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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1893)
OREGON BHST. Hiillril Stiiln Mini Comity Ufldn hrr Ht. Unions, Ootolicr Ul, INIMI. PUULIBHCR'i NOTIOI. All rommimlcalliMwwrtil In Tim Mixt fur iiili lll'llllflll IBHW 'W iwwiiimiin-ii uy lljtt Mlllllor ...IU4 Atlfl tllll li IIOIU thl Itlllllill al.lllH. li' (lii mtt !! tmtim lor liiililii Hllnii, but u mi avlili.nt'i ( noiM ' l irriiiiiiiliiii(' wltli. out III" wrll.f'n imnm 'i'iii.itiiyliis will lie BRIEF MENTION. Neat job printing at very reasonable rates at thlii oiueo. It it mid Hint Hi ripen will soon bo coins fashionable for gmtllcinmi'it suit Editor DUcltford, of the Olntsknnin Chief, attended court hero Wednesday Wouldn't It roako you weep (or JoyT Four wurriiiKot reported tin week. Ju1f0 J. I). Dunn, of Rainier, was In HI. Helens Wednesday attending court. You will moo art advelisement of tlio livery slablo in another ooliiiim Jluud it. Judges, lawyers, witnesses, jurymen and clients have boon pluntiful on our street till week. Tony Noltner, editor of the Portland Dully Ihsimtoli, was an interesting cul ler at this oflloe Wednesday, N. A. Perry, the lloulton merchant, came a larjce stock of gojorul mer chandise. Call on him. The St- Helens Hotel people find plenty of employment of lute catering Co the wishes of their ninny guests. Mini Kittle Moore, of Ralem, wee in thii iihtce Hunday last visiting rcla tiros. 81ie returned home on Monday. Mi Pell Ilutlcr has rettirnod to fii lin where ehe will resume br duties as stenographer in the secretary's ol' fine. Excitement wan running high In iown thit week, owing to the fact that there were everul criminal cases up for trial The commimiionera met Monday to receive the report of Expert C. M. White, and to transact other business of less moment. Tim Mist force ate bride'a cake, groom's cake and ordinary c-akc-cake in profusion, thit week. It beats the drum, don't itf District Attorney Barrett ban, un fortunately, boon ronlini'd lo hi room for tw or three day with an attack of bitliout fever. Hon. Cioo. W. McBride has so far regained hi health a to resume hi duties at hi ollice, and ho returned to flultnii last Friday. License lo wu.l b been issued lo John Abbott end Mary Vitttijliuri, of HcapiKMne. Tlicy will bo murrifd nl the homo of the biido's mother next Sunday. John Ifanaen end Jhn Pmlre will iintiif l Atoria on lb tlritt tiny of 1 eemlwr. Hansen's attorney was al lowed forty day to tile an ujipeul to the (uprmue court. A hspy wedding took place at. Kai nier Haturdtiy evuiuuh', the contract nig pnrtie being Unistim T. Hnii'.h ttiid Ida J. Crostey, both well known ami general favorite with a largo t in lo o( jtcqitsintiiiicf who will join This Mit in winhini: them prosperity end happiness, j ). W. Freemnn, of lcer Creek, sus tained a serious bus by a brake in hi dam which will necessitate a delay iu business a well as a considerable out lay In repairing the ame, Mr. Free man having been on the jury at the preoenl term of court, and iu const quence of hia abience from home in the nick of timo ha sustained a cr iou lo. Milton Macon and Mis Modjeaka Tinkham, two well known young peo ple of (Jilton, surprised their friend by going to ee the pereon hint Thumday. Accompanied by the bride moiher, the young couple came to Ht. Helen and Judge Dlakenley, in hi mo.t in imitably pleating manner proceeded to make them happy. The yonns; couple will make their home here, and have ery prospect of a happy future. ) Somobody locked cow in tho school house Wednesday night, and Hi.) aeliolars srrived there next mornimt the place had the appearance nf a. ilurv coh stable. Similar act of deviltry were committed in other pari 1 of the town, and if the imp who did i the mischief could to arreneu a.m i heavily fined it would be doing them lull tardy juetice. They eem to be i losttoallconscloucnea and have no reeiiect for thamiselveH or other. Such conduct can only be stopped by mak- ing an example of somebody. Justice Hlakenley wa called Wc.lne. day, to olllciato at tho wedding of Mr. Henry 8cott and MIh Kva Ueegle, at tho reaidenco of the bride', parent near (l.lltoii. Mr. Scott 1 the eldest daughter of J. A. Bcegle, an old resi dent of tiillton. and Mr Hcott I a highly respected young gentleman lately from Kanna. A Tub MiaT fua.ts upon the delicious "'fhlingci ke with which the Mr. and Mr. Hco t thoughtfully snpi.licd him, end med itate upon the happine whicli is nto.e for them, he gladly join their ninny friend iu wihin their hoaltn, liappiness and proaperity. A. wedding which will iolerret many . 1 - ,.l Thii MluT tOitK IiIjK'I lllll rHUtirn in " ....... i- . , home of the bride in East Portland, t 10 iyt. Hmulav. the principeis in the happy event being Dennis rv, an old Uident of St. Helens, and Mi's. Jennie O. Kcmgall a w now" young society lady of JCaa.t P tl a The brideurooin is native of St. 1 ' I...... i.j !,,. ved uiilinlie pai t Iree vears nd where he I. .well known and universally rcHpected. C. .. :n .....k their home at ?-rLn " Portland. - .M - r-,l lo receive all ,i.,.i, friUml. The best best wichea of a host of friend Ko will, the young couple in which TUB MOT taae. lire Iu Joining. One of Hherlff Mamie's deputies was uuout tin place iat week looking for soma wituoiHec. We have hoard that there is to bo another general merchamline storo ut this lilneo but eannnt I,, it,. truthfulness of the statement. The chances are if the post office booksof lieubenwereexperted it would he found that Mr. Pliiuierdld not leave tho money drawer very Hindi with cash, hn well as his credit with Junuuli and Foster. Paul Riuipncli has secured a con tract for a thounund cord of wood which he will get out as fast as tiomi- ble. lie bus put on a lare force of men. Paul is a rustler and If there is a clisnco fur employment ho will be the one to lind it. Oobln i lo huve a butcher shop to no run iy ji. vv. roster, at least, such a rumor is afloat in the air. Mr. Pou ter would look well behind a butcher thop counter ami no doubt would do a good biiHiiiois beetles supplying a much needed convenience. It will bo remembered that raiting forcet lire destroyed a number of our county bridges during' the past sum mer, greatly, or almost entirely, re tarding travel thereon and which were badly needing attention, when II. M. Fowler, with a larue force of men, is repairing them. Wo have once more a few nice days which (ill our souls with hopo and prompts us to remark that we are glad that there are some unjust people among us, as it is cum that it rains only on the jutt. If sunshine is the pnuicliment for iniquity we say let there be more unrighteousness. J. M. Archibald is preparing his field for fall wheat. The prospects for get ting ground ready for sowing have not been very flattering of lute but tlioie is a little more hope entertained now by the farmer in consequence of tho pretty weather of the pt few days, which ha alio served as an invigorator to other branches of business. To keep pace with the times merch ants are renin red to reduce the price of such article as arc daily called for and which if not reduced they are lia ble to huve the strong market of Portlund lo compete with. At this place flour is celling' for ninety cents sack, winch niter an opportunity for the farmer to lay by hi yearly cup ply of the article at a pries tlmt uliould not bo lightly considered. Clreutt Court Note. Adams vs Alley, judgment and do oo. Vinina v Vining, plaintiff given a decree aud awarded the custody of tho lildren. W. K. Miller vs Quigloy, answer filed. Kinder vs Hunter, judgmeut and de cree, State vs Wm. Graham, indictment No. 1, pleads guilty to burglary and sentenced to livo yenre, and pay cods. Hiate vs (.iridium, indictment Ho, z, dismiitsed. Cunycru vs Maynard, confirmau n of ule. Moyor v Maynnrd, confirmation of sale. Stale Hoard Land comission vs May uaid, confirm lion of sale. Kielo vs J. W. Campbull, guilty as chnrgcil in ind clmciit and fined 50. Miller vs Q i gley.motiou for dismis sal taken. Niolioli Brim. vsSnodgrass&Connul, tiiken tinder iulviietueut. State vs John T. Schmidt, default nod bond perfected. Esiato ol Nora A llaiicy, maen un der advitmiciil. Hull vs Clillic, default and judgment. Schmidt v lticc, verdict for pluh; tifT in the sum of $250. State vs Wm. Wilson continued for term. Jury dimis d, until November 24. SIAVGIJH. Our school is in a very prospering condition under tho management of Miss Atchison. It is currently reported that there aro to be a couple of wedding uround this place in the near future. .In men Bneklev has built a new res idence on his claim and is now look ing for some oue to occupy it with him. Walter Severen lias his new resi rim, uhont com nloled. and Wagner, ii.a nil ii ler. will 800 u commence the v..w I " - . work of decorating it. Tim Mnveer Company has shut .ill iIih wood cuttinir for the win ter as they have more wood on hand than they can dispose 01 ai prenmt. Wm. Blackford baa his resilience painted and with other improvements which have been made on the prem ises of lale makes this one of the neatest appearing homes in the flour ishing little town ot niuyger. s ir Trvon has a Frenchman em ployed and when he wants lo put him to work he has to go on a hunt for a neighbor -Henry Johnson so he can intorprote for him. The laborer can not speak English and It keeps Mr. Tryou busy to keep Frenchy at work MuNoucratla Butt. of Portland, will be here Friday. October 27, with a large assortment of elegant masquerade suite which can be had for the evening at a 1....1 ...i,.o Mrs. Learuman will have room at the Oriental hotel where those wishing to hire stilts for the ball W.ll be uble to select what they want. All arrangnments are now complete for the masquerade ball to be given here on the 27th. Remember that you Hie invited and that every opportunity will be given you to enjoy the pleas anteat affair of the season. The grand jury adjourned yesterday to meet again Deo l'J. Judge McBrido will adjourn court for the term, next Tuesday. Fruit Trec for Sinle Apple trees, ono to throe years old, cheap, for chash! $0 to I0 per one undred. Frunes and other varieties. A. IIoladay, Scappoose, Or. I'JlIMAriY GKADI3. To tub Editors I wish to join Mr. Wood in congrat- umung mo teachers of tliia county on the opportunity they have to become better acquainted with each other and their work, through Tub Mist. Hav lug had some experience in the school room, I shall speak only from observa tion. I find that the teacher who finds pleasant employment for all of his or her pupils has little or no trouble governing. The illustrations given here are applisablo to the primary grade only. First, where the school house has an ante room, after a class has studied a reading, spelliiiK or ge ography lesson, have the class retire to the ante room and have a recitation by themselves. Appoint one of tlum teacher today and another tomorrow and co on. No ono knows who is to be teacher until lime to recite. This, in many instances, proves a great in centive to clutly, for no pupil cares Ho know less than the ono who recites to him. If any pupil should be unruly on these occasions he should be de tained the next day when the other recite. Most pupils enjoy this and the teacher will be surprised to see how much they know about the lesson when they are called for recital. Sec ond, another means we have of em ploying little hands is to got a case miide to order (any carpenter can make one cheaply) and about a half dor.en alphabets of cheap wooden letters The caso should be made lo contain the letters of one kind in a separate box, alo a plitco below where the let ters may be set on edge and formed into words and sentence. Wideawake teachers will find many ways to use theso advantageously in instructing pupils who scarcely know their letters, and thoso more advanced, always keep ing an object in view and never allow a pupil to work with the blocks until he becomes weary. In regard to my first proposition, if the school is small and the room is large with no ante room, tho primaries may use some part of the room with their recitations without interfering with the regular programme, after one or two recita tions, when the new order of things cease to be novel. Teacher, try these methods and let u know tho result through the kindness of The Mist. C. L. COI-HUKN. lKltI8. 0. Pmiervlne returned from Portland last Xliursduy, I. tHilmim wunt to Portlnnd Sunday where lie will remain a few weeks. ('. Mover is building a new resilience which will be quite an ornament to lib place. W'c are no JudR but wo think this mtmt be verv lom-Homo place for yoiinfc lolk on IheHulihath, we hear the schoul miss g- es home every week. Sowinit grain and diptlnif spuds is the priii'ipnl occupation of the hill farmers while l ho bottom (armors r. or will coon be under water, if the gentle down pour docs nut soon cense. R. Frve, who returned home lately, re ports pfc nly ot work but provisions scarce. Hcheol Is proercssiuu exceedingly well Uiidir the able siiperulsion of Mit Cuplc A. Hmltli had the misfortune tu lore a flneciiir by falling in the creek and drown inB. . . . MAI NKV I LiIiK. Mr. Peegle, of Pay View, was here Satur day. Prof. Young, of St. Helens, was here Saturday. K. O. Darlini?, of l'ittsburs. spoke to tho alliance Famru.iy. 8. (1. Schoonover wan hero Saturday and Sunday. Ituv. Faxon preached here Sunday mom in; and evening Krcd Neer, of Necr City, Is visiting friends In tluj vicinity. There wai a somr and social fathering Htl'bai. Tirlwll's Wednesday evening. Mrs. Klla Vinina came here Sunday. Phe is to cook for H . O. Howard s crew tins winter, II. A. Corliss went to Kehalem Moaday, reluming Wednesday. Q r Plnmnier. who has been snendiiiR the summer at Reuben, returned Saturday, llrown has lieen makins extensive improvements on his house una grounds. I,. I.. Pelrick pas: si thronjh here Friday on his way home in Pittsburg. Mrs. Walter Sweetland is spending the week with her mothe. In Muincville. GIIil.TON. jrr. and Mrs. E. H. Flagg, of Salem, attetided the Ueei;le ScoU wedding on Wednesday. Mrs. R. Searcy and dnoglitor, Mies Clo Kesrcy, spent several days with relatives in this neighborhood this week. Mrs. J. It. Boeele. of this place, and Mrs. Mary Dickey, of Cottage Grove, left Inst Monday for Jone kock, ure gon to visit Mrs. Lucy Miller. Notice ot t'iitut Settlement. In the County Court of tho State of Ore w... fnr filllllll.ifL conntv. In the matter of tho estate of Chnrlc Jaspers, deceased. . NOTinw herehv aiven that the admin istrator of said estate has filed his final ac ....initln the above-entitled court, and by virtue of an order of the Hon, Dean Ulanch ard, Indue thereof, a final hearina will be had thereon before said court at St. Helens, at the county court house, on Monday, No vember (Silt, 1.SD3, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., when ami where any person inter ested may appear and orttljeaiiio. Dated Sept, 23. 18i." Administrator, Etc. Notice (or rublicailon. tand Office at Oregon t'lty, Oregon. October 4, NOTICE Is hereby given that the tollowlng nanied sell ler lias Hied notice of Ms Inten tion to make final proof In support of his claim and that satil proof will be made before Hie County Clork of Columbia county, at St. Holeus, Oregon, on December 1st, 1tvliis Homestead entry No. tvws, for the southeast W of southwest i nd lot 7, section 6, and the northeast ' "I tliu norlliest and lot 1, of section 7, township 7 noith, raimo 3 west. Ho names the following wltucsk to prove lus continuous residence upon and cultivation ol " Martin White. R. A. Lllllcli, H. B. Glenn and A J. Qulaley, all of tjuincy, Colnmbiu county, Oroson. fU7 ItOHEKT A. MJI.LlJlt. Register. TREASUItEU'S NOTICK. County Trisasurhr's Office, ) ..-" Bv Helens, Or., Oct. 13, 1883.$ Notice is hereby given that all un paid county warrants of said county which have been presented and en dorsed "Not paid for want of funds," up to Nov. 5, 1801, and nlso warrants numbered 111!)!), 1733, 1731, 1735 and 1730, will be paid on presentation at this ollioe. Interest on said warrants will not be allowed after date of this notice. E. M. Whartov, Treasurer ol Columbia Couty, Oregon. A new awning now shelters the front of the meat market. ' W. it. Conyers is spending the week at St. Helens during the session of tho circuit court. Mrs. O, Lindgren, now of Mist, was in town Monday waiting for the Dixon to take her to Portland. The new organ for the school build ing, orderod from Chicago, has arrived and is stored in the postoUice room for a few days. T. J. Cleoton is at the county seat this week, having secured Miss Fannie Hryant as a substitute in charge of his school. Another musical and literary per formance is announced for next Fri day evening, partly to test the new school organ and to aid in paying a balance due on it. Tho Junior League, under cnarge oi Mrs. Moore, irave a very enjoyable lit erary and musical entertainment last Friday evening. Tne little loiks am their parts well and the entertainment as a whole, was appreciated and en joyed by those present. There ha been a series of anni versaries about town recently. On Wednesday evening of last week a number of Capt. Nichols' friends gath ered at his residence and surprised him with the announcement that they had come to celebrate his fifty-eighih birthday anniversary. Mrs, Nichols was not seriously surprised but to the Captain tho gathering was entirely unexpected. Messrs. Fabrique, Black ford and Shroud were it attendance witli violin, guitar and cornet and played several selections interspersed with some words of congratulation by a few of those present. Some refresh ments contributed to th enjoyment and cordiality of the occasion nntil about 11, when the party dispersed. Thursday of last week was cele brated at E, W. Conyers' residence by a rather more than elalxirate dinner than usual on account of it being the fortieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Conyers. Preparation had been made unknown to them, far a more general observance of the oc casion, and Mrs. W. H. Conyers, with the aid of one or two others, had tho hall secured and put in chape for an evening's gathersug, giving the owner the impression that there was to be a ndiersal that evening. Invitations had been quietly given and by 8 P. M. the ball seemed quite well filled with a good-natured-looking crowd ready for anything that might ofter. Mr and Mr. Conyers were sent for and found a crowd of people in the hall waiting for them. The orchestra was there with it musical instruments, aided by Mrs. Blackford at the organ, and a quartette of horn were ready to j do their part. After some excoltont j BVu'ontVA. Circuit he music haU been reiiilerisU, I rolessor , gjte of 0reRon for ,ne Courty of Colum C'leeton announced the object of the j to me directed, in favor of theCaliforn gatherinK, and expressed for those jia Powder Works.. a private corporation , .1 i . ,i, f.i, i and aca list P. I.ousinont and Mary Lous- preneut, the pleasure they fell in con-," . th ,umof 92ism dollars, with ''latulating a couple, Who, lor lorty , years, had traveled together on life's lonrucv, Mr.Cleeton then proceeded Willi a very neatly-arranged address to discourse on the pleasures and ro spotiBibililie of wedded life, paying a graceful tribute to Mr. Conyers a a citizen. After a musical (election Mr. Conyers was called on and in a very einceful way expressed thanks on be half of his wife and himself for this donionel ration, and assured those present that he wanted to make his life useful. Another orchestral selec tion was followed by Mr. Cleeton call ing out Dr. Hall, who, iu a brief man ner, paid a tribute to Mr. Conyers' usefulness in the community. Gen eral congratulations, followed by re freshments and more music, filled in the time until the crowd scattered for their various homes and the occasion was a thing of the past. Wm. Graham Convloted, Im media le'y after opening court Monday, Judge McBrida called Wm. Graham up to plead to two indict ments, the first being a charge burg lary and the second a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon. The first charge was read to hi in and he was re nuired to stand ud nnd answer lo it. Graham wa very nervous as ho faced Judge McBrida and was evidently ap prehensive of his fate, but ho pleaded guilty and indicated his readiness to receive the jugment of the court. In passing sentence upon Graham, Judge McBrida said: "I have never heard of any misconduct on your part be fore, and assume that this is your first ofl'ense. If you were an older man I might be persuaded to give you tho full benefit of the law and pass a much heavier sentence upon you than I am about lo do. I am disposed to deal leniently with you nud give you an opportunity to meditate upon what you have done and mend your ways and try to make a man of your self. The judgment of this court is .thutvoube confined in the peniten tiary of this state for the period of five years." Graham resumed his seat but immediately rose and asked the court to assist him in getting a pardon if be could make satisfactory proof of bis innosence. His honor promised to assist him, and turning to the spectators Graham started to make them a speech, but was promptly sup pressed by tho court. He undoubt edly expected to get a much heavier sentence and was agreeably eurprisea to get oiT so easily. Ou motion of the district attorney the second indict ment was dismissed. His commit ment papers were made out at once, and tho sheriff starud for Salom with him at noon. Joe Campbell Fined. Joseph Campbell wits arraigned in tho district court Monday on a charge of assault on G. 1). Gove, of Scap poose, on April 7. After due delibear ation the jury returned a verdict of guilty as charged. In accordance with the verdict, Judgo McBrida im posed a fine of $50. Grand Jurors. The following names were selected from the regular panel to serve on the grand jury: ! F. Bitker, Chas. L. Olson, W. J. Sanborn, B. S. Payne, John H. Swiigor, C. V. Mosher, Jas. Hudson. SHERIFF'S SALE. ' StATK OF OREGON?' I , ' Count v of Columbia.) ' ' . RY VIRTUE Of AN EXECUTION 18 M...I mil; of the Circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the ounty of ma. ro me oirecie.i, in iu ami agnliint City Livery and Carriage Co. t al, for tho sum of seven numireu ana eighty dollars, with interest thereon at the rale or eigne per eent, irmn u" .r Hentemlier. lfJ3. and th further sum of :m.Wi costs and accruing costs, i huye. this flth day ot uctoecr, imid, uuiy icvieu upon the following real property belonging to the said City Livery and Carriage Co., to-wlt- The northeast 'i f the northwest and the northwest of the northeast 'A, all In section number 23, township 3 north, of range 2 west of the WlllitmetUi meridian in Columbia county .state of Oregon, con taining SO acres, more or less. Now, there fore, In pursuance of said execution, I will on the 4th day of November, W at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day at the court house door in said county and state, sell at public auction all the right, title, claim and interest in and to the above-described real property of said City I.iverv and Carriage Co. e! at, to the highest bid der for cash in hand at time of sale, or so much thereof as will satisfy said execution, costs aod accruing co-"t. u. A. M Acinic., nov3 Sheriff of Columbia County, Or; Petition for Liquor License. To the Honorable County Court of Co lumbia County, btate of Oregon. We, the undersigned legal voters residing in Deer Island precinct, Columbia county, state of Oregon, woald respectfully petition your honorable body at its next regular term of court to be held In the court house in the city of Ht. Helens, Columbia county, Oregon, on Wednesday, November 8th. A. I). 1, that a license be granted to Will iam Miller and Louis Hradley, to sell spirit uous, vinous and malt liquors in quantities less than one gallon, in Deor Island pre cinct, Columbia county, state of Oregon, and that such license be issued for the per iod of one vcar. For all of which your pe titioners will ever pray: O 0 Januisli, Fred Monaghan, Walter K Harol, W J Kellie, M W Bradley, 11 Havard, (i H Foster. Chus Howe, Charles A Link. J W Ird, A F hat son, John Popejoy, H M Fowler, E W Fow ler, S ttowen, John Mnlliner, F Coalcy, Joe Stock. J O King, Y H J'iner. Joe Lawrence, Joe Nif-sbaumer. Jas YV Xaighton, John Wen, K K Ka-fter. V H Hwager, H C Brown. J Hcverson, O A Wood, Wm Miller, Edward Black. B Oildner, Fred Antes Tom 1 nomp son, Jhn W Burrs, L T Vanover. William Vanover, Jacob Longncher, fcjwen Eriks-on . J H Backeler, Oco fiigler. i C Fowler, J R Cronk. J Jones, 8ainuel Munn. C Roathke, J M Fowler. Ceo W JIaney, H lilnke, V Nussbauiner. II Ktehiuan, F W Jfakint.ter. Joseph Uotb, 8 C Hoadlev. Ch Morel, E Waswr, Jackm.n Seed, Thomas Sander, W 0 Belleny, LH Bevis.dwrge Pitsenberger, John La.nott William Dowd. J 0 Farr, G Cross. Thomas Kinney, O W Farr, J C Farr. C L Farr. M finger, C E Makinster. G Link, C C Makinster, B H Neer, I B Hhoe niiiLer. A Neer, Ceo Meaner. Victor Furrer. Jacob Furrer, Adolph Hansen, Bony Keed, Kiul Barnett, Jacoli t wingli. ranK t iara, Win E Clark. Kudolph Antliker. M J Canty, Charles Trim, George Trim, Charles Hpeu cer, J W Newels, H C Gore. J L Gray, Chas lhimgaidncr, E H Girtv, 0 Hondley. J Wasser. H Morel. John Bieri, Christian Felber, F Jtauimch. E M Collins, Gabriel Jenny. Fred KoCel, Fred Wood ham, A 1 Usher. I ISunignrdner, J B Ssplawn, C H English. E J Barnes, S B Kplawn, C II Smith, Daniel Dillinger, Albert Michel, C L Wihox, H E Butts, Jay Archibald, 8 A Fowler. novS SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF OREGON, I fVtnntv of nnlnmbi jrest tliereon at the rate of 8 per cent from the 21st day cf September, inm, ana j e farmer 18.B. uulv leviett upon inn following rem property belonging to the said P. Lousig nont and Jlarv Iknuiftnont. to-wit: The northeast 'i of the northwest XA and the norihwcst V. of the nortliea-st i. all in sec tion No. i, township 3 north of range 2 west of the Willamette meridian, in Co lumbia county, slate of Oregon, contrining 80 acres, more or less, isow, inereiure. iu pursuance of said execution, I will, on the 11th day of November, 1SM3. at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day at tho court noose door, in said county and slate, sell at public auction all the right, title, claim ,.n,l I,, tares t in and to the above-described real property of said P. Lousignont and Mary Lousignont to the highest bidder for cali in hand at time of sale or so much thereof as will satisfy said execution, costs and accruing costs. G. A. MASailE, noy 10 Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon. si'M.noss. I TI1K CfSCCfT Cot'BT OP THK STAT OrOWt- gox, roa Columbia County. Mklvix C. Case, riff., ) vs. SUMMONS. Mary E. Cask, Peft. I To Mabv E. Cask. Ik Ttf kamb or thk stats or Okegok Voo are hereby required to appear in mil 1.1 court, at the court house iu tit. Hel ens, in said county and state, on or before the first duv of the next regular term of said court, "which convenes on Tuesday, the loth day of Mav, 1SU, and answer the com plaint of the plaintitt in the above entitled and if vou fail to so answer the. plaintiff iiip.i Mi'Hiii?ii. ill sniu ...... oui n.nkt in the court, lor t le reuet oe- manded in the complaint, via: That the trlnif.iiv heretofore nnd now existing between vou una nim e ui and he Ue resioreu 10 an me n-uvs, j,m llewes and Immunities of an unmarried man. -i-i.ij unmninnq is mihlished mtrsuant to an order of the Hon. T. A. McBride, in.lge of said court, made in open court t ctoher i, deel Attorney for l'laintin. Notice of Administrator' Sale or Jteat i-roperty. Kniii-n la berebv iriven that in pursuance of an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Multnomah county, made on tne -Jin uay oi uciuoei . ira-,, ... the matter of the estate ot w. g. uowney the ntiHorsiuned. the administra tor. with the will annexed, of the estate of said deceased, win sen av puwiu mo . tn !, liin.lie'it. bidder, for cash, gold coin of the United Stales of America, and subject to confirmation by sold l ounty conn, on Saturday, the Pit 11 day ot woven. ucr, icira, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the front door of the County court house nt c.iii.o.l.iu ponntv. Orecon. in the citv ol St. Helens, in said county and state, all the rb'ht. title interest, and estate of the said v T Tlnirnev. at the time of his death and all tho rfirht, title and interest that the said estate has bv operation of law or oth nrwisp.acnuired other than or in addition to, that of the said VV. J. Downey at tho time of his death, in and to nil mat ceriiiin lot, i,iion or nnref'l of land, situated, lyincand hmiio- in the countv of Columbia, state of Oreaton, and particularly described as fot lnn S to-wit- The southeast of the north east yt of section seven (7), and the south U of the northwest yk nna mo norni ,h of tho southwest M of section eight (8), in township six ((! north, range tour (,41 west of the Willamette meridian, situated in the county of Columbia and state of Oregon. Terms and condition of. sale: Cash, gold coin of the United States, ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid to the said af'tninistrator on the day of sale, balance on conlirmation of said sale hy the County r.mrt W. A. CUKHIE. Administrator with the will annexed, of the estate of W. J. Downey, deceased. nov3 Aitiulnlstratrttx's Notice. Tf(lTIf!K is hnrebv irtvcn bv tho tinder- siinel adiiiimtrntnx of the estate of Emil Sicdi'lmami. deceased, to the creditors ot, and nil persons having claims against tlie said deceeased, to exlnliit them with tho proper vouchors within six months after IhellrMt publication of this notice to the administratrix at her homo at Pebble post oUice, Columbia county, Orecon. OTTIUU 8IEDELMANN. Aitmiulstratrix of the estate ot Emil 8idelmann, dt'coaacd,' Dated Sept. 2nd, ISU3. Peoples' Outfltting Com'y., 244, 246, First Street, Portland, Oregon. Still in -OF- Furniture HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS rja ..... r Peoples' OutStti&g Company, 244 First Street, : : : : Portland, Oregon. ST. HELENS DRUG STORE, EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. Drugs and Palent Medicines, SCHOOL BOOKS AND Perfumery and Met Articles. EVERYTHING CARRIED IN A FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE CONSTANTLY ON HAND, v ST. HELENS BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER." TMs is the reason why The St. Charles Hotel, O. W. KNOWLES, Proprietor, Has such a large patronage by the business men of the Stat. If you want to meet a friend you will PORTLAND - CLATSKANIE ROUTE ! SARAH DIXON, Portland, at Alder Street o'clock, forr Clatekanie, touching at Kalama.Neer City, Rainier, Cedar and all intermediate points, returning StiOjp For your Glatskanie Drug Store, Where you will find the largest stock of PATENT MEDICINES, PRESCRIPTION DRUGS, TOILET. ARTICLES, ETC., In Columbia County DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. FARMERS AND MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO.. Albany, Or. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL SECURED CAPITAL. - PAID CAPITAL.... FARM PROPERTY A SPECIALTY. For particulars apply at the office sf Dillard & Cole, or Tim Mist office. Joseph Kellogg & Joseph NORTHWEST Leaves KELSO Monday, Wedneedaj, and Friday at 5 am. Leaves PORTLAND Tuesday, Thuw day, and Saturday at 6 a. m. t r rt T-i - t t t r n r t r r r . . JUbhrn JiilLLUbLr Leaves KAIiNl liili at O a. daily, Sunday excepted, arriving at Portland at 10:30 a. Returning leaves Portland at 1 p. m., arriving at 6 p. m Progress. , Carpets, Stoves SCHOOL SUPPLIES. DRUG STORE. always find him at Tbe St. Charles. Or. M. Shaver. Master. Dock, every dav (except Sunday) a S Sarnie's island, St. Helens, Columbia City, landing, flit. .omn, craonury, oiwua every morning (except Monday.) Medicines at tho $500,000 247.500 74,250 Cos River Steamers 7 r S9m Kellogg and Northwest. - FOR COWLITZ BIVER m. m.