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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1893)
E OREGON MI VOL. 10. ST. HELENS, OREGON; FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1893. THE OREGON MIST. WW KVEH V I'HIDAY moHIMNta THE MIST PUBLISHINQ COMPANY, DAVIS BROS., rublisliers. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER ub.vrlpllaii lime,. On onpy on year In ailvauo tl HO " (to copy .lit mourn. Hlngl oupy , Advrllin; Hal. Pmfeaalonal card on your I tj Out. col nou year.., Ilia Half uoliimn on year 7ft y.ur...... 41) One llu'h on. inonlli . .,,.,...... ,. il line Inch thru lninilln.M. s ou limli ala uii.iulia , Local miUcea, lit i .uta per Una for lint lir Hon i in riit. par Una fur ach aubamiuaut In Bunion. ,lial dvrlla.mnl, II.M nor Inch fur II rat liiavrilMii, unit 76 o.nla pur Inch fur null tuba u,ueiiliuaurii.iii. COLUMMA COUNTY DIUKOTOUY. t'aaiur Offlcr. Jn.t.............. .....pian Hlanchard, Kalnlor Clnra IS. K. galea, hi. Hei.ti. Hliurlir O, A. Maaale, Ml. Helen. Tn.uur r K. M. Wharton, CofumlilalMty Nupt. t Senoal T. J. I!leun, Vernon ia Aaaeaanr.,.,,,, ...W, II. Kywir, Kalnlur Surveyor A. II. Mill., Hauler ,. 18. U. Holio niover, V.iuunl """"v U. W. Ilaruea, Mayaer. L.1-. -, 1. . cieif Nolle.. MaoHIC,-fU. Ilolona I.d1, No. M-Reitiilar Ciiinniunleallmia Ural ml HUM naiiiruay in aell moil III al7 NOe. m. .1 Maaonle hall. Viall lua ni.uilmr. lu good .lauding to at ton. I. MtaoNtc.-Halular ldii. No. 31-HiaU.ii uie.llnn" Saturday on or before each full iiiwii I 7 U r. H. at Maaonle lull, ov.r lllancliard'a'n tun moon lorn, Vlaiiln lu.mli.ra lu good alainllng In riicu to tiumi, linn r.LLoir. Ml. Helena I.O.W. No. 117 MMt vry MaluiiUy nlulil at 7 :0. br.llir.u In ou.l aianaiiif cordially luvll.d to au.U'l. Tli Mitlla. Down rlv.r (boat) claa at I SO t. at. lit. rlwar 1Imi.I1 .om al a p. M. Til mall for V.rnonla anil I'lttabur t.avoa fit. Il.l.n. Monday, Wwluaaday and Friday at I A.M. Th mall for Marahland. Clal.kanl. and Mlat l.ava yiuuil Muu.iay, Wailunday ano rriuay I IJ M. Malta (railway) north cloa i ID A. M fortlau.) at a r. al. II - - lH!555",", ,ur Tmvltir iul4-lllvr HMI. riraAKaad. W. Hinvaa- Uavsa Ht. Union for Hortlau.l at 11 a. at. Tnwlay, Thuradair and HKtur.lay lavva Ht. Helena for clalakaiil Monday, Wduaday and I tidily at l:W a, M. Htka Haa laitHA-laiea Ht. llnl.iu fur I'ort laud l it a. , rvtiiriilua at au r. HTBaa Joaaril K ai.l.imo liav.a HI. Helena fur I'nrtliiud dally ait'opl Mumlay, at 7 A. at., ar rlvln. al I'urtlaiid at II) IW; rvluriiiiia, l.av I'orilauv at 1 r. .. arrlvlua at Ht at t, rUOKIiShlUNAU " jjk. il. . curr. rilYSICIAN and SURGEON Ht. Heltiia, Oregon )lt. J. B., PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. . Clataknnia, Columbia county, Or. "TTI.I!, SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, Ht. Helena, Oregon. Comity anrveyor. Land mrveyliig, town platting, and eiigUieerliig work promptly done. W. H. CONYERS & CO. Real Estate and Insurance Agents Baal Ratal boucht, aold and managed OB uuiuilaaluu, r.nU(Killctdaud abatraeu mad, AGENTS FOB THB Farmers and Merchants. German American, Aad otW Tnanrane CompanlM, with eoinbliid AiaeU of m,100,0OI, NOTAIIIKS ClatlafcaialOf . Oregon. 'ATI OOfVRIOHTt. trtoJ for IpfnrraaMoa and fra Hanrlhook writ to klllNhl A: aiil.. fell HltOAIlWAT. N'CW YORIT. nil Dl.leat for Murliig patanta In America, to-arv nateut taken out liy ua la lirnu.hl hefur K-.ry patent taken out liy ua la lirnu.hl hefur to puUlie by a ooue alviui Ira of otiara lu Ui tavaaat etrmtat lon of any ael.ntlr)e paper In ttia world. Mm. ou air n uatra tad. No liitelllirant nan annum D without Ii t. Wek It. .'1.IIO a vnari BijiiBiK mi.ui.nB. ji AiMnaa MUNN k 00a yiiMl,ian"fi a til llroadway.W.w THB ITKAMKB IRALDA Ii now making regular round trips from OAK POINT TO PORTLAND Daily Except Wednesdays, " Liaviho OAK POINT .'....4:40 A. M. 8TKIXA 6:00 " KAIN1EK 6:18 " " KALAMA 7:00 ' ST. HKLKN8 :00 " Abbitiho I'OHTliAND 11:00 " RETURNING Liaviw PORTLAND. Ahhivi STELLA... . . ..1:00 P.M. ...7:48 W. E. NEWSOM. 4 8olwtino AnnrloD JJ i TRAD! anAKKB, SllS OttlOII ATINTa, In llir Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for John IlKl.Mit and T iiuiiai J, Adam.. lirr.. To John llelmeanil Thorn. J, Atlum. til du int oAworo. f jr.:. . . ..'.J;'""' 'i'"r'-'i in apiiear aim the Bill day of May, lhlW, the (am helm II nriuvoitiniiiBtri,Kiiliirlriii of tin con I Mlowlnn Hie expiration of tli. publication i ..... .mimoiii; miu you mil M) lo appear and ...rniuu ini-icoi I llf pllll llll 11 W l ttplllj to the court fur Hi. relief il .luled In hla J,!,..' .mi ii, rorajuil(iiii!nt nicalnat atilit in... fellilanf. Jo ill i i,. I.,r II,. .,,. . , with Internal thereon attlia m nf i.., ...... I t.,..7u. V .. ' " -moi-h . alio in . u "'."l ''"w illlmrn..ini.iiu IIH.IIII..I.I. JnjA tutu ..... Ii Y allln aim, ami lot a iiiwruo form, ualinra inrialn nmri. kiiko eaixmtiMl t.y anld John lli,lMu. to Halllda .,. w lmnt (, which la I.-iMinli-d on in Wi7 of biHik "K," nf rwonl o nioiiKBi(iwiii t;nlunil,lii county, Oroiron: That uoai'mii'ii in Hunt iniirli aoio in iiiu luitiinvr iircwrllKiil hy law, nn.l th I7i?i. iuiini.iion of plain tllTa JiMlKintuit; aalil real vm.i. Iwiuir tianlcu larly aa follow., tn-wlt; Thu uuk .unnir oi apriioii Ill uiwiiHIHp ft norl of ranifo fi woat of U lllu.i.i.iii. u..ri.n.... i Iiiiiilila iwiiiity. Oruiroii, ami coniulnlni; HKI acrna; that you lieb.rrwl and forwloai-il of all ... ......, in ami iii mimi roHl eatuin, axmint ih. Ml... II V lit t,-.l..ri. ... I .... . .1 ... . . nn ' . . khiio i. a.iuilid to Ii. Hrat lluu noon auld ... . ...... .... ,,,,, no., Wint iiotiHL il a uiort' iviii ?iniu. I hla aiiininona la anrvail iomui v,m l.w t...l,lla tloiiliy oidi'rofili.lliin. Tlnmina A. Mi llrl.lo, j.i.iur in nil, ruin jnilli lill Ulatrll't of OrKn ...u.t ..viiin iiiHou aim oiui'ii mi hi n nay u. IIU7IH0 Attfirnvy for I'lnlutlff. -",. n, a, ill niir,, In the Circuit Court of the Sluto of Oreaori r..W!l...,,l.!.l . n art VU........1B 1.UUIIIJI, w. MuBUKT, riiiiniiir, ) M. Muiinrr, Dofi'tiilant. j To M. MtiilKOt, di'fomliint: ' TN TIIK NAMU OF THE STATE OP 1 Oreuon. von nre ht'ri'liv r.oiilr.,.1 in an. Piar ami anawrr the rnmliliihittllr.l ni,ilni you In tli above I'lilltliil auit by tlie first our in in. uTlii of anld riuirt fn low I wik uic ian puiiiii of till, aumnioua in-wii: on I ucadny, tliv lit i ilnv of .Mav I Mill; anil If yon ihcn (nil to anawor or an car thn plamliir will npply toxaid rinirt fur me nin i pnive.i lor in anld comiiliilnt. to. wit: for a dirrve iliitolvliiu the Ixmila of inairlfnnnv iiiiw tut nu. l.t.iw..n vmnnnH and philniil!'. and (or auch othur rolii.f aa I may ue jut. -I '1 hla an in moll la nerved by nuhllratlan by order of tin) Hon. Tboniaa A. M. Uri.l,. JndKO of aaid court, nindo the 22nd day of March. lf. T. . (IEIH1.EK. nijimu Attornty for 1'laintllr MJIJIOJU. In tlie Circuit Court of the 8tuto o( Oregon l.ri VUlUlllOllt 1lllllllJT . F. M. Tomkin, I'laintlir, ' va. 1 JKNNIK WBIOHTatltl N Kl.l.l It V, DcflB To Jcnnlii Wright and Nellie Dimley, do iviuiania; TN Till! NAME Ot? THIS STATE OF 1 Ornron.vou. and ea.h of vim are hereby require. I to nppear In the iiIhivc en- iiui'ii court nun auawcr Hie coiiipliilnt lllrd iitniut you in the Bimve (ntltltid action, on or iwiore lucaiiny, the Dili duy of Slav, A 1) IrlH't. and if von full lo no annwir. the ilKlntlll, lor want thereof, will tiike juilg incut avnioHt Vnu for the kiiiii of nine hun dred dollar, wiliriiiU'rext llit-ri-ou from the 7 Hi day of Dceruihcr, Ir2, until paid, at tlie mm of i-iiflil per cent, tier annum; for the coau of thla action, and all proper re lief aa prayed fur in the complaint. 'J Ilia atiiiiniiina la puhliicl III nurauanre of an order made by Hmi. Thoinaa A. Me- urine, JiiilK oi the nun Ju ln lnl PlKtrirt ot ureiriin, mane nt ciiiimucra on the lllli dny of Alarch, A. V. 1HUI. 11111118 W. J. Kit e, , Attorney for I'lnintllT. rotitlon for Liquor License. To the honorable, tlie County Court of the Mate oi ureiron. lor t o uinlila coiinlv .i.. .i i.. i i i ..... i.. lalunil precinct, Coliiuihia coiiutv. Mate of ii, iiiv uiiuvri'iKiu'u " K'o .oiera in iwr i uregiin, reapcciiiiiiy pennon tiiata license be granted to William Miller and I.uuia lirailli'V. lo aell atilrlloua Honors in mud precinct, In iiiiuilllie leai ihnn one ftullon. lor a nerioii of aix minims, ihiuunl : 1 iwn it M'r. i narlea r iniuitr. A u Uarnea. tlcuula Nlnhula. Clmrlea It P Hchmlilt. Jamaa umi, n uiiam wiiaon, William llarlloy. Hun nail, jatuea liiylor. t,l, KineaUl T I' .Viver, K hru aann, ii niaaa. jih MKM k. 51 a (iaalt na. i Neer, William Uowd. T II Mltelieli. Ilonv Head A tlnnaoii, K P Kaupach, II llavard, K I,lvlnu- tun, i-linen, j Hevurnaon, h A Fowler, r rrak- like, J H Haley, Joe Lawrence, u 1 liultor. U t; Fowler. Kilward lllack. M Meliermoti. (lenrire lliirrvtt, 1)1. Uray, u I'ltenherKer, Archie Klloy, inuiuaa iouiiaon. a. .Mcea.r, u i, jauuian, nam. ueljninii, Allien winner, Kred liiiiiner, Wll ' tlu 11a. .1 ITh..I HI V,.ut.. tl U L" n tlonley. It R KoaUir, I, Stehman, i" Viildtiii, Ja'lii Jouea, T II lliickvter. P II Klier, H W.kviIihiii. rrank jnoruion, w o nniniiaritnor, Hector llollla. I'eler Yuliliar. Wlllluni Vanover. J R Couhiiy, W J Kelll. ( iiarlca A Link, M W Hrad- ley. f.inll Klmnor, B Havaril, Dan McDuiiald, ii nieiiiiinn, ru .naraa. wiinum iiciieiua. Kicn. Jauie M N'aimhton, (; ti Fowler, U Link, KH .l Hum U..U...H HI Mi.L'u V tiarueu. i nanea Howe, V i Jinnkman, llllnm Link, John Colbert, B retl'ert, II M Fowler, K 'I ten.... I..I... ru.....t I L'.l..l...... II a u...: i ,o.., .,... ..w.i.i u rii ii nvM. l v niU, 11,1 J (larrlaou, John t'adulT. Jamea Koiinoity, John w nuvia, n i; iiuaoiey, w ci Hmiiii, jaieea nan. r r roaier, n uiiam TOiiiuiiaoii, J M rower. K II Fowler. 0 W Farr. Thoinaa Jolnatou. 1. T Vanover, l.'liarlea Challgraui u P l.'roaa,KW Mnkluater. PetHlon for Ltquor License. To the Honorable County Court of Coluiu ma county, ntitic oi uregon : Wc. the undurali;nci1 leirnl voter reidinir I in union, precinct, i oiuinnnt county. Ore' I iron, would reMicctfllllv lielitlnn vnnr lion. I oruble linly nt ita next regular term of I court, to tie mint in me coiii iiiounc, in the town of Ml. Helens, Uoluinhia county. Ore gon, on me .-mi tiny oi luiiy, iron, ttiut a 11- ciiNe lie Krnnieu tourrin A. Wood mid M. Kcltwiif to aell Hiiiritoiia. vinous and mult liipiora li Ivaa iiinnlitiea tliiin one gallon, in Union prcclr.ct, Cnlumhia county, Ore gon, and that aald be Ik.iiuhI for the period of one year from the dale of anld term of court; for which yuur petitioners will over pray. iMtuncii:) Kiifua Mcllrew. O. F Fowler, N D McCoy, O W Hall. H Kinder. Harry" It t il II". L Decker. JW ttniild, K McVey, W I' Maclay.8 W Hpm.ner, A J I'ahor, t'haa Hunter, J 1) Hirdaall, J 11 Swairer A King, F M Mlloa, C W Hlnkealey. W W lllakea lev.H K Uuiiu, l)J Hwltxer, 8 0 Maria, .liiniea Wiitaoii, W A Meeker, It Dlppln, tico A Hi Inn, John H (Mnnlumr, W I Hweetliiml, J Dunlap, H A Mllna. W B 1) ard. J II Decker. T honiiw Cminer. J K lieciile, W J F,alnliruok, K KUulck.CH Hinipaon, T hoiiKie, r iveuey, Henry nccker, w it Minvoiia, n r niixen, i, r i,aewiir, n i nen nelt, H lllnaer, K I) Poller. W A FrantJi, R Kartle, John Knrlh, William harm, V 1: wickatmin, E Morion. C NOah c. W llarea. W (' r.vemoill. A A Hiiilth. John B WIlverilliiK. Juacph Dupont, Jo-eoh DclcKkl. Mux Hem. J A lli'imle. M U (JiiniinliiKa, Harry Dim, T K KimWo. Frank Krlckaon, J I'caener. Ml i.uinnn. Hnuiaer. It A Curllaa, Il O Huwiird, J II Harrla, I, K llnlley, 8 llnek. 11 V l'mifl. D 11 roue. t;lirlatoiilior vnuer. voln. Androw Kenowakc. Mlouhen Liunnn. John Jlnninre, I. II Hnnkiia, Michel I'lorler, Sherman weaver, t: w unmann, r tl Meeker, w mracnmi, Fred . (Itlih. tlhna II latraon, h II lliiukana, K Meeker, 1" J Burke, Albert Wldiror, V K Hterena, Janica Htuart, G U Mnri'laon, Kll Weed, I M King, Hubert Hinlth, UeorKB w Kne, JOHOpn tinrk , J p Halter. W H Faxon, Y Wanner, W O Youna, L Wlndineter, Joe Mohu, John Watann. Christ Vonlank, J T Walker. Alex A Henderaon, David lleiiaiiiiw, iieurire iveiiv, Jinuea i;ox, i:iiarien llrnwn. Ooorue Snnilhv. W Kohliimii. A Kelso. T 10 Walla, J T MoNultv, K Doilaon, Diivo Minimm, Oonrire II Lament, wlllhnit David, Jnaoph II ay- liiirn, Miicnoii ituy, -i n nrinn, wuiuiiii iirmn, J l Wlckalrom, V K rllnipaon, Jiunea Daliiy. Jolm A Ik tna, John Wltitera, M r. Weaver, It llutehl- aun, II Burko, W K llenrlel. tinariea Thnxack, J HlHVeim, II Lnraen, J B tlndfrey, John Mitchell, Jaiiioa Htiachnn, John Grain, liana Hill, A Weill am. J Welllnuton. Andrew.. K Bearoy. 11 T 'Orew.ll, i THE PACIFIC COAST. Deeds for Worthless Lands in the Colorado Desert. FAILURE OF T. C. EARLY & CO. Company Formed to Operate Arrow Steamer on the Pacific Cranberry Marshes. The salmon run in the Columbia in improving. Kut n ml ima in Bunta Fe. N. M.. is to DO IlllllZCIl, The Oregon. Paciflo roarl is to be ex- Wiiilcil to JJoiHo City, Idulio, The horst'thievus who raided ranchns near rriwcott, A. T., have buen caught, Troublo in reporUvl Ixitwenn the cow- Ihivh and Navalo Jiuliimaon tirccn rivor. f Utah. A project for a railroad butwoen PIkb- nix, A. T., and ban Ulcgo is buitig act ively uoveitipeo. Tli H toe k -it rower AHmx-latlon con vention at Oifilen wants the arid lands ccilcU to the Ktittvs ana Territories. Mr. Huntington has directed the offi cer a of the Kouthern I'acilic Conipanv to name the bunta Monica whan " I'ort JyO Angolea." . The mining excitement in Jonoplune eoimty, Or., continuos. hew flnds are iviMirti d almost nuny, ana some oi tnom are very rich in gold. Tlie Hherilf and deputies at Visalia. who maile a failure in their last effort to capture Kvans and Sontag, are now hiiHilv engaged in explaining how they fiiilcil and placing the blame on each other. Numerically the Stanford University fui ultv consists of thirtv-three nrofess- ors, seven aociat professors, fourteen HsaiHtimt professors, fifteen instructors, mlit uHKiHtuiits and one non-resident Iwturer; total, seventy-eight. Iake county, Or., lias two salt marshes one on Silver Ijike and one on Warner I.tike and when the railroitd pierces that country the salt industry will tie a sure tiling as the salt is equal in strength and purity to Turk's Island salt. It is estimated that Oregon wool will clip seven pounds to the fleece this year, which win give me ntaie i.wu.uuu IHiimds of wool for saio within the next three months. The increase in sheep this year is estimated at IXJ percent. Iieeds for worthless lands in tlie Colo rado Desert are arriving at Pan Diego for record from iH'rsons in the hast who are being victimized by Walter J. Kay- inoinl. lie calls tliem citrus iruu lamis, ami sells them for good prices. They are utterly without value. Tlie Wells. Fargo & Co. express car on ho Atlantic and Pacific at Hancock, N. M., was destrovod by fire, ami the safes untamed nearly f iw,(wu in gold and as much more in greenbacks. A lar?e luantitv of the gold will have to go back to me mini ior rwuuuuK, iwiuk uiciieii .. . . .. 1...: 1....J together. " There is nothing but aatts of Uie currency. Chocks of the Seven Star Mining Com pany have been repudiated by a l'reg- cott (A. T.) bank, with which the com pany has been doing business, the com pany having no funds to its credit. This is the property recently stocked by Dr. Warner oi patent medicine fame, and which was advertised for sale under guarantee of paying dividends. There are various cranberry marshes along the coast districts between the southern line of Oregon and the Gulf of 8t. Cieorure. The Nelinlem section of the Tillamook coast has long been noted among local residents for its cranberries ; and from just north of the Columbia river, in the Shoalwater Bay country, barrels and barrels of the favorite fruit 11 mi their way into the markets of the world every season. The house of T. C. Earlv A Co.. eloth- ing dealers at Boise, Idalio, has failed. The dealings of the house wore reported crooked. After establishing credit the house bought goods and resuipped them to other points, where they wer sold. and the creditors found too late there were no goods to sci.o to secure their bills. Early was a leader in prayer meotings and Sunday-school work. A vouna woman stopping in San Diego came from tho East to California, leu tn love, married, settled down, broke tip housekeeping, lost her husband and resumed her maiden name, all within the last month. Her husband during the same time left his situation under a cloud, met and married the girl, changed his name twice and disappeared to parts unknown, and now San Diego says the names of the parties cannot be given to tlie public, A farmer named Whitney living near Etiwanda, San Diego county, Cat., was recently bitten by a rattler, and through tho prompt application of remedies ex perienced no apparent ill results. One cpk auerwards, it is gravely stated. while working in a barn he saw and i ilea a large rattler, immediately he as thrown in convulsions, and since then he will throw himself on the floor. crawl along and protrude his tongue. lie is under meatcai care. A company has been formnd under concession of the Arrow Steamship Company to operate Arrow steamers on the Pacific. The Arrow Steamship Company was incorporated under the laws of Arizona last November, with a capital stock of 15,000,000 and the reserved right to increase it to $10,00l 000. They propose the establishihent of a transportation lino from the Ameri can Pacitic Coast to Japan and China. stopping at Hawaii. Two Arrow steam ships of alwttt 4i0 feet in length, 82 feet beam, and a speed capable of carrying tlu'in to Yokohama in less than ten days, will be built by the Arrow Con struction company, probably this sum mer. These will be followed later by two additional ships of great speed, sufficient to attract the. cream ot the transnaciflc passemrer trade, the mails and express freight. The stylo of ships. being unslnkable, tin burnable and practically indestructible, combined with luxurious comfort and unnarallelcd speed, will make them popular on the waters of tho Pacific, and the company iviii prove a strong competitor tor tne inos which now control the trade be tween this Coast and Asia, PERSONAL MENTION. Henrietta Ifersrlifeld, the first woman fraduate of the Philadelphia College of cntal Surgery, is assistant court dentist in (iermaiiy. Henry M. Stanley lias gone to Africa to suppress the slave trade. If Henry doesn't make a few deals on his own account, he is not the thrifty fellow he used to be. President Charles F. Tli wing says that John I. Woods of Cleveland, who has just died, gave to Western Reserve Uni versity during his lifetime about (600, 000, and not (250,000 as currently re ported, Gov. McKinloy openly proclaims that lie would accept the gubernatorial nomi nation again if his party offered it to him. The Governor still lias faith in the tariff, and says the future will vindicate the wisdom ot the bill that bears bis name. ' Mrs. Mary Ellen Lease is more than ever impressed that we are on the verse of a great upheave! both socially and politically, jvirs. ueaws is a tnorougn Socialist, and believes the people's nartv should commence putting the Socialistic ideas into practice. . , .. Mrs. Itachel tlovd. formerly Miss Hoi- loway of Ohio is one of the most accom rilixlied clu-miata of thadnv and tnnlr bee decree as a doctor oi philosophy at the university of Zurich,. Switzerland, an honor which only two women have been accorded. Mrs. Lloyd is now professor oi ctiemistry at tne university ot He- orasaa. - Oliver Sumner Teall is a man of med ium height, with big, bushy, blonde mustache, a pair of shoulders and biceps that do not invite aggression, and a self- contained manner Unit bents such a hustler as the candidate for the place of Big Tom Brennan. He never has the blues, never gets excited, is always courteous to overyooay, ana makes friends easily. George Sheffield, the "Massachusetts Yankee," as he calls Himself, who has new motor that will take a steamer to London from this side in three days without a pound of fuel, is gently but firmly informed that one John M. Keeley has had one of 'em for the last twenty years, its only drawback being tuat it win not mote. Among the items of minor importance connected witn court nie in Europe it may be mentioned that the Duke of York, the future King of England, has recently joined the ranks of detective camera lunula ana amateur photograph ers, while Prince Albert, the nephew and heir of King Iieopokl ol Belgium, has biossomeu lortn as a Dicyciist. Captain G. W. Grant of the English a rm v, who is in Washington, speaks thus of our soldiers: "I have seen most of the armies of the great nations on re view, and I consider that the American regular troops are a fine body of excel- lenty dnllea ana wciomeerea men: though, of course, the army in this country does not reefciaj the attention bestowed upon the armies of the older nations." Mine. Camille Collett. the well- known advocate of the emancipation of women in JNorway, recently celebrated tho eightieth anniversary of her birth. A festival was given in Christiania in lonor of the day, and was attended by Ibsen and many other famous writers. Professor I)remy Diedrichsen made the address. Mine. Uollett is tlie author of "The Official's Daughter" and other books. She still enjoys splendid health, despite ner great age. INDUSTRIAL ITEMS. Georgia's cotton acreage is creased. not in- There is not wagon Mexico. factory in A now freight car is double the ordin ary size. Machine lace is made to look like hand work. Sugar cultivation is rapidly increasing in Louisiana. In 1802 17,295 vessels arrived in New York Harbor. Women serve as switchmen on the Italian railroads. Four hundred patents were issued to women last year. The Southern strawberry crop will be large tins season. Over 4,000 books were published in tins country last year. More than 180.000.000 pins are made weekly in Birmingham, England Chair manufacture is a trade in which machinery has not superseded human skill. ........ It costs thirty-five cents a thousand to manufacture -illuminating gas in Boston. On the Arabian coast the pearl fishery produces annually a sum little short of 1, 750,000. France has three dynamite factories, which produce over 26,000,000 dynamite cartridges a year. The railroads employ more men than double the number of men required by the general government. Good farms can be bought in Chau tauqua county, N. Y., at prices varying Irom 10 to lo per acre. The hairsprings for watches are made principally bv women on account of the delicate handling required Electricity is now used for making forgiitgs. angors, ball bearings and other articles hitherto made by hand. Last year the net profits of the Metro politan Telephone Company of New York city were about 13,400,000. According to tho Iron Age steel beams for building purposes are at present cheaper than heavy pine beams. Of all the vast store of wheat that was sent abroad from New York lat year not a bushel went in a sailing vessel. A Louisiana man says that the rice crop of that State this year will be fully one-half o the entire crop of the United States. Life and fire insurance, backed by Mexican capital, are being organized in Mexico, and American companies are withdrawing. Twenty-thousand people are now en gaged in commercial floriculture in this country, and the value of ft year's pro duction is (20,000,000. In the manufacture of knives the division of labor has been carried to such an extent that one knife is han dled by seventy different artisans. EASTERN NEWS. Sheriffs Seizure of a Railroad Train Unjustifiable. SOUTH DAKOTA'S BIG CROPS, A Kansas Female Footpad Sent to the Pen First Grain Fleet Leave Chicago. Albany is line. to have an electric trunk Kansas is filling up this spring with uermans. "Gum-chewers' its appearance. lockjaw" has made The new directory of St. Louis con' muis ivi,oza names, A (2.000.000 postoffice is to adorn the cuy oi uuuaio, a. i. Boston is planning to build an elevated railroad to cost (Zo,UU0,000, Nut culture is attracting attention on the Delaware peninsula. George Gould says the Union Pacific's noating aeot is only 14,000,000, . The New York Legislature has dried np tne pool rooms in tnat state. Missouri crop prospects are most dis couraging, owing to heavy losses, It is said the railroads will ignore the neorasita maximum ireiglit rate law, Eastern capitalists are said to be try ing to buy tne bt. Lows street railroads. The water is very low in the South Pass at the mouth of the Mississippi nver. There are seventy-seven branches of tne rneosopnical foociety in the United estates. The strike on the Union Pacific is at an end. The terms of settlement have not been made public. Pittsburg capital, controlling 40.000 acres of gas territory, will build great iron muis at juumce, ina, Governor Flower of New York will commute the sentence of Carlyle W. Harris, tne wne muraerer. The 1.027 electric-light lames of Chicago are maintained at the expense to tnat city 01 fioz each per year. lxuisville will otter in bonds and a building site, if the State will move its capitol irom r ranklort. The Populist women of Kansas have begun organizing women suuerage clubs, The first was organized at Topeka last week. The Pennsylvania iron trade expects much trouble during this year in strikes. Manufacturers will attempt to reduce wages. General Harrison has been invited to make the chief speech at the unveiling ot tne new soldiers' monument at Ath ens, O. Cargoes of horse meat, it is said, are being shipped from New York to Bel gium as food for the poor people of that country. The Goodland Rain-making Company is said to be contracting with farmers in Western Kansas counties at an average of (1,000 per county. A Kansas woman, who held a man up at a revolver point and went through his pockets, has been sent to the peni tentiary for two years. Governor Nelson of Minnesota has signed the anti-scalper bill, which be comes a law April 18 next. Scalpers say they will contest it. According to a recent decision it is an offense against the laws of the United States to send a dunning or scurrilous message on a postal card. Electric roads in Ohio are so numer ous that there is a prespect of so many being jammed together as to form a continuous line across the State. As a result of the immense crops of grain harvested the last two seasons in South Dakota, that State is this spring having the heaviest immigration in ten years. The first grain fleet of the season has cleared from Chicago with 11,000,000 bushels. Notwithstanding the severe winter, navigation has opened earlier than usual. The wonderful influence of the sun on earth is shown by the fact that during less than three minutes while the last eclipse was total the temperature fell three degrees. The receipts from water rates in Chi cago during the last fiscal year aggre gated (2,509,952, and the operating ex penses were only (1,170,098. This leaves a profit of (1,399,854. Steel caskets for the bodies of those who die suddenly on Bhipboard are being carried on many of the transatlan tic liners. The remains are placed in them and hermetically sealed. The Supreme Court of the United States has had occasion to declare itself on the question whether singular or plural pro nouns ougnt to oe usea in speaamg 01 the United States. The Court sustains the constitutional form, "The United States are." John Railev. a Tennessee farmer in hard luck, has just been made happy bv the receipt of J685 from Frank K. Wall- dran of Beading, Pa., being in full pay ment with 6 per cent interest for a horse which Walldran, then a soldier, appro priated from Kuiley's stable in 1804. In the effort to keen New York's streets clean four hundred red barrels have been placed at the corners of Union Square for passers bv to throw their banana skins and papers into. If the experiment prove useful, barrels will be placed at street corners all over tlie city. The Sheriff of Aikin county, 8. C seized a train on the South Carolina rail road upon a warrant issued by the State authorities for the collection of taxes which were in controversy. The road was in the hands of a receiver appointed bv the United States Court, and the Sheriff was adjudged guilty of contempt for failing to release the property under order of that Court. He went" to the Supreme Court for relief, which was denied, the" Court holding the State'B claims for taxes were not superior to the general rule, which makes property placed in the hands of a receiver subject to the orders of Court ; they are to be de termined in the regular way and proper manner. The seizure was unjustifiable. NATIONAL CAPITAL. Secretary Morton has appointed H. H, C. Dunwoody assistant chief of the weather bureau, vice Major Rockwood resigned. Major Dunwoody has been connected with tbe bureau for many years. E. P. Baldwin, First Auditor of the ireasury, has issued an order which will prevent favoritism in the examina tion of accounts. Under the new order each account will be taken up in the order in which it was received and on no acconnt made special, except by oraer 01 tne neaa 01 tne department. Unless unforeseen reason for postpone ment snouia occur the international Monetary Conference will reconvene at Brussels May 30. All the Commissioners have tendered their resignations, and but one of them Henry W. Cannon President of tbe Chase National Bank of New York city has been reappointed It is understood Senator Jones of Ne' vada has been requested to withdraw his resignation. Acting Commissioner of Pensions Murnhv haa transferred abont fifty clerks, who were heretofore employed on "statistical work," out which, so far as lie could see, are of no value to the office. to current work in ordei to facilitate in bringing up the business to date Murphy is decidedly of the opinion that among the 958,000 pensioners on the roils 01 the bureau there are many fradu lent cases, and with a view of purging the list of such aa can be reached he has issued an order to the special examiners In the field, directing them to use all diligence in searching out such cases as require the attention 01 the bureau. Friends of ex-Representative Blount, now on a special mission to Honolulu. say there are several reasons why he win not ua cnosen wus .minister elevens - 1 , . . 1 ll! , f , , successor. Notwithstanding that his actions have been approved by the ad ministration, the President is not blind to the fact that certain things he haa done, notably the hauling down of the a 1 1 ; 1 r .1 : . nog, iiave ueeu reeeiveu 1.1 una courury with disfavor. The president realizes also that a commissioner appointed to assist in settling a controversy between two parties in a foreign nation can hardlv hone to be nervona sratia to all tactions alter tne settlement is enected, Before leaving Washington President Cleveland practically set at rest all rumors that he would call an extra ses sion of Congress to consider the financial situation. During a conversation with Cleveland Representative Kilgore in quired regarding the intentions of the President as to an extra session. Kil gore explaned that he wished to bring l t : 1 .. ,i .1 Mia mum w vuia uity, anu ior mis reason was anxious to learn what would probably be done in order that he could make his plans accordingly. Thareplv of the President was he would not call an extra session nntil September, unless some unforeseen circumstances which were not now anticipated made such a course necessary. He stated a call would be made for assembling Congress between September 1 and 15. .,.. Senator Ransom, Chairman of the Commerce Committee, was seen in reference to the committee's Pacific Coast trip. When asked about the probable date of the start from Chicago le said he had an idea tnat arrange ments could be rrfected so that thn committee would leave June 15. There was no certainty about this, he said, but it was his purpose to get the committee away at the earliest possible moment. It is now stated that the committee will be on the Pacific Coast for fully six weeks, and possibly for a more lengthy period. Senator Ransom says the com mittee will go direct from Chicago to San Francisco. From there the commit tee will go to Los Angeles, to investi gate whether the proposed deep water harbor should be located at Rodondo Beach or San Pedro. When the investi gation for this purpose is completed other river nd harbor improvements will be looked into, and then the com mittee will go north to Oregon and Washington to investigate the Columbia river improvements and also the pro posed scheme to connect Lake Washing ton to Puget Sound by ship canal. WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. World's Fair construction has cost ptighteen lives. World's Fair buildings will need 120,- 000 incandescent electric lights. But few English society people will come to the World's Fair until the Lon don season is over in July. The buildings of tho Chicago World's Fisjr have already cost twice as much aa those of the Paris Exposition. The Prince of Wales is not coming oviff this year, but his son, the Duke of York, is expected to do so before his marriage. What is claimed to be the plow need by Daniel Webster on his farm at Maiuhfield, N. H., will be sent to the World's Fair. The government exhibit for the World's Fair is not ready, and therefore will not be placed in position at the fair until May lb. Among the Kansas products to be ex hibited at the World's Fair will be some choice specimens of grasshoppers, in the production of which the bleeding State is without a rival among American Commonwealths. August 0 has been named as the day for a grand gathering of Virginians at the World's Fair. On that day the 74th anniversary of the assem bling at Jamestown of the first rep resentative legislative body of Americans will occur. A model of Nicaragua canal, twenty feet long, is exhibited at the World's air. this model is one of the two that were constructed at Washington m 1888. The other was sent to the Paris Exposition and presented to the French department of .engineering. The Executive Committee of the local directory of the World's Fair held a meeting at which resolutions were adopted which practically mean a flat renunciation of Congressional control. The joint committee made a lengthy report on the recent act of Congress in structing the Secretary of the Treasury to withhold enough of the Columbia half dollars to secure the payment of $570, 880 for awards, which was amply dis cussed. The report says the committee would regard it as a direct and inexcus able violation of the pledges and coven ants with the bondholders to enter into the formal undertakings which the act of Congress require. The requirement of this act, says the committee, is a violation of the act of August 6, 1892, accepted by the directors. . FOREIGN CABLES. The Pope Trying to Break tne Drouth in Italy. FRANCO-SIAMESE DIFFICULTY. Ouida's Latest Novel Promise to be Startling Cape Colony' Ex port of Gold Etc. British India has 10.417 licensed oninm shops. The revolution in Honduras has been oppressed. , Victor Yifauain has been annointedl Consul-General at Panama. It is estimated that 70.000.000 of peo ple in Europe wear wooden shoes. The latest record-breaking time be tween Bombay and London is thirteen days. Owing to the drought in Southern Russia, the ctods have suffered great damage. Grasshoppers in China are so numer ous that soldiers have been ordered out to fight them. A Tokio paper says 300 young Japan ese women are to be shipped to Chicago for immoral purposes. It is reported that a seam of coal has been struck at a depth of 200 feet at Newport, near Melbourne. The Reichstag has Dassed hv a lanm majority the bill providing for the more careful preservation of military secrets. Count Herbert Bismarck is about to reappear in public life. He has become a candidate for a seat in the Prussian Diet. Cape Colony's export of gold during March amounted in value to 430,000, as against (334,000 in the same month last year. The Pope has ordered that prayers for rain be offered by Catholics throughout Italy. Rain has not fallen for two months. The province of Quebec is endeavoring to float a new loan in Europe in order to pay off the Merrier (4,000,000 loan, ma turing in July. The Russian government confesses that in the first two weeks of April there were 359 deaths from cholera in one province alone. Nearly 500 women are employed as station agents in France, but they get only half as much pay a men in the same positions. . The famous clock said to have been made by Louis XVL was recently pur chased by a member of the Rothschild family for (168,000..---i-.4-... Germany's wine crop of 1892 was little more than half the average production of the previous ten years, although the quality is excellent. Sanction has been recently granted for the construction of a railway between Tachikawa and Ome, Japan, to be known as the Ome railway.. In the relief of paupers 2,191,172 was spent by local government relief boards in England and Wales during the last half of last year. Queen Victoria abandoned her pro jected visit from Florence to Venice on account of the alarming reports as to the prevalence of cholera. The Prussian Landtag has approved Finance Minister Miquel's proposal for a property tax, the most contentious part of his financial reform bill. Sir Andrew Barclay Walker, who made fortune of 1 14.000.000 aa a brewer and spirit merchant and in coal mines, left (50,000 of it to Liverpool hospitals. The total stock of wheat at twenty- eight cities in continental Europe de creased 3,403,000 bushels in March. Stocks on April 1 were 17,875,000 bushels. The increase of population in the whole of Australasia during 1892 is esti mated by the government statist at 85, 000, of which only 6,700 was due to emi gration. The Jews of Bulgaria gave to the bride of Prince Ferdinand an album inlaid with diamonds, rubies and emeralds. which cost (50,000. The Pope sent a diamond ring. The latest cron reDort of the Hunga rian Agricultural Minister says frosts and north winds have done much damage to wheat, and a considerable area of rye has been killed. Ouida's latest novel promises to be startling even for her. Mr. Gladstone will figure as a villain in the plot, and Bhe promises to make him as black as any she has ever painted. The Franco-8iamese- difllculty is re garded at Singapore as serious. The Si amese traders, as they tear tnere win oe fighting, have ceased importing rice, and the dealers are hoarding it. Many of the men who participated in the recent suffrage riots in Mons, Bel gium, have been sentenced to short terms in prison, and the Socialist leader, Bre nez, was sent to prison for five years. Notwithstanding that every year from .000 to 6.000 ships go np and down the river Seine, carrying 2,500,000 tons of goods, it is said that there is no map of this important French stream in exist ence. The official estimate of the condition of the French wheat crop on April shows the area to be about tlie same as last year. Twenty-eight departments report, the condition very good, ntty gooa, seven satisfactory and two medium. The Empress of Austria is to visit Vi- . enna again after years ot wanaenng about the world. She is extravagantly fond of flowers, and the florists of her loyal city are forcing their roses and orchids in order to meet ner unexampiea demands. The business of colonizing Africa with white people goes on apace. An expedi tion lett England some two weeks ago tor Mozambique as advance party of settlers who are to colonize some ami square miles of territory between the river Zambesi and Sabi. The people of Grantstown, Bahama, became so incensed at the brutality of the constabulary that they burned the guardroom, beat the constabulary and stoned Captain Learmouth. A Constable had his brains beaten in in the center of I the city of Nassau,