. In ths Conntv Court of the state of Ore. I gon, lor Columbia county. in tne matter oi the estate 01 ueorge Bright, deceased. nouce la Hereby given llial the nnal ac count of the ailmitiiairHlor of the estate of George Briirht. deceased. has been rendered to said court for settlement, toiretber wlib a petition for dis tribution of the residue of said estate, and Ik.. TllMif ... U. OT.I. Amu .., l...l. IMkl I at 10 o'clock a. m.i and the court room of aaid court has been duly appointed hy the I iuokv ui saiti court aa we nine aim piece 1 lor the aettlenient of said account and hearhig aaid eiition for distribution, at I wbicli time any person Interested may ap-1 near and tile his executions in writing to I aaidcoount and petition, ndjajntai the Tj-jES O-H 'JH '1CIAJL T A TTT.T? Administrator or the estate of Ueorgel ungnt, aeceaseu. Dated February 21st, 1894. THE OREGON MIST The oldest established and only reliable paper In Columbia County. Publishes the news from every section of the county, and is tbe official iaper. publishing all the county court proceedings iu their correct form. Price, $1.6) a year. prospects of th nation irretrievably oophoUae millionsi of working men during the first year of his reign. But these millions will demand another round with Mr. Cleveland and his party in the near future. Why is the present price of wheat O.WR. MTtiCS PORTLANaO For Bait by Edwin Ross, St. Helens, Or blighted. This can only be done at the ballot box, and it is tbe duty of very American citizen to so record his vote that it shall be known aa an unqualified condemnation of the pol icy pursued by tbe democratic party in its attempt lo inaugurate free-trade. The states that bare held elections since March of last year have nearly all given largely increased republican , majorities, ana some doubtful ones have wheeled into the old party lines. Oregon baa a reputation to maintain in this regard which we do not believe will be lost sight of in the contest The only hope that anything can be done during the present session to lop tbe financial distress is that the senate may impose some obstacles to tbe passage of the suicidal legislation now being attempted. Democracy is too strong in the house to be thwarted in the obiect to be attained. Anv fnxw jj i ., ... I from James Lambert, of uswun wuiu oe ui. "I was badiv affiintad isiih rh. forced through that body without be- t,sni ,n thf hiP nd le. hn I bought i ....jj v . v..i v i. I hotUe of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It log retarded but little by the small re- cored me in three days. I am all riirht to- SPECIAIj NOTICES. Caa be seen at St Helens on Wednesdays buy with, and tbe home market has been destroyed. Also because the European marked keenly fell the shock when the demands of a great nation ceased. Apparently the Pennsylvania re publicans could have mads Grow's majority 200,000 if they had wauted to. How does calamity and bee-trade explain such things? Prim Tpanrt c".b d e.h"y.':r h b 1 1U1L llUUS l,l""V " noiaaay, 1 . - -pooae, Oregon, appli I to 8 years old, St to 1Q per hundred i Bean- Apple trees. 1 frunea stylish manner, and at price M S11U th. tlm.a- . nu.lo u. bill heads, letter IimjIs. huitnut .nri ioin cards, blanks, and In fact, ths oIKk. h.n.. equipped than ever before to turn out all classes I ox commercial jod pnuuus . who Chamberlain's Pain Balm and get well at w.rar. iiuj ccui ooiuea tor sale oy tA win Boss. REPUBLICANS ORGANIZE. An Enthusiastic Meeting- of Repub licans at Rainier. publican minority, The senate is more evenly divided, and should be ade tbe special object of republican solicitude for tbe next year. Next June, tbe members elected to the leg islature will cast their votes for United .States senator from Oregon, aod if a democrat or populist is elevated to that position it may cause the flood gates to be opened to the evils which tbe people are endeavoring to overttnd this wou'.d be the most deplorable vent that could happen. Senator Polph, whose term expires this session of congress, baa not only ably repre sented the state, but has assumed a eommiindinflr nnaiLinn in Ka mu:Am He is a leader on tbe floors of the .en-' me.f"n "ooeede? in . , . me nouse oeiore tney could be te, and Oregon could not do better convinced that thev were not -;n i, than roturn hiin for another six years. I De,tJ Blanchard waselected president, If republicans do their duty, the party 1 1' M-Cojdidge vice-preeident, and t! two. years sgo, and the mechanical, almost lethargic, manner of thla year, cannot but be observed, and even the usual hearty, as suring laugh of ths average populist grew forced and hollow aa be entered the ball and read a placard on the wall; "Ranre- rdrrioVa iSS m Conntj Treasurer J l . s . a . .. I sUlfl nttlMlM iw aafiK vawaaaV . ivwiiuuutu wr rvmk aecianiiaT ior inrj. r tne lowest ever recoroear ainiy be- fadomst. oniv. th. f.- , .... cause the people have no money to betokened the absolute hopleasneu of their cause. The resolutions, as amended, read - . ".Poe. Oregon SJ follows, vis: and other varieties. WHsajus; There has been some discus sion among the voters and taznavara of I TaK Dirintinn "'J?'4 at thla office In a Columbia county in regard to the enormous IMUUg fees and mileage paid to county and atate officers, therefore be it kxsolved; That all connty and state officers be paid a fixed salary for their ser vices, and Besolvsd: That delegates totha ilit. convention be instructed to vote for no stats officer who has not endorsed the Omaha platform, and who is not an anti- B.en-.U.n. Q,..e.y C-g... ' ' Three dsys is a verv short tim. In .hlrh l"'K' m o" non"- to cure a bad ease of rheumatismT bat ft 177 , T, convention tnclud can be done, if the proper treatment i, ed (unfaithfulness to work forfeiture) that adopted, as will be seen by the following tbey work with might and main, using ew Brunswick, their influence to the utmost ta n the people by proper legislation the privilc- Pain Balm. It e of the " Initiative and Referendum." Kxsolvidj That each delegate in this convention upon returning borne, see to it that challengers and gua-ds or watches are posted at their respective polling places at the coming elections to prevent frand. d oming out, etc Balloting for candidates for connty offices men commenced and proceeded mechanic ally witb the following result: For representative, T. H. Grewell, on the I NOTICE Or flAL aBTTLBSIBIST. In the Cnnnt Court of ths Rtata of Ore gon, for Columbia reontv. in tbs matter of the estate of August uotia . accessed. Notice of final settlement and distribu tion. Notice is hereby given that the final ac count of the adminasiriitor stf tbs estate of Anguat Dotta, deceased, bas been rendered snd hied in said court for settlement, to-1 gether with the petition for tinal distribu tion of the rssidne of said eatate. and thai Satuaday, the 17th day of March, Vm, at 10 o'clock a. m. of that dav, and the court room of said court in tit Helena. Columbia county, vrex-n, naa oven amy apimnted by tho judge of said court aa the tune and I 'We for th settlement thereof, and the learing of sahi petition far shetrlhutinn . at sruicn nine ami niece anv Demon uilereattd in said estate may appear and file bU ex ceptions ir. writing to said account and pe tition, and contest the same. if. n. J AQUIRH. Administrator of the estate of August Dated February 9. IBM. When it comes to Job Printlng.we will say that we can ess em it as neatly aa any orttee on the Columbia river, barr ing none. We bav reeeutly received new material, con sisting of new type, and respectfully solicit your patronage. THE OREGON MIST THE ST. CHARLES HOTEL Corasr Front and Morrison Btrssts, Tfihj is the most popular hotel in Portland", and has been for many years. If you want t, mwi a friend you will surely And him at the St. Charles. It also enjoys the patronage ol the bus inese men of the state, sud has courteous attendants employed. Idsv : and would insist on everyone afflicted with that terrible dijeate NOTICE. We have sold our store business. All persons indebted to us are hereby requested I iu can at our lumoeromce ana settle laeir accounts as soon as possible. Our books must be closed within thirty days from aate. M UCKLE BBO'S. Dated Febrnary 0th, ltM. Notice. ' I hereby give notice that mi wife K..r. it my oeu ana ooara, j win not be in any I way responsible for anv debts or aiv-aiints contracted by her. iBimed.i w A m Dated February 23, 1894. Bailee tar Psiblicattaw land ones at Oregon City, Oregon reoraary fa Karorito Ilotol of the) City of Portland. , . Proprietor SJOT1CE fahereby given that the ii namea sum tuu nied t. 1K4. 'ollosrlng- I tlon to make fiuat proof in and that said proof will County Clerk of Columbia Oreitoo, on April 2, 1MM, viz: Auail.lln Schmltt, administrator of the estate of Lorenl Scbmltt, deceased, lloinestesd Entry No. 7744, lor the southwest quarter ol section 9. lewnsblp 5, north ranae it. w. He, names lh following witness to prvve nis cuniiniious resiaence upon and col li lis! Farmers' and Merchants' INSURANCE COMPANY. OF ALBANY, OREGON. Gleason, John Carle o, Columbia county, Oregon. KosiST A. Millss, Register. tlvstlon ol ssld tsnd. vis: I. B Klncr, D. H. Powler, ssd N. A. Andreas, all ol $500,fXK 247JS0O 7..250 A call signed principally bv rennh- seventh ballot. licans at Bsinier, was issued recently rr county clerk, W. A. Wood, first bal- caiunE ior a meetme at tbe town hull lot. t last, Strayeel, ar atwleat. On or near the 18th of Iinmr, t,.rt . place at Olencoe, one bay mare about eight ! years old, with a white strip iu face, and is spacer. Also one two-year-old bay colt wiui wnite strln in fare, and mii bav . ling witb whi e star in forehead. Anyone giving information as to their whereabouts will be liberally rewarded by notifying me. uiencoe, naaoingion county, uregon. Hat lea tor Pabllcallan. Land Offiosat Oregon City, Oreiron. Februarrl. ISM. OTICE Is hereby given that the lollowlng- A S AUTHORIZED CAPITAL.... SECURED CAPITAL. PAID CAPITAL.... ". ' rtBn PROPEKTT A SPECULTr. For particulars apply at ths oflioe of Dlllard A Cole, or Tbs Mist office. 8T. HELENS, : : t t : : i OREGON, Thursday evening, March 8, but there being one or two populists' names signed to the call, the populists im agined it would be a fine scheme to nog in enough of their party to or ganise tbeir own way, and, with the aid of all the democrats and a few care-for-naught fellows who wanted will have a good working majority in Ahe legislature, and Hon. J. N. Polph will undoubtedly bo the choioe for Uuited Slates senator. The state can not afford to make any change in the upper branch of the national legisla ture during the present trying epoch, for no one has so ably defended the position of ths party on all tbe great national issues as the gentleman above named. It is time that republicans began work in earnest, and tbe first and most earnest efforts should be directed towards harmony in the ranks. All factional differences should be buried, and nothing should be done that would cause the least friction in the party. No slates should he made, tbe people's woice at the primaries should be beaded and not subjected to any ex traneous influences, and the convju lions should erystalige on candidates without tbe aid of cliques or the cau cus. If other plans are adopted, sue oeaa will b? doubtful, and our friends, she enemy, may snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. fct. Woodruff secretary. A committee on resolutions reported the following, which were unanimously adopted and signed by twenty-eight names, vis: Whereas; We, the people of Rain ier, believe the present financial and commercial embarraemeot to be largely attributable to the universal distrust of the democratic and populist par ties, as indicated by recent elections and Whereas; Wears earnestly desir ous of being instrumental in bringing relief to all classes of neoule. and re storing old-time prosperity; therefore be it Resolved, That we heartily endorse the principles and platform of the re publican party, and pledge ourselves to give united and harmonious sup port to said principles, and all deserv ing candidates of Columbia county and state of Oregon put forward as For sheriff, E. 8. Hatton, second bsllot. ror commissioner, JoseDh Coneland. tuiru Daiiot. For treasurer. Geo. Fowler, first ballot For school Supt. W. A. Young, first bal lot. For assessor, Frank Merrill, second bal lot. For surveyor, I. w. Detrlck, first bsllot. For coroner, 8. H. Tryon, first ballot. The delegates were assisted somewhat in the choice of a coroner by the audience suggesting that as - Doc" Tryon, in Port- lana.ana "ooc" Tryon, at home, could cure diseass by the laylne on of hand., nn.. sibly he could raise the dead and savs the county some funeral expenses, and ths at tention of voters is especially called to this unloosed ror reform. Messrs. Davison, wood. VandvVa Grewell we-e then elected delegates to the state convention and tbe convention tried to decide whether said delegates were to do as Instructed or do as they pleased, and the latter will probably prove tbe result for want of any definite instructions , although suggestions were offerd for a state ticket. they had hardly been annonced before one delegste, who had manitested a good deal of Independence all through, Immediately arose and assured the cor version: "He'd be dog goned if he wonld vote tor McOill he is nothing but a dirty mud-sllnger from awsy back," and the convention tamely acquueea. Someone moved to have each delegate ADmift ISTHATOB'S SALE. hereby given that in pursuance county r of sale made snd entered by y Court of Colombia county. Notice is hereb of an order the County state of Oregon, on tbe 17tb day of Janu ary wet, in the matter of the estate of Mictisei ritzfferald, deceased, the under signed will sell at private sals, subject to connrnistion Dy tne court, tbe follow ne take on the east- named Seltlsr'hss fllari nnllr nf Im lntti. tion to make final proofllu support of her claim, iiu mat saia prooi win ne tnaae uetore tne County Clerk of Columbia county, at St. Helens, vivguu. i,n pru , tu: nooerts, nuiuesieaa r.rniry no. jva; ror toe wew one- half Af th. nnfthuMl n,i&jti,.ri nl ...Hnn ol and eaatone-balf of northeast one-quarter ol section .0, township S, north range 2. w. Mia names the following witnesses to prove ber con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, rti: D. R. fowler. C. C Unv.r c. K Moyer. and Eawln Rosa, all of Perls, Columbia I uregon. Kosaar a. annsa, ttegtater. THE JOSEPH KELLOGG d COMPANY'S RIVER STEAMER real property beloming to tbe said estate. I.. .. .. ii : oeinnning at a sti POPHAM'8 . a to-wl ern bonndary of the John and Charlotte donation land cluim. said stake seventy-seven one-hun- ith, twenty (20) de. Awarded Highest Honors The voters of thii county are asked to carefully read the platform adopted bT the Rainier convention, and the resolutions adopted by ths republican !b at t-ii.1 . lace. World s Fair. O&PICE'S II VaUsV lEss! B'wr'mm I ml Powder: Ft.- e ue oniy rure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Ifeed in Millions of Jlomes 40 Year jthe Standard MnPherf-on being four and drecitbs (4.77) chains soutl greee west of the northeast corner nf said claim, running thence north seventy (70) ucgrces weai eleven ana eigniv-nve one hundredths (11.851 chains: thence annth nineteen (19) degrees west four and forty three one-hundredths (4 43) chains; thence sotun seventy t7U) degrees eaH eleven and eighty-live one-hundredths (11.86) chsins; thence north twenty (20) degrees east four get THE ONLV GUARANTEED CURE FOR RHEUMATISM. NEVER PAIL8II We refer VOU to David Van Rlvks CaatU, Rnxk Washlnirton; L. Beamla, Catlln, Wastalnitooj STR aOSSPH PCEQIjTjOOC3- -FOR PORTLAND- Leaves Kelso Mondavs. Wwl Portland Tuelay. Thuradaw . I si u SZV '' "'' .... j w v uiuvs a. iu. h. router, rresnort, Washington: Bam Del Low. cry, nucoaa, nasninxion: v. v. Le, ei Justlcs of the peacajrf Clst.kanle; Juo. Conway, en gineer Bryant's mill, Clataksnio. tlrenon; 0. " citron, larmsr, ciauaaoie, 'Jreson. ana Hun dreds of others If requested. We refer to these because they are close by, and are well known. WE DON'T CROSS THE AT LANTIC fob bbfere:;ces Astoria Marble Works, i. h. iMHorr, PBo'r. sfaKUFACTVBEB OF .-a ..- .u. u.. i ; L:,. to tbe place of beginning, containing live Mil. Ud flfiT Mtlfi Sif BflttlR! filP .t? fill TwTt.1 e. (6) acres. Also the west W of toe south east H . and lots 3, 4, and 6, of section 82, ii luwnsnip no. , norm oi range Jo. I wesioi tne Willamette meridian, contain SOLD AT THE LABORATORIES -OF THE WORK: ing 160 acres, all In Columbia county, Ore- a .ti. t gon, pon tbe following terms, to-witl One- cMlrtlttt POiCttt1 All Kinti rtf Pompfortr Vn . third cash, 10 per cent of which Is payable . - - . rt" iUUS 01 teflietery VVOlK. at the time of sale, and the remainder upon confirmation of the sale by ths court; two- thirds to be tiaid ln two eaual navmenta. in one and two years, and to bear interest at tne rate or ten per cent per annum from I aate or connrmation of CLAT8KANIK, : : OREOON. tbe rate of the sale, interest payable semi annually. From and after tbe 24th day of March, im, tbe under signed win proceea to sen tbe above-described real property to the highest and best bidder. All communications relative thereto should be addressed to him at No. 206 Burnside street, Portland. Oregon. u. v. uul(, Administrator of the aetata of Mif-haal Fitzgerald, deceased. listed February 21 1804. NOTICE. United States Land Office, ' Oreaon City, Oregon, Februarv I V ISjOl Complaint bavins been entered at this olfice $3,000.00 A YEAR FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS. If too wast work that Is pleasant and profitable, send us your address immediate!;. We teach men and women bow to earn from as.00 per dar to d,uuo per year without having had previous FOOT OF OUTXY STREET, Astoia Ore eon THE PORTLAND AND CLATSKANIE ROUTE. esperleuce, and furnish the employment at which they can make that amount. Nothing difficult to learn or that requires much time. Tlis work Is nonorsoie, ana can oedone dur easy.healthy.ani lag daytime or evenings, rlfrht In your own local. II r. wherever you live. The result of a few Boors work often equals a week'a wares. V iiiousanus ol Doth srxes and all sees, and many have laid foundations that will u.i,, ,., ricnss. eomeoi the smartest men In this country owe their suoceis In life to i.liioimwii. loss, uj i,nn.ian tne start given them while in our enmlov vf srs F.Larson analn-t Charles Johnson, for aban- aao. Von rK A. 2. T-Tii. ..E?7 "t "h0' 'hiNo "'"' neeeasary. Wf fit you out -.....,.H ,, i now, aoiin.aua snrsi. A book brimful of advice Is free to all. Help soar. donlus bis homestead eu'rv Mo. Wil dated uu ust 14, 1S91, upon the north H of tbe southesat Vt of section 23, township 6. north range, 6 west, 111 Columbia county, Oregon, with a view to the . self by writing for U to-day -not to-mofrosr cancellation of said entry; the said partlea are j ixlays are eostTv ' to-morrow, Oreeon City, Oregon, on the 24th day of Ai'rll. 1S9I. at 10 o'clock a m.. to resnond and furnttth testimony eoneernlng said allessd abandon ment, mos t. a., tUKister. ttiti 1'awusT, ltecsiver. "'fii fT ii ii i n nri & CO., E. C. ALLEN Box 420. AVCU8TA, MAINE, DiiON, O. M. Bhaver. Master. TsMftVAa PisstlMfl .A 111. rt. " o'clock, forTCTatakan.n. tsw Sunday) a J k-alama. None fi;. 1 0".",,' llnd. Hi. Helens. Colnmhia f!l