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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1893)
HUItHCltU'TIOX Tl.SO I'Klt YEAR." IIeI.ksb, Mav 12. 1833. um B.ifiiio' ghost, Mr. Ferusoyer won t eluwn. Ilia ambition la keep i!meU prominently before an admir- tt (t) contiunov is constantly get: tioflT him into all kintl. of com prom it- Jug position! and iiia morbid desire for cheap notorieiv seem to be insa tiable. The governor' luteal exliibi tlon of these propensity n was llie dis respectful reply to Mr." Gresltam's message from resident Cleveland warning our governor that yiolcuce to vuinese residents of t 1m s state is threatened and requesting him to take all necessary precautions to prevent trouble. Here wan an opporunity to make a sliow of himself that- Mr. Tennoyer could not re: int. and with charactorislio petulence he cent message direct to the president telling liitu to "mind hia own bushi.sss." Al though Mr. Tennoyer occupies the highest office in the gift of the people of pregon, he must not be accepted by the whole country as a representative citizen, for lie is only a freak who came into the Inch otlice he so sys tematically dihhonorj, by chance, When Secretary Gresliitm received our governor's reply he remarked that the latter was more Vi ml of a d d fool at one tim than any man he ever heard of. This is the way all self respecting Oregouians have Mr. l en iioyer sized up, and all we - sny is that we are ashamed of him. The spectacle of tlio great free-trade ftarty constructing a turiQ" law that will increase the internal revenue re eipts f53,O0O,OO0 is extremely ludi crous after its arraignment of high tariff republicanism, but that is what the democratic leaders are doing and What they are obliged to do in order to meet the deficit which will stare tlicm. in the face at the end of the fiscal jear. Just how the democrats are going to make their action in this harmonize with the platform adopted by the Chicago convention is not ex plained, but it is supposed the domi nant parly has made the discovery that this country has grown some since the days of Jefferson and that it accord ingly costs more to run it. Although the democrats apostrophzed the repub licans for imposing the "robbnr tariff," and howled for free-trade until they were hoarse, the former are now studi ously engaged in trying to increase the revenue receipts about 153,000,000 a year. Lay on, brethern, it's inter esting for you and very amusing for us. Indications point to a light season with the logging caitios so far - as the prospect for" making sales of logs is concerned. It is expected, however, that some lumber will be manufact ured but it is not thought the cut will more than supply the local demand. The general prostration of the foreign, market shuts out the possibility of any heavy shipments, and the logs now in ths water will more than sup ply the home market. A general re vival , of the lumber market is not looked for under eighteen months, and ;. those loggers who intend operating this coming summer are either doing so upon tiie strength of coatracts with the expectation of holding their logs until next season. It is to be hoped that some unforseen influence will soon' make its appearance and re- vive the lnmber market, as this enter, prise is necessary to the prop p r!ty o' business on the Lower Columbia. THE COMMISSIONERS. Proceedings of the May Term of tha '.' ' county Court. MA V 3. In the matter of the Elliott road, road smvey No. 85, report of viewers read. In the matter of the road petition of Israel Spencer and other:) fur the change in the Pittsburg and Vernonia road, report of viewers read. In the matter of the petition of Charles Wiokstrom and others for change in Uable Mad, petition granted and the following viewers apixiinted: Clara nee Garrison, John Ftant. and Ltndslt-y Meeker, A. B. Little, surveyor. Meet at residence of Charles Wick strom May 13. In the matter of tlio petition of liar ry Weal and others for change of road, petition read and objections heard. The viewers Appointed are A. Stump, John Downing and ' (J. W. Uraut, A. B. Little, surveyor. Viewers meet at residence of. Harry West on May 27. Ill the matter of petition for liquor licensu of William Milter and Connie Bradley, Deer Wumi precinct, prayer of petition granted and bond approved. In the matter of rebate of tax of Magnus Saxon, matter considered ami a rebate of 2.70 allowed. In the matter of of the rebate of tax of Seth L. Fvpe for over assessment, referred to sheriff. In the matter of rebate of tax of S. II. Trvon for over assessment, rebate of $3 45 allowed. Ia the matter of ro:id petition of A. F McDouald, approved. In the matter of the petition fir liquor license of Orrin A. Woxl, in Union l'reciuct, consideration uf peti tion continued until May 4. MAY 4. In the matter of the rebate of tax of the Pacifiis Postal Telegraph Com pany, rebate of 30 allowed. in the matter of rebate of tax of the Western Union Telegraph Com pany, rebate of $42 50 allowed. may 5. In the matter of the road petition of W. J. Webber and others, C. C. Lee Martin White and A. T. Laws ap pointed viewers, A. B. Lit tin surveyor. Meet ut the residence of C. H. Owcnt on May 30. In the matter of the road petition of B. Jones and others, petit ion read. viewers appointed, (J. U. Lee., John Hundrickfon and A. T. Law, A. B. Little, survevor. Meet at residence of W. JL Webber, June I. In the matter of a petition 'for re bate of tax and affidavit of Seth L. rone, sheriff ordered to allow excess. In the matter of the rebate of tax of Cooper & Meeker, matter consid ered and reterted to the sheriff, it ap pearing to be a double assessment. MAY C. In the matter of the resignation of road superviso'. of road district No. 16, resignation of J. II. Adams accepted and appoiulmeut of Peter Walter approved. BUiS ALLOWED. state Wilson C, supplies furnished road dintriot No, 8 C3 59 Libel CaRper lumber furnished road district No. 12 ... 28 00 Clark U. W. printing sign board. . 3 50 .Sessomim ' H. printing guide board;. 3 00 Meservo J. W. exper testimony postmortem examination.. 20 00 Ii win li.n (J. court house supplies............ 23 00 Cloeton T. ,T. pro rata for (tchool district and postage.. 13S 00 McNntt Bros, supplies etc.... 10 55 Ulitss & Pi uilhommo court house supplies. 2 25 Udmorn John cleaning of jail and washing 2 00 Coiiyers E. W. supplies furn ished Mr Tinnneu. 83 00 McLaren Dr. S. P. medical at tention furnished Mrs Lyons 25 00 Davis Bios, county printing... 6 50 Dowling J. L. speciul consta ble D.ik J'oint g 00 Irwin Den C. court house sun plies 94 50 Beegle J. R. Jr. county priut ing. 85 75 Glass b Pruddhome, tax re ceipts. . 11 00 Griswold, W. T., rubate of lax. 4 75 Fn emtio, A. J., sumo. , 4 60 Tryon, S. II., same 3 24 tj hi ml lor, Q., twelve chairs for jury 24 CO Pacific Postal Telegraph and Cable Co., rebate of lax 34 00 McDonald, A II., supervisor of load district No. 5, pro tern. 8 00 Blunchard, Dean, salary as the county judge, four mouths. ICG 66 Wh irton, E. M., salary county Ueasurcr, two months 58 33 Cleelon, T. J., salary as super intendent, two months 30 00 Iluber, Henry, support of pau per. .... 16 00 Couvers, E. W., support of pau per 30 00 MAKRICD. SAN PBDRN-FOWLKH At ihe resilience oi the bride's paints. May 7th, Mary 1. Fowler to le"e L Samlixirn, Justice J. B. IViiim ofTiria'tntr. This Monmouth Weekly Record has uspended. This makes the second paper that has died at Monmoutl: within the past six mouths. ' The death of the Record was caused, prob ably, more on account of circumstances existing unknown to the majority of its supporters. People are not' iu . favor of keeping alive another paper in order to maintain one of their own. ADDITIONAL) IiOCAIi. It. R. Fowler has been appointed postmaster at lieuben, this county. ' The Portland bar is well represneted At the district court now in session, Cashier Newell, of The Columbia Bank reports business lively and de posit coining in at a sa.tisf rctory rate. ' Wednesday evening Judge McBrlde dismissed the petit jury with in structions to appear ia court at 10 :30 a. ni., Monday. - The grand jury returned not a true bill against C. M. Shaw, who was en gineer of the Northern Pacific train that killed W. 8. Mason on the- Milton creek bridge August 30, last, year. The Building Association's fine new opera house is rapidly assuming satis factory proportions. Contractor George has taken advantage of all good weather we have had to push work on the building and it is rapidly Hearing completion. The Association ia entitled to great credit for supplyi ng ' us with this long and badly aeedtd building. This structure will be of more genuine and lasting benefit to fit. Helens than anything of its kind we know of. A commodious and well appointed building such as this one will be, where all kinds of public gath erings can be held, is a public benefit and great convenience to any pIBcr. When completed the opera hoiitc will 40xS0 feet, high ceiling1 and a twenty-loot stage, and it is propostd lo put the finest dancing floor in it in Doan X B., J. P. fees vs. George Schmidt f Stewart J. K., constable fee state vs. George Schidtka. . . Hendricks Gertie, witness fees state vs. George Schrnidtka. Hendricks Emma, witness fee state vs. George Schidtka ... Meserve Harry, witness fee state vs. George Schrnidtka. Meserve L, J. witness fees state vs. George Schmintka. Wagoner Oscar, witness fees state vs. G. Schrnidtka. . . . . Hall Dr. J. D. witness fees state vs. G, Schrnidtka Meserve Dr. J. W. witness fees state VS. G. Schrnidtka. ..... Fowler F. M. witness fees Sanburn R. B. witness fees state vs. G. Scmidt Murr W. N. witness fees state vs. G. Schmidt.. . ..... Schmidt Mary, witness fees state vs. G. Schmidt Barrett W. N. Attorney's fees state vs. G. Schmidt Kerr Geo. L. bounty on scalps Holter Sorn, bounty on scalps Splawn S. B. bounty on scalps Conyers C. L same Deeds J. II , same Holmer Wm., same. . . . : Parker C. L., same. 2 Young J. L., same 2 m; .ri .no. vs. In the Circuit Court u( the State of Oregon. for Columbia Cumity. V. Mcookt. rlaiiiiW, ) v V M. Mi'Doar, IWvmiant. To M. Mudget, defendant: TX TH It' SAME OF THE STATE OF 1 Oregon, you urc hereby required to ap pear ami answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit by the tint lay ut the next term oi suiii court follow ing the Uit puhlication of this summons. to-wit: on lucsday. the i)th day 01 .May, UfM: mid if you ihen fail to answer or ap pear the plaintiff" wilt apply to said court for the relief prayed for in Bnil couiphiiut, to wii:fora decree ili-Mjlvin the IhiikIs of matrimony now existing tKtwten yourscif and pluimitr, aud for Mich other relief as may tie j:ist. 1 ids summons is served hy piililicntion by onler of tlio Hon. '1 hoirn" A. Mcltntle, judge of said court, maile the 4!nd lav of March. T. J. tiKlM,Kit.' m31ml2 Attorney for 1'Ia.ntitf Some 'Good Buys -roa sals r . IX J. Swit zer, ST. I1H1.KSS, - 0UK0ON. The snnthwrat i of section 82, and the HOiithenst H of the sautheast ' of M'ction ill, and west l4 oi th Mnilliwest of sec tion .11, mwnhlp T norlb, range 3 west, !M0 acres, J7.60 per sera. Tlio southeast W of the southeast X of seoliuii ), towtmliij) 7 nortli, range i west, 40 acres at per acre. The noi thvust 4 of section fl, township 6 north, rtuiK 2 west, cuiitiiliiing 1W acres, $10 per acre. Ths southwest ?( and west V of cotitli east 4 ami llio southeast t of the suiitti-e-t 'i aud the went of thn nnrtheat K. and the m tiieast !i uf the northeast ut s tiou (i, Inwusliip 0 luirth, raliga 2 West, 400 acres, 7.fi0 per acre. The west 's of the northwest V of sic- lln 5. town.-hip tl north, range ' west, 8J acres, J7.50 per aero. The northeast of thesouthwest , and the northwest of the soutlicust 'a ol fei1- tion 5. township tt north, raujjo 2 west. So acres, 3 per acre, The north !i of the northeast W of see tion 7, township U north, range ii wont, SO acres. ? per acre. A farm of S'J acres nt Warren Slntlon , on the N. P. K. It . with team of horses, wa gon, harness, !i cows, 1 yearling; also all farming tools, goo t house and burn. Price. .i.'JoO, two-third dowu, balance In 1 year, lnipura of L. J. bwiUer, ht Helens, Or. The northeast of the southeast H of sef'iion 1 , township ti north, range u west, $7.50 pur acre. balance secured interest. Terms One-third cash, hy mortgage at 8 per cent Notice to Creditors. NOTICE is herehv given bv the under signed Ailniinbtrutrix of the estate of Oeorgc Kirachau , deceased, to the cnditi rs of. and all persons having c aims aint the said deceased . to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers ni'liin six months lifter the first public. ;tii n of this notice 10 the Administratrix, at her residence in St. He! ens, I'oiumliiH county, tlrccnn. l.orr.v V. ST It ACJl A N. Administratrx of the estate of tteorge Mraetian, ai'ceaed. 8 40 19 00 2 70 2 70 2 90 2 SO! 2 70 4 70 2 90 2 50 2 50 2 50 9 00 21 00 10 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 38 00 00 00 Motive for Publication. , . LaJid Office at Oregon Cilv, Orneon, April 7. lfflW. N'OTICE Is herebv given tht the following named sertlcr nil notice of his inten tion to riiakci rinsl prit fu suptsirt of hlselsim. snd thnt suid vrool will he made hefitre His Count) Clerk of Coluciliiu coiintr, at St. Helens, proKon, on June 12, ism, viz: KAMUELA KOWMtn. Homestead eiur .No. Tri for the southeast t of seciiyn 17, township C north, runse 'I wesL He niiines th following wttnetM1 to (rovs his continuous residence iipou aud cultivation of siid lund, vir: II. t. Hrown. James Lord. Adolnh ITflnsen and James Kennedy, all of R-nlen. rolnmbia coun ty. Orenon. J. T. ArPEUSON. Kenistar. a2Sji For Sale! Rollout land, well Improvcil. with tine, young orchard and gool huildings; ulso a goid upland farm well improved, line, voting orchard, splendid buildings. Cull on or address I. bl'Mti AUllNKIt, le?r Island, Or. notice tor Publication. Land Office at Oregon Citr, Oregon. April 7. 1I3. N OTICE is hereby given that the following named nettle! bus tiled notice of hla Intt-n-tion to ninke tiuul proof m sup;srt of his claim audthutsHid proof will b made uefurs the Couuty Clerk of Columbia county, ut St. Helens. Ort-0-oD,on Jinn-1 viz: HAMt'FI. UHKKN'WOOP. Hornestesd entry So. S3, for the Miuthwest w n" ii, o'- ii:-uip u wtnn. rangeo wesi. tie linuoiii remdenie upon and rultlvstion of said Isnd.viz: Under arclion '.01. B. 8., Jaiues N. Kice. 1. If. AMridge and W. II. Fonts, of Mist, and C. W. W. of Cia.nkanie, all of Columbia cuintv, oreieou aHinW J. T. AFPEIHOX, Register. PEDIGREE: AID HOCKWOOD is a dark bay. hands hk-h; to white except tar. He was sired liy Ailiriiudai k (713 ; Aid Itockivncd a .sally Koca wo.k1, by Korkwooit (t 07) Adirondack's dam. Madge, by S olunirer (&.'), mu of Kvitduke's Ituuitilctonlsn; 2nd ilitin, Nellie, I'.v Alvxandrr AI'dalhdi S)t too of kyMlvke'a KaiuUititouinn fiO); 8d dam by hherinun Morv-tn. sun ut Jimitn Morgan, the treat lotllliler of the Morgan fnndly of hi.r-as. 8htfmisti M'rrirsn sired Verwvui'l Hlnck Hauk. sire of Ethun Allen, B mu:.le (7.0,; i. foil brother to Uiuiio '2 -tl1 j, Krec.ey--2:,.1t. Vournr Brun. 'i.ri1-:. Iimiiel Honr- y ai. Trotti-d in public to wiii,'ou in t'srl Burr t-ial by Hol.ert lloum r in 2 i'j, ItMtio and Uruiitfite in Ifsl?. trotted dMb in nubile In 1 2U, Madge, dam d, is by Vol- untecr (55). hi of Kvttlvke's Ha.nblctonlaii (10 . Voliiulocr ulrerlS:. Julieil 1 11', Oltt.Mer-2 17 Alley-if lu.-U slina 'J:l'i, nriver i:V) Nellie, the graodsiu of Admmdm k, n will be seen, Is by Al.inidr's Adslia;i (l-" , sircol ti .Idsmltli .Vint I 2: 4. onilind- 2: 211,. Ihiinidale -2.;., -Major Ediall-and rtt. Eliiio 2.JU. WE ARE THE MANDFCTURERS LIEN'S; -ALL-WOOL- SUITS Saclis and Frocks SIZES 34 TO 54 $8.85!i Every Suit Warranted to be of tlio Celebrated Albany Mills Cussimere. J.M. MOYER&CO. RETAIL STORE Under th3 Gilman. Conar Alder Street, Portland, Oregon. Standard Bred a RE YOU A W Ai RE? TROTTING STALLION lid Roe W -THAT- CARRIES A COMPLETE STOCK OF AID HOCKWOOD VVill make the sras'in of Ixtu at JOHN DOW.MNG'S PLACE, Warren Station, Columbia County. TERMS, 15 DOLLARS Drugs and Ghemicles, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. Parfumes, Stationery, School Books and Cigars P ESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. ST. HELENS, - - OREGON. ... IlllUllOltD. Ill tli Clrnult Otitirl uf tlis Hlats ut OrsHun, for Coliiiiililn foimty, . It. U. Mt'Ntirt, I'litliitar, VI. lira H. ItVMtirt niitl Nri.un Emmoks Hi MON, IlrfiUlilillltH. Tt) Uu II. Ilyiimi Aiul Ni'llln Kmnion Uy linn, lli'u nlittvit niiiiiwl (Ii ffnil.iula; TNTIIKNA.MK 0f TlllC HTATK OV 1 OrtKiin, you sis lii-rfliy rriulnnl to ap. pear ami iinmvor tltu oiin.fiiiil IIU-il iiauinat vnti tu thn ulinvtiriitlili'il suit on or liufura llio llrxt tiirv ol i In" m'xt tnrm of the aliova ctitltliul court, to-wlti tut tlis II rut Ttirsilay alter tlis ionil .Miiiulny in Muy, IHIM, bo- init the lltli titty uf suid itttiiiiii. A nit If yon fall an. to siiKwi-r, fur want therrof, i)liilntllf will iilly to the court for tlis relief prayiMl for In llitl t'oiniilMliit, hi tor JtulMiiisiit for the Sinn of I I'JO.iM, sml Intervat llivrsun silica tlx Ifltli tiny of I' tlirnitry, ICIW, at Ilia rntn of ten er i-otil. per riiiuiiii until pslilj nnil for llielurtlier stun of 7,VW s uitor nev'n tee, anil tor lilt coHta uml ilinlur inetits lisielnt anil for a iliereo lorfclo.liiii tlis morlptiiKK ' t forth In iliteuuiilHlut riiiI tluit the rmil pro fly tUmoribeil tlnrtin, iu il! I,nts8, -I. fl. 11,11. IK uml It In Murk .'.! uml nlrto nil tifliliK lt 'M; all tu .Mnlllniirr'a miiiitlim to llio I'ity of Vtirlioiiin, (.'olinnliia ciniiilv , On pill, In- aolil uml I lie inxeeds of sneli mile lie niplltil towsrtls 111 pay Hu nt of ill Jiulniui'iit, '1 lilt Mimitii'ita is pulillnlieil piiransnt t mi itnli r of ruiirl niiiila itntt entered ths imli tlnv of Mini h, 1m:i:i. iiL'ltn.t Ul',0. F., HAVIS. Ailoruey for I'lstinifl'. klltf,1IO.HN, Iii tlio Clrotiit Court of I lie Mats of Orrn, tor t mil iiiuin t'titiiity, ICtiWAito Wshmiiii, rittlnlitr, v. tit II, Hyxon and Nm i is ItrsoD.Drf' To tluit II, Itymin anil Nellie llynoii , Ilia aliove iiiiineil ilvldmluiits: TN TIIR NAMIC (IK TIIK BTATB Of 1 Ori'K"i, you ars liereliv reiptlretl to ia H-r uml attnwiT the i'tiiiiplnlntlllrtsi)aint yon tit tie shore entitled aeilon, on or ! fur Ihe lirnltlny of tli next term uf thn ulmve t'tiltileil roui t, to-nll: on Ihs ftrat Tnexilif alter the aeeoiid Monday In J' a jr. iHSVt. heliiK Hie tltli iluy of unld lootttli. Ami If you lull no tu ner, for wimt ihvriof, pliititiilt will tuke )ud-uieiit aisnliit yoti aui eueli of you for llio Mini of S-V'itX) with ia ti r-t thereon l.,ee tlis Mill day uf Mitrrta, HliI, nl the rale of In per cent, per annum until ptiiil: ami lor tlm further sum of i.XMK) a-. Htiunit v fee lieieln, and for his t'oalx mid dilitirKeiiitttila uf ihUnetuin ; and Hll order iilrei ti. i the kule, on enernlloa, of the follonliijt i.tia lii real pMiily, to yi it : The w id )i of et tinn 1, aad sl ot nei, i f (.rt'ilou rt, townihlp 4 norlb, r ." west ; uml Unit Ih prtweeda of nild sl he applied towardx tint poj tueulol lb aali joilttu-eiit. Tlil aninniom ia ptthllihcrl pursuant ti an order of itourt made acid nteri lisrsiu ml" IM.h itv of Martdi, HtW inJIiii'.'i fiKO. R. )AVI4. Atlotney for I'laiu'llT. Aulineii1! Kailre. In Ihe mutter of a-li(nioent of J. W. HatU, M. I.. Nlrliolna anil Stephen Hplstrn, sv paitnera a Hevi, Nicholai Ahplaaiu. iloaolvent deliliir. ' he iinih r-i(.'io'd hat lir been duly p. Hitnted a-i(tui ut the rMale id tlio almta iiiuued iiiKolvenl delitor, under ami f vii tile of mi net of ths leel -laiit aarinbiY of Ihe Suite of tin roll, enlltlid "An Mild in rn re to eis-lltota a Ju t ilivi.nirt of th rotate of ih tlor, who iKitiri y to aanitnaa fur the U'nrllt of eretlilotn," apptoved t'rlo In r lit, W,H. H nd Hie ein- tiilui, nl" therito, Hpprovrd Kei.rnnry '.'I, M."A, hII permna liuvitut t lidniK Huiii"! "uid eelntearn hersar ii.oilinl to pn-'eul lh Miine lo me at uijf llli. hmiiia ss'-:t.'. lluriiiniii bolhiirf , rorlliind, tlreitoti, duly verilled aa b? la W reiiirixi, wiihui thres iiiomlia from li tliite htr.jf. It. i tiU.MI AM, Alini' INirlhiiii!. Or.. Maruh 31. 1 MO. mJIml! Sherifl'rt Sale. Model Saloon. 30 00 7G 00 172 00 29 50 69 50 2i 00 401 02 Wilson Wm. 0,,samc 14 00 Peterson J. F.. same 8 00 Adams Gorge, same 4 00 Conyers W.E., same 8 00 Costs Simison, same. 8 00 Weaver M. E .same 8 00 Tlinnipkina F. M., same 2 (X) Dulnian, W. H., support for Mrs. Kambaleki Little, A. B., surveyor's fees. . Quick, E. E., clerk's fees. .... Little, A. B.( sunreyor's fees. . Barnes, G. W., commissioner's fee and supervisor of road. . Schoonover, S. (., same 46 30 Dolaa Jolin, supxt of James Moore. Massie, G. A., eViorifTa fees. . . Gunderon, Anion, murker on Elliott road. 4 20 Payne, J. M., chainman on El liott road.. 4 40 Elliott, E. B., chainman on El liott oad 4 40 Graham S. M. viewer on Elli ot! road 4 20 Oolvin llonry viewer same. . ., 4 40 Conyers W. E. viewer same. . 4 60 Keyser W. II. fees for arses- sor. 105 00 Glass k Prodbomme court I house supplies. 50 CO Olats & Pruduoinme assess ment blanks 30 00 Meserve Bros lumber used in road district No. 17. ..... . . 20 24 MeVey Elijah supplies furn ished Geo. Morrison. 44 53 Xotice of Pinal Settlement. NOTICE is herehv fiven that I have filed my final account and petition f r di- ariuuuon ai Kunniian oi tne estate ol leu mo itani-liio. a minor, and tli- Jurltreof tin County Court ha apinted Mondav, Julv 3rd. 1H, at 2 o elocK p. in , and the court room of the county court of Columlii county, Oregon, as the time and place for bearing said account, aud pelelion for dis tribution, when and wiiere any persons interested may appear aad file objection to miiu airuiiL anu w .lie Eraiitiinc oi aaiu penuon. K n, Davky. (Juardian of the estate of Tenino Jtari. cmo, a minor. Dated May 5th 1803, l.nTits. In the Justice Court, for the Precinct of nnuuer, etate oi Oregon, County of Columbia, Jobs Dibolek, I'laintiflT, ) v. I B. Kt la. Defendant.: Civil action to recover money, To S. Klibe, tiie above-named defendant. 7.N IHii KAMU OV THK bTA'lii OF I OreRon, you arc hereby required to ar pear before the under-inned, a JuBtice of the Peace, tor the 1'recinet aforeail, on the 17th day of Jmte. 1K. at 1 o'clock in t le aftemon of aid day at theoftice of said Jtitii:c, in said Treeinct, to answer the above-named Plaintiff in a civil action. The lleiendnnt will take notice that if he fmt to answer the complaint herein the Ph. hi 4; II will take judzment against hiin for the sum of f 16.63 (forty-six dollars and fifty six eentM), and interest thereon from the 18th day of March, WiZ. at the rate of eight, per cent, per annum, togetner wun coals and diahiinement of tin's action. Given under my band tlii-i 8th day cf ay, ii). .i v. iiuA.t, :ul2jie Jnt;ce of tiie Peace, Notice t Creditor. NOTICE is herehv eiven that thn under slsed has been appointed administrator of the etate of oephus Jones, deceased, bv the Hon. County .Twice of Columbia county. All persons havinft claims against uid estate will pleate present the seme in legal form to me at mv ofllce in the City of iiantaaiiie, t.oiumiiia cotiniy, wegon, whiiio aix luoniriM iroat tuts aate. 'ibis 4th day of May , im W. II, Cowvatts, Atlmiiiiatrator. akin owden The only Pura Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. .Used , in , Millious of Homes 40 Years the Standard, I. SfAflWOOD, Pres'r, ST. HELENS, OBEOOK Choice Wines, Licuors and Cigars. Beer 5 Cts. Billard and Pool titbit for & Jleaommodation of Patrona CALL AROUND. CITY BARBER SHOP BATH HOUSE. C. L. COLBURN', Proprietor. CASH STORE - z W. J. MUCKLE & CO., -PKA1.HKM It- . rfTm ark "ov TJ 3 tL3Te Jt Jt3 JfirJ. J. Merchandise Crockery, Glassware, Queensware, Ladies Dress Goods, Boots, Shoes, Gents' Furnishing Goods. LUMBER. SHINGLES. ETC. Produce Taken in Exchange. it win pay you to consult Our Prices RAINIER, - - - OREGON. KTATK OK ORKfUlN. I . i ., .. i . . i, , ... , i.. ; Y Vl'ltTt fc tie' AS KXKRI'TIOM situ onier in ante ixiieo uul n( in. t in nil t'oitrl, of (lie fte lr i,f Orer. n f f Ihe I '.unity of I dlutiiliia. lo me ilncetwl. ;u lnvnr i,l K A. Mil,., and a-siiial Nrl.oii lluyt. V V. Whtitm olive Wii.iun, Al.ra- luitii .Mil r, M( ioiiihI rraiik, II, ri. I erklu. lllol.l'jlill l. ii'nu:ie,fti'lhi'aiimofl7i; lajl liullur-, jviilvno ut, uilh IlitfrnH at Ilia rate o( S per n ut per suiiun from the IWitt lliiV of lli'i'rlnlar, lr:"J, iind the fu thr sum of U II to) dol!ur, null and nn. titliit eonl.. eouimnniiiiiH tiie lo luiike -ale (if Ilia fliuiiif! He frllx'd rtitl property, to-wli: 'i lie -ouili.'-i oiisrltr of thu nortiimut ipinitrr, i.ii.l loti. Sua one (I), two (.') ami no mm ii of lot No, tline Cli ni lhare I e. north of a Hue due ia( a nil e-t, runrtinx 'lie 'iixli ihe mu thweit timer of lb. lt L. t.'. of Jiiiejdi h'mi('l,liii. in arelinu N". towii-iliio I nortli, runic 3 e, Will.ut.liia tueitdinn, iiilrui ititt Wm ai rea, ntor nf . In. toDtlier with 111. tenemeitH. b.r.dll anient-, anil apiiilrniimm thereunto lit lost intr or In su.vwiae niriiiiiiin, all tieliiK situnleil In t'olutni'iti t. utility, mats of Ota., lorn. I duly ievietl tiu aa'it prsmlacs on the 4ili day of April. I!i.'l. Now, in piirMiiiiureof arid eeu(ion I will' ou the Ifttli day of Mav. In.t, at th hour of ft) o'lluek A. M.'of mild day. at ibe (.'itrthouae door in anid l uiiute uml htat. aeil at pillule am tlon, all Ihu rlarttt. litis,, eluliii and Inirrent in and lo the almv. U arrllied rel properly of tli. mUl Nrlaoi Hurl iu llx- lilulunt bidder Ibrrefor fur canli. to atlify sutu ejiKtilion, lnt.rwt and eoHta. u, , MAHSIK. aHinli riherlfl' Columbia County. Or. FARMERS AM MERCHANTS and Has Been Thoroughly Refitted Bearranged. Only Baths in the City. ST. HELENS, OREGON. Do Yoj Drill? OF (DORSE YOU DO. SUCH BEING THE CASK, it behoove you to find ths most dcairabla i purchase vonr invigorator." Mill Bill 1- -mv ..... X XlJCi XJAIS 4 U JSX ," Keeps constantly on hand the famous )uban Blossom Cigars. ie finest line of Wines Mqnors and Cigars to lie found this side of l'ort land. And if you m-inli to siiRiige in a uume of '00L OR BILLIARDS, They can assure you that they have the beat table in town. Everything new and1 neiit, and your putronuge is rexpecifully solicited ' "THE BANQUET" Bt Helen, Oregon, - INSURANCE CO., Albany, Or. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. ..................... 8ECUHED CAPITAL. ... ... PAID CAPITAL rAiira rnPEiiTV A bpecialtv. For particulars apply at ths ofltca f Dlllard ifc Cole, or Tin Hut offles, 1500,000 217,600 74,250 BOOTS, BOOTS! SHOES, SHOES! General aVierchandise. N-evlS.tock! EyyQOODS lATEgT.YLS! JUST FROM THE FACTORY. DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. G. F. MOECK, RAINIER, - - - OREGON, r.n.no3i. . In Ihef ireiiltcottn nt th Hint, of Or nun for I'olu inula e'.unt) , Waso awors, Plulnilir. Vi. John Ilm.Kit and Thomas i. Adam., t.f't'a. ) To John II lion arwt Tliomaa 1. Ada lbs de- fetidiiiita abut, named: . T I THK NA.VIK Of TIIK HTATK OK OK ROOM X you are hereby re'iiilifd tu apirar ami auawcr plttinilir a cnniliiui herein by Tue.'ln), 111. Uih day nf Mny. lO'l, llio auin. bvlus lb nrt duv oi tlio nel munlar Ifrm of Una court Mlowliii the .Kidrntlon ol th. piiblleatlon uf Ihia atiiiiiiiiiini; and ll y.iutnll an in o,,ri,r and ati-wor, furMani thereof the pluliitltrwlll apply to th eiiurt for th. i.llef ileii.aniled In hit emu plaint, to-wli; KoraJiKlsiintiil uji.iln.i naM de femlaiil, Jnlin Helm., for the auin of ;(Ma) Willi llilero-t thereon nl tiie rat. of ten ii r eeiit. prr h Mini ni .Ine. .Mureh I, ihiiI. and tli. mini of Hlmi.iKi aurl ili. iiiatH ami ill.iiuraeiueuia nf lids tilti and hir a ileeree loreeloalnu a certain nioil ilieeeetitei l,y ..Id John Jlalul. In Mattlil it Bnmn. on Iturrh , 1MU, uml wlilrblaie eoriled on pane WfJ of book "K," nf reeord of iiiortKaaiia of Uoluiubla eoiitily, tlri'KOiu That the real nlatn ilaaerllied In anld inorliK "' old In m niiinnnr ptenerlliert hy law, and Ih. nnieeeila Hiibli.i tn tli,ii,.it ,.r lilt iuilgiiieiit; aald real e.lnlo bultiK parlleii larly do.erllied aa followa, lo-wlt; Ihe aouilo eal iitiarter of .eetlntv i-a tu iu,nHhi.. a .,,rii. of raiiKu went ol MTllumett. HerUllnn, In LV luinlila eoiitily, Oreirou, and eontalnltiR Itfl aore.; thnt yon be brr(j and formihiMid ef all Interest in ami tn milM ..,i .o.ia .VA...i ii. tultv of re.iflmptlon.and that plnl'ntfr mort (iikq be i1ju.lKei to he a flrat lieu upon aald real Ohtatu. ' T'hla aintiiiinti. I. .,,. u,... i... tlon by order ;. th. Won, Tiioiiim A. MeBrlde, Jii'ljte.f the Fifth Judlelid lil.lrlet of Oregon. 7. 1 ' V""1 f"10"' d dated the Hill day of --"" "" n. lunula. ninino Att.iruev for PlalutlfT mi .nvioMa. In the Cireult Court of the Htuto of Orrgou for fJoluiiililaaotintv. . M. Tomi'ki!, I'lahitltr, ) Vat L JsMWiKWitioitTand Nkixir riooi.KY, Deft.) jo join ie wriKht and Nellie JJoolsy.ds- iniKisnis: N THK NAMK Of THE STATE OP Oretron . vou uml ....,i, ...... u. hereby rwpilred to itppear in the above en titled court and anawer tlm .,.,,, I, !,,i iit,l iinalnat you In the hIiova entliled action, on V.r ".''J","' '"""'hiy , the Wh day of May, A. I). 18:i aud jf you full lo ko aniwcr, thi plniutiif, for want thereof, will tuke Juilif- ni. ut aualiiHt VOU (lit tliA iiinii rt (IA tmti. (liillnm, with inurreit thereon from the itn ilay of Dereiuhor, iHfiii, until paid, at ttie rnte of altflit tiitm Att ..aaai .hiih.1 . - ' - ri-.T a.. . 'Villi i; ntlllUI IJ ) theeostaof this notion, and ail proper re- . i"".'" ' io inn eiiuipisillL,, 1 his siituiiiiins U published in puriurtra. o !' 0.r,l,;r ",M,,e l,v "" Thnnias A. Mf llride, JiiiIku of the Kiftb Juiiih1 llltitrlcl) of Ureai in, tnado at eluimhers on tli. litis, day of March, A. U, IMi ml7in6 . V. J. RI0K, ' ' Attorney (u I'laUiVff' ,