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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1893)
' . OREGON 'MIST. UniteiStatcs and Comity Official Paper. SUBSCRIPTION PKR YKAK 81.60. Advertising rule mmle known upon npiiUcR tlmi. Aililiv-i nil tim)imii"tlns to Killior DAVIS BltO'8., t t I I t Keillor St. Helen, October 2, 18la It, teems tr be settled that Van Al len' nomination to be embassador to Italy '.t' to ba confirmed by a party TOto, b, for some reason it was not done tli is week. j-. ;-- Tub of the ulieed investigation , pt New York custom Iiohm nwy turn out to bo a very bud itivustrnwHt-for secw tary Carlisle and tho '"ftiW-Df 'tV'J;?4 luiuistration. The so-called coniiia aienera, ex-Socrctary Faircliild.ex Con gressman Dunn, of Arkansas, and a Niv York politician ar each drawing salary of twenty-five dollars a day in addition to a, liberal allowance for expense, and the whole business is eating "P the "fraud fund" of the treasury at the rate of $ 150 a day, and absolutely nothing that will ever ben efit iho country is being accomplished. There Is now u very strong proba bility that the silver problem will be settled in the senate by adopting one of the compromise ammendmcnta which will result in coining all the seigniorage and about $2,000 000 of sil ver a month besides. The thirty-uine-hour session has thoroughly demon strated the fact that the silver people are determined that they do not intend to be forced into yielding either by vir tue of superior statesmanship or by presure of brute force. This country miiBt have more silver and can easily use 1100,000,000 more of the white metal than we now have. parts of the old bill, and extends the witnessing of certificates so to re move tho objectionable discrimination made against colored people by declar ing that any creditable person other than Chinese, can bo a witness. This section has an additional paragraph ileliuiinr a merchant as a penum buy ing or wiling in his own turnout, a fixed place of limbless, and perform ing no other manual l.ibir than it incidental to his buisius. Return ing Chinese merchant are compelled to prove by two competent witnosscf that they conducted business for at least a year without other manual la bor before leaving tho United States. Chiiiese under order of deportatioti arul,toibo kept m tho custody of a United --State marshal, and not sub ject lo luil. Certificates must contain photograph of their owners. Chinese convicted of felony nitty not registor. and such Chinese now subject to de portation shall ne deported. A second seclioa has been added which defines laborers to bo persona engaged in both shilled and unskilled mituiil labor, such as farming, fishing, huckstering, lumbering and curing Iteli. It is estimated that the cost of deporting "",;' -l i . ' V i i . . 1 county, which mid balances show as failed to account for 232 pills which he had collected, and ho was required to reimburse the county in that sum . " Ex-Sheriff Meeker had previoutdy hired his accounts exported three dif ferent times, each one of which found them in good shape. For this reason he is inclined to dieputo the report and will not pay the shortage with which ho is charged until after futhei investigation of his accounts. ' Tho second report of tho expert re duces Sheriff Mastio's shorUtte to $3,-, anil liKo Mirntt Meeker ho i inclined to bo rebellions. He will cm ploy an expert, to go through the ac counts for him and feels confident of greatly reducing his reported shortage. COUNTY CO I I IT. Proceeding of the Mnoilal Octo ber Term. Court called as per adjournment. Present, ti. V, Ibuncs and iS, O. Schoonover, couimiioners ; W. A. Maris, deputy clerk, and IS. A. Emer son, bailitl'. Now, on this day this matter com ing on for consideration, there come C. M. White into open court and presented to tho court his report and statement of the condition uud bal ances ol (lie oflleer of Columbia a Chinaman is ana as there are about 110,000 Chinese in this country it is estimated that the cost of depor iug them will aggregate $2,000,000. DELINQUENT MUX T Y0FFICIA LS. It costs a lot of money to Veep de tectives hanging around the homes of pensioned veterans, in search of some excuse to deprive the pensioner of all or a portion of his allowance. In the regular pension appropriation bill for the current fiscal year there was an item of $200,000 for the investigation of pension cases, that is, to pay ex penses incurred outside of the regular machinery of the pension bureau Although only a little more than one fonrth of the fiscal year has gone all of that $200,000 appropriation has been expended and Secretary Hoke Smith has asked Congress for an additional appropriation of $300,000 to be used for the same purpose. This Pacific Banker speaking cf American business says ; "The repre sentative powers of the American business world challenge the admira tion of mankind. Financial storms that would have wrecked half the na tions or tue earth have swept over this country and left no other evidence of their visitation than an increased supply of business enterprise and the desire to renew the fierce battle for individual prosperity. Recent JTew York bank statements furnish ample evidence of continued tendency to ward an improvement, and it must now be plain to every one that the money panio is practically ended, pro vided the action of congress is not such as to renew the distrust of capi talists and manufacturers and bring back with even greater force the on settled feeling in both commercial and financial marts. The overwhelming majority given in the bouse of repre sentatives in favor of the repeal of the Sherman law reassured the whole country and even tho old granny dila toriness of the senate has not yet suf ficed to overthrow the feeling of con fidence thus engendered. The stock of specie and of legal lenders in the New York banks have been increas ing, and while this strengthening in actual cash has gone on, another process to the same effect has taken place by a reduction of several mill ion in loans. It now seems to be the generally accepted belief all over the country that once the silver question is disposed of, in accordance with the advice of the president and the comp troller of the currency, money which has been withdrawn from circulation and hoarded in the hope that gold will be forced to a premium, will at once be restored to the ordinary channels of trade, and renewed prosperity from one end of the United States to the other will result. After almost endless talk, amend ments and opposition, an exclusion bill juaa been passed through congress which, when the limitation clause ex pires, will very likely not only exclude such Chinese as will not comply with it, but which will also prevent the re turn of all Chinese residents who may hereafter pass the shores nf this coun try. The bill as it passed and became a law, is simply the Geary law in an mended or perfected form. The amendments made were offered by NcCieary and are substantially as fol lows: The time allowed in which to register and comply with every re quirement of the law, is extended cix months, at the end of which time the most rigid measures will be adopted lor carrying into effect all its provis ions, It makes clear all indislinc. As had been surmised, the report of Expert White has brought several of the present and former county of ficials out short in their accounts, and some of them have accepted the result without question and promptly made their discrepancies good, together with interest and all other claims of the county. Their action in so doing, however, cannot be accepted as an admission of a crime, and this the eas iest course to pnrsnc in order to avoid prosecution and further complications. Ssme of the more heavily implicated officials dispute the correctness of the report and declare their ability to show that there is something radically wrong. As to whethur a crime has been committed remains to be deter mined by those whose busiuess it is to protect public interests. No man is perfect all the time, and as the work of all those officials is more or less complicated, it is only fair to assume that much of the shortage is the re sult of clerical errors rather than crim inal carelessness or criminal intent. Mr. Cole accepted the report of the expert and paid his shortage together with interest, amounting in ali to $1,030. Mr. Dale promptly made his i discrepancy good under protest. The report shows Treasurer Wharton two dollars and seventy-five cents short, on the 5th of July, but when his ac count was brought dowu to date it was found that the county owes him one dollar and fifteen cents. Sheriff Mas- sie disputes the report and will im mediately employ an expert account ant to go over the books and discover the mistake. Assessor Kyser was found to be short ?2S8 poll tax which he had collected and failed to turn into the treasury. He acknowledged the shortage and paid the amount over to Treasurer Wharton. The shortage reported against County Clerk Quick is simply unpaid cost bills and reporter's fees which Mr. Quick has been unable to collect, and the amount charged agaiDst him rep resents no cash transaction, but the ex pert, in the course of his work fonnd these bills unpaid and charged them to Mr. Quick. It must not be forgot ten that the disciepancies shown in the county court proceedings is the re sult of investigation up to July 5th. Since that time the county clerk has collected costs to the amount of $260, and much of the shortage shown at that time has since been greatly re duced. When the grand' jury look hold of the oases it was unable to pro ceed intelligently without more recent data, so Mr. White was employed for the sum of $125 to proceed with the work and bring the balances on down to date. This farther investigation re duced Mr. Quick's shortage to $859. Mr. Quick then filed a supplemental statement with the grand jury show ing that he had been charged with cases which there was no possible meaDS of collecting and for which he should not be held responsible. The grand jury then decided to credit him with a sufficient amount of these charge to reduce his aocount to $182. 50 which he promptly paid, - Mr. iuick win lunner investigate the re port and is confident that he can re duce his account to a few dollars. Action was then taken on T. C. Watt's account, which was reduced to 133 34, and paid. Assessor Kyser's account was also taken up and it was found that he had follows vis: From July 5, to July 5, 1S93 inclusive: T. C. Walts, ex -sheriff, Br.,$ ISO 83 W. A. .Meeker, ex-sheriff, " 1;)."0 53 O. W. Cole, ex-treasurer " 933 53 N. C. Dale ex-clerk " 81 00 G. A, Massie, sheriff, " 5539 U E. E. Quick, clerk, " lOliV 50 E. M. Wharton, treasurer " 2 75 which said report was examined and accepted by the court and the clerk ordered to draw a warrant in favor of C. M. White iu the sum of $18.0 on the treasurer of Columbia county, being the contract price for doing said work. Now on this day the following bills were presented to the court aiid upon examination were approved: S. Lindgren, labor on bridge, road district number 10...$ 21 87 W. W. Double, same 24 75 Olo Paulson same 25 50 S. P. Doukle same 4S 00 T. J. CltM'ton stationery . 10 00 F. A. Zillgitt, supplies furn- ihhed li. McCullough 24 211 Clarence Adams, supplies fur nished road district 19.... McNutt Bros., supplies fur nished M. C. Humphrey... J. L. Adams, labor on roud district number 16 Albert Wood, supplies fur nished road district 18 E. E. Quick, clerk m. v anover, bounty on scalp Geo. D. Barnard 4 Co., sta tionery Glass & Prudhomiiio station ery V-rnonu Mill Co., lumber furnished road district 19.. S. G. Schoonover, county commissioner IS GO Oregon Mil printing 29 00 C. M. White, exp-riingbooka I'M 03 C. M. White, exporting books for grand jurv 125 00 BILLS LAID OVER. Cost bill of State vs. Win. Graham, State vs. B. F. Galoway, appraiser' report on damages on road survey number 91, known as the Win. Wolf road. Report of T. J. Cleeton, referred back for explanation. Bill of A. B. Little, rejected. 29 00 9 25 8 00 34 50 338 25 2 00 13 G5 1 00 24 50 sinner to the midwinter fair, siivs helms received applications for snave, troin some. 01 in most important ol his country ex hlWlom at the world's fnir. Tln t'arlin Al Co. and Hi ram Walker .li Hons re auionii tliv forty biisliius houses from the Dominion which will be represented at San Francisco, The revolution in Ilriull happens at nn unfortunate time fur ilia fulr. Admiral Joctiuin t'ordmll M aunty say, however, that It It slmulil he impossible lor the uov eminent to lie oiliriallv reprcsetifil. Hie ex- .., .1... 1.1V. .il - I. ..I. I.. IIUMMNi, fll uw WIIIIW 71 inn will ji irnudj take Hie matter into their own Inuuls anil tmiM a ImitdiiiK l tin ir own to hold thuii exhibits Ht San Kiaiicboo. Manuel M.iio 1'eralto, envov extroard!ii- n-iry and mlnl-ter i leiiii ntcmiarv from t.osta Un a, i -r, mi i, to endeavor t Sictirc olltciul representation by III" i.'"vern- ini iii at me expo-ill on. Nmnlil lie tali In this tho Costa ltiea exhiliitor lure will inki) their exhibits to CnlilMrma uu tluer own account. Cnniuiissionei' V. T Thaefcery suld ves tmday that Honduras, would liiivti u build ii ft of its own t ihe midwinter fair Indeed plans Ii ive alitady In en inudo ot it .nut ihsomis will sunn he lit work upon It. I'lio huiidiiiK will be fipxi'rt feet mid sur nio'lnted hv a rmf i;tiien. The Tyrolean Art Class Co, of InuslirueU snd Vienna flu apple d fur space fur an exhibit at I he fair. Tim l.lbliv tihiss Co. will als ) reni ve lis plant to San t raneuscu alter the close cf the world's fair. V. K. Juliiin-oii, cuininis-ltmcr for Hon mania, iSiuvia and .Mouteiicsro. writes Assistant I'irtctnr !eue:al Comely that the entire Si -renin and Moiiteneirrian col ony of Sun Kruuei-co is entliusi .'.Mlo over the fair. The Servian new-miner, the rilubeda, of San Pram iseo, is publi-liinK u stHoia! edition for trnmniission fo S,nvia and Montenegro One of the. features of their partieii-ation at. the mlihviiui r fail will he parades i'i the ideturesuiie et-tunies of Servia aarl Montenegro, tlx- participants giving exhibitions o( national games, lances, etc. Mess. Honnianniv. Kinniiel. of Antnern.i tleleium, havth, en anunintcd ofllciul traf fic ait. nts by the foreign department of the midwinter exposition. Kupu ean exhibit ors have beet: requested to send their goods lathis tirm who will send the in in bond to San Francisco. The i.ick observatory exhibit will be transfenred to the midwinter fair at the cloieof the world fair. Itht-sbeen that no applica tions for space will be received from exhib it -rs af'er the tMh of October. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Hot and Cold Water.- BARBER SHOP In 'Connection. CLEAN TOWELS A SPECIALTY. ST. HELENS Livery and Feed Stable THUS. COOPKII, Prop. HORSES BOARDED. Stylish Turnouts. The best bav and feed usd. When emu lu ft. itolcns Inini! your bam mid have it eared for hi our LIVERY STABLE. MILLINERY THE WELL KNOWN FIRM OF . . .a m a J. I, DYER U 'J ,40 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, 'OREGON. Atlvortisi' to Close Out llicir Entire Stock rn COST ! -ON' ACCOfNT 0IP- Jr'etitioa lor .Liquor License. To the Honorable County Court of Co lumbia County, State of Oienon. We, the undersigned legal voters residing in Deer Isund predict, Columbia county, State of Oregon, would rcpe tfully peti tion your honorable bodv at its next reg ular term of court to be held in the court house in tha city of St. Helens, Columbia county, Oregon, on Wednesday, Novemher 8th, A. 1) istit, that a license be (trained to Fred Nussbaumer to sell spiriluou wines and limit liipior in qilanti.lcs lesi that) one K"lln, in Peer Islaud precinct, Co luoibia ennnty. State of Oregon, and that such license be issued for the period uf one year, lor ell of your petitioner wlU ever pray: Frank Benror, Jacob Kurrer, WiUttim V'uiovcr, Toma Toiason, K. Farrwr, David llvl.nir. C. krauke, Frnt Mouachiui, l. Mill:, (i. S. Foster W. K. liellcnlr, . A. Wood. F. Xend. K.i. II. Blnrk. Sam Howe, Henry Hlnck. Jacob I.eimHi-her; 1- T Vnnovor, Jolin I-ftniott, Samuel Miain, John licinciue, Fred Abies. L Bntaley. J H. Binlieler. K. "ellert, Walter H. iJovered.'Jao Nu.-,Uiuiaer, Thomas Kinnev, John W Palrr, M A Kiwier, Wia Poml, E W Fiiwler. J M Puttier. 0 I Karr, J W I'arr, Joseph llolh. B Havard. O O'Hrien. J tfeverson, A F liaison, J M iSpeneer. H (' Browa, Jag Ken nedy, -Mm Mdler, Jwlin lderen. Joe l-onMit.-u. Charles A. Link, R. W. Nerr. John I'arr, J. P. Cross, 11. 11. Neer, A. Neer. Hom y Kel, B. titbiner, Fonter Crowley, Swiii Kib'kou, C. An ron, J. A King, .toe ftark. K. II. sw-sfiT, J. B Killer, Jacob .wlimli, St. W. Bradley K. K. Fo-'ter, F. p. Kuiijiuuch, Yr. Bueht-r, Joe Lawrence, K. Anilikcr. Fred Kols-l, Clit.stinn Fetl-cr, John Bierl, Ktlward Black, (iahriid Jenny, Win. Clark, t'has. Ciaik, F. L. CUrls, Ji.'liu K.' Zflk-r, liv. .Voier. liot lUji AlllhLfr. W. V. (,le, Ii. C. Jaquish, A. A. H.,rn, Jolia Carlson, K. Vlcker. Robert Harrison. J mm Moltiie. W. V. Sk'Pon.M, W Fuiley, W, lH-f, i;co. M. Itaticy, YlUl-r Farrer. PAR LOR ACTUAL COST MRS. C. I. COI.1U KN, lr.-p'rs. Fall MILLINERY Now In, TRIMMED TO ORDER. St. Helens Hotel J. George, Proprietor. Tables always aupplied Willi the bestedibles and delicacies tho market ailord. TKRMS KKASOS AIU.K FOR REGULAR BOARDERS. Having been newly refurnished, we arc prepared to pive nulisfiiellon to nil our patrons, and rulicit a shore of your patronage, ST. HELENS OIUWON. The MUIuimer Exposition. The fondest hopes of the projector of the California Midwinter International b.vpMtioii are more than realized. The piospcets of its slice-ens have increased daily until now the greatest topics of the I nited states are willing to admit its suc cess, its scupe has been broadening daily. At first there were those who. unmindful that the word fail was nnknonm to the Californiais, doubted that exhibit and concessions enough could be secured to uliiize the one hundred acres of the Golden Gate park set aside for the expo-irion. But since that time the executive committee has been forced to secure additional space until now the grounds cover PjO acres Th!!-e are those who sa d enough exhibitors could not be persuaded to biing their goods Reruns mc eouuueui oui me wort, ot secur ing exhibits lias bsen progressing .rapidly though quietly, and although it is by no means finished, the administration knows that at least twenty-rive nations will be represented at the fair when it opens in ban Francisco on New year's day. Applicatins for space have been literally pouring in Un the commissioners here who represent the various nations which will take part. So far from there not being exhibits enonghtu fill the buildings, u is leareu mat many ot loose who make applications tor space must be refused. Tlii is so well understood that even after the commissioners have rejected a number of applications as below the high standard that has been made for the midwinter fair, it has even now been found necessary to build annexes to two of the buildings. Those which have been arranged for the annexes to the tine arts building and the palace of mechanical arts. The fine arts annex is to be 4xl) feet. Many of the foreign countries will have buildings of their own for housing their exhibits Among those are Honduras, Brazil, China, Japan and Costa Hica. Htill other nations are considering the feasibility of erecting their own buildings but as they have not taken anv definite steps iu the matter, their names are not given. j-,nougl support is certain from foreign countries to assure the interna tional character or the exposition. Besides the exhibit showing the products of mines, soil and manufacture of the various countries ofthe world, there will be ottier leatnres showing the life, manners and customs of difl'erent nations together with the inhabitants themselves. Visitors win be enabled to see the home life of Jap anese, Tunisians, Egyptians, Persian Turks, Chinese. Hawaiians. ItnhmuvMtw fsamoans, Vienese, Indians and other peo- wn n iiuse customs are more less Itnowu to ine citizen ol ttie t inted States. The cuiuruisnioners from Canada. Brazil, Costa Kica and Hondurus have made par tial reports to Assistant Director General i-orneiy curing ttie past fewdav. A. C. Oldenberg, the Canadian Commis- OME DAy'CURE PHP?' cr ssZ7n ;yra t$ "-tk HA i i e,f.r.1 ST. HELENS iJIeat Mar'kot j -ALT, KISDS 01- ! sciatic OWR. MrU C9P0RTLAND. 0 For eialt by Kdwin iloss,, ol., Or. Fresh and Sailed Meat ) ssoiution o The goods cn-rlcd bv thin II rm arc well-known, am linyn given sati-iuclioii toeverv puicliii-.-r. Their si k iscom.h te In every re-pect and Ihcv oiler their line lines ol imported K1'"' And their sleriliig lines of Ore iou.niado floods at SAC :a.-k am FiKjr. Msats by Wh:!3S2i8 at Special R: itO?, Express wagnr mn to all parts of town, a, id c barges reasimabie. Hart Sl Sweetlaad, I'P.OH'IETOI!., St. Helens, GRAND M j ' Of nminifactorp. Thev oTer .'l "1 lines of men stills In crepe, clavs, diagonals, cheviois, nieltoin, kerseys and tvy-ids; 1 lilies of overcoats in kersey, tncltous. Inavirs pilot eioiba, cheviots, chilli hilhis, aerges. inohi.lrs ai d twei-ils; T.l Inn s ot IroilM rs ill every conccivaolc inHcrn: M lines of loy ulw cheviots serges, ca-slmeies, worsteds and lw,ed; do Hues of kuecpantssultsof nil gia.les! large lines of furnishing goods, hats, niiibre'las uud niackinli.hes. In nil. ilm slock csii sists of over i,t)0M worth of Orsl ciass, eiionulde g-n d-, sold at ACTUAL COST! This is an opportunity thai should not ! tieccled. Tha entire stock of ilotlilngTS place-l In sueks with piles in ilerntailt In plain figures, cacti stack containing itoods of one price. MERCHANTS In the Interior will find this a splendid chance to imrehnso AT NEW YORK COST And Save Freight. Goods Sold for Cash Only. o Ion Drink? CF C0HRSEJ00 DO. Cecil itnsu rn r vaht.. it thnv O Li I nd H e in ;, d-.iri,i. place la MHt liu-i-Uinr ' iuviit.-iator." "THS BANQUET." Ktcps c..olict!y on hand III" famoiu Cuban Blossom Cigars. and COLUMBIA BANKING CO. (Incorporated) AT. HELENS, OREGON. I a. Mm President. If. KKWKI.I,. I a h er. Capital 320,000. Trii!acs a irencral biirdhig luislnc" KM'liangn Iwnight and sobl. Inte.C'.l i.l lovvtd uu tinit dvfosits. The t'ni'St t'i);.irs t laud YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Wines ll'iuors l r-iuii-l ihislile of rort- And If ion ul-d) to i gic in a i'siue of BALL Oetober27;9 -AT THE- Tlie only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used ia Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard OPERA HOUSE ST. HELENS. The Grand March will talte place at 8 o clock sharp. TICKETS, WITH SUITER, 11.50, Prize are to be given tor the beat and poojest dancers ; moat comic char acter, both lady and gent. SPECTATORS TICCETS 25 CEXTS. Brice'c orchestra has been engaged to furniHii the music. EVERYBODY IS INVITED. J. H.iDECKER. Tonsofial Artist. The old and reliable barber has hia razor just a sharp a can be found, and will shave you comfortably and quickly foi only fifteen cents. Give Him a Call at the Old Stand. ST. IIELEX8, OKEGOX t Creat9, tnd Trade-Marks obtafne-d, nd ail J 4 cnt business conducted lot Moo t ft at t fre. tOiffi Office m Opfowitc U. 8, fAJtrr omnz J nnd wo ran ruf jmteni iu IckS uioc lUa:t tltuite J t remote from U'a-iUincrion. 0 t tieod model, dtwiii(t or photo,, with devrip- Jtlort. We acivifte, it patentable or not, freo alt titarfte. Our fee not due till mteit i necured. S i A PAMFHLtrr, "How to Obtain Patent,' wilh Jcottt of tame in the U. S. td ioreigu countries J rC' UCQt AUUl ODJ1 iC.A.SOV&COi OPPr PATCHT OrnCC, WAOHINOTON. O. C. THE IOWA JEWELEB, A.N. WHIG l IT. Souvenir Spoons a Specialty Social Attention ta Watcb Bcpalriaz MORRISON ST., Op. P. 0., PORTLAND. POOL OR BILLIARDS, 'll.i'vrii'i a-s'- you t!,at tlicy liav Ilia Iwt labia In t.'n. ISprytidng nrw and n-iii, uud yutir t'iar.Miiiiio in rsuMutfuily ll.l'd "TEE BANQUET- HI Ib ltns, Ori'Kuu, . O. C. McNutt Some Good Buys" FOB SALE BY- D. J". S witzer, ST. HKLKTN'S, - OUE00N. Tlie southwest !4 of section 32. nd thp soatlipiist H of 'li southeast yt of section SI, and west ot the southwest 14 of sta tion lowniii) 7 north, rango 'I wmt, 20 acres, i".U) :Tat;re. The southeast i of the southeast Vt of section :t, townsliii) 7 north, rainrc 2 west. 40 acres at $" per acre. The northwest M of section fl.townsldn 0 north, rnnue 2 went. couLulniiur Inn i-r, JlU ner acre. W acres in section 3, township 7 A one and onc-hidf storv north. ruiiKB i wi-si. a one ami onc iniif sf House, l(lxl; bnrn, ihx.'KI, with shedi; J ft acres cleared, 1UO in posture, 1 iters of prunes, hi-arintr. oth'r fruits, cuts an tnn of hay. Price 'WS K. Terms easy. VII) ncres of land, house ami !,nm ir, acres cleared nnd fenced, some fruit trees hearing. Price $10 per acre. Terms easy. TermsOne-f!ifrd cash. ImlnncA by mortgage At 8 per cent. UxiemnU s. TfiG Leading Merchants Vernonia and Cornelius Write to Cornel ins for Stnsre Dates. Supplies for Campers and Fish crraca. Vernonia and Cornelias, Or. Oriental Hotel. A. II. BLAKE8LEY, Prop. The Tables will bo Supplied with tlie Boat tlie Market Affords, RATES ARE REASONABLE, Board by tha Day, Week or Month A Share of Your i'ntronnge is Solicited. LEARN TELEGRAPHY! Sure. TltAliK IT l'AVB success Address 1. ('.. HKVMOHItKK, iVcf-nnlnn lllilif I'dKTI.AMi, (iKIiuo.V. ' ST. HELEN'S, IUCKLEBRI MANUFACTtTRERH OF Rongji and Dressed Lumber. -I'KAI.EKB IN- Dry Goods, Groceries, Hay, Flour and Feed. Astoria Marble Yorks, ii. iMHurr, ruo r. m 1 n iLiW(,Jii P. MANlfKACTltHKtt OP ( Marble and Granite WORK. All Kinds of Cemetery Woik. FOOT OF OI.KRV HTKEKT, ASTORIA, i : t : OUEGOy. Model Saloon. I. ATANWOI), lrnpr. ST. HELENS, . . OltECJON. Choice Wines, Lienors and Cigars. Beer 5 Cts. Billnrd and Pool W&hU for Li J'laQomrnotlutioa of PatroM CALL AROUND. TOURIST A.n FAMILY HEADOIIARTEES. New York liestourant. ANtmnsON a Ueakkv, rroprleton. No. 19 tint atrorf, OliEQON. St. Helens, . Orezon. PORTLAND, - - OREGON,