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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1892)
mi VOL. 9. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1892. NO. 52. E OREGON I MB THE OREGON MIST. W. H. CONYERS & CO. PACIFIC COAST. IIIVEU BVEHV t-HIDAV nORIHINO . '. " ' -ST- diup liton Brmiismim rnupiiiT IBB JH101 tuumumnu vumiaiu) J, R. BEEOLE, Manager. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Real Estate and Insurance Agents Real Estate bought, Midi anil managed mi oouiiihmnioii, rvnta collected and abstracts made. .AGENTS FOR THE Farmers and Merchants, Great Excitement Over Placer Find in Utah. the German American, Russell harrison-s paper. NATIONAL CAPITAL. ubecrlptleH Hales. On copy on year In advene; ,...1 M On. iium .It mouth. M UltKl. copy And cither Insurance Companies, with eouuuiiuu almoin oi fu.nai.uuu. NOTABIK8 Clalekaiile, . , . ptriiLio,' Oregon. Advertising Hates. Proftaalonal oarda on year On. column ou year Half column ou year (Quarter eoliimn ou yar On Inch on mouth On Inch Ihrn month. On Inch ill mouth. Local nolle.. lrH'nt. per llu. for Drat ln-r tloni 10ci"l.urlliifur at'h aiib.eqiiuiil lu nartlnii Laval advrtla.nint., II. M pr Inch for tint Inaartion, and 76 cuta Htr Inch for ach auba quant luaertlon. ..I 13 .. in .. 7 .. .0 ... 2 a CITY BARBER SHOP Kid's Band of Renegades Suffering From Want of Food and ShelterEtc . BATH HOUSE. in C. L. COLBURN, Proprietor. Nevada's Legislature will continue session bat forty days. Toe outlook for coining crops In South ern California was never better than at present. . . I Th damaira tn tha nranoa nrnn Kv tha torm lu Central California ie lege than 1 Legation at Paris. 6 per cent, COLUMBIA COCNTV DIBKCTORV. H.. Been Thoroughly Refitted ,and taaML" ZV. Rearranged, igation on that atream. Only Baths in the City. iJZXZ&SESl can enter the puono icbooii. A Number of Prominent Railroad Men Appear Before the Senate Com mlttee on Commerce. ,' , Senator Hill denlea Ibat he hat been otiered a position in Cltveland's Cubi net. In the trial of Commander Johnson of the Mohican, charged with grounding hie vessel in Alaskan waters, Lieutenant nirong, navigating officer, was submit ted to a long examination, explaining how the Mohican struck on Cherkeff Isl- ano. ne leatmea in lull as to tne post' tion of the ship and the railing manen. vera at the time, and stated that the ship's conrse had to be laid oat the best way possible, as the charts were inac curate. The detail of Captain Borup of the ordnance department to doty at the World's Columbian Exposition in con nection with the exhibit of the ordnance department is regarded by array officers as a vindication of his conduct while military attache of the United States Captain Borup was County Officer. jttdsa l" an Bl.neha-d, Italul.r (1 ft. K. Hale., H . ll.leu. HharlfT . A. Mauir, HI. Heidi a Trea.ur r K. M. Wharton, Columbia Ulty Uapt. of auhool. , T. 1. (Jl.elon, V.rnonla Aaaeaaor W. II. Kyaer, Kalnlar Surveyor A. II. I.I Hie, He ul.r In. u. Bono luvw, , eriiuma (J. W. ll.riiH, Mayi.r. recalled at the instance of the French government on account of alleged sale oi piana oi tne trench coast fortifica tions to officers of the Qerinan and Ital ian armies. Representative Hermann has intro duced and is pressing before the Com mittee on Public Lands a hill enlarging Comulailoutri. . THE ITfiAH KK cioiy "latlo. Masonic. HI. Helena Lod.e, No. 11-Re.ular eoniinouleatlon. nrm ami tnira naturaay in aavh month et7:80 p. m. at Maaoiil hall. Vlall Ins in.iub.ra lu good ataudln. Invited to at- (M a aortic. -Rainier Lodge, No. Jl Stated neeting Halurday on or before eaiih full moon at 7:80 Y. M. at Maixmie hall, over Hlauchard'a tore. VI.IiIuk member. Ill good alaudlng In vited to attaint, , Odd KSLkiiws Ht. Helena bode So. 117 Muota every Hatuiday iiIkIH at 7:10. Treualeut brethren in gooil auniluig cordially luylled la attend. Tk. mania. Down river (iMiat) eloa at S:M a, at, t'p river lHal)i loe at tr. K 1'he nail lor Vernoula and I'ltUhurt leave. St. Helen. Monday, WedueMlay and Friday a ' Th' mall tor Marahland, Clatakanl and Mlat leave, unlnn alonaay, Meoueeuay aim rno.y a. 11 M M.ili (railway) north do, a' M A. at.) lor rorllaud at r. M. . Travalere' Kll Mlrar Kama. rlTRA msr O. V. Hvaa- lntvc . Helen, fur rnrllHiid at 11 a. at. Tuelay, TlinrwUv and Hnturday. Iavea Ht. Ilelenx for t'laUtaule Monday, Wednesday ami trlday at :W , u. Htk a M kk Iku Leave. Ht. Helen for Port- laud 7:ts a. a, rtturniiiK an:r. . , HTKAUaa Jo.tfH KKl.l.ixi'i-lveHti Helena r.,t PorilHiut dritlv eauent Hiilldav. at 7 A. M.. rlvluant Portland at luKi; returnlnx, leave I'orllauv at I r. .. rrlviim at HI. Helena all. IRAL.DA la now making regular round ttip. from OAK POINT TO PORTLAND Daily .Except Wednesdays, ,kavi!( OAK POINT... ......4:40 A.M. " HTKI.I.A ....6:00 ' " MAIN I Kit. .:IS ' ' K ALA MA . 7:) ' " HT. HKI.KNS 8:fJ0 ' Arhivinu I'OKTI.AND 11:00 1 RETURNING I.bavim PORTLAND... 1:00 P. Akhivs 8TKLLA 7:43 W.E. NEWSOM. The Cokkated FrcncHura, w!E2r "APHR0D1TINE sX PBOFES8ION A L. JK. II. K. CLIKf, niYSlCIAN and SURGEON. . 81. Helena, Oregon. JK. J. K. HALL, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. CMaUkanie, Columbia county, Or. JyR. W. (I. BKI.T. . PHYSICIAN amd SURGEON. BEFORE la Sold o X POSITIVI .GUARANTEE to rura any form of norvoiiNdlwao or any diaorderol the geat'ratlveor XaiiNotltlierax, wlivtluir arUluK' frointhoexceMivo tweof HtluiHlanta, Tobacco or Opium, or tl,roiithciitnlul lu. liter IIIUIEUUCHS At . lUfh I akofMlni'M. r.uar;tiK down Falnain tb AFTER Itllflll lUdll aa Loan of Drain shelter, suffering greatly irom cold and exposure. Colombia river canners declare that a salmon trust is absolutely necessary to secure results that will prove at all remunerative. The grand furv at Fresno has charred that the builders of the courthouse there did not follow the plans and made sev eral thousand dollars by not doing so. Ira Bartlett. a miner well known on the Coast, killed himself in a mining camp near Tombstone, A. T. He was wen to ao, Dot nn neaitb was failing. Early tn Mav of next vear Frank For- dyce, a young stock baron of Idaho, will attempt to drive from the center of Idaho to Ogallala, Neb., a band of 45.00J sheep. A party of old Indian fighters is beinir organised in Southern Arizona, who hope to capture Kid and his band, as well aa the rewards offered bv Governor Morphy. Effort to revive the Journal. R nunc I Harrison's Dauer. which recently failed at Helena, Mont., have prove i abortive. The total amount due to creditors is said to be U25,000. The civic Board of Health at Victoria. B. C. ia encraared nn tha nlnima rvf mr. ties whose houses were fumigated alter ! dations. Uie Small DO I eDidemic lor damami In clothing, furniture, etc. The Stilts Board of Asricn'ture has form ill v decided in favor of holdinu the Northern Citrus Fair at San Francisco next month In con function with the Me chanics' Institute Fair. nrovides I hat nnr- sons having homestead proofs may make them before these Commissioners. At present the homesteader is compelled to make final proof before United States land oilicers at the local offices or before Clerks of Court at the county seat. Mr. Hermann declare that this new provision would be of great advan tage to many settlers who live a long dietance from county seats or from 'the local land offices. Ind'an Commissioner Morgan ha sent to the Secretary of the Interior a letter stating that a cr'sis has bean reached in the work carried on brf ie Indian office in the education of children. He lays the office ia helpless to further enforce tne regulations in accordance with the act of 1890, and he lay the facta in the case before the Secretary for us information, uen. morgan gives the details of several recent cases where the authority ol the government a .repre sented by Indian sgent has lxen I openly denied. Morgan says he does not believe in using violence, but he cer tainly does think the government should show the Indians that it is in earnest in the matter. He is of the I opinion that all that would be neces- sary would be to show force. The Com missioner makes no specific recommen- EASTERN ITEMS. BUSINESS AND industrial FOREIGN LANDS: -rematlon Becomes an Issue in Massachusetts. Electric Heating Makes Great Progress in a Canadian City Hop Crop Shortage In Ntw York. Senor Sagasta Forms a New Spanish Cabinet. THE progress in our navy. NEUENDORFF IS ARRESTED. Not Enough Available Men to Equip the Six New Vessels The Wisconsin Monolith; London Under Great Dread From Dynamite Fiends Fran- cois Extradited. The unknown girl who committed eul- Rolnler, Oreiton, WILLIAM UKItfWOLD, " DENTIST. St. IIki.knh, Ukkoon Alt Woik Guaranteed. T. A. Mrllmns. i A. 8. IHxita. BRIIK A TtREHSKR, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Oregon City, Oregon. Prompt attention given land-nfflce business. H. LIITI.K, ; SURVEYOR and f CIVIL ENGINEER,! 8t. Helena, Oregon, dimity surveyor. Lund surveying, town plntiing, and engineering work promptly uone. ' W. T. Buatiav. " .. J. W. Prapxr. Jt'RNKV A DRAPKR, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Oregon City, Oregon. tlou, over IndulxtiUfHS &r , aui Power. Wakofnliii.... r.tiarititf f bark.HetnlnnlWcakllciw. livaterta. Nervous Pr., . . nil naan rvuir. va v iiiontihiui am u.. Kate Morgan. Her home was in Mum burg, Ia., and her husband is a gambler. A petition Is beinr circulated by some of the ladles of Psaadena asking the Legislature to so amend the laws ol Cal ilornia that the right of voting will be extended to women upon ail questions, both local and national. Many home-seekers are looking for ward with gratification to the early opening of the Nes Perce reservation in Idaho. The Indian allotments leave 600,000 acres unclaimed. Of this area fully 600.000 lores is fine agricultural ana grazing land, An attempt to wreck the Southern Pa cific north-bound express was made near Urant'a Pass, Or. Kail, bad been taken from a trestle, on which had the train run it would have been thrown into a deep canyon and the loss to life would nave oeen tern Die. John O. Todman. a printer well- known on the Coat, who worked at HOUOrS anil CigarS. Beer 5 CtS IcMdelaria.ndVanFrcisdiea. r: the atomacb. He waa aged about 32 l a.1 ai a m 1 p. ii in i m n jvarwt inu waa mo bqu oi vaputia aou- ivuiam auu i uw touw I mflJl OI lAQM Ultv, for the Padation of Patron. oSSTS1Sifi attempted to arrest Tom Taylor. Taylor Senator Allen has presented an amendment to the naval appropriation bill, making an additional appropriation of $300,000 to continue the contract for a timber dry dock at the United States naval station at Port Orchard, Kitsap county. Wash. This is under the ant approved March 2, 1891, authoring the Itatlon, Nocturnal Kmliwloua. l.e icorrhaa. lils- alneaa, Weak Memory, Ioneof power and Impo tency, wlili h If neglected often lead to prematura old aire and humility. Price 11.00 a bnj, obozo forfiixi. tent by ma 1 on receipt ol nrli-e-A WltlTfKN UIIAKANTKK li elren for every fitXI onler recelrcd. to refnml the money If a feroinnent euro la not elfected. We ba i:tnu.aimani leatimoniai. from old and younir. of both aexe., who havo been pc-rtnancutlv cun a ineuw oi ApnnHiiiiue. uin'niariree. Aadreiis THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. Woitoru brunch. Boc 27. 1'ohti xxu. '). For sale by EDWIN ROBS, Druogiht, St. Helens. Ur. Model Saloon. I. T AM WOOD, Prop'r. ST. ilELEXS. - . OREGON ff 11U UUUIUIILIDU BUI' if, . e . t " cide at the Uoronado Hotel in San Diego ' 5V."?L0' f !JZ.??,ve ,con- has been positive y dentified as Mrs. I 7. . w i J puuuu wiver. poses at a cost not to exceed $700,000 for the beginning of the work, of which sum $2O0,0C0 was appropriated by this act. The additional appropriation Is for erecting an office bni'ding, water closet iiu buduo, Hpuroacnes to cna arv nrar. rent of quarters for the Chief Engineer New Haven, Conn., is in the throes of a temperance revival. There are nearly 1.000.000 nenaloners. During last year 25.S06 pensioners were aropped. Colorado's Legislature nrooose to make silver coins lull legal tender in the centennial tttate. Excitement has been caused by the discovery of rich deposit of nickel ore near Keokuk, lows. The government building in Chicago is ainaing so inai six new props nave neen put in to noia it. The Wells-Fargo Express Company, it Is reported, ha secured control of the Colorado Midland line. Salt against forty-three companies are to be brought at St. Joseph, Mo., for violation ot tne anti-trust law. Canadian newspapers eay the annexa tion question must be discussed. They are now willing to near Dotn sme. It is estimated that the value of the honey and wax produced in tbia country during tne past year was lai.uou.ouo. It is thought that George Gould's in- elinations will prompt him to own large racing stable, and that he will soon De on tne turt. The Brooklyn bridge ia to have a great pneumatic tune lor tne transmission of mail and baggage between New York ana Brooklyn. Herr Seldl, the New York musician. will get $15,000 for playing five month at the world's Jalr, and his orchestra ia paid accordingly. A woman who was elected a Trial Jus tice in Wyoming commenced her duties by committing her husband to jail for contempt oi court. Jersey City is to have a new city hall, The Krupp works have 5,642 furnaces. Indelible Ink la made from hanana juice. Reading. Pa., made 75.000.000 elnra wis year. Georgia taxes every cigarette aellar .MM year. This country mines 20 000.000 harrala oi sail a year. Mexico exported 43.760.000 nonnda of conee tan year. In India the government ran the opium business. Consolidation of the lead and oil In terest is contemplated. The annual Honor bill for the United ota tea is 1,484,000,000. There are several locker at Newman. aei earning sin.uuu year. The hoc pack this year will exceed mat oi last oy i.iuu.ouu nogs. The Union Pacific railroad 1 fignred on to have coat $108,778 per mile. An electric cigar lighter has been In vented lor tne benefit of smoker. There i more money spent for emm wan ior noar in tne united etate. The whaling season has been a success. the catch being valued at $1,500,000. The movement of the cotton for tne oaaeon to aaie u over i,suu,wu Dales ir.on. Russia produced in the oast ten years. it is said. 878.6b0.400 gallons of nnra al. cohol. The aggregate of salaries of postmas ter appointed Dy the President ia $6.- 396,000. . ' Alexandria. Ind.. ia to have a IS 000 . 000 glass plant, the largest in the United states. There are about 130 duly Qualified fe male medical practitioners in the United (kingdom. , Thai T.!nvln nan., mill t Il.ul. Neb., has been sold to the namr trust totod practically In France just now. am i.nj " I rl nxl-L. J I 11. 1 J - . ior siuu.uuu. i iuo nrtwiau MuuiirKJirT UNve uiroctsu ti,. vA i l j .... I deaitTiii to be Dre oared for a da nlnjui at iu wuimb w wurnh BlllI DKLI in I f . Michigan by smnt this vear ia .tim.ivl gnnuoau lor service in foreign waters. at $1,000,000. Mr. Labouchere said the other day In Glass in oven doors is something new. VT 5n" r',arDPe w" "n,"IT "T? Sweden ha increased her army con siderably, i There will be no performance at Bey- ruth next year. The Noble-Rothschild corner In Baku naphtha ha oollapued. - Kaiser Wilhelm hM devised warship with many novel feutaie. South Australia haa had forty admin istrations in thirty -eix years. Physicians have declared that Mrs. Maybrick's life is not in dangtr. Bismarck say the chrysanthemum I new flower and not very pretty. A co-operative laundry, to be run by women, i being considered In England. Th young Dake of Marlborough la aid to have inherited about X 6,000 a year. ; .. . . Since 1831 Hamburg ha ben v'aited by cholera fifteen time and Berlin twelve time. The Russian authorities have forb'd- den Sarah Bernhardt to play "Fedora" in St. Petersburg. On several of the railroad in R isala iron telegraph pole are to be 'sotuti tuted for wooden onoa, The use of the m-Tchant marine s an auxiliary fleet in event of war ia being at her disposal at least 20.000.000 trained soldier. Out of a population of 30.000.000 In Prussia only 2,43 ,858 persona possess an income of over 900 mark year, which I equal to about $226. The renewal of friendly intercourse The cook can see what aha or he and th ore are doing, The native of Liberia ore nana a ein- g ilarly intoxicating beverage from a com mon mushroom A New Hampshire man haa Invented arennry v11.7 ut new y nan, machine that trims and nnni-haa la' renewal 01 inenuty intercourse a contract for the construction of which 'tfo- ' ponchos belt frtwrn Russia and the Dre bund ia due has oeen awaraed. ine coat has been . r . .. - . , . I to the Csar's annoyance at the Panama snaa nrnnnnrinii nr maraiiauw i 11 t 5 t Vki """ "F""" and ijarmaux scandals tn Pane. '"f """""J " Thar, la Iam ia. r.1 K.l lf it.itso. in gations. i, , . :t 7 :.r - ,n innnn. man y mi.iu. i Dublin claim to have the larawt l.7.,rii. 17 ! r"y"' v7v' 1 i .k. u. a. 1. .l- tJ e . wuuo iMOWVav ui bUD WWW Ufa, XJUUIM Ujaa Ultl' naviomfcinff itm riMota ia. thm n.,m . 1- .U. ITllJ Q. .... . - I - - - i e..uvu,DUilm. TV,- i j -it. Ten million ponnda of tea war x 1 1 i- .... ... 1. .1.. tTl.4 o... i " T" pp,,c".,',u " UUKU. v, ""...T""'"1' r,u,w,uuu runiea to relevo the lamina- limited to $237,000. Atlanta is to have a belt road five miles in length, connecting ail the road centering there, it is to be opened as an independent una. The St, Louis Republic figures it out that the recent rise in cotton has made the South richer by $100,000,000 since the middle of October. The Wlsr-insin monolith on the World's Fair grounds is to pierce the air at a height of 115 feet. It will be the high est obelisk in tne world. Mme. Dias. wife ot the Mexican Pre ident, is going to send at her own ex. penee a woman's band of fortv-fiva uiunumuB 10 1119 norm's rair. A combination to form the largest and an increase 01 nearly a third. , stricken peasantry of the orovince. lilectr cheating bas made great prog- Aima r th Rn.n.i, nnn,ni ess in OUawa, Canada, and hotels and nerform work .anal to th. f p-ivaw eeutuiiaiiiiiBniAi are rapiaiy 120.000.000 pounds one foot high bv the consumption 01 iuu.we gut 01 coal. adopting this new convenience. The oyster dealers of Baltimore agree hat the oyster supply this year will not snmcient to keen their packing. uuustsB running on even nan-time. A drv'nif-house for lumber haa been encttd t Ottawa, -in which electricity Choice Wines. I waau lunutvstllD. W.XV UI Bll IM-rill Unf I RIIIJI. I . . 1 ia. . . I I I1M rtiilT lTI(V nntjVA I hia tm txa. tn awe I insnertor. .r.H 'H.k..: . " j 1 e wrio ns been lormed at V, "i. " "". KZZZ." - oy neceeaarV drgingTTearing Vnd clea;! I V' Wlttt 5'OOO.0O( . " 0to''? , iug un of thestat on lnolr,.l,n .;Z.Z. Dr. Preserved Smith, who waa found VJ7 ?"V""-s ' o p crop in uego visitors. and uuforseen exigencies. WMj ot heresy by the Cincinnati Pre- r """""'S"'":. V . . .. bytery and sentenced to saspenaion.wiU "'r"'"""-" iwrn.r t? Into i ' uutreu, uui growers are noiaing their u,- buwa i or ou cents. Wolves in Russia destroy annually upward of 800,000 head of domestic ani mals, valued at 8,000,000 ruble. Their number doe not appreciably decrease. The walla of the old Chateau d'lf in the harbor of Marseilles, made famous Alexandre Dumas in nt "Monte .ire covered with autographs of Transatlantic steamship companies were uB.oro tne senate and House Commit tees on immigration the other Synod. The Pennsylvania Company will make extensive improvements near washing- give their views concerning the bill 'in- ' K yItVaIIuV' troduced In tha Ron.t. R nL.nli; WNew York to four and one-half hours. suspending immigration for one year , ? 9 Msd valuation of the coal Gustave 11. Schwab of New York pre- od, .' Scnuylkill county, Penn., has seated the case for the steamshin man I ?9n definitely settled by the County and argued against the prohibition of Coum'ssioners, who place them at $18,- PERSONAL MENTION. Henri Rochefort Evinces His Hatred of Get mans Heavy Less to Aus trian Literary Circles. .. CALL AROUND. Do You Drink? OF COURSE YOU DO. CHIOH BEING THE CASK. It behooves O you to find the moat tlenirabie place to killed Charles Flake, and wounded James, who in turn killed Taylor. The makes mons Immigration. He expressed the belief that the magnificent development of the material resources of our country waa due to the enormous immigration of the last fl'ty years. He argued theAmeri icans would not and could not perform the heavy manual labor and menial serv ice required in the development of the Poset to pass an ordinance which will country, .therefore, immigration was render unlawfnl the driving of steers, essential. It suspension could never , ball or cattle through the streets of the oe eniorcea, as tne .Northern and Sooth- metropolis. .niLnera wuia not oe prowled, and If the prohibition bill should pass the the danger from cholera would be in- South Carolina Legislature, a Charles created, because quarantine could not ton brewing firm, whose charter huts 6 J4 758. Klchard Mansfield cramnlaina that I Mr Oamturia. Mm. a Akf Boston, instead of critiniainor hia ajvtinav I fnt ti,-kuirun Mm aan .a,!.... in I Unn thara nf a Hailw nAmiuraw nn l , V 7- . : , , . I "3 . V" J'. " -B", " uv waw aw I- ; - J , t f v aoiauu wuia wiin nia letra. na tmtiira i vpara n ui and tina nap h.H tim. aaa i amancan mortal. jjmcago l intellectually superior to naturalized. The French Academy of SciencM haa Gibraltar has been nearly brought railway connection with the rest Spain. The railroad goes now to Al- reciraa. just on th other aide of the Bay il Gibraltar. The Indian Government is going to ' . possibly abolish, the trial bv jury. It ha been found unsuitable to Eastern condition, and ha been but little practiced. It 1 reported in London. v the New York Sun, that another "wealthy Amer ican gentleman" is to try th pubiica- tne COStOn. . I U,BA,irn! .u. Anmn-A. ...1 1 I Maanlvfiyl tn AYiAn an intanatfnnal aaiK. New York's Board of Aldermen pro- an offer to come to America. Should he hcription, with the object of present- iieciae to come ne will conauct some ol " " wmouiau w cu. jraaieiir on ni ms opera here. seventieth oirtnaay. A prince of the Bassa tribe of Weat Tha rarmrt tn tha Tnnt WmmlA that Africa ia taking a COnrSe Of atndiaaat tha Naaatnrlan natriaraah Mae Ithlmn. Bates College, M. He goes bv the name had bronffht hia raannla Intn anhmiaalnn of Louis P. Clinton. to the Church of Rome is contradicted Sam Joseph, who led the Chicago Con- by the patriarch himself. I!n"0i! 'l?Ae ySVX' uver?., France is going largely upon wheels. ',' T " """-.." ra.. nii sieiiii to bewillina to nayfor it. The new tax upon bicycles In France will .'are merchant, and leading Mor-1 Si" TZSEJZSi -i?-6. ZLV&L Ij of that seotion. Taylor waa a dee- r..iKir. TrT.r-rrr.r w" uwu M owt-. perado, and recently robbed the bank nt ' w Th. a-" ti.." "SrJf i temporary camp of military In- BanMarcial. I "VL,: TLTL S-Tl Action for the army and volunteer delphia. In the United State. Circuit Court at ?,m,"P. companies, who are to be held to be esubHshed at&'.'te -i."mef. Payn.' ft .oted ""'t d to ea bout $450,000, th militi. nnt Hiimi - '"r'.. .H""J no. wor" writer in made United States Marshal of Phila- be$2. As there are about 225,000 cyclists, anmhu.! ...n . I . II 1 I mo " jpiuujiiijui raiiruau men, ' Tha nrnvw mill f tha T -v - iron and Steel Company at Scranton. pundiafe vour ' invignrator..". mwtl T A HTMTTim Keeps conxtantly on band the famous Involving lite Genernl IjiikI Cuban Blossom Cigars. The Hnest Hue of Wines Liquors and Cignrn to lie found tin side of Port., bind. And if you whdi to engiiKe in a Kiiine ot Twelve years' experirnre s Iteglster of tint liniteil tstntcH Lund umce here, recom iiii'iiiN u In tins Hiiecialty of nil kinds of iMir'tnesH hero Cniiria anil Oftlue. Portland Judge Gilbert haa dec ded the I "BD18 Ior, P'oper entries. MAA nf AKa ITnltail Htatjaa amainat thai A number OI OrOmlnAnt 1 Willamette Valley and Cascade Mount-: including Mr. Depew, of the New York -mmr "a a , 1 1 . T. -VI . n t . m . ain wagon itoaa uompany in lavor ol vo""u , jrroiuBni nouerts, oi the renn- P.nn haa hoon .hnt ..a .ha n.i.nj..i. Tha .tJL., i ika Blvip a Praairlant. fna-nL t tv.. n: n.n-i ns" j oeen shut down on account Zl. ,SeMZ'ii 1.-3 Four, and 10.; w.ri IT ?' ord0n. Thi movement ranted bv flongres.' to the comnanv fn, i Trunk Lines Association were hafnr. thi mT0W men out 01 employment C!1J1 J " flanaia nwmUi.. T A a. a n I UaatM Ht nTkii. .1 a wr I tavmont nl 1 afa.ate. U. Duuuing FQHut , I wuiuiiiiww un AnitirsuiLe vxm I uu7 . fTuiwui ivaaBaa Uitjf n,an., j ww " iwivciiio, aj luurce iu3 omer a ay to aavocate tne naa- meznuer ot we jioara ot Trade, has I juuiui uu nw.uea in raria. ureat ezcitemeiit enntiniieg aver tha tuxott nf thn manrimnnf ts ka hnncrht 1 nnft Af lanri tk.t rtu.MM- v n. i- at. .. .i placer find in UUht and thousands, -re j law, introduced by Senator Callom, to on whic h proposefl to colonize alt the the statement that ex-8ecretarr filaine , o " " it. il . , . . ' " uiuuiij ui oiauiij uw ao h n author- ""b"7 ul ,u" n un a seu-support-1 oe cre tne Minneapolis Uonventlon said m gau a, wuu,,, u. uu., w.uf un iwiaiiruaw ouoipanies to lormpool tu9 vuiagtj. to him that in his opinion no Rei me eoutn siue 01 tiie urana uanvon o' tne unaer tne supervision of the Interstate tha Rrit'.h kininn. a i.a i ui I ine imperial Uholera uommiasion In ia nothing more than an interesting GfrmMff nnoanT tha.' .i.,.i- i hta i u...- 8 I wine claret or hock will kill the " J halli hla 1 a t h.. l t in nr ! . . - iu.uuk x.ouv.. a', w. mjiuuihh ui n uuinrmn t. i ..i,. . , i , -...;'.' . . o- i xcha win aiu buein in aw uour, .a vaa.T aaa. va.uc u a,uej jaw WlaA I standing at the grave, witnessed the In- then a The Scientific Commission, annointed for the nurnose of selecting a site for a new capital for Braxil, includes five oivii engineers, two astronomers, , a naturalist and an expert In hygiene. Colorado, is only accessible from the Arixons aide. It is about thirty-five mues across tne Ansona line, i ne eie- Cotnmerce Commission ; to wipe out the peiiai cisuae oi punisnment prescribed, etc. All the gentlemen named abnva jJliOl'KKNBHOlHlH 6t C'OVYlNO, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Oregon City, Oregon. 6,000 feet and the winters there are cold road, of the country were in favor of cigar, was 200,000.000. , and long. Water is plenty, the San the oroDosed arranmmnt. Me Tia ' ' ' ' . a,,..., ..a l.i .. ,,um. I I f . ' 1 t . - . . . " .-r- I ' A -n-nTI.l . 1 I ... . , , s . vn.,HV ... . Ha...v ... juan Dei eg nouie scream, auu naving in me course ol bis remarks, said there PHOT OP RTT T TAPT"iQ rapldfall, will be easily taken out for were eight roads between New York and 1 WL UIV UlUlltlUd, mining purposes. Chicago, but for all purposes of the pub- I Thev ran aNfttlra von that tliev have the ( I.ate speelitl agent of tieneritl lunii ornee. ) f hest table In town. Kvery thing new and Iliinieitend, jpre-einpilon, and 'j lmrxr I neat, and yot Land aniiliuatlons. and other Land OWc I solicited buNinesH a specialty. Oflice, second floor, l.iiiul Otlli e Building. , ' . your pHtroniigc is respectfully ST. HELENS HOTEL. "THE BANQUET , Ht Hvlena, Oregon, J, George, Froprietor, Tiililes always'supplled wllh tliebestedlble and delicacies the market atlorrts, TERMS REASONABLE FilR REGULAR BOARDERS. Hiiviiigbeen newly refurnished, we are prepared to give satisfaction te all nnil solicit a snare 01 your patronage. - our patrons, NT. HELENS. OREGON. JAPANESE IPL CURE A new end complete treatment, eonslxtlngof Hnpnoait.rlea, Ointments In Ouiiauloa, nlno in Hoi and t'liia: a t'osuive t:ure lor hxieruni, in ternal. Blind -and Hltjcdlnir, ltchiiiK, Chronlo. Keeeut or Hereditary Pllen. and ninny other dlseaiiea and fuinsle weaknesHUK: It ia nlwayaa great ueneiit to ine aenerai neaun. ine nrat dlacovery of a medical rure rBUileriiutan opera tion with tne knife uniieiteaaary hereafter. Thll Kemedv hna never been known to full. II per box. S for It: sent by mall. Why miller from I Ma terrible dixonae when a written guarantee H given with 6 boxex, tn refund the nullify If not cured. Hend iiump for free Sample, (iuarantee la.uedbv WnoiiARO, ClaskkA Co., Wholeaale and Retail briiKKlata, Hole AKeuta, Portland, Ur. There is a strong probability that the secular achool issue with the Catholic Church will be brought into the next California - Legislature. Though the question has not been discussed pub licly between the parties of the tw side, to the controversy in that State, the movement ha. been going quietly on lor some time to have a statute placed on the books to prevent the use of State money on parochial schools. It 1 said that the question will soon be presented to the MaBonio and other orders, and that their indorsement will be asked, I lie there waa out one. II ironclad rule of equal rates nnder ennn.1 tions of time was established, the New York Central and Pennsylvania would do eight-tenths of the business, and the other roads would go into bankruptcy. The law preventing pooling was creating trusts. If the law were continned in force five years longer, Mr. Depew thought there would not be an inde pendent business man in anv of the large cities of the United SUte. Thi miserable condition of affair, i. being brought about by the law intended to prevent trusts. Under the nrnnMuut amendment, the roal wonld be author- Dr. George Fitch, who ia medical examiner for the Ancient Order I T.Tl'L ..?" of UnltedWorkmen and other orders, is b. an(1 , " n" aid to he a nrnmlnant mover In thai u -i 1 TlI rr . .. ' - . --- r- - wuuiu always ue we same 10 tne pub io. mattar. - Ha waa aaan and ! t ji ... ... .r . .mlJlajll? discussing the existing conditions, ntemplated pepew Baid it would soon be impossible fuia ia for mannf uitnraea tn nvi.l . matter. - He waa seen recently naked if such action was com He replied: "Yea, it is so, iTii ui u lii l j x :LB V i terminal points. Mr. Ingal s spoke to bill which will be presented to the Leg- ha ar.A ta .i?" . " " . islature. But I am not at liberty to say n.j r. ..bT it J. L "a"'1 " 8?? m'Ltrl in7r.h' noreaMd 1l , and , . ui uiauv uaseB it wouia reduo who now I reduce rates. It la said that Praaldant t!arnnt la. his opinion no Rennhlican I tends tn aatahliah a .flaw militarv neHae The Internal Revenue Commission. I candidate for President could win this of merit, which will ba mnfarrad nn er's reoort shows that thara vara 1. I year. lannh iiffi wra an ara 000 less cigars imported into this country I Mavroyenl Bey, Turkish Minister to taining the Oroaj of the Legion of the past year than during the previous Washington, is not a solemn and se- Honor. - . doled person tike mot of hi country- Great effort, are making in Vienna to men, but a jolly little "Frenchy " sort of build np there toy making ii duttry to A consolidation league is at work in P"' WV? . loudness for soc ial lib. He compete with the famoua factories of ! . -, auuwiouj ui Mjaaitr va uermany maa rmnoej. An exntDitlon J hi other accomplishment. I of toy 1 now being held in the Austrian Mrs. O car Wilde will nrabablv an. capitaL eimpany her husband On hi anrirraeh. I Tha aratatbarava nf Franna ham a Aital lug v sit to th a country. It doe. not length of 7,996 miles, of which 2,733 isxe a woman iorg to bnd uu, that miles are rivers navigable naturally. long-haired. SRge green I n 'hand navada I ORO mllaa riura mhlr.h hmA haan qnite as much lxiking after when he is dered navigable by dredging and th bway fi o n home a an ord nary husband rest canals, would. J ...... . Henri Rochefort evinces hi. nndein. U"" "P"'. 0I, w.? ,l , . . j J lyuoiniunicauoua nam aaworixej me au- ?ri ! .':!,.m5J'LI3 VJP,W.T, Uission of women to posts in the office New York and Brooklyn getting pledges of citixent who will vote for the union of the two great cities. It is expected that the movement will be able to make quite show before the Albany legislator. The trick of voting on the name of dead men, non-reaidenta, minors and the like appears to have been developed into an aim ist scientific fraud in Provi dence. R I., where over 2; 00 names of fictitious personages were found on the list of voters. There are not enough available men to eqni the six new vessels to be pla. ed in commission some time before the naval review next sp-ing. Thirteen hundred men are required for this pur pose, and of that number only about 600 nave so far been secured. Cremation is becoming an Issue aga?n In MassachuFe'ts. Societies organised in 1885 and 188 quickly collapsed for want of public sympathy, but the Mas sachusetts Cremation Society, of more went orig-n, haa the countenance of some distinguished men and every prom ise of tyicoees, ... . m - ;rtr. :."::."iT,T. , portion oi zu per cent, oi tn total nam- ness oflice of his newspaper which ia in snoAtance; - ao advertisements ac cepted from German, nnder any circu ru sts cea." . ber oi employee. London la under great dread from dv. namite fiends, owing to the extradition A hevy loss to the literary circles of ?' Anarchist Francois. All public Austria was the death, a few weak, am windings and place where the dynam- o'Fre.lerickyonHeilaald,thegergrnr ; would powiblv us their terrible icai wn er ana nistonan. Anton Heller "r " "iwum, von lleil a)d, to give his foil name, was Neuendorff, whom many agreed a the b rn in PaCnj in 142, aa the son of a rightful heir to the French throne and Field Marshal of the Austrian army, aa the great grandson oi King Lout Ue hioiaa-u entered the army of Austria y vi .. haa raantl haa ..iJ.i .ui an I too. part in the campaign against instance of Mrs. Weldea on a charge of Prmsia i 1(68, hut becam editor of attempting to defraud her of some $2 au Autil.U military Journal thereafter. 000 under lalae nratanaaa. T J ...... w artx rft. nf tn-rrrr t ! I v of St. 1 . vubeu this 2ili day of November, ( i t K. F. onrv.