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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1893)
THE MIST" ii Tim Official Paper Colunibiii : County, nn "THE MIST" -OIVI8 AM, Tie Official and Otlier News ' OF- Columbia : County. nn VOL. 10. ST. HELENS. OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1893. NO. 49. E OREGON M THE OREGON MIST iNMt r.vuHV iiiiimv moiiiN THE MIST PUBLISHING COMPANY DAVIS BR03., Managers. OFFICIAL COUNTY 1'APIiK Nllbarlillnil llHIr. One , ue ) '' I" advance ,.., t M One copy Minimi. ... ,., Single '"l')f Advrrll.iiig llama, priifi'Ktl'Miiil fiiiiU nii year , (tliefoilllhlt IIO JCT IUII I'uhiiim mu eai Ljunnvi ti'liiiiiu one year , Oliellirll one tltlllllll ,,,,. ,.., Una Inch llirrH niniill , Olltl llH'll Illotllll. , , I is .. m .. 7ft ,iM'nl li cent. wr line fur Itiiii In-ar tlnii: I'l vent. im.' line lor vhvIi .iiliM..iutMii it. aarlllih, l.esinl .lvrl.j'nK II. NJ per Ini'li fur lir.l liin.tH'.ii, uii i.) rent p?r ihfii tor eucn .1114,0 qneiil ui.i ruon. COM Mill A i;'.VfY diiirtouy. i'nunljr Olllrera, Judge I. H n lll.ic, Italiiler t er i: Quick, H'. Helen. Unerllf .....II, A. Maole, HI, Helen. Ir.-mur r K. M, Wliaitnn, t'olumlila Ully Hupt, nl eih.Kil...., .T. J. i:leetoli, Yernnuia A W. II. Ky.r, Kelnler Surveyor ., A, H. I.UIIe, Ilamler ,, IH. (I. Hclto mover, Yeriiuiila """"" ,, v.. Harm., Mayger, Sarin y Nailer. MinnNio.-HI, f,nrig, N.v iltegiilar eoiuiiiiiiiicailuti lir.l ami liilni Kaitirday in each in. .mil tiMSir. M. at Mawnilo hall. Ink lovttilmra III good .lauding luvll) to at' iitii. MANii:.-llnliilr Lodge, No. 31-Hlated meeting Hatui!)' mi or tteioreeach lull moou at 7 mi r, at Manl hall, urn lllaucliard .tore. Viaiting mmlit III good .lauding!" tiled to attend, Onn Kril.l.utro HI, Helena I jk1h No. 117- Movl. every Hutunlny night al 7 no Tran.lenl brethren In good Mamling eorill.lly Invited to suemi. I'll .nulla liciwu river (Imall eloe al HO a, M. I ii r Ivor ("i al Ir. a. 1 1... .-..11 i... vMr..A.,iM ami I'lllkliurv l.ava. Pi, Helen. Monday, Vteduaielay ami Friday al Tim mall lor Mar.hl.nd. 'lalkanl ami Mint leave, yilllill M lay, Wedae-day ami Friday 1 I J . - , W.H.'r.illnaH Itnrlll l'liw a' 10 A. M.i lur furiUuil al H f. M. Travrlrr Wiilda .Hlrr llaaln. riTKH il. W, HMv -Uavna HI. 11lna fi.r PorllmMl l II A. . riimlar. 'I'lmrmlav aiirt H.tninlav j-ra Hi. Ilvlrua lor l'laikaiil tlMtXty', WitilnewUx ami Frlilay al 00 , M. HTKtHca Imi iM - l aea HI. Ilnlana furl'ort I an. 7 a. M. rclornluK al SHU r. a. Mtkhkh Jukki-m Kiii uno- 1.1-avenHl. HrtlMU ir I'uriliunl ilnlly rxiwiil Huii.lay , al7 A. .. ar rlvlim ai I'.iiiIiiimI i Hi w; rrlunilim, leava I'orllanv al I r. arrlilim at HI. Helena all. 1-KOFK.S.SlONAL. jy II. H. vuvr, niVSICIAN and SURGEON. St, Helena, Oregon. yyk. i. K. II ALU PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. ClBtakHiile. Coltiiiiliiii county. Or. a B, UTTI.K, A. SURVKYOR and " CIVIL ENGINEER, Ht. Helena, Oregon. Cniiiity ureyor. Liiml fiirveying, town iiIhIIIiik, ul engineering work uroiuf.lly ilone. OAVfaTt. TRADE MAHKt. OISION rATIHT.l oopvaiOHTa. atoJ Tor Information ancJ fraa HanrthooJ wrtta t MIJNN CO.. Hit HIIOADWAT, Naw YOHK. OUImt tmreatt for aoourlna paunta In Aimnnb Mror patent taken out lijr u la brought Mtora Uu i puilli lJ a oouea f l t n of ouarga In tu I.arant droolatlon of any aelentlfle paper In thf warUL Bplandmif lllu.Lr.UKl. Ko lutalllnai teari tl.fioalx montha. Atlorew MONN a uauauiuui. Sttl Jtraadwar. JNw Xork ClUb Thf Onrland Routt. i Two train, dally, lear ' lug Filth audi ulreeta, (J rand Central DeKt. Ko. 5. "The Limited i Fant Mall." leaving at 7:!K) p. carrlea Veitl- hole Til man raiace f Sleeping and Dining ftaraiid (re Keclinlng Chair Oara tliroiigh In.m 1-orllann to uni- .1. 1 lllnffa. without elMtixe. Thla train me. neciloiia lor Denver, Kan l-lty, Ht. MHiia, llVleni' llntie and Mt.Vanl ! Hlao rarr ea tl irrniah 1'ullman Hleoper and Chair V"', Ml !' Clfux. l-armluitlon, K-irklnrd a ml Hpokai liiiikliiK direct wmnei'thm" fur Day tun, lorn eroy, Mniifow and ''r d'Alene. No 8, overland Klyer," leaving at . . M-. earrle. I'lillman I'o nee and lonrl.t Weapon Through tnilim arrive al 7;iS A. a. i and r. n. I,gv m,'rilANn. I.kv Han ra;r Colnmhla...M,iy 1, 111,8ft ''"' i "'U?,i'T 2" ao Biate May ft, 17, W ColmnUla .May . II.H. T . .,.. r " wJim.ANU . AffD XKTOKIA ROUTB-Morn. In'g blw iav".l'ortland dally, ;' "l1"'1: .ii, M . returning, leave. A.lorla dully, ex ,.JpI Humlu , at V. . Hlaht b.l . I.y . r land dally, except Haturday, at e. M.I return ing, leave. A.tor a dally, w '"" i Tho morning boat troni Portland k lan-llng. on the Oregon aide Tne. ay., T hur.' day. and Hatiiruaya: on in """ '"y." "V,. Monday., Weiliioi(ay. and lffjla- ' ",ln ".rla llie'inornliig boat make, andlng. o I tha Oregon .IdeMomTay., Wediien. ayj , and Krl ayj, and on the Waihtnglou aide, Tlmr. Viw ADB mUTK-I.eav. A.h .treet at A. . - 8olentlflo Aniertoan fill'mX l-J TAD MAHKt. AIXOTHBRBteamer. leava Irom Aalmtreet ""iSr- Ticket omoa-SM Wa-hlngton .tr..t, aaruar Third. W. H. HUKMIUKI. .oru.rlhJrdWt04Mt)il 1-nrAjjnt THE PACIFIC COAM. Large Shipment of Sheep From The Dalles. SHOCKING CRIME OF A FATHER A Lad Ten Year Old Orlven In an by Cignrette-Gen-eral Coat Nwa. Aliotit 1000 lialin of Une county V liupa uro ynt nnaulJ. IVicinlMrlSatl p.m. lathe hour act lur tlin Orpgon Pacillu aulu. Another 4KK) clcnn-up lm couie into jitKr iroin tne ftloniimental. The IVmllcton Havingri flunk hao ro Hiimi'il vil.h Ini'.rcaao'l capitul. Some 170,000 mutton lnn hive hcn ' ',).. '. '."nn 'I l' IhH'3M in 1K;i.J. Hnow ii six liirliea doop on the nioiin luln road Iron. Linn county over into Crook. l'rliieville for the flrgt time in nix year, could nut hold a public school thin winter. "John the Iiaptint." IM-ponnd hluck inaHtilT of Hcio, has been bought by a Sacramento man. J. T. Cargill and Alexander McKenzie, of IVmlli'ton, have aaHigneil to Senator liuley. Abaci and liabilities are aliout even. Tho thorns of tho Columbia alonz bv The Dulles are thickly lined with wood piled nigh, In anticipation ol a cold winter. n iwrii;v-vii.iri ni viii.iiii mill 10 rniu in I , titlul. , li. tl.ia W.U .tf tllft fllnfu 4 . n 1 nl l r !..:.! against ilaker county for the payment of taxes. Tl.. In 1 1, a Onl.,... lu...,). iii if hoitM) who would rather pray than ent, was sent to the asylum. Kuch re- HcctioiiH on the great American board- . i . i... t i.-.i lug noune intia uu puniaiiuu. At Portland the United filatea orand itirv has returnwl an indictment aua nnt K. Ilrighton on the charge of siiiuhl'Iiiik 72 live-tad cans of opium. iJrightou was placed under arrest. It is possible that Mann, who was ....,,...1 ... ..!.,... .,.,,,,...1!.,,. U Iha .IM'flir.1 .H,III ni,ll.KKllllK, I" HIC same Mimsen who led little boys at Van couver, II. C, into com in it ting tutr- tiaries. I lie noy idiiiuici nan an in men l.. u. I ,l 1,1. Int.. t- IIIHt ilin .-,.fll wilw l' r . ... . Miariw's houee was a man and not a lxy i. ii ,i......;i,.,.i i i,u I 1,1, H HID, iiinuin... . w as afraid to U-ll the truth until sure liat Manscn was out of the country. ('. Nnlnv. nl Vancouver. B. C has written to the city council begging them lor Uou'a sane ami iiumanuv s saxe w enforce the law againnt the sale of igarcttes to minors, lie says he Is Irivcn lo nsk them to do this bv the fact lint his son, 10 years old, has been driven ci.i, iiiMfitisu hiiu.ii.v.b,ui..d, and he says he knows of several other cases. He says cigarette smoking and nniiamaoie oraeliuus are rampant ill the city schools. The game law made by the last legis lature of Oregon, only allows grouse, pneananis, qun. en:., m i ........Ii In lit. vmi. Diirintr this month, which expired on the loth inst., dxalers accumulated a stock of longoltan phear-ints in com storage, low Fish and Ciame Protector McUuira ill commence suit to orevent dealers from selling birds from cold storage. Ho tried tho samo thing last spring in regard to salmon and the dealers won in the supreme court. They look on the ne suit as merely intended to make lees ana cosw. : mil ml liu been broken for the Ann Hathaway cottage at the Midwinter Fair, which will lie the British head quarters. The site is on the south arm the lair ground, which rawum e borders of Strawberry lake on the south. The grounds will be laid out in an artiHtic manner, and as nearly identi cal with old Knglinh ideas and practices as possible. The box hedges have al ready been arranged for, anil on the nuitlnliy uesigneii mmr . .V" planted marigolds, daffodils, sweet Will- ! - anrl nthor flnwtira Html, iivin nn.. "' " " that Sliakeopcare kor. v . . i. .1 n. nnuft af Ran Frnn in H1B lumra "'" " -- Cisco U. A. Spreckels and 11. M. ooley i ....1 a, tit atrainaf t.lin nave euunnpiiv.. i.,..v - Hawaiian Commercial and 8ugar Com pany. The suit is for an accounting of ill moneys and property in possession of the corporation. An order is asked . . 4 !..!.. 4m ihifi.nilllllt from lor n-niaiums ,-, transuctiiig any business. The plain liirsalso auk for the appointment of a receiver to assume control of the com pany's alluirs. The complaint at the iame time makes aeriony charges c fraud and otlier irregularities, ahero U involved about $1,000,000. The clearance sale of stallions and . - i - r.. 1 1. a San Kininnn stud nrooii mareo uum - of the late Senator Hearst took place, re- ently. A great numoer oi uremiei. were In attendance. The average price was the largeetever realized at such a mile in California, raloma, the dam of rmitage, brought 75H), the highest price. Coset. a chestnut mare, brought tnOOOi Kurnnm, a hay horse, brought IKiOO. Forty-two head brought a totn f Mrt.721, an average a little fnort of H70. The average was reduced by the tile of one or two crippled animals and ,n old mare or two. Really well bred mares averaged about $1500. A special from Folsom, Cal, says the prison directors, at a meeting Saturday, ook their lirst notion under the parole 'iw A prinoner under sentence from ihasta countv for murder was granted t parole, and John Mackey will give ii,'i emplovmont and be respnnsiblo for ,im. A Pitt river Indian chief was also .amled. He whs sentenced for killing t medicine man who had failed to cure his (the chief ) "ther. This was the custom of the tribe, but the people of Modoc wanted to put a stop to it and .aitsod the chief to be arrested and prosecuted. The superior j"'1e.anl Hliers, believing the desired end to have oeen reached, recommended the chief s parole. The application of Calvhj , Pratt, he embcxzler, was referred by Ooy ernor Markham to the board. Pratt was called before the directors, but de clining to state where the money is and preferring to serve rma,"'n",ti years rather than give it up, no action was taken. . NATlU. iL CAfllAL, The Pnyallup commiMsion has reported to the commissioner of Indian affairs for instructions, The commission will leave immediately for Seattle, Wash., where it is to begin its work. According to the decision by the su preme court the great lakes are high seas. This decision was made in a suit under an act of congress for the punish ment of olfeudur on the high seas. Oray and Brown dissented. Carlisle has ordered the release of the ItosHian convicts arrested at San Francisco, and so notilied the Kussian minister here. The convicts found were political prisoners, and according to our la" s could not be detained. The appointment of Jeremiah J. Crowley as supervising special agent of the treasury department, vice A. K. Tingle, resignod, to lake effect Decem ber 16, will be otlici illy announced from the treasury department rrobahly dur ing the coming week. Mr. Crowley is ut present a treasury special agent in charge of the Illinois division, with headquarters at Chicago. Ollicials of the pension bureau are nn ,,....i r r-.l'.i't t"jji !"!! Ji? ;.iiouuut ment that the bureau hits unearthed at flullalo, N. Y., a wholesale scheme (or defrauding the office. The publication at this time they fear will hinder them in bringing the guilty persons to justice The Post announces the name of the crson who has been carrying on this scheme to be W. Hoon Moore, who was formerly special examiner of the bu reau in Washington. It is believed $160,000 lias already been paid fraudu lent claimants whose cases were engi neered by Attorney Moore. Secretary Gresliam has received a complaint from Chinese Minister Yang Yu that within the past 10 days a China man living in a small town in Western North Carolina has iiocn chased to the mountains for no other known reason except his nationality, anil that lie was believed to have died from exposure. An investigation is being made of the facts of the vase by the United States district attorney for the western district of North Carolina. If the facts are as stated, reparation will probably have to lie made by the United Suites. Recent dispatcher from North Carolina state that the Chinaman was believed to be incane and was wandering in the woods, and that his assailants had been ar rested. Attorney-General Olnev has appointed IMurant Will Iter, of Chicami. a social attorney to represent the United States in the case of the suit against the com- . . , 4. ...... tir..!.. ... t.. missioner oi vew rjouiu aire iu urn World's Fair. Among the exhibits of Koi. Kr.nili WtileM wera a lot of cold nuirgets. These were attached bv a traveling circus company which had recently been in Australia and alleged tl.a lirnuuh tliA (Infective oiiarantine arrangements of that country the circus company had lost many valuable horses. They sought to recover on the nuggets .f .f.a Vaur finnlh Waliia exhibit. An examination of the law here discloses the fact that a foreign government can not be sued in a United States court ..ill. i, l it ivmaont. K.ven if this noint were not conclusive, the government of fieW rSOUtll Vision 111 too viiuuiiidimiiicv is a guest of the United States and en titled to Immunity, even if the allege an fur vera true. The case will probably be dismissed if pitfBBOU. Commissioner of Pensions Lochren haaiaaitM.1 tKa fullnorino-imnortant order. simplifying the practice of the burden in ha asl iinlipalinn of clailllS Under tile famous act of June 27, 18110: "Pension certificates issuea miner me seeonu sec tion of the act of June 27, 181H), will no longer specify particularly the disabili ties. In such certificates, where the maximum rating of (12 per month is allowed the certificate will state it is for inability to earn support by manual labor. Where less than the maximum rating is allowed the certificate will state it is for partial inability to earn a living by manual labor. Whenever, in the case of a pension granted under the said section at less than the maximum rating and a higher rating is subse quently sought, the application for such uglier rating bobii oe cuusiuomu ntui treated as a claim for an iucrease, and nn am a nlntm In a. fiaV (liaahilitv. and the increase, if allowed, will commence Irom the date ot meaicai exaininuwou showing an increase of disabilitj." Between adjusting the accounts of the North American Commercial Companv with the treasury department, and the claim" f the trian-." 0.puit444v.ut lur tu iuto nnn u..oin. tlm North American Commercial Company, the natives of the seal isianus in me ahwi i:ci. iiwm good chance of starving this winter. The accounts to the extent of (24,000 f4000 for coal supplies to tne uniwsu eiaie revenue cntUsrs, and (20,000 for supplies furnished the nutives are held up. The commercial company ia serion-ly con sidering the advisability ot withholding further supplies to the natives unless the accounts already presented are passea. me whoib, pmii,, stated, has been referred to the attor- 1 tVv- kTicirl trn.f inn ni.H IIs. will probably find its way into the courts. In the meantime much solici tude is felt for the fate of tne natives, .i. nni:uin jtananH nnon the siinnlies Wliw Diiuici - I " , ri furnished by the North American Com- l n ln. mlt.Uan.a merciai ijiupsmy or Duaiaiau. The new regulations for issuance of certificates of residence to Chinese, under the provisions of the amendatory act recently passed by congress, have been submitted to Secretary Carlisle by Commissioner of Internal Revenue Miller. According to tneir provisions a Chinaman must swear he has never committed a folonv in the United States and this fact must be testified to by white witnesses. A photograph of the applicant must be attached to the affi davit, and two other likenesses must be transmitted to the collector of internal revenue and the treasury department. Collectors of internal revenue and thoir .i 4! InolHiliHl that all rla.ROa Umniwea ,itr....,.v".. .... - of skilled and unskilled manual laborers, including Chinese, empioyeu in mining, fishing, huckstering, laundrying and peddling, shall be classitied as laborers. A person to be exempted from the opera tions of tliis law must be engaged in buying and selling merchandise at a fixed place of business, which business must ne conducted in his name, and who, during the time he claims to be engaged as a merchant, does not engage in the performance of manual labor ex cept such as is necessary in the conduct of his business as such merchant. The paragraph in the old regulations exempt ing persons from the operations of the law who are owners or part owners of mercantile establishments is stricken out. EASTERN NEWS. Diphtheria and Influenza Be coming Epidemic. "MOTHER HUBBARD" FOUND Great Excitement Caused by the Dis covery of Copper in the Streets) of Sheboygan, Wis. Cleveland, 0., has a widespread epi demic of influenza. It is said that Governor Boies of Iowa will run for congress. The Ore waste for the month of Oc tober is placed at over (9,600,000. The breach of promise suit against Russell Sage has been dismissed. Already Ohio is bespeaking the next Republican convention for Cincinnati. Joneeville, a thriving suburb of Birm ingham, Ala., has been nearly destroyed by lire. The largest majority given to a Repub lican candidate in Pennsylvania was 13,034. There is great activity among the Mexican revolutionists along the Rio Grande. The Boston supreme court has de cided that an attachment by telephone is not legal. it is e?.i'l the Missouri state treasury holds (300,000 for distribution among unknown heirs. Tariff revision is likely to meet organ ized opposition in the bouse from the interests involved. diphtheria is epidemic in Mahoning town, Lawrence county, Pa., and the schools may close. Pittsburg banks have cancelled the f9.S7.000 loan certificates they issued during the summer. Some fine specimens of dates grown at Corpus Christi have been sent to the boiith Texas exhibit. The old soldiers are dying off. For th first tune in 30 years the list of pen sioners shows a decrease. In a recent Leavenworth marriage the united ages of groom and bride were 137 years, and both cried. Arrested in Trov for shoplifting, a woman of 80 was recognized as the no torious "Mother Hubbard." Cornelius Vanderbilt denies the rumor that liia family now owns a maioritv of the stock of the Reading railroad. It has been suggested in St. Louis that the names of tiie streets be cut in stone and placed at the street corners. Receivers have been appointed for the Euit Tennessee Land Companv of Har riman. The liabilities are (1,600,000. "Soup, Soap and Salvation" is the concise motto in tne rooms ol the Balti more tree Sunday Breakfast Associa tion. Street laborers at Shebovean. Wis.. struck copper ore like that of Lake Su perior a few days ago, and the town is wild. In a letter Senator Sherman of Ohio declares that he is opposed to any in crease whatsoever of internal revenue taxes. Mrs. Adam Brieht. of Piqua. 0.. dropped dead on being informed that her husband naa oeen uuncoea out ol (4500. The Western lines have all announced their intention of paying commissions on round-trip business from California points. The poor and unemployed of Hurley, Wis., have been given 10,000 pounds of lieef, probably by Phil D. Armour, of Chicago. The Minnesota sunreme court has de cided that the sale ol butterine in that state is illegal unless the article be col ored pink. The health of Boston school children has improved immensely since three years ago, when a simple system of phy sical culture was introduced. A Methodist preacher at Springfield. O., advertises that he will preach a ser mon against gambling, illustrating with a pack of cards the methods of sharpers. Mrs. Victoria Rolling is serving 15 days in the house of correction at Mil waukee, Wis., because she could not pay a une lor keeping an unlicensed dog. The claim is made by the Brazilian minister at Washington that Admiral Meilo is in straightened conditions, hav ing exhausted all nis pecuniary re sources. The refusal of the senate to confirm the nomination of Mr. Hornblower for associate justice of the supreme court is attributed mainly to the opposition of Judge Field. The railroads are taking a hand in the Chicago mayoralty contest, with a view to defeating anyone favoring the track elevation scheme advocated by Prender gast or others. General Fitzbugh Lee wants to be United States senator from Virginia. Messrs. Daniel and Hnnton, present in cumbents, desire to stay there. There is promise of a lively contest. The general assembly of the Knights of Labor held another stormy session at Philadelphia the other day, and the lie nassed more than once between the administration and anti-administration delegates. . A young man who gave his name as Charles Fuller, and who said he was a traveling Salesman for Whittier, Fuller ik Co., of San Francisco, has been vic timizing merchants ot St. Louis on bogus checks. New York advices state that Charles Coghlan will be arrested for bigamy as soon as he sets foot in New York, and that criminal proceedings growing out of the alleged marriage would also be brought against Kuhne Beveridge. Rev. Henry Kay, a Methodist minis ter of St. Joseph, Mo., became insane on account of an injury six months ago, and died in an asylum one day last week. His father, an old and wealthy retired merchant of that city, grieved over his son, and when the news of his death was brought to him he remarked that he could not stand the blow, and lied an hour after of a broken heart. Father and con were buried in the same .rave. INDUSTRIAL ITEMS. New York has over 300 labor organi sations. The government controls Swiss tele phones. The highest railroad bridge is the Gar abit viaduct in France. Nearly liO different machines have been invented for boring rock. The crop of cotton seed of the South will bring (3 1,000,000 this year. A quarter of a million of commercial travelers are abroad in the land. The process of carbonizing wool is get ting special attention in Germany. There are now thirteen co-operative quarries in the New England States. There are 120 government buildings under way, which will cost (38,206,731. Coffee was brought into England in 1041. In 18S6 the crop was 718,000 tons. The most extensive mines are those of Saxony. The galleries are 123 miles long. In Germany nearly 13,000,000 people are insured by compulsory State insur ance. In making a shoe 100 steps are taken, and only experts at each step are em ployed. Alcohol has never been reduced to the solid state, but becomes viscid at very low temperature. There are eighty-five women in Great Britain engaged in the occupation of chimney sweeping. The largest creamery in the world is said to lie at St. Albans, Vt. Capacity, 22 000 pounds daily. The steamers between Europe and North America carry on an average about 70,000 passengers a month. The Carnegie Steel Company has cut the prices on steel rails, and Asking (24 to (26 a ton instead of (29. More than (1,000.000 is invested in clubhouses and duck-shooting facilities along the Chesapeake Bay. The agricultural capital of Europe has doubled since 1840; that of the United States has increased sixfold. Previous to 1910 nails were made by hand. It cost (1 .000.000 to perfect a ma chine that came into use that year. A New York hotel is said to nse a ma chine that washes and dries 1 000 dishes an hour. Two persons attend to it. In August, 1802, 270.838.930 cigarettes were manufactured in this conntrv The figures for August, 1893, are 357,840,360. The average annual production of the precious metals in the world from 1870 to 1 880 was : Gold, (119,975,fW0 j silver, (112,600,000. The coinage of gold in the Philadel phia mint during October was greater than for any other mouth since the mint was established. The Canadians bought last year 831, 046 tons of soft coal mined in the United States, and they sold in the United States 680,388 tons mined in Canada. - At a Kansas City packing-house a few days ago in eleven hours 3,218 cattle were killed and prepared for the beef market, an average of about five a min ute. No one country of Europe produces so much wool as the United States does; but the combined production of the Eu ropean countries is about two and one half times as much as our production. Statistics just issued by the geological survey show that the total coal output of the United States during last year was 170 000.000 tons, valued at the mines at (207,668,381. More than half, or 99, 000,901) tons, waB mined in Pennsylvania. Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania and the islands produce nearly twice as much wool as tne United States does ; then comes Argentina, with 70.000,000 pounds more than we produce. The United States comes fourth in the list of wool producers. PERSONAL MENTION Captain Magnus Anderson, who built tttiil brought the Viking shin over, will settle down as a resident of this country. He is to live in Washington. A bust of Mayor Harrison by a sculp toi named Brasuiolini was receiving its last touches when ho was assassinated. It is of life size, has the chin raised, the chest thrown out and the head slightly bent as if listening. Senator Galliriger of New Hampshire has the baldest and smoothest head in the Senate. It is perfect in its outlines, full, even and symmetrical. A phrenol ogist would be delighted with it as an example of a well-developed cranium. . Mr. Mercier in a letter published in the Montreal Patrie declares that his an nexation views exist solely in the minds of Canadian Conservative papers, and he asserts on his word of honor that he is opposed to the annexation of Canada to the United States. Senator Morgan's old school teacher Mys that the Alabama "Ambassador " went to school for but one year. His lack of education, however, did not pre vent him from studying law at an early age and becoming a successful practi tioner. His literary acquirements, for which he has a reputation, were gained by reading in late years. Drs. Dryandee, Stadl and Van Hoeffen, the three German travelers who went on an exploring expedition to Greenland a year and a half ago, returned home last month. They went under the auspices of the German government, and re turned with a large collection of speci mens. The results of the exploration will probably be published. Mrs. E. B. Drant, Secretary of the Ohio Humane Society, because of inter nal troubles in that organization has re signed her position and started for Phil adelphia. Mrs. Drant will go into train ing for a deaconate in the Pennsylvania Deaconate Training School and Deacon esses' Home. Her expenses, it is said, are being defrayed by Bishop Vincent. Dr. M. L. Nardi, who was General Grant's physician during his tour around the world, now lives in San Francisco, where he is devoting himself to making anatomical casts of the human body. He has just finished the largest cat of the human heart ever made lor the Mid winter Exposition in San Francisco. It is thirty-five times the actual size of the human organ. Prof. Cuming, M. D., to whom Mr. Gladstone has offered a Baronetcy, is one of the most eminent of Irish physi cians. He has already declined the lesser honor of knighthood. He is an Ulster Catholic and a Nationalist in polities, and practices at Belfast, where he is a professor in the Queen's College. His ItiltUgllbUl AS lllMlllim AJ P BVU v Mil Charles Russell. FOREIGN CABLES. Chinamen are Invited to Go to British Guiana, ZOLA RECEIVED IN LONDON Two Hundred and Fifty People Killed in a Disaster in Spain Cure for Diphtheria. British Guiana invites Chinamen. England is said to have over 1,000,000 widows. Ukase No. 227 makes 150,000 more Russian soldiers. Bicycling is even more general in Eu rope than America Louis Kossuth, the Hungarian patriot, is again seriously ill Moody and Sankey are soon to open another revival in London. The elections in Spain have resulted in favor of the Monarchists. Since Dickens' death one firm has sold 643,000 copies of "Pickwick Papers." Two French jockeys were killed dur ing a recent race on the Anteuil track. Henry Labouchere denounces the war in Matabeleland as "wholesale murder." The Neuste Nachrichten in Berlin will become a Bismarukian organ on Janu ary 1. It is denied that admiral Mcllo has proclaimed in favor of Prince Pedro as Emperor of Brazil. King Oscar of Sweden has decorated Mine. Slelha, the opera singer, with the gold medal for art and science. Italy can borrow from the Germans all the money needed to keep her army up to the Triple Alliance standard. In the house of commons the employ ers' liability bill has pasted the third reading without division of the house. G. R. Tyler, London's new Lord Mayor, was an errand boy in the great Caper-making house of William Vena les. Oakley Hall, in Essex, a property of 600 acres in good order, valued 40 years aeo. at 28,000, has been bid otf for 8,000. Two of the three charges against Cor nelius Hers have been canceled. The remaining one will not sutbee to secure his extradition. The Plenary Committee on organiza tion of the Paris World's Fair of 1000 has confirmed the sub-committee's se lection of the site. The Diocesan Conference of Truro con cludes that great harm has been done to the -ause of purity by the reception of Zola in London. Two hundred and fifty people killed ; 80 missing, 400 wounded and (2.600.000 loss, is the latest estimate of the disaster at Santander, Spain. One hundred and thirty-four lives are known to have been lost in the galea along the English coast last week. It is thought the number will reach 200. The question whether a female claim ing to be a "lady" was libeled by being called a "woman" was decided by a British judge and jury in the negative. European diplomatists consider the peace of Europe will always be in dan ger so long as the plans of England in regard to the coast of Africa are not known. Professor Klebs, of Carlsruhe, who has modified advantageously Professor Koch's tuberculin for consumption, says that he has discovered a sure cure for diphtheria. He has been successful in 13 distinct cases. The telegraph operators and messenger boys struck at Rome, owing to the Gov ernment's decision to amalgamate the postal and telegraph departments. It is expected that the strike will extend throughout Italy. The scarcity of business at the Krupp Works at Essen was never so great as now. Hands at the famous gun-works are being dismissed in all departments and there seems to be no prospect of any revival of business. Dr. O. Hildcrbrand, of Goettingen, reports in the Medical Record the case of a boy of 14 who, since the age of 12 years, had had 150 to 200 teeth of various sizes removed. A year and a half later 17 more were removed, with evidences of others coming. The eldest son of Count d'Eu, Prince Pedro, who was said to have been pro claimed Emperor of Brazil by Admiral de Mello, has started for St. Nazaire, a seaport near Nantes, where, it is stated, be will soon start for Brazil, accom panied by a snite of 20 persons. A dispatch from Algiers says the police raided a number of houses in the European quarter, and Beized a large number of anarchist pamphlets and documents which reveal an extensive conspiracy, including a plot to blow up the French law court and the new mosque, where native cases are heard. Several loaded bom lis and quantities of explosives were seized in the village of Hussein, Dei, near Algiers. Lord Charles Beresford, formerly Junior Lord of the British Admiralty, declares the navy of Great Britain must be one-third stronger than any combin ing of the fleets of her two possible ene mies France and Russia. He proposes the expenditure of 22,000,000 for the construction of six ironclads of the Royal Sovereign class, 12 battle-ships of the' Harfleur class, 10 cruisers of the Blake class and 60 vessels of the Mavock class. In an interview Louise Michel, the fe male French anarchist, declared that the throwing of bombs in the Lyceum theater, Barcelona, sprang from the blood of Pallas, the man who attempted to assassinate General Martinez Com pos. She added : "The increasing pov erty, and severe means of repression, warranted more terrible means of de fense. The European international agreement for the suppression of an archism is worthy only of derision. Ex plosions form the best and most clement means of extending the propaganda. Anarchy in the United States is flour ishing. Bombs have not been recently used there, because the evils have not become firmly rooted. The executions in Chicago converted thousands to an archism." She also declared that the anarchists were not connected with the attempt to blow up the Nelson monu mest in Montreal. PORTLAND MARKET. WniAT Valley, 9295cs Walla Walla, 83Kc per cental. , , HOPS, WOOL AKD HIDCS. . Hops '92s, nominally at 1016c per pound, there being none in the market; new crop, '93s, 10(ctl6c for strictly choice, and nominally at 8c for medium. Wool. Prices nominal. Hides Dry selected prime, 5c; green, salted, 60 pounds and over, 3c; under 00 pounds, 2ffi3c; sheep pelts, yearlings, lOfttlSc; medium, 2035c; long wool, 30uo0c; tallow, good to choice, 330 per pound. MVa AND DRKSSBO II I AT. Bsxr Top steers, 2jC per pound; fair to good steers, 2c; No. 1 cows, 2c; fair cows, 13c; dressed beef, (3.60(35.00 . per 100 pounds. Muttok Best sheep, (2.00; choice mutton, (.1752.00; lambs, (2.002.25. Hons Choice heavy, (5.005.60; me dium, (4.50W6.00; light and feeders, (4.5O5.00; dressed, (6.50. Vsax (3.00(85.00. floub, feed, etc. Flock Portland, (2.90; Salem, (2.90; Cascadia, (2.00; Dayton, (2.90; Walla Walla, (3.16; Graham, (2.60; superfine, (2.25 per barrel. Oats New white, 3436c per bushel new gray, 33 (3 34c; rolled, in bags, (6.25 6.60; barrels, (6.757.00; cases, (3.75. Miixstopfs Bran, (15.00; shorts, (16.00; ground barley, (18.00; chop feed, (15 per ton ; whole feed, barley, 70c percental; middlings, (2328 per ton; ciiicken wheat, (1.10(31.15 per cental. Hay Good, (1012 per ton. daibt produce. Butter Oregon fancy creamery, 30c; fancy dairy, 2527c; fair to good, 20(3 22,c; common, 1617c per pound. Cheese Oregon, 1012.i4c; Califor nia, 13(rl4c; Young America, 1516c; Swiss, imported, 3032c; domestic, 18 (S20c per liound. Egos Oregon, 30c per dozen; East ern, ;.'5 tt7,l4c PotLTKY Nominal; chickens, mixed, 2.i)0a3.50; ducks, (3.50(g4.50; geese, (li.OO per dozen; turkeys, live, 14c per pound ; dressed, 16 17c. vegetables and ranrrs. Veoetableh Cabbage, Its per pound; potatoes. Uretron, 76c per sack; onions. 41.50 per sack ; sweet potatoes, llio per pound ; Oregon celery, 3550c. Han its Mcily lemons, fo.ouiao.oo per box: California new crop, (4.00(g4.50 per box; bananas, (1.50(i3.00 per bunch; Florida oranges, (4.60 per box; Cali fornia, (6.0Oj.5 5O; grapes, 6090c per box ; New York Concords, 16c per basket; apples, ereen, 90c per box; red, (1.00(21.60; cranberries, (9.00 per bar rel; persimmons, (1.50 per box. STAPLE GBOCIBtES. CorrEB Costa Rica, 23c; Rio, 22c; Salvador, 23c; Mocha, 2628c; Ar- -buckle's. Columbia and Lion, 100-pound cases, 25.30c per pound. Honey Choice comb, loc per pound; new Oregon, 16(3 20c; extract, 910c. Dried Fboits 1893 pack, Petite prunes, 8(gl0c; silver, 1012c; Italian, 9(ul0c; German, 810c; plums, 6 10c: evaporated apples, 8(10c; evaporated apricots, 15(alc; peacues, tut-sizc; pears, 7llc per pound. . Salt Liverpool, 200s, $15.50; 100s, (16.00; 60s. $16.60; stock, (8.509.50. Beans Small whites, 33Jifc; pinks, 5J4c; bayos, 33c; butter, 4c; lima, S'jjC per pound. Bice Island,(5.756.00; Japan, none in market; New Orleans, (5.60g6.25 per cental. Syrup Eastern, in barrels, 4055c; in half-barrels, 42i57c; in cases, 35(9 80c per gallon ; (2.26 per keg; California, in barrels, 2040c per gallon; (1.75 per keg. Sugar D, 4c; Golden 0, 4c; extra C, 4&c ; confectioners' A, 6 c ; drv gran ulated, 6,c; cube, crushed and pow dered, 6c per pound; Vis per pound discount on all grades for prompt cosh; maple sugar, 15316c per pound. CANNED GOODS. Canned Good Table fruits, assorted, (1.75(32.00; peaches, (1.85(2.00; Bart iett pears, (1.762.00; plums, $1.37), (I 1.50; strawberries, (2.25(2.45; cherries, (2.252.40; blackberries, (1.852.00; raspberries, (2.40; pineapples, (2.253 2.80; apricots, (1.65. Pie fruits, assorted, (1.20; peaches, (1.25; plums, (1.00(31.20; blackberries, (1.251.40 per dozen. Pie fruits, gallons, assorted, (3.163.50; peaches, $3.604.00; apri cots, (3.60(4.00; plums, $2.753.00: blackberries, (4.25O4.50; tomatoee,(1.10. Meats Corned beef, Is, $1.40; 2s, (2.10; chipped, (2.35; lunch tongue, Is, (3.50; 2s, (6.75; deviled ham, (1.60 2.75 per dozen. Fish Sardines, Js, 75c(2.25; Xs. $2.154.50; lobsters, (2.303.60; sal mon, tin 1-lb talis, (1.25(31.50; flats, (1.75; 2-lbs, (2,252.50; -barrel, $6.60. provisions. Eastern Smoked Meats and Lard Hams, medium, 13414c per pound; hams, large, 1314c; hams, picnic, lt!fi12c; breakfast bacon, 15(dl6c; short clear sides, 1213c; dry salt sides, llll)c; lard, compound, in tins, 10(3 lie per pound; pure, in tins, 1214c; pigs' feet, 80s, (5.50 ; pigs' feet, 40s, (3.00. BAGS AND BAGGING. R.,-la,a H4.nnM JiV. I T,,'Vl lutt naah 6c; burlaps, 104-ounce, 40-inch, net caan, oc; onriaps, ns-ounce, wtnuii, 7hc; burlaps, 16-onnee, 60-inch, 11c; burlaps, 19-onnre. 76-inch, 14c; wheat l,a.m VI..,,Ha 59t3K anoL Ri" S-hnahel oat bass, 740; No. 1 selected second- nanu naixa, vc; Calcutta nop eioui, z ounce, 10c. MISCELLANEOUS. Tin I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual ity, (8.50ii9.00 per box ; for crosses, (2 extra per box; 1. C. coke plates, 14x20, prime quality, $7.50$8.00per box; terne plate, I. C, prime quality, (6.60(37.00. Nails Base quotations: Iron, $2.25; steel, (2.36; wire, (2.50 per keg. Stkbl Per pound, 10 Lead Per pound. 4'gc; bar, 6!c Naval Stores Oakum, (4.606.00 per bale; resin, (4.80(95.00 per 480 pounds; tar, Stockholm, (13; Carolina, (9 per bar rel ; pitch, (U per barrel ; turpentine, 65e per gallon in car lots. I bon Bar, 23o per pound; pig-iron, $23(325 per ton. Paclerewski, just before sitting down at the piano, holds his fingers for several minutes in warm water, presumably to r. nder them more flexible. It is announced that the president will not make any further important ap pointments until congress meets, J. Shotwell, a well-to-do farmer on the Wenntrhee. is Duttinff in a mill for grinding corn meal.