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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1893)
O Absolutely Pure v?l THE Royal Baking Towdcr makes sweeter, lighter, finer flavored and more wholesome bread, biscuit and cake than any other leavening agent. It is of higher strength, and therefore more economical. All government and scien tific tests show that as a leavening agent it is actually with out an equal. Royal is undoubtedly the purest and most reliable baking powder offered to the public, If. S. Gw'i Chemist's Jiejwrt. HOW THIS! We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward (or any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by UaU'i Catarrh Cure. Y. J. CHKNEV A CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. 1. Che ney for the last lifteen rears, and believe hint perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. vVEsT A TMJAX, Wholesale tni(r;ists, Toledo, 0. . WALIMNU, KISNAN A MARVIN, Wholesale Dnunrists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the svtlem. Price, 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials tree. It doesn't always require a big-mouthed man to make a broad assertion. u Brown' Bronchial Trochn " are simple and convenient for oronchial affections and coughs, When a man pain ts a town he never doe it in water colors. Don't if yon wish a succession of Flowers or Vegetables through tbe fear. Plant now. ,' ForONK DoLLAlt wc wilt eendcithernf the following Collections of WeU-Orown Plauts, postage paid. .-. .-. .-. .-, .-. VFR9EWAS.". CARNATIONS CfHANIUMS CilRYSAKTHfcMUKS rtowre o vearrAefc. CfitHulM; jrirtfe fie The Timothy Hopkins Collection of Swoet Peas. SJI f)kthrt VrMW. A Larce Packet f cdt ' - ol eKh pt.&4. or a PscKct ul ail. uuxeit. cts. lllliH.rr Mm of i ImmrimlU. now ready. Plcaw kesd lor one " SHERWOOD MALI NURSERY COMPANY, S. W. cor. Cue aad &uau Street, Sa Fraocisco. Ola. It is very difficult t o convince children that a medicine is : "nice to take" this trouble is not experi enced in ad ministering Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It is almost as palatable af milk. No preparation so rapidly builds up good flesh, strength and nerve force. Mothers the world over rely upon it in all wasting diseases that children are heir to. Prepared by Beott A Rowrte. N. T. All A rose-ista, TTAurely a vegetable compound, I made entirely of roots and herbs 1 gathered from the forests of Georgia, and has been used by millions of people with the best results. It CURES All manner of Blood diseases, from the pestiferous little boil on your nose to the worst cases of inherited blood taint, such as Scrofula, Rheumatism, . Catarrh and Treatise on Blood and Skin Disease mailed free. Swift iracinc Co, Atlanta, Ga. $12.80 OUR COUNTRY friends may accept our assurances that our Hprlng Suits at 12.t30 are equaled nowhere in the Northwest for the money. We make these suits ourselves, ana guarantee mate, style, finish, cloth and lining. We sell more clothing than any house in Portland, and our prices are lowest. Henri for rules for self measurement. Mail orders a 10001117 O. Steinbaeb & Co., Cor. First and Morrison. I CARRY IN STOCK NEARLY very kind of Secret Society Badge. I also make any design to order. My stork designs are tasty, and price lowest for good goods, A. FELDENHEIMER Portland, Or. SECRET $8!M I SB, 13 to 12 S II 52. mm li L LUC SUITS THE RIGHT TO THE ROAD. Like dreams the changing yean hay Bed Into the realm of the silent dead Bine) aerenteen seTenty-tlve, and Jon Made bridal dance to the river's tone. And then, as now, on the world's broad face The loveliest green clad, leaf crowned space Was the old West road to the ferrying place. Here Jonathan Parsons, a man of peace. On cart heaped nigh with the earth's tn- Through woodland sweet with tbe flowering thorn. Came riding up from hi field of corn. General Washington coach of state. Bound tor Cambridge, had reached the lanes In it the general, grave, sedate, k&t planning tbe course of a great campaign, for a terrible struggle posoeaeed the laud. And the fate of a nation was In his hand! Riding before came horsemen twain; U the truth be told they were young and rain. They reached at length. In the narrow road. The farmer, perched on liia fragrant load. "Lazy bones, haste! You are all too slow; How can we pass, we should like to know? General Washington ride this wayl Torn oat, turn oat for the coach!" cried they fiat Parsons doubted tbe courier's word, Tbe soldier hero? 'twas quite absurdl Be was still in congress tbe last be heardt lie turned looked back through the vista green; No sign of the uncrowned king waa seen. These were playful youths, it was very plain! He would meet their sport with acalmdisdainl And his right to tbe road to tbe end maintain, A droll procession In truth tbey made That summer day in the green arched glad el A frowsy colt was tbe Brut in view. Vanguard of the rustic's retinue! A white mare next, then oxen four ("Five cattle team, the name it bore); Then the peasant prince, wbo a crown would scorn. High on hi throne of fresh cut corn; ' The baffled horsemen behind him came. And last of all rode tbe one whose name Was yet to conquer the pride of kings. Whose troth and courage the world yet singsl Still unmindful of rank so near. Parsons tbe order refused to bear. When, n earing tbe ferry where all most walt- MMake way, nuake way for tbe coach of stale!' Again tbey cried in a stern command; Be plodded on till, whip in band. He calmly got down at tbe river's brink To let tbe mare and the oxen drink I He turned and then, for the first time saw The Btrong right arm of tbe colonies' lawl A freeman true, be had dared to stand. And the right to the king's highway demand In the face of tbe greatest in all the landl He speechless stood, and bis brown face paled, While the scoots to their chief the affair de tailed. "He waa right! was Washington' wise reply; "He's a good a right to the road a I!" Ernest N. Bagg in Youth's Companion. Sleight of Hand Poisoning. A very curious item in toxicological lore I chanced to light upon may be called the feat of poisoning by sleight of hand. You were jealous of a lady and yon wished to kill her. Well, you asked her to lunch, and you caused a very nice peach to be served at dessert You tat the fruit with a golden knife, one side of the blade of which waa endued with a deadly poison. You presented the poisoned half of the peach to tbe lady, wbo ate it with much relish and then dropped down dead. The wholesome half yon ate yourself, and langhed in your sleeve, and went on slicing more peaches for the ladies of whom you were jealous till you were found out and broken on the wheeL Aye, there's the rub! What high old times we might have, to be sure, but for that plagney contingency of being found out. ii. A. Bala in London Sunday Times. rionder Secured by the Polio. In this city the police in one year have seized over 13,000 chips, 116 packs of cards, four lots of Chinese coin, 223 dice, thirteen fantan brass cups, three faro layouts, 11,000 pool tickets, two sweat boards, eight poker tables, three roulette tables, three whist boards and one bac carat layout. New York Sun. Missing Silver Dollars. According to the records of the mint 19,670 silver dollars were coined in the year 1804. Of this number but eight are known, and tbey are valued at from $300 to $2,000 each. What became of the remaining 19,562 is one of the great est numismatical mysteries. St. Louis Republic. A well known French physician ac- eerts that the bilious fever so character istic of tropical countries is due to a special bacterium, which, though mo tionless itself, is accompanied by num berless moving spores. In the early days of this ctmtnry French cooks became rich. Very was a millionaire; A chard had immense wealth; Mme. Sully, of the Palais Royal, made $200,000 in three years. Many a man is hurt more in a football fight than he cares to admit, and so ht makes light of it and plays on for the take of the college or team and from elf sacrifice. . . The cultivation of tbe pineapple in the Bahamas is a very profitable undertak ing. At twopence each an acre of pine apples returns $200 to $250. CHANGES IN THE LANGUAGE, Tbe Worda "Gentleman' and "Lady" Are Seldom lacd In Polite Society, At the present time t here are some changes in the. English Inuffiuigo ou foot the very suggest iou of which would bo n rait deal of a Burpriso to some of our staid old ancestors. There are lots of everyday words in use which don't mean at all what they did 100 years ago, I doubt if Shakespeare, should he bo so situated that he could stroll down Broadway tomorrow or drop into some Fifth avenue parlor this evening, would bo able to readily follow the drift of tho conversation, for lots of words used would be so contradictory in their connection with tho meaning he would credit them with. This was very forcibly brought to my attention at the reception of the Colonial club. I was standing on one of those upper floors, about tho tenth, I think, where the girls hud dled together and waited for their escorts to come for them. Occasion ally a fellow had to do some waiting there, but it was usually the other way. Four or five of the prettiest human rosebuds you could pick along side Riverside drive were waiting and chattering. I couldn't help but hear. At first they told each other how "perfectly lovely" the other , girl's dress was, and how "poky" they felt in "this horrid old tiling that they had Vay last spring, you know." Then one girl said; "1-camo with a man, and I wish I hadn't; it's such a bore." "Yes," replied one of two sisters in a rich cream satin, "so do we. I told mamma I didn't want to. I think it's ever so much more fun to go to a ball with the girls than with a man." They all chirruped and giggled and said she was right and that men were nuisances. Each girl had some thing or other to say about "a man." The word "gentleman" was not used once. And then their respective "men" came up the stairs, and the girls were so glad to see them 1 Since then I have learned that with the really nice and correct New York young lady the word "gentle man" has been laid aside. They ad mit that there are "gentlemanly" actors and "gentlemanly" gamblers, and that certain "gentlemen" on Broadway do a thriving business in the "bunko" line. A policeman is also a good deal of a gentleman as a rule, but the pure and high type of masculinity is simply "a man" to them. All this is in close following with the abolishment of the Americanism of "lady" and the substitution of "woman" instead. There were "sales ladies," "chorus ladies" and "servant ladies" until the limit was reached and a revolution occurred. Then came in the word "woman," and it's a fixture now. I suppose the same process has oc curred with "gentleman." Down in the Fourth ward Miss Kitty Toole refers to Teddy as "me gentleman friend." 80 simple "man" is good enough for the girls of Fifth avenue and these who go the Colonial club receptions. New York Herald. An Obtasa Fellow. One of Tennyson's old friends has described the odd fate of a manu script of "The Princess." He was staying with the poet while the poem was going through the press, and while alone in the study one night and seeking a light for his pipe found some paper sticking out of his coal scuttle. From it he supplied his need, and on looking more closely at the bundle found it to consist of The Princess" manuscript, the last proofj of which had just been re turned to the printer. Looking it over he abstracted a few sheets which specially took his fancy, nota bly that- containing "Tears, idle tears," and which now hangs framed in an honored place. But such is the native obtuseness of man m unfa miliar circumstances that when the poet came in and told his guest to put the whole in his pocket if he coveted the rubbisn, the two made spills of a portion and returned the remainder to the scuttle ! Boston Journal A Quaint Specie of Crow. In his subsection on "modifica tions" of types of birds and animals 8ir John Lubbock cites what is new est and most marvelous. He tells us of a particular crow in New Zealand where the male and female differ widely as to the structure of their bills. The male bird has a bill, stout and strong, adapted to .cutting and digging into the tree, but he is defi cient in that horny pointed tongue which would permit him to pierce the grub and draw it out. The hen bird has, however, an elongated and straight bill, "and when the cock has dug down to the burrow the hen inserts her long bill and draws out the grub, which they divide between them a very pretty illustration of the wife as a helpmate to the hus band." Buffalo Commercial. Paternal Advice. Medical Student I think, father, when I have graduated I will be come a specialist. Father What sort of specialist? "I think I will make a specialty of ear diseases." "I think you had better become a tooth specialist Man has only two ears, but he has thirty-two teeth that are always more or less out of onL-T." London Tit-Bits. Tired of Being- a Freak. 'Darky Sam," the county Infirmary character who has been posing as a prince of the royal blood of Fiji with the col lection of freaks and curiosities in a mall traveling circus, returned to the poorbouse recently, content to retire to private life. To heighten the outlaud ishness of Sam's natural appearance his exhibitors had shaved his head, with the exception of a strip extending from fore head to occiput, resembling the reached mane of a mule. He was worn out by the hard labor with the canvas gang, and U willing to remain in tha Infirmary, AFRICAN IRONMASTERS. A Place Where There Are Few Strikes neeausa of the Fate of a Striker, The Balubnus, as tho natives of tho Mnansanyominu district of ceil tral Africa are styled, enjoy an ex oellent local reputation as ironwork era. They find their crude material in the form t bog iron ore on tho surface of the land. It rarely hnr pons that digging to an appreciable depth is necessary. Their smelting furnaces, which are constructed of elay, are from six to ton feet high, from forty to sixty inches in diam eter at the btwo and conical in shape. The ore is tipped into the furnaco from above ; the charcoal, on the other hand, is introduced into lwwinliko side openings, which also receive a continuous air blast, while the iron and slag are removed from tho bot tom of the furnace about every eight or twelve hours, according to the de gree of heat obtained. The forgo is a circular building some sixteen feet in diameter, with a pointed roof and open sides. At a distance it might be taken for a park band stand, in the center of this hut is the fire, which is maintained In constant activity by means of a unique pair of bellows, which merit a special description. They consist of a block of wood, generally twenty inches long, hollowed out and fitted with a funnel head made of clay, At the lower end are two orifices, over which skins are stretched. Mo tion is imparted to the instrument by the action of two small rods, The hammer is of solid iron; the tongs are marvels of simplicity to wit, a bent palm brauch. An iron wedge driven into a timber bole serves as an anvil. The recollections of tho Balubans carry them back to the timo when they wrought metals with stone tools. Borne of tho natives are com paratively artistic workers. Very fine axes, tastefully inlaid with cop per, are produced. Strikes among these swarthy arti ficers are of comparatively rare oc currence, probably owing to the fact that the malcontents invariably have their heads lopped off and their skins placed on one side for patching, or In case of need entirely recovering the aforesaid curious bellows. Lon don Iron. ' Timorousness of Great Men. It has been recently stated by those who knew him well that Mr. Bpur geon was an examplo of the fact that public men often quake on the eve of their great successes. Though few guessed it, he was nervous in speak ing, and one result of tho disastrous panic at the Surrey Gardens in 1856 was that he ever afterward dreaded excitement in great audiences. At the Free Trade hall in Manchester, 1872, the orator was in bv.oyant and brilliant form. Yet before delivering his address ho had been attacked by nervous sickness in the anteroom. As we have suggested, this curious preliminary recoil seems to be a fre quent characteristic of the efforts that establish or increase fame. Inquiry shows that some form of amorousness dogs distinction like its shadow. It may have peculiar and even eccentric features. Mr. Ed mund Yates has mentioned the case of a distinguished living politician, noted for his dash and aplomb while in the house of commons, to whom on one occasion Sir Henry Halford, the eminent physician, gave an ac count of a railway accident Tho narrator was elaborate in his descrip tion, and it was too much for his listener's nerves. In the midst of the story the doctor had to break off. His friend was on the point of faint ing. Cassell s Journal. The Home Aquarians, An aquarium in which plants are grown will not require the changing of water, except occasionally, when the tank needs to be cleaned. The growing plants give off cxygen and absorb carbonic acid. To arrange an aquarium with plants, cover the bottom of a glass globe or tank with gravel which has been thoroughly washed. Half fill a small flowerpot with earth, and plant in it a small Egyptian lily; then fill the pot with well waehetrsand. Place the pot in the center of the tank and surround it with stones, so that it may bo held in place and at the same time con cealed. On top of this pot, and around it in the rocks and gravel, set out a few line mosses and vines, such as grow in fresh water. Let watercress and hornwort be among them. A north exposure is best for this aquarium. Put in the fish and feed them on bits of meat, crumbs of bread and worms. Ladies' Home Journal. ' Electricity In Mining. One of the latest applications of electricity to mining operations is seen in a lead mine in Belgium. Each bucket arriving at the top of the shaft makes an electric contact, and a needle in the office indicates by a red line upon a revolving drum the number of buckets brought up. Philadelphia Ledger. Near the Sit lit or tlie Craclflxloa. The hill near Jerusalem where the crucifixion of Jesus occurred is formed of limestone. The shores of the Dead sea are lined with pumice stone, showered out of some volcano that destroyed Sodom and Gomor rah, which cities finally sank be neath the waters of the Dead sea. New York Press. A Point to Remember. 'Doctor," said a grateful patient, seizing physician' band, "I sbnll never forget that to you I owe my life." "You exaggerate," retnrned the doctor mildly; "you owe me for only fifteen visit That Is tbe point which I hope you will not full to remember." exchange. They Freexe and Still Live. . Fish, flies and caterpillars, though frozen solid, retain life because their construction admits of frost expan sion without disruption; a freezing temperature only results to them to ( torpor. Exchange. . tt.M rifndrat Silver Cola. Messrs. Roberts c Collin, of Carters ille, tin., have, If they have not recently disposed of it, a coin In their possession which. I only thirty year old, but is worth more than a luoinmtul time It fuu valua, It hear the iluts of itftll, null la oue of (our piece struck at the Confederate luiutat Nve Drl.Mii before that luslitutlou was closed. The cola Is a half dollar, aud has the Uoddoas of Liberty en one side and a stalk of cuua, a sulk of cottou, and tb star and bar of the confederacy in a cont of arms, with a liberty polethrouKh It ami a liberty cap on top ou the otlierslUe. Of toe (our known spt-ci metis of this ooiu, on I in Meriwether county, tin., ou In Louialnua, the KoU-rla-ColItu lw, "hove described, aud oue whtuh aold for In Now Vor4 ciiy In 18SH.St Ixmls Itt-t'ubllo. California's l-ach af Song IllrUs. In the autuum the society organised for colouiziutc (orelKn song birds In this state will commission a practical dealer to select aud purchase as tunny song birds in Europe as the money at bis ooiu niand will penult. The uiouey is being secured by contribution, aud is boiug paid in gradually The absence of song birds in California is a misfortune. The preseuce of song bird in California would be an everlasting enjoyment Uoldeu Uate park should be alive and merry with theui. They would be au attraction there a beautiful as the many hued flowers, the graceful trees and the smiling- landscape. Situ Prauctauo Post ' An Old Venetian Shin Lauachlus- ) Admiral Canevaro, commauder of the Venice arseiial, has arranged that in stead of the Sicilia being baptised in the usual way, by having a bottle of chain pague broken on its bows, the ancient custom of the Venetiau republic shall be revived. That is, that a gilt ring shall be attached to the vessel's prow in such a way by the godmother that when the ship is ktuniiiod the ring shall be the first thing to touch the water, this ful filling the "weddiug of tlie sea," Lon don News. ' ; Among civilized nation tbe wearing of eurritiKa by men has been by no mean common, a it has becu shown that In early Eugluth da- some of the niost dUtlsr guisUed courtier bedecked their ears wltB veramljjr specimens A VALUABLES KBMKDT. Hon. Edmund L. Pitts, the late Fres'- dent of the New York Slate Senate, writes: "8tatb or New Vote.) Albakt, March 11, lm.) " I havensed Allcocc's Poaot-i Plastse in my family for the past Hvr years, and can truthfully say they are a valuable remedy and eti't-ct great rures. I would not be without them. I have in several In ance riven some to friend stilTrrina- with weak and lame back, and they have invariably afforded certain and speedy relief. They cannot be too highly commended." II the souvenir coins were onlv aold. ther would -o off like hot cakes. BCFTUBft- AND PILES CVBBD. We positively ear rupture, pile and all ro lal disease without nam ordeieuUon from busl. No cure, no par. Also all Privots dls Addreaa for pamphlet Drs. Porterflald A Losor, SJs Market street. San rrauclsco. The well-bred man Is nowhere so certain ol his standing as in a crowded street car. Do You Ever Have Boils? Road How Mr. Hyde Was Cured Mr. 8. X. 11 u de Fresno, Cal. " For ovoral years prior to ima, 1 was con stantly iu p.r lie .lti. There was har.'l a d-iy that I wa fr-.-e f out bol!s and o-.her c-njrticma of the skin a 1 from inii urlil- sof the bind. Af:t-r trl:n var.ou icmi-illes without relief, I U-K&n in July, 11, to take Hood' Ssrsaparllla HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES according to directions, and bet .re I had fin lhcd the third botilu I found mvself ent're-i- cared, much to my surprise and (trr-st relief.' S. S. HVDi, of t'je firm f Van VaU-r A Hyde, Real Esta'e licole.-s, Iloum 4, belong nulldiny Fresno, Cal. fon.U. Hood's Pi!l3 tc ta-lly, yt-t promptly nil flli-iuntly, mt llvrr slid Insy Is. 2.1c. TAKE PrUNlDER Obeqpn Blood PuRinEfi; -CURES- KIDNEY tllVER DISEASES. DYSPEPSIA. PIMPLESBIOTOHES ANDSKm DISEASES . HEADACHE, C0STIVT.NCS9 tfifill "German Syrup" I must sav A word as tn tlie '. ficacy of German Syrup. I have used it in my family for Bronchitis, the result of Colds, with most ex cellent Success. I have talron if- mv. self for Throat Troubles, and have aenvea gooa results tnercfrom. I therefore recommend it to my neigh bors as an excellent remedy in such cases. Tames T. Durette. Karlv. ville, Va. Beware of dealers who offer you "something just as good." Always insist on having- Boschee'a German Syrup. g Plso's Remedy for Cstsrrti Is th Best, Esslcat to TJss, and Cheapeat. Sold by firamlst or sent by msIL Wc B. T. Hitsolllne, Wsrrea, Pa. OPIUM Morphine Habit f!nred In 10 tout) dura. Knoar till eared. DR.J.STlPH(N(,Lftajea,Or v A S, JP. N, U. No, 492-8. f. s. TJ. No. m MI BPS Of fAIMOl netwaen this nd th oth.r ltd oMh broad Atlantic, in lb sWol ourl,V 'T.i ,?,?. travelers and mariners. asenW " h t"l,1 sivamlvat caplalns, ship's sunteoni nd a sorts and oomlllluiia" of tmvrtera, l1rf" and new settlers appreciate ml ta I If y to l lie imtvnnlive and remedial properties of lloslet. for' Hlomach Killers In sea.lolineM, tisunea, malarial and rheuiuallo trouble, and all disor ders of Ih stomach, liver and hj'Wlf- ! ' the prejudicial lultuemes of cllnmie, crudely cixiked or unaccustomed diet and liupur wa ter, It is a sovurclmt l'K,uard. and has Iwen so resanlvd by the traveling pnlille for a third of a century. No form of malarial fever, from th calenture of tit i'at'lllo and the Uroken-bon lever of the Mississippi to lis 1 milder reals! th curative action ol this IwiilKnaul pre server and restorer of health, veritable btmn to iwrsoua lu feeble health or Haul to Incur U Ileal. II Is hard to tell a mn' bent when h I in trails. Tar Qksmsa for breakfast. Us SnamellneHtov Polish ; do dual, no smoll, Plunder' oreaart Hisl Purifier u th best remedy tor cleansinc your system, JQaWtSf RHEUMATISM SCIATICA, SPRAINS, BRUISES, INJURIES. CUTS, NEUnALGIA. WWI I A WOUNDS, SORENESS, .rm FROST-BITES. TtiS. LUMBAGO. Sold bfl Pruwt4U uaU iJcur rTrilAsr, tHt CHAIII1 A. VOOIUI CO.. IWUaara. fas, Sots fjocta-aiHi tl.Oupor Uottkk Oue ount a dose. Tirr Clnal-r Cotroii 4 1 11a uromoiiv where all other full. Couch, Croup, Sor T nrosi , tsoarsenesa, wnoopma s,outn ana Asthma. For Ceosuoiptica It lina no rtvali ba cured thousands, nd will Cull a you If taken In time. Sold by Iruesltson a uar ante. For a Im Hack or ("hut, u 8H1LOH S BELLADONNA PLAttltRJEUi, teed to ci it von. lrlce,&m Injector free. STAHDiRD Olds & King OF P0RILN0,0ll. RN Are th dlslrlhutln anvnta for the Justly cele brated KTANImKO I'A I'EK rATT' lorOre- Li HI, Rnn, Vi aatllnKtnn auq Idaho. By sendluf Tour name they will enroll II ooi ana every nitni month mall ynu Jr of nnirilr fullv lllusirallnc the 1st UM.S lis, et styles and fad In SENT FREE. dresses for ladles, misses and cnlldren. Also as for one of their Catalogues, containing au II- itiairau-n iiai 01 tneir numerous suh-ss. SS CENTS will buy an AtiHtnla-make AI.AHM CLOCK, nit-kol raw. rr-oatasa.M caul extra. Order HAVEK tTCimtrj rtT.ICS known fey tfkauOBUM iDUma-n ,Lutr-f Yntl LMULMh or VWQVU.UDUIQ VUI (( TIVLPATOtfTsIT Iit M- B0 S PILE ftCMtOY, UU M Whirh wt dtrawtly on ptt rtcNa. " " AavnrTrsai teifnos-al alllawa tLnlilnaf MfTrMfrtn ,. s.sM Txia fo-ns aiiil Hl.I I). PILES'. pmrmmnmni mtrm. rrrrn. lmaiaia 9t UssVU. iit. 0Ma0, VtHlMtUlptii, Jhb INVALID GOODS. KolUas Chair ReellBlat hairs Back Rest Cesassoaf. tvnd frrr Catalogue. - W, I. SCtiROCICa Mew MaigBgf St If. FRAZER AXLE BestinthaWorld! GREASE Gat the GenoinBl rttANK WOOL A-r.Acent, Portland. Or. THE BEST WlHEEIi t Ii li I olCI V -asm A m f I BR I curm OHIL0H'SyCATARRH llnve viiu I alurrh I This remclT la rtisran. THE DERBY FOR '93. Morgran & Wright Pneumatic nirrirr c.n.. ru.k. ., 0rlii(r, W and us Inihea; Itonrid Cranks, ' and 7-lnch throw- Rum bar Chain; Oarford Had.lles. Drop KorslnE throuKhout ' ",""B"' .. h" "! n"' 'tn,v Vttm n.sde: they en Ik replaced by the rider without .ha tir ... r..i.. 'T. V" InourC.tsMne; alVtine.W7rik.;. made belter. HENB FOR cXTALtiilJK " VVnhh $n fn nnrl I " wa.-w uencnAb nurtln YVLoTaRN 64 THIRD STREET, PORTLAND, ORECON. -HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO RHEUMATISM! lYIoore's Revealed Remedy AsFrnniA ! ovist - t.u. A . .... tivuL?!yJAhKU KKMK'Y M atmm Jhl, A iH'J PI"'?1 aftiinin-ri mm. uuvwi ftni.n bt LOOK OUT FOR TRAVELING " FAKIRS" BULLING "0HEKHK FRAME" And represoiitlni them Rud8, "Sylph,' Western Wheel Work, Etc. Send for catalogues, elub and agents' discount. i FRED T. MERRILL, J 326 Washington Street, Portland. Or. X AST TO TAKM t)r. flare Pteaaani Pellet. Smallest. eaalMt, clsapst, best. They're tlay, sua ar-ooated, anti-blllous iran ulea, a couiroun4 of refined and concentrated TKeteble aa tracts. Without disturbance or tfAttttl. (nnstU nation, Tn(.l((tlon, Wllou Attack, Hick and imious Headache, ami all drnnmnU ot tbi 'uvV-rst'' bow.l sre pwated, ralleved, and cured. IMrmaymUy curwj, Wv Jly their mild and natural action, the mu. 1.11.1 lead th yaum luto natural way again. 'lhir Inllinrwe ialt. Everything catarrhal In It "atnre, catarrh itself, and all the trouble thai coma Irota cslarrh, are 1 perfectly and permanently cured by Ir. baaei Ca tarrh Remedy. , No, matter how bad your case or o. how looj itaodlug, yon can be cured. DR. GUNS' S lMTaorao LIVER PILLS MILD PHYSIC ft fjr pill ron A DOSC. tmeveaiant of the beersls day la B.aia.arv M "1" TU-. pills supply aM7a system laWaM ,?ks II riiulaf" Th.y eure Uwrteoh, krishisa u lr" and tSIS lv.sipU.slrm Seller Ihaa to rills d To .ule so ;J;V!1 Kill mall aami-tas fraer " Lt!,i;'1 varjrwksra. IMukC U-L C BIUbIH'o. . FISHING TACKLE -MR- Rod. Reela. Lin, Hook. Leader, r to., of th Finest Quality. HKNt) TO- THE H. T. HUDSON ARMS CO., 03 First St., Portland, Or. geud for catalota. srr wot amass THt a. SWT DICYCLC wa-Tu twausawi I aro,vT fJORTH PACIFIC fYCLK ffi. bicyclcs or tvtrw otstwipTiOK"" i Masw.. rWittsae -PofTTlAHP Owgoott To aee litis Watch, hut when ynn have seen it tid It suits ton, ;y tne.suressasvi.lour rlc 10 aud Use ft, oUierwis. he mil return it tourespeus. Tl If IT UHTIPC I w n"l handle rhesp I Ant nUlllfC I whirl, si no bfittr tfisn bras. Mt (nsiranire a I our f'l., and in sell yon siiylliin in tl. JuH-elry lluv, at sluillar r-tltos. SEEING IS BELIEVING ftteltt Vtr e snnd stwiis C. O. I. sillijuct to esamliistiun, Aililrt-ss EXCELSIOR WATCH CO. 637 Market St., - Son rnsaclseo. ( fALM-s Hot at YOUNQ MEN I Tho Spoolflo A No. I. Peres, wllhottl fcul, all can. a of aimiairr Brarn and !, no mailer uf bus. lun standi.!, .evaiiia slrk-lnre, It hen, an In. Ir-r.ial rtmetty. Ctirt-aa-itenevsryUut era baa (ailed. M. ld by all Ilf.wKt.ta. ' Mauutaclurerai To A.rVhitihet.MMIrn rr-lr. l.m. t o., Nan Juae.tal. ON EflRTH, $150 . . .' """""". ' rur "on aaI laWUrt VU,, J.y?! AGENTS, 'SSr CURED BY THE USE OF iu. - 1 nun iiaca itn n'H.iias irat iiw tnjt nra Of my husband was relieved fr-.m an old case nl "'"'O illrely ol IN KLAM M ATOUV RH KIN UUU1U U1U OltO UO ROAfl Yours In imitUuds, MKS. H. V, rflEBUC. TorR riRiJooiaT. to D lust as innd as FREE FKEE 20 yea r JJr nickt 1 cam. j-.' mov'mt it COSTS YOU KOTHING i .in Mr-: