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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1892)
I ..itis , Tub ifily and t different 4 Though largo .duence Columbia ed steadily forward degree ot progressive watif vinir to our neonle, rc?urfl for the gcxxl The Mist has toward tka upbuilding of Colutn- f . . . M . 1 J Ula county miusinej ana niuurai aa- vantages ahown to prospective imrnl rauta. tUa merchants, farmers and luniuesa men generally, hate shown a Tvillisfnosa to help the paper along by a liberal subscription and advertising patronage. Whether Th Mist mer ited it or not, the people have thought o strong enough to 1'ind their assist ance in a substantial manner. Trust ing that we may continue to be favored with what encouragement a legitimate newspaper deserves, we wish ono and All happy New "Vear. EXEMPTION Of INDEBTEDNESS. Mr. G. W. ItowcU.oI Stayton, write! to the Marion, County Democrat op losing the repeal ot the exemption of indebtedness. Mr Powell is of the opinion that all the trouble lies in the - faotthat the assessors do not assess . property at its full face value as re quired by law. We cannot see how it would help matters, says the Derao- crat,tobav a full value assessment, . when all tha dishonest man has to do is to hand In another bunch of indebt edness. Placing a high or just value j on property would, only compel the 'sSoncst man to pay more taxes, while the dishonest ones would escape, just a they heve heretofore. As to the mortgage tax law, it is a cumbersome : and useless thing, for the reason that no law can possibly be devised where by the borrower can avoid paying tax. If t is not paid as a direct tax it will ' be as a brokerage, "accommodation," , i m( whatever (one has a mind to call It The money-lenJer will get his price j ior his mouey, anil tle only way to bring down that prlee is to frame laws 1 that will invite competition in money- lending that, in short, will bring cap i ilal into instead of driving it out of the state. Such laws wonld be of more benefit to Oregon than any ex hibit at Chicago. AccoBMSCf to the Astoria Herald the .contract for the construction of the jUtoria-Guble railroad has been signed. The syndicate which proposes v' to build the road is composed of New - York capitalists, with a few excep- J tions, and the proposed route is from Croble down the Columbia through AUerbrook and across Young's bay, with the coast terminus at Flavel ''Cltyi few miles below Astoria. The Mibt has always claimed that the first railroad to Astoria would follow the ' bank of the Columbia from a connec tion with the Northern Pacific and now our opinion seems to be verified by this latest action of the Astoria railroad projectors. In the first place ihi, distance to trans-continental con nection is lees than half by this route than any other f and, secondly, the line traverses a comparatively easy ' ' country to construct a road. While it is true that little credence is put in Astoria railroad projects, yet each Proposition, with time, brings the mat sr nearer reality, and our people need not be alarmed nor surprised at any thing thai may accrue from the sign ing of this new contract. ' "?asK is no apparent reason why tlieowners of high land in Oregon and ',V'i!iingtOn should not make a snug sum -of money by raising the k&iif winter apples. California calls : for Oregon winter apples and even Oregott herself Calls for winter apples, and so great is this call that hundreds of Urrels ai JjapD""' : ery year f-At Eastern tUtt S - iply the de- - it'mmnil. These apples" always command after. C The Eastern apples now being & into this country bringing f 7 wrei wholesale, and will go higher spring. The Northwestern ap Tjiettel than the Easter apples, most of tie... Eastern apples t Davis. There is no place that J I pete with Oregon, the "home Ig red apple1 and yet she does not raise enough winter apples to sup : ply her home! demand. Besides the ' demand at home for our apples there are 'markets throughout the world that ooM 3 reached. England alone uses l,fOO,Ol0 barrels of American apples, v . v . ..... j. . . y. i ywi sfttKan, Oregon or Washington 'Apple had been placed upon their 'joiir,- of (.exchange they would "seek io harOier. Oregon has the teputa- i ion,' so' tktre is no reason-- why she 'y ' t hld not keep it and extend it. f V 4 '-' " - 1 " - ' ' - Centals With Crttmil Intent. yaw -iKf cmbm i Oscar 'AnJfcAn was ar ; TJ (twtr J snd hrouKliteTotw Jastice Ln, of ft.An er, rimrged with Saaault witb iiiUni, b Tt ifartuuut rape upon the person of Mrs. : 'tAijiiou U.. Alley, of Apiary. Upon the Vunl ni r lonwait the action of the grand jirv, ita l)o)i.i iijtwi t $ibO. - V reauhtr eorresvontient.) ashincton, ttwember 23, 12, ,. story thul has lenkud out be .( Congress took its holiday recess list in time to smother an awful row, nmountinj almost to it revolt, in the democratic camp. It iccms Unit Don Dickinson was sent here by Mr. Clove land to inform the dumocrulio loaders in the house Hint there whs no occa sion for them to worry about (lie tariil us it wna his intention to have a turill hill nil ready to be passed presented to the house of the Fifty-third congress as soon as it comes together. There was Borne very plain talk among tho democrats in both house and senate when this messnge was delivered to them, not the least significant of which was the Intimation llint it is in the power of the present congress to com pel the calling ot an early spring ses sion of the next congress. Don Dick inson very wisely waited until just be fore the recess beforo he' delivered his momentous message. The good feel ing engendered by tho holidays may result in cooling the blood of the in dignant democrats sufficiently to pre vent an open outbreak when congress comes together on the 4th of January, but the message will not be forgotten, and if Mr. Cleveland persists in his present intention as to furnishing con gress with a ready-made tarin bin, open war will probably be declared against him by his party iu congress. A short time ago when Congressman Breckinridge, of Kentucky, stated his opinion that the new tariff bill ought to be prepared by Mr. Cleveland, it was thought that he was only making use of a bit of flattery to get deeper into Mr. Cleveland s good graces, but now it is believed that the opinion was made public at Mr. Cleveland's re quest, as a "feeler" of puhho sec fl uent. .. There is a mistaken idea prevalent as to the object of the committee ap pointed by a caucus of republican senators, of which Senator Hoar is the cbaiiman and Senators McMillan, Chandler, Teller and Mitchell are members. The republican senators are to a man of the opinion that no outsiders, and least of all U. 8. sena tors, have any right to interfere with the election of senator by any state legislature. This committee will have nothing whatever to do with influenc ing the election in any state legisla ture ; but it will thoroughly post itself upon every meve taken in those states in which attempts are being made or have been made to change the polit ical complexion of the legislature, so that when the credentials of any im properly elected U. S. senator shall be brought . here it will be prepared to present evidence to show that he is not entitled to -a seat; and it was solely with a view to having this evi dence collected thiit the committee w is formed. Senator Chandler says of the situation : "I do pot consider the dem ocratic chances of controlling the senate to be one in a hundred. The republicans now have a majority of eight, and it will take four democrats to wipe it out Tho only votes they will have will be the senators from New York and Wisconsin. If Mr. Kyle is not to be counted with the democrats they will have 41 members ; if he is with them, 42. In some of these states the democrats are claim ing the republicans have an absolute majority, and in others it appears that tbe populists have the balance of power. . Nowhere is there visible a sufficient number of votes . to give them, as democrats, control of the next-l U. S. Senate." It is said that Senator Peffer will vote with the republicans against a reorganization of the senate. Jerry Simpson has gone home with his bead full of schemes concocted by Gorman to get himself elected to the senate, and should he succeed he would belong body and soul to Gor man, unless he violated pledges which those who ought to know say he has. made. DIED FROM EXPOSURE. diaries Fredericks Found Dead In . Scappoose Creek, last Tuesday Charles Fredericks, of Dixie, Washington connty , wa found dead in South Scappoose creek, about a mile from Anderson's place. Fredericks left his home on Thursday of last week with tbe intention of going to Portland. After he had gone some distance he missed bis way in the snow and wandered off into the hills in a northeasterly direction. On his not returning home when expected, a searchingparty started' out to look for him. Tbe party followed his tracks into the Scap poose mountains, over hills and canyons, and in the great depth of snow until Tues day afternoon , when they found the lost man lying dead in Scappoose creek, as above stated, lie bad evidently taken to the bed of the creek in order to avoid tbe tedious traveling in tbe snow, and wan dered on without food or rest in tbe chilling atmosphere until death from starvation and exposure ended his sufferings. Justice Blscksley, acting coroner, went to Scap poose yesterday to hold an . inquest, if necessary, and np to press hour had not returned. niBBIED, STANWOOD HOWARD At the Orien tal hotel in St. Helens, by Justice Wakes ley, on Monday, December 26, Mr. Thos. Stanwood and Mrs. Mary E. Howard, all of Columbia county. HOIIIV. BKNDO0R At Gillton, Oregon, on Christ mas day, to the wife of M. F. Bendour, a daughter. Dr. Willis Morse, of Salem, assisting iu the programme. -QHliOakini - The onlf fusreart'-rft a7ar powaer.No Ammonia; No Alum. JJsed ia Itpfaiatxt of Homes 40 Years the Standard. v ' -. - .".''"''T'lTr . t Ut-erlott Melange C ' s V MBBRY MOSRIS, I Tcoplo hereabouts should . not Jack for religious .hi vice so long as iu rope ' nonius near ft. Helens, A domestic being ackwl if she could cook nti selenitic principles, said she preferred to cook on a good rango, Kato Field favs those who marry In haste repent in Dakota. I don't believe Kate will ever go there to repent. Katuro has provided abundantly the means for neoiile to keep warm in this country; tho woods abound in lira. During the p:st week one class of hunters have been staying tho ducks, while nuothor class have been sli lulling tho dears, St. Helens is certainly not without royal representation.''. A Kingmlos over tho des tinies of her blacksmithing interests, It is said the reason James B. Weaver abandoned the campaign when ha did wits localise lie was "egged ou" to do so while in Georgia. . I t is a question whether a certain lady of tbiseUy. when her husband "popped the question," repliod: "Thibis the Way I long have sought !"' That was umloubtodlj a shrtwd mai chant who, before sealiug np his greenbacks and stowing away in the safe, marked the package "advice," so no one would take it I wonder if the weather of the past week has caused any diminution of steamboat employes. I notice tero- are plenty of deck hands to be found in cither of the sa loons. . There may tie many good fishermen up and down the Columbia, but St, Helens has a man who can Gillmote than the best ot them, and ho isn't much of a fisherman, either.,..::': '::'. 'Time and tide waits for no man," saith the old adage. I think this is only partially true, as the "tied" will wait for tbe man at the divorce mill, while time does not seem to fiy rapidly enough for their purposes. A merchant, on being informed that his store had been burglarized, remarked that bis loss was not as heavy as it might have been, as he had just marked the price of his goods down 25 per cent, the day before An estimable young man was Totter-ing around town last week, in attendance at "court." Ho. has my beat wishes during bis Perry-grinations, and I trust tbe old folks Dart glances of approval in his direc tion. t ,V:' ":'.: ' When a man asks Jake George to trust him for a meal or a bed bs makes no book account of it. because, if be never gets his pay he has no book account to show the loss; besides, there is the saving of paper and ink. " - A drummer stepped into the Banquet the other day to oil up liis talker. He said he had traveled far and wide and consumed considerable cordial in different dispensa ries, but never before had be been served by a Meeker bartender. - If the gentleman who borrowed my best coat and vest from my roSm last Wednes day during my absence will be kind enough to call on me lie can also secure the pants. In fact I am panting to give them to him, and will even throw iu a pair of beautiful black eyes, upper-cut pattern. and warrant ed not to fade under ten days. I admire a liar, especially a first-class liar. The edit-.r of a Texas paper gives the fol lowing figures from a statistical memoran dum of bis life, probably in support of this distinction: , ISeen asked todrink.. .............. 11,302 Drank 11,3 Requested to retract. Did retract Invited to parties and receptions by parties fishing for puffs Took the hint...... ,. Didn't take the hint y ' Threatened to be whipped 4 HI 410 3,333 XI 3,.'if) 170 0 4 174 Been whipped. . Wnippeo toe other fellow. Didn't come to time Been promt-ted whiskies for coins after them 5.010 Been after them . . ;.. 5,(10 Been asked thee news 3(l0,UU0 Told......... US Didn't know 200,000 Lied about it 1,877 Been to church. 2 Changed politics . 32 Expect to change still - 60 Gave to charity , ..... $5.00 Gave for terrier dog 25.00 Cash on hand.... 1.00 Draw Your Own Conclacleui, Mr. J. O. Davenport, manager of the Ft. Bragg Redwood Co., Ft. Bragg, Cal., has this to say of Chamberlain's Corjgh Remedy: "I used it for a se vere cold nnd cough and obtained im mediate relief. In the Ft. Bragg Red wood Co.'s store we have sold large quantities of Chamberlain's medi cines." For sale by Edwin Ross, druggists. Chamberlain'. Colic. Chalera aad PlarrhM. Uemedr. 1 have sold and used in my family for several years, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and have found it one of the most useful and satisfactory remedies I ever han dled. C. H. Lewis, druggist, Salt Lake City, Utah. For sale by Edwin Ross, druggist. , - Recovered $3,707.27 Damages, In the United States circuit court of ap peals last week J udge Gilbert rendered a ver dict in the suit of Fleischner, Mayer & Co. against the Postal Telegraph company, awarding 'the former tbe amount of their claim of 33,707.37 as damages for not deliv ering a message authorizing an attachment on a Seattle firm who had failed, and in consequence other creditors ' had filed claims more than covering tbe resources of the firm which had failed. Tha telegraph company claimed that their wire was down at the time and it was several hours before tbe message could be sent. The court held that this being the case the company should have at once notified the senders in order to give them a chance to uae another line, and In consequence gave the plaintiffs judgment for the full amount of. their claim. ; '(winter Prize Piciuro Puzzle. Anvoneoiu) ft ad iIm umii fiico. hut it is tkiauvfc-t li.vtiiuiuuh ih (acwm. f tha rim vomm liulm. 1 lie picture wa vmbVv;.twl m tvw imiwrwre nomt time nuovtKl imu-uJ cvniiettlt uotian in ciir siatul.irttrmir;lica, V' now of ttowpriir commit it kmi rrhxtimwiton wiilt it. An tha ftal ohmvt U toiJilrodrceo'tr ntrxW-inrsimo mwhoi?, tinvn-M 't -r-ri tVNfnrmor tww"tW:nnr rni,,",''l not to compete in tin one. Amo the rrlwhjluy of "fhtf fC'd W'Kl," aniltha:uiwrumln fthk-tj tltalr metlrcitiM rt lifiid tn lottwo, CanniU. whrt tW art bfnt known, pntrwqi at ttfifeiW til daily VrtIftJli nnd HamOftdT atSCOO, ((ieiiventt fir trt any pari ..t tu United Mi to tJie.i'i. fwrwti who can nwk oil it Uir0 duutnttrt' To thv3W will he given a legMtt Lady'0 ttlOld Wntch- i ,rl" niT diatuftwl. To the will Riven pir of 8cit;ui:e w.f!n(ra. io tt.e fenrtk vi!l b aiven a. hindMMn CHInfl PlntlOP Box. ia th svHk. French Wtavitol Clcck. T the u kit t-ftfTtn "ot-o rKwM.ou iroi crown Oorby Vaaop. TotUv Onrlia cCTi RTia niinyotncr uiwtii tu wueir minyotncr w lite three cL ml enci.e am ith k U. S. rw-ociit Portl Prlate l ills," Iforrt Vrlro Catarrh liomody," or ITortfd IHio 'Cnvffh. Cure Select any o.eof th iiSov tmftlia you tlcMia, AiMretta "Tha Ford COii" Cor. Wellington St Itay Sts,, Toronto, Carula. Tha rntuii vhoea envalopa Is po;.tmrku ilrbfi will ba t'.artlc4 h fsit ptu. tu the ciheri tn rder of merit. A (hie adver tisement appears imullan)iu.iy thfOt:;hoiit tlto United Sutra, rve-T cn ht an ittn tppr tnniiv. To thercrson rml-nffttw iaxt cuircct answer wi'ibe givnan elefTnt XJprlff Ut 1'onoorl Ornild Iituio vntiicd at ef f0(i,0O To tSsf rrt pereon from tha AiTiamuliitRa correaaiwwer will be Riven a gentleman's line UoUl "Snndoj" atflu whkii ttiikct tbe hour and quarter hotttson ajnevU tntSc(r!l y-ng t plmuia, and alued tftiOU.OO Totb $tct fmm thrtfa f.ri-clai Safety Uley oio pacumntic ttre, 'Jo the third (ran tlie ojrar1m-clais Knuliih Hhot pun. Ti tiiayiwM f-oin ih-:M, ft siiita of Parlor Furultore. To the Jfi h trom the.'j, a aanUsome Silver T itOJrvStO To tho rM from the iasi. an eiegsnt IMnno Lm p To tha trrvnii fiom tlv lust, a hnu!aoino p.itt cT 1'Ortforoa lo ths tkth Trom tha iasi, a fptotiine E",vJia tcttUier traeliin; Trunk To lU mnik from tbo Ixt, two pieces of guuioe JtntaJs fitucutu.' y eod tuauy otter piua ia order of aacrtU -WnviAi viiizmH ywi each etatr A speclrl prbe of a Silk Dreaa Pattora (slxtaca yards, any coior or a fat-c!aM fiewluflT Machine (any m.iLa dircd) wiU be gircn to tha Jinl ptnon in each State In tha V. S. wbo can auka cnt the three daughter' faces. We shall give away SOO Tnluublo prlaa( betides special prites, (if there siiould be m many sending correct answers.) Noch&ige beude fur baxirt( . and packing of prises. Tbe names cf tbe leading prii winners mil berHihHshed inconnectkiawitb our alveniseaent In teadmfrnewsprpert next month. KvtrapretniumswiU be given tooofy those who are willing to akaiftt in tauvducing our nedtcines. Nothing u chnired for the prires tn any way. They ' are absolutely given away toirtroduce a:ulndrer;ieMlTortl,aPrtse Iicitiertlet which arestwyf ard medicines, arrd wiU be used in every fmniiy for yean where they have bern onre tntrodttcetL Alt priies wiU be awarded strictly in order of merit, and with pertcq latuiaciwa to tbe puUUc Tbereotedias , will be sent by mail, postpaid, aad prises fr f duty. A tTATCH Vtm .1BVERY COKRECT ABWTO. Aa extra premtomof a geauloa MForloriw TTutehf (ftem wiader.) will be awarded to every persoawhoseiKls a correct answer within 30 days af;er this advertimut nonpars, in caae they should not be fortanaiaenon;!hto secure one of tho larger prim. Iliat is,Lf any one c.te and thethree faces aad cncloM them within 30 dnys from tbe time litis advert itcaient aptwsra in tbo a.spMjr, they are) pnamnteed either one of the kauing piis, or aa extra premium of a vxtch on coixiittnns statauV sio answer will be noticed that doea oot contain 30 cents f' one of Ford Irl:f. KtmtHltoa . Address THE PftLC3r "37," Car. eVoiUiujtci & Bay tls.t Toronto, Canada. . LEO. ; EZaEaI30. - (SUCCESSOR to c. m. wicekq.) DEALER IN FIE BOOTS Ladies' Fine Shoes, Childrens School Shoes. Men's and Boys' Footwear. NO. 169 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, - F) R. GHOWN, HARDWARE ASD IT 212 first and 9 Salmon Street. Ml.a Holland's Good Lock. Dr. Darrin : The electric treatment you gave rue for discharging ears and deafness, of eight years' standing, was successful. I was cured in one month. I reside at 308 Tenth street, Tortland, and can be referred to. My good luck in getting cured pleases me beyond expression. Miss Annie Holland. Mr. Editor: DearSir In justice to Dr. Darrin and the afflicted, I can truly say he has cured me of ovarian and womb trouble, which has troubled me for two years or more, by electric ity and medicine. I took two months' treatment, and can recommend Dr. Darrin's treatment to the afflicted, Cm be referred to. Mns. A. E. Patee. Albany, Or., Nov. 29, 1892. ELEKTBICITV CORES OOITHB. Dr. Darrin Dear Sir; Language is inadequate to express my feelings for what you have done for my daugh ter in her affliction by your wonderful electric treatment. For several years she has been . a sufferer from goitre (enlarged or swollen neck), and we were utterly unable, to find, through different treatments, any relief what ever until advised to consult you. I did so, and the success attending your treatment has been simply marvelous, as I am happy to say my daughter is today thoroughly cured, not a vestige of the old swelling or trouble remain iuir.. I return the battery, which has been of much benefit in home treat ment. I attribute her cure entirely to your method of treatment, and shall remain under everlasting obligations to you. Any one interested in this wonderful cure is at liberty to call and see me at my home, Twentieth and M streets, Portland. ' v Mns. P. Hayes. :aasxt riNfl MUStO n ekvd'it BnnudAt ann. Tot he mM. a ccuiDleie Lawn o tat fc-verf competitor muxt cut out the attovt la' Fncoa bv markin n citw with a food pencil on tech. f.r out o tha fnliowina "Fiiw Ketnadice :" AND SHOES, S - OREGON. O.V.3B3S. - PORTLAND Swamp lisnd Contest. Mr. James Qiilun and his witnesses, K. C. Campbell,. Thomas Hodgkiiis and T. C. Watts , gave evidence before the connty clerk, Tuesday, in a contest case against and for the cancellation of Andrew Uok vist, honest ad entry No. 01(13, for lots 2 and 3, nw'4 of neJi and nwJ4 of scJi, sec. 21, t8n, r 4 west. This tract was purchased by Mr, Qui mi from the state on January S3, 1880, for which he holds a deed. After wards Uokvlst filed a homestead on tbe land, and this suit is brought to have his homestead entry set snide in Huu of Mr. Quinn's deed, It is a case of considerable importance, as there Is a great deal of land in Columbia county subject to the same litigation. A Lealer. Since Its first introduction, Electric Hit ters hai gained rapidly Jn popular lavor, until now it Is clearly In the lend among pure medical tonics and alteratives con taining nothing which permits its line as a beverage or intoxicant, It Is recognized an the best and purext medicine for all ail ments of stomach, liver and kidneys. It will cure sick headache, indigestion, con stipation, and drive malaria from the sys tem. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottlo or the money will lie refunded. Trice only 60c per bottle. Hold by Edwin Ross, Oucklen's Arnica Salved Tho Host Salve la tho world for CuW, Drakes, Sores, Ulcers, Bait Khciira, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns aud all Skin Krnptlons, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or mouey refunded, Price 28 cents per yorSnle By Edwin Boss. We have a few thousand applo trees that we will offer at very low prices by the hundred. Writo for lint. A. Hol Odtf aday, Scappoose, Or. STRAYED FKOM MAYOEH.OB., about September 1, 181)2, one large red and white ox, white line hack, crumpled horns, branded with figure 2 un hip. Will pay any one liberally fordeV "' ' Maygur, or for information af aliontH. O. Cl Mayger, Or., Nov. 25, mi NO -.140 "FIRSTS'!" We viust have more room. We offer a Discount of 10 jx cent, on every suit and overcoat from regular Marked Ptice$. Men's- 12.00 Suits. .......... ,fl0.80f Boy'10.00 Siilti. 90O 13.50 " 12.15 " 12.00 10.W " 15.00 " 13.50 Child's $5.00 4.W 18.00 ...,....,., 1020 0.00 " 6.40 20.00 " 18,00 ... 7.00 " with vest. 6.30 " 25.00' . 22.50 Men's . 4.50 Paula. . 4.05 " 30.00 " 27.00 " 6.00 . 4.60 4.50 Overcoats '.. 4.05 00 6.40 7.50 ....... 6.75 " 7.50 6.76 10.00 9.00 " 2.00 Underwear 1.80 "15.00 .13.50 " 6.00 " 4.60 20.00 " 18.00 This reduction is for the marked in plain figures. During this sale tve take ten jer cent. off from every article. Every garment warranted. returned, if not soiled. ' ' . We Are the Manufacturers. J. M. MOYER & CO., 140 First Street, Corner tTNTinn THH Fan ers' and Merchants INSURANCE COMPANY,, - -A.lbany, Or. AUillUlil.JiU UAl'lTAii, . - , . - $000,000 SECURED CAPITAL, - - . - 247,506 PAID CAPITAL, - ... . . 74,250 FARM PROPERTY A SPECIALTY. All Losses Promptly and Satisfactorily Adjusted. For particulars apply at the offlca ( Mooro Cole, or Tu a Mist offlco. EVERDING & FARRELL, Front Street Portland. Or. DEALERS IN - Guano A CHEAP FERTILIZER. Land Plaster $2.25 Per Barrel. Also a Fine Lino of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS CASH J. PJiUCKLE -DKAI.XRS IK- General Merchandise, Crockery," I Boots, Shoes, Glassware, Ladies' Dress Goods, Queensware. Furnishing Gooda, LUMBER. SHINGLES, ETC. Produce Taken in Exchange. It Will Pay You to Consult Our Prices. RAINIER, - - - OREGON. PSAEOS and ORGANS A fine stock of renowned KIMBALL and celebrated IIALLET' & DAVIS Pianos and reliable KIMBALL Organs can alwayg bo seen at my salesroom. All instruments are bought from manufacturers direct, and sold at lowest prices for CASH or on EASY PAYMENTS. Old Pianos and Organs taken at their full market value in part payment for new ones. ' $3Call and see me or write for Catalogue and price b fore buying. ' AWSON 1. - eet, entire stock. Our goods art all Money refunded for all good$ of Alder, Portland, Or. OILMAN. 20.00 Per Ton, STOEE! eh CO. V. MOORE, j PORTLAND. X 1 J r4