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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1893)
i OREGON MIST. lulled Htutri anil County Official hfti He. Helmia, November at. IHHil PUOlJBHtfl'S NOTIOS., Ill cnnlthlllllf'llltoll Mailt to Tiim Mill - ....i. 11cm I lin must h n i ik ii ii'it by tli ti it tliitr'M resl tisin. Him mil s i t on pninm shine, Wn iln nut wind tlx iihiiik for titilil U-hIIoii , hut ,ln vlU'ii of ftit'iii fnltli, t'iiriiiiiintiiii'n with nut th writer's asms ei'iiinpsiii-hig vvlil lie cousin ncl In tliu waste hitskot. BRIEF MENTION. 11. V. Oiltnnr, of 8.i!m, was in tuwn during the week. District At lorniy Uurmtt, of Hill torn, iulil this place u ullloial visit Haltirday. Purr Keasey, of Id-asay postolllcri, till" county, was in St. llolun the early part of tho week. 8ce the notice of milit of i Miintztn " mill in uiiollier t'nliimn. Hula to tuloi plneo nq llio 4 tli of December. Clllllit'.V O'OOHIHT, llf (llllllCHP,Vllsh initton county, was vlsitinif in t li place tlili week, tho Knot of Jm, Cox. " ' Chil Mtrvan I wife, of Orottoti City, w.i rt) viitiun in tli i plaint mill At Milton li t H.tlin lny nnil Sunday. Wiltfhl, Tho Iiw Jeweler, lot the finest lioa of Watches mill Juwulry. 305 Morrison street, Portland. f Tim saw were flniiiui in Mncklc ; Hro. mill Saturday, Tiiu iiinMr lm j einao been hojil busy preparing' dressed lumber. . y The county court is working hnrl oil tilt) book tif tho delinquent county iflk'inl, and lira making satisfactory progress. A friwg of linemen have put In scv , erl day lately inskiny Kf neral icpitir on the Pacific Postal Telegraph CV. linn lit thin vitiniiy. Linloy Mut'kor left Saturday fur De lano, California, .where. If will hi sister wlio livo lit that pi ice. Mr. Meeker will bo absent about two months. Poll winter's upon u and chilly wind war, but "buslue I burnt-," nt DolniMit' li in-; i-mnt- lo Kt. Helmut nnil lny in supplies, tin! It.i rui ii you find are a ibjiiiug orprie, t f Sheriff Mir, Davu Davis, of TllB Mist, and Dr. ChlT have received invitations to lie present nt llio exeuii i tion of llaiirmi and Meter, the CI ttsop county niirilrcr, on December 1st. " I Columbia' count b'i four jumm lruwn toif on tlm Vuit.Ml 8tHtf Krnnl , jury t rurll.tnil, in lliB Cfli'liruti'H nUfgliu i!it'. , Jliuy rn C. N O.ibl.i.tif tht (illic it. A. C'otlim, of H.oilton, S. Tinglu iw II. Cri, of l.tygnr. Thb MrftT h in recMpl of throw wnn )rfully liuu nl.ii(i Ij-u;ii lli furui of . V, kyto-f, of lftit.' - One tf Jlif l-itot-ii i.'n Vbit Elfpiimil mi l weii;h tbrw) poitii'l!). T'tfl Miliar two nii;jh twit ii oil oii-tri( pon i'l cad), and ar! of ilni tMily toxu Viiriuiy. . Tt lit 'foimon of euohliiito wtn'oli f ill iwu.l tho r.iiusof X(iniibcr Irli to 7tb, n tiroiishl to n iibnipt titrmiiiri t 8 u'fliii'k .Hiiml iy pvfiiinfr wliru tli t iky lioc.iuitj iiVMitiitxt with .b'ci.liMlly K moist (nuking floiuU, Hod llni r-i;ii!ii-tion "iiiUf ho$.u to f.ill in riijiou vonsiniurrit. lJiiing ttccitli'iils ' Ii ip to tea tho nu Hgiiin ulmut ttie Cih of i!Xt July. TltB niwliciiHratnrnity of Bl. TTeliom will, iioU Wtiok', rt'foive it vnlmihlu ml diiioit in ibo pemon of Dr. P'Witrnoi Kelly, lw '( KmiiM. Dr. Krlly ban j"ilt piiH.d biKbly Hiilii-fiit'tory (XHitiimoioti bcf.iiB tin Sunt! Hi turd of Medical E.tiiiui-rei fur Ori'Km, ttixl conicit wvll ivoonion'ii'lt'il. Tho doctor nnd bin fttioily will lot dirtbb ml di tion to tho orii'ty of our city, md wo tiike pleaiturti ill extBiidiitg them lionrty wtloouie. A Mmouri editor lm ft stibwcribpr who (ft drunk evry lit le wliiln and invariably insist on prtyiog yottiV "ubtiriiiion. Ha now lm hi ul cription pnid fur in itdvitncti up ti twonty hutitlrt'il tinil twumynii. wmb the editor of tlutl per would find out wlmt brand of wbinkfiy thai follow drink nnd amid uh ft few gal lull. We will py him a good price for it, nd if it lm tho mmu -tTect on im of our ubsoriber we will take a Imrrul of it. A youn? ooti of Geo. L'iiurd, of (Snuvir Islaud, wan very btllv injured in ti runaway tti-t id. nl Thun-diiy fU-raoon. The littlo fil"W wuh Mi littitiK on a whrou loud of woo l arj whilu Mr. Leonard' back was turned for a moment th horse nturled to run. The boy w thrown tiff the witnon antl bail hi rilit tliinh bone broken jtit below the hip joint. II J brought to St II den where the frae turo wa redncnl by Dr. Cliff. 'lh break i a bad one, and may rentilt in pornianent injury. A nnmhor of block mnker who nre her wuitiui! to be paid their wnpof for the Taenia contiaet, got too much fighting whhdcrv alwwrd Wdnewlity nitfht. and induliTod in ft fre.i-tor-itll fight In which numerouit eye were Hlmdod and hoatU broken. Dunn the .iogre .f the "nerup" ft Swetlo num. rt J'earson drew a knife and climbed J.ick Whalen'e throat in a frightful miiii ....h il.u lrnifii onlv miuiuit hi left iiiKulur by the nixteenth of hii inch. i'f.iiHiin men iiitt.i """,' , Whtilon and hi friend who followed '"aron to Uice' wharf, where; they forced him to jump overboard. Froty mornintr and unny day have had the effect of putting the horietletdi in this neighborhood on it metal, and aeveral runaway accident liave renulted. Krid.ty nioroing a team belonging io Gnat Wiksironi wn driven to Muekle Bp.8. More for the purpOH of taking on a l-ad of provi" inn. The horse got ready to t-ttrt before the driver did, and lit out to ward the court hono at a Nancy Hank (?'' Tl"'y t,i,'1 ' '"""Kj1 the gate leading to George Lomotil barn, but mto'd the gate o,nn ten feel anrl yilcil up on ft picket fence all in aheap. Both home miraculously eeuped without injury, aud the wagon wa uniojured. MAYO Kit. nnw? ,mvln, r"col(I woather'liera .'!!!'"' IV 1"01'1"1 ,,! t Tho. Daw Khly etijoytui hy wh,, attwitltid. uVa,ilA"mn .wi" 0"" 'o"i'ii,"cn the e retlnii uf new Iiuii.h mi I.U lioiutiHca I, lilm lirhig it li.lcj,) tollw In It. f..." "I"''1 ")'un '.'r ,rhmi Wl"' Mlftok. roril uml found tlmt lm i,t,l llt tle cut ImhIiium ii,, ml nll kill(l4 , cai ru'li' " 'l C0I" ",rly volJ lbv Tli arront of Mr. bna w t titrprh to Mi !.; (i of M'lyKttr. John Ilolt.iian uml Mr. Mnitlur WBtitio Ht. IMi'in in hticoniv hi rely for lilaiiicaraiii it tint nroliinliiary exainiiiulloii nextSiitunlay, An I'lt.Tnttliin hooIiI cvi'nt In the tthaini or a wnl'l ii Wi iUKt ,, ,, Hlm. lay, tliu 2 It t Harry Coloiiiau anil one of 1110 otfl of Mayxtir will hit the uurile to re ivu tho cuiigritiiilut.oiii). Alrit A. Croktsr, of till plane, lum none lulu lint poiihry Imi-Iiiok, iii1 bIiowimI ii mnim Vuiv nice Uinta, Hut hjiiiii of tht'iti are llio a Iml.l IimiiM nmii-liuv no f. th er In cvitr t, 10,11. Mr. Orokor la uuiy inukiiiK j.icactii to keep thi'in warm, W n. Hlaugliuir, a inmiiher nf tli firm of W. M i,vr At !n., Ii wrloiMly ihlnkliiK of Itiillillnn mo'llu lluiiif. That in, rniiiitiiK 01111 ntruiiihl throiiKh the hill. An a pnic tlniil Hume liullittir ilit not tl inlit that lo u Mild iniik ti uliiiont run up hill uml pack huo.I uhli It. Wo hop to nt il noun. Our road ra In a viry dcplnralils con ililioii, i'iii'i'lllv the on oftw. i lieru uml t''itik 111I11, wnlch in Homo iilu.m in In kucIi had 1 1 at io Hint a niun with rid curt lia 10 nlx-zntt ul. 111 to dear tho lou, and In oilier It lino cretiked that u 11111 Would ' i a no it ho lliin row in xoiiiD of lli turn'. Wit Mo 11 it wikIi to poKv a a kicker, but we lollkti lo m-e a 1 oh' I one van walk along Without guitinjc droanvil. IllOt'UKN. Captain Caple'a new wow la loading wot d at Ki.'uhcn. I, Ink Ktnliinan has returned from Co't creek wham ho hu been driving Uuim. H. F. Work has returned from Wind river, where ha hat tmcn driving leant. Mm. Wiigniiliaiiiiner, of Portland, is vis iting Iter aiAlvr, Mm. II. C. lliowu, of Hhdo IIUK'II. Jim Mi'Vanuht 111 and D. Ilavtrd are get tinK urn mi'iiu itM I'iiinit to be ttced on the oouthcru I'auiliu rullioau. Jay Art'lilhiil l diilot ateil tils arm on? tiny lul tvt'fk. but foilunati'ly got it et ujjuin w it Hunt any lriittlil. The saloons of Miller llrud'cy, of Keu hrn.aml Kr ai Niisiiaiinicr, of OuIjI", hiiv -lie.n iwii'olhl ik-d, llio onti ut Uciibcn be tllj( Vjl-' llfll. Owing to lack of wtr McN'augliltm w n coni'i'lii"l to lluiiie tilling duiida.t. y. t Jim xavs a- 1'iiu " "1" Mini is on 111s uo ue will pull tiiu polos through. It was very kind In the life nvlng erew at Point Attains in scud up a man 10 rescue two vomer ladles who were mIkiiiI to ho suns in I ho sirunilo'l liar 01 courisinp, but from the api caraucn of dvud 1jx sal mon that can be ten II mil 1 a down (iolilc (Ti-i k it wits nut so kind in the eyes 01' two yntiux men who had, for tliu lust six tuouilis bvfii trying to riisene them. tiOMt.H. Wo will let you hear from the restued next Wi"'k it there 1.1 any change. We it rt our old frle'id Neer the nl Iter day and when we asked hlm itheni ha was goliiK he ssi'l too unci uiusii' an I n hir-l Kin! cii-hlon eat wannn good for liii he ihli. mi l he ihoulit he wov d try I1.1U. in cord wood for a change. Th neoi'le of this place are con'derlng how they will spend Tliaiik-guin I lie tnaj urliv stiein lo favor c leliratnnj Ii e3Uh, hut we saw V.A Kowler going tioino witli some Hue duck and he lll cmeiiralu with tin- ijiiv 'i our it he ha lo eat alone, rer Imj.s he is liyht. ' Alternate eiiiisliinment ol fine nnd foul weather eoiitt itt.'S In tlil i locality. . n.l our l a. a tmll gautu which lias h.-i-ti all the raic l!d. situtiiier, will have 10 ho ili-c 'tiiinued until irliijr. the Kalamat have I), en iilay ing the 'hililes and hiive in l ie ii hi; lily in-teri-liiig tor apectitlor 011 tfitudtiyi at Kuu ben. We also met Kd nutts. from the life snv loir .1. nl, in at caoc lli-nlil"iliilnii nt. If ani' of trie ercw has ever dona a nritve detd w think li s I'M . for lie n scu.'il two v. ling tri Ii uf this place from a al f;tc. 1 lie Vlintlll ItllllCS tUOIIUUl lliey imrmiiii yi i.T '.in.ioinlv over the sett of matrimony in tiit-lr frail hark of hopes wln-n, a' nost ti o lite, they were discovered liy tins brave In. I his lioi'k into th pond, and ull-r 11 ha-'l si 'ge nf four days lainied Ids I'leelous priitos safe on shore where be was welcomed by (lie parents. Ilavard and MoSanebtmi bve been put ting I t some Hue cedar piluiK for If. ti. Iloithwick. The pilings ar- soveiny feel long and twelve Inches In tpaniotcr at the fop. This niaki's a very large stick to run in a Hume. They are cut at "oureacillc and run dawn Die 0 It. I.. V. (Vs., Hume lo, where they will he 1 aided on t'apt. I'liiwlan l's srtjw aud taken lo Port land, Tliev have bad a large crew of men nl work an.'l we hope In see them do well. We like to see II. 11 among us once more. It like old limes tn see him nt the head of a irnng with his peavie breaking a lain in (lie Hume. sir. tsonnwic- is h uo.,.. bu-iiiess man and the people in Mils vicinity will know how to uppreciato him should he lake hold of this properly again Use Pride of Japan Tea. A light now fell on Wednesday evening at this place, but was of short tin ml ion. Thanksgiving Petinovcr, wag not observed ny St. Ilelenile yesterday, They prefer waitiug a week. Count v Treasurer E. M. Wharton ha been drawn on the United Mates; grauii j't'j wuivii id u. ... ovoa.v. ... Portland What tbe medical fraternity terms miliaria1, grippe ha a bold on many of 81. Helena' rosidouts, and considerable guffering i experienced. An interesting communication from Columbia City and one from D'er Is land arrived last evening too late for appearance in thi issue. Governor McKinluy, of Ohio, ha in nod il Thanksciving proclamation 'o his people, proclaiming Thursday No vember 30th, Thanksgiving. Jack, the "slasher," ha threatened the Whim house untl President Cleve land. He state in a letter that he will carry out hi plan in defiance of everything. Times are dull but Mr. Dolman don't seem to have found it out. He con tin 110a lo makn neetlort improie nienls to hi store, and continue to dock up in general morchand so. The Missionary Jiihihe Singer gave an entertainment at the opera house Wednesday evening to a fair audience. They announced their intention to ,1 nut her concert here tnwnrrow nvrn nir. TheV MOlT nilltej well, and an hour can be rather pleas- ally spent lUleniog to tbeoi, TIIU COVNTV'H BCBINEHS. The OoinmlMlonere at Work at the County' Affair. NOVEMIIKK 15. In the matter of cancellation of out standing county warrant. It appearing to the Court that war rant itinounling to are liable lo cancellation on account of statute of limitation, ihn aitl warrant tinting from July, 18HIJ to January, 1880, in ulnsivn. In I he matter of scttlnmettt with uounty oillcer according to rttport of U. M. White, tlie followingolHcer filml supplemental report and formal no. tice of protest to the report of the ex pert: K. B. Quick, G. A. Maasie, T. U. WatU and W. A. Meeker. NoVEMHBtt 20. In tho matter of tho legal opinion of W. J. Rice, altirncy for Cnlumbia aounly, in the matter of settling with various county olllcer. It i ordered that the said opinion be received and lilnd, aud spread upon the journal of this court in the proceeding of thi term. In the matter of the nupplomental report and protest of N. C. Dale. Or der made to make an additional rebate of $0 of the amount charged aguinst Olid X. C. Dale in the report of Expert C. M. White. IIII.L8 AIXOWED. Irwin, B C, blank books $20 00 Cliff, If K, medical attendance on Rose family. 35 00 Watt. T C. ehuiuinaii road sur vey .N'o 94, Corli road 2 60 Meservc, L J, name 2 40 Corliss. 11 A. marker, anie. ... 2 40 Swinrnr. J. H. court house Still' pile 1 00 Dolman. W II. coal oil 100 Orchard & Jones, water rent for court Iioiiho 3 00 Ross. E. medicine for Kue fam ily 9 50 Meslou & Dygcrt, blank books.. 70 50 Deed. J A. bounty on sculp.. .14 03 Armstrong. J 1). state V J. L. Armalrnnir 3 90 D inner, A A, same 3 90 Duncan, J 1!, same 3 90 Armatrtmtr. A E. same 3 90 Orewcll. H T.snme 1 0 West. W W. same 3 30 Walt. J Q. witness fee. same. . 3 30 Anderson, same 1 20 Weaver, same 1 20 Godfrey, J B, juror, same. 1 20 Ueegle, J. same 1 20 McDonald, A, amn 1 20 D.tvis. A. game 1 20 Blakeslcy, A II, justice' fees, same 1 15 Hull. J K. in-lica fee. Webber vaSanimlTedford . 5 70 liable, A B, coustabls fees... 1 00 Rice, J N, deputy aheriff 15 60 Douii.J B, justice fee, stale v J R Headle... 4 60 D01111, J II, constable, same. ... 6 20 Bock, C A, witness fees, same. . 2 50 I'tirchard, Charle. same .... 2 30 Brown, W L, a.iuie. . . ; 2 40 Buck. Viruie. ame J 50 Doan.J B, justice fees, still e vs J K Bourne 8 40 Doiin, J II, eonstalibi fees, iiuie 9 75 Lovelace, Thtm, witness, same. . 2 10 Wood, K-ic.ntnie 1 W) rfte liuiau, Dm, same 1 80 Stchnian, Albert, sinie 1 80 HnndclN, John, same 1 feO Stehmati. Jobit, same. 1 . . .- ... 1 8!) Pilchard, Chaile. emiie 2 3 ) Lovelace, R N, juror, same 1 00 Hudson, .lauu'H. same. 1 00 (Munch. W E. ime.... 1 00 Jordan, L N.same 1 00 Johnson, It G, sumo 1 J Huhcr, lLmrv, support of K-j-bucc Hnbnr 32 00 .faquish, G C, juror, October leim circuit court if Colvio, T C, ame 2J 20 Parker, U L, Mine ,. . Ti w Roberts, W M, nine 22 20 Brown, II C, s uite 21 40 June, C II, same 2S lies. W H,iiiue 24W Woodruff. T H. same 19 80 Fowler, E W, same 10 00 Wilson, Jared, ame 23 00 NanValkiiigberg, U E, same.. 32 00 Kay, Jesse, game 20 20 Lni'ikey, Frank, same 32 00 Wilson, Oliver, same 30 00 Freeman, D W, game 32 00 Dsvwalt. G T. game 32 00 Swager, J II, same 18 20 Sunburn. W J, same 5M i Baker, 1) K, same 33 20 Hudson, James, same 22 40 Pavne. R 8, same 28 60 Moslter, C W, same 22 40 Olson, C L, same 19 80 Coiiyers, W E, game 12 00 Lintigien.G, same 13 80 Lang, Gustave, sBine 4 60 Mouogan, r red, witness loos De fore grant! jury . . Demoyuc, John, same. ........ Many, Alvit, sumo. . G rail 11 111, Lizzie, same McDonald, Ruriy, same Graham, M E.same. Lindsey, Mr A, same.'. ....... Milliliter, John, same. 4 60 4 GO 5 40 Ii 40 6 40 6 40 6 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 guversou, Jabob, same K . C..iiley, Foster, same. . . . Uialiani, Lizzie, eitiiie. . . Nuesbuumer, F, sutiie. . . Vniiover, Win, same.... Miles, S A.eame Eiistnbrotik, W J, same. , Wharton, K M.sauie. . . . Roger-, Lon, ame. . . , . . Kirkwootl, J A, same.... Howard, H . .. , 2 20 4 40 4 40 2 00 2 20 2 20 16 60 16 0J 2 80 2 80 Webber, F M, an me. Perry, N A, same. . i 2 30 Perry, N A, sums 2 30 2 30 Rowley, Jus, same tiilliuoie, John, same Armstrong, J L, same Armstrong, J L, same While, C M, same. ....... Milliner, Jiihii.suiiie Allots, Fred, same NuHsbattmer, Fred, same.. . Foster, Cooley, same Woiidliam, Henry, some. . . Foster, U 8, same Walts, J O. ame 8evertm, Jacob, same. . . . . Uiordoii, Frank, same. . . . 2 20 4 00 4 00 4 20 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 2 20 Jaqtiish,( C, same Jaiitiisli, G C, same Vaiiover, Hiu'hael, same. . Graham, Lizxie, same. . . . Peac her. J, same Miles, F M, same Ki., Frank, same. . . . Cordis, H A, same. 2 20 4 40 6 40 2 20 2 20 4 40 3 00 2 20 4 00 3 00 Miieir, a wins Price, D W, same Brown Fwuk same. , 2 80 00 Duncan, J B.sanie. 4 E iMiabrook, W J, same. . . . Cliff, 11 R, lame. , .... 2 2 20 20 Litnilieraoii, Henry, same. . Larson A. II. same. ....... 4 00 00 00 00 00 00 (X) 00 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 Govt), G D, same, ......... Walker, Jt-ff,same. ....... McMuins, Wm, same Rniuey, Q W 1 same ....... Payne, F, same. McKay, Malcolm, same. . . . Cox, It, same. 20 Wikstnun, C E, same 2 80 00 White, Win', same. Hazen, R O, same Mile, W A, nine 3 00 2 20 Fowler, 8 A, work on Beaver valley bridge : 10 00 Fowler, II M 20 00 Archibald, G 10 00 Gove, G T, bounty on sculp. ... 2 00 Uarnard, G D, stationery 18 00 County Commissioner Schoonover submitted the following report on the condition of railroad crossing: "I have examined the N. P. R. B. crossing in this county and find that they have bemi repaired iu a substan tial manner at llouluin and at the crossing one mile south of that place, and a grade established of one foot lo sixteen. On the railroad section they have been repaupd, or are being re paired. 1 will make a further report at the January, 1894 term of county court." " A Favorite In Kentucky, Mr. W. M. Terrv. who ha been In the druir business at Kikto". Kv . for the past twelve vears, says: "Chamberlain' couith Remedy give better satisfaction than any oilier cough medicine I have ever wild, j There is eood reason for this. No other wi.l cure a cold so quickly; no other 1 so certain a p-eventive and cure for croup; 110 other art'ord so much relief in cases I ' wnooping cougn. roraaiu uy wm iwm, O. A. Iiane Arrested. At a result of the Lne larceny af fair, near Dent, Miss Collin came up to St. Helen Friday and wore out a warrant for Lane's arrest charging him will) larceny, and an officer wug immediately dispatched to serve the warrant. Lane wa found without! much troible, and brought before Jus tice Blakesley who placed liiui under $500 bonds until next Saturday, when be will be given a preliminary exami nation. Lane is now charged with the larceny of the $400 which it is supposed belonged to Boyle. The lat ter bus not been heard from since ho first disappeared and it is believed that be ha met witli fowl play. Miss Collin is very indignant over the report that she whs engaged to Boyle, and says that she never even kept company with the man and that no engagement ever existed. , The Best Fluster. Dampen a pi tie of f'annel with C hamber liiin' Pain Uuliam and bind it on over the sent of pain. It is belter than any plaster. When the lungs arc sore such an applica tion on the chest and another on the bacfc between the shoulder blades, will ofter pre vent nnemnonh. There is nothing so good for a lame back or a pain in the .'.ie. A on. tin-out run nearly alwuvs be cured in one night by applying a flannel bandage liampened Willi I'ain mum. riuy 1.0111 bottles fur side by ICdwin lios. ArikAAafcAA J-aifrtrasaBlaafcassBr-l1llT 5T0r TH1T COUQH1 Dr. Grant's CURES td Incloient toiiaumpiioa, Pneumonia, ijoh. Bron- falna In tbe Breast, Throat tod Ungs. Purely Vegetable. CAN'T bTbEAT FOB CHILDREN. TRY IT. PREPARED BT O.W.R. Manufacturing Co, PORTLAND, ORCOON, For Salt by Kdwin lloss, St. Helens, Or. T D'Warren Kelly, It D. THYSICIAN AND SURGEON. AND OBSTETRICS. ST. HEI.E 8, . - OREGON $3,000.00 A YEAR FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS. If yoa wsnt work that Is pleasant and profitable, send ua your wldrem iminedlatcly. We teach men and women how lo esrn from .0O per Usy to 3.00U per year without listill find previous exin'rleno.and furnish iliceniplovmeiit st wlilth they can make that amount. Notliine difficult to learn or Unit requires nincli time. I lie work la easy, healthy, aud honorable, nd can be done dur. in daylhne or evenlnga, right In your own local. Hv, wherever you live. Tlia result or a few hour' work often equal wwk's wages. We have tmiRlit thousands of both xcs aud a 1 aires, and ninny have laid foundations that will surely bring them rlchel. Some of the iiirtsst men in this country one their success In life to the start given them while In our employ years Rio. Vou, reader, may do as well: try It ou cannot fuil. Noeiipludneceasary. Wefltyouout with something that Is new. olld, nd sure. A book brimful ol advice U free to all. Help your, self by writing for It to-day not to-morrow. Ilglays are costly. E. C. ALLEN & CO., Box 420, AUGUSTA, MAINE. As.lg-iiee Notice. tn matinr of the asslinimentof Mich ael Roeser, insolvent debtor. I he iinaersi)jnto navniK nern timv np prnnted nssitrnee of the estate of the above- nnineo itiBoivaiii-ueinoi , hiiwi, .j tuo of an act of the legislative assembly of .1.. ....... f ll.nn Anlltliut "ttn ttflt. t SO- cure to creditors a Inst division of the es tate of rtetittirs, who convey u Humm for the benelit of creditors." approved Octo- 1 , u m-ru a. ..t 1)1. HtiimpnditiAnts thsrfitn approved February 2, 18S5. all person hav- 1- ' ..1.1..... a- u..;.l Itivnlvmit' ft 1 A liPt4l V II1K '"lllliua .13. hii.-v ouiu in. - ..1 . . Ka asina trt inn at itlV lHHllietl 11' iirwii iiiu t-,n, w .... ... placm of biifi iejM. t Ilftinier. Columbia ' r-v .)..!.. ti..A an r Utu ru. onuiitv, vnyuiii umj .rniiMi UJ quired, within throe monthf from the date tierem. u. v. 1 u.,. " - . SI. Helens, Oregon. November 2, 1893. Notice to Creditor. vr,in. tj ii.wiiv irivxn tb.'it the nnder- simted has been aipimel adininistratnr of the estate of Coluinla 1 lain nster, ueeeasen, and all persons havinir elaims ntfain-t sni I estat" are Iterehv notltlcd tn present the nv to me, witli the oeeessarv v ineh -ss. within six tnoutlisf 001 the tirst pu'iliea ion nf this notee, at my re-ldeiice, at llonltnn po,ollice,0,.l1.n,!.l,..nnM,.in,.R Administrator of the estate of Ooliiinl.i Laucastar, deceased. Paled Nov. 6, WW. Bullser, 8, same. ........ . "SHERIFF'S SALE. BTATE OF- OR KO ON,. I County of Columbia,. I BY VI It TUH OF AS EXKCUTIOX is sued out of Iho Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for' the County of Columbia in favor of Edmund Hall, and against John II Gillls, for the sum of J570.IU dollar, Uniletl aien gold coin, with hit rest thereon nt the raw of ten I-e'- eent. per ,1111, mil from the l.'lth duj ' of Oetolier. S!l3 and the furtlier sum of H.r0 dollars costs, nnd for $100 dollars attorney fee, and the costs and expensi of sale and of .aid writ. Now, therefore, by virtue and in pursuance of sai judgment. 1 will, on Hiittirdiiv. the (Hh day of l;eceinber. tsfM. at the court house door, In Ht. Helens Columbia county, Oregun.'at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. sell at pub lic auction lo the hlchcst bidder for cash, the following described real properly to wit! All of the southeast quarter of sec tion seven (7) in township five (ft) ''rtl"i of range five (ft) west, Willamette Meil dian. Columbia county. Oregon, contain lint 100 acres of laud, more or leas, to rat isfy the berslnbefore aid sums, for I he cost and expense of said sa. 8d property will b sold subject to redemp tion as per statute of Oregon. Witness uiv hand this 10th day of Nov ember. m. . A. MAH81B, Bhcrirf of Columbia county, Oregon. sii'iw.noinH. in thi Circuit Court or to statx orOaK oon, fob Columbia Coohty. Mm.viN C. Case, Plff., vs. SUMMONS. Maby E. Cask. Peft. 1 To Mahy E. Cas. In nut nam orTiia htats or Obkooh Yoo are hereby required to appear in the ah"Te eniitled court, at the court house in St. Hel ens, in said county and state, on or before ..-.a rrmrt ..'which the nr.t (lav ot the next regular term m wli'ch convene 011 iuesaay, uie till II All V ttt Mi,. InSiI. and answer the com plaint of the plaintiff in the above-entitled Mtion tiled against you in said court, an, ,( you fail 10 so answer the plaintiff ,;ii om.Hr t the court for the relief rie- mandei in the complaint, vie: That the U(in, 0f matrimony heretofore and now exiMitinK between vou and him be desolved i -fs soil ltnniiiniiiesoi sn m Kiiiuninns is intblished nursuant to an order of the Hon. T. A. McBride, judge of said court, made in open court October ltf, 1H3. W. J. KICK, deel Attorney for Plaintiff. BLilI.1IO.siS. lit the Justicr Couht for Ratmikr Par. cisct. Statu of Okeoom, Coukty or Columbia. Joh A. Atkijjs, ntff. vs. f T Vt.iritinn A. J. TTar- bikgtoh, Phillip Coop-I Civil Action to er and Charlim Nich- . recover uioncy out, doing business under the linu name of M. J. I l.-pn,inir Co.. Pltfs. I To M. J. Fiamaa, A. '..HABRiieoTO!r. Pbii. mp Cooper and Ciiarlks Nichols, the Rtinve nutiied defendants: I Tit Name of the s-tate of Oreoos you are herc-bv reauiredto sppear before the undersignes'i, a Jn-tice of the Peace, lor the precinct of Jtainier. 011 the 23rd day of December. 1893. at one o'clock in the at fprtinim nf said dev. at the office of said Justice in said precinct, to answer the nlnvi.nntTi.rl tilaiutiff in a civil aetion. The defendants will take notice that if Ihev fail to answer the complaint herein tho nhiinttrT .will take iudifiiient aeainsl them for the sum of Two hundred aud fifv dollars, and interest thereon from the first dav of November. 18OT. until paid tog.-tier witn me costs aim uisuursiiienis of this action. Hiven under my hand this 7th rlnv nf November. 18K3. J. B. DOAN. dec22 ' Justice of the Peace, Is tiir Circuit CocttT or the Ptateof Ore gon, PJIt CoU JIBIA COL'STT. G. C. Jaqcish, Plir. I vs. SUMMONS, n W Viessin Deft. I To It. W. Pldmuer. Defendant. T THK KASJK OF THE Si ATE OF OREfiO. YOC are hereby required to appearand answer ibe complaint fih-d aain-t you in the above-entitled action, bv the 21th day of Dcccnilier. 1833. it being t!ie first day of the term of said court next following- ine ex ii 11 1 ion of tho tiuhlieulion of this sum mons, and if vou fail to so appear, for m int tht-rrnf the tilaintiff will default ami judgment asniust yil as praved for. .1.. .... ..t :.. . ... io-hii: roi ine siioi 01 wuh unccai thtreon from June Dili, l.P3. at the rate of ten tier cent per year, together witn ins costs bv this action, due for money loaned hv n nintift to defendant, lhls summons is published bv an order of the inrlgeof said court, made on the 8th day ot Novem- liiliaru i l;o;c. attorneys lor ptaiiiviu. NOT IK (Oil PJ.BI.ICATIOJI. (Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878.) United States Land Office, Oregon Citv. Or- euon, uctoner 1, iss. Notice is hereby given" that in compliance ith the nrnvisi-itis of the act of conaress of June 8, 17H, entitled "An act for the aide nf timber binds in the States of (Juhforiils ririT,,n Ki.Tftila. and Wiishinirton Terri U,rv," as extended to all 'he Public Laod Mtn'tes hv net of Aneust 4. 1802, Eninionr Buell of Deer Island, county of Columbia, into nf has this dav filed in thi' I'flice his sworn statement No. 2U53. for the purchase of the southwest of section JXo 'XI. in t.iwnshin No. 5 north, ranee No. i west and will uffcr proof to show that the land sought u more vainaoie t"r tis inuuei or stone than for agricultural pnrH0sc. and to nstablidi his claim to said land be fore the Register arii Receiver ot this of- . at. f)ri?nn Citv. Oregon, on Wedne- itiiv tlm tilth div r.f Januarv. ISiU. 11 names as witnesses: a. . roweu. uau J ' .. . If T Il Heinrich. H W. Barnett and Geo H. Tear .,n nll nf Pit Lshnri. Orwon. Any person claimiiiR adversely the above nai-ll,A,l binds arri reouested til tile th. It claims in this ollice 011 or befoie said 10th day of Jannaiv, 1SH4. NOTICK FOK PIIBUCATiON, (Timber Land Act, June 3, 1878.) United S.atea Land Office, Orctron City, Or- pon, uctoner , ic5. Notice is lierehv eiven that in compliance with the provisions 01 me act 01 conges: tit J linn a IS78. en i;led ''An act for tin sale nf timber lands in the states of Caii r,.ria tireisnn. Nevada ami Washington Tenitorv." as extended to all the Public l aed Stntes bv act of AiiL'ttsl 4. 1892, Wat ter B. Buell, of Columbia City, county of Columbia . state of Orerou has 11 is dny tiled in this office his sworn statement No. 2052, for the purchase of the southwest y. of secti-'n No. 15. in township No. 0 north range Ko. 4 west, and will offer pmnf t show that the land soueht is more valuaht r,.r tt limlwr or vtone than for ncrirmtura ..mnua and t Mfiihlish hisclaiiti to said land before the Keeister and Receicerof this office, at Oreeon City, Orecon. Wednesday, the 10th day of January. 1S1 Wa n.niM nt witnesMes! A. If. Powell Carl Heinrich, H. W. Barnett end Geo. H Ianaii till nf Pit.t.shlll-1?. OlVtron. A no am 1 ll tierson claiminir adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their clain:s in tins oince on or Dtiore saiu 10th day of January, 18!H. ROBERT A. MILLER. Register, TKEASI BEK'S NOTICE. f'ntrMsTr TaltvftliRKa's OFFICE. St. Hki.kns. Orrgon. Oct. 27. 1893 Notice is rereby (riven that all unpaid County Warrants of said county which have been presented ami endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds,"' up to November W, 1891, will be paid upon presentation at this office. Interest on said warrant will not be allowed after d-ite of this not ce. K. M. WHAHTON, Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon. notice at Appointment. Nnthse is lierehv aiven that the under sittned has been duly anpointed hy the Cotintv Onnrt for Columbia County. Ore as administrator of the estate of John I vey, deeeased: and that all persons hav 'net' claims attain-'t id are lierebjr fiinTed 10 present them to said adndnis. 1 amr. duly veriiied onlh. witliin i tnonths after the tirt . ptitilica'i n of this n -iti'-e nt the o:!lei of Caple Allen, No. 20, Mulkciv BuiiuiiHT. P.-.r'bm.t, Vein. KDWIN L. HAND. Dated November 2, U, Adimuistrator. Peoples1 Outfitting Corn y., 244, 246, First Street, Portland, Oregon. CLOSING', Still in Progress. Entire' JStoolt 0F- Furniture, Carpets, Stoves HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS n m fimmm ft n Peoples' Outfitting Company, 244 First Street, : : ST. HELENS EDWIN BOSS, Proprietor, Drugs and Palent Medicines, SCHOOL BOOKS AND Perfumery and Toilet Articles. EVERYTHING CARRIED IN A FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE CONSTANTLY ON HAND.' ST. HELENS " BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER." , This is the reason why The St. Charles Hotel, O. W. KNCWLES, Proprietor; Has such a large patronage by the business men of the Stat. If yon want to meet a friend you will PORTLAND - CLATSKANIE ROUTE PARAH DIXON, Tovph Pnril.mtl. at Alder Street o'clock, forr Clatekanie, ttmehiog at Kulama.lSeer City, ilninier, Cedar and all intermediate points, returniug !1jp For your Clatskanie Drug Store, Where you will find the largest stock of PATENT MEDICINES, PRESCRIPTION DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLES, ETC., In Columbia County DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. FARMERS AND MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO., Albany, Or. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. .fSW.OOO SECURED CAPITAL..... MT.5Gi PAID CAPITAL ,M FAR.TI PHOPEHTV A BPRCIALTT. , For particular apply at the office of DilUrd Jk Cole, or Th a Mist oflM. Joseph Kellogg & iiiixS'i - 5, - M!S ....-.2.u. Joseplig Kellogg land Northwest. ' ' FOR COWLITZ RIVER. NORTH WEO 1 Leaves KELSO Monday, Wedneeiay, and Friday at Sara. Leaves PORTLAND Tuesday, Thun. day, and Saturday at 6 a. m. JOSEPH KELLOGG aves RAIXIKR at 5 a, tn. daily, Sunday excepted, arriving at 'Portland at 10:30 a. m. Returning loavca Portland at 1 p. in.., arriving at 6 p. m OT SALE iiiBIPTITtTi : : Portland, Oregon. DRUG STORE, SCHOOL SUPPLIES. DRUG STORE. always find him at The St. Charles. G. M. Shaver. Master. Duck, every day (except Sunday) at Sanvie's island, Si. Helens, Ctdutubia City, Landing, Mt. lonin, jiraoouiy, ntetia every morning (except Monday.) edicines at tn Co.'s River St camera. - 5.stejj, 1